TiGTIi Christmas Goods! I Htn uow reoeiviti . ure aud U?.iutiful line of Christmsa, Wh'IcIui', Hdll N?W Wtr 1'ret-eutS, ODUsl.-tillg ' It. I.. Dr. Boll's Coach Syrup will care Cough or Cola t once. Conquer Croup, Whooplng-Oough and Measlev .? Get i ,i ,v silver arches, vnc'1 v v rw.tr .. and N velries, Coturh withODt faiL Mothera CI ft l)octoM prescribe it for Bronchi- I i'H. I. As a fine Imv 1 -id : -m t I.'a-i iJ,.xe ice, 25 eta. Packet K'i" . .)K Sends 1 la) i :;-' II1V Sfock. dealer's sobstitate ; it is not as pood. Mai Cough Syrup Always cures when others fail. Dr. Bull's Pllla cure Constipation and Um Troubles, so pUl ,u Trial box. 5 CU. vt. I am satis- . ' 1 y 'w.i1'. x, 5 u 1 ic All of t lit' Litest pat enis I ' , I ,ti I fied I can save vt u inun v. rryre ww thx FIGHT. TDree Times TDs Value OT :ftNY OtQer- 11 I 1 I'lirt'd: vt .in .tutoJ Iwmoq, AN EXCELLENT ILLUSTRATION O F THE WAY OOM PAUL'S MEN FIGHT. R. A. Wat t 9fM staan -ci . , . -trr fCfx . , V.t .T'r (7 W WW I PROGRESS OF i " THE GEftTURY. By Malcolm J. l.'ichiinls, Pli. U. Whfn ono civvs a moniriit to the con- templafon ,.i -,t ..ti.i. Unit huve been utr.irvtii n Iiumii i .av. ui-n lift ing the hundred years that have con Stltu'ed th- t in. t. .. nth --rtury. the mind naturally rrv.-rts to the f l. phone and telegraph, fm, of all th- inv.-ntionB few have been of more importance to the world. The progress hi the mat tei of material speed has been Immense, but how much Rreater has been the in crease In the hpeeil ill thought! One hundred yearn :u;o tl.. means of communication between persons was limited to the crudest fomi of mail ser vice. Kv-n p' ti'ty postal" was not In ent' 1 until the .ear lM", when Row land Hill l:i'vodi:i'.-d t hi. f svt.-ni in EnKhind. and prior to that time the Thai f" 'or i.Osl.ta a . III1' ' ilS pint u u.uy ii. t i..;. .v . tuug. Suddenly, however, man discovered that tlv'c w .,. , f - i i - I' ll i- f. v. ' 'eh electricity could he put. and from Uiat day the art of rnmniunn ation has pro gressed by leaps a. id t un.is. It ran Vn th4 Mmw cave his first meld ,..' ibe ,,. . ,,. .,:., graph instrument to tiie .w:M. It wag a clumsy allalr enousn The electro magnets in Us on -i; In. n wemted more t.uin .;e : aa. ii.! eiiiiy pounds, tin invetie1 l. v.: under the delusion that the wire us-d In winding them must 1 f the same size as that of the line itself The stoiy of lie. di'V'i'ulii' s that he Fet Mit; e iti iii.v efforts :.( jie; suade Congress to :i;.;e.!n iate $:'i!.iih) to en- 3. v., -' WAR-S.KI? fjVg ;OlAflAjt able him to cons'; ii--t it trial line is a matter of nation,! history. People laughed at the In , i-nt 'tin and they de clared the Inve'.to- crnzv The Idea that sooe ifi'd be annihil ated in .-mo a way wu too preposter ous to be i liti-d for ;in instant. In Bpit- "1 ;i i 1 1.. . I ' i . iii.-i.ib, howi ver, thi in T'.or j.-i ? .vej m rl 1:4 work, and in l.t'4 the first message, "What hath find vv ought?" was flashed over the wire from Baltimore to Washington. The Inventor had triumph' -! th's a-tvito ce nt of the human race was made ..oisible r Tin-: TKi.i:t;i;.rii i AM Vi'i'!:-' ' f ' ' i ' ii'S! ni- ment was, con.pn at i el ' sp.akiiig, a success, the .itsinL fit,, .-wired, com pact an d o.ii t.il.ie el. 1 1 o-maii' ts, Welt'lnt'L: '. . 'P.', a ' :!. h i-i ..it b' ti d a ' ' W I., i . s, ,Iie was o; i .' : . i , sys tem of i. . i . . . in'-. Inn m iMg the id- ii . f ...