M"v ,. ....... .-. u ,. .. -, X NATIONAL BANK Vt UOLD5B0RO !fats your business and will be glad to correspond with yon. tt Ceo A. Norwood, President Tho. H. Norwood, Cashier VOL. LXXV GOLDSBORO.N. C. SATURDAY 1VENING, APRIL 29, f 922 "This Argus o'er th people's right - i ' 1 No soothing strata Mai's son, " "f7 " : TJ- i H , Doth an eternal vigil keep, f Can lull Its hundre itm to - . ' V " " i ? - ' p-i- - , I,,,, - w- t , ; 5 . v,ncl2q; , Ay l ' an r I TUNYDSMnD HOMELESS BY FLOOD MISSIN6 PREHGHER (By Associated Press) Natchez, Miss., April 29. It seryatively estimated today isco that fifty thousand persons will bo ren aerea homeless by the floods in the ' crysvillo, was found today by flsh Mississippl, while the prorrty loss ("men lodged between some trees willmount up into many millions i f the Illinois Uiver. of dollars. It is Baid that there are now 17,500 flood refugees being cared ' for here by the Red Cross society exclusive of those in Louisiana. lKUl;.K.s.L,S AKK XOX ryKK.ssi(i s.Tisi .tToi;ii.v Hehf1Ws;!l.s for Hi.ringlime." tilt musical,pky to be offered at the Mea scnjrer Opera. Jouse on May 12Ui, by me oumcss and 1'iofe.v.sional V(mi;ms "iiii. . K WUII unuer W.-IV. Must of ,'.iu.-ureinjr is koior on ut ilu Community buil(!inK-. Mi.s.s Mary Xclueiler, the asiceable young lady who (fj training the partitipiints, j;;lyH tlmt ,Ool(Jsloio shows a greater wealth of atlicteur theatrical talent than .she has discovered in any other city. The play Is a balanced blending of songs and dances, repartee, comedy turn romance. There will be about j iriemocrs ol the cast, and stage set tings are the producing' bureau Schreibcr represent. One of the prcttk "Springtime" is the I lly .scenery furnished by which Ml.s.s t dances in "Murdi-Gias" dances. The young ladies who will be included, in ths group are: Misses Virginia Johnson; Hilda Butler, Lillian D. AVooten, Evelyn Wilklha, Elizabeth Johnson.- Virginia Lutes, Mary Alice anl Mary Lou Watei Her vryt.t tiMMriitF-' ,vr;i l could exewiwLiiJi I ' ,Tri-'-'- .mi , e ceAjia come j Citlilshnru. The :5llimlU'(! HI of ' the concert, ujiclcr . the., i hairiii. i -Iiip. of ; Mrs. . Weill, has - been most active and has secured varied and beautiful program . it eongs. dances, piano, and violin mu-sic. The entire proceeds will go toward the Caruo Endowment Fund, whereby talenttd young American musicians In neety circumstances may secure scholarships or cash . rt.-arUs to .irry on th-ir musical training. Ppitrriim Krilny, Ma) ",Hi, nl ! Court House 1'nrt I 1. Over! m e Kienzi by Wagner -Misses Louise Wrctm and K'-an.ir Cobb, Prof. K. Hurst. 2. Folk Games l!y Grade A-l of the Walnut Street School. 3. "Song of ihe Vikings." by Fan ning Chrous of 20 mixed voices. Part II ?.. (a I "Oh. that we two Were Min ing." (I)' "Nearest a'.i.l Dearest" -Miss Mildred Kdmund.-'oii and Mi:.s Fannie Edwards. 4. Piano and Vocal iMntinn- I V Three Artists. Selected Uy Male Qu ntette. G. Carusj Records. 4. (al Scene tie L.illit. De Dcrrl ' (b) Slumber Son;-'. l.ingc-Pn' Hurst. 5. Folk Games U.v hildren of t! Vircinla S:reet Scho:!. Pari III 1. Pridal Choru.i. fr.-m !l:e Ib.s in.iid Dy Mixed Chorrs. 2. Odd Fellows Home. t ,i i Quartette Little IV. v " 'U (In Ptano duct, in Recitation "Who's Afraid." VANT,S MKN I OK f.MI i:k Sergeant- J J Windf.ii I'.r.igK. is in Guldshoiu f pose of eiiUsting a t " m it l nite.l States army SI i 1 1 1 I "ill! iv e I liraeir. He is pr.