A 'l I' 'f, . nf"t Talt ..tan Shushee IT TO Atssrmeea mater. ' Newspaper! into rcBuunrf ? jet a. Koannox Miter. fistertsttea Mea, la limn. AIXT AMUI. tec Tear ..I.M Vis Months . 1.10 three Months... Ul M Koath J ne Week w.... JM WEEKLY. Che Tw...... Cx Months.... tares Moatha. J. Ml .stared at tat Postoffice la Oolds- loro as secoad elass mall Matter. looking! up. One of the best evidences of confi dence in an early revival of prosperity Is the fact tbat the passing of the dividend on the common stock of -the United States Steel corporation this week had virtually no effect on the New York exchange. There is a very marked Improve ment in the business situation. The etock market is strong, and the cot ton market Is strong. In connection with the Steel corporation's quarterly statement Chairman E. H. Gary Is sued a statement in which be said that the earnings of the last quarter ' of 1914 were so small that the board of directors, after careful consideration, reluctantly decided to suspend for the time the quarterly dividend on the common stock. He then added: "Bus iness conditions are steadily, though slowly, improving and it is hoped that the resumption of dividends may not be long deferred." Had it not been that the outlook was bright the Steel corporation stock would have dropped man points. If the financial situation had been other than strong United States Steel com mon would have declined, perhaps, to the low level of 12 years ago, when it was quoted at less than $10 a share. The Joy Of Coming Motheriiood A Wonderful Remedy That U a Natural Aid and Relieves the Tension. firm above $50 a share. lor steel mill products was better last1 week 'than' the'Week before, and the industrial review at the end pi this week .will, It t be lleved. show a good gain. The week has started off well at any rate. There la not only a better feeling In business circles throughout the coun try, but In several industrial renters many workmen who had been idle since last fall were put to work again Monday. At certain steel mills the unemployed that were placed on the pay rolls again this week totaled sev eral thousand. The westefrl railroads have been in creasing their net earnings in a large degree, and the eastern carriers have been increasing their earnings appre ciably. The southern roads are hold ing their own, and the indications are that the February business will be larger than that of the corresponding month of 1914. If local conditions were promising last week they are certainly more promising bow.' Un less all signs fail the spring will wit ness great activity in all lines of bus iness. HOWS THIS! We ocer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case 6f Catarrh that cannot, be cured .hy" Hall's . Catarrh VJttBNET, CO., Toledo, 0. We, the tmderslgnBajta JaiownF. J. Cheney tor the last 15 years, and believe- him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finaclaUy u.c w out any obligations made by his lrm, ' ' NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE). 4 ' Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and raucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent tree.. Price 76 cents per Jbottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hrll's Family pills for consti- patlon. ; ' . esaeSP up tumi I - None of the Democrats who want a job are blaming Mr. Bryan. mm 1 aw JlsvafJ Nature's JWHIiiiflr Workers . are Alwaya tlvYoar Service. d If It Is ectema, pimples, "bolls or woi your safegaar - Is 8. B. S.r th ! famous blood purjfler It Is always lined up- to attack diseased blood. And It always does the work. -lt -doe the work after dtsso. polntment, after alleged specialists; bier-' cnry, Iodides, strychnine, arsenic and totter destructive drags that nave reaped av ass yemt ot mistake) and left a host of Invalids guessing as to what Is to coma 8. not sue a drug as the cupidity !4r Ig norance ot man wonld bo able to prod oca. Is Nature's, wonderful contribution to oar necessities. It Is wonderful because- It can not be Imitated; can not be made any other way than to assemble Nature's prod ucts and predoce what a host of mea know 8. S. & the world's greatest medldna There are people everywhere that had as eld sore or nicer that defied all the salves known.: And yet a 8. 