4- j C 3fCCO,000 r.t4i.Pcr Cent HRUior.s lot Womans Club Hoste&s . To Mrs. Vanderbilt l.oitoi: piimu'tory !. - bondaUh.fcrfcinhun of jtfx tbous. and dollars and 60-day option on th other nine million a resulted torn today's tci sale fcefare the oo -H ot ttttto"'iWUcli..:.' Intense Rivalry marked the effort to get North Caro lina's paper. The Citizens National bank, of Raleigh, and the Wachdviu '.' Bank and Trust company, o Winston- j Sarom, 'Jointly took this issue arfl tboj option :s Hot less significant was' tiiej offer both of the Aroeriean Trust wuropany,' of GBiarlotte, and the ae-j . ccssftrl bidders -today.; .TliiJ cit- j .Uens and : the iWachovht offered ti takf -the rtfif teen millions for ' i ard; to t jjay ; a preniium of $2'j.s,io0 TUV Charlotte bank offered fno earn rate with a premium of ?23ir.oit. These were really tihe beat bida bu the '' state council .thought It licit finance to " sell 1-2 pm cent p.ueJ today, and tilBt "cUon tho publi jfloubtless acquiesce. Treasurer Lacy said tonigyit Uia' Two millions of this money ban bee; paid out In 'short term notes. k Th first thing he will do therefor Wil be 'payment of these obligations'. Th issue Is for roads' and 1 the progiair will take all that is in sight. There were many other bidders (inlay - V, h all but or.ly three were iilile to take the entire $15,000,000. Ellsabetl- r.Ur bnnkors offered throo lots of $50,000 each at' 11-2 per cent, but the elate desired to bulk its millions. Thus are fulfilled the Scripture und the prophecy ot t Governor Morrison before the stalo coiiventfon that the state would sell its bonds for losr. than five per cent. The yYozn.ins ,Viia afternoon fnim j-i' to in junior of Mr.4. (ieoTE'e hilt and Miss Cornelia lioBtc.-iS this six o'clock W. Vr.llll.T- Vandcrliilf. , al the beautiful (;. J liomiisoii ;iPl-!l Of Ashevllfe. X. C hnine of Mrs. ft. cast Asii sircl. Owing to the inclemr nl the iil'-ii of the out-doi I ; rt .v was changed to an in-him reception and nr. entering, om. to. got the clouds outside, for' th" ; cious and luili'l 1 nnely pp o'liieil in lerifir of Alis Tiiampsoi.'s Juttii-, li:i bin I 11 sl'tir 'in, :l inlo a 4 ei itabl-'i.--.e garden. I r 1 1 ell I ; Hl!.rI dire o. 13!), I l E i meet Thnrarfay night In the Elks 1 Home. I'i.j Chestnut utrect, which is ...on dally from K::',o to 1. ;. ;-iiin? brothers entitled to regis ronliriMy welcome at . - to tlii. I.odce or Home. I ndtte . , 1 o it r., meets : TiieMbiy niilit :it 7:30 o'clock ihe:r o'mi liull. Cordial welcome vi.-fir:- idii'iro t iiiineil o. Jr. O. I'. I , i "'!:-ir.'-'l::y night at i m: i;i t r;ii'-i liny nun, over (. .." o I lrds ( ordinl wel- ,Oil'Te No l'(,!-e' 'ill. iMilelll' I'r .il.iy 1 1 je.ile h :il by A ib li l-Ofie? o, III. lie i i i..i I o i lib i 'iiil.'lllilH! 'I, I !,: 1-i i.i ir tie,. Hi v, Dlii'-i Mutiny Breaking .;.'". Out In Jullundur ri.iuiiiiitcil vi enilllitt I'ollMd.i ( nlo I .-"..-relief leeorn I ions :i w i)ltioi::t f r-H of I !i j resell I. The yut.Kts '.vi;: ei.lloil hull by It ''i:ic. v.)-,,) )ire -.. i vim; line, s;;i'i ill; room, wliicli i viab'ohn Uizzell, be Wnniuus f!h:b, Viinderbilt and Mir. oil. Mrs. II. C. Tie if the WotnaiiM ''iub. nod i!i f'n sidents of tlie I lull MewL-nne 'lenry Weil. W. II. llollowell, (', -VVlIkins, Kslejle ')'. Smith mid H. Miller und the i-orresiiondiru Si retary, Mrs. J. A. Mcf.efui. Tlw-i Treasurer of Hie t-;t ji t !'