-- hh.i r. i i) 9 began to I.. J. .. Sum. i.i..,, ' ii, . , , . , l'i i. th of the telegi a i hi. past half . .,' '. the fact ' I l ; . ' ' line fi,r i i ; Whereas to ' i t 'onipa n ..!.... tWeiiM -I ... and t be ! ' i much . i - i ; more ha ii . ' saes. Tic to ,di'ti ihj'irii; the ' .tiie'f ,' f,m t: ' of the mt ' n 1 'rion a !.i. .iiiess ,,e some I ' 1 't ' V. M '! P 1 ' ' ' .. ,lS .. 1 .. .o.-ss of :. 1 ' ' tl.l I. "II mes- ht- .It t. municate liiun him end of tne continent EL.ECTi?C. CAf: to the other sui:,j.ste. endless possi bilities tu the mill. is of the in,, hi., is. (ipposite siiio.s ..I '),. same In nil had been In ..ii, a I ..- .i . i ie i , I.i; t in i e was t lie waiter Ilia: : . p u a ted t he lands, i' a waves, and tor a tunc im.s laci nni". an eiTectuiil iiartier to tile advancement of 1 lie s- ii.. Tile iih.iiIiI thai ,,,.s might pos sibly be dtsi.. nsi d v, iih anil that insu latid wile mi-lit ii,- laid along the Hour of the mean was slow in suggesting Itself, but lin illy i' ,, 1 cine. In c, ;l stlhniii line cable w:.s laid from Dover to Calaii It n.H at III.' t : evoked i1 e i. r S' -a i . : 'If till, I V TIL- i Il,;i!:.'e I . I.e ., i o i' ; 1 . - v. i i - e(M,. i . ;, W ; -' I ' . 1 . I he. II I..1 , I .... " land. It w.--- ii tr'-aiest of ii." ! t.'-'i. - - 'I tele- "i ' , ... oct-ans oi ail lau oat Cyrus Field i. glx.-n us the - of to-day. . I. el.; -d In I,H i. . Ii.,1 tin v, ..I Ii . - ; l ne ioea a -i . a. but H I . .. . ;.','. I ,1 . ... lian.i to Ii. ;.',v..A ''f ; - a,. V . III. Ills. I .," . ' '. i i 'O S u.. i.r l.. . HDOK'S INSTRUMENT. The considerittlon of th.- t degrnph ind cable naturally suggest their founger brother, the telephone. As far sack as 1667 Kohert Hook was experi menting Id the belief that it wouui be possible for him to discover some means 5f conveying sounds by th" use of .vires and wooden rods, but it was not until 1ST6 that the telephone m a us ful form was evolved. Tne lisHt apparatus of a fa.li ly useful tel. ii: .vi. was introduced to the Patent i t'' by Al. v.inder tira ham I'.. II. an1 .. : I phone of to-day minus the Improved trans mitter and with the chief parts some what diffcrcntl ail aimed Hcfore l'.ell, liow,ei. the telephone had been often anticipated. look's idea had probably come from India, where ii had long before been known PL-EX i i 'M . l .1 t ufi Twelve -inch .CM that If two diaphiiigms were connected, by a light toid or wire sound Intro-; duced in one would be transmitted to the other. In ly:!l Wheats'one succeeded In showing that Hook had been oriect In his principle that sound wuvis i ould bei, transmitted from one oiace to another,, to a moderate i i -1 : . I a., ans oC wooden rods, and afterwards be con veyed to the ear by the vibrations given to the air at the end of the rod. All these experiments, however Interesting; they may have been, were not practi cal, but when Bell and Ed son appeared the problem of Voice commu dcatlon. was solved. To describe the st"ps hv wh "h thl invention has been in.pnue.l o to di late upon its commercial ad intagei would be useless. The advent f the long distance telephone alone h s been an inestimable advantage, but t'l these achievements huve 1 . . n of : ... ent date that the successes are mt ters ot current knowledge. WIRELESS MESSAGE. ' Such have been the results ' nine teenth century aehtevemi nt al ng the lines of long distance commun atlon; but, great as they have been, t lere la every reason to believe that tr nexti quarter of a century will wltn sa ln venttons so radlral and Imuro' -nent so great that the methods of co nnunl-j cftlon of to-day. great an th v maj seem to us. will sink into it. sign -ance. When Marconi, a short lime . , es tablished the fact that wireles teleg raphy was within the realm of proba- AUTOMOtSi lE I t'ility the vvoi Id eni. i. ,1 up. .ri a ra w era o! invention, ami the soiniiori of the problems of lapii! I i -.