NATIONAL BANK OF GOLDSBORO Wants your business and will be glad to correspond v If i you. :: Geo. A. Norwood, President Thos.. H. Norwood, Cashier NATIOft'iL DANS ; OF GOLDSBORO f l Geo. A. Norwood, President Thos. H. Norwood, Cashier Wants yonr business nni will b glad to correspond with JQ tt "This Argus o'er the people's rlghta leg strains o Mai's son. its hundred eyes to sleep." Doth an eternal vigil keep. GOLDSBORO, N. C, FRIDAY EVE IING. APRIL 26, 1922 NO. .19 VOL. LXXV ill, State D ramage in Session Here Goldsboro Accords Characteristic Hos pitality to The Notable Gathering Mrs. Geo. W. Vanderbilt and Daughter Recepients of Social Attentions The 12th annual com ention of 1 !io North Caiolina Drainage Association met lor its session in the c.inrt hoiiHe in litis city this morning at 10 o'clock Willi i.s president, cx Connrcssman H:n. ,lno. II. Smul I. of Washington, X. ('., presiding, "'ha on culling the session to order in vited l!ev. 0. T. Adams, castor if St. Paul M. 'E. church to make the Invocation, after which "1. (loo. K. Freeman, on behalf of the city and Mr. Kdw. M. Land, on be. half of the Chamber of Commerce, both in ooruial lernc-s and fiaccfnl words welcomed the convciil ion io (nldshoro. President Small, in bis i ha rail -r-isile happy manner an I npprccia live words acknowledged lite wel come extended the oonven.ion by the cily and (he Chamber of C im mcrcc, ami t lull addressed the audi ence, and the pudpose I he ai hieve- nicnts anfl the hopes of the Asso ciation that be has done so unit b to Inaugurate, encourage and pro. mote through Ihe years until today It Is recognized throughout th State and the nation as perhaps the 'most potential factor in thf reclaiming of waste and cut-over lhiwlu Mm) flin innl-ntnon! (if the HricuiiHi ai ; pruiuii;iv(i.jfvv ,hiu wvi" 'Mr. Small .'Stressed the necessity and benefits $f commensurate drain age ot the neglected lands of east ern North Carolina-- and the feasa bflUy of bond issues for the pur. pose. He saltl that property rights as based on and recognized under the old English common lav, al lowed the owners of property t have their day in court on tin tines. ion of taxation, and by theii own free will they could pledge their property under a cooperative agreement to the integrity of bonds issued by them far improve ni-n- ot such property, and he argued thai the Supreme court had always up held the legality of sin h bonds. He said that already 1 .. ' b: o opcrative bond issuinc. incisure mot than lino.oilll acres of waste lands in this Stale had been reclaimed and made prndiutive lands fr m which evervthing of value bad bei n cut away in the form of limbei and left barren. These lands h saiil now have an earning powei that is yielding not only probe io the owners, bu! also large re turns to the State government in tin volume of taxes. The achievements of the X. (' Drainage Association, he said, an already such as should bring tie highest satisfaction to its promot ers; but he asserted, this Assatia lion has another task ahead of it there are yet many hundreds o thousands of acres of laud in X nil Carolina in dire need of dr linage lands that apparently are well cill tivated and productive, but whin fail utterly if seasons go awry. Th crops look goad in May and ma even appear promising ia June an he well cultivated, but if rains i "MP in excess duly and August bruit dejection to the owners and dwarfed harvest In the fall doslray their profits and puts them n ib-h for the cultivation, whereas t tpabb drainage would have hrouKli! differ ent results. The application of 'he d railing law. he said, is just as t-s-enti.i where l.i nils are uiiil-r cultnation a WIII'.N YOI I'AKT niTIl VOI K MONEY and buy an Annuity, you scare at income service under w hit h a chcl will chase you just so often. a loni an you live, firent service. Consul us. Sutlenal life Inoranre Co, of