NATIONAL BANK ' , OF COLDSBORO Wants ytuf baslnr and win fc gUi tt correspond wltk yea. Go- A. Norwoodr President Thos. H. Norwood, Cashier NATIONSBANK ,t OF GOLDSBORO. IjV Gcoii'A. Norwood, President Thoa. II. Norwood, Cashier Wants yonr tasineis ani lrDI'.to glad to correspond with yoa. tt 1 O, iA i iii i. tens 1 1 -This Argus o'er the people's right Doth an sternal Tigll keep. No soothing strains 'of list's son,. Can lull Its hundred eyes to sleep." vol. Lxxy GOLDSBQRO, N. C, MONDAY VENING, APRIL' !7, 1922 I, f- NO. ,9 J, P. B..PR8L U .S. GOVERNMENT WARREN NOT A CANDIDATE ARE D.3CUSSED r j u y IN lUn ill II i - RUSSO-GERMAN FATAL TORNADQ BIG FOUR R J. P. MORGAN CO - TREATY SIGNED i .. ... (Dy Associated Press) Genoa, April 17--A separate treaty THIS MORNING HAS WRECK TODAY BUILPiNGS BURN ASSAILED TODAY between Germany and Russia was signed at Rapallo yesterday. Tlie signatories to the document arc the foreign ministesr of the two governments. The treaty signed yesterday nul lifies the former Brest-Letovsk treaty and reestablishes full diplo matic relations on a mutual equality tiusls. it also abrogates all war claims between the two governments und all claims -for nationalization of property. ' This treaty as signed yestcrduy In the conclusion of the negotia tions between the two governments begun many months ago. Tliis meeting of RuBsiuu and Ger man delegates outside the independ ent of the economic conference es tablishes a precedent for the other governments to follow who may be desirous of restoring trade relations with Russia. Delegates' to The State Convention County Contention HcfuseK to Kit dorse Olliclnl Itcrord of Solicitor Slier The Wayne county democratic con vention which met here Saturday afternoon elocted Col. George Free man as chairman of the County Executive Committee, Capt. Nathan O'Berry as member of the Congres slomtl committee, to succeed the late Mr. J. L. Barnaul, heard Col. John D. Langston arraign the Re publican party of the State and Na--tlori In a key note speech, declined to endorse the official record of Solicitor Walter D. Bilor and named' delegates to ' the state convention ntocting In Raleigh April 20, as fol lows: " . - - r -...V i'' K. Freeman, Miss Su'snn Fulglium. M. H. Allen,R. H. Allen, It. H. Ed wards, Barnes Aycock, Alex Aycock, Mrs. CV E. Wllklns, Sam Martin, j W. II. Langston, J. K. Kelly, It. I' Uszcll, Joe Lancasttr. Will Palrli-k. Joe W. Price, .1. A. Wesflirook, lien I Aycock. Kenneth Royall. Z. C. Hollo-. well, Milford Aycock, Geo. L. lb-ton. j Miss Mary Faison DeVane, S. J.j Roberts, U. H. Overman, I). N. New-j some, Arthur Best. J. T. Hooks. Anient Pcele, P. I). Scott, Geo. ('. Warwick. C. ). Best, Jr.. K. C. ' Crow, Kd Hall. W. I!. Fort, Nathan j O'llerry, C. M. Johnson. K. A. Stev rns, T. I. Sutton, Mrs. O. C Daniels.; It. .). ISowden. A. W. liyrd. J. It.! Kelly, C. F. Herring, Cordon Parks.! M. . Adams. J. B. Roberts. Ben Caney. Jr.. J iin Parks, J. W. son. Clarence Aycock, J- B. .rh ii-! Laue, Will IMIgCriOII. JieiH'i. ' " .1. W. Hall W. R. K. Bntlcr. I). C Colib t w r'ri,lft W H Allen. J I .. Thos. O'Uerrv. J. M. Kdgcr.on. V. M. O.illkin. L. A. Raaey. Frank Latham. ; K. H. Bain. J. A. Smith, N. S. Wolfe, ' iis ninnehe I'arrott. Add llosea ' M. L. Jones. J. It. Murviu. MltS. H W. K VISBS IIOMHtKF Miss Marv HuiBphrev was hostess Saturday afternpon at her home ; on north George street in honor of ( Mrs. Wm. Faison, of Philadelphia. ; A delightful game of bridge was ' enjoyed, after which appetizing re-: freshments were served to the guests, who were. Mesdames Wm. Faison. K. W. Vick. Murray Borden. George lleyward, Hoht. Powell. W. 1!. aison. Thos. H. Prince and Miss Marv Faison DeVane. THE WEATHER North Carolina: Probable showers j tonight and Tuesday warmer in west portions with fresh winds, j Storm warnings are displayed along ihe Atlantic coast, with the wind reaching gale proportions tonight. A IVtlM.lil.HI, StOTSII TIItKl . i ., ..9 k..