NATIONAL BANK . OF GOLDSBORO Wants jur business an will be gU4 ( eerrespoa. lt,jo. ,u CedJ A. Norwood, President Tbot. II. Norwood j Cashier , NATION .L BANR( i .s OF GOLDSBORO Geo. A. Norwood, President Thoa. H. Norwood, Cashier Wants joar business aai will fc gbU t eorrctpoBi with ja. 11 "This Argus o'er ths people's rlgota vDoth an eternal vigil keep. No soothing strains oC Mai's son, Can lull its hundred eyes to sleep." kit X VOL. LXXV GOLDSBORO, N. C.V SATURD Y EVENING, APRIL 15, 1922 NO. 8 IBEMTEJ FARM CHIEF FOHT" vIr (by Associated Press) Washington, April 15. The Nat ional Anti-Cigarette League will con duct a national "Clean Life Week" campaignApril 23-30, it was an nounced today, by Dr. H. 8. Kress, presldeut of the League. - "It ' ia much more, important to live clean lives tun nto have clean tsreets and cleau hack yards," 1 Dr. Kress said. "lu order to get rid of the con tagion of human derelicts and human refuse, that defile the blood and menace posterity we must establish and maintain safe and sane moral standards," be asserted. .0. S. SENATE Dialect Teaching Is Impractical In P. I. (By Associated Press) Manila, P. I., April 15 The change In the method of Instruction ii: pri mary grades so a a to provide for the use of dialect In teaching as proposed In a bill tcfore the legislature, is net practical, in t1ie opinion of Luther 11. Be w Icy, director of the bureau of education of the Philippines. In re sponse to a request for ills views on tlio subject, Director Bewley said: "The proposed change would be neither practical nor economical, vnor Is It based on sound psychlogk. The Indirect or bl-lli:gual or translation method In teaching a language Is fast disappearing. In fact, the question has ceased to be a debatable one in the proceedings of the National Edu cational Association of the United Stales or any other educational con ferences. ' "As 'Illuminated by both psychology end experience, the direct method is the only method, If it Is intended that - tihe language taught; shall be th0 tool 'for further i educational development. or as h usabla tool for qvery day ex pression. : Whelt trauslatlun la used (By Associated Press) Chicago, April 15 Chlfford Thorne, general counsel of the American Farm Bureau Federation, today an nounced himself a Candidate for the Republican nomination to the U. S. Senate. Mr. Thorne stated that he hail already filed his resignation of his Farm Bureau office. ASKED TO REPRESS FATTY ARBUCKLE (By Associated Press) New Yrk. April 15. Will H. Hays, supervisor of moving picture films for the National Film Production Company, was called upon today by a delegation of reformers, who pre sented him with a petition that h bar Koscoe C. (Fatty) Anbuckle from the lilni screen. , . Wallace Reid Is Not Superstitious the hjibjj, of. Kiii inugiutheyngti ImlWf Held is due to arrive In'lRdianapoliB ""rk:tly ia formed, Two mental proces ses are required. The child hitn Is not reflective but active and objective. The aim is to have the child get Un original thought dlreetly In the same unconscious natural way it: which it learned language expression in the home. Every time a teacher resorts to translation in making a word dear to a pupil, alio Is making it easier for herself at the expense of the child's progress. It would be difficult to find among our ublcst educators, a handful that would approve of the sudden propaganda for the teacher of Kngtish through the aid nf the dialect." (By Associated Press.) IiuunapollH, Ind., April 15. Wal lice Held, moving picture actor, who recently filed his entry in the annua "00 mile automobile ,race to be held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway May 30 will drive car No. VI, it was said here today. twelve drivers entered, the race ahead of Held and us has been done for several years, T. K. Myers, man uger of t!he speedway, planned to eliminate the number lit. Held, how ever Insisted that he be given the number and the speedway olliclal con sented. Mr. Myers said a cur bear ing No. 13 had not started In the con test since ISIS. Srnitir I'hilatliea Entertained Mrs. John Hawley. president of the Senior I'hilatliea class of St. Paul Methodist church, entertained the members of the class yesterday afternoon at her lovely new home on Walnut street at a Sewing Party. Kach guest brought a piece of needle work and when all had finished sow lug. Mrs. Hawley served a refresh ing ice course. There were thirty five I'hilatheas present. Easter Week on May 4 to begin training for the race. Hq already has been granted a driver's license by the American Au tomobile Association, under whose rules tihe Indianapolis