n n n , Li Dyspepsia Cure Diaests what yoo eat. It fe tijici&ny digest the food and aids -Ifatir-a in su-oKtbenlng and recon- ,-,.,- .(,. TiaiiEtd HluMtlvnnr. .gans. lt-laiua latest discovered digest- ?-. aiwt t.uti.-. Nnnt.hapnrtfnarat.inn .--. n-.Mv...li It in ..meionc. T In. Untly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Jlatuleiife, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Hick Headache, Gastralgia Crampsand llotherresulta ,f imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and $1. Large sue contalnt 1H timet small sua. Book al. about dyspepsia malledfres Frspartd by E. C DtWITT A CO, Cbicago. J. H. Hill & Son Goldsboro. N O. A GOOD SCHOOL. Perhaps there is not a hetter and more practical buinen college in the South than Petle's Practical Business Collepe, of Hnlei";h. It is not the clap-trap school that makes all sorts of promises, but makes no promise that H doesn't) iu.riil. li ih endorsed by the best people and io run by men of sense and ability. Not a single full graduate is idle, and all its pupils are its friends. ! The BBBsiou for 1901 will open on January 3rd. Bookkeeping, $30; Stenography. $30; Telegraphy 125; English Course $10: Penmanship, $15; Board $10. JUDSON PEELE. fl ennstmas Giiti In the form of a policy in the -Etna Life Insurance Company will be a source of pleasure and protection , t . i , to all members of your houBe-, noia. Old, reliable Fire Companies represented. Humphrey-Gibson Company WEST QENTRE STREET. Opposite Hotel Kannon. fl Home Testimonial Mr. Mies Moore Ooldsboro, N C, sayi' "For 12 months I had suffered with Cough at night, night sweats, fever, shortness of breath, no ap petite and lack of digestion, heart's action irregular Took 5 bottles of Eckman's Alterative and am a well man to-day: the medicine is as represented." For sale by ... . J. H- Hill & Son. Goldsboro, N. U. Notice. Notice is hereby given tluit ap plication Will lit) Wade to till! next Jeueral Assembly for mi auioinl meot to the cliorter (if the tlity of (Joltlsboro. . -I. lJiiOADHi'iiST, dec51m City Clerk. The Valuable Ninth Spring Hotel for Rent or Lease. I will rent or lease my Ninth Spring Hotel property to a suit able ami r'Np!i!)si!lf i,nrson. Possession given at ouce. "For terms, etc., apply to FANNIE B. HAM, LaG range, N. 0. decGlm Bonds! As the Agent and Attorney of the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, I am pre pared to furnish bonds of Ad ministrators, Guardians, Re ceivers, Bank Oflicials.Offlcers of Fraternal Societies, and, in iact, nearly all forms of bonds, A. C. DAVIS, Attorney-at-Law. OOLDSBORO. N. C GANDY CURE PILES. And all rectal disorders. 'Pleasarl. Not a Phytic. Kesultu, or money re funded. 50 cents. Goldshoro Drug Co. DisMhntoe. n 30 111 Cut Flowers ! Jte Carnations, , . , , . a - , and Other choice flowers, can b secured by leaving your orders with A. N. HUMMEL, at Maj Hurtt'i T.ilrrinr K-atAhlixbriiADt. H. K pwea CIVIL ENOINBER. Omee up siairs. one jum. & V alnut OOLDSBOKO. . C RIDES HORSEBACK. ! Thnnrrk 11a Ha.i Vn I.-, 1 If.. uvuSu iic , uj AUjr sicttUH Found the Animal He Wanted. ""en -hamplaln Whan S -. n .... . . T . . with the President, he W HJI upon to review th- Twenty- 8,xth Volunteer Hegim.-ni. stutioned st Plattsburg Barracks, und he gr-atlv an?lre1 ,he S'K'U "f a"ld , lng about ltu' ' sounds upon tnelr curveting st. . . is He was offered a mount u'"m "" n..-tues..nie an'mais. but coyly refused and stuck iu iei i a rtrnia. Hut th- tii e ni, Mi?. ,, main-.i in i,u mind, and after his ,-tu . uhil,- it. tins In his office. 