8. taken Into the blood Just naturally pat Into that old sore the elements that 'made new tissue, aew flesh, and covered 11, with a new coating of Wealthy skin. , Get a bottle of 8. & 8, today ot any drnggest and te on me way Mother's Friend, a famous external rem. I to perfect Mood healths Bat beware of edy. Is the only one known tbat Is able tol substitutes, VarVsvctauV advice consult tft teach all the different parts lnyolYed. . It I medical departtutnji The Swift Bpeetfle Oo, DO ssm siing.) h", ; m uni Hi f . ..ts a penetrating application after the fot . nsoia or a notea .'amiiy oocior, ana won- cntes every muscle, nerve, tissue er tendon affected. It goes directly to the strained portions and gently but surely re lie res sul tendency to soreness or strain; By Its dally use there will be no pain, no distress, no nausea, no danger of laceration or other accident, and the period will be one of supreme comfort and Joyful anticipation. To all young women Mother's Friend Is one of the greatest ot all helpful influences, lor It robs childbirth of all Its agonies and dangers, dispels all the doubt and dread, all sense of fear, and thus enables the mind and body to await the greatest event in a woman's life with uti trammeled gladness. Mother's Friend is a most Cherished remedy In thouaanda of homes, and is of ouch peculiar merit and value as to make It essentially one to be recommended by all Women. i Ton will find It on sale at all drag stores at 11.00 a bottle, or the druggist WW gladly get It for yuu If you Insist upon lt'''lMstJk "s Frli-nd U prepared only by the Brad field Kvnlator V. 1ST Lamar Bldg At lanta. i;u., u-h. ni send yon by stalk sesled. a rv kinrurtlvs book to eanectaal 4. ethes. vn;k ;,r it to4ay. - . Apparently there U still enough loot left in Mexico to make batnos worth "bile. 1 . ,;':;?t--f "yf aas Beit- -'-ssuiatuda Bfllovtaess Constipation Corel It you nre ever troubled with ba iousness or constipation you will be interested In the statement of R. F. icrwm, Peru, Ind. "A year ago last winter I h- an attack of indigestion followed by biliousness and constipa tion. Seeing Chamberlain's Tablets so highly recommended, I bought a bottle of them and they helped me right away." For sale by all dealers. ,;A Sensible debate is far ahead of a senseless filibuster. TBI THIS FOB TOU COUGH. 4f" . e - Thousands of people keep coughing because unable to get the right rem edy. Coughg are caused by Inflamma tion of Throat and Bronchial Tubes. What you need is to soothe this in flammation. Take Dr. King's New Discbvory. It penetrates the delicate muoou lining, raises the Phlegm and Quickly relieves the congested mem branes. Oat a 60a, bottle, from your drnggls. "Dr. King's New Discovery Quickly and completely stopped my cough," writes J. R. Watts, Floydale, Texas.' ' Money back if not 'satisfied, but it nearly always helps.' The Kaiser seems to have run out ot Iron crosses. AN ACTIVE LITER STEAKS HEALTH - It you want good health,' a clear complexion and freedom from Dizzi ness, Constipation, Biliousness, Head-, Our fuel is carefully cleaned, select ed coal that will give the greatest heat per pound your money will buy and we are prepared to back thlB state ment up with recommendations from people who are our customers. 'One trial will 'enable us to secure your business. J. A. Vinson i Phones 160.189. Coal and Wood Dealer TO CHICAGO OJf THE CAROLINA SPECIAL. Through Sleeping Car Pally via South era Hallway, Premier Carrier of the South, Queen and descent Route and Big Four Routes. Southern Railway Is now operating through sleeping cars daily on the Carolina Special between Charleston, n i - i ili. tit O. Vs., BWU VUIUBKU, 111. -J,, . Affording excellent connections from and for Eastern North Carolina points Goldsboro, Raleigh. Durham, Greens boro, and intermediate points, through Ashevllle and the Land of the Sky. For Pullman Sleeping car reserva tions, schedules and detailed Informa tion, ask any Southern Railway agent or write, , r O. F. YORK, T.-P. A. Raleigh, N. C. Spread the tidings of GoeeT, Health and Happiness by telling ether uf. ferers of PAPT-CBl.