ArnA;r - l ; NATIONAL DANX . OF CCLDS300" Waat year easiness aad will he fU4 U .correspond 'with yea. it Geo. A. Norwood, President Tho. It Norwood, Cashier . WATIOiW.L DANX OF tiOLDS2CnO ft' 4 trf - Geo. A. Norwood, President Thoa. H. Norwood, Cashier Iriati ysor bsilnets aal will be glad U eorrespend wit yeev;!! t r,t "This Arris o'er ths people's rights Co lb an eternal vigil keep, .. No soothing strstns oC Mai's son. Can lull Its hundref eyes to sleep." yokLxxiv. ' COLDSBORO, N.Q., MONDAY F ENING, FEBRUARY 13, 1922 NO., 108 II OFFIGEr 14 .1 OFF MISS MINTER r ISSOESSTnTEINI III lldULI IIIUI OF LISLBIH HAVAL Hi 2 CASE OF U. S. EXPORTS IfJlCEfJTIfJi PIUS CROWNED AS BOLD flOBBEflY H REDUCING HIE m FALLING iTfl MAfierc Tnirii UflLlfl POP CHURCH PERSOflfJEL I ; C ((By Associated Prftts) ' Rome, 1 Feb. 12.-Plus - XI was crowned Pope la theV basilica of St, s Peter's; today ,' amid - scenes pomp-' and enthusiasm and In - the presence of Princes and digniatar. lee of the chuithc, the diplomatic representatives of foreign . countries, members of the Roman aristocracy and a TaBt assemblage Blnng tnei 'gregt structure to the 1 very doors. The ancient' custom was carried out with Impressive ceremonies and the newly ' elected Pontiff, now oe - cuples the throne of the first Pope reported crowned, ? Leo HI, ; who reigned from 795 to 816; . With the, exception of ieo aiui and Benedict ICV who owing to the strained relations existing between the Quirlnal snd the Vatican In 1878 I and the -World War' In 1914. pre- -.-A: . to be .crowned In , the J Sis - ' tin; X Met the coronation of"' all the Popes" elected since the erection of the tosstllca ; has been. Wlebratea tvaa - Ritv thousand people gathered .ithiri Uie edifice roes spontaneous. lv' and cheered the holjr father as Cardinal Legs placed upon iueiu v ui ' . Pope'swiietfd the tiara, emblem of I Judges are Dr.- Walter Damrosch, .rem ' .overelgntv. - The cheers conductor of the New York Symphony ' contlailed' Iot so lop a time that Piu's was compelled to make Signs uu iiia iaa s , if "seeking all-1 m rHr ' that the ceremony I . - ..n. AM Romans who! -k.d wtth'essed the 'coronation, of ri PB kav that the enthust- asUo -reception accorded the pres-lor ent Pope has -never been equalled . l their 'memory.:,, . . - aaah will, sincerity : "and . hope I Hnminant'. emotions pre- : ,J T.nm. i." the new spirit-1 ! Vad-r- was receiving .the. triple A; M,h th maanlftcent cere-J II... . " .1. , nsV o r.mian catnonc rnunu, b..t - 'f Us-matter of fact sn I UinesB-lllte manner pb- talking 1aih world today,' Silver laming ia,i u - i bugles, of vAs sixteenth century an-1 nounced the coronation anu tne ru robes of the agedt CaMlnaiai miagf. 'All over North Carolina, the re Hng rtittBnilltomsiPf th 8wlw poaseV.'tAPIl.r-..'(.0f(tb guards recalled the Middle ages, but Jewl , ,n ' war1rTa'ed , Europej naa the . crush . of spectators ; at.,, ,, heavy .bnongs gates ot a. formerly forbidding Vatican, revealed that aometklng was changed In Rome. - Sixty thousand persons were pack- ed In the noble and Impressive1 basilica of St. Peter's, silent and reverential, with one thought per- vadlng all. that the saintly old man wlthln the Vatican walls may yet enjoy that Which was the recrea- tlon of yottng Rattl of 'Deslo, climb- Ing the Alpine mountains of his native land. r Today he is a -prisoner i - wlthTB the.' Vatican walls ,but to morrow the hope ?s freely express ed, he may be free to mingle among tha crowds of. the common people he loves s well. The first message sent out brosd csst dTsr thd wold by Pope Plus expressed, ' the" wish tor universal pacification and declared tha,t while thsr iioly See should not, abandon any" of the church's temporal pre rogatives' a satisfactory arrange ment whereby the Vatican could rule , spiritually only would be wel comed. - SUnd,ini; upon the throne directly under tho cupola of St Peter's. Michael Angelo's masterpiece Pius XI with " Lead adorned with the tiara bellowed .the blessing upon those below, in which many races and mary creeds mingled. Tbe Oregoria.1 psalms snd hymna of Jo rendered by the choir were tsken ap by ' tn . assemblage In which vsrlbna accents. Anglo-Saxon, Ger-msn.