SSlJhe'Padrioss Ain't Even Learned One Way "1US DAILY" ARGUS MICKIE,THE PRINTER'S DEVIL By ChaA Sughroe Worn Nxnpapff Um T 4 Benirt-aUe Sfewspnper ft&Uihed Every Afternoon Except -. - Sundajv . . I . 5 tl TBS AJ1GTJS PIBLISUMQ CO .Editor : Bablcrtplloi rrlce, ia Advance Oat Tsar $5.00 Six Months $2.50 Three THontU ll.SK , iOpt . iaqnth , 60 One Week 10 'Xemibet'of the Associated Press Vbt'Aisacled I wrclusiv- ely-. entitled to the use for republi cation, ot all newt credited tJ it or aoi otjbfcrwlse crediud. In this paper and alto' the total . news published f 1 I"- 1 111 -'-J-J. . .ml I, 1 ' 5 ?! v : All rights of republication of spsclar dispatches herein are also fwerved.; , 'Entereci at the-Postofflca in Golds ''Wo as second class "mail matter. . FULL ASSOCIATED I'KLbH SEUTJCC Reducing the Navy The incapacity of the Re publican1' leadership . in Con gress is illustrated by the pro posal, which feeema to be ser iously made, to cripple the Yiavy by cutting Jown its fuol supply; -and by throwing the Annapolis class back to civil life. . The navy having -betai ? , fed a c e d by international agreement, the 'Republican would now, reduce it 'further without any- -international agreeinentC; - t It .was for tour advantage i $o reduce "the number of our - capital i ships because f6ur ' -other nations joined lis in this. , Our ( naval , exepenses . were reduced, but our relative ha- J, . val strength waS hot; in com' K parison with other nations wc " . "retain substantially ouf navtil , rank. We "disarm no further ;v than otheT nations do;" But it ' has occurred to many of the ir-..ui:...- UI-" .nnU i in.'puuucaua - m til' ;wic vumu ' make'" some further political capital by a program of eco hbmy, 'and when there is.' a question, of making, political capital the1 Republicans do not f. Allow1, considerations of ' nat b lonal safety to interfere.. - .' The capital ships, being re . duced, it ia of course impera- tive that" the ' navy retained - -shall , be. maintained in the highest state of efficiency.' !-A 'fleet that cannot go to sea be ' tattse 'it -lacks- fuel will not Uf long be -an efficie'nt navy" The I'ii Bhius ouirht to have full com- l tlements, 1 or 'something near that certainly not mere skel eton vcrewR i ';ml 'as - many 'ehips as practicable "should V kept in commission, and these ships "shb'uld hot 1 be tied up in navy, yards, but should, b cruising'" constantly for the training of officers and then. - "The "crews carl be extempor iiei,prettyv rapidly in an. em ergency, aOough it shoald hi apparent , to anyone that the men cannoUbe thoroughly ef fiCient 'Until they" bate haflp" " considerable ' training. E u 4. the training involves an abun t dance of smart ypang officers. W Cannot extemporize them, We! ma j add a Tew landsmen ;-ito the corps of naval officers, bat It4 rerfarres no arguTtie'nt that this element cannot be A : very large;5-and 'officers who know nothing about the navy cannot train enlisted men who also know nothing tfbotit the navy. e . had better have too . many .: officers than too . s. 'i ic, uu jt is, me in on wasie- fal economy in the world to tie up Jthe ships ratnef than " L uv fael for tKism. . ' J feg&fe&fe ikrift A7 Now Is The Time a To buy a Crystal Electric Washer with wringer at a big reduction. $135 machine now $85, only one left at this price. For easy terms call telephone 5 1 . Free demonstration in your home. J yC Carolina Power & Light Co, v'At Your Service' Day Phone SI NOTICE Ot MOKTGAl.r.S S.tLE Under and by virtue of the potter ot nuthorltycuntutnetl , In a cei uiin mortgage deed executed und deliver ed by Luvi?nia(Brlglit, P. w. Bright, Arnold . Brown and Llllle Uiighl tlrown tto M. Sherman on the 24th duy of jahuary, 1920, which Mort gage Deed is . duly recorded tn I he office of the Register of Ueeds for Wayne County lit Book 131, page fcfll, default bavins been , made In jthe payment of the Indebtedness thereby., secured, the undersigned win, on Monduy, March 0, 1922, at twelve o'clock M at the Court House door In Goldaboro, sell to (he highest bidder for cash, the prop erty therein conveyed, described hh follows: Begins at a point in the southern line ot Bald Thomas Brlght's lot, !!