Tea National Bank OT 60LD8B0&0, Waxi jomr bulneu.tad will M fted t" uk or torraaponl wttK rot f 11 j HOB WOOD, J., fw'l M . . .. Vtaa-Praaldaal Teh Nationai Ba;i o? eouusoso. 03m to irfdHtortmrj dattos aafa aW wW nmil 0.0. KOBRXSATt CmUm "This Ajwcb o'er Che people's rights Doth an eternal vigil keep; No soothing strains of Male's son Can lull its hundred eyes to sleep." VOL XXXVII GOLDSBORO. N.CU FRIDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 25. 1903. N0.142 inn IHfflB BUT THEY DO NOT WANT THE SOUTHERN OR (.'OAST LINE TO GET IT. Said the Stockholders of the A. A N. C. R. R. at Newbern Yes terdayThey Also Op pose Further Mort gage Debt. Newbern. N. C. Sept. 24.-The stockholders and directors of the At lantic and North Carolina Hiilnmd met to-day at noon in the oflk-es over the Trent river warehouse. Col. Joaaph E. Robinson, of (lolilbon, was elected chalrnian and Mssr. George Grit'ii and J. U. Koyall, sec retaries. President James A. Hrjun's reort was received and adopted. It liowed the road to bo in a hi-al'.hy condition. The year's huMiies-. s!n,w edanet earning of four per cent. ll?lorts from all other departments were received and adopted. The following resolution was offered by Ikinpsey Wood, of Lenoir county: "Bo It resolved, That no addition al mortgage indebtedness be created upon the Atlantic and North Caro lina Railroad for any purpose what ever." The resolution was adopted. The following resolution was In trodueed by Mr. Wood, of Lenoir county: TWO DAZZLING THIEVES FLASH INTO FAME. Then of a Sudden Drop Like Rock et's Rod Behind the Bare of the Cook County Jail. -miMsm ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM DIVERS SOURCES. Ths Latest Telegraphic News of the Day Boiled Down to a Focus For Busy Readers. Chicago, Sept. 24. More than Asheville, N. C, Sept. 24. There $130,000 stolen, business houses In was a big sensation in revenue circles nf. finite ste vie. when it became known that , , , , . , 1X . J. Wiley Shook, the "statesman from timiHl,abankcreated,awalterrlsenlcydvlaBflone of known from poverty to affluence and an x- j Republlcana of the State, had been convict again placed behind the bars dismissed from the revenue service, -tnese are leatures lu we meteoric Niagara Falls, N. Y., Sept. 24.- carcer of at least one of two men now The Farmers National Congress under arrest in Chicago. closed its annual meeting here to- I'ostofflce Inspectors made the cap- aihL The frmer9 wU1 not UW T .. ... . , much specific national legislation hires. Julius M. Nisson, known also r " , this year, contenting themselves by a dozen other names, and Arthur wUh eeneralltleg. A of re9oa. J. Herbst, said to have many aliases, tiorw favorlug the extension of rural are the prisoners. Nisson has cou- free delivery and the parcels post feww.1. but Herbst will not admit yatem, a postal telegraph system that I onrl tmufol onuinmi Katttra urn a a t rTf lin iuhi onv mirt in rhf hiiM ' r ..v - nA A,l.,l fUlnkAMa a, swindle. Poetoffice Inspector A. E. dormer a State is favored by the congress. nnffaln V V firm 91 Mm i 7 , i i a Jefferson Davis, widow of the Presl f..i.t niuiplir van Inrll.H. Inula ami nnr. I from nearly 200 individuals and cor porations, who have lost amounts dent of the Southern Confederacy, is uirlnnglu 111 of- Poafla Tnn In fhla ranging from '$2,000 to $3,000. All , , " ' these have been victimized since June 20, w hen Nisson opened an of lice in Chicago. In previous opera- ... . . , . physician was called In for consulta- are al.eeed to have