01 " . . .... u u - hi v . v: . I RiH WUNAL BANK. OF COLDSBORO Wants your business and win be glad to correspond with you Go. A. Norwood . . . PresMmt . Koroeaay . GOLDSBORO, N. 0., SAT Hi 'DAY EVENING, OOTOUKU 7, JSTO. 1 VOL..LXIV "'.- "This Argus o er the people right "V--,-" No soothing strain. "ata's son. , ' . Doth an eternal Tlgll keep; Can lull ita hundred eyes to alee,." . y Tlie Purpose of our Progressive (Hi- sens U United In Achieving the Success of the Wsjae County Fair. The opening day of the Wayne County Fair 1b to be "Goldsboro Day and it ia going to be a memorable day in tho experience of our clllsfcna and the general public, for all Goltls- boro U going to be at the Fair and In magnificent parade and gala attire. And this purpose of Goldsboro to make the Wayne County Fair a credit to the city as well as to the county bag already made ittbe finest Fair the State has ever known and has as sured Its brilliant success Here is the signed agreement of Goldsboro's patriotic business men to close up between the hours of 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. on Tuesday the open ing day doldslwro Day and this alone assures great attendance throughout the entire week: Uoldsboro, N. C. Oct. 4, 1916. We, the undersigned, agree to close our stores from 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. on Tuesday, Oct. 10, Goldsboro Day, of our Wayne County Fair: Royull & Dorden. J. T. Glnn Grocery Co. A. A. Miller. John S. Dertch. X. A. Edwards. Mls Virginia Lewis. C. 55. Kazis. O. J. IV-arse. The Palace Drug Store. T. N. Waters & Bro. Mrs. D. I). Arment. D. W. Cobb & Co. " lira. K. U Hill. Jno. H. Crawford. Walter H. Uarncs. Jos. Isaacs. National Bank of Goldsboro. W. Kills. J. D. DanieL M. E. Castex & Co. H Well ft Bros. U V. Gtddens & Son. Carolina Power &. Light Co. S. E. Mines. M. K Robinson & Bro. M. E. Robinson 5 and 10 Cent Store. Joe A. Parker. H. a Cox, ' , . A. A, Joseph, Wayne National Bank.' ... Kannan Bros. . ' ' - M.' Man sour. ! w, , - K. Fhlllp., " , t - Brown fe Grantha' ,- :- . Henlc Furniture ' N. J. Kdwards. K. Toukel A. Co.. , - . Candy Kitchen. , . ' '-' M. N. Epstein.-' , Robt A. Creech. Rackley Piano Co. ; ' Parrott A Creech.. 4 H. L. Blrzell. 1 E. M. Davis Grocery Co. P. Boney. Miss Nora MldyeUe. Misa Hearl Creech. x, S. Ix Rose. Smith Hardware Co. , Goldaboro Shoe Co. Peoples Bank. Geo. W. Dewey A Sro. Goldsboro Drug Co. Smith & Pelt. George Farfour. W. M. Smith. H. M. Kadis. Jos. Joseph. Home Furniture Co. Williams Drug Store. M. J. Best & Sons. Brown Bros. C. D. Taylor & Co. J. R. Daniel. W. JU Summerlin. Berke & Spence. D. A. Powell. Hicks & Hawley. Barnes Harrell Grocery Co. The Mutual Stores, Inc. E. H. Snead. J. E. Crow. H. H. Jenkins. Wayne Agricultural Works. J. Z. Hlnuon. East Goldsboro Drng Store. H. R. McClcnney. J. A. McClenney. D. E. Edgerton. Henry Williams. C. D. Croom. v J. T. Phelps. J. W. Cole. 8. Ward. J. G. Hinson. J. M." Southerland. H. L. Strickland. F. E. Barnes. J. F. Laue. S. R. Odom. W. R. Crow. , Wayne Drug Co. E. M. Moore. J. W. Lane. J. Howard. W. Van Hoy. Daniel Clark. William Hill. W. D. Creech. E. G. Outlaw. W. C. Sherard. E. Edwards & Son. C. W. W'oolvin. J. W.. Watson. Dorsey Strickland. Giles Hinson. i A LIVE In n "fln.J l t. a it.. 1 1 T . - the whole or a part ot-your income is needed by somebody NOW, arange in surance to guarantee continuance of fllie.h tnrntna nftt vruii 1oth ' HATIOSAL LIFI iSs. CO. OP TT. i,- KutnaL . . H. Jf. HTJIPHB1T, gtatt Kaaafer. 