THE GOLDSBORO AUTOMGBILi 5 IDUSTRIAL SHOW APRIL 20 TO 23 ri. It ' c - NATIONAL BANK, f'y . OF , GOLDSBORO .. vTaits year business and will be ' glad ( eerreepeni with yon. 1 Wee, A. Xerweed .'. ..... .Presides The. 1L Jiorweod...... .Cashier. NATIONAL DANK- , OF GOLDSBORO Wauls yeur business and will be glad la correspond with job. . too. A. Norwood President Taos. II. Garwood Cadiler. "This Argu, o'er the ptople'a rlghta Doth an eternal vigil keep, . . No soothing atralni of Mai's ion. Can lull it hundred eyes to sleep." VOL. LXXIII: GOLDSBORO. N. C. THURSDAY VE1NNG, APRIL 1 4, 1 92 1 NO. 6 National ' Pr op : O . TT XT "V" :ity W Task of Making Peace Passes to Mr. Hughes Washington, April 14.--The making of the state of war. And the leaguo j BRITISH PREMIER TH E 1G i TOAVOIDSTIKE of the peace ot the world, the organi sation of the nations 9! the earth, the determination of the terms on . U . ....4........I ...111 I...... much modified,' it is true. In the form ot an Basoctlou of nation. (By Associated Press) London, April H. A conference be The passage ot the Hughes resolu- ; tween Lloyd George and delegates of which this country will participate In tion will end the work of the senate I the triple alliance of British labor un the rehabilitation of Europe have all j framing our foreign policy, except Ions, with a view of Teaching ' some passed into the hands of Secretary so far as President Harding in accord- final basis of agreement whereby the Hughes, acting for the President ny;ance with the pledge contained In general strike called for Friday night a master stroke of politics Mr. Hard- 'Wednesday's message consults and ad- Ul 10 o'clock might be avoided, was log and Mr. Hughes have given the vises with the senators as he and Mr. concluded within 2 hours today; with senate the form. of what tfhey wanted, Hughes develop their foreign policy, the rejection of the present league f hla resolution will satisfy the cam ahd covenant and the making of a paign promise made by Mr. Harding, sort of peace by resolution without jt win meet a state of mind, which the sttbstanc. Even the lrreconcila- .according to the state department, bles profess satisfaction. j exists in this country which is im- But the resolution which is to pass jpatient for the ending of the technical in place ot the Knox resolution will 'state of war. And It will please the be drawn by Mr. Hughes or prepared ' Irreconcllables in the senate, as a con to suit bis views.. It will be purely cession to their position. --;.. for domestic consumption. It will j America Will Jiot be Isolated perform the remarkable feat of end- . "Just Out of College." the Goldwvn . . lis home and also company l'Jctue,feft.turing4crtl,cKford, nhjdli was found, guilty Of '.cme$ 'to the Acme .Theatre' for on I'l'ilofluW, .Jj , jtO. lull in. full: . I . 111 A A 1. ' . ' - . . 1 out 11 wiit iiui lane us oui 01 cu ing the state of war Jn thi country rope. The administration is going to . and, will preserve the state of war 'remain in Europe. It rejects the policy abroad. It will teserve even the status of isolation. It does not, according created by the armistice, including the. to high authority, tor any phllanthro rlght to maintain American troops on pic purpose but because our interests the Rhine and the armistice is part require us to remain there. - ' . . cmvictto of hating CLEVER, INDEED IS 1.1 BIB BTO.ll ,. ,-.... mrv V- V A.T1 '.Greensboro, April 13. JB. Wilson, .'traveling sxiesman, ciaim,lng Pennsyr b ' 1 . ., K. ! n-. 