V : Ill j3 k ' 4 LODGE MBECTOBT - ' .( i ' 1 -1 ttoMitarc Lodge 5o. Ill, 0. r. 0. & ntk Thursday night In the lks , Wm 108 Chestnut' street which is open dally from 8:80 to 1 ai m. Visiting brothers entitled to register " are cordially welcome at all times te Lodae or Home. . ' '' - M Hagiella Csmp, Ho. 100, Woodmen ft " neri", meet eer 3tl Tuesday night at 7: s.., V' o'clock, to 0i4 Fellows' y r Building, second toor. , Visiting brethren in food standing welcome. . ; Buffia lodge, So. ft, Knlgbta of Fit. - ' i mm, meets every. Friday nlghf In - Castle Ball, second floor,' Odd kraV building, John Street at 7:1 0 ...;r0es). yisitlng Knlghu cordially -welcome. Gelds bow Council, So. 19, Jr. 0. U. A. M4, meet eTery Thursday evening at 7:10 o'clock in Jnlor Order' Hall, -' second floor, Odd Fellows Building, won, street Cordial welcome to ail HMtlna brethren. .i Wayi lodge lit, A. F. art jU K, wets avery Monday evening at MO 'clock in Epstein Hall corner Wal- uit veuub on. visiting preuM : f welcome. ' Lodge, Wo. , L 0. 0.1", meets ' wery Tuesday evening at 7:30 o' clock In their own hall. Cordial wel come to visitors. JU8T FOB FUH. "And will your husband go back find light for his country?" ' "No, ma'am. He'll stay here an' let me support him." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Crawford In he sorry he boasted so much to hia wife about his lncomefj Crabehaw I should say he was! She Is using it aa evidence against him In her suit for alimony. Judge? "Then she doesn't think that two can live aa cheaply as oner' "No; her idea Is that two ought to live as expensive aa five or six." Pittsburg Poet. J i "Do you know anything about the language of flowers?" "Only this much: A five-dollar box of roses talks a heap louder to a girl than a fifty-cent bunch of carnations.1 Washington Star. ! Mrs. ffewlyrich I didn't know Tt tlan was a painter. Miss Caustique What did you think He was? Mrs. Newlyricb I thought it was a hair dye. Philadelphia Ledger. Crawford So you don't think this la the right time to speak about In creasing our armaments? , j Crabshaw No; we seem o have all ' wo can do to supply war materials to the belligerent. Life. OUR February Clearance Sale BEGINS SATURDAY, JAN. 30th ''AIRMEN'S SUITS 25 per cent off. ' ALL DRESS OVERCOATS 25 per cent off. ALL fiom OVERCOATS 30 per cent off. ALL CRAVENETTE OVERCOATS 30 jpercent off. $k BOYS' SUITS 30 per cent off. No Reservations This is real overcoat weather. Take ad vantage of thi greai Saving. Early Callers '(secure best bargains. Call Early, A. A. JOSEPH, "My Outfitter" ' Any;Kind you want or in anyl quamty you want. Sawed, split,?! ready for the, stove or fire place. Well$ seasoned Oak or pine delivered cheap. 1 CGALL 32 ' I :K5niicky Horse&; r. vTMi Company. 1 '. i-, , "A ' ' ' 'V , , ' t f, If ..' I ft r J ? i ".3 if i ; liil S2c FOB BEST I Two desirable 7 -room houses on East I Walnut street, all modern convenM ences. Reduced to f 20 per month. Two new 8-room houses corner Wal nut and Lionel streets. Sleeoina porches and all modern conveniences.! One new 4-room cottage on B. Beech street One 7-room house on EL Chestnut I Bt Water, lights and gas. $15 per month. Ono very desirable 7-room house on K. Holly St., city water, large lot and garden. One 8-room house corner John audi Pine 8ts, Large lot 117 per month. One 6-room house on Elm 8t be- tween John and Centre Sts. The Hupmobile Garage on W. Walnut I Street Apply to