Tt (XatsaL) H. V. ITamphrey, State Mansaf r, roorl" floor. Borden BullUlcc ConventionlSTflTE BANKERS ill barren lands, anil therefore operation is vital. co- Another great need -tin urged in. North Carolina people. Our S.ate is only populated. "It takes folks speaker is more sparsely and the said, "to right kind of folks," he build nil a State.' "We have Ihe nucleus," he said. "in .North Carolina - a grand peo-1 pie broad minded, generous, belp-j fill, but we need to bring more farm, j ers in,o Ihe Stale of Ihe right sort -whti with the touch of the magic wand of intellect ami the hand of progn ss can liuibl up our waste oris into veritable mines of ia--measurable wealth." Mr. Small was given frequent j tppiause of appreciation as he' poke, and following biin Dr. Jos. i Hyde Pratt, the i:iilomita.hlc secre ary read his annual report, which v:ll b" published ill full in the o I' ll ia 1 report of the session. M r. Small then presentcil Mrs. Vanderblt, prt of the Carolina Kuir Association. home is in Asiieville, but patriotic endeavors and tin activities cover the whole and throughout the whole North tvhose .vhose iring little,' State she is appreciated and beloved well, us she deserves. Mrs. XaAderbittl '.anoous ovation of, applause, and sr.tcefiilly spoke as follows: Mr. President. Ladits and Certlemen. Today, 1 feel more than eve,- the in-.(lcfiiai-y of mere words, ami when 1 ry to express to you my apprcciat ior if the honor cor.ierre.l on mo by nsk ng nir to be present on this occasion. ;ntl to address this distinguished Catherine. I realize how far short if the mark I fall, ard will then-lore merely say: Thank yiei for allow dug )) to come, ami for giving me the i po. t unit " of iinitiag with you. and adding my l'-w words in commot'da 'a n -i, the admirable work which the c. -i:,b ait n of this i ommission have already at i mpii:.lii-t!. and of expn s- the far- !iope an, tilt- belief reai hico re.-nlts w thai ill la vast the . uti ihe of : his t onvt n: ion . Owing to wori I war coiidiiions ihe I -ri :.! in or l''es was obliged I., ball. tun tin -'ait made at that tim-- look ieep root, ami has t'oiged ahead, and ,ow with et e-timic -. millions lw ing -t'.ioitti ti the-;,, former levi !. we d'oi'ltl In ;.'.!-' ' i continue tin- intt-r-'iiptetl work. V,'. all know, ami realize, what arg.. areas t.l umb vel -p. d bunl- lie n the Kastern part of our -'ante. These lards, if properly drnivc-l toubl i 11 it- turiit( inn a vi aieli. and the great I itabit waste.' u ct .sent ri- h high at p -xisting tan In protlui tive ultivated farm It seems but on li should In I understand i onverl i d si n t t in s lands. just an, ri dune, that the l : t a.nietl .ar:h me of ilack soil lands o 'artilina now have Kaslet an ;.v rom to $lii. an, i nior,. v r ;,t re. is comiiarnl with the value of fu ni 5" t ents to per aire before they ,ven drainetl. Ti'is would mean an a ggi . '-at in- ri ae ir value of Kasitni X". t'i Car- 'iua.'s real estate of from "- t i ."' t lil'ien del'ars. Mill:, ply tiiis by the nui..',,, r of it res to be reclaimed and si e how ;re:t the possibilities for in.r.ascd italiii and production. ti the nam'ier- o; -iiini aniis. not to auMion the ..v.-: tiow ands. wen- drained we would be in i position to offer profitable fa:nis. b sirablt homes, and added wealth o many who at present ai toned o 'seek occupation ard happiness elsewhere, ami by neglecting this de velopment we are depriving our state jf a great source of rc-vevue?. The development of these lands would naturally mean the develop ment of pood roads, thereby rariying (Continued on page seven; ELECT OFFICERS (My Associated Tress) Plnc-hurst, April .'S. -Th State Hauliers Association t: animal ses sion here, adjourned this afternoon. The following ollicers were elect ed for the ensuing year: President C. K. Hrooks. Vice Presidents--Jno. I). Miggs. S. A. Ilubbanl