J. ... I , ',' . Job Printing NEATLY PONK AT THE Argus Office VU IK ORDERS SOLICITED. liJoB Priming i' NEATLY DuSK il AT THE ij Argus Office YOUR ORDERS SOLICITED Thlfl ABflUB o'er the people1 right Doth $jx eternaJ Thjll keep : 'I So ioothlug (trains of Mai a' 9 sous I v Can loll It hundred eyes to sleep." VOL XXX. GOLDSBORO. N. CL TUESDAZ EVENING, APRIL a. 1000 NO 180 V i Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders art tlx greatest mn.crs to health of the present dy. KKMKKV MHATION. THE WEATHKU. For Goi.dsboho and Vicinity: Fair, warmer to niylit auel Wednes day; increasing cloudiness Wedueb day evening. generaiTnews. A number of autograph letters of Charles Dickens, including one dut ed April 3, lKtHi, and somo written to his wife before they were married, were sold at the Daly bale in New York last Wednesday week for r5. This is an enormous falling off from the prices putl the tiy before for the two volumes of Thai'keray cor respondent. General Wheeler learned to speak several of the native dialects with great Jueucy while lie was in the Philippines. In addition to this h says he likes the country. If he fails to get into Congress or ttie army he might like to be Governor General of the islands. It is like ly to be a po sition calling lor a good deal of ability, Ihe benate Cuban committee brings back the news that the Cu ban bonds issued during the last revolution, but not those issued in 1868. When asked what would be done if France were to send a fleet to demand payment of the latter General Monteagudo expressed the opinion that the Cubans would fight or that the United mates would in terfere. Lieutenant Commander J. C, Gil more is said to have received an or der from a magazine ol $1,000 for 5,000 words describing his capture by the Philippine insurgents. This is at the rate of 5 words for a dol lar, whioh is nearly up to that high fit KipliDg rate and it ought to be easy for the sailor to make that many words out of his ilmlling ex perience with plenty to spare for further eflorts. The summer boarder in New Hampshire, according to a report by the omiuissioner of Labor for that State, furnishes the chief source of revenue to the inhabitants of 204 of the 235 towns in the State. Tin capital invested in the industry is $10,442,351 and is rapidly increasing Last year 174,280 boarders paid board bills amounting to a total ot 5?4,947,!I35 and (spent !J72 ,000 m transport itiou. Thedore Irwin, of Oswego, soh his libiary last Monday to (ieorgt II. liichmond the New rk book seller, for 200,000. The books wen shipped to New York, but before being unpacked were sold by Mr Richmond to Frederick K. Trow bridge a' a price not stated Among the volumes were sonic exceptionally rare ones not, to be found in the British Museum and which that in -stitution has been trying bar 1 to se cure. Dr William II. Harper, president, of the Chicago University, succeeded in collecting !S2i3,00il in twelve hours last Saturday from nierch ants, or anybody in t e Windy City who would give. This was to se cure the $2,000,000 promised, con ditionally, to the University by- John D. Rockefeller. It is said that Senator Hantia now has his eye on Dr. Harper as a likely assistart in the coming campaign. Scotland Yard is taking the most extraordinary precautions to pre vent hai mot auy kind coming to Queen Victoria during her visit to I eland. More than a hundred de tectives have been in Dublin for the past mon ih investigating every pos Bible source of dauger W hen the royal party arrives, policemen in plain clothes will be stationed at every twenty feet on each side of the route from Kingstown to Dublin. While Ex-Speaker Reed continues to withhold anything like an extend ed expression of his opinion from the enthusiastic interviewers, he is still enjotiug himself at their at tempts, while giving, tit the same time, the impression that he could, if he would my a great deal. When asked, iu Wushingtou the other day what he thought of Preside ut Mc Kinley's r pealed changes on the Puerto Rieuu yueslion. hu faid: "It is impossible for me to criticise the Emperor of Expediency." Rogers-Grille y Recital, Messen ger Opera House this evening, April 3, Admission 60 cents. You 0Jd ftOt ttlM it. The Stat" 8 Muddle Still a Ma"er Ol Controversy anl Corj ev il e. Krankfort, April 2 The April term of tt.u Franklin Circuit Court btgsn to day and the ec tire time of the- grard jury will be taken up with the G.iet e1 