- ail", and the, tians mission of i. lie., l.v w i i e will be two of the glial in --tit l -.- tK.tt will make the .fiun .. ti:. tw a'icth ta'n tui meiiiot a llle. I .. t no wot o ..f " ' r " '., i i V -n to im ply that these resulis have not yet been attained, (if con me then can lie no . la st i. in l.nt that t ! i' Iv ma- i lulled Ihat llial.e 1.. I.i ' ! .Iji',, pos sible, and tbeie . iidy insliu rii' ii i s l.v ne ii lis i . .. I.i. a ,-n 1 an ... a ml drawings of all kinds may be trans- I 1 .. .1" 'i'o the same i e nt ,ia,io!ii has shown bevond tpi si ion Unit vvireless tejegl'apllV IS p. ami laiellts in wireless teleplior, . have by no means be, n ib void ,,r m.ili At 'Ii" piesetii uiii". h"vcever. these inventions are ran. m irn in the ex pet imeiitiil stage The results pnnnls ltijj as they an , ttn scajc. iy i re gardetl as more tnan successful trials of the new Inventions, and it Avill re main for the twentieth, century in wit ness the develop!,.. iLt that v. PI make them of incalculable valuo to the wot Id. There is every prohahiMiy iliat these results will soon in lealied, Ituit. how ever soon they may I,.- attained, It will be Impossible .i Mil, t.,. llilielei nth e- tuiy of the credit fm' having given Id' th to the idea- (i ,-,( wji i, suit in iiu I. wondcil'ul uchlevmetits. 1 I I A ' S EI11':.E FI.'UVEKH I'.y far the nti . ma. kiil.le ,,f ,.., that pledU'e edible "t.w,.r .t . "hut. tei 1 1 (" of India hs Mow m dining the hot main t, ... a. b ye.'i. , ,. t he chief means of sn , 'I "lice of the Hhds and other hill in'.. -. of tin- int.-uor. I'nder tlte old M '...iii-ta nil.-, it was a common piaiti,. to cut down the but (el tret s In tin . ...inf ry it t h- I finis so as loalMitt tlms. lawless p..,, .. ,,,) tiring them to smuts. A c.o.i si.e, tree VlelllW SCVflill lllltnlre.l VV el,l of , plllpv , I- ll sua ie i, ' .V , i !!: , . a al , In :ia i h and Ap..' ti,. v I'a , , : a ,. ''ie led "HIS-. , b-V M'" . .. .'.. a I ( . . -a;..,' . , lao , I.i f. v. it'. ; n I :i .1 -i .-.I....1 as s , f. . ; "f u i. I'ually i h , .:' Uh ' , , so ti. s ' , o. -a i ni; i . . . . , , '. . j original sie. In ih - .e4ir.it,., ;,., y j rtKeiuLde taisinii ,i.i ;iv ha-.. t'HOt'OI.ATR CRKAM. Ptit four ounces best ehorolate latO a siiiieepan with two ounces of castor M.'tnr and half . teacupful of water, I dii 1 e th,. saucepan over a glow (lre'anj stir with a wooden spoon until Aii- 1 s .lvtd; stir In gradually one and a half I ;:,T,,,rfl,:h:1v;.,n; UBS, Muring well: thuii pass the whole iliioimh a fine hair tsleve Fill some i i. la.: vvate;, 11 n I 1 1 llle i f uu thick ens Take them out of the pan. dust I some castor suKar over them, and when I a little cool place limn on lee until vv a nted. Ingredients. Four ounces of choco late, two ounces of castor sugar, one and a half pints of milk, the yolks of four .rk and the white of one. PI IK AS A NT A I. A CAI-VK. Stuff a pheasant with fot