mi fii UhM lank of tmm ' sauiibii Bant to tki i: ainwonn, PruMwi: It i, e&St, tlce-Pmldent J i ffsaU yoflf btlilflaU IM will be lHd (e (ilk or CbfTtlisend with 10U. ;,....,,,. ,f CEO. A. KORWOOD, Priildmt M. . BIST, Tlre-PreiMMt "TLia .Argui o'er th people rights Potb. an eternal vigil keep No soothing strains' of Maia's aon, Can lull its hundred eyes to Bleep.' 1 VOL. LV. GOLDSBORO, Nl C.. MONDAY EVENING. AUGUST 19. 1912. NO. 116 fl HOLD-UP LIWERS The Panama Canal ; Before . the President Attitude of President Toward Panama And Legislative, Judicial and ' Executive Appropriation May Determine Ad-'..'.-' Journment. , Washington, Aug. . 18. Important legislation that must be acted on be fore Congress adjourns stands today us follows: The Panama canal bill before tbe President. , - 1 The legislative, executive and Ju dlclul appropriation bill, approved by the house and now bofore the senate wltn provision abolishing the Com merce jcourt. - 'i tie naval, sundry bill, and srmy appropriation bills. In conference be tween the two houses The general deficiency approprla- tlon bill, before the senate commit tee on appropriation Tbe Indian ' appropriation bill, con- Terence report pending In the senate. While adjournment is expected this week, Uio date Is generally conceded to depend upon the President's at tltude toward tbe Panama canal bill and the legislative, executive and ju dicial appropriation bill. His veto of the latter measure last week was based jipon Its provisions for the abol ishment of flie Commerce' court and the establishment of a seven year tenure In the civil service; and the house has again removed tho veto by passing- the measure with the Com merce court provision in it. The sen ate wltt determine early in the week whetber.it will indorse the measure In this form. : v ..' Contingencies of a Veto Leaders of botb houses are con fldent that ttj c remaining- work on the overdue appropriation bills could , be disposed of in, three days, were the - I r ' mm 7 mJwp - 4 BREAKING IT OPEN AGAIN CV H. Macaulty, New York World. IMS INTERESTEO IlM DEFENSE GFSENATOB SIISIMOKS agtas 'mm Campafga Fond t! Mi Banks and Trust Comjaniffa siws to Transmit Loaiili'riibr-cnptiun to Proper 8ousi-A;jp or. tunlty Unlimited Thinks WIIso't ?. ' iNew York, 'AlMf. l&r-Ji;ir.l and trust comimnlea thiojyt iohi t.-.c . ,,,!. i try are to be naked by t. Dm .1 r-.iUo 1 trausmlt to. their jnopv source nii!. scrlptloiiH to the cauij' II An fu.id. r.-.t ouly of the I(im(:iT4;, luu .,r t!:s Republican Hud P The plan ' is in pur.a.iiHd Hit t:n commit tee's popular .rlpiiou iiltvi. Act Inc.. Chalnnnn-' -M'cft'ko mado II knowu tiHlay by Klvln;r out M f turn- ROLLA WELLS IS EARLY ON THE JOB than the eld Democratic National Treasurer Is xtlv and general pcr l.t.-allh. These By.uptoms nVt if iZ nZZTZ c.ir!y I JQ, thotigH Bometimca maturity (a reached KH,rcl.le trrniDtc breaks out. Treatment h,,M After Small Contributor. TBE PEOPLE ARE TO HELP' SUPREME COURT JU8TICES ON X work Which will revo lutionize FEDERAL TRIBUNALS. Washington, Aug. ' 18. With th aid of an elaborate card Index sys tem, three members of the Supreme court of the United States are labor ing this summer over a new set of rules for equity practice in Federal courts which are expected to almost revolutionize the work of these tri bunals. ' ; CAMERON MORRISON It. HEARD IN GREAT ORATOR) AL EF FORT HERE TODAY. At noon adjournment of court here contlngenclosoihe presidential vetoj- The three are Chief Justice Whiter 1 'J'lie President has made It clear to Van Devanter. Thejr expect to be -rievnbei s of both houses "that be does able during the next term of court to not. fnvor the frew ton provision, of lay before the full court the result' o ihe' Panam" cmtnl bill; bur he' has I their tauofsJ vwnieieTOn.rfaa'll''?2' : not yet aHSWted a purpose to Veto that I en its approval, the new rules will be . measure. . promulgated for enforcement through. ; Thus far,Conffress Aias not succeed- out the Federal "courts of the United .pi! in ove'srldiurf 'any. "of the Presi- States today the attendance was Invited ontlrT T , to the public speaking roatram to l" V hA.x rnmnn clnB ot Presidential ra lotte, speak on tbe political issues of the campaign, as a Democratic speak er, 'and all who were present at the time, including those who had come for the purpose of hearing Mr. Mor rison, adjourned to the grounds ag gregating between 200 and 300. Mr. Morrison was Introduced by Col." W. T. Dortch, county manager of Senator F. M. Simmons, and in very bad tnstrv iin mnnv thtnV nnrx tn ' "J (Um.tUU.I 1U ( .1 ment embodying' n li!liM which lie announced he Had-sent (o inciy haul and trust company, rn the I'nited Stales,: reuestliiK tbenr to u:-rw to rerelve aud transmit. 