-TO, the Wonder ful Stomach and Liver Bemedr, so they may lse know the Joy ojj Living. For sale w WILLIAMS UlfLH STOKK, UUTfSVSi SW yasjaaey wi sasaaa id proper dlst, those suffering from taata entasa sjewewii ssWAsasasw i I sisissi ithes and Indigestion, toe Dr. King-.l TUBERCULOSIS Xa adtltsjoa to plenty ef fresh ati per diet, taose suffering irons are predisposed to Tuberculo- New Ltte Pills. The drive out fer menting; and undigested foods, clear the Blood and cure Constipation. Only 36a at your druggist J A If s time for venakny to realise that she cant raid "EngladH's coast every tew days and escape retaliation. Ex-Presidents of Mexico are already numerous enough to form an associa tion. If they could only be gotten together. ExeeUeat Fee Stomach Tronble. 'XShamberlaln'a Tablets are Just fine for stomach trouble." writes Mrs. O. C, Dunn, Arnold, Fa. "I was bothered with this complaint for some time ana frequently bad bilious attacks. Cham berlain's Tablets afforded me great re lief from the first, and since taking one bottle of them I feel like a differ ent personJ,i For .sale by all 'dealers. FOB BENT, OB LEASE, f A large 9-room dwelling on John street, oposite the First Baptist churrh adjoining Mr. B. O. Thompson'sf; baa all modern improvements, large airy rooms and halls boose in good condi tion, well lighted, by the White fWay; at 122.50 per month. - v : t Two beautiful dwellings, ,7-rooma each, modern and up-to-date in every way, belonging, to' Mrs.1 B., O. Porter; elegantly finished up, opposite Mr. Z. M. L. Jeffreys at $25 per month each. Mr. A. M. i Bhrago'a new, e-room dwelling, modern Improvements on Elm street at $17 JO per month, Geo. E. Crabtree's BHTOom cottage, opposite Uuggy Factory, at iio per month. i ' J , . Mr. c. E. Taylor two-etory house on West Centre street, near the South, ern depot at fU per month. Mr. Geo E. Crabtree's 4-room cot tage, near the Graded School for $9 per month.''1 ')'!'' ' Miss Bessie Bollowell's desirable -room house on corner of Slocumb and Walnut streets, at $16 per month. Mr. K. B. BlsseU's store on East Centre street, recently occupied by H. T. Farah stt Bros, at $66 per month. Mr. K. XL Blssell's store on John st, south ot National Bank, splendid place for two offices, at $25 per month. Mr. Geo. EL Crabtree's store under St James Hotel, with Bakery attached at t25 per month. Two stores adjoining the St James Hotel, belonging to Mr. B. II. Griffin for $13 sad $14 per month. Several vacant lots and small tracts of land In and around the City tor rant L. SDMUNDSON, Estate Hostler. 'hp Mexico is abo dentv . due another presi- utdue anol PTlAiiininrfsiMi Iwa 1 a i fnvm lahnulrl ISv I 1 "T ' i Rheumatism, in any form Vhoul(1 0T all mean keep a bottle ot Sloan's Iin Intent on hand. The minute you feel pain or soreness in a Joint or muscle, bathe It with Sloan's Liniment Do not rub it Sloan's penetrates almost immediately right to the Svat of pain, relieving the hot tender, swolen feel ing and making the part easy and comfortable. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment tor $5 cents of any druggist and v have ' It in the house against colds, sore and swollen Joints, rheu matism, neuralgia, sciatica and like allmentsi Tour money back If not sat lsfled, hot It doeg give almost instant relief. A generous heart repairs a slander ous tongue. Homer. I'i'j PP iVflPPII Km ai fiisw iiuib uv ill i USE. Centre Street Goldsboro Savings aiid Trust Co. Oppeslte Heel Keaaen. : Let7ni iahdle ypor vsavlnsBV compounded ' ever y three months, we extend au r, accomodations that Safe Bank ? ta ing will permit A bsolnte ) :i "i safety. Call for booklet of needles tree. G. A. HOBWOOD, President at H. DLXOI, Cashier. JV. E. Bradford SEAL ESTATE. BESTAL; A1TD IKSUBAirCE AGEKT. . Ground Floor National Bank Building, Phone 1(6. E. C. Vitou DEHTIST. Offices In new Grant Building, 8eoond Floor Rooms 114116. PH05E 68W. ' Cut out this coupon, and present It ml Win'ama' TJniSF Htnrm and they will exchange It tor twenty five votes In Trade Booster Con- test Don't Delay Treating Your Cough A slight cough often becomes s rious, Lungs get congested, Bronchial Tubes fill with mucous. Tour vitality is reduced. You need Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It soothes your r irritated air passages, loosens mucous and makes your system resist Colds. Give the Baby and Children Dr. Bell's Pine- m v . . . . mr-noney. u s guaranieea tu ueiy them. Only 25c, at your Druggist Thou driftest gently down the tides of