t f. T The .flpgtis A Democratic New sniper. DAILY ARGUS. S. Published Every Evening Except i Sunday. Bf JOS. B. KOB1N90. SCBSCHIFTIOK PRIOBi I la Advuicel, : ? .. f One copy, one year One copy, six months 2-5 "; OneaopTi t roe months One cod?, on '""nth fc WEEKLY AUGL'S One Year f 1.00 ? -2' Six month! ' ' Three month , Ta Entered at the J0"1 office in Golds ' V boro, N. C, as second-class matter. , G3LDSBOHO N. C. Al'RIL 3, 1W0 v TARIFF KUBBEKY VS. CUN smnioN. The tarift beneficiaries aro up against the constitution, and they are so emboldened by republican Buccess and the demonstrated in fluence of their pockets in lb'.Ml, that they do not hesitate to strike boldly and unblushingly at that venerable instrument. Although the treaty of Paris inado Tor to Rico a part of the United States, they are preparing to say that it is not a part of the United States, but is instead a colony to be ruled as colonies usually are. It is to be governed according to the whims of congress and the ex ecutive. If coneress declares that tho inhabitants of the is land are citizens of Porto Ilico, and as such entitled to the pro tection of tho United States," it Bimply violates the constitution, establishes a colonial system, and changes the nature of the govern ment. And it does this in tbe most calculating and selfish mannor. It does it in order to maintain at it naximum and worst that com pound of Yillaoiee, the Dioglcy tariff. It desires to maintain every exaction of this scheme of robbery because thereby its quadrennial campaign list can be carried to a sum that nil! carry the doubtful States. At tbe bottom of it thorefore tho robbery of tbo many n tha one hand, and the c rrup lion of the ballot on the other. To tbucompuxtonhatbllepublicanitin come at last Success has made it so bold that it unmasks in full sight of tbe people, and tbo lender in this BubverBion of tbo republic h Mark Hanna. It is the duty of the democra tic senators to make the issue plain. Give the republicans all the rope they ask for. Secure above all else votes upon every proposition involved, so that in the grand appeal to the people next November there can bo no dodging, no quibbling, no eva sion. The votes that will be taken down to the fiual vote on Tuesday next would mark H e sacrifice of the republic to gretd and corruption were it not fur tbe fact that an appeal lies from congress not to the tuprtme court which is strongly repub i can but to the people. The people in the approaching cam prign will decide. Either this is an empire or a republic. 1 cannot be half one and half the other, for two sued governmun s cannot be intermingled. I', must be one or tho other, and the pe. -pie will decide. Mother's Friend dre aw Ay with lb suffer try f t hild birth. It is a jMTn-t t mi ! tiv ; int ni"i( t ii be naedextt-rnall v I' t it t h- m;is.-1ts to tx pa ml an( truui el.utn uy fld W relict i f'-r thr ( i.minK iir-lcaf Mothcrn whi li.tvf u-cil it i 'nsi lr it ticceSBarv ns tht- -mmI ih.v at It U utterly iriipMMe fur n t0" 1 arm. as in the case cf nieliilnet taken in ternatly, nnd the K""d 1 h done fur other mothcra. It will do for you. Get Mothmr'm rl at tbe drug store. 