jUi'a r f I i-. 1 r ; ' ' ' r ' .-.is LCCAL BRIEM. r (Additional iirwu on rw v . ..... - . - .... j It you have a. float to enter In. the (arude send your name to Herndon W. ruttie. - ' ': v . f ' v Don't rorgoi tae parauo- loriimuuu for the Wayne County Fair begins at A o'Uoik Tuesday morning. !, floats, and rolling stock i i !j)U6n must be In its post-. ,9 formation street before s!ay morning.4. tli, i t t ia; tvrd Mrs.B.fl.. Thompson and 'lit "George Dewey", and Mrs. Tiiocumb' tret at home again ' extended automobile tour, oufcU "SouDi'Carelfna and our own mountain section, r Mrs, Bo8 Mcllwee and two Intor- - v esting little-daughters, Mary aul -r " Eetelle, of Statesrilla, are in the city i for the Fair, visiting at the borne of 1 f , her parents Capt. and Mrs. N. O'Berry, ' I jsJk all Goldsboro Is glad to have tbem - ( lere.-" ULj - If. Brown from tbe different col eg to which a few of his music pu- from tbe ML Olive and Faison isges have gone this fall and his ohing abilities are highly recom- ended. He is also preparing more bla winter. . SERIOUS SICKNESS I Ceuf CowUntly Sopplied With Tbetlford's Black-DnnfhL 0 1 ' J.fenttt, Va."I suffered for several r y" ay Mrs. J. B. Whlltaker, of I j'ice, "with tick headache, and l. .-Ji trouble.. Tn years affO a friend fold me to try J T! - ord's BUck-Draught, which I did, gni4 found it to be the best family medi one lor young and old. ' 1 keep Black-Draught on hand all the .' lime now, and when my children feel a tittle bad, they ask me for a dose, and il does them more good than any medicine they ever tried, ' We aevrr have a Ion; spell of slck , aess in our family, since we commenced ' using Black-Draught." - Thedford's Black-Draueht fs purely vegetable, and has been found to regu . h'e weak stomachs, aid diRestion, re " I . e inaigestioo, colic, wind, nausea, l ' ".he, aick - stomacn, and similar I. ! " been in constant use for more , J years, and. has benefited more 2i Hon people. ; "uprtist sella and recommend Miit. Price only 25c Oeta lt "jms that an impression has gone abroad that colored people fill not be admitted to thtf Wayne County Fair. This lav erroneous and without any foundation In tact j fllEST Several rooms near Bank of Wayne, furnished or unfurnished, with all conveniences. Phone 254-J. IF 00 ar troubled with dandruff, itching scalp, and your hair coming out, we aak you' to try ' . .. , .TRAOS, " HAItt TOMC on our guarantee that it will give you, relief and satisfaction or money re funded. old only by us, GOc. and $1.00. " . BROWN GRANTHAM DRUG CO. . , Goldsboro, N. C. PHOJiE 194 Where you : will find fresh Water t A Fish, Butter Perch, Trout, Herring and all Fish in Season. , v . , R. W. TAYLOR, ' -'J - ' T. B. TICK, Successor. '' PUBLIC" 8TEV0GB1PH1B. do all kinds of Stenographic work, Multlgrapn your ronn letters, nu in the addreeses, addresa the envelopes, seal, stamp and mail the complete let ter and save you money. Pbone363-L or address ' ' t :. MI88 LUCT L. M3LLXK The Centre 'erchanl Tailor V. WJ1U 11 lYo j duii't have to wear ready made Suil, 8i,4 pay big prices. ic ; could wear Tailor Made, pay lef.", 1 ave better material, and you toi.: i Po0 how" your suits are made up i by GOOD TAILORS. i ,s Kade at fl&00 and Vp. ' ..1'Odsers Made at M and Upt; AlN rln? Done Tery BeasHnable. Come to see ma and gtve me a trlaL j I I am located on East Centre street, . near tlje Kennon Hotel and Goldsboro IJ." team Laundry.-.''.! v.;'--k. -1 T ar Suits PRESSED. FBEE. That seal, with all it means to the public, might well be put oo every bottle that contains PERUNA No other remedy ever offered the American people has more friends after two generations of success; no other remedy is moregenerally used in tbe homes of the people ; no other has been to enthusiastically endors ed by the thousands. The nuoa Is found In real merit For eoulhe, cold, catarrh, whether local or Ml Male aodjeoeral debility following any of he abore rerun will be found effective, rellrble and safe. For irregular appeUu, impaired digestion and run-down lyetem It la an Invaluable louic. Peruna may be obtained in tablet form for convenience. TkP OUe CITY SANITARY REPORT Goldnboro, N. C, Oct. 2. 