and T. A. Czzell. Treasurer- II. (.!. Cramer. April Meeting Womans Club The regular monthly meeting ot the Womans Club was held yesterday afternoon with Mrs. J. A. McLean presiding in the absence of the president Mrs. I,. D. (Jiddens. Fol lowing the minutes, reports of the secretary and treasurer, a report of tiie committee appointed to take action on the request of the Ceneral Federal inn in regard to the coal strike was read. Mrs. C. K. Wilkins and Miss Dora Coche. superintendent of th,. (iohls- iioro Hospital, spoke on behalf of National Hospital Day, .May 1st, ami uri-ed all members m visit the local hospital which will . ,.,, (,, j, public on dial .lay. A motion was passed Io appoint a committee from the chil. to assist Ihe members of ihe hospital board on Hie above ot:. i" lion. flans for Un, Cm-,!,.,, ;,,.v, ,0 !"' given Hiis afternoon by the club, in honor of Mrs. K.liili V:m, " lb" home of Mrs. 1!. (;. Thomp s .ii, were discussed . A telegram from Mrs. Vanderbilt accepting the invitation of the club was read. A idle,- from Col. Joseph Hyde t'ra.t thanking the club for Its cour-tehj- to .Mrs. Va-ulorblit anWdl ally Inviting them to ttnd the Hon was also presented. A unanimous vote wag taken to send a message of regret and sym pathy Io the president, Mm. L. 1). Cidilens. I'p.ui net! . 'lion the meeting adjour- Senatorial Candidate Withdraws from Race 'I'o i he Democrat it voters of Wayne county: I'e.-iiing ihe ill will of considering Uu preseii I'ffitials, all of whom are in th.-ir duties, my friend no one c unity efficienl . I de i ill t-it i. ii'ii in raw I nun the race I fo. S! a .- Senator Inipini; Hi.:!, same c tmlidate w ill be selected f o'i: my proposed ref rm be::etit of tin- oierbiiidencd ers of Wayne caiinly, hath in a i iji ' to car! ! t..r ii.' I ta p., I ' n and t iniiity. I Wli.,: I il:,; i , , slimulate jtu 'teres, in both mass meetings Wiis '.rom s. Kish motives, but for j tin- genr r ,1 good, ami 1 h ive no i doubt that mi labors w,ll bear J 11 nit for i iincs lo come. I did not j aiiiioiiin e my candidacy on mv own itton. Inn the pressure l-rougfat m me by my farmer friends Caused formal the de;ermination of my iniioiuit ement after a mouth of lartiful deliberation. My platform masst s a nd I others to take is approved by the hope win stimulate up the work where I I' 't off. Henceforth 1 shall de- all my time for the study of economic questions and whenever needed the public can rely on my i oo p. 1 r ii t it'll, as in the pas,t. 1 shall have their interest at heart. Possessing too much of an intle ;i. mlenl spirit. 1 am above the vote, bceging babii. the lattice now pre- va.l-ng i"iionu various camlitlates. Kurtherni.ire ;,m above the slime of pulPus. :,p. after this brief but j profit ihli experience, w.nihl not ac 1 1 p- th,. best office within the gift 'f til. ,Mipie n Iv end cordially, AKTHCH ROSCClWKIt. THE WEATHER mett which is bound to be successful North Carolina: ensealed wea-'lt can't be copped. We can help it the r probably rain tonight and Sat-' along ami help ourschTS but we can't urtlay. Cooler tonight stop It ivc-n If we wish to. If we . are for it we ought to back it Bp. ( Don't fu Ito attend the county! "Tho amount of iobacco which miiiical r antest violin and piano Iat me i:iga scnool o'clock. tonight at EX-PRESJO P (Tl v A ssociated Preas) Pans, Apiil 8. caul Desehanels. one time president ht frame died here this morning." Important Meetng Chamber Commerce All of the business tries' tu Golsboro who are interested in 'JtJoitilsboro'R to bacco market for ae urged, to attend a meeting atth('Chamber of Commerce Rooms, tonight at eight P. M. Co-operatiVp marketttig and the auction system of aelllm'tobacco will be discussed; nr.d an ;ofive energetic eumpsign for member ' iust he taken or we must get busy fcnd get a w are house and buyers under; the auction system. : fo il, we sit still longejjpe will lose both. If you are Interested In (iolds boro's Tobacco Market for 1922, be at this meeting. : t. Chamber of Commerce. The fiilmv of Ooldsb0?o as a tobac co market is In the balance. Thle fact was brought otlt most utrikingly yeslenlav tit ti ineetltlgl' of the direc tors of the Chamber of Commerce. As a result the wholfe situation wil' be laid before the buetaRB men of tbt city ttuiigbt tit a iiieetihg of the Cham. In r the oflicial call for .'Which appeart above. 