4....... .1. tula uud .aentanted to breezy pen of George -Ade, and ln- five monUis oajhe . county roads, to-, eludes in its cast a new Gold wyn ac- aay in municipal court. ; xna aeren-, tress -the petite Mollie Mulone. Miss dant, thrpugh, hi attorney,, gave. nor. Malone'a- cleverness in "This is the tice of appeal. His bond was fixed at Life and "Stop Thief!" both Gold $200. which he wa8 unable to furnish, wyn pictures, wan such that she was Wilson. was arrested in a local hotel, nffered a long term contract to play Adjoining Ills room was a smnll closet, exclusively in Goldwyn Pictures. "Just In which officers said they found ap- Out of College" is the first picture proximately $1,000 worth of the stuff, under the new contract. Kdyth Chap The closet was locked at the time of man. Otto Hoffman and Irene Hich search and Wilson, when tried, dis- are others in the cast, claimed any knowledge whatever of Mir,s Itlch was leading woman for the stuff. Will Kosers in a number of pictures, and was also with Tom Jl-oore in 'Stop Thief!" As the energetic college youth Piok- ford is si i-eji ample opportunity to Washington, X.Q., April 13. Charlie display hi,s likeable personality, and Woodard. the last member of Hattery clever interpretation of this kind of P-reached Washington Sunday after- role. noon, bringing with him his wife of eighteen months. When Battery B S GOLDSBORO and was formed in Washington noodard was one of the first boyB in tdiis sec tion to nnlint. His homo was in Uan- somville, and ho was engaged in farm- ing before joining. ' The r.ood citizens of our city ami When the armistice was signed county know no doubt long, before tn! Woodard Joined the army of occupa- time that there Is a good carnival run- tlon and was placed in the headquart- 'rg just this side or the fairgrounds, ers company with the 8th Infantry, and when we say good cars'val that While in Coblens he met Miss Anna Is Just what we mean, for everything out any apparent progress having been. made towards the end in view., , 1 It is siid that a strong personal appeal was made by premier .Lloyd George to the railway men and other transportation representatives ot labor asking . them ? not to precipitate the country Into such prostration as this strike would entail. ' ' J. II. Thomas, general secretary of the national union of railway men; declared after the conference thut he could see no prospect for reopening negotiations for adjustment of the im pending strike. On the government's side it was said, the labor union's representatives were unable to present ' the -; government any new agreement that the men they I represented would agree to accept and tnat tney neia it was useless for the government to make any .further overtures. - ' .-,- '. Following the breaking" up of ihe two hours conference this mornijg ( tne Feleratio4 of seueral work-'? ajum-" CHARLIE WOODARD LAST TO RETIIIX FROM THE WAR WAYNE COUNTY DOING ITS PART? boring more Uian e aitl engaged in uiorta'dian ono hundred, Industrial plants, unanimously decid ed to Join the triple alliance strike in sympathy with the striking coal mine Workers. . . T on 'i 1 This Issae of It's Ihoasands v. lonal Prosperity dor, the ausplcei Assoclutlott cfi! rlcs whnf In 'pei ilo(a of local a before' nubllslied of the paT, ' 1 The nerhanlci gus . now fjti made apon It e as evidenced by t Itlbn."'1;..!-. . , It U with iwrd we rail ettpeclal u Artra and Inlte . of. its columns tii minuie tho world atfracihe 0 hnd mcnls , short Imr : (oldsbore Is Imli' Rest Town In (li- ' rgos goes lo r as al- 't Inue," an e Merchants . and It car. ' , the largeNt r meats ever iy ene issue it et (he Ar any demand emergen--. 1 ight page c d Me pride that ion te today's e ful perasul s ap to the -and lis very d advertise. 'i.-yt do that al city The INFLUENCE DF THE MINIS CLUB IS GIVE E -SOLD PRITGllAr illfli Tiimii '. ' ''Ashevi;ii',N Ap; and to; Judge J com'' ' 'PCl'F.!, STATE BOUT in ' "..' The ila'flt will by the late iK i'd on Pe ill of his to th Cleveland, O., April 14. Pull weight of the infiuenc ot about 600 Kiwanls Clubs in the country is to be given the , American Legion's program tor relief work among ex-soldiers. ' : This was announced at tha interna' tional Kiwanls Club convention head' quarters, in ; Cleveland, following . a meeting of the executive committee ot the organisation at which (otters from I", W. Galbraltb, national commander of the Legion, were read. ' It is likely the matter of soldier' relief will be a subject-of