1;bs-rlpi ioj to each of, the .three nflttOTi.il p:irt(os. He accompanied his t5oi to 'tin- banks wllh a letter Coventor Woodmw Wilson whd (tci-lur.-fi dial "to bring about . the .! .-taction of a president throiiRH 'it eiOilp.iUiu flnun- ced by popular mliheniitluns would be a distinct and fira'ifvln;? irlumph." Free of Sinister Influences. In his letter Sir. KitAdno express ed the Idea that tho ji-ipulnr sub- snnpiion movetnetit wits (Mu-dly In the Hue of freeing Fresid&i'tlcl titm palns "from tlio liiisiih i r of sinlsier Influences,' and deolifI tluit Hih ofi:d tJ'e "finaa- niiNilr-.us In- the people , thenuif Ivos", ' I'c nrod need of convenient oud : rcspimslide agen cies for the receipt of iilwcrljjioiis and asKed that dunl; hi.wl lust com panies to Kform the. Siamtt-patriotic erirlee',-.'. that the .. ii'wsi);pen al ready had tindrtaljt:..;V:.. v. "WH11 you ai:re n transmit eubiici'lptlor cratic national :rn:u Mean national , ! i i dehf's vetoes; nnd.it Is not considered likely" that' either the legislative ap- riroprla tlon-bill, or the Panama canal bill, coulds.be repassed by a two-thirds -vote If vetoed this week. Those taiiff auA appropriation : measure which thehouse has repassed over the veto have failed In the senate; and the single bill which the senate repassed, that effecting claims on the Corbott irrigation tunnel, failed Dy x votes t)f repassing In the house, Settlements Being Made. t anudryclvll appropriation bin, UkVthe appropriation of $225,- v xtie tann ooara is ai issue w tilng settlement in the confer vmittee. Out of the 259 items l.0o.0fl0 bill upon which tn W IsesreeO. an uui aoom V aeVled; and an agree- iw Js exjit'cted early this 1 in v, , 0(10 f a p proa ence co in the $1 two llOUB 50 have bi mcnt on th The house Wterdny :akd the aen ate to compr, ara! flsm on a battleship evisi'e. nd n agree ment on the nava.' bill xpfed im mediately. Other nieanires Wt not take much time for com ,le(n-x- Tne senate will .take'up' the si. TeM J"8' '.detitlal term resolution, tL ' l"0"n bill of lading, and the bur ' ,a" bor bill this week. All ie. Wai?"n aside from appropriation bills i. to he laid aside, however, in t le" she to complete the session by 1 -"f day or at least by the end of . 4 , week. I-' & The work Is the result of a deter mination of Chief Justice White set tled upon shortly after he became the head of the court. He rogarded the present rules, unamended through the decades, as Instruments of delay and Invitations to tremendous cost bills. Thousands of suggestions for amendments to the present rules have been received by the court committee of three through its secretary, W. J. Hughes, of the department of Justice. They came from Judges, bar associa tions and individuals and , lawyers. The suggestions were written off in triplicate and indexed on sheets and Chief Justice White . and Associate Justices Lurton and Van Devanter each furnished with a set. BICKETT TO MAKE ADDRESS. TESTS FOR ARMY AND NAVY APPOINTMENTS. Examinations for' the appointment f principals and alternates to An- lapolis and West Point "will be held it the Graded ' School in this city Thursday, August 22nd, beginning at 10:00 o'clock. Further, information nay be had from Mr. A. R. Freeman, vlio will f?lve the examination. WEATHER. Generally Raleigh and vicinity: fair tonight and Tuesday. North Carolina: Generally fair to iht and Tuesday; light south and routhwest winds. On the site of the Equitable bulid lg In New York is to be erected a tr.icture that will have the largest loor space, of any building In the orid. The lot was sold for : $2C, 10,000. . ' . v r' UN YOU PROVE ; TOO SUPPORT our family by your own effort? Such :oof entitles you to life insurance " ' id commands you to take it now. . ' "ational Life Ins. Co. of Vermont (MutuaL) 1 . H. HUMPHREY, State VL'g'r. National Bank Building, , Goldsboro, N. C. Strte'e Attorney to be Principal Speak er at State Council Jr, Q, U, A. M, Raleigh, Aug. 18.Attorney Generat T. W. Bickett wtll deliver tbe