1 per bottle. rKBRADTariORtGUUKWCO. AtlMtAtte. Writ for our frre U.uBtraUkd book. luni liabf U Bora." Cut Flowers ! fc..,, and other choice flowers, can be secured by leaving your ordes with A. N. HUMMEL, at Maj. Hurtt'e Tftiloring EstabliBhineatf n IVV ulortraUKl book, " lit- f - V'V - BbF t Bom." I V A Cheerful Look Makes a Dish a Feast tt "Cheerful looks" depend just as much upon physical well-being as upon natural disposition and temperament. If the blood is disordered, the brain is starved, and no "dish is & feast," for the reason that the vitalising ele ments do not reach the proper spot. A strp in the nght Jrectvxx is to purify the body by the use of a n&twil remedy. Hid's Sa54fai7ij is Nature's remedy. It ids upon the blood. And li'he'.he- Sf sat of the discder is brscx, siomjc'i, .V:vr or hidr.eys, the purifying process cf ts "itj;,; is eou.illy sure And successful. Pain In Back - "Stone cutters like myself h.tte ruins In back, and kidney trouble. Since I lock Ihxxi's 5j'.arJ'i'.'4 am ill right and 1 recommend it." W. F. Morton. BrmvniiwJ, Tens. Broken Down " was broken doron inj in poor health for two ye.fi. Hood's S.ir,.irAruU made me in better health than for ye.'. lUie no sly ness nozv. A. C. cViwgoriery. tlenry- X'tlle. Ms. A'. B. Get only Hood" s becauit 3fcod'S SaUafmilffa ,1 . I".; r rr ill . (he imu iriitmn, , . nil. ,r: i.- ,. l.,kt- wltji MxMl'i Si,rn..tnh. A T liounand rl niiRUCH Could not n press the rapture of A i: ii io Iv Spriuiier. cf llL'j Howard s:., Philadelphia, l'a., when she found that King'a New Ditc v-'iy for c insuuipt hn Lad cump'etely cured her of a hack ing c 'UK'1 ilia' for many years had made I if-) a burden. All utlier rt-mdies and doctors could give tier no hHp, but she says of Uiis i .y al Curo ".t soon re moval thu pain in my chest aud i c;m now sleep soundly, sometliing I can scarcely remember doing bifor.,. 1 feel lik-' soundiig its praises t lirouheu', the Uni verse." So will every one who tries Dr, Ivn': New Discovery for any trouble of tiie ' I ' 1 1 r j a , Chest or Lu g- PiitTtO; and 1 01) Trial tiottles free at ,1. 11 Hill & Son's drug ston ; evi ry bottle guaranteed. The Porto iiico tarifl muddle would be ridiculous if it were not villainous Kobbjd the Grave. A etattlipg incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, waa tbe subject, la narra'el by him as ioIIuvh: "1 wit-t in a tnoHt ilrL-adful coDilition. My skin was almost yellow, eyos tuken, tongue coated, pmn coutinutdly in hack nd Bide", no appet ite i ndimlly ;rowiii weuuer day by duy. Thteu phyHician lia 1 ;iven me up. b o: tiinntely, a friend idvired try ing 'hluctric lSnturs; and to my greiit joy and surprise, t1 e tirtt oottle turtle a d rilled improve meld. I ciintinind Ihtir use for three we k', mul Mil now a well tun n. 1 know they suve.l m l fe, Hid ro'ibed the ijrave ( f imulliei victim." No one should f nl to try iheui. ( ) n I y f(ic's,, mnuui t 'od, at J. H. Hill Sun's Dni'- Sti re. Lird K now that In reafter. beris is f;oiiif,' slow ie in,ky ko sp'.dily 'Mi t l'i nihhi, g H a I, c ie. Would quickly leave you, if vou u-ed Dr King's N-'w L ft: Pin-. Thousands of suff-Ters have proved their matchless avrit for Si.'k and Nerveus Ueadaelus. I'hey make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Kvsyt'jtake Try them. O.ily IT) cents. Money b-u k if not cured. S i!d by J. II. lliil Sen. drugi-st1-', The ?LT., exceeds a otH) national I a ,k cr,p t X)eeiations. A Fr gli lul B un lir Will often ciuiie a horrible lim n, He d.l, Cut 01 Bruise. liuck len's Am en Sulve, the best u, the woil I, will k II the pain and promptly h nl it. Cukm O'd Suej, hur Si. lee, I'll el's, 11, i Is, Kel II-. ('1111-1,1.11 Skin Kiiiptionx. 15. ft I'll cure mi ei.rth. () :ly 2o ct-. n lux. Out? gu it untie I. Sold by ,1 H Hii: Son, Drie'- - m m China is tui key to the greedy na'.'u 11 ';. Itlicuinufism Cured in a Duy. "My.