assassin ation ctises. While indictments will be returned this month, it is not probable, thtt tho trials of tnoso ngHicst whom tucv are re turned wdl coma up fcr uionih On account of the inn ortanco of the iuvi st ration they will con luct, corsidi ruble interest enters in the make up of te grund juiy. According to law, in coui-t'es of t! e popu'a' ion of Fi arklio county, between 250 and 350 namos of persons eligible must bo selecld fre m tlo assessors book by the three j iry eommissiocers. These are wrut n on uoiforni slips of card botud and placed in little tin tul-es of like size. They uro then placed in a round tin drum, which is lockt d and revolvod. During the tirst vveik of each tei w of com t the judge draws twenty namei for grand jurots anil thir ty fir in ! it jur-its. These lie wr.ies on a slip of paper, whiili ho places iu an envelope, and tho peions whoso names ate down Berve at the succeeding teim of coint. 1 tie grand tut y now em panelled was drawn tho early part of January by Judge Cantrill. The twenty men thus drawn are sumni' n;d by Sheriff Sutter, and from them tho twelve grand ju rors were selected Nine of the twelve men cm return a true bill There steins to be little doubt that an attempt will be made to have Taj lor and other leading Repub licans indicted. Investigation will certainly be mnde in the cases of Sccritirv of Stato Towers, his In other, Jclm L. Powers, former Secretary of St te Chaile-i Fiuley, W. 11- Culton, Cnpt. John D.iis, W. L. Hi zclip, U, E. Yoittr-ey and Holland WLitaker. Taylor is still at Morgtintown, Holler county. Republicans from 1' over the county are iiscmblin at Morgantown. Mesengo's ha"e been in tho county to (!ay sum inoning them. 1 In put rote is to ht 1 I some s-ort of a meeting to-day It is not known whether the Mor gantowo military c .rmmny, or a y cunpacy tf partisan friot.iN, will accMiipimy lay lor when t.e eaves for Frankfort. Taylor recently sold the last of h's property iu Morgantown, and Inter still hid an agent out in the ouritry collecting a number of notes due him. Notwithstand'ng the fact that Taylor has failed to converso with Fmukfo't by long distance telephone, it is believed he is thoroughly familiar with the situation at tho capital. This infor- mati n is supposed to havo been ct nvuyed to him by his political friend, County Judge James, who arrived at Morgantown le-t night from Frankfort. The argument of tho guberna torial agreed caso began to day before tho Couit of Appeals. For mer Governor Bradley opened for the Republicans. When Mrs. W. S. Taylor and htr latniiy leil renkfort Satur day for Louisville, the rumor was current that tbe Taylors had left Frankfort for good. However, they returned last night and are at the executive mansion. They announce that they only paid a visit to frieneh at Louisville. The f tct that eeveral d lya ago a car lead of furniture and pergonal' ef fect were loaded on the cars gave color to the rumor that the Tay lors had gone foe good, and Mr. Taylor drew a Bum oKmonojr from a local bank before leaving, The Ameitl 8 ol War. Philadelphia Times. Nothing could excell the ex alted character shown by Qieeo Victoria in sending a message of condolence to tbe widow of G3n eral Joubert. It Is an epoch- makiDg event. In recent years, when the English throne was im perilled by disgraceful scandal, the pplerdid motto, ' Noblesse oblige," ceased to be associated with royalty or nobility; but her Majesty has shown that noble couduct is still expected of those who hold themselves as nobles, she cannot lead her troops, as did B adicea, but, likeE izibeth, she is a soldier in all but deed. She- has a soldier's heart. Wuen war occupied the place that is now conceded to com merc , it was the kingly prero gative to lead the army upon which depended the maintenance of the throne. The king who wrested the E'iglish crown from the Sixons knew how to hold i1; but those days were popularly believed to have ended with Na poleon at Waterloo. No longer. predicted the historian, would a crowned bead be exposed to steel and bullet. The Crimen) war confirmed i tie opinion : but three years later NiuJeon III. carried out atSjl- ft.Tit.o the intention be had de fee red at the Crimea, having a Kmg for an ally and an Eaiperor for a foe, Almost face to face, ibis same Emperor of the French and the King of Prussia met at S. d.r, and the last instance of the oersoual humiliation of a suvt reign occurred Uu Q leen