0,. a,,., aft-, no..,, he su-nin, t.. him Ad:i. -;- , -..rLiii no remark- I h busy man for a ,,., , bark." : n 'o n. Co, bin bowed tin head in s. nt. as- Mid. I ..-nei al. f,- niv b n.'Ulei t.-d many j,1 , - I ll;ie l-l.-MMI.-s . d alio pasi irn.-s. m: - i ; , , ,,, , "V.-s. Mr S. vi "('no of w iii.h, ; i . . i .i ! . i Stab-, is th.- II.. and li- ... . of roii-sti iaiiisin. .. ... i ii. a lii in (.-at mi. I a.-i j u k i ; i- K.i o"i in i ii- a, nr. a -1 .....Ill ij..y- road' Could air, i.a ubi, b. "N.:hinK. Mi HIIV v, n, i i.-n.-r ;ii . t,. , on,,. 1 inni tiiai now. m th. ( duties, i shall n.-,-,i a mi NothiiiK -to i h- iint. u my noiint oecasloiiallv, and you know th -re is nothing like knowing ihc hoisa- one has under on- d-sire to make us- of your superlor jud rment In these mattei "Certainly, Mr. Secretary." na i Bdiu, l liae nele-le,! the ex-T- cise, and, of course ah' well. 1 would like an animal with a mild temper, able sweetness. ' You are very young,'' sweet dispositioned. you know, and a after a pause, during which she ic broad back the sort that is hard to r r-.Iel me intently "young and fall off of." Pretty." "1 undctstai, 1. Mr. S, ei.ti.ry. I will ask Gen. l.udiug'on. who has hail ion-' siderable more experience than either vi us, lu aivi me in inaKlllK ill lion .. selec- "And I say, tJeneral." called the Sec retary, "this n-ed not be m ide public, you know not Just now, at any rate." "Yes, Mr. Secretary." Gen. Corbin hurried up stairs to the office of the (Jnai termaster General, "laullngton !" he castied. short t hreHtll "111 Sie-r-laiv of War Witrtts list to help him buy a hoist- a riding hois-. He wants a tine, "ood looking horse, I with a broad bai k. so he can't fall off, and gentle as a d c "Sure! Sure'" answer.-, 1 lii-ti l.tid- Itt'.'t.-n "1 ,-an K t i; f,. I m Sine' What color does h.- xv in' ' "Wait a minute n , p ,sk him." I leti. Corbin r. ttac-d Ms steps and I found the Secretary walling for him. "Mr. S- , t ,-t a - y. G-'tl. I aa 1 1 n - i . ,n , ants to know xxttat t olor hoi se you w ant " "Ah. y.-s, let m- s Wtiat t-oli.t-'' I had never thought of thai. I always rather fanee al a '-ax hoise. you know, p"iliap- It xxa', f' .in a pi 1-iic I uta-,. saw. Yes. I believe It was. You re- -fill the mncTiiliecnt grav horse Naito- le,- .-.,... ill t ue ,a.iu, ''Int. I.xi- of Wlltetloo?' " I " A ! '-i di 1 : r i u.al. M : e-i. taty " ! ' And th--n there was Alt xii nd-i 's Hu phalns a magnillcenl black, if I rein--, b-,- I'lack is a heauiiful color for a hoi v- "llut. Mr Secntarv. Ituc-phalus xvn -well, ah' vim might say not exaclly w-u hi- ,k-n " "XYell. sir, I have no object Inn to a sori, I In fact, I am not purleiilar I about the color, sir. A broad back. tfiou-ii, re iii-mli. i ; that is tin; main I point and the disposil ion." I i.i n. ' oibu, af:nn visited the Quid I-. 'nasi -r (-T- r..l "I.udinglon." lie said, "(he Secretary ' says he likes a gray, and he likes a black, and a sorrel or a bay. or a stravv- bcriy roan in fact, any eoloi.l Just so th- horse is gentle and lie won t fall off I "Suit-, sine'" said th- tiia I l rinast r ' b - I " i XX ' 1 i ' I i , " ' , .,, - . - j Hut Gen. LudinKton was ton. san giiin-. for Hi- hois, la.s not t be, n pill, 111, sei Th-n be xv as s n In -nrn-st nu u'itioli '-xi'li th- owner -I a tto.ip ,,f bij.1, s. hot. Inns. not I tie .cm is , -. -lam. but it is p'-suni.