discussion at the Interna 1 1 opal convention of Kiwanlans to be held, here June 21-23. - ' Dean Clark. ' assistant international secretary ot the Kiwanls organisa tion, who is In charge of the Cleve land convention headquarters believes the organisation will gd on record as favoring the seven specific recommen dations which have Just been submit ted to President Harding by his spec ial commission Investigating the care of .'veterans, Charles. G.: Dawes, of Cbcago, was chairman ot thla special commission.' : ' -'j'' t'"Th Kiwanls Club' axecutlve ' com- mlttee has endorsed - the American Legion's program and is now recorat mendingj; to ' th .'. individual KlwAnls CuhV.rthat (they take steps ty assist the Legion in .carrying the program thrni' 1 " ABHtiiTit Prrtiiry Clnvlt Confidence is Secret of Business Sunshine THE 4,BUFER STATE OF INDUSTRY" (Survey Director, National Prosperity Bureau, By Garrett K. Adams.) : , "Between the massed forces of , producers and consumers the re tail merchant occupies that unen-.. viable position analogous to the " 'buffer state' which we read about I as existlpg In Europe between one ' world 1ower and, another. When ever ths market I uctuates It Is he ; who finds himself ground as be- , tween two mllrstones. , When' prices were going up he had to bear the brunt of the consumer's Ill-feeling and now since they ars on the down grade,. hi it Is. who has been urged , by producer anl , manufacturer to sacrifice himself ' , in order to restore public' oonfl" dance in American business,"; ' This Interesting analogy was one of many bearing on the distressing 'posi-' tion ot the retailer received by tho National Prosperity Bureau In Its na tional survey of .consumers' cjm- pltints now being concluded by ih Bureau. Thl. data,when assembled will classify cause and etfoct ot con ditions throughout tlhe country. ;.,Jt sinus to disclose precisely what 1 at the bottom of . depresslo "in varloui locaUtlos'snd lfiStrlctly local r u! !!- tlons entpf into M f ir' - fight for a wag that will release the worker-from the frees! ng grip oC penury. Nevertheless, every dollar which the worker gain, which add to the cost ot production and dlstrl. button, must be paid by the ultimate) consumer, and haa to be collected' by : the retailen- 54.;"', '' . . Capital, Jnmsnds 1 a greater ' retura . on his money Invested the consumer paya and, the retailer collects, l be wholesaler recoups himself .against Mgher opprating costs the retailer must collect. .Transportation com pa ale, levy tiigber freight rates; cart age companies Increase tlielr charges; landlords .raise their rents to rot enhanced costs in every base the cou sumer pays, and. the retail?. vat collect. -; :','';:'. ,: ' ' ' ' Banks impose higher intcrat d. , or close down on the retai!e-,: ' prlvlng hlra of tils ability to take, trade, discounts ths consumer" must pay th' difference. He liJmself. be comes more exactbu in bis demands for service;, the cUrkj ask for larger uliiri' to keep bp' with the Ceieral "fovstlpnot prloos, . ' ; ' , ;i DUdnttiom of War, Tax Collect ' : ,'To fneet ay these cUs hpon'fc'i r sourcei and still have power to the . buying " public and ' supniy with what they want when tl: -it, the retnil 'merchant rnn- t 11 "i to 1 own "'"'! i" ' THE OLDEST BANK .5. director in u DIED THIS MORN J.- brut vsu.i ,11 as executor. The v 'Jnig to his heirs hia worldly to . estimated at around $30,(MhV y as 1 i mpi in its wording. In part it was as follows: "It Is my wiirthut all personal and real property be eold . at my death, and, after paying 9:nerat expenses and my debts, whatever residue.' ;mny .be left shall be divided equally be tween my wh"ef; Lillian S. Pritchard and my children, Ida Pritchard Rol lins. Arthur T. Pritchard, George M. Pritchard and McKinley Pritchard. On leaving the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, a beautiful silver loving cup was presented to me with appropriate inscription, recognizing Mie service I had rendered while or. the