Victoria' nobility Is of the) same kind as that im mortal zid by Sir Philip Sidney LOCATED MAGNETIC FOLK. Exploring Steamer outhern Cross Reach 8 Wellington. Wellington, N. Z., Ajpril 2. The exploring steamer krathern Cross, carrying C. E. Boiohgre- viuk and the survivors! of the South Polar expedition ijled out in 18P8 by Sir George ACwnes.of Loudon, arrived here toffay. Mr. liorchgrevink freported that the magnetic pole cas been locateel. N. Hansen, one: I of the oologists who started with tho expedition, died on the tbyage. The Borchgrevink expedition left Hobart, Tasmadia, j or the Auartic regions on December 10, 181)8. During the latter' part of Feelruary, 1899, the members lieuded from the Southern Cross iMar Capo Adair, Victorialand, it having been arranged :that tho steamer should leave them there with full eeiuipnlent of every kiud, and should return for them early in 1900. Mr, Borchgre. vink's party consisted of nine, in clud u? himself. Lieutenant W. Colbeck, H. N. li., wassehcted as tirst magnet:c observer, to bo ao sisted by Liuis Bernicchi, N. Hansen aud Hush Evans were chosen as zoologists, and Dr. II . Kloevcftad as medical officer. Mr. Fougnal was general utility man and c ok. With these went two natives cf Finland to look after ninety dogs. Enormoui supplios of i rovisions were laid in. Davidson FnJored Aye ck J Lexington, N. C, A,r l Davidson DemeKitit'c county c in j vention met to-da) and aipi'nt I, a large and repreeenhitme dchgn-j t on to the Slnte convuit m, It was ore of the largest and id st . enthrsiastic convrnlious ier a-j sembled in this county Eun i E. J ltaj er wis made pcrm tnent cli;i'i min, and in a few will-cho.M n and strorg words gave a clear expeM tion of tho purpose of the consti tutional amendment. Resolutions wore passed ins structiug Davidson's delegates t i use every ellort to secure tin nomination of hor caiidid iti', 11 15. Varuer, for Comiuissionor of Labor aud Printing and 1 1 . 1 r -. -iug but not instructed for Aycm-k for Uovernor. - ami lia himself, begged for water, and Sir Philip directed that the cup ot precious fluid just brought to case his last moments be given to his enemy. The Queen has risen to the high pinnacle of true woman hood, and her heart, that has known sorrow, has Bpoken to an other good woman iu the anguish of b' reayemont. I1 is almost invidious to refer in the same article to Lord Rob ens' letter of sympathy, written to President Kruger. It may be open to misunderstanding, but as an evid 'noe of the rapidly chang ing conditions of modern warfare it is, from every view point, re markable. Consider for a mo ment how changed are the condi tions between opposing leaders in those days when men are siaugh'elea wit ti lyauiiana sub marine torpedoes. What would have been tbe sentiment of tbe people of the North if President ncoln had sent a message of condolenco to tbe widow of Stonewall Jackson i1 He would have been denounced and never forgiven. After the war was end ed in Federal triumph a few no ble-hearted Northern men like Greeley and Vanderbilt were ex ecrated because they signed a bail bond to keep an old and de feated man out of a martyr's prison, Let us suppose General Hooker to have sent a dispatch from Chancellorsville to President Da vis lamenting the untimely end of General Jackson? He would havo been tried for treason by a court martial and probably hanged. Therefore, it is not a mere platitude to say that the courta sies of the warfare of to-day would have astonished the people of the last generation RogerB-Grllley Recital, Mesnen ger Opera House this evening, April 3. Admission 60 cents. You skould not miss It. Caught in a Boer Ambuscade London, April 2 The '.War Office reports that Cot Broad . L! J -1 111 I u , J M 1 " woen a iuBwnf "iwjwg Mwtwwwiii wuvaa &uu . baggage in an ambush of Boers. His casualties number 350. The British force commanded by Col. Broad wood, consisting of the Tenth Hussars, household cavalry, two horse batteries and a force of mounted infantry un der command of Col. Pilcher, which had been garrisoning Thaba N'Chu, was obliged in con 8eep.ience of the near approach of a large forco of Boers to leave ast night. Col. Broad wood march ed to the Bloemfontein water works, south of the Modder liiv- 11 t . A er, where he encampea at i o'clock this morning. At early dawn the camp was shelleel by the enemy from a point nearby. Col. Broadwotxl sent ofl a convoy with tho batteries, while