-d p.. latcain i, ...ultcd as h- Is still on th- hunt far 1 1 1 a l ta c, .inbitia 1 ion in hors- II. sh possessing lb- haughty look and proud bearing of Napoleon's historic grav, the undaunted spirit of IPp t phalus. and 'he even disposition of a liobin. bui he isciinviur.il that Hi, y ai,- haul to Mud i He has nit-til,-, himself with an or dm.it saddle horse. Gifts of Sweet Odors. A nice line of Triple Extracts in bulk just the thiDg for filling fancy bottles at 25c. per ounce. Also perfumes by the ounce, f0, 50 and 75c. rerfumes in decorated boxes, nnn and two hollies in Iiot Tnilet Waters, Coloernes. pto m hnminnms packages. You will tiud the prices right. JENKINS & FARRIES, Drugg-lsts sod Seedsmen. Walnut Street, opp. Mayor's Offles. Real Estate and Rents ! i be undersigned has engaged Id h. T7-l LV. . .. . fc... a I .k. I WU JW.I UBbatifV UUDlUtWI BkUU LU I.UQI coloiion of Rents m Gold. oro. and ro iclts the patroQ-.ee of the public N B OUTLAW' ' . reed NOtlCe I . ,, . r,, -j or , , . . Cbicken b eed 35 cents to 50 crits per BaCK. ISO ir SUiy grounil KlCe Meal. OiltOLINA RI0-. MILL 1 1 KMywiia. Mnisr 1 1 I VOICE OF THE DEAD. Bv Otto Gardner. ; I As I stepped out of the rani age that had brought me from Urompton bia- tlon fc dan,- chlll wtnd ,.ruck ray fate, 1 1 n.r a clammy hand and sighed His mally away from the branches of the 'trees that grew thick and dark above llvllle house, enough, I llliuimv anil icilut thought It. as I walked un the steps to the dark veran la. 1 hesitated a moment, before ringing the bell, on iueter.se -f (jiCinK s-.m- d: re, lions to the coachman, wln as lifting inj mod est trunk down from the box of the carriage, but In reality, that 1 might gain time to conquer the f-elini; of dis may and repugnunce that had taken .oss-ssi-n of me at siuhl of th. mourn ful. Ill, I---S looking pla, . la 1,:- -nse to my SLiMimons. gi- n i ehielar 1 1 . nt last a gaum, soul -fared man se-vant U p.-ared V.mi a'- Miss Ilea ui hamii," said he. without waint'i; f-.r tr-.e to announce tnv -liar-' u 1! y-.'l be so p-.nl n s to eoioe !.. M - H. !liile at on- , , she wish In s 'U 1 f..i... to lb- d Jx I w a i ' - -1 -, tr- -- : tin . hi in up Hi- wile sta ;t'.-as,i I sloi and in and -ut of I lia':- and s-- - 1 and he Kin.- k-d nt bis mls- A ..w op e s,ii-l . onie I lll.c ' 1 ..! l-T the ma n Hint ' U 1 1 -1 'M isa ' and reined. . upatit -f th" rn-pi w as a i. ban Tin ladv. whom I al on -liin-d w-i-- Mrs. I v ille- v. In. sat in a i ., -n , ' nr i- a table. A lamp burned b-side t.-r and th- volatile she had I n leading lav fa downwind in her lap. rdie wad s'iM hi. ids-.me. th-uh lonff past lor fust ymith. and her black crape ti Im- dress heightened the effects nf li-r daz.lingiy transparent skin, and the masses of white hair that wax-d back from her brow. H-r eyes, which were dalk Hnfl strangely luminous, seemed 'ti their intentness to iiierce into toiy very soul. She looked delicate and t'Ji hand stretched out to wave me to a ,...,P tl. In on.1 la., tr,tA He seated, if you please. Miss Tieau- I ehamn." she said In a voice of remark .Mil so very young. 1 aiu, iiyuig to smile. "Twenty-thres lam Septem ber " "So old'" with a slight. Ironical ele vation of the delicate eyebrows, "1 uni 'EVKNINGS WITH MR UAYMnMr' ' Kind tba' vx ill b. s ii ,,,ili;a, 'p, Wile,- is I ' 1 have I a - t v . a . . r, ,-i.t in x p' Is , th... looked till "Al. I , . 