i. CLIFF DWELLINGS THE. GOLDSBORO of Colorado.! Great '. Department Sture- Hon Marvelou discoveries Tb&ni Those of Ancient home Are J Iakint,' I'lacc. Denver. Colo., Jan. U Recent dla coveries among the ruing of the an cient cliff-dwellers In the eitrem outhwrtern portion of Colorado ar Juat now attracting the ahs.ohinK at tention of arrhai-ilogista and ethnolo-i data the world uu-. . I'niicJ States) Government experts hvf become In terested, und It i pi oli.il.le an official, examination will coon he made of thei remalna of the ruins In this State, New Mexico and Arizona, with a view to Inaugurating a s sit-in of thorough ex ttt aiiuns. Hevlval of inter s' thin lime Is due clilefly to a recnt visit to the Colora do ruins by the l(.v I r Camden M. Cobern. .s!ib .i Tr.uity Methodlut Episcopal Church of this city, who has made a dep study of this subject, and Is f.'v-.: . : ' 1 1 '- it i(n most recent .list o.t consists of the ruins of .in an--t--m temple ami many re- AS R EDWARDS In its mammoth stores on East Centre Street, has inaugurated and will keep on from now and forthe NEXT SIXTY DAYS rnarknblc a h i ' - i of pot t v t" ii i; Itatlon of tin- -prophet, ). ki. l. Cr.r ; " I " i 1 - s i ii' lu-liriK t'ici t-9 '!i. SA.isltkii. or irn--, a- ..utllli.-d by Ibe ,",o ycais before ir Ti I'obcrn's eol- lectlon Id a skull whn-n he look tiotn a ekelrtnn In the ' -1 1 fT palace" at the head of M.iii '4 inn n. ami it was near this point tliat the i. ii. pie was found Just when these cllif dwellings were built and how long KO since the race became extinct Is the only point on Which the experts do not at?ree. Th preponderance of authority Is that they dwelt there centuries before Coluinbui discovered America, and that they wert prorabl) white people who were fai advanced In civilization, as the archi tectures show con, luMvt-ly. They wert pert ab'e. cn'i'vai'd the soil, living Cllici Uy at-l,t"'- ' tabllshed Iiiws. with towns well locat ed, anil .-oiuie. u.ly well hiilll. Hul they were surrounded by savaKe neigh bors, who made war with them, and forced them to build their homes In the great caverns of I lie i liffs and upon the tops of b'Jt 1 1 r- I bout anus of Icet It height, aciesHble only by naiiow ledges, w'c-ie u misstep was fatal Hem In their Ii 'iv honi'-rt a few btuve nun could ho'd a host of the enemy at bay. They di sc -nded In the nun nliiK. w h.-r Utiutta.-keii, to II,. i! Ian -.. in Mo- a'. Icy b. iow, cultivating their fields aa best they could. I'lii-n chief impH w.-n-maize and siiuush. !U-'! 1" ! TI'KIK IloMKS. Perhaps the most i euiai kable leatuie Of this curious race Is the manner In Which their hoineM weie erected. Many Of the ruins are rectangular, often bull) of diesh.d stone. In many cases differ ent fiom lh" surrounding rocks. Thej ore geneiaily Isolated, and Into Home lava has inn partly submerging them; thers are tilled with volcanic ash; some bear tli- o. o. oi ."l isosceles tiinn- f;le, the base line being about 400 feet onp, the i'.t" line 300 feet: another Is s c;c'il... ; -i.i.ll'l,;, !j0 feet i '1 d.lll.e- ter, approached through an elliptical coi.r', '. in , ;'. di.i -neter. There are luins of upright stones sur rounded by petrified trees which, lying upon the same horizon, Indicate the possibility that I hey constituted a grove for the residence. These buildings were erected In nat ural caverns In the cliffs sometimes thousands of feet above the mesas, wjiere perhaps their enemies dwelt In part. The stone used Mas well cut and liLUii una ilc b.l.liij.b. e.v.ted in a mRt skillful and substantial manner, r'.oliie In. in a.