-t-e t ti -. ' for HI.eunmliMn un.l Neui'iil).' 11 ' mi, rally u ( j J 3 days. I; in.-t.oi. uun tlx, systom Is remark able rikI mysUrmw. It to movo.-- al. (inc.. llm ( aim; and the dU- o lineiod atoij ilUapiMsar . 'I h first dost) i-'xatiy benetiU 7' e Tils. Sidd Ijy M. I-'.. lCobinnon & liro., Unu'L'int,- Goldsboro, N. 0 IT OH on human cured In DOtr.hi uUb by Wrolford's Banlty Lot! ,1 Thla r over falls. Sola by M. E. Robin 00 & Bre Drugglito, ealdjborcN.O 44 OverHeaplna Moneu's Worth- The fullest value for your money, every doliar 1 uylng a dollar's worth of real Piano money, Is what you get In pIANos 1 I You don't pay extra for a fancy j LBiin' or a hitfh priced reputation. I ('iUyue and Hook of Sutftfestiotb fur tho asking. Organs at very rea- puna! le priiyw. i GtiarlesM. Stein. j ue ,W N Liberty tit. Baltimore. Walter H. Barnes, THK (ll.l) KELIABI.K Gonlectloner and Grocer, . c-,i : I Ihc attention of lit II u i r- umI tin' pul. lie K-'H'TKlly t Miitf I h i: ,1 U'S.ling brands of WHITE STAR COFFEE, !!"' t In lliln city, and Iiuii.ll'' fri'iii Hi, nlKlnal piu-kHgfd In ','0, '-'."i, 30 and llo centH. bulk Baltimort; Saysaoe- 111 IN I IIK VMMH.D, "Frankford's." Fine Cigars. Fresh Butter. German Groceries. Pickles, Candies, etc. HI V" I i;l 111 I 1 HAKKItV IN Til K STATK f-llli: I I S l.-l Kl'. Kll letKAll AND ll'll.l S ) , I 1 I VKIvKH llAII.Y. I ,11 11 Mi.-!y ynur wilits In iinythliiK In my lino. I , tn,1 l, set' int'. '1 InuiKliirf rt K'-ntTiniM .ul,llc fur Uie lllx'rftl l. it ruling,- ,.f Him ,,tnl und pronUslntf Hit Hani Inli .tiin.litr.l uf ,iinlily In llii' future, Slm-en-ly, W. H. Barnes, The Best Springjfledicine For you to take Is a good SAK8APAUILLA. This is an acknowledged fact.' It cleanses the Mood, renovates the entire systeuC, and pats tbe body in oonditlon to withstand hot weather diseases. , 0ir (foWpoiiid Extract of Sarsaparilla with Stlllengla, Is tho best and and also the cheapest. Largo tottles, 11.8 dosol, only 75c. Six boU'.et for l-l. JENKINS & FARRIES, Druggists and Heodsmoo. Walnut fcUnut, op p. Mayor's Office. WFiopIi, pure, and reliable needs. Southern Railway. Th'i sLandar railway of' The S0UTH 1 no direct lluo lo ail points Texas, California, Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico. S'.rlctly first cIhsh equipment on all Ihrouirh and local tralnn; Pullman lialai'o xleoplng cars en all night Ii'hhih; faist and safe schedules. 1 ravel ly tho southern and you are RM-urod a safe, comfortable and expeditious journey. Apply to ticket a;nuU for time tables, rated and general information, or adurtsHH, R. L. Vernon, F. R. Darby, T. V. A. (J. P. & T. A., Charlottiv, N. O. Abhovllle. N, O. WN'o trouble to answer questions. IRANI, 8. GANNON. J. M. CULP, W. A. TURK dv. r. i ui-u. Man. rrf. nan. a. T. AH'IINU'l'ON. 1). V. A Wonderlul Discovery. N'utcinlv euro", but It keeps well. Is fo'd ti an organized couipauy of ro- n'oiisiMi' imsiiitbs men and lib tho en d M Mvn cut of t lo.it-ands of Cleryvmen ttnil not" d pi o ilo throughout the coun try. We !i-.ik of that wonderful In- t u iik t: KleclrtifoiHe, and atk your careful examination into tho cures it has wrought Col. A 1 Kunally, of the Inter-Co an. Chicago, writes: "Nearly ihmi yeara experlorco with .li ctroiioVe only eonllrnid tho truth of your claims. 