0M 481 I I L Btvdea MUa. OUR NEW VOLUME With this Issue the Goldsboro Dally Argus opens a new volume, which when compulted, six months hence, will round out thirty-two years of the paper's continuous daily publication thirty-two- years of continuous effort for a (Jreater Goldsboro thirty-two years of unwavering faith in The Itest Town In the State. We go forward. WORLD SERIES B08TOX J BKOOKLIA 1. In the first game of the World se ries, played today between Boston and Brooklyn, the score was 6 to 1 in favor of Boston. LIKTE5! Don't breath it to a soul. We have Just received a tip that there Is going to 1c i i . i i battle fought on Wayne County 8oii our own ground. If you wiBh to see It. LISTEN: Out at the Fair Grounds Friday Oct. 13, there will be a big Foot Ball garnered little Miss Sarah Hall Yelverto.n between Kinston High School and j presented the guest of honor with a Goldsboro High School. Now, if you enjoy a good battle, as ! I am sure you do, be certain and be , there. Game called immediately after the races. j HunnvTiiuu TJIAShS. ,, , i To all those who were n any w ay , of her late ordeal of illness and death, and W'bo were so generous In their ministrations and in their strengthen ing sympathy and solicitude for us in our bereavement, we wish to acknowl edge our grateful thanks. Sincerely, MRS. H. H. CARR, MfSS SALLIE COX. Goldsboro, N. C. Oct. 7, 1916. GESTLEMEXt . .-. . M are expecting the biggest Fair ever was pulled off next week. We v'""t every Ford owner to be here ' r, Oct 11, at 15 o'cloc k and .'ord parade. k . , , j , rORV CARAGU CO, , -w- IT THI CHURCHES T0XOBSO1T. First Bapiisl. Rer. Qeo. T. Watkinu. pastor. Sun day School 9:45 a. ui. i'rwatiiiUB at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Second DaptKt. Rev. A. I. Caudle, pastor, f ir: School at 9:43 a. m. I'rea.lhii'4 the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7:l!0 p The public is invited. j !ay ; by i m. 1 Friends Churt'li. Rev. Win. Garriton. pa.-t'ir. School 10 a. in. Preaching at 11 a. m. nd 7:45 p. m. Cbritia:) Ku icavor ; ;l.r p. m. ( Lristian ( huMi. Services at 11 a. in. by Kev. .1 C. Vharton. Sunday School at 6:45 a. m. The public is Invited. Sevn-I)ny Adwntisl. Epsfein Hall, corner East Ceuti e and Walnut Streets, up stairs. Entrance on Walnut street: Service at 7:45 p. m., Rev. J. A. Strickland, pastor. Pub lic are welcome. 'First Presbyterian Church. Rev. P. Mcfntyre, pastor. Services 11 a- m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 9:45 p. ni. Prayerliieeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor meets Sunday night at cloBe of public wor ship. Christian Science Society. Services at 11 a. m. Subject of Les son-Sermon r Unreality. Golden Text: Isaiah 40:8. Reading room on West Walnut street, open every Tuesday and Friday from 10 to 12 a. m. All are cordially invited. St. Paul Methodist Rev. N. H. D. Wilson, pastor. Sun day School, Mr. T. R. Robinson, Sup erintendent, 9:45 a. m. Sermon by the pastor at 11 a. m .and 7:30 p. m. The public is cordially Invited to all services. St Joha Methodist Itev. B. C. Thompson, pastor. Mr. W. R. Thompson, Sunday School Sui.- erintendent. Sunday School 9:45 a. in. Preaching by pastor 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Jr. Epworth League Sunday S:30p. m. Senior Epworth League Monday 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday I p. m. The public Is Invited , IS IIOSOU OF MRS. BKONSOX. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. B, If. GrlHin most charmingly entertain ed at an informal tea drinking in her apartments at the Hotei Kennon, In honor of Mrs. Roscoe Bronson, who Is visltiug In own at this time. IX HONOR OF MKH. EVAS NORWOOD Miss Mary Dortch entertained on Thursday afternoon at Auction Bridge at her home on William treet, North, In honor of Mrs. Evan Norwood. An Interesting game was enjoyed and Miss Leah Slaughter making the high est score was presented with a lovely bridge set, and the guest of honor was given two beautiful handkerchiefs after which a delicious salad course was served the guests. Those present beside the guest of honor were Mlssee Lou Norwood, Allie Freeman, Eunice Borden, Mary Cloves Daniels, Sarah Koruegay, Lean Slaughter, Bryan, Ethel Miller, Mary Mlchaux, Eunice Taylor and Sarah Mlchaux. IS HONOR OF MISS LOU SOU WOOD. On yesterday afternoon Mrs. Paul j Jeiverton entertained most charming- i 'y In honor of Miss Lou Norwood, wnose weaaing on the seventeenth is one 01 the prominent social events of the season. Soon after the guests ar- 1 package which upon opening was found to be a set of beautiful tea nap- "n ready to De embroidered. As each guest was asked to bring their thimble, there soon appeared on each a ueauuiui i , Later a aaimy I salad course was served, during j which time Mrs. John R. Crawford imade B tQMt ,0 the Drlde.to.he- Those enjoying Mrs. Yelverton's hogpUalUy- ,n a(lditlon to tne gue8t of honor, were: Mesdames Dewey Slo cumb, John R. Crawford, Arthur W. McCrary, D. H. Bland, Evan Norwood, Misses Helen Creech. Allie Freeman, Mary Smith, Louisa Slocumb, Nellie Edgerton, Hattie Dewey, Clara Litt man, Magdalene Hummel, Eunice Biz zell. SECOSD BAPTIST 8ESI0R PUILATUEAS EXTERTAIX. Last night t the home of Mis. and Mrs, W. R. lC. Butler, on Slocumb street, the "Blues", of the Second 'Bap tist Senior Phllathea Class entertain ed the "WhitesVpf the -same class, fho Bloc having lost to the Whites la receatmmpftlci tm w iiiiim tor fluUf..atmr't.(ii . . The guests were met at the door by the Blues and ushered Into the parlor, where, after all had assembled, a num ber of games were indulged in, which proved very entertaining to all pres ent ' The officers end teachers of the school were the guests of honor. After the games were over all re paired to the dining room where they were served Ice cream, cake and fruti in abundance. ' At a late hour all left expressing themselves as well pleased with the hospitality of the "Blues." j This class meet every Sunday morn llntrat 9:30 with the Sunday school. I If you are not a member you are in Siflav jvited to Jdfh. REPORTER. CAREY SEWTOS PHILATIIEAS. Miss Lily Brown Delightfully Enter tains at the Regular Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly business meet ing of the Cary Newton Phllatheas was held at the home of the secretary, Miss Lily Brown on Mulberry street, Thurs day evening. There were 14 members present. The meeting was opened in tiis usual way. Old business was discuss. ed and several motions were made by the girls. Reports from the commit tees were given, they being excellent. The room committee for the month was elected as follows: Misses Mary I)anlels and Ethel Lewis. Welcome committee: MIbsbs Lily Brown and Mary Tew. The teacher, Miss Carrie Dorrity, then gave a Bhort talk. No new busi ness appearing the class adjourned. After the business meeting the girls enjoyed tbemselveg talking and play ing while the attractive hostess serv ed a frozen course. When leaving all declared Miss Brown a very charming hostess. Mrs. Forest Simmons (nee Miss Lela Roberts) invited them to meet with her in November. Secretary. "THE HONORABLE FRIESD" AT THE ACME MHS1IA1. That a woman's crowning glory shall be her hair, is the first command ment of all Japanese maidens, and the splendid head dress worn by Tsurio Aokl, the beautiful Japanese actress, In the Jesse L. Laskf produc tion of "The Honorable Friend" which will be seen at