race is con ducted. The only other requisite for competing in the local rate is ability to drive a racing car to the saiin faction of tlit. speedway officials. The executive of a motion picture concern ffr which Held has been act ing has declared, it is said, that lie will rot permit the actor to compete in the race if it Is "humanly possible to stop him." Heid, however, is said to have asserted lie Intends to go through with his plans. TURKU III IltK II V EAST HI SIMMY JHHIMMJ. gay one Kaster week will be socially lu Coldsboro: j Mrs. It. B. Miller will entertain 1 at the Algonquin Club Friday after-; noon in honor of Mrs. J. I). Arthur, i of West Point. ' Mrs. A. V The aim of St. John's Sunday school is lo have three hundred present to morrow morning. l-ist year they asked for two hundred present on Kaster and were reworded with two hundred and twenty-five. If you belong to this Sunday school lie present and bring someone with you. If you do not attend any Sun day school you will find a warm wel come .at St. John's. An interesting program has been prepared for this occasion, and the public in general is invited. missionary meetim; The circle of St. Paul Womans ' Missionary Society will meet Monday Bobbitt will entertain j afternoon in their respective places at her home on Park Avenue coinpli-j as follows: meutary to Miss Louise I-and and Circle No. 1 Mrs. A. V. Bobbitt. Miss Blanche Holtof Holly Springs. I leader, with Mrs. Matt Allen, at 4 N. ".. who is her guest. o'clock. Mrs. William Borden Cobb will be fircle No. 2 With Mrs. B. C hostess also at an entertainment dur- . Thompson, leader, at t o'clock, ilig the week. 1 Circle No. .".Mrs. K. C Crow, lead- er. with Mrs. Frank l-athain, on St. What the scientist see moving j Claire street, at 4 o'clock, pl.out ii: the moon yet may prove Circle No. 1 Miss Mary Km ma ti-as from the dog star. Giddens. leader, with Miss Aunle Powell, at 4 o'clock. "SIBTK M T A MAVS HI UTS. Circle No. S With Mrs. Junius nnough to iwy bis inheritance taxes. I Slocumb. leader, at 4 o'clock, if any. and $3.0nt for his lust sick-' Circle No. With Mrs. D. H. netts and funeral expenses, from his Dixon. I.eader. at 4 o'clock, total Insurance. Then figure five per Circle No. 7 --.Mrs. t'h-V Waters, c-nl on the remainder and divide by leader, with Miss Virginia Borden, twelve. This given the monthly In- at ! o' lo k. vonie he will leave. If it is enough circle No. s Mrs K. A. Simkius, for his family, he is fully insured so ieader. iili Mrs K. M. Davis, at 4 far as family protection is concern- y-clink. l." Duryea. Consult fi. Salieaal Lire lasaraare C, ef Tl. n.l'brn. ,.ar rkilarra l see (HalaaL) Tbma J-nra in -Rip .Van JL S. JlsaipBrey, MU "la eager, tnlakle.- at lb trine Theatre 4a- ftvtilwt Bonjea Building 'a; mmi Tan4a;. .. t 1 " ' - . i kindly :"lds its 'ICO At this glorious Eastertide, when the aboi nding love of God for man triumphs over death and sin throi'-rh the resur rection of His Son, it is meet that we should dv -.11 with more than wonted fervor on the ruling spirit of the universe Love. Turning to the fifteenth chapter of Corinthians, the 26th verse, we find these words: "The last enemy; that shall be destroyed is death." " . Again, in the fifty-sixth verse, we find, "The sting of death is sin." , Death and sin are the twin vampires that fasten them selves at the throat of humanity. Time was when they were not, and time is to come when they shall not be. . The history of man reveals to us that they appeared together, and to gether they shall disappear. The sting of death, came only when sin came into the world, and ever since, 'the human race has been in the toils of a relentless, undying toe and the battle always seems to end in defeat. It was that that des troyed the several 'splendid systems of philosophy! developed by the early philosophers. Yet Plato stood ; vVry high, and almost pierced this cloud that overshadowed the jearth. He did not, however, because he failed in the sublime conception of a great eternal world beyond, where everlasting life awaits all who merit it. , I Some students of nature have come to the conclusion that she is red in tooth and claw, and that she doel not care whether the blood stains are of the guilty orj innocent. Huxley, one of the greatest exponents of this phase of nature Lhas stated his conclusion in somewvhat this form: "I see no reason why things may not go on eternally as they are, and I often hope, for the coming of a great comet that' will ex tinguish life on this sphere." I ' There are other students of ftature who have! observed this same phenomena that Huxley has palled at ind have come to the same conclusion. They find nature ret ; in tooth arid claw. They note the evidences of the strugglt "for life. But they have looked, too, beyond, and discoverec another struggle just as powerful, if not so evident. ' Son i-one has expressed it as "the struggle for the life of others." Every plant that spreads its leayes beneath rays of the sun, every flower that in beauty divii fragrance to the kisses of passing.zephyr, pp ' - its life by seeds, and in the fulfills ' Every bird thaLXu'.U.