-e f., uto.lci i.l ieKhf on - c I 1. V.-I ft'.orles Hurt all remain almost Intact even to this day. Some have imposing brown or llgnt-Btone fronts, sometimes with balconies, sometimes with great round tow-rs, aluays In close proximity to finely built atone meeting houses for religious purposes. These buildings U'e pro Id, .1 amply with doors and window., an. I there ale maiks to Indi cate that the solid stone Honrs were swung on hinges. Tie i .epi. etile, the M on t z II ii I ii and Hi-Hi": t .He, ill II. Illl hiei a 1,1 I'i.i. .'S. . o le i with Pieces of I pokti- ii. e. I with an Inliiiite va i L-t y of I..II M'-J I'loMo bv urn :i i t 1 11 , I ,i I llioundv trakiiiK the sites of ancient I !o, 1 f i , L- ro.lnoo.l III,. ., ...1 Vl.l.tl;,.-. OI cenielel loM. Howls lllat , J look III- o C-e,iaii ail. ami ,,,, , D.lllble widtll, llll-VVOol fill ..oo.-i- ,, .... !l III. lllllli;.. Ill (in- silll I I ,. Is i.l. to,,, 1 are son r ll.e i I'K I'lVSH Uootl.S. Ij.l.llv Special S a Everything Reduced to Special Sales Prices. No Fake ! No Humbug ! Asher Edwards' reputation is too well-known for that. Whatever is advertised by the Great Department Store, you will find there, and at prices mentioned. $ At my stores you hear no complaint of high-priced goods. Everything is sold for the NEXT SIXTY DAYS at FIVE CENT COTTON PRICES. The stock of the Great Department Store is immense larger than ever in fact Asher Edwards, while North, took special pains to secure goods to suit everyone, from the poorest to the richest, and at prices that will please you, whether you want a Baby Cap or a Tailor-made Suit, a Calico Dress, or a Bride's outfit: anything in that line you will find at the Great Department Store of Asher Edwards. Space will not permit to enumerate, but I can't omit to give A Few PriGes : n- y jRead and Reflect. n this 10,000 yards 4 4 Sea Island Domestic. Look ! Special Sales prices ouly 5c. a yard. Tilts best of Calicoes. Take your nick at ouly 5c. a vard. Ti.OOO vards of 27 inch. ext.. 'hIiowu iu Uoldsboro. at prices so o-'o'ken j heavy Checked iloiueHiMiii.oc. a yd low tint everyone can atlord to Splendid article of heavy buy. Read and Reflect JACKETS and CAPES. The largest assortment of JACKETS and OAL'ES ever Read and Reflect j Read and Reflect. THE STOCK OF Men's Youth's & Boys' Clothing Blankets! Blankets I White and Colored. Buggy Robes ! Comforts ! Everything lied need to Special Salea prices. Bleachings, Flannels, etc. i Hi.1 . .pinion Unit llii- in it- nuii ;Hni lire u-.irsllip hell-Veil Him UlMl III h Illl hel 1(1 llliv e heelt I e rxprrts me hahllHiiis w l-eis It opeiiiiin.-. u i P1' I . - . "Mini. -- hi m in lla I .. an- in rc;ilil spllll ,l i illleej.. H 111.11. .Ill rilllini.UI .llllullH Seeiiil Hill lelll I pie MV illv "I l'i:i( THAN A HAM 'I ll. . .i.'M ii.ll In i I.. .1 I , , - - I'll IT d .Hint's is ii very inleresiiinr "1 1 ' ' . ll- Illl thll t t lley MhilH I li;tl tin- b- i' -i i"id; nf man ililes luiihr Imi-k Hi. in Hie a.m. id.' i.iitjin, ih.ii , meri. , n -I I he K.isi . w.is hi.-- hni h lll.'l'l- A ll U II , Illl.M.ISl i, MlelltlS S Kii so f.