- French and Scandinavian were aotlceable. Seated oa the' papal chair wear ing' a grett whhe cape embroidered with gtold ad, the precious mltr the. newly elected Pope blessed the worshippers who lined the corridors of the Vp.tlcaa sad the. entrances of Ft." Peter's. PIihi XI again blessed the crowds from the outer balcony of 8t. Peter s, this time nearly zue.ew people cheering -Long Live the is WE ONLT HAD MORE TIME m.m write shorter Ads. We aim to direct attention to the trapths of a.r baslness. the character of Its service, aad oar desire to receive KetWnel Ufa lee. Co of Vt laarawu pj M. Itailrty. Bute Manager. ,: I ... . (By . Associated Press) I ' St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 13. Jewelry I estimated by the .hotel proprietor to oil be worth $100,000 was obtained ." by j burglars last night when at the I point of a pistol they held up 'and ("forced the night clerk of the Wash. I ington Hote here to , unlock ' the I ofllce safe. The jewelry was the property or IgUests stopping at : the hotel, and i toe proprietor cannot ten - tne ex. I act value until he check? up with 1 the guesti , holding tickets . for vat juabtes deposited" in the office safe, CollefiTe Glee Clubs -i. . yir 1, VrWlIlCDl SIS 11CW M, Win 'I ew,, York, Feb. ' 1J. Ten ' college nee clubs are going to compete at 1 uarnegie nail Marcn . rne warn lm v ere coming from Harvard, J Princeton. Yale Amherst, Clumbla, I uinraomo, rew rora universuy, I na Mtate, . I'btverBity or t'ennsyi vanta and Wesleyan The club Judged the best of all Is to receive a cup from the Univer- Orchestra. Henry Hadley, composer and directorand George qiiadwick, director of the New England Coil. servatory of Music, Persons -who 'have no liking for Bantocke "Give a Rouse." will steer clear-of Carnegie Hall on March 4 that air la to be sung by each of the 10 clubs snd they will, be Judged re.el. uie B.,,Brg contribute 'any other number they wish to the gaiety of the occasion ,the competitions wnlch are for the purpose, of , enconrsglng choral singing, began m 1914. and . ..... . J I wimi-iim "- - iMy - InereasH. ;ar1 V'. ; rlse the last three year successively. --,- . . A Word of Appreciation Deen whole-hearted and generous, to a degree, and once again our state has fTaied.ita own nigh record for mla- j8fertng to, the needy and oppressed. yet nownere more u,an here at home, (n Ooldsboro, baa the spirit been finer more spontaneous. Without any ,oiCtatlon by the state organization, tne good peopie 0f ooldsboro organ- ,le(1 and secured' a ' most substan- a, 8m fof the jewl8l, Relief Fund, A grac0Ui noble spirit, a fine sense f oomraunai good feeling snd broth- eriy responsibility; this giftrl doub- ly prised and brings a twofold bless- Ing. . , , As State Chairman of the Jewish Relief Appeal for North Carolina, I take this means of expressing, mt deep appreciation of .lhts generous donation, and equally of the fine spirit ... which animate those who hare so liberally aided us. Gratefully yours,. v Lionel Well. State Chairman Jewish Relief. Appeal. CHICKEY SALAD StTPER The ladies of St Stephen's Eplc- copal church will have an oyster and chlckea salad . supper, at the Parish House, adjoining the church on Thursday night "Feb. lfith. from to 8 