f. DUSTRIAjL SHOW APRIL 2)0 TO I.- 1 ,7 NATIONAL BANK OF GOLDSBORO Wants yoar bnslnees and will be 'glad to correspond with yon. Vet. A. Norwood . ... . . .; . President Thvs. II. Norwood... .... Cashier. VOL. LXXIII. O . O (By the Associated- Press) London. April 15. Announcement ; that the rullroad'men 'e strike set tor 10 o'clock tonight bad been cancelled was made by J. Jl. Thomas, nnlional secretary of the railway men's union this morning, y , : ";. ; , ' No further explanation was given. -but the statement wag positive, and the general opinion' la that the rall- : way men have withdrawn : their sup port permanently from the triple al liance. ' i :.Zr(.::- " ..r'.-j , .1 '. The. transportation workmen, wbo had voted to Join the striking miners have also called off their strike, . "As far ag the railway . men and .-transportation workmen are concern ed,' the strike is permanently can celled," said Mr. Thomas. .. s Uavia uoyd .ueorge. British pre mier,' made the announcement In the house of commons that the striking miners had refused to open negotia tions with .the government for a set tlement of the strike"' ilpon any basis. The premie fead letter from the miners' federation stating that the ; only V condition 1 upo which they would' be willing: tq' treat Ith the government was , the abolition of , the national wage boardf . tv;.. i -fTHE BRODKB SERVICE" IV April 13. t21 Hl'gUS, v. .udboro, N. C. Dear, Sir?AltUough train No. 112 , was late, and did not arrive until a. m., : with ,tha aevere rain storm which raged oyer our .city from 4.80 'to 10.30 aj m., this did. not affect the delfrery ot .tbe morning Greensboro .paper hr "The Drowder Service" this morning. - With all this handicap our ; "Service", made 00 per cent-making all deliveries by 7.30 a. m, covering ; the ehtire city of Goldsboro. Any of 3ur many customers win voucn lor li statement. Thlg only goes to show the system and cooperation which makes "Tho Browder Service" a leader. With bej. personal wishes, we are, Respectfully, THE BROWDER SERVICE. By Grover G. Browder. Distributors of any newspaper, magazine or periodical published on this planet. ' Goldsboro Public Library Are you interested in modern poetry? The Goldsboro Public A Treasury of War Library has: Poetry George Herbert Clark. Editor New Voices Marguerite Wilkinson, The Second Book of Jessie B. Rittenhouso yard Kiplings Verse tlon. 18851918. Editor. Modern Verse Edieor, Rudy -Inclusive Edi- OPERA HOUSE Tonight Married in Name Only also Good Comedy TOMORROW THE LURE OF YOUTH Coming Monday and Pathe Newa , 4th Epiaode Ruth of the Rockies THERE ARE CERTAIN. PEOPLE to whom Annuities are particultrly ad apted. Those without dependents and In need of larger incomes con surely In vestigate to advantageConsult us. 5ational Life Ins. Co, of Yermont, (Mutual) H. V. Hnmphrey, Stale Manager, 401-3-3-1-3 Korden Bnilillmr. Announcement Hailed with Joy by of Business I - Whole " World LIC BARBECUE The public barbecua tomorrow M 12.30 o'clock, given by ' the Business and Professional Womans Associatln of Coldsboro, to which a number of tickets' are obtainable at 11.00 eac'aK will be' given on schedule time,' n. all those who have already purchased , tickets, as well as others who may desire to attend." will govern them selves accordingly. , Tho "cue"' Is being prepared by oca of the best of barbecue cooks aud lie glveg assurance that It will be "the flnest" and , cooked under cover. ' . If the weather tomorrow should pr-1 vent ' open air service on .the : cour'' yard, the corner building of Mr. At. ,23. Robinson at West' Centre and Chest nut streets has been secured for the s'ervlce;:vi.Y::'''; Families desiring to purchase "cue" for or Sunday's dinner should place, their )rder early,' . ; tV i , order. " Teter Jay, of Rhode Island, wa8 to day nominated U. ;SV Minister to Ru mania. The U. S. Steel Corporation today inaugurated further price redactions on a variety of its products. Guy D. Goff, of Wisconsin, a rcce33 nominee as assistant U. S, Attorney General, was formally confirmed by the senate today. Chicago had a triple, hanging this morning, of three Italians who had been convicted of murdering one of