1 say to my friends that this instrument is a most ondoi ful 'n" vention and I wou'il not part with Dure if 1 e.'vuid n it get another." Fend address for our book giving letters f'-nm poo pi" who have been cured b? Kiectropoise. KLECTROI'OISE CO.. laKouith Avenue. Louisville, Ky. New Blacksmith Shop! I have iuHt opened a blacksmith slop next door to my sale btables and hnve a Iir3t-clas8 horse shoer, whope services I offer to the public, and guarantee prices and work to be satisfactory. Geo. D. Bennett m Sales: n&TWff made 270 rent estate ealeo o about tbrea years, I am determined to mke U 800 by Jao. lt, 1901, profit or no profit. I oiler for sale cheap, the large 8- story brick rtore and ycnt lut on EaetCentH St, belorg.Dg to Mr. L Fd wardi, Mfe 9. J. Street' deairable home, cootalnlDg 10 rooms, large lot, beautiful location and grounds, aUo hU vacant lot adjoining this property; Mr. Albert Pearsall's borne on Wil liam street, near the court house, (5 rconu; house and lot and vacant lot adjoining Mr. Bam Cohn's. on John St ; Mr. Cohn's (tables and vacant, lot on Vine St.; house and lot in rear ol synagogue; 'several other houses anr loU In the cltj; two lots In Edmundson Town; Boniti farm, containing 900 acres; Mrs, Jattos Kenan's farm, near Falson's, containing 700 acnts; 30 acres of the Pennock farm; Mr. John L. Borden's deairable farm just beyond Webb Town. Terms on til the above EASY. If you wlh to buy or eoll projerty. see me. Will take charge of desirable property la the city. I take no op tion on property, but sll for a reason able commission Sales negotiated any where In the United Status. Corre epondence solicited. Information given freely. E.L- Euinidson. Keal ' ate ilustler. Office hour from 12 to 2 p. m. at F. B. Kdmundson's Store G JiDSHOTlO, N. O. REPAIRING N ORDElt to meet a pressing need in the community, I have em ployed a iirst-class workman and fitted up a shoemaking and repairing establishment, on Walnut St., op. r onvielle s, fill In fd or uuork In thia tin rov b lire of aatlf actio n. Respectfully, T. R, ROBINSON. Ufllmlnuton & weidon ft. K AND BHANCHKS AND FLORENCE RA1LHOAD CONDENSED SCHEDULE TRAINS OOING SOUTH." Datod Ko23 no 35 no 41 do. 49 Aug. 7, 1898 i dally dally daily dally p m 10 86 a m pnj LvWeldonil 60"" A-rRo'y Mt, 12 55 Lt Tarboro 18 21 Lv R'y Mt. 1 00 Lv Wilson 1 68 Lv Selma 2 55 LrFay'vUle 4 25 Ar Florence 7 J16 p in Lv Goldsboro..-. 10 36 11 U 11 58 U 07 8 15 am 5 40 0 22 12 62 8 20 a m 7 01 8 0a W 30 p m 1 05 Lv Magnolia . 4 12 6 40 Ar Wil'irton lVton Train No. 103, Dally except Sunday Leaves Tarboro, 6 00 p. m. i Kooky Mount 6 45, pin., Wilson 7 1U p. iu rrives Goldsboro, 8 00 p m TRAINS GOIHG NORTH 1 Dated NO 78 NO 82 No 40 no 48 Aug. 7, im, dally daily daily dally am p m Lv Florence 8 45 8 35 Lv Fay'ville 11 10 10 85 LvSolma 12 85 1144 Ar Wilson 1 17 12 19 p m p m Lv Wil'gton 7 15 Lv Magnolia 8 66 Lv UolUHboro 10 10 p m am p m Lv Wilson 117 k12 18 11 16 Ar Uocky Mt, 2 IS 12 67 11 57 Lv Tarboro 12 81 Lv Kocky Mt 2 12 12 67 .... A.r Weidon 3 26 148 .... a iu V 36 1101 12 03 p id 12 4U 131) Train Mo. 102, Daily except Sunday. Leaves Goldsboro 5 00 a m., Wilson 5 B8 a m., arrives Rocky Mount 6 15 o:., Tarboro 6 45 a. m. r Daily except Sunday. t Train on the Bootland Branch Kod leaves Weidon 4:15 p. m., Halifax 4 31 p m. arriving 'Sootland Neck at 6:20 p,m,Ureenville 0:67 p m, Kington 7.66 p. m. Hoturcing leaves Klnston 7.60 a. m., Ureenvule tS.oi a m, arriving Halifax at 11.18 am, Weidon 11.88 a m, t Trains on Washington branch leave Washington tj 20 a m and M p m, arrives Parmile 9.10 am, and 4 00 pm, returning leaves farmele V.JO a m, and 6.30 p m, arrives Washington 11.00 a n, and 7,20 p m. Train leaves Tarboro, daily except Sucday at 6 30 a m, Bunday, 4 it p ra, arrives Plymouth at 7 40 p m; 0 10 p m, returning leaves flymoutn dally ex cept Sunday 7.