secured at least f, ni , ... summoned at noon when Mrs. Davis' condition alarmed those in attend ance. Late this afternoon another f bto.OOO in the last eleven months. This was the mode of procedure, according to the inspectors : Nisson and Ilerhst would iro to a 'Be it resolved, by the stockhold era In annual meeting assembled, luv ,,a( 0neu an office. eniraKinsr 08' that It Is thesense of the stockhold- teri8il,jy in the retailing of metal m holding and controlling the priv- tt.flrft. novelties, machinery or any- ate stocK oune Aiiauim thlQ? wnicn tQey secure on Carolina Railroad Company, that it credit is to the best interest of the toad.lhe Thpy would operate un(ier the Etateand the private stockholders nam0 rfwmeone wen k0Wn to the' alike, that said road be icasea. buf,iness world, and In ordering "Be it further resolved, that when good(J to the yalue of thouaand3 of this meeting adiourns it adjourns to doiar8W0Uld give commercial agency meet on Thursday, December 10th, refereuce. 1908, at Newbern, to further cou- Aftertheartlcles had been received sWer the above recommendation in b company wouId transfer conunclion with the representative to a warehouse and of the State's interest In said road." then Bhip them to New York, where The vote sttwd 805 for, and 152 tnt.y were deposed of through a against. "fence." This scheme bahied the in- The sentiment of the people in gpectors for mouths. When suspicion Newberu is In favor of leasing the wa8 aroused the men would flee to road, but the majority of the stock- another city, holders declare they will not enter- one of the boldest moves of the tain any proposition for a lease from two men is ggid to have been to ea- the Atlantic Coast Line or theSouth- tabliah a bank to give financial ern Railway Companies. The meet- strength to their "enterprises." log was one of the largest in years. One such concern, called "TheCook After the stockholders' meeting County Bank of Trade and Com thenew directors re-elected Presi- merce," Is alleged to have existed on dent Bryan, Secretary and Treasurer paper oniy Manly and Counsel W. C. Munroe Moa worked for several years as and recommended the continuation a waiter and in 1900 owned a restau- of all others at the pleasure of the rant in Chicago, ne sold this place tion. Dr. Stockton, when leaving the hotel shortly before six o'clock, said: "Mrs. Davis is in a serious condition, but her illness is not of a nature that need necessarily prove fatal." BABY'S JUTURE Something for Mothers to Think About. TO-DAVS MARKET. Furnished by pnrstt win to J. Q. 8ir, Mir. Nsw YOBK, Sept. 25, 1903. COTTOn. Opes September 1128 October Ms November VIS December MS Jeniurr Ml February... Keren Ml Auguat nKW TOK STOCKS. Open. Olox I Southern Ptelfie 0 ( Onion Peolffle n4 lo Siigr Ill liiil Cloe 1180 m KM W6 99 heumatism Is Not a Skin Disease Most people an Idea that rhmnjirim is contracted like a cold, that the damp, chilly air rene'ratet the rnaeclr end Joints and Cauies the terrible aches ad psios, or that it is lomethiog hie rtJn dmeeee to be rubbed stray with lint meat or drawn eut with plajtert; but Rhuenutism origitiatei in the blood and is cauMtl br Urea, or Uric Acid, an irritauai. corrodiatr poison that settles ia mus 8S clea, joints and nerves, producing lnflamaudotl and loreneas and the sharp, ctxttinf cams peculiar to mi a;cressiaguiBeaae. Eiposure to bd weather or sudden Bowltof Oreea, Kr. .WlHnw of the haU will hasten en at. ADomi a yea? ajto I waa anacaea or aouw CnlUing oi we ooay wui nawen