& loot east of Oliver Ilrywnt's corner. runs .'north parallel with Bryant's eatitern Hue 105 foot to Oooi'Kfi Boyet's line, then west with Boyd's lino 85 feet to suld Bryant's Hue, then southerly with his line 105 feel more ' or less to his corner, then easterly parallel with second Hue 35 loet more or less to uoginning, part of the land bought by said Thomas Boyet of L. H. Foton and Hife by deed. 35x105 feet more or less;, Re!orded in boo 65, page oald defendants are required to ap 562, Registers office Wayne county. wnr and answer or demur to the Also one "model K4G, S passenser Buick automobile No. 3H047. This 6th day of February, 1922. M. SIIKTtMAN, Mortgagee. J. B. HOOKS, Aslgnce. XOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Wayne Cotrnty. tTnder and vinne of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage I deed executed by John P. Powell! and Wire SalHl Powell to N. ft. Brad ford recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for said Wayne Connty Tn Book 132 at page 1GS. the ' said mortgage deed ' togetfcr:- ' with 1 indebtedness thereby secure 1 1 having neen transferred for value ,"o M. Slierman. and default having been made 1n the payment of the lndebl - ftdness "thereby secured, the Under - signed will, at twelve o'clock M., on Tuesday, March 14m, 1922, at the Cdurt House door In Ooldsboro. N. C, sell for cash, to the highest bidder, the lands conveyed in said mortgage deed anj therein described as zoi- lows:" '-. A "certain lot of land lying in Gridsboro T6was;;ip, Wayne County, tn' tafd ' Stafe, and bodhded as f w lows: Being Lots BS and 69 accorJ- jthe lands conveyed by E. A. Hunt ing tm the map of The Godsboro Is-tphrey and otliers to E. G. Porter and vertment Co- ot Vhi reference fsjW. nereny "made To said map . which is duly recorded in Book 100, tag 59'j tn ' the Public Registry of Wayne ; 4s," Cortiry,"Noth Carolina, for a m; reflect description. This 3rd day of February, 1322. N. El Bradford, Mortgagee. M. Sherman, Assignee of Vor'.- gags. f " fllTTirUI ... N'W Night 2502 n riii: Mi rKitioit toutx North Carolina, Wayne County. City of (idldHhoro vh Sullivan, Long & llugerty; William Jacob Iiong, John Thomas 1 latterly, trndlnK as Sullivan, Long & Hagerty, and Wil Ham Jacob Long, and John Thomas Httgerty; and tho Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland. The defendants, Sullivan, Long & TTagerty, William Jacob Long, John Thomas. Hugcrty, trading as William Jacob Long, and John Thomas Hag- erty, above named, will take notice that an action ns above entitled has boon commenced in the Superior Court of Wayne County for the re eovery of $57,07.7o due tho plnihtlff above named by the snld defendants on accotmt of a breach of contract fur sewerage extensions in tho City of (Joldsboro, on which contract tho other defendant, the Fidelity ft- De posit Company of Maryland, is mirn- ty: the said defendants will further lake notice that Riiiiimnim in said action is made returnable on the ISth day of March, lf22, and that at the t i in o of issuance of khI( Hummona a Warrant of Attachment was Issued from the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wayne County ngulnst the property , of said defendants, which attachment also returnable on the ISth day i f March, 1922, when and where the Complaint herein, or the relief de- ! manded in said Complaint will be 1 granted. ( This the 14lh day of Feb., 1922. I J. II. Hooks, ! Clerk of Superior Court 'of Wayne i County. 'NOTICE OF SALE OK LAI. Coder and by virtue of the power ot ibulp contained in a certain mortgagc Meed executed by T. II. Uohinsoi to W. H. Godwin which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wayne County, North Carolina, in Hook l.r0 at page 121, default having been wade In the ayment of the In- debtedness therein itccured. the under signed will, at twelve o'clock M., on Moi day, March 27,1922. at the Court i House door In Goldnhoro, N. c. offi-r for sale by public auction for cash the lot of land situated In the City ' r.' Coldsboro, N. C. described in said ; mortgage deed as follows: I lieglnning at the North-east corner ;of the IntersecUon of -John Street an I Em Street, and runs thence hiist wardly with Elm Street 131 feet to the W. ,D. Baker lire; thence Northwardly with the said old W. D. Baker line 126 feet the J. D. Rice line; (hence Westwardly with the said J. D. Rl. , line 131 feet to the beginning, being H. Godwin by deed registered in j the offlce of the Register of Deeds c.f said Wayne County ir. Bonk 6S, ,a;, This 24th day of February. 