h Ihb National Ban OF Q0LDSB0K0, , The NationalBaniI or eoLMBOto, Waaatfoar boainaaa, aad; will M Offari depoattoraeratT (lad 10 talk araomtpead with 70. UHoa mtv buklaf vfll wanaak aio. k. iroswooD. ;., rnci. 810. A. XOawoOD. Jm Treat LX. U. HOILOWUX, CmUw J. M. H0IX0WILL, Caahter. Spifll i Tbia AMUI Uu peoples' rights 5o aootnins ttnOni of Maia'i eoua Dcthea aUnual rlgtlkaap ( i : Can lull it hundred eyea to deep." i VOL XXXII GOLDSBORO. N. C MONDA YjEVEM ING JANUARY 21. 1901. N0786 CLEVELAND'S WARNING AGAINST IMPERIALISM. This Is a Time of Headlong National Recklessnes and Dutch Conservatism is Needed. REVERENCE RELAXED, Citizens of America Have Forgotten Old Tradi tions. WILL NKVEUBE SAME AGAIN The Question Is Not What Shall We Do With the I'blllppliie, But What Shall the Philip pine Do With L'h. New Y rk, January 17. TLe Holland bocitty bill it six eaoth annual dinner at tbe Waldur (-Attorn to-night Atmog tbe rpeak erg were Grower Clavtlanl, who said: Tbe cordial wehomo jou tx tend to me it exceedingly grateful aad comfurlirg, for it g vei mo a graia of satisfaction for tbe orihal taat cinfr.ioU me. I am convinced that tha art ot making an afttr dinner ip ch without distresa is for oie a .vale I ook, and as the jeais p.B8 I aoa cnly sved from GJmplaia wretobedeeis io my ( knowledge tad toleration of loose who are gjod -enough to liett-n to me. I cannot reatnt tbo charge that I am t pt to preach a termoo ou occasion) of this kiad, for 1 am afraii 'his accusation is juti tied. At any rae, I urn quite will' iig to take an humble place among tbe eerBiOiiitera, io tcia time of huadlong nati nal heedlersnesti and to invoke tha cultivation aod saving grace oi Du'ch a nwrva tism. Jo this BsembUgd tbe question is isugijetted whether in present condition tbia conserva tism characterize Ibe conduct or guides tbe sentiment of our pur ple. There can be but oneanswir to tbia quest on. Ounaervaiism hhs in a g'eit iieree been jaunti ly cast asidf, or ondenined as op posed to our country's welfare and gl jry. A strange voyage bas been entered opn without count of cost, and wutu-ut chart or com pi:8. Tbe tried aud sure founda tions of oar liberty and national btppiness have bjen discredited. Reverence for our national tra ditioos has been relaxed, and rat isf action with our country's tnii sion bai been undermined. Tbe restraint and limitations cf our constitution have become galling and irksoma order tbe temptations of national greed and aggrandise msnt. Oar old love of pane, honor and justice has beon weakened and frugality and contentment are now traits inseparable from American character. War, even with the world's ad vanced civil za'ioo, may still be sometimes necessary anl justifi able; bat whether necessary and justifiable or not, the demoralisa tion tbat follows in its train can never be evaded. It teaches bloody instructors wLiob, in a country whore citizens do tbe fighting can not fail to leave their 'mpre-B for a time at least upon public and private life in t me of peace. Thirty years after tbe clone o the war for the preservation of the anion, a treaty of arbi ration . wag formulated between the United 1 , Stales and Great Britain, ; which if completed, would have gone far towards reuoving every prttixt of war between tbe two cmntr es Tbns tbee two great Eolifh ttpt-a'tiog nations then aesuu-ed leadership in the path of read, and in advocacy of tbe addition of war, nitb the Lope an I expec tition tbat t ie example would be fallowed by other nations, aad that a more general tdopiion ot arbitration as a meant of jse tl rig international disputes would re sult in a great advance towards the abandonment of war through out the wjild. This treaty failed of cotfirma tion in ibe Senate of tbe Uoied oiateg. u-ita man nve year passed, and ibese Eogliah speak ingebampiuna of poace aod and trauon are sun operating id parallel lines one in tbe Fuilip pices and tbe other in South Africa but no longer for peact aad arbitration. Both art killing datives in ao effort to possess their lands. This indicates aad relapse; aod in our case it ia a most serious onn. If Englaoo succeeds in br atiecr.pt in Sju t Africa she mil but add another to her .1st of similar acquisition; a brave pboplo will be subjugated; and because of our engagement in a similar venture in another quarter they will miss the tx- ffflmmrm&m syipaiiy which we were accustomed to t x tend to those who struggle fcr national