o'clock. Beside, 'delicious chicken salad and oysters, there will he hot rolls, coffee, sandwiches and pickles. Everybody la cordially Invited to come and get an appetising supper. Pope," , and waving handkerchief and admission tickets to the Vati can which had failed to find them room inside the great church. It had leen officially announced that "owing to the cold weather" the Pope would not bless the crowds from the outer balcony, but such wss tbe insistence and warmth ct the cheers, lasting three-quarters ot an hour that the Pontiff finally decided he must answer the call of his chllden. Thna !t waa long after 1 o'clock la the Afternoon when the holy father appeared ca the balcony, sur rounded by Cardinals Vaaatelll, Caa. parrt. Merrier aad Bourne and be, stowed the apostolic benediction, again waving the familiar, little shake of 'the hand as he disappear ed Into the interior of the baalica. (By Associated" Prus) , . Washington.' Feb, 13. Secretary Denby recommended to the House naval- -committee : today r that the naval complement of men, be .reduc ed - to ,90,000' and ( . apprenticee '. to ,000.' ' ' - ? ' ' ' He also recommended that the allottment of sutdents at Annapolh be reduced from S to 2. to' each congressman and that " 100 des. troyers be placed 'out - of commis sion,, , . ' He said this ratio would reduce naval expenses $70,000,000 - for the next year. Further reductions to flolow later. XICHAEIi COLLINS ISSl'ES WAKX V Associated Press.) . - London, Feb.! 13, Michael Collins, hesd of the New Irish Republic to day cabled ' a warning to American sympathisers to be on their guard- that a comped' elate was being plan- bed against the Irish provisional government : BIG EAGLE KILLS. KOLDIER (By Associated Press) Dan Hlego, Cliflo, Feb.' 13. A sol dier of the garrison shot v a , large eagle In the mountains of Los Ander last Saturday, and thinking he had killed the , bird he . ran forward to where It, had fallen. ; The eagle had fallen with a brok en wing, from the shof, and I when the soldier rushed up the Wrd jit tacked1 him vicloirsly, , and . In . the struggle" the eagle's claws gripped the trigger of the gun. causing It to explode, and send a fatal shot into the breast of the soldier , 3 Comrader rushed tip only In t!sn ito (. r "i A Life Prisoner Retires From Ofnce ,, rafikford, Ky Fob. IS. Sol Fnr Ing.' who l( ' serving-! his second' life sentence for . murder. , ha ,, retired from the presidency ..of the j Mutual Welfare League, .an. organisation of prisoners in the State , Reformatory here, . ', ' . '., The league, while conceived by the superintendent largely is the crea ture of Fleming's constructive efforts. The league is charged with provid ing recreation for the inmatea of the prison, looks after the amuse ments snd establishes a standard of conduct for its members, demand ing that they maintain the stand-, ard If they enjoy Its benefits. ; Fleming, the "former president, and who still devotes much time .and sludy to the league, has the unusual record of .now ; serving his '. second life j sentence for . mvrder. . He was pardoned while serving tils first sen tence) In 1916' he again killed a man and again received' a life sen teace, . . , ... . . -1 . . ... . - - , . . . .The welfare feature of the league, has Fleming's chief interest. It looks after the dependents of its members, .cares 'for its members when they are. sick,, by providing delicacies and pays funeral expens es If they or any of their dependents die. It helps the men to know . that their families are being cared for,", Fleming says, ."and wlM keep many a wife faithful until her husband geta out, in my opinion.' . A woman with dependent children and her hus band in here has a hard