an a- -v,mfc41,m in mr .houldere. arms ami taok of Rheumatism alter the blood ana Ur below the irnee. I oould not raise sn avetem are in the rnrht eondltlen for It am to oomo my neir. voatore preaon to dmlop but have nothing to do with J VJSSSi the real tme c vses of RheuKstiam. na decided to trr Tmm.siti loom. Maohatua 181 m' Southern Ballway IS1 lift Southern BaUway preferred LouUTllle A Neahrllle M,, 10-.;., Brooklyn Kapld Tranalt 86H BepoblleSteel H e4 Bepablle Steel prelerred C . PunniylvauU Ey i. lie4 13u AtehUon.... W St. Paul :36J4 is Brie 2Ji tS mi 41 mi 63 41 SH 90 Si 0. 8. Steel Q. 8. Steel preferred v Keadlnc 4 Uopper v Tenn. Coal and Iron Miwxmrt PaelOo People Gae Weetein Union 4' Norfolk 4 Wee tern . New Tork Central 1 lllH HS Sletropoiltan BaUway.... 1 "8 VTi amerlcan Cotton Oil Uheeepeake Baltimore h Ohio 'vi Va Caro. Chemleal Co 18 1"S Ct)lc4o Qfdq 4t Pi ovislona tr which are Internal and not external. meaoed lte ue X foit better, and remarked , Uniments, pliers and rubbing SSSOTeotfndrd Will goruetimes reduce the inflarama- antitalr well. I will always feel doeuiy tlen and swellins'' iDdsase ths pain for iuertti in th-? taocaaa ol B. 8. 8. alnos a time, but fail t, relieve permanently ",!"J"9J m"", because they do rot reach the seat of v the trouble, is. b. b. cure KLeumatlsa Becauee it atUcks ft ia the Dlooa. ana the Urie Acid poieon u neutralized, the slnggiaa eir f f0 culfttlon atimulated and quickened, and soon the sys. ysj tern is purified and cleansed, the aching mnsclea and joint are relieved ot ail irritating matter ana a laaung cure of tble not painful disease effected. S. 3. S. ia a harmless vegetable retnedv. uneoualled H as a blood purifier and an invigorating, pleaaaut tonic. ook on Rheumatism will free. mr .eivrTr - n rti a mta fA. be mailed free. ;ottoa oii....u 1 4 Ohio f. 1&H T8 llf,l Is the )oy of the household, for without it no happiness can be complete. How sweet the picture of mother and babe, angels smils at and commend tha thoughts and aspirations of tha mother bending over tha cradle. Tha ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, how over, is so full of danger and snffermg that she looks forward t the hour when sho shall feel the exquUlts thrill of rmotberuood with indescribable draad and faar. Everr womsdi should know that the danref. pain and horror open cio. f -1.114: can t entirely avoi Jed bT the cse of Mother's Friend. Dee Wheat ,h, 7H n I . .. ,. , , , ..,0i If ,Viu tnnV,.n. .A 46)4 W I lCUkiilW alUllUtJUV iVfl MklVM ua UBU IUikJ I TV UlSoU lUUjUWMe SUi SVMavj pliable au the parti, ana aseiits natnrs in its sublime work. By its aid thousand ef women have passed this Dee Corn... Sept Corn,. Oct Bib . . Get Urd... Oet Pork... ? 920 75J 10s I rreat orisis in perfect safety The Cause of Many and without pain. Sold at $i.oo mt OUdden Deaths. value to all women sent free. Address TV..- I. . rfluaui ,rMi1in In 1 KKMUrtttJg ni.uu.iu.i m.iwh mm. country most oanrerou Because so decep- nve. Many sudden deaths are caused by it heart disease, pneumonia, heart laiiure or apoplexy are often the result yof kidney disease. If I kidney trouble is al- lowed to advance the kldney-polsoned blood will attack the vital organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste 11 IL KhffS ma mant MM away cell bv cell. Bladder troubles most always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is I obtained quickest cy a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistaxe oy using ur. Kilmer's ftwaropRoot, the great kidney, liver and I bladder remedy. It corrects inadinry to noia urine and scald ing pain In passing It, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to vo often durtnff me aty, ana 10 ret up manv times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists In fifty-cent and one-dollar Sized Dottles. lournay I have a iimnta hot lie of . I - -r -- EU'WWaBV this wonderful new sis- v.u MNSZ: covery and a book that uatsgg tells all about It, Botfl BmeMIwaMK. sent free by mall. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Blngnamton, N. T. wnen writing mention readinc this renerou offer tn this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember a inherited or early developed ten. g TAJ' dsnoy to dlitMilns, dUfljfurinj ha- y. on every bottle. ' mours 01 we imn, icaip ana oiooa, oe 1 comes an object of ths most tender 10-1 K t bU L V 1 1J : licltude, not enly became of Its guitar- Lives of Suffering and Sorrow Averted And Happiness and Prosperity Assured ty CutlcuraSoap, Oinnnent and Pills When All Else Fans. Every child bom Into the world with I president. The directors granted the and tourod Europe. Then he return- h 0, tu flmdfnl Lff use of rlht of way over its property ed Boston and was sentenced there ftit ths fisfiffaratJon h to be lifelong ghau 8ubject to a discount of 10 to the Pamlico, urientat ana w ei- one year for shop-lifting. and mar 1U lutnra MppfneSi and pros- Der cent. cm Railway in order that they may parity. Hsnca it haeomes tha flirty cf I That all bills paid up to the 15th antov the ritv. mno. mothers of inch afflicted oUldren to so- of the month shall be subject to no va-awa. " W Directors for the State present C. M. Busbee and W. 11 SERIOUS WRECK. quaint themselves with ths hast, the Idlsnrmnt. purest and most effective treatment I That in case such bill be not paid were: uil. .f Wavnn rrtiintv. 1 HarVtV. nn KClanhnnrfl . iDOUCe. aBfl WUI nOl DO reiI18iai(Kl UU of Leuoi, county; J. C. Parker, of Alr Llne at Jordan's Cut, four miles Ointment, mmn loa a -Rrvan ftf ,.. J lv,r T ,ai sua ia iwwwu,uumiiwiiiw, r"-v jones couuijr, i inonn o wawaru, wv mguh a. " and mild doe or Cuticura Kesoirent iinBiaiemoni, tTaven county, a. . xayior, oi a head-end collision, in w men two nus, to copi wis diow ibws '"verer Tt.. f PnWlc Wolr ur u rtror r i.J.-mmHM cases, art all that oan be desired for tha The D04T0 OlruDUC WOftCS. uaneras wuV, -v., ... engmee w wtwcu uu...- ,55,, ot fea gurlng of lUn tor. Palmico counur. 0f cars oaaiy rorn 10 pieces. tared iDiuMaaac&uarw,aaauiecoo Finaue Comraitte-for private W.llTA.., .... ti.i. 1- m I juiuvaivi vvwut uwvnuuniawvi stockholders: ueo. tx. woerw, CHEAP SETTLERS TlUKiSTo. MiutedbyChitlmaOinrawtforpre. A. Green ana r. w. uugaes, 01 simng, pnmying aaa penuyug tn available, vis., The CutlcnraTreatment. by the 15th day of the month, the cZTth .!. J Prepared Buckwheat, Old Homestead Flap Jack Flour, New Rolled Oat Flakes, Tapioca Wafers, Genuine -Tobasco Sauce, Sunbeam Catsup, Maple Syrup, Horse Radish, Farina, Extra Fine Full Cream Cheese, Open Kettle Molasses. Newbern-, for the State B. W. 0n the flKt and third Tuesday of ft tjannauy uu. vxvwt, leach montn tin April isu nm rrmwi oiiauingnair,iorsonsning,wnrtening Dlrwtorsfor private stockhoidora: 8v8tem (Saint Louis and San Fran- ana jootmngreaTOOgn ana sore nana, .,, r ..nr 1 ' v. ... .. ....... I for dsdv rashei. ItohlnM and channes. C. K roy, 111 t.rRveu.iAj.upnjf cl4CO itouroa) win Beii retiucoaooe- n -form wutiel ior MBoylng of lienoir, E. C. Duncan, of Carteret way Rtl(j r0und-trlp tickets irotn BIr ' lrrltationi and Inflammations, and for and H. Weil, of Wayne. . Momnr,ifl,iRalnt"l.orjls many sanative andseptio purposea in twilntH in Arkansas. Kansas. Mis- - , The broom drill to be given at iouri, Oklahoma, Indian Territory HIT I TAXES ai.