bench; It is my earnest wish that this piece of silver be placed some where, either in the state historic! society building or elsewhere, It miy Peters, a young German girl of 24 ' "P to . s:te and clean, a pi u j that years. Just the age of Woodard, and aiy decent young man would not be shortly after they.werc married. At ashamed to take his best girl, fhat time she could speak hut a few Another thing, this carnival is here words of English, while he was in ulu,er tlle auspices of the American equally as bad a position as far as LeK''n.. and 'e Set a certain per cent (By Associated Press) Haleigh, N. C, April 14. Dr. A. B. Hawkins, 00 yearg of age, for years the oldest alumnus of the University of North Carolina, and probably iha oldest bank' director in the United be kept as a testimonial.'' States, died at his homo in this city today, after an illness of some weeka. Dr. Hawkins graduated from tbo University In 1845. He had been a member of the board of directors of the Citizens National Bank of this city for 30 years and al ways took an active interest in Its affairs up to the time of his fatal ill ness. The funeral arrangements have not yet been completed. - "The Kiwanls organization of pro fessional and business leaders In at most 500 cities , of the country, and with about 50,000 members, I am sure, will do everything In its power to see that the ex-service men are property taken care IE GEORGE HARVEY TO BE AMBASSADOR TO GREAT BRITAIN MARKET REPORT (By Associated Press) Meantime, it is of uae to uauly this writer's characterization of the retailer.;';.- -r.: '.;y'V i.- - The retailor i, the final distributor of-the products of industry. Thlit function little understood by the a erage consumermay be likened to a great river which colletcs and bea.v on lt bosom to the wide sea of con sumption, all the outpourings of the innumerable tributaries of the world's Industrial , waterways. And so his butt for every unsatisfactory condition that exists, the causes for which are looked for no further than' his door Oetllng Together the Farts To think fully into and around any subject, a number of co-relating fac tors must be weighed together; add ed, subtracted, multiplied or divided Into one another according' to their relation to the question under con Washington. April 14. President Harding today sent to the senate the slderutlon; and the body of Consum names of George Harvey, of New York, to be U. S. Ambassador to Great liritain; and Myron T. Iferrick, to be V. 8. Ambassudor to France. At the same time the President sent some 30 other nomination)) to the senate which had been made by blm during the recess period, ' The President also sent the name ' (By Associated Press) Cotton Futures New York, April 14. Cotton futures opened steudy: May 11.99, July 12.54. of John J. Ksch, of Wisconsin, again Oct. 13.13, Dec. 13.51, Jan.13.68. to the senate to be a member of the Wall Street Inter State Commerce Commission, New York, April 14. -Selling of ; his confirmation at tho special, session German was concerned. WITH MRS. PAUL BOKDKX On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Paul Borden entertained the Tuesday after noon Bridge Club. Those present were Mesdames It n of all receipts, and if ever any organ! zation needed money the American Le gion does at present for they have a great work to do and it takes funds to do anything. Some may say, get the money with out the carnival, and to these who take this stand I wish to Say you have not paid your part, and It is up to you trin , li r.t 01 ..J -1,1 t a i mu uut., n. i. oiruu.., m iJUnu, i mv.. tQ pt p or ghut up. O'Berry, Wyatt Exum, LioneT Weil, Shall the braye boyg of our grea William Smith. Robert Powell, Spicer. commonwealth, the bravest boys that Holmes and Misses Rachel Borden ever shouldered a gun and went out to and Clara Spicer. protect your nome and mine, now that ' the fight is over, be allowed to suffer WATt:i 2r.O men and women to una wanting? God forbid, and if come to our barbecue