outlook." Tangible aclevements In the year of the league's existence are consid ered remarkable by tbe superintend, ent, Noth withstanding the fart that a large majority of the prisoners practically are destitute, their league baa spent la cash $2400 Improving the baseball diamond? $,50 tor band uniforms snd lnstniraents.fl.500 on its commissary and office fixtures, and haB accumulated about $500 worth of stsge properties. These purchsses were made possible by tbe operation of a store by the prisoners. Vienna .'Advances "Prices 100 Per Cent Vienna, Feb. 11 Street car fares and the price of gaa and electricity have Jast been advastced 100 per cent making them 14 times more then they were one year ago. " 4 Press) ' 13.AlthoBgt It Tts -jf the dls the police and 'I holding up in 'vheml the mur- their . efforts to dercr of Wm- ! ylor, the moving picture iiret:tor; J ! Ihej freely ad mil that (he case die most baffling one they have ev i ! had to contend with, - t - Eleven days have elapsed since the murder, ana with xtl their industry they' say : they v yet without a single tangible diioutip., . t The Near T :f' " iHcI! ' f Campaign Wayne ' County' C i ta la Tkls fall 9t Jilanlnar I.., nanlty-Will 'be ;; . Sellclted diirlnjt Tne Weeks - ? The .North Caroi n:i . Division, r Near 'Bast Belief, taumiiwl Us -campaign for i 200,CO(r in Nuiih Carolna this fiscal ' year yestenl;'t' la alwut 75 counties, as ' unw need VJ by Col. George II.' BelUitr.vj .Jt:ue chairman. . As 'organization 1, s not heun com pleted in the .jtheri H counties', the campaign will bo mt on for a week 'n each ' of thoHc -uij-dlvisljiis .. at soon 'an the ' conn! chairmen com plete tfhelr oryani, cot. Tha 'state a-lde, campaign 1 , continue for two woeks. North . C troll na i r aked ' to raiw Id feed. ,clothfe, l orptians.en- of the Old 'ive separate a port -air iminl ii is .v various ''ti.-it!on S20A.0O0 tila ye:ir and . dducate the : trusted to the North State i.i orphanages :(. 'j the Black been apnoit counties i ! A I';. C wie-. killci i,i i the.vaut Baku -oil tel.! s. I.., ;ts aree tliv. failure Vof .i:nii.uiy to get the fast oil sMppIu-ii ahoi ti-iied the ' wa by Jnmny months. , i n ' 'i fHa4..i tle war - b cu , prolomtd tlHialv, there la ni.ny a North Caro lina t boy hack home today wh oulJ ew-(.s sleeping, tinder a wooden cross la prance. North Carolina cannot see the children of these heroes starve or. freese to death."r,, ' '.': ' i "Other children 1 In these orphan ages wero made hfl plena when their parents were - killed during 1 the Turkish depredations into Armenia because I hey ; would not renounce Cnrist and become Mohammedans The campaign In ( Wayne County Ik .under the supervision of . our young townsman Mr. Paul li. mundson, of the Cold-ihoro.' bur, who baa . generously taken this renpou- slble work In bans, la giving' him self to it with gnat personal in tcrst, and it is Imped that lie wul meet on every hand .throughout il county wiltk generirts, reeponse, du.- i;ig '.there two weeks. Mr, Robt. H. Edwards, president of the Farmers Bank -.and Trust Company, with ito L characteristic philanthropy, has onsented to act as treasurer for fte county fuhii. and . all checks and cash contri butions will be, dsly acknowledged by him and all ekecka should he made payr.ble to Wm as treasurer. Now let W:iyne County again go over the top" ai usuaUln- res- poiiae to this call of stsrvlng ha mahity. i , " MISS borih: ESTERTAHS Mias Rachel lloroen enlerfsifled at a-delightful bridge party Friday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Edwin Lee and Miss Agses Foy. of New Bern. There were six tables.' After the game s delicious salad vourse waa serreo. ueaauiui cor. sages wer presented by the hostess to the guests of honor. WITH URS. K. W. TICK- . Mrs. E. W. Vhk entertained her bridge club on last Saturday Bight There were four !es of cards. At the close of the mam delight. ful fc-e course was e. rved. . In addition to H; members of the club llhe folios I iruests were present: Ms iri ty, fr dames Gabe Hohirf t i, er Holmes, Clovis Blsck aud . K ilun. , ' ' (hy A.iao ! Los Angeles. 