- ii.innup vvnrci'.nuan rn.n oni. tni tutu. i - . - - iUV ' JLa"'' . ... , - . ,v e'"IIVMU v.. ia for iho hiinuilt of the Organ Tund Write W. T. Saunders. General of SU HUphetm Eplncopal Church. Ugent Passenger. Department, At- rjg City TaX BOOkS for 1903 ?4, Apply to D. L. Ldgertou, Capt. Oiiiwn oi u). ii. nas peen arm-iianta, Ua., ior iuu unormauon. ing the pins faithiuiiy ror several bAPUDIlME m m as mm M Aim an ulcknMi and DLlKEiZS irTln Nuiu. tfl- ALL KEAOACHES rs bimhralBsrhMi We, !5e and K) a buttle. (Liavw.) Teachers Wanted. For Great Swamp township, elec tion Sept 26. Apply to Joseph Brown, Pinkney, N. C. For Stony Creea township, election weeks past and they do him credit. APPLICATION FOR PARDON. . State of North Carolina, tr-T-'0 rtTT TITDC UlViUVUiiWiK. 1 VVvn Oiuntv WntfiA la rinrohv e-lvon to the DUb- Mrs. II. It, Cohen Will tOflCh Rnn thot ennllrat.tnn will he made to limited ntimber of paplls In volet ' the Governor of North Carolina for nhd nhvslcal culture at the studio of th nardon of Dallas A. KInsr. eon- Mrs. v oiuvuiu" uu Hutui.aiuw vlctea at wovemrjer term oi io ou-iuopt lv, laua. 8treer,rrvinniu iuAiruv;uuu vu a. DOriot yourt or wsyne county, ior or luriiifr iui'uiunu yi'v the crime oi larceny, aua euuieuucu studio. Dirs. Mineu uueeiuuicu wim ta graia rjrlson ior a term the nest rrncn uotumu uu n,u-iremi Hah master, nours, lz'.au p. m. wr , ,., 8 n, m. Mondays and Thursdays. eluded later. have been placed in my hands with instructions to proceed to collcctthe taxes charged there- in. All persons liable for City Taxes are cordially Invited to . come up to the City Hall and settle. Respectfully, Goldsboro. N. C. For Fortt townsnip, election uct. 2nd, 10 o'clock at Pine Forest. Ap ply, to John 8. Edwards, Goldsboro, N. C, R. F. D. No. 1. For Indian springs wwnsnip, elec tion Oct. 8rd, 10 o'clock at W.T. Smith's Mill. Apply to W. 13. Whitfield, Seven Springs, N. C. BUSINESS LOCALS. FOR SALE My donkey and cart 1 For no other reason than that I want a pony. Hugh Dortch. HOUSE FOR RENT On West Centre street near Southern ' freight depot. Suitable for residence or boarding house. Apply to Police Officer R. E. Smith. . 2t BOY WANTED To work as tele graph messenger. t8 ner month I and commission. Splendid opportu nity w iearn traae. Apply to J. E. Stevens, M'g'r W. U. Tel. Co. DRESS MAKERS NOTICE La dies and Misses, thanklntr yoa . for your patronage in the past, I also ask you to give me at least a portion of your patronage In the future. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Mrs. G. 7. . Cotton. 8mssel "TjANCINO CLASS-Misa Lollia Lewis will onen a dancine class October 1st. WANTED Salesladies in drj goods store, well acquainted - . tf'J V. . SIX BOARDERS Ladies i and centlemen can ret honrrl frtr th winter with Mrs. Hill, 413 James St ' XNortn, reierences required. eett PIANO LESSONS Miss Olivia Miller will beirin a class In piano lessons, Monday Sept 7th. Special rates to beginners, For terms apply at 410 Daisy St 2wpdse4 CUT FLOWERS The Goldsboro Undertaking Company can fur niah fresh flowers on short notice- either in designs or in bulk. Phone na interstate. lmaual YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED and rerjaired nromrttltr hv akHlert workmen. Phone 173, A. A. Joeeph. HOUSE FOR RENT-Appry to Jos. Edwards. tdpd nOR RENT-Onn four rnnm hnilA I" good condition, opposite Borden " Cotton Mill, south side A. AN. a a. a. iiign ana Healthy.