re- meat as follows l'etl half a pound fresh truf lles, thop them unil pound them in a niottar with three ounces of bacon fat. Hub ihe pounded mixture Into a sauce pan anil stir over the tire until hot through, then turn It into a basin and bt ll u.'l cold, and season to taste Stuff lilc It. i Willi UilS and, Ii possible, leave it for a day to aba.irb the flavor of the "u'Hes w.ap the bi,d in sin es of bacon, with a sheet of buttered paper tound. and roast, keeping well hasted When cooked plii'e on a hot dish, pour 1 mt mi u a goon iiiuv 11 iiravy 1111111.' iiuiii t I.e 1,'ii.za ids. net I; . , n ml s. 1 v . . p,a -iiishetl with Irullles and potato cro quettes. Ingredient" --A pheasant, half pound ' ti allies, tin ee mm. en b.n nil fat as of bacn, Kootl btnwn t'avy, io- !10 CI tltUl t t' S. WSSDOM The wisest wisdom Is tha wisdom of health. Moth er's Friend lj a wise lini ment. It was made after many eitperl- iJJ mcntsby an emi- ncnt pnysictan v tr wno 1 e 1 1 that something should Kl itnn, r, 1 1 . .1 Bt Horn's Hufferlnir. htj Motlxr't f tlenu u tho f'-ij result of tbiBworltnd it ti, l"wi todo- helps women through J.?! this dreadful time. Withlt. WA-i she need fear nothing. It ia j for "tprnAl ur, and by jtt ertipf. o itreojfthn tbm muscle to bear tha strain 4vt-.J t11 tj1' "Imott no pain. Get tsoiufir rnna ax lns nr9g nor. l BOlti. Tub Beabfiblb Rmurei V: AtlMta, Oa Wr1lfrror ft lllutrto4 took. " W Ibr Bbf Ii Bora. " (LOCAL nd CLIMATIC othintr hut a llJi. 5' - Lwte of climate AfJCJ'.uV will ere tir.-' ciA ) r- v. f f 'v.vrpt.- GftlflRRH The sneeiflc In hly's 'Yearn Baira. it ;., .i.i.. ,.u nrt d tl, vea COLD 'N H EAD 'f at oneo Opens and (leanseg Nanal 1'aft.airtitf. Allav Inflammation Heals il !Voto!t thi Metnhrnne llcstores h' SenM nf Tatte and Hmell No ..r.-nry. Nil Injunoue drujf Rtavf ir Hi,.i r'(i cents; H'amlly .Si.n, $1 .00 .''iit.'i'Mi or hv mail i.V KktiH.. Mt. W.r." St.. N. Y. .'iERVSTA PSLLS v estore Vltal'ty, Lost Vigor and Manhood nt IrniM.t hy Nirlit R ni .-!orw. LfB of Mnm Mtk orv, all ft rr-l hitf diaa, r J Pices ani iii'liJHTetion. vT 1 PILLS 50 CTS. t JCV choeltA unci restore the 1 P NbOo per Ikix. 0 btiiRS fur (2.60, with our bankable iraurantAS to cure r lelund the money paid, btinti lor circulur pti.l copy fE uur bmilaibie. uaranteo iMind, f!e ivila Tablets EXTRA STRENGTH mmaH!ala DmhII. (TKLLOW LABEL) Prwltivoly (ruarantrod enre for Lom of Power, Varicocele, Undovelopotl or Shrunken Ortrana, Parosis, Lcjcomotcir Ataxia, Nervous Prostra tion, Hystrria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the Pnaults 'if Exmstlvo Use of Tobarro, Opium or Liquor. By mall In plain package, 81.00 a Ikii, 0 for $5.00 with our bankable (ruar ntee bond to aura In SO days or refund money paid. Addresa N Eft VITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson St&, CHICAGO, ILL. P ,-!t)r JxiiklltH ! i fi- nsr J . I l- , . . i ui .r L'.'TlOOll'eft J"iaijf-rrjul lb t ti ll tn -in .' tmit'it.r--M i i'tnnfrxn. Of j. i fi.r f-M-'fcnitrf, ( -!iiiir,.; tiJ TJ F9 " ft i f f-- I otlit-" i v i irtln-l I' ,"'"' " H'.. Nu-lt i'wprr, (Tift hrMfrlJiiMKlvjait ''.MuJUu llncru 1 vm&m?. Mi imp . :t'2 iW L 2 Tho One Day Coin Cure. Foi cold in llin Iv atl and sore throat use Ker molt thitcolatM Jaialivt fjumir. the "Oa Vav CoUl Cnia - One-Third Easier. One-Third Faster. AORVTS WANTED tn all unoc- wneeier & Wilson MTp. Go. ATLANTA, Ga) g-or saia by the John S'auirhtor 8ept27wly WILL IT Do it! Mrs. Joe Person's REMEDY Will Cure Indigestion I have tried It and know It. 