(! "r;i t i ui ul I i :i hi s rdi. Hy oi Thy- niKht in . k, vlsit b .nut.'. ;;n;e:ed ill I be le i s ; Marv i'.ii:: in ; no d tli' lu lo t lie ! jilt-rt ill tile llrnu- eo in- isleil of M rs. I i'ii e rri-Kideiit of Mr. Ceoi'.e W. i' irjielia Vnmb r- j !'!:. in, Treiif.lirer , e. - id in;: iii.-ay I-' i: ev ol . .;i u i i ill 111-:,!' fMi' I'M!' Henale. '!ii. 1,1 M'K : w w m: ; i m oil us oi t (MM V Ii, :-:!-,:. l!i:t I o !aiw.a.i:;i' e.m il vi'ord.-l of I he b'ii'iia .i . e ijioln ii in" lo be nominal ion ajijO'eeia le xeressj the iinliiienee that no n of tin in eiy liebalf. .lilt- li erndi to the Hlalf I r a!i'- mill s from n le- a le .-.r; :-o-:---i thai per. I! ' Allahaliadl'miia;,' April 2S.-Out-, n' . breaks of Insubordination aud die-'"- - obedlence -ftovdWlngL-'oft-mutrty nd ("''' '''repdrtod Wem'airmy head-quarters in .' . the Jullundur irlon, where members ' 6f the 14th. Slkha and the 19th. Pun-v-t - Jabls reglmenta are said to be almost unmanagabJe an a result at agitation ' x'i by radical political leaders. - The trouble gehan when two men t t) ot. lie ' 14th,; Sikbri appeared befor thelf , commanding officer wearing , '-black pugrees, ur turbans, nlthouKh in uniform " WbeD . they wcr Repri manded for this insubordination, six t ' their comrades - promptly ciiin- ' J mitted the same offense and 20 others V ' deserted. Prison sentences were i ' decree ft,.' all tbe offenders, Indian ' . efflcers of the regiment attribute the owtbursto tlie'release of certain feiflh prlsonera from civil utoy. ' . In the JSth. Punjabis at the same station a Srkh sepoy insisted on wear ing s 'km'eer 'kirpa';.(weapoh)' than the lregulaUo ajlowed. ' When ar- rested he went on bunger strike, and . the whole of his company followed auk in Sympathy, He was sentenc . ed 19 Imprisonment and the trouble subsided tor a time, but later five men appeared on parade In uniform with ' black pugress, which they re--. fused to remove ; This defiance alao was punished by prlsor sentences. '.A Both regiments have excellent war ' records,. and were due-to leave" soon' .... ior ewrwee -overseas.' it was while ! the men were s taking their short leave before departure that the' agi tators are said to have made Bpeclal Woman's! f'lnl.H, Mr the DiHfrbt Cbaiiiiiaii . (ration of Woman s Club O'ilerry. and Miv. Abu President of the i:i: i t s slonal Woman's Club. Ueliclouc pun; :i way many i-ullers, by Mrv, . j Mrs. Ham Scott, .Ura. nil Mrs. 'Wllllain il. I-:. M. Sua. (';! . it. Laud J'Vii Thoj. lorri:' ; and I'roi'ei'- If- red fo tin . V. liibliii!. i. I!. Miller Smith, VllO presided at the. t wo exiiuiHil.ely dtn -orated crystal punch bow in which were illiictfd at Mich end of l lie brand 'hajlway. Saiulwielies were pasKfid by MIshob Kthel .Miller, I.ida Taylor, Margaret Dardeu, I.aurinda Hooks, Mrs., Nathan Kdwards and Mrs. K, C. Itoyall. Mrs. Vance Weill hud r.utierviaion of the music for this nioi! luter ; eating event, and didlghtfnl selec tions from the elaSHles as well its ppproprlute music in voruo, added much to the pleasure of the enter tainment. The Business und Professional Womans Club were guests of the Woman's Club at this altogether en joyable occasion. Sincere regrets "effl .expressed, that tjie. President ot iho v Womans Club Mrs. U 1), Gid dens and th0 Secretary, Mrs. Por dell Col! wero unavoidably nhscct. Now Open Hydro Battery Station Ii'ecliaiged naileries In FIVE MINI Ti:.S WHII.F. vor LOOK Wayne Tire Co. (.'oldslioro, . ( . ! will be for rue Ii i- and busi- rin;; Hie i a npai;.'