fooro Hi Thb National Bank 09 60LDBBOKO. I OF GOLJWBOWO. Wala jxu baaloeaa, and will b ;Offen to depollor erry aceommo- (14 to talkoreorreapond wlthyo.! I Ration tTD bankl'iK wirvil I UEO. A. NORWOOD, jB..Prct'l J. M. UOLLOWKLL, Caahler. 810. A. KORWOOD. Jb.. TmfU I. M. HOLLOWEIX, Caahier This Argus o'er the ioi's rU'hto, Doth an eternal vii 1 kcm r ' - 4 No eoothlng strain of Mala'B son, Can lull lu hundred even to sleep' Vol. XXXIl. GOLDSBORO. N. C. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1900. NO 58 The National Bank lifi IP OF ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM DIVERS SOURCES. News of the Stage, Social, Pollti cal and Otherwise, Culled From Our Exchanges. Philadelphia has an enterprising undertaker who makes it a practice to give a fall opening to his friends and cuscomers. Philadelphia is just the place to delight in a cheerful function of this nature. An Aurora, 111., coroner's jury has shown its acutenessand perspicacity by rendering the following verdict: "We find that ihe deceased came to his deaih from intestinal troubles and b complication of doctors " A c hi'Migo dispatch says it ii like ly that a rate as low as one fare for the round trip, and possibly one cent a-nile, may be authorized by the railroads for the Pan American Exposition in Buffalo next summer. The average man is engaged these days in trying to convince his wife that deft fingers following the thought of love in making simple Christmas tokens imparts a value which cannot be measured by bank bills. The Washington Post calls on the Democratic leaders in the house to loosen their white cambrio necties and relax their countenances occa sionally. There is entirely too much "a6linlll'.ty on tap on that side of the chamber, What the average man would like to suggest to his wife about this time, if he only had the courage, is that winter flannels make a much more sensible and appropriate Christmas present than silk smok ing jackets. It is six weeks since McKinley was re-elected to the Presidency. The fighting Filipinos have certainly heard of it by this time. As they were only prolonging their rebellion' according to the Kebublican oratars, in the hope that their independence would be recognized by Bryan if he were elected, its collapse is due, or the orators were false prophets. A Parisian has conceived the idea of publishing a Journal for the Sea sick, which is to have for its main purpose the discovery of a specific for seasickness. All the travelers of the universe are to be invited to write all they know about every symptom, remedy, alleviation or ag gravation of seasickness. A prize of twenty thousand dollars is to be of fered for the discovery of an infalli ble specific . The Talbotton New Era Bays: The fighting editor has been much in vigorated by the bracing weather, made bolder by partaking of chit terlings and fresh pork, and besides, being in the "May of youth and the bloom of lustihood,"he is more tha n willing to meei in personal combat those who are hostile to this paper Moreover, when he is thoroughly aroused he yearns to drink hot blood. Do not provoke him to anger unless you want to go to that un known country where no blind ti gers are found. There Is more Catarrh In this sec tion ol the c mntry than al'. other dis eases put together, and until the last few years was ("upposea to ne mcurame. For a great many j ears; doctors pro. nminrovl It A local disease, and Dre- arlhAri lorn I remedies, and bv coa- fulling to cure with local treat ment, pronounced It Incurable. Science has pioven catarrh to be a constitu tional illsea-e, ana, tnereiore requires constitutional treatment, nan s ua tanh dura manufactured bv F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, Ohio, Is the nnin nnnMtltutional cure on the market. It is taken Internally, In doses from 10 Henna tn a. teasDOonful. It aClH directly on thti blood and mucous surfaces of the system They one-one hundred dollars for any casd It tails to cure 8end for circulars and testimonials AdrAaA. F. J. CELESKY & CO., Toledo, O. t3J-Sold by Druggist, oa. HE IS NOT A CANDIDATE. Mr. Bryan Denies Absolutely That He Wants to be United States Senator. Lincoln, N b., Dec. 14. W. J. Bryan today denied absolutely the published siory of his al leged combination with D. E. Thompson, tie most pnniioeut Republican Senatorial candidate for the purpose of securing his own election to the Senate. Mr. Bryan said: "I have already expressed myself as to my attitude in the matter of theUaiied Stute Sena torship, having announcod some time ago that 1 absolutely would not be acandidate'for the place. I know nothing whatever of the present aguatiou nor of the al leged combination." Mr. Thompson is equally posi tive. He said: 'The report is absolutely base less and unfounded. I shall be elected by Republican votes alone if I am successful in secur ing the i fuse " It has now developed that the story was framed and sent out by other Republican Senatorial as