-u- hs In say that the sav.fiils nf Shoes ! Shoes ! For everyone, and none but the f Hi.- s.-. iei .lis '"ess vinous, udiik: .-me 'Illl "'1 ni. ins HnleH nricn orilv IOp v,l ..... . , ,. . 5,000 of those extra he ivv T,ie Htock ()f leachin, very best, at prices to suit von. Counterpanes, ouly fH)c a pii'i-i'. Flannels, Canton Flannels, Out- Never fear, we can supply v"Splendid line of Dress (i mils Tablo (Moths.all much lower vonr wants in the Shoe line. We All reduced to Special S.des prices than ever. have a nice line to select from. is immense, the variety great, the make-up the very best and the prices the very lowest. Je sure to come to the Great De partment Store before you purchase your Winter out fit. I trnarantee t.o hrvia Read and Reflect THE -fUp-Stairs Department- is filled with an immense line of Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Mattings, Trunks, Valises, etc. you at leant $-J 50 on every suit, bj ecial attention is ' Iu fact, it is a stre of itself called to a lot of Cheviot j filled with the very choicest of Men's Suits. 1'hey go as 1 goods, and, don't forget, all go long as they last at only for the nexi sixty days' at Special $2.!h) a suit. Hales prices. iini.niK I hp luins i.r CoKnado und New M.-xi.-e r.e- fe.-u- lh. v wnH-l make ee-- .iiM'lies II. I iiiapalihle Mlili Illl' Sell li-il tl!."-.'S .if an A'-llllli- ..rli'ln tf tn-.n With thriif views )r. C,,h,-in d.-. s not Do Not Mis This Opportunity) A 1 1 E ! K )'l N l ' T) N. ' l'i "i f t'l" i Tiii lv in' ! ' , , T.'r ,1 u ' '! r f. ,H r WUE OF ASIIEll EDWARDS the SPECIAL SAT.RS '''-'.'Dep.atment,,. Even if you do not wish to ourch s, wilf " . 1 k'I' V. .".''r? " l" Wlit 'V1 V I shoW yoa t.!,r.,,h 33voraI JF within its departments. I particularly wish 'to call every lady's n n I . " " yles of . iiinr.M .... initr BH-pn in piest-ivt' uii'mi J lh ernmpul tu tiikr- Ktepn to prt'sei vc them and then exainiiie fully Into their so rrels, he does ,t heileve that they an- t-ld.-r than those ..f Asm. He says lllllt Fdl'lltlsM tile i;,, afiai.l to HXill vutf her.-. Illl' tle-v oluavs leeof:ni7e H fuel when liny s. .- II He nave t lie lollowirifl ini'i.i in . i :. 1 1 '"I'll.- Hllll.'MI.-Ilt Mi ..ft.-n He.-h tllllt thtftr. ruins hi .- i h.i i, I i ',,.;, Uin of K.nne .-aim..! I.. - w-t.-, in, d .,- ' w ' ".-. - t .... Ti'lllHlllH prove ll i I i . a. Il.it Asia lii date hat k ..a,u it .. pert eisis ha .- ! that the . i i . i i, ,., lliaii:S .. ! e 1'-.l; I , , . , or . ii-,;',.i, i ,.. I . v I., la -.i 1 ,i 1 1 I i i , . t.i I i i" '-inii I h.i : 1 1 I -I. linn, !, lie , '! ,!.-... HIS e '.--ii Tl ion to my immeuse line of Tailor-made SUITS, SKIRTS, SHIRT WAISTS, JACKETS and CAPES.- They are Imported Direct and goat Prices That Defy Competition. Country Merchants are particularly invited to g) throah m stoc'. I can save y.rj at least 2 per cent on Northern prices Don't forget that 1 am still the Sole Aent for the well-known WRENN BUG jY and WHITE HICKORY WAGON Be sure to visit the GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE of V . !e - V . I 0 -I f . ..I I 1 1 I i ! I icy ll,,,-.,, ;, bus came. .it 1 1 . U 1 1 1 Asher Edwards, The Originator of Special Sales in Goldsboro 'Myjarge and.commodious Stables and Lot Free to my cus'o ners aid friends Drive i in .v,1 en y 3a come to town.