1 1 f i i . nt ; K.i , lie. lei, KaKltli; x.. 11 1 older my doetor lb. with a scornful .1 in.. .1 a ouug coiiipalilon. xoiir b'.iu-.'"' br. n hx mi; at laitst-n for the xx it I a n up. I' . ,,s '. on k n x t ' . bad foi -ot I. n oi nvi-r- s la. I 1 1 -1 i o . i s. e your b 1 1 --r." M - u l b. a . , J;,. k si n ; i h ' i; : i ta I mil1, -n -a I l-ii ti- ma : ' . - nt it -I y In his hands Your talle r and mother'.' All'" Gliili'luc I 1 "Hi mv hla.k l;ov n to 111 V d" I - I fare -he a 1 1 i f.. no rt pi y "I "hall i e,iiii ,- little nf on, Ullx In ll- ;.. . Vxitb Ille. Ill tills tio I lii -1 leave this t'-nni" xxith a half' f, aiful. hall running ,,,,k er. -ping Into, her - -s Jui c.a-iain bouts of the day: ' to read to me, if you lead will, audi to amuse me. if you can. Y ou will come ' - M.e ,a,d hold ol th her lap and resumed her leading As for me, outside the do.., , 1 .auiht my breath, as if teh-ved from r,,Mie heavy oppi ess-ion. Al dinner that night there was only Mr. l(a mond. the nephew to whom Mrs. Hellville had alluded, and myself, i.o,l ... - XX i.l .. t.p,.i 1, Ibe glim old servant, who glared at me so sul lenly us he passed Ihe dishes that Mr. Raymond felt the necessity of apolo gizing frrr him. "I hope you won't mind Hroolts' 111 humor H" is a very old servant and seems to feel privileged to vein his tempers when and where and upon whom he pleases I think he's a mis take, but Mrs Hellville refuses to see his faults What do yuu think of my aunt's condition. Miss Heau-liamp "' he concluded, abtuptly "She Sf- iiis d- n, ssetl and III." I re plied. "Sin- n-ver rallied from th-- st.,, k I her husband's death, which haj. n 1 year ago xx nne ne was i-ii" mini. i some experiment in his inimrat grow s more and more rnorlu piritetl evaiy day lie, l,,x, her itlteresl ill life seemed to i" ol.t with him He was a very learned aai. and she was almost as much absoibnt in his pursuits as he himself was Th- were constantly together In his laboia tory In the east wing. Indeed, for sonn time after his death, she continued to sit there, every day, allowing no one to enter except old Brooks, who keeps the place In order. Hut for some rea son she suddenly gave this up, and has not been inside the room for months. keeping the keys herself and absolutely r , . . . - Via- 1. ,1 1 . , , , .-,.a 1 , leiu-otR t' u'd-.i vr. i ,,vr tola you all this. Miss Heauchamp. s that you will be better able to copt u.-1lh ,r,v aunt - npciilln rii Ioh ' My life as Mrs. Bellvllle's compsnlon was monotonous In the extreme. 1 used to look forward to the doctor's vll,1,B wltn 1,,nfln; and t "y not ln- fretiient tete-a-tete dinners and even- ,ng1 wltn Mr Rayn,,,,,,! W,n positive delight. From the first I felt that It "-uuire more than my presence 1 x -uJ effort to rur JItl Pcllvllto from t w unhappy condition; but I ronseten- liously did my best 1 hers were days when ah refused to leave her bed at all, but lay staring st ihe ceiling, or resting ft) the volume which I hud seen n the tvrlnr of nv a.-rlval. and which was entitled. "'The ilvsU'iy of Life." by I whom 1 know not. . nau iwrn in me i . use nuoui ivu months " the day' sad flndit. put on my and threw determined er frame of mind I must have half t i ' - -a ' ; ' it was with a violent .-ta i i,.c ' ' - .! Mrs. Bellville s door - p. softly. W ho could be , room at that hour of r- I sprang to my feet and g..tt : t . ' looked down the long, dim l.ai! mans figure was disappeaune a i u , orner. There w as snnit-i Ir.ik mii.ar, yet nr. ! amiliar. in the fun ainis'e. Hul 1 could have mcki, tl-.-- poise of the h ad and the wa. ma-s.s of white hair It was Mis HWtvtMe It-at where contd sli.- be ing ' II-,' l-:'t h. r in bed. to langu d t. i.i iihout a m mient s lion: i li-n i f.,ilow-,i her. Saw h-r nnl k lb- door it,;. i the , ast wing with a k- y she look Iioiii h-r pock-t. aiui en!