'I'J ' Is (loldsboro 'tir with the Co. operative Marketing njoi-pment fully or only pnrtlyT ' In eiW ease, what is she going to do ( maintain a to bacco market at this place? It 1s ' a decisive liouf and th decision to bf made largely lnvo" the cily. Thf f: and a ileflido" ' the future of 'ssing rapid ed up with ft purpose - of mediately. TIlo i . . the meeting touiijbt,. ' Yrr sldentf iorwnod fTalk, At the meeting of the illroctora of iho Chamber yeaterdajr,; Mf . Oeorgc A. XorwtKid.presldeiA of the Trl Slale Tobacco Orowars Co-operative Marketing Association laid his views before the gathering. It .being 8 local situation, Mr, Norwood spokt primarily as a business man cf (lolds boro. nnd spoke frankly. He said that tho time had comi When the bus iness men of Coldisbofo must take a position anil decide What they arc going to tlo if they expect to have e tobacco market hero this year. He said that as a member of the As- st t iation li(. would prefer that all thf interests of Cohlsboro go wholebeart- dly in tin- Co-operative movemeit i d s.'(1 that enough tobacco in tbi" tion is under contract to bring al' il.'- tobacco of this section lo Coltls ' ro. In case the Coblsboro business in-'ti do not wish to do this then they must get busy and provide an auction house and buyers. The interests that have heretofore been active In secur ing buyers. Mr. -Norwood said, wen now with the Co-operative move-men' av, this left it to others to provitb a local marki I for ui signed growers if it is proposed lhat there shall be an in b pendent market . "With only sixty ; er cent of lie business men opposing the coopera live selling of tobacco. Wilson, Kii ton and Creenville, the three big towns nearest (loldsboro, are flgbtint cooperative marketing with evt r m ans within their power. "Vet with nicety pr cent of tlo business people of (loldsboro esti mated to be in favor of Co-operation j no active work is In ing" done in i'-j behalf. Not ii clay p asses that Vil- it n. dreenviib- nnd Klrston do ina si nd out soeii advertising matter op j posed to cooperative marketing, li t I iloblsboro's ninety p. f cent in favor; of cooperative maikiting git bliy by anl b t their oppi" -nts come into , (1 lidsboro tobacco territory and sjirc-ad false reports about coopera- live marketing witla t doing a thing to stop it or clear 1 l the situation We need not pet out and hack irp Ihe co-operative plan for this Is clearly the tim0 for Coldshcro to become the leading market In this great move- Goldsboro will marketiwtll be depend- K,ent upon the r amber of farmers In HIKE DEAD the cooperative movckieot. This Is T HELD LAST NIGHT l-adies nighi was most pleas'antly celebrated last night by Wayne Lodge No. m .,,! (;,)ldshoro Lodge No. 0:si with a iKinqiiet held ill the W. P. Hose warehouse. The hall was charmingly decorated with green pines and evergreens and Ihe long tallies were made attractive by can dles and bouquets of red roses. Kach guest was presented with a red rose houtoniere placed on the program of the evening. Over three hundred and fifty Masons wilh their wives and friends were served wrth an appetizing supper by the ladies of First Haptist church. the toastmaster, ('apt. Nathan O'Herry, sounded the keynote ot the occasion urging each miest and nosi to take part in the evening's entertainment. 