- Apply to S. H. Isler, 102 Wm.St S. tfpd. STENOGRAPHY 5 I can give itedjiumoiir ot pu.a. .l4 , . . law office of F. A. Daniels. Mrs. Hattle S. Gay. MUSIC LESSONS: Mrs. A. B. Freeman will resume her Ma I sio Classes on September 1st Parents her as pupils can confer with her at I hav hnma 91 B Hfnlhamn St Voat ROOMS FOR RENT I In the business portion of the city. Suitable for small families or single : persons. Apply to A.B. iiollowell. AMILIES supplied with Soup, Hot Bread and Rolls on Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays, by . Mrs. i. iNewton Brown, at zutf oas street, west Phone 212. NOTICE. To Stockholders of the Atlantic A N. C. Railroad. All stockholderKofrecordand their immediate futilities will be passed rree over tnis maa to and from the Annual Meeting of this Company, rnuriay, sept, -zt, iwz, al flaw Bern, N. C. Tickets will be furnished by S. L; Dill, Gen'l Supt., New Bern, upon application. Good on Sept 24th and 26th. Note Important: This Company'l construction of a stockholder's im mediate family Is the husband and wire, and such of their children aa domicile with them and who are de pendent upon their parents for matn I talnauce and support. No special train will run. Stock: holders holding tickets will be trans- . ported by the regular trains. p. U DHL, Gen'l Bnpt Bellevue - Mills, North Goldsboro, N. C The Bellevue Grist Mills are bow running on Wednesdays and Satur days and can grind your meal and a took feed on short notice. Wt also furnish good meal for table use on application. we also run a planing mill In con nection with the above and are vre Our brands of coffee are the finest grown. You HE TfluJ?nW moulding, lathe or band saw work on short notice. We do all kind of mill wrigbt work and repairing of machinery, also blacksmith work of any kind. All Work guaranteed. v Aaaress, " JOS, L. PEARSON, Bell phone 81a. AtBellevne. To give us a try the next suit of clothes you buy. Come in our store and say "Show me a first class suit for ten dollars, something better than I have been getting at that price." If you will say that to one of our salesmen you will get the best suit you ever had for $10. We are very strong on blues and black, J4 . Mail St Bros. ON TIME do not need to buy the most expensive to get a fijm drink. Just consult us about it and we will sefryou right. TRY THIS ONCE. Your interest is our in terest, bear that in mind. Respectfully yours, Fonvielle Grocery Go. VV. H. COLLINS, Qty Tax Collector. I Taxes For 1903 ARE NOW DUE lam ready to receipt for same. All are notified to coma forward prompt ly ana rettiei iwpecnuiiy, - - . ru I lw mmmmmW mmr mmmW -mmW m -VAT mW 1 " . - . , 1 V mmkm rMi.iaiMMAat Remember the broom drill at the ome'e over Goldnboro Ilanlware Co.. Tax CollCcfof. : EontiCf Warehouse Friday night. I opfoaite R. R. Ticket oflloe. Sept. 21. 1903. Offlcc at Court Uouso, ntenoed V. T ' TvT Parlr of three J IVla i aUKCr GOLDSBORO, N. O. HUMMEL BROS. -A MERGHflNT TfILORS. 104 Walnut St., West. Interstate Phono No 187. Natural Stock Lich Give your Horses and Catila what nature Intended for them and keep them In a normal condition. DiV Petty Neural Stock Lid: Is the real Lick Uanuio 1 lured by Lick Co., Winston, N. 0, . Fot sala ty all I;iI;;j,' t fttm sJllit ' 1

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