X. E. BRADFORD, Phone 165. Natl Bank Bldg. JU8T RECEIVED AT H. H. phojte lea. A shipment of Genuine Barbados Molasses, 60c. per gallon. ; A full as sortment of Pickles, Sour Kraut As paragus Tips, etc Fresh Shelby Butter, Gilt edge brand received every week. Fresn country Eggs, 25c per dozen. In calling up my place 'over the phone, call Mrs. L. B. Bass, number 169, which will be changed to my name in new directory Are You Going To Biiild or Repair? rropiictoi. Ffrone 154. J. lHai r ' ,M'r L l't'jliniii.vir.." - . Of lcur Brec-aroiTw PtrMr.i - Vjain 1 lffle. Cnmfnrf4n1 frt4.-.-. t n ' f inflpvvith a ?nnH D. I -vt-. rr u cuuw. means ireedom MWU ucayy casK ot sweepinj and dusonz. - jMi . . . r w ,uuu, r i oil are not nrca. and time is tmmA . .r.: Dounds is all rhunit,.... j . ' ; -t . XT -. . . . unt cvononucai cleaner. V?' PVfforinanine expense. VVuuT auo Hi'iiLrM. r i rirr imn mnAb-h -- n s j v (U4vyr (a sui oc oust aod dirt , Telephone' ' ,:. ' j i A I X For Pre Trial la Vnr WB ABE BETTER PBEPARED THAJT ETEB TO FUB2TI8H ALL JUUSJIS ur liVJaBJEJb BUUUH OB BBESSED ) QUAUTT BEST. PBICES BIGBT, Empiri G0LD8B0B0, K. C BIG BUILDIX 6 FOB SALE. Bids wanted for the purchase of the big, frame tobacco warehouse, known I as the "Farmer's Warehouse" located on the court house square.' Posses- Ialon given February 1st and building must be entirely removed within 30 i qays thereafter. This January 15th, 1915. I. P, OEMOND, Ch'm. B. A. HUMPHRET, Co. Att'y. ' Looking around us we sec many per sons in middle life struggling along with poor vision, who mjgnt oe en joying normal sight today If they had consulted a competent wouieinsi mnA ton., aaaa when there was yet ' time to preserve the sight A defect i . . 1 Ml in the light W "Ot as a rum uibobbo .. V., .a ... . ...JtiJ.. -of the eye, so orten wuuiuuu 'which the proper glasses will not only relieve, but many times wiumu cum, ' night ' is restored, eyes are made strong, headaches disappear, the ner vous strain is relieved and -the eyes ' are saved perhaps from: blindness. Vlalt my office and learn mora about "correcting imperfect eight. ' x EDWARD BEBSE, . Registered Optometrist Office next .jtir tiitf atrirA I ooq rto " " " . (Eyesight specialist) ' j tt-r " 7e Thinkers of the Coutttr.'Are tit Tobacco Chewen"-- r l said one of the greatest thinkers H this country ever produced. f ? 5ay fA Doctor: "After a trying day 11018: my patients, a chew of PICNIC TWIST soothes my nerves? and calms and fits me tot the morrow. "It is the soft, mild leaf of PICNIC TWIST that is so satisfy- mgr. it does not possess the de pressing1 after effect of dark ' heavy ' tobaccos. There's' the same difference between PICNIC TWIST and 'heavy' louacwj as petween a good cup ot just right coffee and one that is muddy and overstrong." The sweetness of PICNIC TWIST its long"' lasting chew appeals to the men who know GOOD chewing tobacco. 1 7 1 14 i. r - l w Wood's Seeds Wand's rfotrrintiv t1n a i - OT ir AVAa xiaa ueon caramuy pre- I market groweni to determine intelli gently as to the best and most profi table crops which they can undertake to grow. " ' ' The oiefwrtt: asrleultnml nrmA'Mnnn make it very necessary to consider the question of diversified crops, and oar-eatalfW irivm full InfamviMnn I both in regard to Farm and Garden Seeds that can he nlantiMl in nmflt nA advantage. v Write for Descrlptlvo Catalog and prices of any Graii anil CAnwr !ZtnA Seed, Grain or Seed Potatoes required. Catalog mailed on request T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. ii CHEWING TOBACCO "Th Thlnken of tht Coantry Am lh Tobacco Chewtrt You can alio get PICNIC TWIST In freshneu- . . .. 