life and independence. Oo he other ban it, with success in cur hurjugation . ffort anew, uotrieo and nceediog.y perilous situa tion will be forced upon us. We can conquer tbe Philippines, and after coLqaering them can prob aoiy govern loom. It ia in the strain upon our insiitutionf), the demoralization of our people, tbe tvasioo of cur consl'tutional limitations and the perversion of our national mission tbat our danger lies. As a distinguished bishop bas said: "The question is not what we shall do with the Philippines, but what the Poilippines will do with UF." Oar country will never be the ame again. For weal or woe, we nave already irrevocably passed beyond tba old lines. Tbe republic will in some sort be saved. Shall it be only a name and semblance, wiih fair ex'ercal appearance, but with the germs of decay fastened upon its vitalsor shall it, though changed, still survive in such vigor and strength as to remain the hope and pride ot free Americans? Tbe problem is amomuDtous one. lis solution depends upon the extent to which tbe old pa triotism and good sense of our countrymen can be rescued from impending danger. Thus these are, sober days for thoughtful citizens days for preaching days for sermonizing. If we are to be saved from di saster it must be through tbe cultivation and enforcement of tbat sort of conservatism that would find a congenial home in the Holland society. Ia tbe midst ot reclrless tumult and in the contused rage of .national greed and bloodiness this conservatism should dtfiantly hold forth. Ln it be known tbat American free dom and popular : rule cannot perish except througn tbe madi ness of those who have them in their keeping, and by the blood and sacrifices of our fathers, by the lofty achievements of the free institutions tbey established, by our glorious victories of peace and by our reliance on the prom Ises of God, let Dutch conserva tism enjoin upon ' our people i faithful discharge of their sacred trait. DR. IIAItT THE HYPNOTIC. Will Begin Ilia Work In this City To-morrow at 4 O'clock. VrrHart. the Laugh King, who has the boards of the Mes senger Opera House In this olty for four nights, beginning Wed nesday, will begin his strange performance to-morrow by put ting a young man to sleep ln tbe show window of M. E. Castex & Co., where be will remain for two days and one night. Tbe young man will be put to aleep to-morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. Daring this long sleep all tbe functions of the body except tbe heart are suspended. Any phy sician, dentist cr anyone dlse, is at liberty to examine tbe sleeper at any time before,during or after the sleep. Oi W'duesday afternoon Mr. Hart wilt have a committee of prominent citiz 'os go from tbe window where the Hypnotized man is sleeping and place a blank envelope containing tbe name o' some well known resident in a lock box at tbe Postcfflce, and then secret tbe key anywhere in town tbat they please, and go back to the window, Tbey will then blindfold Mr. Hart, wbo will find the key, go to tbe PdStcffbe locate tbe box, unlock i', selec tbe blank envelope from other mail, and deliver it to the person whose name ia on tbe inside. Ex periments of this order nightly at the triea're. IN OLDEN TIMES People overlooked the import .no i of permanently beneficial eftVcW and were .Mitislied with transient action, but now tbat it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently overcome people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injure the ayatem. Buy the genuine made by thu California Fig Syrup Co TO THE PEOPLE OF WAYNE We unduMaod application will be made to tbo General Assembly for ao extenst'n of block liw in varbus parts of Wayne county, hni we request tbat where there is oj position to such extension it bemadetnowo by petition tbst we may consider tbo petition?, for and pgdost tbe ex'eneion. We further request that all po tiliun beforwarJed by February lit, 1901. B. F. A r cock, W. R. Allen, Geo. E. Hood Jsnusry 19, 1901. FltEE It LOUD AND SKIN CUKE An Ufter Proving Faith TJicerp, Eating Sorey Cancer Scrofula, Itching Skin, Scabs and Scales of Eczema, Aches and Pains in bones, back or joints, Sypbilitic Blood Poison, Rotten Gums and Ufiromc Kbeumatlsm, and all obstinate, deep seated Blood troubles, are quickly cured by taking a few large bottles of Botauic Blood balm. We cbal lenge tbe world for a case of Blood Disease that Botanic Blood Balm will not