!i and lilt nf the l,cni:,l.i:iiiv, I fee) I ran In a. F.niail tneasiire serve 'he interest of the good pro;, a: ot Ibis Kfe.it r.onrily, I should not mill the ci.;.t to u.yself per sm.iliv. 'IMierefo; . I t-'l;e pleas, ir j 111 ;,s-;iiif. Hie il norrale, lioili mei Liod u'oineii, of Ho iMiinly lo t-'jvi i.e I le-ir vuli-; on June .!rd, ami j ii oiii-iati d, I iironiiKe In do in) :': ! ior their very best Interefil in ee,-y puasible way. It'-s.e( -l fully .-.nil sincerely. If. I!. PARK Kit. MiTin: ok s i.i: of uni. Ily virtue of Hie power of sale con ( .!ned la a mortgage denl executee by Hoy Powell lo S. W. Draper (iaud .September 1, 1920 an,i recorded 1;. the office of Hie Itegister of Deedi fur Wayne County ii: liook 153 at jiagi 4'tl, di fault having been made in the payment. Of (he debt (herein secured, iho undersigned will, at Vi o'clock M, an Saturday, May 21, 1!22, at tlje Court House donr in (ioblsboro, X. C . offer for sale for cash, to the bi;;iiest. bidder, tbut lot of land con veyed by sai, mortgage deed, ajtu a ted In (ioldnboro owshlp, Waynii County, and described b follows; ( Beginnjng at a stake, tho Joha-Bedi ton ceimer, ad runs with ; tht Wayneshor road West 20- feet to t stake, the Flora Smith comer; ther Southwardly with the Smith line 21 feet lo a ditch; then K'ustwardly 2f feel In tho Hectou line ; then North, v-.irdly with Hie Hector line 210 feet, to the beginning. And being tin i-aiue In! of land desi rib,., in the deo r' 'u II. H. Pipkin and wife to San W. Draper wblih is fecordrd in Tell I ,et What Je Thnks Of It "P's:i. 3 II 2S.w frod, Kcycs, ot Eiyrla, 1 1 la trainer is of, blooded homes. U jl ap the only foreigner in Russia I toU the Soviet govern. ment just -he thought of It and received a rfifsitimonial for his frank ness, He laft ly loft Russia for home after an atisAu-e ol nln0 years. Keys wentso Russia in 1913 umlr Count Ilarion Dasbkov, Causasus, am! owner contract witl Viceroy of t cf.sonie of horfies in the ceivo a salu fie most valu.iiile rata world. Ho was to re. y of from rio.wi to ml., e V.,yn, 113. Tlii i Oil' i of the ltegislir of ).,,(s fOI Coirrly in Honk I IL' al pagi $15,004! yeal-M breeder and trainer of the Couctl horses and an. mana ger of his 76,i)ifl-acrH stock fr i,ui. Despite the jCount'a death in 191.", 'tnil of the revolution two years laier. Keyes was reluctant to P av. Hie t ia. lie saw his savings disappear, the ftirr.i takon.over by the SovMh and .'amino approaching, but sii'l be de erinined to sliik. Tin's resolutfoc remained ur, -bak. ri 'or months, -'.hilt the turning point ame when the government Kiiddenly irdered hia sjllendi'd (roiling horses urned over to the pea::ar for ordi- lary farm work. Keyen sought he hiahest Soviet oflleiais, ii:.r ook his life la his hand", and bitterly rirained tltent for (heir neiion. Mmh o his surprise they beaililv aj.-reed villi him, but-refused to r.-.nr,d the M-d.