public address Tuesday night when (he Slate council Jr. O. U. A. M. meets here In its 22nd annual session. Alder man W. A. Cooper will preside over tbe pieetlng and Mayor Johnson and State Treasurer Lacy will deliver ad dresses vi welcome.. L. T. Hartsell, of Concord, wilt respond for the Juniors. !etween 600 so4 600 delegates will be In attendance, representing a membership of 27,000. The State Fanners' Convention nd institute will be held at th A. tt M. College next ween, oeginnmc Wednesday and continuing through Friday, The. program Includes every t Wag of value to farmera and their w tres in conducting the farm and n0 wehold. Low board rates have been Vtsen ana toe raurouas win eib ! rates. Many Raleigh people pro. win ' KtAeod the meetings, especially the w. Interested Jn fe domestic science. ' ernor Kltchlns' . senatorial . support ers In this city and give his reason as their reasons for supporting the governor." : However, Mr.) Morrison was present, and be was cordially re ceived. His personality is pleasing, his xoloe is rare and winsome, bis flow of language is ready and rhetorical, Ms endurance is marveloua, and his speech Is earnest and his purpose Is real. . . , . His presentation of the cause and the "candidates of the National and State Democracy was eloquent, and when he got down to the real pur-1 pose of his visit the presentation of tbe candidacy of Senator Simmons, he talked like a book ex-catliedra. He abused the governor, ridiculed and reviled him . for the speeches he is making throughout the State and in cluded , Governor :. Kitchln'a "office holders" In his tirade, as. if it were a crime for Governor Kltchln to ap point any man to office, as It is every governor's executive duty to do, and as If every roan so appointed were subsidized by such appointment thereby reflecting upon the integ rity' of some of North Carolina's best men In all walks of life, after years of patriotic service to their State and the party. But 'the aver age public of this day and time know pretty well how to measure such speech, us they know, too, how to measure the men that make them, and so Governor Kltchln and his "office holders" suffer no great delrl ment at the hands of Mr. Cameron Morrison, His presentation of Senator Sim mons record and his advocacy of his cause was very earnest and eloquent, and gave exeat", sat Isfactlon to the senator's friends hereabouts, and at the same time caused no great, dls comforture among Governor -Kltch. In's adherents, so that.' altogether, we may say Mr. Morrison's speerh was very much enjoyed. 'I ,.t!'UlM nv Ivp nisi 'a '(he " IVmo ". I'm Rtfjiub 'v.? mt- untw W"";? Must be P.u. f "Speaking for the v "" tipnal ; comrliitl.ee, tr-wnuhl DIED. Think of tbe gallon. , paint' Needham Wtiltfield Outlaw, Jr., Age 3 Months and S Days. In the Dnlrfalinrn ttnurrllnl at ! fin j o'clock this morning, there passed to put-on and not by God who gave it the 'angel spirit of little Nefdham, Infant son of Mr. aud PAJ NT PUT-ON. in the can is of A Pnllnn o. . nalnf no account tt anyboo.v- Put It on. Now reckon Its cost anc valuev The secret it: One ?int Soea twice as far an ather. A good one goes twice aa f tr as a bad one. , You have a Jo, say an average Job. It'll take 10' snllons Devoe no IS nr 15 or 18 or of middling poOr very-poor and trash. You know paint-,' era wages In your town, fut tne price of a gallon of .paint and ' the painter's day-wace . together. You can, we can't. ' Devoe coets less Man nny Inferior paint; there are hundreds of them. One paint Is as good' ae another, so lone as It lasts good; one lasts months and another years; and" the one that goes furthest lasts longest 1 DEVOE. YELVERTON HARDVARE CO. Sell It w. V Mrs. M. W. Outlaw, of Greenville who was brought here by his parents last night critically affected, and while the operation was successful, the little one could not withstand the shock. ' ; The remains were taken back to Greenville this monrlng for inter ment. , ' . Mr. and Mrs. Outlaw, young points, knitted closer by this, their first, great sorrow, have the Infinite syropaihy of all our people who are their people, and while He who said "Suffer little children to come t unto me lor OI SUCU w mo murium ui heaven," had need tor the child, they will be drawn heavenward themselves by their thoughts of their baby boy I en angel forever awaiting them there. ' : uiC till- not a'sk you to act for , one ; i untrtsa for all. This must be a .patifotic! tiervk-e to the public and pot-to titty one party. Each, day a Hut of... imnU agreeliw to act will be given to tho press. V "In order that, you rnav know ' the attitude of- Govemof ; Wilson In rv gard to popular BiibHC.iiiiiioiiH, I eni close copy of a letter front- hint oil this subject,' JnRt received."; :'r " ' The letter from Governor Wilson dated Sea Gr't, N. ,1., Atitiunt 17, and addressed to MrMc.:lop, rends: "Brtnsing aijout the election of a President through a iampal;rn financ ed by popular aubsoitpt'oft, nnd be a distinct and .