cure. Tbe cures are permanent and net a patching up. Is your Blood 'bin? Skin Pale? All Run Down? As tired in tbe morning a when vou went to bed? Pimples, Boil Swollen Glands or Joints, Cat arrh. Putrid BDBlb, Eruptions, Sores in Mouth or Throat, If so your Biood is bad, Blood Balm will make tbe ttiooa rure and ricb. Heal every Sore. Stops the Aches and Pains, build up the broken down body, and invig orate the old and weak. Botanic Blood Balm, the only perfect blood purifier made. Sold at Drug Stores. $1.00 per large bottle, including complete direc. tions. To prove our iaitb Blood Balm a trial bottle given away to sufferers. For free tria bottle enclose p cents to pay postage and address Biood Balm Co.. Atlanta, ua. Don't hesitate, but write at once describing trouble, and free personal medl oal advice given. Blood Baim (B.B B.) Cures when all else fails. Thoroughly tested lor vears. Over 8,000 voluntary tea timooiala of cures by using b. a, p. ' - last nouns OF THE queex. She la at the Very Doors ot Death The end Expected at any Moment; Cowes. Isle of Wight, Jan. 21, 2:15 a. m The official bulletin issued at midnight says tbat Ibe Qaeen's condition last evening became more serious, with in creasing weakness and dim inished power of taking nourish meet. A collapse, or, what phy sicians feared was a collaps?, oc curred unexpectedly, about 10 'clock last evening Arrange ments were hurriedly made to provide special telephonic and telegraphic facilities. Details are not obtainable at this hour, but it is asserted that Her Ma- sty's condition is cbWfiy due to a severe s'mkiog spell; and an in crease of tbe paralytic symptoms. t is understood tbat the physi cians have resorted p, artiUcial m ian9 to prolong life Idch as are used only iu case of persons in extremis. At the hoar of goiajf to prers this afternoon the Qcee)) is re por ed to bs gradually sgrowiog worse, with no favorable symp toms, f t " & Catarrh Cannot Bet Cured 1th LOCAL APPLICATIONS, a they cannot reach he seat oi-the dU ease Catarrh la a blood W-"D&titu tional dlaease, and in order to core It you must take Internal remedies Hall's Catarrh Cure U taken Internally, and acta directly on tt e blood ed mucou fU'facea H U1 a Catarrh Qfive hi not a quack medicine, it wa prescribed by one of the beet phyBioiana in tbU country for year, and 1 a regular prescription. It la composed 0' the best tonic known, combined with the beat blood purifier, acting directly on th mucous surfaces. The perfect combln atlon of the two ingrtdlertj is what produces such wouderTn! "rau in uotottato- free. F. JT. CHBfEr ACO..Pro Tops. i, O. V oledo, tvuiu it j ui urio, nw iw Hall's Family PJlls arc the best DnU V. Jmn Jjta marlAA lKk FINE- DressGoods We have put in a new line of Fine Dress Goods, which we offer at low prices. We especial ly innte our numerous friends and customers to call and in apect these dress goods, as we are confident we can save you money. The quality which we are selling at 35c. Per Yard is equal to any goods at a like price on tbe market. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, etc., in the same proportion. Come to see us. J. W. Gardner & Son. Walnut, St., Goldsboro, N. 0. Mortgage Sale. Bv virtue of power of sale con tained In a mortgage deed made to the undersigned by Fred Ward, of Wayne count v, N. C , under datn of J nuari 8 1900. and registered 1n thi effl ie of the Hegleter of Deeds of Wavi e county in book 73 page 660. to wh'oh reference 1b ner. made lor iuu descrip tion of said property. I will sell at mibllo anction to the highest bidder a' tbe Court Hous- door ln Goldsboro, at 12 o'clock: noon, on Monday, February 4. 1901. the house and lot conveyed In said mortgage, situated in tbe olty of Goldsboro on J onn street, Deiween Oak and Vine strata, adjoining the Dronertv of B. w. Draper on tte South, Mrs. Thos. Ragadale on the North and K. W. Cox on tne fiast. Terms cash. a. w. cox. Mortgagee January 3, 1901. H. F. PRICE, CIVIL ENQINBER, cor. John tk Walnut Office up stairs, OOTiOSRORO. w c Flower Bulbs ! firSr oinths and Narcissus bulbs for sale. Now ia the time for planting. 