the rest of the force remained to act as a rear guard. The convoy arrived at a eloep spruit where the Boers were concealed and the entire body walked into ambush and were captured together with six guns. Rogers-Grille y Recital, Messen ger Opern House this ectiiii: April J. Admission 50 cents. on should not miss It. How's This ( We offor One Hundred Dollars lee ward for any case of e'atarrh Lhal. ihm not bu cured hy Hull's (talurrh Ture. F. J. CHENKY & Co., frops., Toledo, O. We, tho undersigned, have known b J. Cheney for tlio lail 1" ya'-, mi l oolleve him perfect')' honuraMc in all oustnesg transactions ami tin.oiritil 1 able to carry oulany obligations, made oy their tirm. West A Tier ax, Wholesale DrujrlsU, Tolodo, O. Waluinu, Kinnan.A Mauvin, Wholesale Druggists, Tolodo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is takon inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75o. per bottlo. Sold by all drugtrlats. Testimonial" free. The Kind You Havo Always Bought, ami which Las been. in use lor over JJO years, lias borne tho sljmatnre of ami ban been niiuln umlor bis per- supervision since Its Infancy. ' no one to elecei vo you iu this. All t oimtci lVits, Imitation nnel " Just-as-frocd" are but Experiments that trillo with ami enelaiijrer tho health of Infant aud Children 1'xperienco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorie- is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops ami Noothinir Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains mitlicr Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Miltstam-c Its ago is its iriiuruntce. It destroys Worms iind alhns r ciilinoss. It cure;s Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It rciiccs Tcethiiiur Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach ami itoweis, ivintr healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panucea-Tlie Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. MT MOV 3, N 4 i 4j i' mm l: . a. i lwvl. - KllEDilATISJl CATAUKI1 The Finest line of Easter Cards ever shown in the city are now on display at Robinson Bros. Drug Store Go and seel Are B o d Diseases A Positive cureOffjred Argus Uetdars. It is the deep-seatedobstinate cases of Catarrh and Rheumatism that B.B.B.(Botanic Blood Balm) cures. It matters not what other treatment?, doctors, sprays, lini merits, medicated air, blood pur ifiers, have failed to do, B. B. B. always promptly reaches the real cause and roots otlt and drives from the bones, joints, mucous membrane, and entire system the specific poison in tbe blood that causes Rheumatism and Catarrh. B. B. B. is the only remedy strong enough to do this and cure so there can never be a return of the symptoms. Don't give up hope but ask your drug gist for B. B. B. Botanic Blood Baton or 3 Bs. Large bottles 11 six bottles (full treatment) 15. B B. B. is an honest remedy that makes real cures of all Blood Di seases after everything else fails We haye absolute confidence in Botanio Blood Balm; hence, so you may test It, we will tend a trial bottle: fbeb oo request Personal medical advice free. Ad dress Blood Balm ,Co..277 MUChel St. ATLANTA. OA, Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels CtEANSES THE YSTEM THE NEW Ajax Mountings AND vn niiuiivi uuuiu i ' tr''Afrtintqualled For Comfort, Strength and Durability. Our Ootieal Department is umlor the HiiporviBion of an experienced j;rdeluiite eiplieiiin and HatiBfaetion is uswureel every eiidtonier. Faithfully youra, El. L. D. Qiddens,jEWEiER New Spring Novelties. l-ngraving. High-Class Repairing. r cru'iMiiLiiiLi At WEILS. "UNCIAL El M v ' THF tltNVlNl - MAH T O ft -uivfot.. nr. ck. c0 " .y. IW U 1 u r.niKlG.SrV MU Ml IU WH lns66t Powder Moth Balls, Tar Camphor, Sure Death, Paris Green, For moths, insects, bugs, etc, are now seasonable goods. Our prices are right Yours truly, Goidsfioro Druo Go- The People's Popular Drugstore. nr-'PHONE 89. LooKlna Towards sprino. We can show some attractive New Styles in SHIRTS For Gentlemen. We promise you imre for your money than you can get elsewhere, and we don't ask you to take our word for it. Gome and Look That's all' SOc,7Sc.,$1,$2.2f.l.fO, u In Boys' as well as Men's. H. Weil & Bros. Honest Merchandise. A line of Trousers has just been received, The On Day Cold Cure. Kanmrtt' Chocolate baxatlv Quinine for Md in the lnaii tad (orr throat. Clillaren tak 4emilkt cuidjr. RHRUMAOIDE CURES RHEUMATISM To.Stay Cured. All Druggists. Price $1.