-r. t.t IJIs love and consider:!, imi for the horses made SUCh a favorable iiiii.re:-;-lioe, however, that n few days later ie was presented with a t si imoi.ial. vritten on official Sovic. idmneil wRh several epib 'riiment seals. iTh.is and i: rail with Count Das ill.-iv i o hIiow for Ills fine yea da. paper id iwn a wise route. Jitney Ilia ran to score sweet 3 c,i'. I Insert. The next improvement in tervii e will bo to broadcast tin y innings. 'o' 1WEKT PEAS Those desiring ens can be supplied at 21.' Pine street Mrs. J. Frank Phono 318-W, , - 1 ' THE MOIHiKX .HOT HE If . i acor problems far . beyond ihosa of ier. forbears.'; 8hsj Iicrsolf must b a nuejli more eomplent person, eom dcijiig In one indiWdual the duties of iuro, cook, teachni and ' moral in ttructor, It Is no woder that many onijeientlons womeil reak under the that rrurag out a ,ikwu jig i ttr&h itralc, and nlsjrajil mdjyet trnable to tnk-1 a day's vacat ion,, Such-woniea j wilt v find them lves banefitcd' anij ; tiudf' burdens nado easier by jthe tase fcf Lydia K. ilnklmm's Vegetable Compound, vhlch was made for hufforlcg women, ind jloes not fall to felieve them. THE WINDOW By AGNES G. BROGAN Jack Thorpe, hurrjing along through the ehill of an early spring day, glunced up at an obi stone mansion and saw the window. The wlpdow seemed to typify that home he de sired. In crying contrast to Its neighboring wiinlowii, the shining white curtained gla.-s beckoned, v. el'e tw o potted ger aniums flagged a welcome. .link was tired of hotels, tired of disappointing bachelor apartments, and though he had not passed down Cooper road with the intention of llnd Ing a lodging place there, that is ex actly what lie did, and for this was the (.-uy little window responsible. "Will ) on," lie brielly asked a maid who opened the door to him, "let me l.nou If the room on the second Hour Is vacant, (ho one with red llu.vers In the window? And may 1 ;;ee It?" Jink ascended the gloomy stairway upon being told that the I'oorn was to be vacated the following morning. The maid Inserted a key In a lock and left him. The room was as Inviting as Its window' promised. When Thorpe ""' j lighted the lump and touched a match 1 1 -v I to the gas grate, ho sank into a cre tonne cushioned chair Willi a grateful kigh. Here wus real borne at last. Mrs. Bickers came up presently for tin interview. The bright place mi the null paper, she Informed him, wu i w here the former tenant's piano-bad stood. The piano had been moved that morning. The mom would be ready for rent ' lug tomorrow, Mrs. Bickers agreed. : and be paid the advaueert price asked. "Just leave the key on the ball rack I when you go out," Mrs. Bickers said ami left hiin. He was enjoying a cigar before the i gbwvlng lire when a tap sounded at tin door aud In response to Ids (juestlonlnp ; "Yes?" the door opened to admit r oung woman, Klie wus a puie-iacec young wumau und her big blue eye; were brimming with tears. . "What do you want?" asked Jack Impatiently. "I want to come In," she retorted. Uninvited, she drew a companion chair to the lireslde and was, apparent ly, soon lost In thought. "I," said Jack lnformlngly, "have just rented this room." The girl turned to look at him. "Have you?" she asked. "I hope you will like it." "I know that I shall like it," be re plied. "I knew from the moment I saw those red geraniums In the window." The llrellght induced Jack's remin iscence. "We used to have a window