- l.,,ul.un,l uuld (,1 on ine iieaiu wi hvi i,.-.o..i.. j ber chiidren. "What was. Is gone., and began the struggle, maternal and momentary. Life ILnsurance on the j monthly Ircome plan saves worry., and furnishes the means of keeping familv together. ! 5atleaal Life IsiBraaee st Tt. wt t H . SUts Xaaarer. : V. rurti floor Borden Boildlnj J (By Associated Press) Centralia, 111., April 17. One baby was killed and two other persons are now in St. Mary's Hospital seri ously injured as the result of a tornado that swept through Irontou at daybreak this morning. A number of other persons in jured by the tornado are being 'cared for in homes in Ironton. Later: Latest reports place the number of killed in the district by the tornado this morning at 7 and 35 injured. Hear Judge Robert Bingham Tonight nled (liken and Brilliant Orator Will Speak In Court House at S ('(lock on t'ooperathe .Marketing As ajready heraled in he Argus, Judge Robert W. Bir.gham, u native North Carolinian, but now a citizen of Kntueky and owner of the Louisville Courier-Journal, who Is actively Interested In the cooperative marketing problem, which he is sLrcnuonsly promotyig. will address the fanners of this section and our citizens in general at the Court House tonight at 8 o'clock, and the public are cordially invited to hear him. Judge Bingham while here will be the guost. of Mr. Geo. A. Norwood president of the Tri-Slato Coopera tive Marketing Association. Judge Bingham is a cordial and delightful personality, a really bril liant and eloquent speaker, and al ways with the courage of and-reasons for his convictions. It is hoped that he will be given a representa tive audience in the Court House this evening. , Commencements Now On - In AV ayne County Beginning at. Seven Springs today the Wayne Connt.y schools will hold their annual group commencements. At these exercises the schools wili meet for Hie purpotse of having ill erary ami athletic Konlests. This same program will In- carried out it ten foimly School districts n fol low s : Monday. April 17lli, Seven Spring Tuesday. April lKlb, Rosewood. Wednesday, April 1!'. Smith Chap-I. Thursday, April 2nh. Pikoville. Friday, April 21st. Falling Creek. Monday. April 24th. Kurekn. Tuesday. April 2th, Woodlatnl. Wedhesilay April IMilii. Saiilslon. Friday. April 2Mb. Naliunta. The Fiebl Day Kxe'ris'-s, hrin-' ling all lb- schools of Hie County 1.-- Relber w ill be held in lolilsboro. April 29th. The Chamber of Co I' rce has at ranged to llavi a delegation of batlk-ii- and businessmen attend each f these Kn.P exerciser I, is the P" f our liusiness iniereM . i. . i.-i sdiool dislrii rs. meet the noys am (girls of the County and nhsiTVe no ,v,., l i In v arc doing f i ( n edu a- H.mal slandpo.nt. These committees of business men will leavP th Chamber of Commerce rooms daily at eleven o clock The following committee all attend ,..1 the exercises today at Sever Springs. v . r.. Tims, and ' Norwood. It Kninegay. II. lvlwa i di i IIB OF THhS wish to thank mir neighb'irs II oilier friiints for the many of kindness and tender sym w a ml aits pathy shown its during the recent illness and death of our dear nioth- cr frg. Amanda Smith. We also th:ll)k thl.ul fl,r ti. many beautiful ! floral tributes. In this the saddest experience of our lives it i indeed soothing and consoling to know we have hileh friends. For all of them we will ever cherish the most grateful re- B, ro. J. K. FAl'LKNKR. CHKSTKK A. SMITH. M RS. K G. I'I'HCKLL April t;th, 1S22, Pikcville. N C Harness woirr energy ith common sense A mistake, when disc ovwed. always looks stupid. Indiannnulis. Ind., April 17. Tlifti weBt bound passenger train No. 43 of the Big Four Railroad was wreck ed near Foster, Iml., early today, according to uflieiuls of the com pany. 