1922. - W. IL Godwin. Mortgagee Order the Greensboro Dally New Delivered Right to your Door. Phone Ero4r, 1& ' '. m A" . '' LETTUCie-rull grown and Well ldl rmw ready at Jfl--etttS'per bead.' Moscow Walnut street. Wilson, 211 east N. E; Bradford ,1" Orooid ri4or Katinn'sf Mvlk tttsv l-' fr In4. 181. " HWbi i-i,'i;inliiiifiliiiiiii liUnifi n liTiniU-.ll.;. DIt MAUDE E. , . WFJDMAN 1 I Ii-iVoiiL'i.j !.. ' ; Chiropractor 4C0-415 Gruht Bldg. Hoars 91S a. nij t-6 &' .; p. m. Anljsli fee y appointment V- V V 5 (366 H1 break7 f Cold! fever and Grippe quicker than anything we know, preventing pneumo nia. 666 !s a prescription for Colds, Fever and LaGrippe. It's the most speedy remedy we know. .'!; OPALU:UEA.H Ask your druggist for Opal Cream py the ifiams and take no other It : softens f and smooths tho skin andkeeps faction. ' ' t so. ' Gives entire satis. , . J2s-tr 1 itl'w DllSJ. Qi HALES t Chiropractor ' Bordea Bldgr. I'liona 642.J. FOR BALK OR RENT Very deslra- ble 8 room residence. 1'. O. Box 427. 1 .' v. " 2-24-6t. NOTICE OF SALE OF lltNKIU l"i NOTICE OF SALE tWDER DEED . OF TRl'ST Under snd by virtue of the power of sale conferred upon me in a Deed of Trust executed tho 1st day f July, 1916 by Henry Langston of Wayne County, North Carolina, de fault, having been made in the pay ment of the notes secured and re- qiiewt having been made by tho holder 1 of said notes, the undersigned. Trim-1 ee, will sell at public auction at the 1 Court TimiKft door In Wavne Countv. o the highest bidder for cash, the :.'iHh ilay of . March, 1922L at twelve o'cIiM-k M., .the following described real property, lying and being In llrogdon Township, Wayne Comity, ind more particularly described a follows: - , lieglnning t a cypress on the bank of Ncuse River, -Chas. Lutes corner, and runs thenca his line S. 70 W. 98 iioles to the center of the Bonnottl Pond. Chas. Lutes corner: thence up 1 the (enter of said Tond to a cypres, aid Lutes' corner: thence his other1 line X. 26 W. 140 "poles to a hickory on the hank of Neuse River: thence down (he bank of said river to :i , holly. Will Hood's corner; thence! S. 32 1-4 K. 168 poles to a sycamore on 1 illtch; thenca N. 3! I-Z rJ. JnD poies i . , s - V. ?m ,mie. !n the bank of Neuse River; thence down the bank of said River to tho heglnnlng, containing one hundred I and five (115) acres. This the 16th, day of February, 1922 t W. F. Taylor, I - Trustee. FURNISHED,,, ROOMS: For light housekeelng at 311 South John at. , Phone 263-J. j . , , j SAFETY R.ZOR BLADES resharp ened. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dou ble edge blades 50c. ier dozen, rinrrle els;e, 40c. C D. Waters, the Palace Drug Store. COACIirNG: College graduate would like to coach a class of pupils Ir. mathematics. 'If you are behind In this study call at 108 E. Pine St Mr. Henderson. S-3-tL .Greensboro Dally. News every 'day and Sunday bclore.w-a. mfor 20 : cents per week. . I'Jione 8S8. t-i , '..IIROWDER. "We Do It Right the Wayne Autor, Radiator ,,AW,ii,Arf uniirtNiJ SOU E. tenter t Sonth Rnb-My-Tism,- ttntisecptic and pain killer, for infected sores, tetter, sprains, neuralgia rheu matism. MISS LUCY L. MILLER NOTARY PUBUC Multigrmph Work and . Typewriting. jReasonable Rates Corner West, Centre. & Chest- not Stroetsi, NOTICE Start trading at Williams Drug Store and thus become a stockhold erdividends paid with every pur chase small , or great :&t 11s explain. ' , " cal! and SEWING rartles desiring sewing of any description, Including cutting ana fitting dresses can be intelli gently and capably served nt 111 Georgia Ave. Phone 293-J. 2-21-3t RLECTRICAL WORKWirlng and repairing. L. F. Mclntyre. Plionn 4G6-J. Satisfaction guaranteed. 