-. a ,v for its eggs, and in brooding tenderly over tu .. . iving up' its hope of another summer that the birdlings j..ay go out into the sunshine and sing their songs to Nature's God-- .; -The savage gorilla sits beneath the tree whose branches shield his mate and their young and listens for the dreaded cry of the prowling enemy of the jungle in search of food, and it knows if danger comes its life must be given in combat to save its little ones. Here is the struggle for the'life of others. . - - The savage goes out and .seeks for game, and, hungry as he may be, touches it not, until he hafc brought it back to the child and mother waiting in his wigwam. Love began when the first human child was born, when thought and care for the child took precedence in the mother's heart, when selfishness gave way to self-sacrifice. This love is the deadly enemy of sin, and as love's kingdom waxes strong the reign of sin is weakened. All real advance in civilization is an advance in self- sacrifice. It has long been a debated question as to whether we are really very much beyond the civilization of the Greeks and Romans. It is discussed today in the school-room and n the public forum, and we may even hear a hearty defender of our times, expressing his opinion of our civilization,'hold- ng up our Schools and Colleges, our well-paved streets and ailways, telegraphs and telephones. But these are not the measures of our actual advance. We have made great strides beyond the culture of the Greeks and Romans; we have and still are advancing in the breaking away of classes, In the putting of all men on an equal footing as children of a com mon Almighty Father; in beneficence, kindliness and self sacrifice in a word, in placing altruism where selfishness once held sway, ine strusrirle for seli-liie crivinir wav to the struggle for the life of others. It is by belief in the power of love that sin will be'eon- luered. St. Paul tells us to "overcome evil by good," because he knows this is the only way to root out evil and place the standard of right securely in our hearts. It is this hope in the final triumph of good that, after all, makes this universe seem worth while. Talk of its vastness, and this brings no relief. Tell us of its grandeur, and there is still an unsatisfied desire for something that rises above it. But when we realize that this earth, just as we find it, the best battlefield for the growth of character, and that beyond and above it, stand justice and truth, hidden only for a time, but surely coming forth greater and grander than all el.-e besides, then will fresh hope pierce the darkest cloud that ever sheltered the earth athwart, and the triumph of love over sin be accomplished. Then will we fill our appointed place in bringing forward the great Judgment day, when all our efforts will be measured in the light of self-sacrifice and love, and our reward will be to see our Pilot face to face, wno after His great sacrifice of love on Calvary's crest, rose from the grave on Easter morn and pro claimed, "I am the resurrection and the life." Go to church tomorrow and seek to become fervent fol lowers of the risen Christ. - ; :r j ' . TENNESSEE HIT BY A T ORNADO (By Associated Press) Lebanon, eitn., April 15. A ter rific tornado struck this sectlou at S .15 o'clock this morning. It swept three sides of this neigh borhood, unroofing houses, sweeping up growing crops and working gen eral destruction estimated at $2C0, 000. FIVE T US ACRES FLOODED Illy Associated Press.) Cairo, 111., April 15. The levee at Grand Tower hank gave way this morning under the oresHU'e of the Hwolen waters of the Mississippi RIRver more than 500,000 acres of land under cultivation are under water to s depth of 11 feet. Observant and conversant persons who have been acquainted with the flood indications of this section for many years, say that the flood, under the atress of recent heavy rains will continue for many days, so that there is assuredly bound to he great, prolonged and appall ing suffering, and enormous loss. U IS GIVEN - LIFE SENTENCE (By Associated Press) rerry, ua., April 15. After de liberating Bluce 