their countrymen. Cotton on the New York market took oj: a substantial advance under the influence of the clearing up of the threatened strike in England today. The Inter State Commerce Commis sion today suspended until August 13, the. proposed increase in freight rates on less than car load shipments to and from points in the Curollna3. A blanket prohibition against the shipment of fire arms and ammiini- ton from this country to any country where a revolution might be fomented was asked of Congress today by the State Department. A series of explosion in a fire works plant in Randotph, Mass.. early this morning shok the towtr like an earthquake and hurled sleeperg from their beds. The Are that ensued com pletely destroyed the factory, entail ing a loss Of $50,000. . The trial of Tom Clayton, a white man, of New York, who last January eliot and killed deputy sheriff Blue in FayettevIIIe while the latter was read ing a warrant of arrest to him,, is be ing heard n Superior court there to ay for murder. .The case will prob ably reach the Jury this afternoon. TOM THUMB WED DIN POSTPONED Owing to the very rainy weather the Senior Phllatbeas of St. Paul M. E. church deem it prudent to post pone the' "Tom Thumb wedding, scheduled for tonight until next Mon day night. . won pub "Thlg ArgUg o'er -the people' rights Doth an eternal vigil kcep,- , v . GOLDSBORO. N. C, Jli.6 JlVLo .. U E'.-v: 1 ft; Yoseniite Park Range: ': 'faWaw'' rT ; 'rK NO! ''..' ": . forest '& Townsley, chief ruiiger and dangerous ascent from the- floor deep. It took them 10 hours to make way.''---1 1 -Y'-' ' ;Vi" j Tl and ' vTho ; relation otwcett advertising present-day financial; and lndus conditions was iho '''.general imb- V recently, by 1'jrestou F. Bryant, aalcfl "manager ' of - the - Eabsoa f Statistical ; Organization, before the members of ..' ) .-. ... , j ... ... .. . k .1. ol- r . . . - mo putcg muuagers Association OI Philadelphia; at the monthly banquet held at' the BcTleVuo-Stratford. ' Some of the high apots "in Mr: BryantV'taik were? . . ; "The greatest mistake a business house can make today is to cut dow4 Its advertising appropriation. "There is a dangerous tendency at present to curtail advertising. This inclination seemH to strike the busi ness Interests wlien intensive adver tising Is most necessary. "Without advertising tho business outlook for the future is gray enough to be almost black'. "Many business men advertise when their trado is good and save their re sources in bad times. "The wise plan is to cut down tho advertising appropriation, when the sales are large and use the extra fun-is In advertising when orders are hard lo get. In this way business runs on a level keel. "Flexible advertising is tho best way to smooth out the periodical fluc tuations from. which business suffers. "We believe that business will-see n temporary spurt in the spring, hut that the permanent turn for the bet ter will not come until fall. "The change to normal seems to be coming more quickly in the East than in the West. "The difficulties of the next six monthg can best be solved by in telligent selling and sales efficiency." KILLED TODAY (Ry Associated Press) Washington, April lfj. James J. Langin, army aviator, was killed to day at Bowling Field. Just as he1 was circling downward for a landing, and when within 200 feet of the ground, something went wrong and bis machine crashed to earth. , RED ME5 MINSTREL . . REHEARSAL TOXIGHT There will be a rehearsal of the jRed Men minstrel tonight at 8.13 inYlrWlr. ' All n.rfni.m..a " ...... .1 t .- - ... j.ii.vyilll. ir. n.c uifvit IV be in attendanre. imurnTiniiin mih v HU.tnil3ll.bfli.Uf nDrnnirniiPuiin ARM V TO ,"" X .