1L E. ROBINSON & BBO.,thedruggistp. FOB SALE I A square piano, good condition, fully octave. Apply at this office, Cut Flowers ! gja and other choice flowers, can- be secured by leaving your orders with A N. HUMMEL, at Maj. Hurtt'i Tailoring Establishment. Mm worh. Extra strain needs extra strength. When a man begins to add to his hours of labor, and subtract from his hours of rest, he is putting an extra strain on brain and body. In such cases many men make the serious mistake of using stimulating liquors, or alcoholic medi cines. These can only injure. The spur forces on the horse, but does not strengthen him. Stimulants are only spurs. The need of tbe body is strength. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is invaluable to overworked men ana women. It strengthens the stomach, increases the blood supply, nourishes the nerves, and gives vital power to brain and body. There is no alcohol in " Golden Med ical Discovery." It contains no opium, cocaine or other narcotic. is strictly a Umperanct mtdicinc. Mr. Edward Jacnt. of Marvngo, Crawford Co., Indiana, wrrtu Aflr thi vrr of lufTtnoi with ItTvr trouble r.nd malana I pave up efl hope 0 rrtr fvttiaa stout again, and the laat chance ria to t' t your medicine. I had tried all the bjcnr jciora and received bat tittle re lief At'jer '.king three bottle of Dr. Pierca'a Golden Mc'jcal biacovery and one vial of bis 'Pleaaa -t Felleta' I am flout aod hearty. It is due entirely to your wonderful medicine," Dr. Place's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages sent free on receipt of stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Send 21 one cent stamps for pa per covered, or riercc, ounaio, n . x Weedoo & Graotbam, Dealers' In MULES and HORSES! Mse Driving Horses 1 Spscltltu- S tables on John St., opposite J. W. Lamb, - We '-tmtr'yoar liiEpectIon''of "our stock, which has been carefully se lected. Our pnces,too, are right. jan4 d&wlm Underwear ! FOR : : Cold Weather. FOR Ladies, Men, Boys, Misses, Children, Infants. Cotton, Half Wool, 3-4 Wool, All Wool. IN AT- H. Weil & Bros. Petroleum Emulsion with Hypophosphites is better than COD TdVER OIL and has NO UNPLEASANT TASTE. Pint bottles, 75c, Small size 40c. JENKINS & FARRIES DrnirFista and Seedsmen. Walnut Street, opp. Mayor's Office Sam Leo's Chinese Laundry Band Machine. No Tear, Clean Wash. Fine Polish Arlington Building, Bout) Corner. Goldsboro. N. C. The On .Day Cold Cure. Cold la head and aor throat cortd tar KA pnift Ckocolatta Laxativa CruVl. AlYaayV riri UTtt't GbS4iMcv fetaaa rT LrTvfW vv r a I .aWaa. a mt X ' V V I Fef tilizef s ! FERTILIZERS We offer for Sale 1.500 Tons Prolific Cotton Grower. ,000 Tons F. F. F. 000 Tons Gibbs' High-Grade Guano. 500 Tons Carolina Golden Belt. 500 Tons Bone and Potash (HIGH GRiDK l 2,500 Tons Acid Phosphate. ,500 Tons Genuine German Kainit (E'pElto.) 500 Tons Cotton Seed Meal.. 50 Tons Muriate of Potash. 50 Tons Nitrate of Soda. 500 Tons Sulphate of Potash. Special inducements offered to Merchants and Large Buyers. Respectfully, H. WEIL & BROS. Jan 21 4ms. We have too many MATTRESSES the "ALL COTTON," and the PERFECTION FELT" at prices far below any other house and the quality is guaranteed to be equal. Don t forget our all-wire, Folding lao Spi ParKer & Faikener fWore Go, TUB PEOPLB'S PRIBND8- Picture Framing Neatly Done. HorstiMlsl We are continually receivine from the stock mar kets of the West car load Finest Farm and Both Horses and Mules, We sell for Cash or on Time to reliable parties. Call and see and look at our stock. Edgerton & Hollowell. jan!7tf Stables on Walnut street, opposite Court House. ON OR roe. The Old Reliable R. E- JONES of good, honest material, by competent carriage markers, managed and directed by our Mr. R. E, JONES, who is known by every rep utable buggy dealer in the South Come and see us, or write for The R. jan!5tf TH6 Question Answered ! As the season is approaching when housekeepers are asking them selves the question, I'.'iidt snail I Have For Dinner ? We, who are always looking out for their interests, have procured the best Canned Fruits and Vegetables to be found, which we invite you to try. We keep right abreast of your every want in the Grocery line. PBONlj 77. on hand, and. are offering them at CUT PRICES I We have the "COMBINATION," after car load of the Driving Animals ! ever brought to this section. MORE! 1901. BUGGY is being manufactured in Goldsboro. NOW DON'T GET 'EM MIXED. They can be dis tinguished by their style and superb finish. There will be no "GREAT EASTERN" GUN-BOAT BODIES WITH WOBLT LOG-CARRIAGE WHEELS AND LEATHERETT TRIMMINGS. They will be made to be a right up-to-date baggy man. catalogue prices. E, Jones Buggy Company, GOLDSBORO, N. 0. Bizzell & Wooten. o QROOKtBi