2-211 FOR SALE Two filing cabinets, let ter size. Two drawer cabinet fl Three drawer cabinet $10. Phone 892-W or write P. O. Box 119. Oranges and Grape Fruit a 'car load nt wholesale or retuil can be seen at Saleehy's former store an I John Street north, near AbIi street. I All select fruit none finer come 1 early. Sale now going on. The price sells them so low you cannot help buying. l :-g married mar, oe- Hires position doing any Kinn 01 clerical work. Some knowledge of book-keej: Ing and typewriting. Wil ling, honest nnd capable. Refer ences A 1. For Interview address 1 1 "H" care Daily Argus. WANTED Job by young man that! is not ttfraid of work. Must have i some work of some kind that I can make an honest living. Can ! ! furnish best of references. Write 1! ! X, service man, care Argus. EXPERIENCED SALESLADY desires postion In ready to wear or dry goods store. Address Saleslady. care Argus. tf t ; I SHOE MAKING AND REPAIRING : SAM FEINSTEIN: For 10 years 1 at the same -old stand 116 E. Wal nut St near Home Furniture Co Ail kinds of shoe making and rc pairing hand-sewed or electric, as you may prefer. PriceB right wort guaranteed. Give me your orders. Respectfully, Sam Feinstein. ROOMS 2 or 3 furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 106 east Oak street. Phone 332-W. :f OUR WOMEN representatives are i making good and are setting i new pace for the men., Perman ent wort and steady income it desired. Kerr Chemical Co.. Ra!--( elgh. N. C. VOICE Vocal Instruction.'' Mrs. J. L. Barhatn. 316 W. Mulberry St Pnens 331. - ' Ifi Suits Gleanecl and Pressed, Hats Clean- ed 'arid Blocked. MEATH, the Hatter Phone 676 9fa 'sT $ 4 lt$'i PH. E. 8. TURLISGTOJf Dentist Rooms 203-204-205 Grant Building i fif 4. '- TYPlEWRITERS C. A. HUSli'HREY DEALER GOLDSBORO, N. C. -.ret a. t. AOMIMSTltAlOJl'S AOTICE HarlriR "qti'alin'ed 'as' ainfn'istrator of the estate of Henrietta Johnson (let-eased, hit of ' Bald State and County, ' this is' to Notify all lier sons having Malms' against tne es tate ot the Ucoeased 'to oxhrbit them to the ,1 underelgnea tth v or Wfore the 10th iay kt February, 1923, or this notice Will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make immedia: payment. This 10th day of February, 1922. WILLIS JOHNSON, Admr. Henrietta Johnson, deceased. 1 . PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Parties desiring special stenographic work or typewriting can be served V Miss Beulan Crawford, public stenographer office in rear f Howard D ng Co. Phone 823. Order the Greensboro Dally News ! Delivered Right to your Door. Phone j Browder, 3SS. I j To Our Friends And Customers r VVI i'o our recent fire it a teriout lost So us and will cause us a lot of inconvenience, wc not expect to let it interfere with bur usunl -rcrvices. Wc Imve a large stock' of both lumber and mil! work on hand and a small saw mill r Grantham's store which we "can use in getting out any items that we may run short on. We will thank you for your orders as usual and will try Tto give you sasfW-r service; (tr&upr: Vrry truly yoiirsv lrf i nn 'rnimniriTtinrAiJ ! I R. Ho 'MMWlliiJ: 1 MtactuHhg G6r I " ' - - - WOr.lAfl GOULD HOT WORK Made Strong ' and JlrVell; by Lydia E. Pinkhamf Veg table Compbultd St. Taul, Minn. "I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetoble 3ompoond for a tu-eo, worn-out feel ing and painful periods.-! used to get up with a pain tn ray head and pains in my Io werparts andback. Often! was not able to do im work. -. I read In your little book about Lydia E. Pinkhama- Vege table Compound and I have taken it. I feel SO well, and strong and can do every 1it of my work and not a pain in my back now. I rec ommend your medicine and you can use this letter as a testimonial." -- Mrs. Phil. Maser, 801 Winslow St., St Paul, Minn. ' . -- Just another case where a woman . found relief by taking Lydia . Pink- ham s Vegetable Compound. Msny times these tired, worn-out feelings and pains about the body are from troubles only women nave, i ne vegeiame thora pound is especially adapted for just this condition. The good results are noted Dy the disagreeable symptoms passing away-one after another. , . . Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Com pound is a Woman's Medicine for-Women's Ailments. Always reliable. DR. A. F. WINKELMAtt DR. LILA B. WINKELMAN OSTEOPA1THS : A AND ) Robtts .3058S-3Q9 . ,' i f Borden Building Dr. Albert G. Woodard Specialist ' Eye, Earh Nose, Throat and Refraction Fourth Floor Borden Building Blue Fish,' Speckled Trout, Roe and Buck Shad, Mack I erel, etc. U. M. GILLIKIN Phone 97 WOOD FOR "SAlJE-Oftod Btove and heater woo lrodfsa aWc , 1H.DI heater wood for sale. For prompt delivery phone E49-W. 3. W. Jones. t!ll""i,,IHIl tela n f !--: "J" r I ': 3 . 1 A '-r.iil. . . f ' ' rv

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