served on ru not willing to do your part to Court House Square. Tnedav 19th, heIp these boys tnen you are no en" 12 o'clock, by Mrs. W. H. Barnes' tlt,ed t0 the Protection which this Circle of the Woman, Club. government gives you. ' It the city and county come out and look the carnival over and you will say it is a good clean show, as clean as any moving picture ever dared to be, and cleaner than a good many, and do your bit for the suffer- POST HISTORIAN Wayne County Post Am. Legion THERE ARE CERTAIN PEOPLE to whom Annuities are particultrly ad- ing jad8 apted. Those without dependents ana in peed of larger Incomes con surely in vestigate to advantage. Consult us. National Life Ins. Co, of Termont, AITOMOB1LE PAITIXfl--Hlgh grade (Mutual) work at reasonable prices. Soutb- JI. 51. Hnmphrey, Stale Manas-er, ern Motor Co., Cor. John and Ash 401-2-3-J-5 Borden nulIilimT, streets. lU COMMUNITY NOTES 'general shares at the opening of the i stock market today was depressed. due to the discouraging advices deal Again have the Klkg shown their ,ng wm, U)e hrmh labor upheaval, quality, and, although the weather Rails and Ktces fe8tured the reac man played prank., and made It too tif)Ilf whlch wat! Bharea by equipments cold for an out-door King, the Crm- 'al!( 0ug : munity Sing of last Tuesday eenl!ir'Xortnern Pacifu.( yesterday's woak in charge of the Elks, was the biggest cgt feature ma()e fu.ther reactlonB held in the Ceinmaifl ty Buildiiv; thin 3ooo Bhare. geUln$ at a loss of from year. About two 'hundred and twenty-'i.'. . . o noint ' five people were present, whicn loft not even standing room. Miss Laurlnda Hooks played and the Elks started the ball rolling with their favorite, Ll'l Uza Jane, and at e singing all the old songs, tha n-n,z ended with Li'l Liza Jane by the TiUs. The most attractive feature or th evening, however, was the singing of Old MacDonald's Form, led by John1 Other transcontinentals were also reactionary. WITH MRS. ROBERT MILLER On Wednesday morning Mrs. Robe.'t Miller entertained the Morning Bridgo Club. ' Those present were Mesdames H. L. W. Daniels, Jr. This small boy die u- bmaa' l'elunKcr, Murray his Job so creditably that it's sure hi Borden. I'io,,el WeiI- Rert Powell, will be pressed Into, service again j-Ernest Dewey, Kenneth Royall, Wil It Ir honed that ti, .in., i-jliam Smith. J. D. Arthur, of West two weeks, will be beld on the Cou-i' House .steps. The combination of mnslc and April and moonlight is hard to resist, so be sure and save an evening for it. - . Point, and Misses Rachel Borden and Ethel Miller. , . of the senate In early March, having been held up on objection. SO.METniGiEW. Time: Place: 9:45 Sunday a. m. St. John Sunday School. ITRMKHED A PA RT.HEST Young couple without children desires two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. References exchang ed. Addren- "A." enre Argus a!4-3t There will be a regular meeting of the Boy Scouts. Friday evening, Apr'l lit, at 7.30 o'clock. In the Community Building. All members are urged to be present, as Scoutmaster Claiborne Royall wishes to help them comoiete plans for a hike eafP turday morn ing at ten o'rt' . ers have not the facts regarding tMe causes of high prices, , ,. , It was this weighing an i collating that induced the Bureau to :-vi its questional. The results will be dis tributed broadcast so that the con sumer may better appreciate the prob lems of the struggle back to normal. The Bureau's educational work which Is enhanced by prosperity editions of newspapers, by millions of prosperity posterg In sizes from stamp to bill boards, by lectures, by writings, by advertising everywhere the "buy now" gospel, will culminate in an extraor dinary national celebration to be known as "National Prosperity Week during the third week in April. This concentrated drive against '"hard times" and the pessimist Is expected then to permanently drive gloom out of the land. No one ' will deny ,to the retailer the right to a legitimate profit on his Investment