5.30 yesterday af ternoon the Jury In the case of Stanley Aylor, charged with the inur der of his wife, whom he shot times In a personal encounter, lu which he alleged she was trying to murder him a threat she had ex, presseu ou previous occasions brought In a verdict this morning oi guitiy, nut wun a recommenda tion to mercy. The Judge sentenced Aylor to life imprisonment. SM THF1ELD 4 Many Barrels Of Whiskey Burned (By Associated Press) Balstown, Ky., April 15. There were 750 barrels of whiskey were destroyed last night In a Are that burned a distillery, in which- the whiskey was stored. Governor Morrison Can Call Election (News and Observer) Washington, April 14. The mat ter of the election of a successor of the late Representative Urlnaon ; Is In the hands of Governor Morrison a to the; date tlnat this will take place. IL'nder the North 'Carolina election law when a. vacancy "takes ' " in I'm -VnnirreftalonMl -delofu- - -t j v v el uofBliall "'.Jauu ti iit o ekct Ion, aud by proclama tion shall require the voters" to meet and vote for a member of Congress to fill (he vacancy, under plana, as set out for regular elec tions. The fixing of the time is ab- aolutely in the hands of Governor Morrison. There Is talk here that this might be nrrauged for June 5, the day of the Democratic prl niiiry, and other talk that the va cancy might as well continue until the regular election. It in said that Congressman Brln son's death is tlie first to occur of a North t'-arollua ItpprexentaMve while CongreHS was lu shhhIoii since 1S27 when Louis Williams, of Yad kin, the great giundfu titer of Nick William and great, great grand father of Joe Williams, of Yadkin county, died while member of Cougretts anil while It wu In . bIoii. .Senator Vance died during the HPHnlon of l.s!i:i. tinier the law the Halary of KcpreHeiitatlve Brin son would go to hi widow, but Mrs. JJrluson died Juki before Mr. liriu Sou entered ('oiiicresK, and legisla tion will lie pj.-ou-d jiiviiiK tlie salary to hit daughter. That there will now come the . iiiiouni-etii'-iil and entry of candidate for nomination In the Third district from the list of those given in lliis correspond ence yesterday appears certain, and as tlie time of entrance for the nomination Hoses on April 2H It will soon bt known who is lu the runnluK. Moonlight Picnic A d'-hghlfiil oi-iasioii i a beauti fill iiionniitlii ninlii was the Kish Kry at tlie liordun Brick and Tile Company on Wednesday nislit. Those participating were Mr. and Mrs. I'aul Monl'-n. Mrs. Win. K.iisoii. Misses Adele ltese, II. .1 i :i M.CIniiim. Klizabelli I'.oKle. Kllc-I Miller and Kleanor Kdinumlson. M-rs. Km mett Ki(iusnn. Kennon Itordeii, Thos. Borden, thas. Thompson, Claiborne Royal I. Kdwin Horden, and Henry ' Pike. A imntt app-tiiing supper was cooked out of doors, wiih Mr. Henry Pike presiding as hef for the h -' taslou, assiied by others of the young men wlm are ex perieiK - d in the- culinary art The guests enjoyed ddi ion Stockholm Important Bolsheviki Center Stockholm, April 15. This city has become the most Important center of Bolshevist propaganda outsW RusBia, according: U several leading . news papers, which reflect the indignation nd alarm manifested In many Bwed lah quarters over what Is termed the "tolerant attitude" of ths present Socialist cabinet toward Bolshevist penetration. ' . ,. Soviet delegations occupy commod. lous apartments In the most fashion able quarters of the city, saya tihe Svenska Dlgbhulet, describing the sit uation. It Is ; hers that the i "red ilireads" connecting Russia unite, the newnpapar adds, explaining that; llol sneviat travel!!" wrmu f,e. rttiimltiBin IS' liuiug anil" coiiiiag from Moscow, Antwtolsheviats express ' the fear ;4iat red propaganda will be given still firmer hold on Sweden through (he signing of the commercial treaty between Soviet Russia and Sweden WAREHOUSE EIRE (By Associated Press) Smtlhfleld, April 1$. Fire of un determined origin early today des troyed the large Center Brick To bacco Warehouse here, seven suto mbolles, a concrete mixer, 9 bales of cotton, 2,000 warehouse tobacco bas kets, and other articles, entailing, a property loss estimated at f 40,000. The warehouse was recently ten dered to ' the Cooperative Tobacco Association, at the meeting In Ral eigh. The loss Is said to be fully covered by Insurance, and steps will' begin atonce to rebuild the house. . J THE WEATHER By Associated Press.) North Carolina: Fair tonight and Sunday. Cooler tonight; rising tem perature Sunday. For next week, generally fair, with probable showers Tuesday. WITH MU. AM MHS. IKV1.N Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Iryln