(0 a m, and Sunday 0 00 a m, arrives Tarboro 10 uo and 11 00 a m tTraln on Midland N 0 Branch leaves Goldsboro 710 am, arriving Smith field 8.30 a m. Returning leaves Smith field 9.00 a m, arrives Goldsboro 10.86 a m. tTraln" on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 4.80 p. m., arrives Nashville 5.06 p m, Spring Hope 6.30 , m. Returning leaves Spring Hope 00 a. m., Nashville 8.86 a m, arrives at Rocky Mount tt 05 a m. tTraln on Canton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton 11 20 a m and 4. 15 p. m. returning leaves unnton i.w a m ana KDpm, uTraln No 78 makes olose oonneotlor at Weidon for all points North daily, all rail via Blchmond. H. M. Emerson, Gen'l Pass. Agt R. Kenly, Gen'l Manager. T. M. Kmkksoh. Traffic Manato Wape Calcic Salpbur Water ! Is the Finest Mineral Water on the Market ! Has no equal as a tonic, and cures liver, kidney and all blood, troubles. Most excellent taste Give It a trial One gallon a day delivered anywhere in the city for only II 60 per month? jj or iurtner particulars see Parks & Johnson, SMiMing A Be HIt, W li it New Store ! New Goods. We have just opened a new stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, and many other things, on Walnut street, in the Btore recently occupied by Stephen Pittnaan. We propose to sell close for cash, and will do our best to please those who patronize us. Come to see us . J. E. Peterson & Son. March 2nd, 1900. TG- Rruan "J Tin and Sheet Metal Worker- Tobacco Flues, Stovepipe, Valley Tin, Roofing, Plumbing, Repairing, You can save money by seelnif'me before placing your orders. Ml work done by experienced men with dispatch, and guaranteed. Thanking the public lor their past atronage and soliciting a continuance ( the same. Respectfully, T. C. BRYAN, Walnut St. THE HUSTLER FflRINflGbOUS FOODS 5 Hecker's Bye Flonr. Fecker'B Rolled Wheat Hecker's Graham Flour. Hecker's Flaked Tapioca. Hecker's Ilol'ed Oat Flakes. Hecker's Royal Health Food. Hecker's Prepared Buckwheat. Hecker's Cereal Health Cofi'e. Hecker's Old Homestead Flap Jack. Grape Nuts. Genuine Maple Syrup. Postum Cereal, (eofl'ee HiiLmtitute) Farina. DRIED FRUITS! Evaporated Neetariut'H. Evaporated Peaches. Evaporated ApricotH. Choice California Prunes, And runny other iliiui-'B that you need all tho while. Your orders will he appreciated and receive prompt attention. Let un hear from you. Respectfully yours, I. B. Fonvielle. $42 Worth of Presents For 50c. worth of work. We are giv ing away Watches, Bicyclon, Sowing Machines, Guns, etc., etc., to introduce our paper, PATIMK, a high-class-illustrated family paper of from 16 to 32 large pages: f'4 to 128 coIuoiub of Choice Good Storiee, Literature, Art Humor, Letters of Travel In Foreign .Lands, etc , eta. And all vou have t do to get $42 worth of preHents is to gst 20 subscribers at 10c. each, bend 10c. in stamps for full particulars lon list of presents and our paoer, PAS TIME, lor (J months If, after hearing from us, jou find ourstatement untrue, we will return your monev and con tinue the paper free. Address itbout dolay THE PASTIME CO., Louisville. Ky FOR SALE CHEAP ! Second-hand, double-Heated Surry a two-horse wn,on, and two carts. Enquire of Capt. Daniel Keid, steward, or Dr. J. F. Wilier Water-Ground MEAL I can upply families with froth water-ground meal, made from home rained wnlte corn, by leaving your orders at my resldenco, . oorner of Walnut and Wil liam streets. F. C. Overman, Ja. 23, tf, some New IN THE LINE OF- Fancy Rockers, Roll Top Desks, Combination Writing Desk and Book Cases, Rugs, Pictures, etc. Call and see these new goods, which are of the very latest styles and finishes. Lowest prices guar anteed. Yours truly, Fertilizers I FERTILIZERS ! We offer for Sale- 2,500 Tons Prolific Cotton Grower. 