-:. I i-.o'ad lb- door and pans-. I wi.b a bra MD-; lie What if she b.i.i i,--':- t ia-!" a past ,,i t une that s. eni-1 .pip , i ! I. in I be bounds of povsihi 1 it , 1 1 h SCO-1 ' I ' UI -(,11. I Uid lai ... I l-e door knob. The door yield-. I n I I l-ain.i uiys-lf In a nairuw pa-or,- I'd. , . .,1 air was i hut gel with a pm, t , 1 1 malic odoi -subtle and p- n.-ii a: m.; Th- hull lis-if was daik. but a bvi-ht tn.ht gl-allied lhtou-h lb- ,altlaitv open door at the end. As I sloxxly ap- pioa--hed I beard ."Irs l'.-Ux "11-ie I am. at last, dailin It bas been a dull, dreary day wuhuiit you ' A ma n s x nice replied : "It , annul have been so dull for you as it has been for me, love Ah' how 1 have wished for your coming Night , und day. as 1 sit here. 1 think of ou: and dream of you, my darling, dai- ling'" I There was something strange and ,.,,,. lllllltv ,lml m acorded with the passionate tenderness of the words. It sent a shiver down my hark and caused th- drops to start on my fore head With un effort 1 pulled myself together and drew near to look Into the room It had evidently been Mr Hell villes laboratory, for there were but tles and retorts and Instrumenta stand ing about. Mrs llellvllle stood near a large flat top desk, at which sat a man in a revolving chair One arm was stretched out, as If he was searching for something among the litter of books and papers: an odd looking Instrument stood beside htm on the desk, and the light fiom a shaded lamp fell full upon Ins face. I could Juat catrh a glimpse nf the delicate, cleat cut profile So Icy. so Immobile, It nilght have been a fa.-e of wax for all the suggestion of life or movement It gave I was too much astonished to form a conjeci nt e as to the nature of what I saw. but stood spellbound, my eyes fasti ned upon the motionless figure. 1'resenUy Mr, llellvllle spoke again, wearily, snd ns if she was lep-atnig soin.-ihlng as nl many times b,f',;o "We can laugh al death, you and I He cannot take you fiom me ti"! si lence your b-loveil voice, nor mai your tl-at form" Tlx-! e w as no responsive movement In the rigid ilgure of the man and the ;;uiel lip- iiii-x, il not. She wal'.-d with her hand lightly touching the Instru ment at his side. My heart bfiit wild ly as listened At lnsl that human, ytd (inhuman, voice spoke again: "Do not l"t us talk of dent! lo " a sudden pause. A long diawn Ah'" from Mrs. Ibdlvllle -"vr." the voice continued, "let us in-" and de d away In a Jumble of discoidant soi-n-K. "My i, oil!" she luiist out at last. "Worn oul so sooa vxoiu ,.ni worn out' Ah, Kudolph, Rudolph, sp. ak lo nie1'' Willi strange Inconsistency, instetid of addi casing (hi man. sin- s-. oe-d iaih-1 to It- app- a'ing to th. , 1 1 -s , . , j -m-ut at his sad-, xxith xxhi, h sh- fuui bl. I aimlessly . '"lien, will, a ,:. '. n itcpiils... she lire v.- h. - s, If ,;) ,., t in-bi-ast of the motionless tigin-, sob li'ne bx stei iiaR Ily Slill I sio.nl and 1 -.aped. The t-bjtir lutn.-d with the pres- siii-- of her body and the aim thai was -ii : si t -t, hod ii pi, uk tin- pa t , s t u i ta d with it Nearer ami nearer to tin- lamp. Terror stricken. I stood while the ll-in.-s playid atnoniT the p-,p-,4 -n th- I ii lib -. and strel-lied Ihelr r-d. foik-d lon-u-s tlow n over the sld-s to Ii, k I he llooi Th.ti tatto- a sudden i I i .a t ion of daiicto. Mv heart, which bad stop, pe.l l.-atltiK. be-an to kilo. I, against rny t - bs wilb ti.iible enetpv I saw I the tlauies tlatting anglllv al the In; llles III the . hair The spell x, a s In. k en. I run foiwaid and tried x- Mb iniKbt and main lo siitle the tiit xxtth my hands with th- b-arth tug but to no put pose Th' n. wiili a sli-nih of I which 1 had ii-v.-r dreamed myself capable. I M i r lie llv 11!.