1916. To tbe Mayor and Iktard of Aldermen of the City of UoIdHboro: Gentlemen: 1 have examined and passed 140 meat rarraHxeti. IT calves, 16 hogH, 22 sheep and 16 goat. . Tbe dairies were iUHpecmu and the following milks were tented. Bacteria Butter Solids per c. c. Fat not fat Wetnide Dairy ... 27,000 3.8 7.90 tioldnboro Dairy.. 36,000 3.8 8.47 Frank Grantham.. 75,000 5.5 HM Mrs T. K. Robinson 78,000 4.6 8.63 A. L. Sasser 80,000 3.3 8.53 R. U Crow 85,000 4.7 9.11 H. 1'ate 107,000 4.9 8.69 J. U. I'ate 1D8.000 4.2 J8.28 MIhb Raiford 129,000 4.8 8.10 Mrs. Smith K.o.ooo 5.3 ".;5 Woodland Hill l) y 220,o 3.8 7.44 Soutaide Dairy . ...25i).0n0 3.8 9.26 Tbe following teats were made on the city water: Alkalinity No. tetn 12; Maxl. 7 parts per 1,000,000; Mini. 2 part a per million. - Colon Bacilli In 10 c. c. 8 wblch showed no pollution. In 1 c. c, 8 which showed no pollu tion. 123 private water supplies were found to be polluted. Respectfully submitted. - JOHN M. MATHERS. DKE88M1K1XG Parties wishing any ifrMU. mu or 1 tared, can. have the seryices of a competent person j1 by pboitina Kff. )Slir- KouJUS Ji Ash street JAHES WH1TC0MB RILEYj Whoae happiest, beri-loved and meet appeanng colWm of proKuely' iliuetrated, ate now ofered to you for the bnl turn at 50c a copy; RILEY CHILD RH RILEY The).' iacMioa RILEY FARM RHYMES - The Mir pom br Mr. Rley in wbica k fared ire Im oi nW araat setdoaa. f RILEY SONGS O CHEER . " A toSeaw ol the reverie, of Mr. Riky ' parse of yUoWea, m. nt i ill ead eoraoleaaa.' RILEY SONGS OP SUMMER - ' Tim lovtfae tad bot-bdod oooe. .hoi 1 1 race ead die etanloor euaeaer kad. g RILEY SONGS OF HOME ( A ttawetasj of Itw baM'SOVBdl deMrrMO, jor, eedraaerr pbrkeopkr, RILEY SONGS OF FRIENDSHIP ' , Half a Uadred peerai here aKladeej hvorilra bat Vac, in hraeehr iaibioa rbe poet', miian, You can tiud these seven volumes here, splendidly bound, and profusely illustrated for the small sum of CO cents the copy, or $3.50 for tho en tire set. Never before has Riley's works been offered to the public at such a redlculous figure. The supply iB limited get yours to day. See the books lu our window. 100 New Novels Just received come in and look them over a won derful, assortment 50c. Goldsboro Drug Company Telephone No. 1. Quickest Delivery. FAIR EXHIBITS All exhibitors are not only asked but earnestly urged to send at once their exhibit, to the Wayne County Fair. The exhibition halls are ready Floral HaU la already looking like a real exhibition, and there are careful guards on duty day and night, and all exhibits will be as safe at the grounds as at home, It la most important to get all ex hibtta In place before Monday. Mrua or the leraae Mdhjrm, av "Lena Orphui Aiuuc." etc. LOVE LYRICS rorire piioinle ead leaoVr love poena,! "An Old Sweetkeeii e Mrat,"ehs ' WAYNE COUNTY FAIR PAGEANT Boute of l'wrade and Llt of Float For Net Tuesday. Beginning at the Arlington Hotel, the parade proceedn to tbe Kennon Motel, where twelve decorated auto mobiles are in waiting for the officials of the Wayne County Fair -Associa tion, the city officials and the minis ters of the town. From the Kennon Hotel the line of march turns KatU Into Walnut Btreet going to John street, thence North to Ash street, east into Ash street to William street, up north William passing In review before tbe Goldsboro High School buildings to Park Avenue,, West into Park Avenue back to John turning south down John street to Ash, West in Ash to Centre Street. The line of march Is changed at thlg point. Upon turning into Centre street the decorative vehicles take the West side of tbe street while tbe ad vertising floats take tbe East . side, thus spreading tbe entire procession for a panoramic view. This forma tion is held throughout the entire length of Centre Street until the pa rade hag doubled back o Chestnut, upon turning West into Chestnut tbe original formation Is again taken. Down Chestnut west towards James turning northward Into James street the pageant proceed to tbe 'Fair Grounds, after circling the race track twice the entire parade comes t0 a stop in front of tbe Grand Stand, hold ing this position for the address of tho President, Capt. N. O'Berry. Decorative Vehicles. Goldsboro Band. Six automobiles bearing tbe Wayne County Fair officials. ' Three automobiles bearing tbe city officials. Three automobiles bearing the cler gy of the city. Floats. Miss Beatrice Armstrong as Miss Columbia