'rom IndlgestlOD For ye trg. cl science reUsjlioji JJXf Ctt. I suffored No raedl . I tried the Homely, and eight hollies cured me ix years ag", and I have been woll eversiuce. W. T HOdKiDVY, (Mbhoiu, firanvl'le Oounty, N. C. April 23, 1U00. For Bale by all druggists. Manufactured by Mrs. Joe Person. Kittrell, N. 0. Was the first man to Advertise I HeadvsrtUed th florid nd kopt at It 'till the (1 od oi mti I am advertising COLD WE.VTUEtt, and a (treat flood oTtrada will eti ne lo my store for Stove Boards, Stove Pipe, Stove Mats, etc., ofjwhich I have a complete line. You should alo Have your ROOFS attended to before the Big Snows. TCrt l, tow vt "e'cos.an l Promnt Attention Is tn y ntitto j (iivH en,) full whoa In noed of anything in inv line. Roep clfuliy, T. C. BRYAN, Tho l.oad'nif Tin and Sh.M- Metal Worker. W alnut Sireet. WE AKK NOW Prepared ! To do as good work as any LiUudry. n wc ask is a trial we rosinvtaY do no rB JtKKAK Oil ( KA( k TURN -DOWN COLLARS, Havinc; a Machine now in operation CHpcrially tdaptcd to thiiclas of work. Try uh with your next bundlo of Isunflry. Vie areBuro to ilcnnj y ou. Household Linen done uo ' final to new at very moa erute pncuH. Agents wanted 1 In every town. Goldsboro Under New Ctaim I annrlrn Maae- otbaiu uauuuij meat . E. A MILLER, Manoor Phone 82, D. D. 8 3 OflBc over Miller's Drue Store. Hours: 8 a. in. t 1 p. m : 2 p. m. to r m o p. u. 8opt. 12th J t.f Elkin Blankets. Manufactured a4 ' I. KIN. N. C. Have taken the prize for voral years at the State Fair. The best on the ma ket. Call for Elkin Blankets only at r--- Moo j & Rrltt. Thanks 1 We desire to thank thi public for the very liberal patronage which we received during our Special Sale of Rockers hst week, and if there are any deliveries vhich we overlooked in the rush, wouP ms know nt once, these styles left. We will close out the rest at factory cost in order to make room for new goods. OPEN AT NianT until Q:30, Yours truly, The Days Arc Fcw ;j Before Christmas! What hIiiiII I mrcliaH"? in tin; ii'i'-sti m of tlu li'mr, iiiul tli it's I'asily ain.vt-r.: I iy a visit to GiGlclerjs' wlicri' ynii ohm Hrlt'fl .mvUiii) you w ml in tin- Jewelry line, inil have it liiiislifil y it iidiit j )1 of ciiriivin---L'i'L't). vM.'lv 11J Vylj ,,iv. louiiini iu HATISFAC I'lON (il'AHAN riOHD.j Cold Wave Coming ! a fall Un't of m iny Ic'n in tor y ti to h ot from Mtovo tiippi, ftove matUi. nd ovoryth'ntr yi n w U a imiii ; flu u r.l', to m i'.-. j Lomti a placs of com fort in cold weather. Hoofing, Sanitary Heating and Fliimliintr K'-.t.nhlirth ui en UNDER Fins and Plain Wood and jnalltT and Frlitwi 'l.t .r ' Jt.hu r-. '. Ilap'l.l lltltli at- Mien Moore & Co n- GRRRIfG& AND BUGGY REPOSITORY. W tnii d l.i.i' i) V'nr,. vi i , int .ithi.r Ven Ua d i;o U torUi of ltf)( r nt( on snmo, -t '.i:'tj pr'n nd e i. ail work tu-n il O'tt from ou" pn'mlsm Ou- M'V I l".f HWHH' " ! l'i ! '.,. , section, n ' h I'f-fitml Jiiit.'i v' -in ' ' i t i ou'. , ment. Wamo old -land. 1'hn S' , ojip to H. i t -l 'iu c i. e would be glad if you as we have onlv a few of Royail & Borden, ibi ,i u aiiii 11 ju 'nt rn.i !v for It, HdV ui nlr t utov-. We crrv r'm Htovo oij ii m ik'i j oi- Lo The Jno. Stenahter Co. r "X la 1 r r C i '17. K i2RS. If :a'! ic CoftlinsaDd Caskets,

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