gave a lance Friday evening at their home n Park Avenue for the colluge set and their guests. Music was fur nished by a colored orchestra. Those present were Misses Annie Ikirdeu, Sara (ilddeiis, Ruth Wilklns, clura Hh:t!sou, Annie llornady, Loll Soiiiliei'liiiid. Blanche Henley, Julia Mae Southeiiand, Dorette Oettiuger, Marietta (Isrelssen and Vlrirlnla lohnson. Messrs. Krnest Thompson, Martin Oirmlchael, Wood, Williams, y. Honey, Horden Hooks, Rrdinond Dorlcli, Charles Perry, Seymour John son, Francis Stanley, John Norwood. Walter Slllky, Ccorge Thomoson. Percy Thompson, Abram Well and Kdwin Joseph. Seats Selling Fast For Womans Club Minstrel Seats for the Womans flub Min irel, ibe big show without a male character in it, are going fast and those who intec,j witnessing the two hour comedy bad better purchase while the purchasing is good. Owing lo thy small capacity of the Messen- ! aer OpeVa House. litnii-d numlxr of jlirkeis will be siiiii and those wlsb jitig.ihe pasteboards may obtain same I from any member of the Womans Club. A Ion of burnt cork (ma btc ordered for the purpose of blacking up the many ladle In the cast and mauv nf Ibe city's most distinguished personage will cat aside their dig nity the night of the twentieth of April m:d not only appear as "Black. birds. but will hand out some of the r"" richest comedy ever heard ia the com- Vocational Training Makes Changes (By Associated Press) f Washington, April 15. Transition from farm laborers to bookkeepers, automobile drivers to accountants, atid railroad section hands to shoe repair ers, are but a few vf 4he radical changes In occupation accomplished by disabled veterans engaged In vo-. catlonal training under direction of the Veterans engaged in vo:atlonal training utidor direction of the Vet erans Bureau,, according to a state ment Issued today by Director Forbes, who declared such accomplishments were Imported from an economic -as well as social view point' ',. " . Specialists attached to the bureau hav Just completed a study of all - disabled 'veterans sugerlnp from tu-!; berculosls who have completed their training. These man have been un able to return to their pre-war wen patlons, the director said, because to i ,lo so would, ha added, oi'.lv iif-icviite i lihelr condition. They have th re- . for. tin ndded. been trained In c pntlikiis for which tliey v- unl In v. h Vnvk dwhiiiiy. n-v 75 a handicap. A report Just completed by the re habilitation division of 124 mcutal and nervous cases who havs com pleted Clielr training, Director Forbes . said, disclosed that there were niuu working as seamen, tailors, farmers, preachers, barbers and mechanics. ' taster services i . St. Mary's Church' The celebration of Christ's reswr- rectton from the dead will be observed with, solemn services tomorrow st St. Mary's Catholic Church. Early Mass will be celebrated at R o'clock.- , r A special choir of trained voices will skig the following program: "This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made," Old Hymn. "Vidl Aquam" , Gregorian. "Kyrle, Gloria, Credo, Banctus and Agnus Del" from Rosewig's Mass in F. "VeiJ Creator" ; Wslgand; "Christ the Lord Is Risen Todsy Old Hymn The subject of the morning snr- - moo Is "The Resurrection, the Bssls of Jlope." Kvenlng sermon will be at 8 o'clock on "The itesurrection, tne rounuauoa of Faith." f : The public Is Invited to all these servli-es. . ; shad, crisp bacon, ham, egis. offee tniinilv. Don't be one nf those, who. aod corn bread, sad thoroughly , the morning after will say."Oh. I delightful evening, returning home iu with I ha sera the Minstrel, tbey aotomobilvs by the bright light of .y ft Was e g.Kid. HI T 'JET YOl'R tbt moon. .TICKET TODAY. KAxTKK AT ST. STEPHEN'S The services of Easter will begin with s celobratloa of Holy Com munion at 7.3e a. m. At 10 o'clock there will be a service for the child.' ren, with their presentation tt their 'Kaster offerings. . The princi pal service of the day will be at 11 o'clock, when Holy Eucharist will be celebrated with the music , of Agntter's beautiful festival service. The rector will preach a sermon on "The Habit of Immortal!. y." The order of the music follows: Professional "Welcome, Happy Morning!" Introlt, "Christ our Passover." -Kyrle. Sanctus, Beuedictns, Agnus Dei. and tilorla, Agutters Mlssa de S. Amprlbalo. Hyniuy. "Jesus Christ is Risen," "Come, Ye Faithful," and "At ths Lamb's High Feast." ' , There will be evening services at 7.J. felbers sets year rklldrrs U see Tbeasna ieferssa In "Kla Tea Winkle," at the Aen Theatre 4y ant Tse4sy.

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