and Herndon W. Tuttle as L'ucle Sam in "America First". Paul Borden In "King Cotton." Order of Red Men. Goldsboro Fire Department Kennon Borden. Emniett Robinson. Alconqurn Club. Goldsboro Hospital. Odd Fellows Orphanage, four float J. Frank Taylor. J. H. Tipton. ' Geo. D. Blzzell. Miss Ethei Batch. A. Roacower. "'; Spleer Banatoriam, ' ' v' H. I BUielL Miss Maud Ormond. Dr. T. M. BUselL John Slaughter. Dr. J. N. Johnson. Fred Parker. Mt. Olive Fire Department Children of American Revolution, two floata. CARNIVAL. BAND. . Wayne National Bank. Royall & Borden. Carolina Power & Light Co. National Life Insurance Co. Bell Telephone Co. Borden Manufacturing Co. Smith Hardware Co. J. M. Edgerton. A. T. Qrimn- Manufacturing Co. Berke & Spence. Empire Manufacturing Co. H. Well & Bros. Kentucky Horse & Mule Co. Yelverton Hardware Co. Goldsboro Garage & Motor Co. A. A. Joseph. Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. M. K. Robinson & Bro. Babbitt & Forbes. Goldsboro Steam Laundry. Goldsboro Ins. & Realty Co. , Pure Food Market. J. M. Wood. Parrott & Creech. B. F. Carr Company. F. H. Uzzell. Don Scott & Son. Wayne County Good Roads. N City of Goldsboro. Goldsboro Daily Argus. Joe A. Parker. Wayne County Democratic Com mittee. Mrs. R. U HilL SPECIAL RACE PROGRAM OF WAYNE COUNTY FAIR Shetland Pony trot or race free for all: 1st Money JS.Oo 2nd Money 2.50 12:30 Tuesday. Special offer to Children As Is well known, the editor of the Argus believes in children going to tha cf reus not "lust to see tbe ani mals," but to enjoy all the bewildering wide-eyed wqnders ot the tented city anrt an tha Arena will elve a fifty cent ticket free to every boy and girl fifteen years of age and under but not over flftRAn rears nf age that brings ns a 3 months paid up subscription to tbe Dally Argus (1.25) between now ana November 1st . To be sure ot getting your signs for the Fair make your arrangements and have them painted now,' Carolina Adv. Plant --r' LODGE DIEECTOBY Sense Lodge No. L 0. 0. f, meets every Tuesday evening at 8:09 o clock in their own hall, ordlal wel come to visitors. Wayne Lodge 112, A. F, aal A. ati meets every Monday erenlnr M o'clock in K. of P. building, corner lohn and Mulberry streets. VislUas hraihren welcome). tJoldsbore Council Mo. 19 Jr. 0. P. A. IL, meets every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock in Junior Order Hall, second floor. Odd Fellows' Building, John str et. Cordial welcome to ail visiting brethren. Baffin Ledge He, Kalghts ef PytJafca, meets every Friday nigDt m vmmu Hall, Pythian building, corner John and Mulberry Streets at 8.00 o'clock, Vlatttntr Kntfhta cordiallV welcome. Xagnolla Camp, Ke. ISO, Weeaawa ef the World, meets every Tuesday night at S:40 o'clock, tn Odd Fellows' Building, second floor. Visiting brethren tn stood randlne eve welpama ' Geldsb re Ledge Be. U, B. f. O. f. meets Tnursday nignt in tne mis Home, 105 Cnestnnt street, which is open dally from 8:10 to 1 a. m. Visiting brotrers entitled to regis ter are cordially welcome at all times to Lodge or Home. " . ' " WANT ADS. WAXTEW A young man with some knowledge of stenography, to learn wholesale business. Address P- O. Box 263. 05-3t WASTED To buy old feather beds; earth prices. Feather mattresses made to order. Address "W." care of Argus, at once. ":; 3t f-Ott SALE Mr. Sam Crow's building lot, corner Virginia and Ash Street For terms see E. ft rrow. FOB KEST One large front corner room with three windows: well heated. Corner Mulberry and Vir ginia atreets. Phone 417-J. tf LIGHT HOISEKEEPISG For rent three unfurnished down stairs rooms and one upstairs room water and lights. 212 E. E3m street a' half block from car line. Phone 464-J.i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. -Wanted Responsible merchant , In each town in the. Carolinas to sell Electric Light Globes. I give exclus ive territory, and 30 to 40 discount on Standard Lamps to right party. Will self direct where I have no agent W. U Moore, Charlotte, N.C. " ., J.i.,il.ll-..li,i.Jt.lj-:").' ,' Cat Bate Tire Store The only one in the Carolinas, offers big Inducements in the following brands of tires al most half price Flsk, ,Baender, Goodyear, Gordon, Diamond and oth er standard brands. We quote below a tew of tbe smaller sixes 28xJ plain $.70, non-skid .