-ratifying . triinnpli. It would Btrlliliitrly evidence tho renew al supremacy of the proplo and would mean the pnrniftiient 1manclp;i.tliiii of our government from tl ose eelfiKh In fluences which have too long been relied upon to furnish the enuipalgn funds in return for favors to be be stowed. I am In' bearty sympathy with every effort that, may contriltrt to ouch a res'iii. Tlie Idea back of the proiioscd ronlil!vil:on movement. Is thoroughly coninciidable, and I hotw that you mid your hs!ttclats will push It and iiuii e an effective In strument for the attainment of so praise worthy an object." , The lute President I- Conte of Haytl died in hia bed. which Is more than many of his prcdiscesmorg did. Portugal imported P56.0OQ tons of Welch coal during 1911. the Canary Islands,. 938,000, tons; yet of all this fuantityr none suri'ased. the qtfallty of our Black H.iim! coal. Wo solicit your coal trade, W. IL Crlffln, The Coal and Wood Dealer, Phones 47 and 26. graWBTBZ FOB TOI IU0VS. Two Bright Yetiri-r Hen Wfinletl f0r AunajiollH and It est Point Exnmina'Ious; -Competitive examinations for ap pointment of i!ii(llilma.n at tho V. H Naval Academy lit Annapolis, Md., and a cadet at West Point, will be held at the Graded School In ''Goldsboro, N C on Thursday, A::. , 22, 1912, - The entrance exaeif nations will be held In April and ,l;;ue, I9lrt, which will give tuccessf;:) candidates and alternates time to tithe-a preparatory c6uree for these examinations. The midshipman must be belwecr the age of 10 and 20 years for Anna polls and the Cadet be hotwetm IS and 22 years for West Tolnt at the time of entrance examinn'ions next year rare chance for tvo bright young men in tne 3rd N. C District. It may be the last chpit:? tor 5 years hence and these VncancKs must be filled next year else where, li the 3rd N. C. District cannot Etipply: these young men. Boys, get busy, and win these splen did chances of education and future success.- '.-. . Yours truly, - ' ;X0. M. FAJSON.'M. C. There Is to Be No "Tainted Money" Used In Electing Wilton and Mar shall. , t( , New York A small, smooth shaved. I middle-aged man with a coat of tan I that gave evidence of much outdoor life recently came Into the Waldorf carrying a suit case early In tho after- rincn and reentered aa "Rolla Wells, t. I AllllS, mo." i nn Bmootn snavea little man, who is io oe tue watchdog of the Wll"n campaign money from now en, wjs asked for vital sutlstlcn, whercupcB It was learned at. first hand that ho is a banker and ex mayor of at. Lmila, Is firty-slx year old, was graduated at Princeton In 1876 or three years be fore Governor Wilson was graduated ; that he has two sons who are Prince ton men and a grandson who soma day will be a Princeton man; that he nan no notion of seeing New York this summer until tbe Wilson organ1 tailon selected bim as Its treasurer and that Just at present the one thing that sticks out In the appointment In his mind la that the new Job cut In se riously upon a most beautiful vacation which he and Mrs. Wells had bepn en Joying in a camp at Little Traverse bay, Michigan. .-.