- ., -,x ly and 1 half drugging. half , mxlng her thiough the blinding, siiffo.-n , n; smoke nail -d t he door Inb, t be bail I re member opening II and staggeilng out - .losing It behind m- f. -:ing M-s. Hellville slip from my grasp to the ft...... tl.A ...I..- ,.f u I ll... r,..,rln i....... a b...i.,...t . v. -I.l1 tXlllli.-, SOII1IU U-ll',,11 'II ed tloor; and I run hear again my ow n wild cry, as I sank down, oveicome by a deadly faint ness. The destruction of Mrs M-llville'a house marked a new era In her exist ence. Whether It was the shock she sustained, or her forced removal from the midst of painful a scoria Hons, I know not; but hei health ami spoils began to Improve from that time. It was not for weeks afterward that I heard from her nephew, in whom she had confided, the line history of tho Been I had witnessed in tin- labora tory and which, to be undid, had caused me much anxious wonder. It seined that some of Mr H'dlvlUe's valuable time had been spent in mak ing certain experiments relative to the preservation of the body from decay. after death. A pursuit which, his wife, asserted, was born of their passlonato devotion and the (car each had of los Ing sight of th- other He siireded al last In combining certain -In iiii-alH j in su h a way tiat a d.-ad body tieated with them wiiM rendered Impervious to d-t ay, for an almost Indefinite period. After this, he made a silly compact w ith his wife to the effect thai whh h- eV "f 'll-'l Prt Sllnli-l l)e e,ioi-a.f,- v, I il this devilish decoction and the body placed in the laboratory, where the sur vivor could visit it at will. Hut here I broke In solemnly upon Jack's story with : "I heard him speak, though! Can she account for that?" "Y ou heard his voice; but you did not hear him speak" "What do you mean?" "That Mr. Hellville, to lend a touch f naturalness to the situation, set to work to perfect an ordinary phono graph." "Thn the Instrument I saw upon the tAble was" "What he called a "Versphone' nothing more nor less than a highly perfected phonograph In which he had recorded a few sentences In response to words of his wife's. No doubt the In strument would have reconl-d more, had not death come suddenly while he ws sptraklng Into il. hen one r....: having gre Pi "-fTtjN Ai-'JV V g si. .--p-mrr trr-rTr-io., ) h;j. VJi-O.UwJ dr lng .. i .( -r l; -vfl,TX M : " 4i. AJ tVv "-" POT X fif f J F''lt Tf LfV""A V iff V ffV-V- .... ; Xi l,.,-s. L II t e "I.l-V ' 'a '. on. ;'. ' lac - e; , -j. , 1 1 tl. . i le '. :'. I"'-, .n a ': iii th, . , f x - 1. a house- w . . - ' x P-'it x, ,ii r,Hif lias Uci. i , ! ain-ncy of lr. I'icrcc's 1.x . . l'rr tion. Nature sets hot l a c uktaiiihl 1.1- lcssucss an,l '" l;a.rite l'rcscripttou " woiks with n. d, in- to rctnove the ob stacles to tnatenr.t v "1 had been a Miftrr. a from lurnt,,- trouble for s'.-xll 1 'ocr --.-IT-i t - -IP tx I! that HUH Hil.i 111, .1.1 .i - lh.,1 t i.l,, 1 aid 1 Weill. I hsxe t- o lliroel, mi opt-i.ilioii Ik tore I ,-. nl-1 --lxr lailh P. . liiMini" wtitr Mra. nisnclie lv l.x-iiii, ..1 l-.ir-.onv laiirrne Co., I'm,, Wax 41 "Ulan a:- u: P, v1-, ',p -a .irsii-air, I boiiKhl A Ixtflle -I 1 ' i Pi . k t-.ix. r lie PreMrrin- tion nii,l after l.iWui it 1, !l In ll, r llihii ! had for years rell Improve. I nrl-rr l rtml tawrn one half bottle. After laklii- l-ui an, I a halt bottles I gixa- birth to a btie',1 tuil.v irl wlio is new four months old and has. not had a Pay of m, 1c ness. She ia an bright aac.u !