$7.93. 30x3 plain 4S.36. non-akld S 10.30. Writ for price list other lares. Cut Rate Tire Store, 10 V E. Trade St Char i.te, N. C, P. O. Box 91. ,n aedak I'laltihlng Quick returns. Good work. Moderate prices. H. Dempt, Studio. Rocky Mount, N. C. Wanted Students t learn Telegra phy. Old reliable scbooi uuuer ex pert management. Tuition reason alil I.lvlne exnenses cheau. Write for endorsements. Charlotte 'fele-J graphy School, Charlotte, N. C. Wanted Young man, 16 to 30 years of age to earn $50 to 1100 per montn at borne. No. Investment or experience necessary! This positively means your success if you act today. Dept. 16, Room 360, Como B!dg., Chii-aK'i, 111. Wanted At once, four young men to take Barber's Course. Positions guaranteed when completed. Dur ham Barber College, Inc., Durham N. C. sept-21 23 28 30 oct. .-.7 1 1 14 THAT WE LEND MONEY on anythiug of value, and have for sale bargains in unredeemed Diamonds, Watche:, Jewelry, Guitars, Violins, nanjos, and all musicals Instruments, Trunks Suit Cases and Bags, Sporting goods Pistob, Shot Guns, Shells, Bicycles, Cartridges, Razors, Sewing ilacuines etc., at half the price you pay else where. Money to loan at the old To llable. Goldaboro Loan Co., next door to Tonkel's store.- FOB KENT The 7-room residence '"' George street Just north of Wain .t. Has water and lights and two baiii rooms. Mrs. Isabel R. Miller OPPORTUNITIES Our clients in Florida are seeking investments ami business openings in this section. e also have some very flue open ing in Florida orange, truck ami timber lands, hotels, stores and oth er plants. We buy, sell and ex change opportunltieg in Florida and the Carolinas and tarnish our cus tomers; with, reports.., Cook & Co., Gastonla. N. C. - tliv- HALFTONES ycfG-VTALOGUEJl IGlllTrS newjpaperjI SK0tiimsJ (ADVERTtflN&l CASH MARKET The trading public who buy fur (!ah are invited to visit the new ( AMI MEAT MAUAET, at the corner ol Jolin and Holly streets, norih, J. l:. I 'ale's Old stand, where will be kojii a klmls Of FRENII .MEATS, in.lmliiiK fresh POBKHAl'SAGE and wti.ro only cash orders will be filled. The management, selling only for cash, will be thereby better eiuibled to sell at closer margin, and the pub lic are assured of the lowest possible prices. fWe fill phone orders casli on de livery. please do not ask f rcredit. as w sell ONLY FOR CASH. Phone 22. Open Sattieday, Oct. Tth. CASH MA lihKi'. Iw5 Cor. John & Holly Kts X. ' S "I f irmK I ' A mm te- -mt : I P (Pi kvk ml ' - Vr"A i jfJn? m I ' : I ' hi nhe mice remains the sonne f 1 i. "Tht same pice the natron over. (In tlhtr twrntrltt dmljd4d) The portrait of Hehry Sonneborn .stands for the only nationally known, nationally advertised and nationally purchased clothes at the one standard and invariable price of $17. Today this trademark more than ever signifies remarkable value. For in the face of a rising market and a World War sending prices skyward", the price of Styleplus has not advanced Still the same unique price $17 always, everywhere. Still the same guarantee of satisfac tion in materials, style, workmanship, fit and wear which has made these suits and overcoats a nation-wide hit with men who have the pride of purse and person. Come to this store today and see with your own eyes what a victory this is for ytu as well as for us. Try on these splendid looking, splendid fitting, and splendid wearing clothes. And then remember that the price remains the same $171 Style plus all wool fabric -f- perfect fit -J- eaay price guaranteed wear a! SCHO0L f- -. ' " THE PROPER TOOLS TO WORK WITH " But that is not bv making it easy tooth pastes and powders, sponges, brushes of all kinds and many other things that count for much comfort, neatness and health... . ' ; . We v want the trade of every boy and girl in the city.' Be sure and see us' when you want to buy anything in our line. palacetdrug store SPECIAL 2 Snider's Extra Fine Tomato Soup S1;00 per dozen one can free with a dozen See U For FINEST TEA AND COFFEE H. A. Powell Grocery Co. "UNLUCKY CORNER" Styloplus ff7 IWIIIWal WORK DEMANDS We have everything in the w;ay ot pens, pencils, writing pads, composition books, station ery of all kinds that you need for school work. all, this store can serve you also tor you to buy toothbrushes, Trade Mark Registered i