- ' ;' FRIDAY E ING, APRIL 15; 1921. . r' . . . - Til tn 1'ojiOinite JNatiob. of. losertiito valley 11 miloM and clirab ! ';""."''S.''':' :0f V " primary . ction Go for mayor ...... . y aldermen is indeed the highest jjusaxmc maic .on or a crystauzea community spirit for a Greater Goldsbboro. " . h v The voting in;all the wards was a practical en dorsement or our present stration and but for the aldermen Joe A Parker and Jno. R. Crawford, of the I nira ward, the personel or the administration is unchanged, and as follows: : ' '" Mayor Edcar H. Bain. Aldermen First Ward A. RaneVi , Second Ward U. M. Gillikin. Lionel Weil and I M. Edgerton. Third Ward Paul Yelverton and Dr. M. T. Mc Millan. . Fourth Ward Wv D. Creech and J. W. Cole. ; This means that the splendid progressive admini stration that has given Goldsboro a go forwardness that is challenging the attention of the business world and turning the eyes of desirable prospectors for permanent homes hither will be encouraged bv yesterday's community dorsement," to continue program for a Creater Goldsboro. i 1 Put away your hammers if you have been knockers accept yesterday's overwhelming ver dict of the progressives and put your shoulders to the wheel and let's together achieve greater things for The Best Town In The State. JACKPICKFORD IN IDEAL ROLE Irene iRiif.i, the Gold wyn actress whoso comedy ability Is to laughably revealed In "Stop Thief J" a Tom Moore picture in which aha played the bride, is given an excellent comedy vehicle as Mls .Tones, the pickle Queen In the GoldWyn- Picture, "Just Out of College," which comea to the Acme theatre, for one day only, today. Jack Pickford Is the leading man, and his work In this fascinating George Ade film play Is par excellence. As F.d Swinger, the youth who closes his college career with 20,000 In his pocket, a resolve to double it In 60 days, and not the ghost of an Ideajiow to go about it,' Pickford haa found his ideal rolo.IIow he makes good his promise and more than doubles lila money-mak" Tfflfiy a laugh. T-' No soothing strains of Mai's aon. ', Can lull Its hundred eyea to sleep." liviym-iKrmh-mmmmm' xoke Canceled lake Difficult Snow Climb M : J - " fy K 'l.-'l'!!''. - C:SS' 1 mB&zJ' 4S l-rr " ' k (ccntor, wlih but o(T), wUh a imrty mude n dllllrult i.cler Toinl on the rtra In suow lit places nearly 8 foet i'wt-. Going buck -they vat down aud sllrl much of the Edrivard ;6fesr '.TENT OF OUR PROGRESS -".IINISTRATION ' , . ' 'v," of democratic canditi-U. progressive city admins voluntary retirement of H. M. Humphrey and L. - . ': . vote of confidence and en-! their well laid and broad! (By Associated Press) , . Chicago, April 15. Six armed ban dits today followed two bank clerks on board a train and held them up and snatched from them two satchels, in which they carried $638,000 worth of cancelled checks. Tho robbery was deliberately plan- ned Two of the robbers followed the ' clerks on board and the other four Joined them a halt mile further out, where the' hold up was quickly ac complished, the robbers leaving the train at that point and escaping In a waiting taxlcab. German gas la peace than In war. more effective In ROBBERS TI BAPJK CLERKS sawn Renewal of m Sight IL R;i Board's Decision AUTOMOBILES! HEHt-NEEXMEEK ' The management of the Automoblla Show that opena In our city nut Wednesday," April SO, has Just closed a contract for on of America'! great est stars for three concerts during the show.' Miss Florence Wallace of the Metropolitan Opera Company, and who for the past four' years has toured with Arthur Pryor, the Famous Kil ties Band and the Boston .Symphony Orchestra, will give three concerts be ginning Friday ' afternoon.' Aprll JJ. Mis. Wallace will sing the evening of the big dance and will also give a concert Saturday evening, the last day of tha . show. -y The management of the Automoblla Show Is 6 be commended on ibrlnging this artist ;to' our jjity and the public should give their loyal support in financing such an attrac tion as this. .'. I IIM 'J Delightful Annaul Sochi) Smloa last - . Right Tho annual ; social session of th Goldsboro lodge of Elka, given always complimentary to their wives, lady re latlves and lady friends, haa coma to be looked forward to with avidity as one of the really big social enjoyments of the year. ,:f - i" ! Laat nlght'a annual event of this nature at the Elks lovely borne on Chestnut street proved, if, possible, the most enjoyable of all previous like occasions. ' -p; . 