sleep. Longfellow. . Dangers of a Cold. Dp you know that of all the minor allmentg colds are by far the most dangerous? It is not the colds them selves tbat you need to fear, but the serious diseases that they so often lead to. For that reason every cold should be gotten rid of with the least possible delay. To accomplish this you will find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy of great help to you. It loosens i cold, relieves the lungs, aids expector atiott and enables the system to throw 00 the cold. For sale by all dealers. fevej sad hasten recovery. This medi cine, by reason of its successful use dur ing the past, warrants the fullest lnvesv ttgatlon possible by every aufferer. Seaman's Alterative Is most afflea ateue In bronchial catarrh and severe throat and lung affections, and in up building the system. It contains ne narcotics, nor harmful or habtt-f orav lng drugs. Accept ne substitutes. Sola jaHKupgottTiggista, wnte ve tap S. D. Newton CIVIL ENGINEER 206 N. Virginia St. Tele phone "No- 573-J. lOJMrOLI VTSLUl JUlLMe Keats e 'ant II iBTFSZSgs) S4nlt' la Effect Oei A, i14, .. N.B.Tha. folio wing aohedule ag- antf are not siaranteec, -' v ' Tnim Lmv4 Ooldiboiro. P." m. I Daily--NJght i Uxpresa. : fpr Norfolk. - Bleeping Car ser vice ew Bern to Norfolk, a; jo. r; Dally-For ; Beaufort, Washington and Zlortolk. At ;rlve Norfolk 4:06 p. m. Parlor ear tervlcs) between New Bern and Norfolk. - P.'. m. "Dally -For Beaufort and Intermediate ' points. Connects at Vtw .Bern tor Oriental. WtlM lVeT0 ;WllaO. . a, , m. 1 Dally For Washington ind Norfolk. p. m.' Dally Except Sunday for wasnitgto. P. m. ' Dally "Night Express," for Norfolk. Pnlhaaa sleeplni 1:66 3:40 8:05 t 4:65' 11:40 Train ArrlTt Goldstar. DaUy,6:46 a. 11:25 a,; at, 8:35 p. m. For further Information and reser vauon of sleeping ear spaoe. apply to F. W. Tatem, O. A. or' J. U Roy all, TJ. T. Ab, Goldsboro. North Caro- j. d. stack; a a leard, Oen.Iopt O.l. A. tv KOIFOLX, TA. COLLARS Vw Aas - JttPPT PEABODrsV CaiKCTRCTfirY. F BE E PUBLIC L IBB ART CITT HALL ) - Open tp.m.to p. m. 7 te p. nu ETEBTBODT WELCOME! Dr. J. N. Johnson DENTIST. Has removed te Booms 203 and 206, 2nd Floor of Borden BiHding. PHOJiE 44. ! J. G. Derr L1TEBT ANQ FEED STABLES FINE DKITLQ BIGS FOB HIRE, Stables on .Chestnut Street Phone at Stables 563. Men lived like fishes; the great ones devoured the small. Algernon Sidney Cough Medicine for Children, Never give a child a cough medicine that contains opium in any form. When opium Is given other and more, serious diseases may follow. Long experienoe has demonstrated that there Is no bet ter or pater medicine for coughs, colds and Croup in children than Chamber lains uougn Hemedy. It i8 equally valuable lor adults. Try it , It contains no opium or other harmful drug. For sale by all dealers. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of power of sale contained In a-mortgage deed, executed by Henry L. Moring and wife, Annie Moring, to Margaret E. Exum, ' of date January 1st 1914, to secure a note described therein, which mortgage deed Is duly recorded In Book 117, at page 699, In the office of the Register of Deeds for Wayne County. Default having been made in the payment ot said mortgage, I will on the 16th day of February, 1915, offer for sale for cash at the court house door; In Goldsboro at 12 o'clock M., the following described tract of land situate tat Wayne county, North Carolina: 4s i . r ; : Beginning at an Iron stake on the south side of the road, near the to bacco barn, J. c.ffaylor's corner; and runs thence wita .nis line s. in w, 1532 ft. to a stake .In said Taylor's line: then with bis line W. 687 ft to an iron stake; then N. 49B. 576 ft to a stake in Mrs. Warren's line; then N. 28 E. 30 ft. to a stake; then N. 38 w. 990 ft. to a stake then N. 4 B. 173 ft to a stake in thu line of the colored church lot; then with the line ot this lot S. 86 E. 155 ft to their corner; then with their line N.' 6 B. 210 ft to the centre of the road; then with the centre of the road 8. 