'Hiirvey, Watts, of Indianapolis, fireman or the train v.iLs Injujed. but not seriously, and this was the only causally. CONGRESSIONAL ANNOUNCEf ENT ,To the Democratic voters of the Third Cobki ssional District: y In response to the recently, expressed t '.sire of quite a number of my fellow citizens, that the. would like to have the opportunity of voting for ni in the democratic primary of the Third Congressio sal Dis trict I have decided to put myself: in position for the democratic voters of the district to express t! ir pre ference in my favor if they should sa desire. ' In all candor, I do not primarily covet t t office nor the emolument of its salary;, but I do d dro the larger opportunity it would JTord me for .grc; tor ser vice to my people, ' , '. In all the years of my fullrfledged manl-'iod my, life has been of my own volition devoted to the service of my people and the promotion -of i demo cracy. It was under my supervision as chair lan'of the executive committee that the Third ,Congt isiortal District previously the only republican di ict in the State, and usually sending a negro to cot ress" was redeemed to democracy. I arty therefore, known to the people of the district sufficiently forth i to be conversant with my "claims" on, their- su iger which term ("claims") I abhor, and which 'icy I abominate; for it is every man's duty; as a ( give the best and all there is in him for the Ifare of the republic, and I'hold that the 'office sh seek the man.: , .-.;. ; - "I hall not canvass the district or by correspondence-' in my owr liominnlion. ' - ..L- I take it that the voters incluJ..,, for whose "equal suffrage'M have always It en" an' uncompromising advocate from thef time it: was first mooted know the manner of man they : desire to represent them in congress, and if their choice shall be me, I shall, to the best of my ability so conduct myself as their representative, and as a man of the people, from the people and for the people, as to justify their confidence and reflect credit ' upon my State. v , '' , Sincerely, ' (Joldsboro, N. C, April 17, 1922. t Political AdvertiHement) . Utility Plant Destroyed Fire tiiirly fSiil nr;iy Mirltl Svieens This Splendid DiilcrprNe Inln AMlirt A fiin as Vet of undetermined, presumably of accidental orl either from spontaneous com bill gill. bustion in a closed closet where workmen's overalls were kept, or by lifihtod cigarette carelessly thrown aside as workmen laid aside their overslls, burst fnrih suddenly Sat urday nifcht about In o'clock from the plant of the I'Ulilv Vereorinir Works, in the northwest section of Ihe city, anil before, the iiiiick re- KpomlinK lire department could reac h the scene, the flames were raxiiiE I iiid I he whnle section of tlie c it , ! i n Incline the Kntcrprise-Whitevllli; 1 bis new planiiiK mills, the A. T. Urilliii lumber noils ami the Colds-' Inrc Can Plant s'-c-meil ilooined. I!ut with characteristic heroism and sa- aiious ac umen fire chief Lcslio Yelvertcdi and his dauntless combina- lion of fire lighters, so efliclc-nt v i protected the surrounding plants,,a Spanish Dance Fabian Ilehfleld. al at the same time fought the! (,, Serenade Eapagnnle Chamlnaile flames with h.k h vigor as to bold ! Krelsler. them down to the doomed Piilitv plant until all mi rounding danger was past. The clesl rut t ion of the 1'tility plant is a severe loss to the labor- ing element of the city, so many of whom found unplyoment there, and it is hoped