-pat ..) I formation ,...itinmg to r..l:.stnient arrange fi t rnsportatten H In- in town until Monday and may I found at Jones' H r!.T S!ii'i WHK YOI PART WITH YOUR MOEY ,i huv an Annuity, you seiure an income service under which a he. k will chase you Just so often, as lor? as you live. Great service. Cov.su ;t us. Sstlonal Life lasnranre Co, ot Tt. . . . ( MttnaL) H. .-HtmpBry SUte Xaaagct . : roirth or Bordro Bwlldtm E FIND DEAD BODYOF (By Associated Tress.) - '. I'i'oria, III.. April 29. The body Vt Kev. u. J. Leach, raising pastor - li uie rresnvterian chnrrh f a,. I FMTTEILE Hi (By Associated Press) Fayetteville, N. ("., April 2!). Deep mystery surrounds whai may prove rthe fatal shooting of John i Marsh, flWe klllWIl ritt,m mill well known cotton mill employee, through the window of his rooming house last night. There is no clue to the shootins and no known motive. ED.WnVDSO.VDAYIN Hajijiy Emit of Widespread Int;resl Aiiioiit; Argus Koaderw A marriage in which Coldsboro and Wayne county people, because of the wide family connection and popularity or the groom and the general cordial interest taken in him and his young bride, will read with all good wishes the following taken from the Durham Herald of Thurs day's issue: "A large and fashionable gather ing witnessed the marriage of Miss Lolla Datla to Paul Burt Edmund son,aof Coldsboro, which, was- sol- .;nh.ii;:fcd i, the, First Baptist church (til V. I (Til . Hiiri v mnriilnff , irt ' clock . "Tl'C ' hi'Vch wa-;' Ii.-. .1. Llwood r Welrih, th! bndu s pastor, , was,; uie officiating elergyrean ; " Mrs. Edgar Cheek, organist, Mlsa Eva Minor, soloist. "The ushers were Worth Redwine, of Monroe; W. S. Lockhardt, of Dur ham and Isaac D. Thorpe, of Rocky Mount. The groomsmen were Chas. Laughinghouse, of Greenville; Sam uel l'vltt, of Coldsboro: Rot Voting, of Dunn. :'.nd .Martin Carniichacl. of Dnriiam. 'I lie bridesmaids were ! s.,i's Mona Wilkinson, Mabel Duke G.iothill. Mathilda Bryant. ai.:l l-ny I Ncl.ion Mason. They were cliarniing- ly costumed in piain! frocks of pompadour taffeta, two of orchid .:n.d two of jonquil; t lit-y wore Leg horn poke bonnets and tarried a coloi'ial "nouquet. The bride entered the hurch . Dr. Ml J Molitii"!!" She ! aiiured suii oi midnight blue, uith a French blue bar. Her j boimii"! was of roses and orchids ; with a shower of lilies of the valley and r.vvcct heart roses. She kj, ni"t .I the camel by the groom with his best man. James Battle Tarboro. The ring ceremony was used. The Mendelssohn wedding march was ns.-d as 'he processional and the I-ahengni wedding inarch rci essional. as the ! inmediat ly after the .!.-. and Mrs. Kdmunds in K'.l' ii:l:. leaving for New Atlantic City. "Mrs. Ivlmundson is th lia iuhur of Mrs. SYth J. ceremony, in', i rid to Voriv and Hinges M 'ntagtie. memlier of Sic is a very popular I the lehiuante se'. and is v. eil for (It.aint beauty and n f" shing h r individuality, sic at S:il-m She graduated in college afttr tin! mu ling iliiiMi school. 'M. Kdmundson and Mrs. Thomas is a popular and is a HiJti of Mr. , Edmuiidsot.. and i successful y oiinc "d -i.......,.r ,,f f;,,i,ii,r(, He !if the' I'nivprsiiy of North Carolina to en- , ter the armv, returning at t!.e close ! t of the war to complete h law 1 i ourse. . ! "Mr. and Mrs. Edmundson will live at (loldsboro." THE WEATHER j North Carolina: ,Cloudy find cold er tonight. Sunday fair and warm r For the ensuing ek (tener- aliv fair for first half with flavin: J show ers daring latter part. QUEER SHOOTING f House Cut in 5:i f f I mi ii i, i in i im i" 1 ft. '"ill m-, S-mc- tJ!t"y''W"w wwnmiiiLH! f- "it ;:a-vte -r,rnt 'J'W'- m ' k"'Tf Tliis half of a lhrce-Rtory house wnu photogrn plied while bell (r moved along' Cm inioiiweallh iiveniie, ewtoii, Mass. Tim section, weighing (proKlmatcly id (..us, a.i being moved from the residential section of Netvtofl to a lt9ho1 o'iii'tfr of a utile from its original spot. ''4 , - . ......