like that at Iwine, when I was a boy. White ruffled curtains and all. It looked out on the side of the garden where a sun dial stood." "Pld Vfl"Y asked the Ctrl eagerly. "We bad a window like It, too, at j jf TGAOE Wait BEO.t ' ' Jhk'i-1 ' '. -'-ij" ' V-P" ' ? The Stout Woman's Probleii 1?E woman of full figure s a poise oil her own IT wliu n needs only pro;-.cr cor- Ijr a.W I sctiny to prodare an enviable fi 4 Szjs " chrrm. The Renrjo Belt RVff;-i daciiijj Corset, ni-jijlJin;? the li.ics to beautiful projvjrtioni, roci the e:a-ct t,.r nrace and dignify. You car-, ilcp'.-ntl up on your Rcnuo Belt CJorset. It is strong and well tailored. Sold at all good stores. Priced $2 aiul upward ft H. WEIL uOS. mo and - . Pas its April 2(1, 1922. S. W. Draper. Mori a week for four weeks ;ag"e. tut -t i M efforts to infliKincB tin in. It has been several years sicce last noticeable disaffection In Indian army. j Wh.-n yon want a change ol irate all you have to do is wait arolhcr day comes. FAVORS We have just re ceived a new line of Party Favors. We invite your in spection. ' Hwr ,wT7aazg 1 Goldsboro Book Store VPS frliIteaai '' I If your clothes have style- most likely they have everything etae you want. It doesn't pay to put good style into poor fabrics. Good style always means carekil tailoring. If you choose your clothes for style you are on the right road provided the price is right. Society Brand style you know. And they are real values at our 1 922 prices. $ 1 5 to $40 A. A. Joseph My Outfitter l!lyR...'2ffli?u(c?uuOl i r ,, . o.i aL'. - J -'si . ... r-i nTionL QiriSHflM WEEK 1'' H E J Ii OFtTU;KSl,EOFl,A.l. of the power of sale con cerlain Mortgage Deed March 23, 1921, by Paul .1. Sykeg, the said Mort- . :-::. The Gingham Week idea has taken the country by storm. Everywhere this week is known as Ging- ' ham Week and we have put on sale a number of brand new patterns in high grade imported Cinghams at a . special price of 68c per yard for this week only. These are absolutely fast in color, attractive in design, fine and soft in texture and an ideal fabric for smart utility dresses. They are 32 inches wide. Ily virtue ;:in :1 ir a L'Xei ute 1 on ,' Kvar.s to A . i ga ;e Deed together with the indebl ediiess tberehy secured, having been duly liaryferiod and assignee! for val ue io John It. Crawford, default hav- , in.; been made ie ihe payment ot the ofoness tbireliy secured, the un igueU Assign. ,, f (De Mortgage, sell for cash to the highest bid- ihe Court House door of H. WEIL & BROS. in--. der.- V-lJl : der. at ! Wayne County. Cohlsboro, N. C, on i M"'ulay, May 22, 1922, at twelve o' c 1 i k uom, (he following described loi or parcel of land lying In Cohls boro Township. Wayne County, North Caiolin.i. and bounded as follows: Hi Tinnii i; at a slake on Nelson St. then runs in an Kasterly direction par. lel with spruce to the big ditch: theme Southward wi(h he big ditch Wistwariily with K. W. Cox's line to j Nelson Street; thenre Northward with Nelson St i- e-t 4D fee to a stake at the beginning, at the corner of a va cant lot belonging to E. W. Cox, and better known as the Lon Peele Ixt, being lot on which Paul Evars now re-i.i. s and being land deeded lo Paul Kvans l,y -. (.0J ,,, wif,v y:lH Cox. Sepii nib. r 12th, 1899, 88 refer ee, to sd Deej will more firlly lb- !