- I .ataiot Uf too miu h in pruise el l)r l'icrcr's l-'avurtut Frrtcnption'' Dr. Tierce's Medical Adviser a work for every woman is sent ftre on receipt . ,,, lulv r(ul, ,,f nXKina ,,l 7 - r, Send 31 one-cent stamps for paper cov ered book or ',i stamps for cloth covered to Di. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. to yourselves to investi gate the quality of the Christmas gooda that will he oflored you this season. I beg to say that what we are offering are new goods, ami we will be glad to have you compare the iuality with the best you can find. We will not cut tho price at the expense of the ij util ity, and make no elVort to compete with low grade goods. Wo are prepared, however, to meet any legit imate competition, and ask an examination of our stock Our stock of NUTS, RAISINS, and olacr Fruits, as well un Confectionary and con diments is complete. We link your patronage feelinu fully satisfied that wo can please you in both quality and price. We will be glad to have you give us a call, even if you have no idea of buy ing : you may learn some thing to your advantage. We promise you best goods at fair prices, and the best service that it is possible to give you. Yours truly, I. B. Fonvielle Are You Insured t IF NOT, Why? THE ONE HPOT ON KARTH WHERE A MAN HMJi SOLID COMFORT Is Ip His Own Home. So when you have once securec one, see that you beep it by placing -.- i , insurance on it in a gooa, sona com- pwy(j So that you will D' protected n "ae Our comr anies are prompt in pay ment, vast in resources and otlti reasonable rates. We make a specialty oi insurance 1 r all its branches. Geo. W- Dewev & Bro GrOLnyRORO. N t Sam Lee's Chinese Laundry Hand Machine. No Tear, Clean Wash. Pine Polish, Arlington Building, South Corner. Goldsboro. N. C PlBkC r,71. you OWE IT- rJattbems 5 Groom, C3 Tin Roofiae. Slate Roofing Tobacco nues, t St.-iv Repairs I ! ls A tl V 111 a-.' "1 tile le-t Mots' LilM by w i r in i a of 'J i x , - , t p. ru uee. I Also iiis.tr fuc' p -. S ,,f lluJ .rulers ' It - Kicycles 1 Bicycle I'arts and SutulrieS Kepairiutf a Sp.-ciulty. We solicit youv orders und guarun.M satlt-fact on Manhf-ws & Croom. Old 1' O Maml. Arlington Hotel. 5ariOl06St'jr6 We wish to notify the public thai wo will soon open a 5 an4 10 cent store in the cor modious store-room uncle the Armory, where we shaB employ ten or twelve ladj clerks Everything New. Bountiful n -pains Nothing ! , inore than 10c On I'1- ' pcuingday, whilk we will announce later, W. invite tin pulitic to vistt the btore and see for theme selves the MANY BAKUAINS which w, will offer. Williams & Robinson. DressGoods "'e litive put in a new line tt Fine Dress Goods, which w (din nt low prices. We esriecialn ly invite our numerous frienda nnl customers to call and in-J sped these drefcs goods, aa w are confident we can save jom money. The iiuality whick M are selling nt 35c. Per Yard is equal to any goods at a lb price on the market. DKY GOODS. NOTIONS, HH0EH, 1IAT8, eto., in the sauio proportion. (Jorne to see un. J. W. Gardner & Soru Walnut. St., Ooldsboro, N. 0. -nor- Coiiee !- Hut Beef Bouillon. Hot Tomato ISoullioa. ! Hot Chocolate. Hot ( lam Boullion. Hot Vigoral. Every day. iC. A Cup. GfliflsDoro Drofl 6n. The People s 1'opular Drug Store, -FtlONe 8V. We use oul v the finest goods made in our Hot Drinks. cSDoamakinn REPAIRING I N OKDEIi 10 meet a pressing need ' in the community, I have em ployed a first-dasn workroaa and fitted up a shoemairj and reDairins est.ablisrimo. on Walnut St, op. Ponvielle,! i Rli In ns of odorix In this tins mar bs bro of satisfaction t Respectfully. T. R. R0BIN50 w.wr, vTrr. , , , . -a ; V1. C

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