86 E. 2020 . ft to the beginning, containing 48 acres, more or less. v ':t ''.T This 11th day of January, 1915. MARGARET B. . EXUM MARGARET B. MORGAN. Dead men tell dogs wag none no tales and dead The gcod resolution business is good any day In the year. AD3IIXISTRA TOE'S J0TICE.' Having qualified as ' admlnlatrator of the estate of Martha Edmundson. late of Wayne county, notice is hereby given tbat all Deraons having claims against said estate are notified to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day. of January J916, or this notice will be: pleaded" In bar of their recovery. AW persons Indebt ed to said estate wU please make Im mediate payment. 's:v: V.V ) This 26th day of January, 1815. . -W.;l'LANB, Admin, of Martha Edmundson. IF TOU HATE ANTTHUffl TO SELL, BENT, OB WANT HELP OB A POSI TION, TBI THE ABGUS WANT ADS. MORTGAGE SALE. . Under and by virtue ot the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by James Hog&ns'ai) I .HetrvHoAs- corded in jftaek iOSpageTmrin the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Wayne county, the' undersigned will sell for cash at 12 o'clock noon, on Friday', the 6th day of February, 1915, at the Court house door in Goldsboro, N. C, a Cer uin lot of land lying in Goldsboro township, Wayne county. North Caro lina, and more particularly described and defined ag follows: Beginning at a stake at the corner on the road leading from Goldsboro to the Asylum where the lands of James Hogans and Isaac Pate corners, and rung west with the said asylum road 24 feet to a stake, thence south paral lel with Virginia street 146 feet to a stake in the line of W. M. Justice. men east with said Justice line 24 feet to a stake in the line where the lands of the said James Hogans and said Justice corner, then north 144 feet to tbe beginning. For further reference see deed from Haywood Hogans and others In Book 90, page 29, n the office of the Register or eeas ror Wayne County. This 6th day of Jan. 1915. J. A VINSON, Assignee. 'I HNI lllllli'' WHITB-. ' H Rackley Piano Company After February 1st, 1915 we will be located pennanentlyon Walnut jStreet West, the build ing, formerly occupied by the Goldsboro Gas Company. Ra Company SPECIAL SALE Heating Stoves and Oil Heaters Free!!! Free! Free!! With each CASH PURCHA8E amounting to 1.00 or over, we will give absolutely FREE a One Aluminum Sauce Pan, as long as they last All other ALUMINUM WARE will be closed out at cost JOHN SLAUGHTER & CO., Inc. : A Real Bargain During this Month, or till our present stock is ausigd we will sell a gqod inJncHf thick. :ior w:C.O0 per thousand feet. un-ex- Yours Truly A. T. Griffin Wfg. Co. MORTGAGE SALE. . Under and by virtue of the biub coniainea in a certain mortgage deed executed bv Jsrim h von. mnA Biijr nogans, nis wife, to J. M. Ud gerton, which is recorded in Book 118 page 2S8, in the office nf th lur nayne county, the un dersigned Will sell for rnol. m"l9 ylSc nooa on Friday, the 6th day ot February. 1915. at Hia u... door in Goldsboro, N. C, a certain lot . uiu uuig in uoiasboro township, Wayne county, North Carolina; and more particularly described and idV U11W1 OB IOllOWS: Beginning at a stake at ih. on the road leading from Goldsboro to the Asylum where the lands of James "u isaac Fate corners, and runs west with the said asvluiTroad m ieet to a stake, thence south paral lel Urtth iri.l.i- .... r . . , ii6ima sireet 146 feet to a stake in the line of w. M. Justice, then east with said Justice- line i 26 feet to a stake in the line where- the UU1UB Ul .ue on, .!;,, ir. anJ said JusUce corner, then north 144 feet w w ueginning. :...f.--: Aiso, second v. m. i. ' t.w , . . " ' IUb V& t w-uuueu as iouows: Beginning' at a stoke on the road at hfh tMa corner, run8 East, parallel with said roaa 41 feet; thence south 130 feet to 2. . .. . ,saac linei thence ej: inence N. W.U39 feet with Harriet Latta line to the begin nlng, containine i-s t.a T Daui? ian(J bought by said i"T OI w- M. Williams and wiib, ueeu uaiea Julv 7 18Rh 9 t J. M. EDGBRTON. There Is more real health and oleas- ure In one bottle of Panrf!ra-To Chan sixty days vacation n the fresh moun tain air in the mid-summer months. noi sot Well just try ir Williams urug btor;. , yic'is I llawley's The Place You will Eventually Trade We invite you to make an inspection of our. Stock at either or both stores. & Hawlev's Drugstores Micks 3 NEWS Butter Is Down EAT HOUE BEST ;Wc Have It II. A. Powell Grocerv . Co. .''WPL- rt cm a uc .icaii isiore ..i '--it' 1 1 . i : f , . 1-

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