-(h day of April. 1922. Paul Kues. Mortgagee. J"bn II. ( r.ford, Assignee of Mortgagee. ;v- 1 afck. for CO days. Grandma's. Grandma raised us moth erless children. But our window looked out from a sunny kitchen to where we could see birds hopping about on the tree-s, and la winter time, their Utile tracks ull over the snow." The man nodded understaudingly. "I know, that all 6pells home." "You won t like the meals here," the cii-l suit) -teHpr frn mittdflt. fur them it litii leiil v.iti hue, i tf.'' I "( lb well, there must be some draw back. Uie does not find a home every day." "Nor lose one, thunk goodness," Sighed the girl. Willi new interest he regarded the st range visitor. "I lost mine today," she explained ruefully. Hut wliyi" Sympathy was In his glance. "Couldn't pay the rent," the girl told him. "If I can't make another home for myself there will always be giaiid ma's to go to." she added. "Tell me,'' he bcLged impulsively. " iraiiilina e'dm ati s her orphaned grandchildren and then turns ns out of her over-full nest to make our own ways. My 'uiij' was to be music fume, success, inn understand, walling In the world outside. I have Just two dollars left. I'm going to stop i t a 'Y. W.' t.mlgbi, and Unimrrow go uit and lojk for an ordinary Job. The trouble is, I don't know a thin Pi l la' world but music." ' "Your name'" the man asked, "won't you tell me your iiniue?s "Hurnie," answered tlie girl, l-r sweet l'n i t grew wistful. "i!a U In grandma's cottage they call me Mar got." With a sudden gesture Uf les-ed bat and cloak to a chair. "I'll get mil my tea wagon and have tea. And you'll stay? It will be a sort of celebration, the old tenunt detose9, long Hve the tiew ." Smne new. inexplicable desire held Jack TIioi-ik' longingly In the guyly cushioned clasiir. Tin installing a new music Mtore right here in Cooper roud." he told her later, "and with your experience :foiig that line. I'd be gbwl to offer vou a IHisilloii In It. It might do for a time, Mavgot." tlie liaiiie came natur ally, "aird you eou!l (ben rontiMio tn In this little home vou have made Tour f laiio could he brought Iwek to morrenv. The new tenant declines re Instate the old." And Margot hapri,T etrfed. Now grandma, proutl aril gratified tellti the f lks of Linden Tillage how Mairjt't fave up her pr:nled career for low. v.lt'i the sa'.'cj ..race tha vhe t'Sitled 'Vi uiu :e man. " -v.- ....t..XJ -' ill.' rr ca rarmers oiuvu. "Where Embattled r I f I b (a -- . s .1 15 On April 18, 1 "75, the farmers of Massachusetts summoned by Paul Revere in his famous Midnight RitieTfoufjht the Battle of Lexington and "fired the thot heaTil 'round the world." In 1922, 1 17 years late r, the farmers of America are fij.rhtincc tho economic battles that follow a great World War. And they are and have been as staunch, as true and as courageous as those farmers who fought the opening battle for American independence. Thi.- bank feels honored to have been of assistance to its farmer patrons. Farmers Bank and Trust Co. CI Th way things turn up depends upon what you put Into tl n. A man drowning ! rtci rpiration M-ill clutch st a straw hat. J ' , Coffees iasc ot oanbom s Nortec ivlorara Coffee Morning Joy Coffee Lord Calvert Coffee Teas Chasf, ck Sanborn's Tea Lctby's Tea Liptons Tea Ridgeway Tea E. M DAVIS GROCERY CO. ----!