pirants, rivaUof Mr. Thompson. Their plan, it is charged, was to injure the leading candidate by circulating the report and tbua bring about his defeat and better their own chances. CURRENT TOPICS. The Macon Telegraph thinks that Mr. Bryan reached the limit of his mental power and useful ness in the spell binder of the recent campaign. As a platform writer, as a oold, inoisive ana lysts of events with relation to their bearing on the future weal, it declares that be is a dead fail ure, "lnisis said," it adds, "in as much kindness as candor. He can 'swoop up,' but he cannot construct. He can speak to the multitude and move them for the moment, but he cannot write down in the cold, imperishable ink a chart for a great party and a great people." Casting about for another lead er, the Telegraph says: The 9ecjnd Waterloo cons vinced everybody except Mr. Bryan, There is no chance for his third nomination to the Pres idency by the Democratic parly. That hope will prove as illusive as were the chances twice for election. Wnatever may be the disposition in ibe West toward him, or in the East toward Da yid B. Hill who is throwing out an anchor to windward, the South cannot afford to dally longer with exploded theories or with disappointed men. Of the two Hill would afford the most pleasing prospect: but he is not the man. A new leader must come, and he should come from the South. The next three years, let us hope, will develop him." A Gift to Give. It Is often dlflloult to decide what to get your friends for holiday gifts. Here Is a suggestion : "Good morning, Jennie, T have brought you a nice pre en t," said Ger trude, as fhe handed her friend a neat ly wrapped package. The pale, weary looking girl, who was slowly recovering from severe 111 ness, opened the bundle and held up a large bottle of clear, rich medicine. "Hood's Sarsaparllla!" she exclaim ed. ''I have been reading about It to day and wished I had a bottle ." On New Year's Day Jennie was able tn be out on the street, and to her friends who remarked how well Bhe was looking, she simply sal'1, "Hood's Sarsaparllla," and every one of them knew It was this great raedlolne that had given baok ber health. nir nrrrnT nnnr nnmon lilt UULHI Ul ML UttlllOIl LOKD KITCHENEIt CABLES ANOTHER ENGLISH DIS ASTER BY IiOEUS. KILL FOUR COLONELS. Boers I'mler Delarev Defeat the Forces of Clements--Botha is on the Aggressive. Ljndnn, D c. 14. The Boers have administered a severe de feat to the British in Kastern Transyaa1. The casualties are heaw and the British ljss in cludes four tffirs kiiltJ. Lord Kiicheuer reports his re V"ist in the fi.:,-iwi( (lt il;f uvch, dated Pretoria, December 13:b; "Delarey wiih 2 500 men at taked General Cle m nts at Noti gedacht at dawn today. Tue Boers were at first repulsed but afterwards succeeded in taking the top Magoliesberg from four companies of the Northumber land Fusileers, enabi;, Lr trurn to command the camp of Clements who retired to Hekpoort. "Casualties are incomplete but the fighting was very severe. Clement's losses include Col. L-gge. Captain MacBeaa, Cap tain Murdock and Captain At kins killed. Reinforcements have beeniant io QKXW'" Nooitgedacht is neat Litchen- burg and not many miles from Matekingi Kitchener further reports that Col. Broadwood who is seven miles west of Clements, he s taken Litchenburg. He re ports that the Boer General Lemmer, and ttwo Burghers, were killed. Minor engagements are re ported at Bethlehem. Vreda and Vryheid. The B ier's losses ag gregate ten killed and fourteen wounded. A dispatch from Standerton Transvaal, to the News Ageucy herp, says Gentral L uis Bjtha is 20 miies distant from that place with 1.500 men. Hi has called a meeting of the Burgh ers for Dec. 15. Standerton is on the railroad from Natal to Pretoria and about 60 miles north of Laing's Nek Pass, The Evening Standard says a telegram has been received in London to the effect that Gen eral Knox has compelled General Dewet to make a stand and an engagement is now in progress. Many of Dewet's men, it says, have been captured. All available mounted infantry at Aldershot, Malta and other military centres has been ordered to South Africa. BRITISH FLAG CONCEALED. By a Flag of the United States Navy.- New York, Dec. 14 Accord ing to a dispatch from Wasbing- tou to the Times shortly before the capital centennial oxercises (n the house of representatives were to begin, Representative Walter Reeves, of Illinois, saw the British flag dropping over a ora er of the executive gallery, the bouse haying been decorated with flags of all nations for the occasion. Mr. Reeves hurried to Speaker Henderson and reported the matter, being fearful of com ment on the circumstances. Mr. Henderson at once gave orders ritnnvil Mn! fltg be hung 'vir.beBn.ishfl.g, completely biding it from view. Ibis was dona Shortly after other mem bers "f congress notictd that th rouse was full of flags rep resent. tig all ua'ions of Europe and that tho only nation which was - mined was Great Britain. Word was sent to Speaker Hen derson and he was asked to get a British fhg in position. He did 'tie best be cou'd, but the hour had arrived when the ceremonies were to bbgin and it was too late. SANTA EE HA1LKOAD Telegraphers Slake Appeal For State Aid. D.nvor, C 1 , Dc 13. - Luu twHi.t Uovtruir C;iinoy, wuo is a ti u 've'u r in thu tibne" of Govi'inor Tin ma, wbh Ka'tud uion t th" cn; t"l by h e MUT'i' lient tileiaphers who ilesiri'd to discuBs at leng'h the ixisting strike dn the tknta Fo n.ilway andtiHktho govtrtior to l'nd hia ass s'aaco in bringing about hu e rly eti lenient. After thomil je t hid been carefully gone over Governor Carney signified his wiliiugnotiB to rcquobt tho officers of the i ail way to arbitrate the dif ferences. A telegram was prepar ed and sent to Chairman Walker of the. board of directors of the BaoUf BrwFrendoat jp!ay i as follows: "In behalf of the people of the State of Colorado, after due in vestigation, the locked out tole gruphers of your railroad are ab solved from any complicity in re cent outrages npon certain em ployes who have taken the places of these men in this 8' ate. The in terests of the p-vpln of the 8Ute an I the patrons of yonr road would bo materially subserved were the differences tx sting bo- tween the maiHgomont and the telugrnphors submit'e I to arbitra tie u and setthd in ppueilily bb pos sible. (Sgued.) "Fuancis Carnkv, "Acting Giv. of Col " El'ZKHA, lTClilNU HLMOKS, PIMPLES CURED BY 11. B ii. Bottle Free to Hufftrers. Does your Skin itch and Bumf Distressing Eruptions on the tikin so you feel ashamed to he in company? Do Scabs and Scales form on the bkin, Hairor Scalp? Have you Kiczemar Skin Sore and Cracked? Rash form on the Skin? PrickliDg Pain in the Skin? BoiU? Pimples? Bone Paint.? Swollen Joints? Palling Hair? All Run Down? Skin Pale? Old Sores? Eating Sores? All these are symptons of Eczema and Impurities and Poisons in the Blood. To cure to stay cur ed take B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) which makes the blood pure and rich. B.B. B. will cause tho sores to heal, itching of eczema to stop forever, the skin to become clear and the breath sweet. B. B. B. is just the remedy you have been look ing for. Thoroughly tested for 30 years. Our readers are advis ed to try B. R. B For sale by druggists at $1 per largo bottle; six Urge bottles (full treatment) 15. Complete directions with each bottle. So sufferers may test it, a trial bottle given away Write for it. Addmss BLOOD BALM CO., 277 Mitchell St, Atlanta Gv, Describe your trou ble and Free personal medical advice given THE ONLY True Mood l'urifle prominently In the public eye to day is Hood's Sarsaparllla. Thercforc fetllood'i and ONLY HOOD'S, Twelve days two short weeltH then Christmas. Tha first is the week for comfortable shopping. The second: hurry, push, worry. This is tho week of all others in whieh t buy ChiistmaH presents : stock comparatively un broken; Htore less crowded, time to make selections. For over ii month wo Imvo boeu preparing for this week. We have selected our stock of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILM.KW AIM:, 1 I T GLASS, NOVELTIES, KILVEIt IIOl NTED UMHHELLAS, TOILET ARTICLES IN SILYEIt AND GOLD, AND A FILL LIN EOF From the best stocks of the best manufacturers. The finest display of these goods found in East Carolina YOU ARE WELCOME AT JEWELRY HEADQUARTERS. wusicfiL cooes. tinltan. Haiijon, Mandollm, Aooordcuna, lIariuonlo, eta Full amiortmeiil of Strings and Parta (or lnilru taenia. Ghi isT.mas ins d6G News From the Holiday Stock. STERLING SILVFR Novelties and Ebony Novelties, Sterling Trimmed. Darners, Blotters, Shoo Horns, Button Hooks, Glove Buttoners, 1'en Knives, Call Bells, Paper Knives, Letter Heals, Stick Tine, and dozens of other numerous articles, at about one-half the usual price. 20, 2, SO cts. 250 Pieces Gold Plated Novelties. Picture Frames, Call Bells, Pen Wiper, Calendars, Ink Stands, Pufl and Powder Boxes, Tobacco Jars, Smoke Sets, Ornaments, etc. 2Sc. to $2 ?0. Handkerchiefs. All styles and prices for ladies or ffi-nts. A lare e lection of ucut styles, both initial or plain. Sc. to $1 00. Beautiful linn of Belts, Pocket Purses and Umbrellas. Gastex & Go THE LADIES CASH DRY GOODS STCR8. "4 Selling : The Doll Collection. Dolls, dressed aud undressed Dolls that sleep and dolli that can't sleep. Every size, kind and description of dolla can be found here. Large kid Ixxly aud jointed dolls with curly hair 0c. 7Sc, $.S0. Kid body dolls, bisque h- ads and curly hair, '2f)c, 50c, 05c. Dressed dollH, from 5c. to 82.50. China dolls, from .'1c to 81.00. Toys 1 Toys I Mechanical Toys, Tin, Iron and Wood, Tool Chests, Hocking Horses, Stoves, Wagons, Velocipedes, Beds, Bureaus, Chairs, Cradles, Drums, Horns, Trains, Blocks, etc. Games I Games! Card (lumen of all kinds. Complete assortment of all kinds of innocent parlor games. 2Sc. to $3.50.

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