'As a start all arose to sing in unison' 'America." The invocation was made by Hev. (1. T. Adams of St. Paul Methodist church. Col. A. C. Davis in well chosen words welcomed the ladies and Mrs. K. K. Griffin most ably and gracious ly responded for the guests. The toasts of the lodges were made by Mr. (1. W. Wat ers, Jr., for Wayne Lodge No. 112 anil by Dr. C. F. atrosnider for (loldsboro Lodge No. W4. Dr. HtriiHiiidcr emphasized the uplifting features of Masonry and spoke of the hope for .1 future aome for Masons. Hev. Zeno Wall responded in a witty 'and interest ing talk to the toast, "Meaning of Masonry." Mr. Pat King, the oldest Mason, jave a bright speech and was loudly applauded. Mr. M. N. Bpsteitj presented the Masonic: Km-hlem, a gift of Pust Maater Daugherty, and Mr. C. (), 3aird niiulo a short speech of ac ceptance, ' The speaker of the evening Mrs. i!e.fe Ahi PeekOrsml MftUPtLjhf the 1 Eastern Star, was enthusiasti cally received and furthered the cause of the Kastern Slur by an interesting account of the work ilone by the lodges it) the orphan homes, old peoples homes and hos pitals in the State. Interspersed with the speeches and toasts were selections by the or chestra, an artisllc- violin solo by Prof. K. K. Hurst and several songs by a quartette which wer greatly ipprecialed. ' It was a satisfied and happy hroiig who left tin- warehouse after singing "Carolina." The program ami menu follow. Song America Assemblage. Invocation - Hev. (J. T. Adams. W It one to Ladies --Col. A. C Dal is. f espouse Si lei ! ion M is. from K. 'K. Crillin. Clutu hin - Or. lies ;r.i. Sele, lion from Prince of Tonight - Orchestra. To. is. W.ivnt Loih' No. Ill W. M. M r 1,'enme w. Water-. .Ir Violin To-.s Dr. (' I ()iia-:t h.'i. I froilMO! VMr. ; M K Toa-t '.an, W Son.: Sdo Mr. Coldshorti k. K. Loilce Ilur No. M. f,:,4 S! r -sinner. W Sp. ak i M. lie If r Mr I'" II 1 1. Mis Ashe Peik, a ling nf Masonry - dm. i -Assemblage. Menu : C: ia-! Chicken Di-e-sini' I'.ioccn i; -.mieil Potatoes ipe Frit: n P.- 1! il id P i. .me Cream Made Cakt C iffee Tio- i i'v ib limpi'i' ' tat i'-t i'l t'i- band- of on-- prih'ers and a 11 li.- puiiiiMie i Monday after a i ei the la-' ! 'f rr.i. .-. tb-arlv !'.. b-tie Th- o'iit : mark.-: -for the w .ti . lo .i-' tloing -v-ry t hii.i: kill t o-t.p. ra'in! !;,,- I:,!! 'lit -y -t . in .'le: a r in tie-ir p.'"',- I.. Let us go for i o- operation and in two years time we will beat them tur- two to one. The time for a decision and for fiction in here. We can make or break Coldf boro right now so far as tobacco sell Irg is concerned. If we back the co operative movement we will become the market for half a doien count ie la this section. mm BMUE (3131 IN UNION ftBE (fly Associated Press.) Apollo, Pa, April 28. Three min PVs were inslantlv kill,. d n,l ,, other seriouslyperhaps fatally In Ljured by the explosion of a bomb early this morning which demol ished the little bunk-house in which the men were sleeping on the coal company's property. Tho men killed non-union coal miners, working in the mine here. All the men killed were married, and by their death fourteen child ren are made fatherless. Music Teachers Contest Tonight mm The Wayne County' Music Teach, ers will have a piano contest for the High School pupils tonight at tho CSraded School auditorium. The fortunate winners in thia con lest will take part in the State Contest which occurs in Greensboro on May fith. There will be seven contestants lo participate tonight and the Judges for the occasion will be Mrs. S. C. Silterson and Mrs. Lee Wh'to, of Klnston. and Miss Lucille Magetto. of Wilson. The public is invited and cordially urged to come. Card of Appreciation The Annual Council of the Diocese of Kast Carolina has passed into the history of our home city, leav ing many pleasant memories of gra cious hospitality, renewed friend shipH, new and dolightful acquaint ances, as well as a deep store of inspiration for tho great work which