the Acme on Monday. Is a sample of the painstaking care these young ladies take in arranging their. raven tresses. Arranging her hair in this fashion took Miss Aoki's two maids two hours. Her "crowning glory" had to be combed, oiled, and then moulded into shape s0 that each particular hair Would remain in its designated position In spite of any movement its wearer might make, r of any mischief that soma vagrant breeze might attempt to do. "What JtfK "0 Ilavt Dont? Th t MEraTE BOOTH All member., t JThos. Ruffln Chap ter Daughter,, of the Confederacy are urged and exi ted to be at the Fair Grounds Mond ' morning promptly at iissiat in arranging the 10:30 o'clotk Confederate 1 No Daughter liouht fail to be there to lend aid. COT. r MAEKET ' k PBtues. Opened Closed May .178 ms December 17.07 N. y, spots n... Local Spots r... 16V4 : October t. s January'. . .. v. ....... . .16.95 17.23 17.51 17.26 17.10 l(i.50 May .17.29 .17.04 December N. Y; Spot Local Spots ......... fern's At the Cjsfp Admission 5 and 10c (Giliy? Today WH.GRIFFIM&SON Wish to announce to One and All that they are ready and desirous tor calls tor "DRY WOOD AND CLEAN COAL", the kind they always sell, with the ser vice known so well. No better can you do and so-will you not let us know the number ot tons which we can send to you? WOOD Reduced to $1 Per load W. H. GRIFFIN & SON TELEPHONES f'ople Ilavt A Right To Know" I S Dayton News. SPEGIAR STREET CAR SCHEDULE The GoldHboro Street Railway Com- pany, for the greater convenience of the public will tomorrow afternoon operate a special !S"cii Minnie sched ule over Its George street line to the Fair Grounds. There will be plenty of cars and plenty of room, and a car every seven minutes. The management are doing every thing possible to give convenient ser vice, which i8 appreciated by the pub lic, - . - It does not seem to be much trouble to get a rise out of wheat TODAY Wm. A. Brady In osHoclution with World Film Corp. Presents the Bewitching KITTY IJOKBOX "THE Clil'ClL TEST" TOMORROW JESSE I.. LASKV Presents the Distinguished Jap anese Actor Sessuc llayakunu in a very novel photoilrama 'THE HOXOKABLE FKIEXIP Sessue Hayakawa wilj be re membered for his great person al triumph in the recent Lasky photoplay. "The Cheat." His re markable characterization in "The Honorable Friend" will linger long In the memory of photoplay audiences. fj 4.7. 'AND 48. GOLDSBORO THURSDAY Joho Robioson CIRCUS The World's Oldest Famous Robinson sm- y. r -.ti v - f,ia cvi iM n i i 11 hh i ii ii i ii ii i i bb THE LATEST MILITARY SPECTACLE "PREPAREDNESS" ' Mammoth Street Parade at 10;3U a.m. 1,000 People 750 Horses 2 PERFORMANCES RAIN nnnRs to mrnahrrir oprn one hour earlier Reserved Seats and General Admission Tickets on sale at the ' Goldsboro Drug Co , Circus Day The Show Pay yoiir v .. -NDuiccounr g.'nii jiiniliiiCfiiiBii. Carolina Power Goldsboro, Friday, Oct 13 EXHIBITION ABOUNDS NORTH E ND OF-JAMES STREET. " Two Complete Performances, 2:15 p-m., 8:15 pjn. Ml LLER AHU NCTON Wl LOWEST SHOW 66 .? CAVALRY & CJG" MtX"f I i "AAif II CHIEFS OP TH yiNtHfiJI TRIBES LED BYVIQOtilAtLip Big Military and Wild West Parade 10:30 Downtown Ticket Office show day at the Goldsboro Drug Co , Prices same as at Regular Ticket Wagons U. S. Recruiting Tent, on .Grounds Show Day " NOV. 2 and Greatest Show Cqpyright, 1909. by ii U. Uttiognwh C$ !T : War Elephants in la i Fs i , . 51 Clowns 500 Noveltie ' ( , OR SHINE, 2 and 8 P.M. , ; at same prices as charged at " Grounds. , light Bill . : " t A I 1 . - y.f'M aLw . Co; CO. INC FIELD ARTILLERY I tVSrr WW AT l'!' ft r 3U ,

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