1' is a holiilny the trict attorney's o the detectives art- (By Associated Press.) Washington, ; Feb. 13. Exports In January UBKregated $279,000,000, the lowest - in . seven months and shows a falling off of $15,000,000 from Iiecemlter. imports for January amounted to $216,000,000. i aaainst $237,000,000 for the previous month and $20, 000,000 In January 1321. PASSES ( A8E US TO SI PRE.ME (OIBT (By Associated Press) Raleigh, N. C. Feb. 13.Judge W. A. Devln today, passed on to . the hearing by the Supreme Court ' the Injunction proceedings Instituted by Judge R. F. Long to prevent tax commissioner Walla from collecting a tax from' Judge Long on the tatter's salary, which Is a test case. CAI'GnT n MEXICO . , . . v: ,; 'i'.j," .Kyyr''i:y.y (By Associated Press) r ,Hlg Point, SC, Feb. J 3. J. L. Armfield the abscondingpresident of the defunct Thomasville, X. C bank, which was closed last August, charg ed , with the embeszlement 'of $160,000 of Its funds, has bee arrested In Mex ico and turned over to U, 8. author ities, . and la ' today on hls way to Thomasville in charge of a.'B.'Wira- terly, chief of police of that town. Of Interest To All ; Ex-Service Men Mr; Bert MeMillan of the veter ans paper. The Star and ' Stripes, Is In floldsboro In ' the Interest of the Soldiers Bonus. "i' - ' : He wlnlies to interview every ex. "rice ii s.n wMIp In ciU- mul-'cr. ami the kind of cotti ipensatlon- they 'dewlrer- 1 ''Mt.V(MlVHA,haa "iirUeriBweal p proxfmatoly 6,0400 ex-service men In the: eaatern, part of this Slate aad all t with m he" ; except ion i of one ex sodjer ; f w-ers In favor ' of the bonus He . Is taking 'a1 vote on this matte atii ' wlSIies all of (lie er-servi' e men' to ex press themselves. la caStf he does not see you dur Ing the c'ay he will be glad for you to call on him at the Kennon Hotel between 6.30 and 9 p. m each affrnoon, including Wednes day of thir. week. "Island of Ignorance" Off The Welch Coast Iindon, Feb. 1.1. Bardesy, a lit tle iHlnnd off the Welch const, near Pwllheli, has been described SS th island of Ignorance" for It Is only jo-Mr recently that .men of the age or .It have begun to go to school. I'p to three years ago the Inhabitants believed in ghoals and fairies. Now they are to have the services ef a minister of religion Hfld a school teacher. ' Spirit, Of Outdoors In Don't Tell Everythinng Combining three of the most pop ular figures of the screen Wallce Reld. Gloria Swanson and Elliott Dexter the two former stars sn the latter a featured player for Para mount pictures comes "Don't Tell Everything" which will be seen t the Acme Theatre Tuemlay and Wed nesday. The most interesting feature aside from the exceptional cant In that It s typically an out of door story. breathing the fraersnce of the plnei"' woods, the life and action of the polo field, the charm of a California golf course. Sam Wood, the director. M n keen port lover himself. So Is Wallace Reld and so. Indeed, are all concern. Dorothy Cummlng. who plays a girl of the modern athletic type l accomplished sportswomsa A real polo game was staged for the picture; and Indeed nothing has been Ml un done to make thh one of the seaaon's most notable productions. Lores Moon wrote and A. S. I-eVIno adapted the story to the screen. Huoband shonld have "good char acters" from their former wives whei