- ' ..,' Mr. Wells believes la getting at his desk at 8 o'clock In tho morning. "We are going to raise bur cam paign fund through the small cohtrlbu tlons," said Mr. Wells. . "I am sure that a large part of the money wilf be raised by popular sub scription. .. . . - - ., . ' "The people have confidence In Woodrow Wilson, and they will give whutthey can of their means to elect such a man president. i ' . , ' 'i am a great believer In publishing lne viii.ms coiiii'lutoiiH Hume.' "There are men who can well afford to give the committee $5,000, but want to assure the public that ar not goimr to have any tainted money, 'We are appealing to the people, and we are relying on them to help elect Wilson and Marshall, - "I have two boys who have been graduated from Princeton one five years ago and one seven. But it la not because ours Is a Princeton family that I like Governor Wilson.: He Is a great big man and the type that we should have tn public life." - le connnoncx.1 t the first Indication of Scrofula for h. cU,. s. b. s. ta the very best tmitm-.ne rn)fuiiu It renovates tho clrcnlaUon and drlvta , Bcnmuotta matter and deposits. S. s S io me w.uom of the trouble anJ removca the vmiw end cures the disease. Then it supplies tho, .Vl!r0d,Wrt.h hxPn. S.S.S. in' tliaile Clltirflv nf tvinta li..l,i ...I , aliaolutely safe mi, te -Tbld ,i '1 advice free. JEE SWIFT SPECIFIC C0m ATLANTA. CA. Acme, Theatre TO-NIGHT Pictures of Quality "Kid Cainfield" Or tho reformat Gambler a Feature in three Reels ', expo unpr Gambling in New Yorkv , Two other good Ret I?. - : '-' : .., ; .. ,;,.v,;. ; ::' . . Character Songs nri Lectures by Mr. B, ' Morris. Acme, Habit ! V". !- i'. "J .i. .. . STciracrrrrs '-' ' fT"" ''-'V' ';" . a'"' ; "2 if ' rn l M -t m m r - Woodrow Wilson says this la not a time to be afraid to "speak out In meeting." That fin was not afraid is demonstrated by his logical speech io accepting the Democrat Io nomination. RooseveP whs willing to crawl from the White House to the capltol In 1 90S if he could help his friend Root. To day he would like nothing better than meeting Root up a dark alley. The Democrats are depending on the small contributor to- help elect Wilson and Marshall. The appeal Is being made to the people, and the people are responding. 5 Jllnto my new . store. I am niieNn?- the'public during July and August a reat reduction on Everything I carry in" stock-.- Watches, Diamonds. Jewelry, Gut Glasc. Silverware of Standard , makpa. Silk Umbrellas, Silver, . Gold and Pearl Mounted. It will be worth vour while to call. R. A. CREECN,. Leading Jeweler. wiiarr7,;TiaraT The Democrata are nofr Uklnc the election or wuson ror .granted. They are working and working harder than. In a score of years and working as a uniieu party. Farmers have awakened to the folly of the so called blessings of a protec tive tariff. Winning with Wilson means more thiin a mero Democratic victory It I mi unj restoring real prosperity. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S PASTOR I 9IU0 GOIJ'SBOBO TO ATLANTIC CITY, ASBKETCKX. ; Tickets sold for all trains of August! 20th, limited to return to Sept. 3, 1912. Stop-overs allowed on the return trip at Philadelphia, Washington, Bal timore or Ric hmond, by deposit of I ticket with agent Make up a party and go. Atlantic toast Line Uallroad. W. J. C'KAIG, T. C. WHITE Pas. Traf. Slgr. Gen. Pas. Agt Wilmingtonr N. C. J. I ROY ALL, Agt, Goldsboro, N. C. K I "W . . : .: , .v. Prize Olkxz frorn leading P4anufacturer book on patents, "1 iint to inventors." "Inventions needed. "Why some inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for search of Patent Office record. Our Mr. Greeley was formerly. Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full chares of the U. S. Patent Office. Greeley & manure Patent Attorneys jfo Washington, D. C G B MfcfcP ratnek uenry once said "I know no better way of Judging tbe future than by the past." He was correct, and we ask you to Judge our service and our coal by the past. '' The Black Rand t ea! stands at tbe head of tbe list for real service In the kitchen or wherever coal is used. Burns to little ash and Is Bed Hot.- W. H Griffin, The Coal and Wood Dealer, Phones 47 aud 28. We hae If, the best obtainable; everybody says SO. Nice fat Juicy Mackerel, Roe H rrlng. North Carolina Hams, P. F. V Hams, Kllcd Paeon, Strip Baco n, Extra Nice and Jeaa Smoked Pig's; Tongues, Good Hot or Cold. .' ir, , ,-..-, Just what you want In Tea'a Ir otn fortyeente op Etact Romeo a ' . Tetter brands. ". .. -:' " '., :, !.-, , . j Jt, ;. t i . " f. r - .... - , , . Romeo,Fiavo and otherJbrandscf Coffee Canned 8PIACH, Its line, try It. ff PruW.'Waiioratee Vchef 'sad"' Apples. t - Nice llue Preserves, Jams and Jeliles. Low1 u'ricea.' Lt's ue them nu ' , before the big fruit crop comes In. v ' - - - . ' -'.. ' Plain old fashioned Buckwheat, f t - ' Your orders will be appreciated. Yours truly. For Eesoito Adrertlie fa the Argai. H. A. POWELL GROCERY CO.

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