and service. Beyond that, the one big fact is that the retail merchant is the last cog in the great Industrial machinery of production and distribution, and, as such,' every turn of the wheel that make, for high prices, adds to the size of the' bill which be hands the consumer In re turn for supplying his needs, in order that a profit may be made. -Collector for Industrial Kingdom In short, he becomes the final col lector to the industrial kingdom, and as such must needs bear the dislike and suspicion which has always fal len to the lot of the tax gatherer since the beginning ot organized society. Every sin of selfishness, greed and waste, which the warring ot classes 1 I 9 i A I A I FOrxn-Lady's hand bag containing na neaPea " ",e proouc- purse with $10 bill, also two hand- llon durln tft la" 'ew years. Is Tia kerehef. Owner mar, secure jam I lte, "Pon ls devotel ead ,n w by applying at ?3 west Pine St. nwin measure. . A. J. Sykes. a14-lt It Is no sin for labor to demand and We've started something different At our good old church today Tho "True Blue" class ot ladles . Will show you in what way. The Superintendent asked us To lead Sunday School for him. I guess he must be tired. So we'll do so with a vim! The Phtlalhea Class will follow With a program Sunday week, So please attend both meetings If a blessing you would seek. But listen we fire racing, , So don't say thia out loud. But come to ours without, fail And help to swell our crowd. MRS. W. M. HI.VES. A word to the w-ise: ' It pays to advertise. recognition to t!ie caiuLio ot the retailer as tho coil ' r-i.i chief and whipping-boy extraoru. ry of collecting the war tax. carry i j with it the honor of wiping put the national debt4 ' And In recompense. 1 be becomes ' the butt of the orerall and old clothes Brigade and the silent boycott, and. at the last, Is allowed to wear the halo of martyrdom in tha cause ot The Great Adjustment of Prices. . . 1 Prices have been forced down, not because the cost of producing the stock which tihe retail merchant car ries on his shelves warrant the reduc , tion, but because the supply Is tern porarlly greater than , the demand. and, peculiarly, in this case, the needs of the consumer and the demand are not synonymous, . - ' VI hen the I'nblic Walened The .requirements ant, In fact. large enough to take care of every thing bejng manufactured, ' but the buying public suddenly wakened to the fact that its intemperate, buying In the past, which was largely tha v cause ot price Inflation, could not (4 on indefinitely. In protest against the very condition which it caused. ! It truck blindly against the nearest ob jectthe retailer. Just as the Irate. setting-hen without invidious com parisonsstrikes at the stick pointed ' towards its nest without aiming at the hand that manipulates Jt. . . ' If there has been sustained profiteer ing, that -charge cannot altogether be, laid at the door of the retailer as. a class. One. of the useful results of tlhe investigations of the National Prosperity Bureau established at fact. - " Bay Cnrefully But Buy Biow . If prices must come down perman ently, the remedy must be looked to-- Id the cost of production, and abuses must be checked before they reach thj final outlet Sgueeslng the retailer out of business only deals with effect. : not causes; refusing to allow him fair profit.' the consumer is " V' '':' nothing short of "killing be j that lays the golden egg" of ' which allows the small purse to make purohasea In quantities suitable to its size a result which would mean tragedy to alt except the rich wbi -could afford to spend large sums anl had the facilities to house the stons so purchased. , . ; . - And, so the National Prosperity Bureau earnestly asserts that If' the v buying public will continue to. p'ir . chase its requirements with Judr- ment, prices will come down, and . they will come down without disturb ing the industrial machinery mors than la necessary. , 1

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