the church has before It In our beloved atate. St. Stephen's pariah peopK one .and all outdid them -aclve-ilLjjs.UL. .Pfforts . to lighten the burden of the Committee 7f Arrangements, while our neighbors ot other communions Vied with each other In bousing nnd providing for the comfort and pleasure of the many guests to tlio council. To all these, to the courtesy of the Golds boro press, to the officials of post office and telegraph companies, rail ways, clubs and lodges, our thanks and praise are due. We can never forget all these acts of kindness. In addition to these things our chairman personally wishes to ex press his appreciation for the labor and services of St. Stephen's Culld, and all the other parish workers and friends whoso assistance con tributed so largely to the success of the barbecue which he gave to the members of the Council and Congregation. Cordially. CBO. C. HO V ALL. J. K. F. HICKS, .1. T. JKFFltEYS, Committee of Arrangements. It's 1 1, stiiarest man who makes w arm friends all aroui'd. The beighls cif succcms are often climbed by the fellows who are al ways on the level. Ill Few Men Get Rich On a Salary .aik of capital iici-ess of many. avnp has caused bank account tat inline; not only but wth vour banker. A policy of regular saving, persisted in, gives mi capital to take advantage of o-tuxl opportunities when they come. Now is the time to start that Savings Accound and This Bank is the place. The Wayne Dependable For IV BOBBED HAIR WORKS HAVOC (By Associated Preas.) Leominter, Mass., April 28. Bobbed hair is blamed for the increasing number of unemployed in this town, according to an address here today by Kdw. J. Drlscoll, president of Itho local Chamber of Commerce, lie said that the mania for bobbed hair had spread so throughout the country that combs, hair pint and bar pins had about gone out of use and the manufacture of these artcles had been the chief Industry kf this town, and consequently the short trade of such factories had thrown many out of employment here. The Acme Theatre Announce. Program The Acmo Theatre wishes U an nounce to its patrona that their regular program will be exhibited today between the boura ot 3 and 6.30 p. m. only on account of the theatre being turned over - to tk North Carolina Drainage Convention at 8.30 p. m. for the purpose of exhibiting some special and Inter, eating moving pictures ci reclama tion work, to which the public Is cordially invited. . .. ; ' Mr. H. R, Mason the progressive manager of the Aetna ia ; always ready to cooperate with every move, ment that tends to Ooldaboro and Wayne Coifnty's - Improvement. The people ot Goldsboro and Wayne county should not and will not fall to. appreciate and recipro cate by generous and continuous' patronage the public spirited pol icy that : is characteristic ' ot 1 the Acme. " .'i-'- Chamber' Commercs v -Will Meet -Tcri-l Again we call the attention of the business menof Goldsboro to the mass meeting that la to . be held in the Chamber of Commerce rooms tonight at which time the future of L our Goldsboro tobacco market will ' be discussed. Our business men will show their interest in ; this meeting in the way they respond to this call. ; '-. Mrs. John H. Small is in the city today, with her distinguished hus hand, and la being most cordially Ngreeted by all in attendance, ami Is the recipient of many courteous uttentinns. No Short Term Candidate for Third The action of the Executive Com mittee of the Third Congressional District, which met here today, la deciding to put forward no candi date for the short, unexpected term of the late representative Brinson, was the proper course to take, and should meet with general approval throughout the district. has retarded the Lack of systematic lack of capital. gives you credit with merchants National Bank Two Generations

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