that the company will replace it as speedily as possible. The lose is estimated by conver- sant observers at approximately S150.000 and it is thought to be fnlly covered by insurance. Our Erst throughts are not always our best thoughts. I Wellington, , Api 1 17.t-Boii C. Sharp, of Greehslx o, and O. A. "York, nctlng . poHln is-ter at High Point were in com reaco here to- hlay with First Ansi nt .Postmaster IJartlelt. . - ;'' No announcement . i as made as to the result pi the cn'.iorcnee, nut a I was admitted tha I!i0 post offices of North Carolina -w-i-o dsicussed. . - JOS. K. ROBINSON. r t Ada Jones Coming To Goldsboro Soon Th" only and ordinal Ada Joneo, one of the Kreatest Hingers of to- T day, will M) Dear for 1 lie first firm. In (Jtdiisboro at tho Court House auditorium, Wednesday night, at .S.1.1. under the auspices of the Montaiik Tribe No. 21 Improved Or der of lied Men. Miss Jones ha with her, Ucth Hamilton, violinist; Mabel Loomls, soprano and piano; W. J Armstrong, the man of mystery magic. Th oho who enjoy biRh class con certs can't afford to miss this. The followiiiK is the program for the cveninj; : -v,isR ,tt'"' Hamilton -Ksntiisla Ap- passionata. Vieuxtemps Miss Loomjs Piano. MSH -Mabel Ixiomis-"My Iaddie," Thayer --Miss Hamilton at Piano. Armstrong ".Merry Momcuts of Magic and Mirth." Jones (herHclf) in selection "f '"'r most ixipular bits. Miss Hetli Hamilton- forsaken Koschat-'V Inlemlt-. Miss Ixximis Accompanist. Miss Mabel II. Looinin "The Low Itartfctd Cr" Irish Song. "Smilin' Thro" Pens. Miss Hamilton Accompanist, Armstrong "Tho Man of Mystery." Ada Jones In "Charscter Songs." Program subject to change, Prices 50 cents for children, one dollar for adults. Tickets on sale at the following drug stores: Coldsboro Drug Store, Howards Pharmacy, Browns Dm I Store, and members of Red Men sl4 at Meaths. (By Associated ProgB) Nnrfolk, Vu.. April 17. Twelve Kovenimcn.t buildings on Filinas In land, in 'Chesapeake Ray, were deK I roved $ flro last night entailing a property loss of $100,000. Thtj weather bureau, tho hospital und 'tiix other buildiujja, aro all that am loft standing. Russian Furs To Go On Market (ity Associated Press) Moscow, April 17. A huge tiuantl- ly of new Russian furs, stared in s warehoimo near the Kremlin and re garded by tho Soviet government iu part of its national treasure, In ex. pis ted to bo plucej on the murket early cext fall. The immense slock, consisting large ly of asttachun, sablo and ermino, is the largest ulnglo supply of furs in Russia, and will Im.QhJ In reserve until lh Soviets liavo'Vo-estubllshed their world trado sufficiently to ob tain n good market. Whllo .this supply Is not for sale, the national treasury continues to operuto a retail department whero mink, fox and other of the cheaper skins are sold. The pubjlc has un shaken confidence In tills brance of the government, for It has found the furs to be in good condition, well tanned mid reasonable it price, A monkey skin large enough for n man's overcoat tould Iw had lust winter for about $20 atid other furs were in .proportion.' A few hundred miles from Mohcow, however, the prices siro SO percent lower, as ninny Is scarcer, Many of the skin selling at high prices in , Cent ral Kuropo, or the J United States have, no npeciul value In Rush la. Ono of thoso Is sble tnnrten. A fair grado of thlH fur may bad for ff3 Htl'I nil enHrci n,.