1 .... J . . . I . mn , praerving orumi or ia iwisuior owu MSB 1 Mfcy W) - : SEirj E. U. 8 51 AO TAILOR. Cleaning, Freshing and Dyeing Neatl; and rromnuy done Phone 4S1-L. ' Mulberxy St FOB BEST. i"tvi aw 7Jb-nom hniioa wlfl a11 j ,i wmv ticn nvuiu Moa w iiM Ca-11 modern Improvements, on Virginia St (opposite Mr. Z. M. I Jeffreys. $2& 1 per month. 'house and lot on Slocumb St.. f $12.60 per month. One house and lot on Elm St.. ai j f 20 per month. "f One' house and lot on Wlllllam St.. $18 per month. r One' sevto room house, all modem Improvements, In rear of First aptlui (church, 14 per months ... Tha Wayne Bakery uo. store and the (one adjoining. . - - . B. EUMUNDSON, Ooldaboro's Heal Estate Hustler. MC1TIGBAPH IETTEBS. Stenographic work and letters rrint- ed on American Multlgraph on, short notice and at reasonable rates. ' One No. 75 Edison Rotary Mimeograph and supplies for sale. Apply to Miss li u miner, corner W. Centre and Chest nut streets. ., , n WHY SUFFEB AITX " STOMACH DISIBJESS. When Mi-o-na Is a Quick and Effec tive Remedy, If your stomach is continually kick lng up a disturbance, causing distress after euting, heartburn, coateii tnn gue, gas, sour taste of food,, and you feel blue, irritable and nervoua are suffering from indigestion and dys pepsia. ,- , It's needless for you to suffer. ni now is the time to quickly stop the umtreoB ana regulate your upset atom acn. . t -' Simply get from J, H. H1U it Son, or any urug store, some Ml-o-na tablets a simple prescription that "do more man Bive quiCK ana laatinr roll.f Ml-o-na soothes the irritated lining oi me swmacn ana stimulates the flqw of the digestive Juices so that' what ;vu out. is DU1CIIT nnnv.rf.j i.,. healthful nourishment then VA11 UFA arAtl m a -a. . - ... . f. .. BUU Birong, ana no DnnH'rn aooui wines or nave, restless Righto. Do not allow indigestion .to. wreck uur ueaiw ana naDBlneaa hut .nm Mi-o-na tablets at " nce-they are a- - WMt9nm Fm C,e C. C;. 0. f. '"'Us3ra'X.:i Carolina Power S ligM Go. ' , r: ". ."l;'l5JT.'1 ':-! ; ....jSSSSSSS. ; .) m I l " . - I II si FISH K0HCE. , . . At present we are unahl A flh regularly, but soon th oh.A will be on In full blast and we will usaia oe aoie to furnish our customer aa usual. R. W. TAYLon tv.- MM W' "V SIVUV 1. K. VICK; Successor PHOITE 114. The Modern MothnA n l?in:u:n . WalIs"!iI,utl,,,I,yJUun,t book contains many hom irt;j; all .bouT 1"mng Xr Toom he The Kodera, Durable, SuUuyJItf'Qfl FlnislI I , "- VU AUUJU , T if used extensively by the foremost decorator tm preference to old-fashioned wall MMrmJottini tory material. Ittavery econoDalcaYanda. mfSanrTfor years to come. 24 soft, deop, velvety co tolct from! Aik tody for Ftm Book writ M PEASLEClAUUEBr CO. I. U r,. A. T. GKIFFIJf MAKCFACTURINSCO ' jjj.froBii,u 'Cei' Sliin SooflSicdI; aitfl. : ; toy .i.p. E Healed TtAtitn akin joaJp, Sowisa and iU allied dlMaaa all ...v .y.iui Miiut WefNO, Ifli JJ.TJ.Tb- FrsKTlpttoa for Soaama. . fMuv wua tiin fluf rtrara, wa are convtnoad that gkln di. b, tLff"SS., JKJ" th the animal JMU. a MtntMM t ijafc? r Mt that H.D.IX e wm 'rVfunT'.'hi'1' d wewI k.i- .i . L- Bttta aids la keeping the akia pr; ak u ?-f rn, Cleaner 1 r j f 1

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