1,000 Tons F. F. F. 1,000 Tons dobs' High-Grade Guano. 500 Tons Carolina Golden Belt. 500 Tons Bone and Potash (High Grade.) 1,500 Tons Acid Phosphate. 1,500 Tons Genuine German Kainit (u!&on. Special inducements offered to Merchants and Large Buyers. Respectfully, H. Weil & Bros. Jan 17 4ms -H llen Moore & Co.- CRRRIRGB AND BUGGY REPOSITORY. We build Uui'gio", Wa.'ons, ''arts ami other Vehicles to order, and do all Borts of Repairing on .same, at satisfactory prices', and we guarantee all work turned out from our prem'ses. Our MK. JEUKY HA.RRI38 Is we'l known to the publlo of this city and section, and has personal supervis'on of all work turned out from our estab lish uneut. Sameo'd stand, on John street, opposite Baptist church i PCMMVPnYAI Pii 1 5 -iy I imi I iiij I HL. 3 It.l.U omissions, increase Y.r or and banish "pair oi menstruation.-; They are "LIFE SAVERS' to girls a wnuianluxxl, aiding development of organs and body. Nc known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm lif" becomes a pleasure. $1.()0 PICK ItOX BY MAIL. Solv by Unissists. UU MUTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland. Cido p ir ml in OoUmiu'o by M. E. Hnhlnson Bro. Driikr 'sta. Gonins andQunn ipq Punera UjJJ I0c CASKETS Metalic, Cloth-covered and Varnish-finish, Burial robes and wrappers. Funeral car free 1 PHONES 81 and '.Hi. Goldsboro The Hustler Is Bokd toieaoll fo'jicc ) aid h'jif : havo also tfota full linu of ilured (foods atjeut prices. Also snuff from 35cts. up, K;un oho . it.s :.n leho.i) cur.irs. Kvoryonj knews I lead in Tobacco, Dry Goods :- White and witifham ice8. Wor-il.edrt only ,re. Mattreis t'.ck ,r)c and up. Bod t'clt 10c and up Biff lot of Pants Cloth f' om yjc up Cheviots, domins aud canton flannels. Red t lannel 15o, ?. il wool, .lob lot of cuiklron, woman ant men's stocklnjrs and iox, only -Oo Corse!,', suspenders, han'tkorchiefs and purses. Shirts, extra quality only 2"i an , up. ll 'av".- undershirts only 15c and up. See my 25 cent drawers. O.l,cioiti ami lab el jibs cheap. Knitting and spool cotton, etc ("YorPrii3 - Ni"''b A pound, soda 4c a lb. Sugar 5c alb. Coffee vJlULt,llCj . y, v Vinegar Tmi a quart and up. Molasses 80c a f;allon, alno flntv fyruu, 2 bar: borsu shoe soap only 6o. Klour, moat and meal, anl, pei per, t-ploo, powders ,ii,d canned goods as low as can be sold. Pino cheese, pure cream, i aKes, cundy, erackors, etc, Crockery, Tinware, Woo and Willowaro, I'ateiil Modiciives, etc. Wo will not bo undersold. F. B. D- W tiURTT. Hurtt & Hummel, Merdiant Tailors. Under WessengerOpera House. Repairing Etc., a Specialty. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Use Koch's Disinfectant. and DEODORIZER. The Ideal preparation for tho sick room and for general.no sehold use. . Recommended by the medical profession flMD effective. For Bale by all druggists. Wnfictrred ; t(lM!i C ( IMH C Goldsboro. N.O. Arrivals ! -o Royall & Borden. o ) Undertaking Co - ', iviv jut. h j 1 r'U i big lot of Tobaco ui ; I ii a -i illin ' at -5o. our pound. chocked hoin-vspuna, 4c a yard .and up. i"c. Outing 5,: and up Nice lino of Cal- Edmundson, THE HUSTLI R fl.-N HUMMEL