(. ecu- .. ,f '.tIT'ttt hmitiV lit lvu lU it) or $50. Whllo silver fox is to. Itttjvely rare 1iere, It infly bo. had for approximately Ihe same price's? sable. which sells for about $7. All tlrcso skins bring flv0 times in much us soon us they cross the fron tier" ' Moonshining In Ireland Rampant Dublin April 17. The making of moonshine lluor in Ireland has as sumeel alarming proportions, and tlireateiiK to linpar Krlu's stundlng lu Ihe Hritish Isles as the most temper, ate of the group . The IrnfTic. in illic it liquor or "pot heen" is described by the Cntliollr Total Abstinent-,. Society as tt by product of the i inilliil In Ireland, acil its rapid growth during the past three years was confirmed by many of the bishops in their recert t.etieti pas torals. Kven the Hall Klrc-anti, in spite of tin. many weighty political tiucslions confronting II. has taken note of tin sltuatloi: and appointed a Commission of Inquiry to examine the masses of the people. Ireland's drink bill fur l'l.'l amount ed to ::k.2'I'Uiimi pound, of which, nearly half went to the liritisli Kx- checpicr In taxation, formidable us tliis figure may appear, however, c om-j paratlve statistics for ihe I i licl Kingdom show that the; drink recoup of Ireland was lower by a comfort able margin than thai of Kngland. Wales or S ul land Per capita of population. In lai d consumed ti pound II s In drinks lal year us ompaica, with S pounds- l s for Kngl and and Wales and 7 pound- Ins M for S "I land. Km tli .. climates :n e b ised solely on the liquor that pais lax. therefore l.o- path-nt nunputors ot 1JI7.7..V scatisti' ai" I deavoi ing to ascertain Krm's M.m.ling with Hie ad dition of Iter licKiih't; tfiiicriilty While there Ii no move in Irelaiel for iirohilomm tbeie is a siionc pub lie: Kctiliinci t in la vor of temp, ram i and it is believed that ihe Pi'" Ma'ej gverrmi-iir wlo n . will ) among lit erli-l legisla'i..n v.e ' I laws intc-od'-d loiloik ahu-H 1 PUATT-BI.AI kM Mr. Frank I'rail. of this city. f t;,e A. A. Mct'rary t'oiupany. and Mi.h Hoxte niackman. ore of Wayne Coun ty's most highly admired oung lado-. of the Falling Creek section. ere happily married today, and aie now off on their honeymoon . The Argus Join their J""" "f friends in all good itbe. (Uy Associated Press.) Washington, April 17 Existence of an International railway banking combination, beaded by J. P. Mor gan and Co., and which Is more responsible ; for tho coal miners wage troubles limit aro the coal operators themselves was charged congressional commiireo today by W. Jett Ijiuck, of tho Americun Kederation of Liibor. mr, uuick made swoenlnu and nieciiict charges against the com bine, which ho says seeks to and does dominate tho wage scales of all big labor employing enterprises. To Restore Historic x Fort El Viso In Cuba (Uy Associated Press) Havana, April 17. Voluntary sub scrlptlons aro pouring Into DIarlo Do La Marina from Span lairds through out Cuba for tho restoration of the fort known hh "K VIho," near Santi ago, capture of which by . American foroes on July 1, JX08, resulted ii heavy casualties.. The restored structure will also servo as a memorial to Ooneral Vara del Roy, who lost his llfo In tho fight ing ut Canoy. Initiation of th sub scription hs resultod in ths battlo of Caney being fought all over sgaln Ir minutest dotail by contributors . to Dlaro Do La Marina. The Ohio River No Barrier Now (tiy Associated Press.) Ilollalre. Ohio, April 17. Tho Ohio River no longer Is to bo a barrlor be tween coal Ruining operators In Ohio act! West Vlrglnhi. Three big coal companies opening lip the' Povl)M-!l ('Ii-lriit H 11. rt Ctmnty, Ohio, and the contlgous din trlct on tho Wost Virgltila eldo 1. ready have dovchpniei:ts well under way or outlined to tunnel tinder the Ohio Jtivor and dellvor their product at the Hiirfuco, either on th Ohio or West Vlrglnlii side as the route of shipment conl em pint cm. An udvnntngo of i7 ccmiIs per lot in shipping charges will act rim by using tho tunnels a snvlng of 20 cents per ton on sono rates at:,j 25 cents per ton bridge charges. If