they try to marry agaln. ((By Associated Press) Los Angeles. Feb. 11In a signed statemeut tssued today . by Mary liis MInter, through her attorney, the noted film-actress who received her first training' under the la to Wm. Desmond Taylor, murdered iu his studio last week, says: "There is no personal nor can clal sacrifice that I would hot make to bring to Justice the slayer of Wm. Desmond Taylor. "Mr, Taylor was oue of my best friends. He directed my studies with the greatest of care and 1 owe him a det l ean nevsr pay. "1 met Mr. Taylor first In 1919, when he became my director. ' J' was then 17 years' of age, and his Inspiration, his frlendlv ' rnunkf I. and considerate , attention to my training meant not only to me but to all other yonne women ' with whom he came in contact a reaU Isution that he was a worthy man worthy to be trusted and worthy of their highest admiration. "From then until he met his death he was the symbol of hotor and refinot: conduct the symbol of all a dean-minded girl admires tn a man.1 "His friendship was uplifting and his aid ami counsel were always en nobling. It would be nothing short of. the direst Ingratitude If I did not raise tny voles o' proclaim now ' what he was and repudiate those who would besmirch his character. "I have told the district attorney Investigating the murder all I know of Mr. Taylor's; life . both here and In the east., , ; ?' , cannot conceive the , nature ol any one who knew .Mr. Taylor 'in llfejthnt would now; attempt to re flect upon- his thnrncter." : , wlt AtJUl li.J Ului ; For the City have. Wtigfit (heir puplN the1 value of our 'native ' birds, an I have done all In their - power to secure th interest bf ' the chlldre-i in studying' aiid protictlhg the bird and their nests: The"' Public "Li brary and the' Womahs' Cub have fostered this interest by the display of pictures and the holding of meet- ings for the young people, at which stereoptlccn lectures on North Caro Una birds have been given. There has also been established a Bird Club, which seeks to continue this work of teaching young people to know snd love our : feathered friends. , : . The various states of the Union 1 1 T have enacted laws to protect the breeding places and' ' haunts' of migratory birds, and hare provided heiivy penalties for those r person" who kill the songsters and "other u sent I species. There are. however, boya whose parents provide them with shot guns and rifles, and allow them to pop away at any bright ! colored birds that may appear to perch oa the trees la the neighborhood of their homes, nhlle occasional iy the boy's father will himself take shot at the friendly robin or cardinal that comes to peck at tre seeds and berries. There ere regions In Goldaboro where song birds are never aeeb or heard, and It la easy to Snow he caus of ibis ftrjoje condition strange, because North Carolna Is state well slocked both with tho bird snd the wild fruit and seeo earing plants .snd trees on which they love to feed. It Is also, un fortunate!, overrun with insect pet. frotl the boll weevil to the uo. "-. - unsock mclh. and the whole raage fllcker, bine bird aad meadow lark, spend at least twelve hours per day hunting and eating these Insects which without them woud overrun and devastate the fields and gardens of our State. It la therefore Important that tbe entire population ahould be en listed (or the preservation ot these faithful r lends of tuts. And thee who pertlst la wantonly killing the birds. Jiist for tbe childish pleaaare of hearing- a cartridge explode.,. or of satisfylag the more savage la. stlnct of taklnx life without reason should be made to feel the Indigna tion of lh.r neighbors and also to Buffer the penalties which the law provides f-jr such unwor'Jie ton duct - (By Associated .Pratt) 4 Buenos Aires, Feb. 13.