1 . The attendance was representative of every Elk's home In the city, tha occasion brilliant,' the service of "cue" unsurpassed In excellence, "and the dancing and other social indulgences of 'the evening, with superlative or chestral music and floral decorations, made the whole event one of unal loyed enjoyment. Drainage Engineers Here A number of drainage engineers, co operating with Maj. W, W. Peirce, are In the city today, and ' will meet In conference with property holders abut ting the "Rig Ditch" In conference to night at 8.30 o'clock, at the court house t ) discuss ways and means of salvage from overflows. This is a" feasible time to discuss the question aB the "Big Ditch" is right now on a ram page resulting from last night and to day's heavy rain. (By Associated Press) Cotton Futures New York, April 13. Cotton future opened firm: May 12.00, July I2.t Oct. 13.00, Dec. 13.43, Jan. 13.52. Wall Street New York, April 13. Announcement overnight of the abrogation of tho national agreement by the railroad board came as a complete surprisa, and infused ft strong tone to all dea' Ings on the stock market at the open ing today. Within the. first few min utes general gains were record ranging from I to 4 points by all classes of transportation, including Pacifies, grangers and colliers. The upheaval extended to oils and In dustrials, with Mexican Petroleum, Royal Dutch, Atlantic Gulf, Republic iron and Studebaker aa leading features. MARKET REPORT . NATIONAL BANK OF .COLDSBORO Wante your bislness and will ke glad to correspond wflh yea. -tieo. A. Norwood. ....... President Tbos, H. Norwood.. '.,... Cashier. .NO. 7 Prosperity Thrbuffh tlie .. . IVr Associated Tresa) Chlcaiio, 'April 1&. The . Padaral Railroad Board haa abrogated tha national J, wag agreement, a ad both, sides the rill way operator and Hht railway employes of all branches-, are very greatly gratified at tha de cision. ; They all Hiy It is the ending of moat of their labor controversies, both ai 4o . wages -und working honra. : Consequently "better business con dlUong'and a speedy and satisfactory revival of Industrial activities art confidently looked for throughout tho entire country. . . ' - The Railroad Board, in giving out Its decision, asked that tha railway , representative, and tha labor repre sentatives form an agreement of their own by July 1. FOK'XMS M1LLEK .v - .;..-:' . ' ' ; ,, ' '"'.. v' ' (Sataunah, Ca, Newp) . ' For Miss Lucy Miller of Goldsboro K, C, who Is visiting. heit- n'rotber, the Rev. J. D. Ililler, recjor 'of 8t. Mic:iu ;l and AH Angels' Church, the Parish Aid gave a beautiful reception V.'er". nesday afteriinon from 5 to 1 ' ' -i. ; Thtf rtueiitloh wa, given at tb of ) M. ut ef .the it! 1, 1 . " ' ' W'T'O i ws nssli I '" Mary McDonald, oi i The King. Tha committees In chu . e were I Ravenel Glgnilliat Mrs. J. !i. I !shaw, Mrs. Robert Coltmn-i. J t. I.I. T. Sespess, Mrs. J. A, Varnedoe, W. Ji Woody, Mrs. H. H. Groove. . Mrs. Thomas - Purse - was general chairman.. Young .girls' aorved the re-; freshments. s i j Tha decorations were cairns and American Beauty, rose in hall and parlor, with' snap-dragong' in tha ''i- Ing room and a vast of Amerl- n Beauties on th'e center tabla. "The honor guest was presented with a lovely corsage bouquet of Aaron . Ward roses by a member of tha Par ish Aid. , , . Miss Miller and the Rev. Mr.' Miller ' were entertained delightfully Friday , evening by Mrs. H. H. Carey. Compliments Our City. ' , , , ' ' "i ; ) , The Argu was pleased to have a call today from Mr. F St. J. Richards ' of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat's Xew York office, who is touring tho South, studying conditions in general, He has been through many Southern states and stopped In all their leading towns and he says he had visited no business center the size of Goldsboro anywhere that has impressed him mora . favorably. Surely we've got tha got the Best Town In the Suite. 25 Per Cent DISCOUNT ON DRESSES We. will place on Sale begin ning " SATURDAY, APRIL 16 100 Silk Dresses Conalstinf of Taffeta, Crepe De Chine, and -Canton Crepes. Assorted colors and sizes at 25 per cent Discount No Char ere for Alterations Great Britain has perfected an en tirely new type of leaplane which .can either fly or cruise aa a warship, ao dlspeufns wilih airplane carriers. ; i

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