coal mines on the Ohio Bide Is destined for shipment eust, it will bo taken through tho river tunnel and loaded tin Ihe Weal Virginia side, thus saving the bridge charge also the jsono differeiitlu.1 Mke-wlse, coal mined on tho Went Virginia side, but destined for polnta west, will be ikf! through tho tun nobc to the Ohio Hide, again Having ihe 15 cenls diffnielilial. ('imi.anies preparing to tunnel the Ohio Itlver are i he . ( 'levelutlil ' and 'A'esleiti Coal coinpat.y, Maher Col- lerles company ami the Ccorgo M. Jones foal company. One of. the companies already has its abaft down on the West Virginia side and the ilher companies re beginning work on the propositions. Tho tunnels will be i2H fetrt under tho bed of Ihe Young Fellow : Have you ever thought of this? KNOWLEDGE i the raw material of which success is made SUCCESS i.s the finished pro duct from Knowledge properly applied. In the "SCHOOL OF EVERYDAY," Sjivini, Thrift and Economy go hand in hand with Knowledge and will land you safely at Success. IJegin your career with a UANK ACCOUNT and take your banker in to your confidence. We invite the accounts of Young Men. The Wayne National Bank Dependable For Two Generations i (By Associated Press) Now Hern, N. C, April 17. Lat est developments in the Third Con gressional district as to primary candidates for tlm clnmneratl,, nnml. nation, aro tho withdrawal ot Larry I. Moore, who had on Saturday u- noUllce e . be a candidate: Ihe flat avowal today of Tho. D. Warren, former Stats chairman,; that he would under no circumstances bu a candidate, either for congress or for governor, and ths announcement hy Col. Jos. K. Robinson, of, Golds boro, editor of the Daily Argus of that city, that he was lu the ' pri mary race, and that of Maj. Matt II. Allen, also f , Goldsboro, who with Chas. L. Abcrnetby of this city havo already mado their for. mal entry with the State Doard of ; Eloctious at Raleigh. S weedish Schools 4 Adopt The Movies ? (By Associated Tress) f t Stockholm, April 17. Swedish, k school children are beginning to read 1 their lessons from the movie screen. J The uso ot educational Alms is - ho- coming more and more a part of the lower grade curariculura, even tu the I most remote districts, and leading i educators and making elaborate plans to extend tho scope of "nhn classes " In thB city" of develo, nortlicni 1 Sweden, the children are said by -vis-1 III tig Amorlctlh professors to know ' mor about Manhattan Island .thin .' young students In western parts of the United Slates who nevor Imve' visited the metropolis, V - ' Ono of tlie most prominent cham- pkius of films as a menns of et inly Is Wlllltoni,: 'second son of King Gustaf, who has taken coir: motion picture huff's !' Hal America. mid .South Aim u. tITIZr:iSIIIP JIEKTINU Tho Cltisenshlp section of the Womatis Club will meet for Its next program tomorrow (Tuesday) , morn ing at 11 o'clock. - The program will be on Water, Health and Sanitation which will be of deep concern to every woman. ; .. Tho members of the section ' and any others who are Interested will meet ut the City Hall at 7.45 to at-, tend the Alderman meeting, to see our city government la operation. Intellectual, snobbery Is as detest able as social snobbery. - - rlvor through the regular coal seam. It is expected that within five years this iinw district will be producing ' coal ut the Talo of 50,000 Ions per day. makng It one of the most Important districts iu tho West Virginia - Ohio , soft ooal regions. V The heart of thev new district is about six miles below' Moundavllle, W. Va. On the Ohio side It Is known -km the Powhatan district and on the Went Virginia side us the Creasaps - district.

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