-The tnlted States may ba the "land of promise" t for European Immigrants but it l'u not the only land" lii ; the Westers' Hemisphere Vhere promises of riches for the humble who labor have been .'C fulfilled. A local hewe'naner ' kaa Just -published lint ot Immigrants or : descendants of immigrants from Italy numbering 111 whose combined fortunes gained in Argentina are estimated tet exceed h 1,000.000,000 Z pesos or t24.BO0,00O lR 'Amerlcsn money. The list Vas , published la connection with the forth-coming fa- augratlon of S.000,000 .peso club !" Itoiute which' ihe Italian colony of I!ueHia Aires has erected. . Itlilianc In Argentina are promlnont .v In a!l tt-anrhes of activity but to--; large extent r Industrial enterprises. DAYLIGHT RAtlSG TIME A't'r' .! " " " ' An hour when ' the ( bright hued ', ; drsperles of he dhwn , t , ' Are In charity across the Mbter of "' darkness drawn, ! "f . - "'. - ". ;.v, or 1 When , . dewdrops welcoming . each. " : .ray of llglit. " - ' ' Twinkle, sparkle, dance and laugh ? . fng die with night. , ,. , When silence lies along wlth'rlnf; t tJove's mournful knell '-i ', , That tiallelujaha of the. cardinal and . ,-1 mocking bird dispel '' r : ' ' : "' t . r r.i.i : When ten thouaand tiny orc.i-as, . ,t With notes exeeedlhg to."'iA''JJZ1.' Begin ,a wondrous .nielofly: a -Tf; ' f 't .by; Heart Divine. . , , , y And quivering l.'iviq a I v InS Bit ( ! !: i t . I the prei-u( i ,f t..n i KATE OALLO V.'A V Ji';, . . .,;o.V Ooldsboro,, Nk C, .., j f m I.. f . A DF tlTIK L PARTY. v so t - EAimTfc PARTY ' f! 1 J " ' " AS ' I LIB ; he'' hundred giid iwebty.flve 'ciub' " wpen attended the Valentine Party" " given' at the-Womans Club , Thursv day afteruoon. The , building fund : committee. Miss Mary DeVane, Mrs B. O. Thompson and Miss Oertrude Well wer-j hostesses. ' . Decorations of hearts and soft,, red ' lights made the ' rlub ' room rery attractive. . The ; entertainment V of the afternoon was In charge of Mrs. A.' V. Bohbltt, chairman of the social committee., assisted by Mrs,' ' W E. Borden, chairman of tha pro- '' gram commttee 1 and ' Mrs. W. II. Smiib. 'cksirmsn ot aecbrattoas "and' Mrs. M.' E, Bis Sell, .'chairman "ot. reireshmenU. vr"i I The program was ' unique and' most' enjoyable. Madam Zee-Zee, a pupil of Madam Evangeline Adams. held . the' audience spell-lwund by her ' wohilertul ' mlnd.reudlng" and sleight-of-hand 'performance, v The pictures from the family album were vitalised to apeaklng likenesses by . her maglu wand. .' , After the entertainment Miss Da Vane spoke of tbe splendid , work- done( by the circles for tbe yesr Just ending and asked the treas urer of the club to announce, tits amoants raised by the circles for , the building fund. The two largest smoants hsd been rslsed by the circles of Mrs. Wms. Splcer and Mrs. Sol Isaaca, to whom beautiful corsages ; w ere presented la apprsv elation of . their work. . A." hestty. rote of thanks was given to . the building committee and Its chair man. Miss DeYane, who have been nc-eastng in their efforts and who hare been inspired by the whole-' hearted cooperation , ot the entire club membership. ' A delicious We course was served and a social hour enjoyed. - ' - ' p. WORK AID WIX. - - A country editor. Bays the Hiber ala Rabbit, published by the Hlber aia Bank aad Treat Company, of New Orleans, who started life poor twenty years ago. haa retired with a very comfortable fortane of f IS.OOO. This money was acquired throagh Indus try, economy, conscientious efforts to give fall rslue. ladomltaae persever ance, and the death of as uncle who left the editor I'43",SI .SO. - I a.f .. in ""- 4