- i'6 -A" ' a. 4.. i .."..' ..... .i.. i- I... , ,.. - . ,. ,, . .iM-i. i .I, ii Mm ,w fv i'iii'i iimnii'i.ifra'S I iv ' 'I 1 Beloved: As always, what we write in th e Saturday Sermons is written direct from the heart and whai we write is written for the spiritual awakening and uplift Kind comfort of all who read. Whatever your experience, v lover ypur condition, whatever your caste inJife may be jv hope that you can and do find something always in these rmons". of comfort and uplift and strength' for every indi" a I reader. In St. James (V-II) we read' these words: - 'Behold we. account' them Xou have heard of the patience of Job, and y' i l., .r. , f fl -t T -- -'"' a t a it - 1 ' 1,11 ' 1 a trust God and 'that shall be told of hafalme L ana yc i syllable - of recorded time." , ? wWn tpvpr he, vour. avocation, in' life, thereUre, whatever be your experiences, your'trials meet them through prayer. . i And while it is meet for you to go to church on Sunday, and mingle your prayers with the brethren inworship, it is equally wholesome and 'requisite for spiritual growth that vou pray daily "pray without ceasing." : And, too, pray that the Spirit guide you how to pray, for some of us pray for things that we should not. There are things that we ask things that we beg for with tears of blood. Every right prayer, however, is in Jesus' name that is the spirit of Jesus. And what was the spirit of Jesus, but to do God's will? "Behold, I come to do Thy will, O, God!" And unless we become followers of Him we shall never "see His face," which is "the joy of the elect." Racir Luhiml nvprv nravpr J ' ' 1 u:.lw. , w v th.ii m aim ingaci 'm.fi.i mm r. ... and thus be permitted to share We pray for sympathy, for strength. God hears our i)raver and sends us along through life to meet its trials and bear it;- burdens, for only so But we, forgetting our first f . intent ot ood or not caring to relief from the very messengers Pray not for lighter burdens but for greater strength, j not for relief from trial but for grace to bdar it, noj- to be spared but" to be taught, not for God's intervention but for God's life. " ! Go to church tomorrow and pray to hi vouchsafed the1 spirit of prayer. Great Suffering of Greek Refugees (Py Associated Press) ( niistai tinople. April 1 l.ivin fur 10 days on mixei sea and fi'- i watt r and limited bread rations. f.o 1 i hildren and S.imjo adult greeks have arrived licre on the fJrcek t earner Micheal Archangel from NovorossisK. Kussia. with no foo, or water aboard Suffering from cholera and othi r pidemii diseases, many of the u- fugen were ill and two had diul at .-a. f.reik military authorities and delegates of the Creek Higa Commis sion i nspextrd the ship. suplle.l medical aid and arranged for emer gency foor suptjies to last the vessel until she reached Haloniki. where, the able-bodicr will be debarked for trar- sportation to tho toiiaco larms an t road lamps in the vicinity of Kot alla. 4 , ThcsV 'm were recruited from nmong ihV ' tlaB 2V00 Greeks who were driven from tlvelr homes Half for Movinj? . -is. w s I mwwwr' , , r 5 lilfW r.'i i J blessed who 1, endured. tve sden a :r.yrx is r"- ! . com- III Cat . i .1st M .ji , if.'. i fre, 1. 1 or your duties,you can best wo make. then, is that deener ... 'j . ho pnah tn rl n II w v'i x........ " ' His nature. come sympathy and strength. prayer and not discerning the pay tne price, ny to mm Dr of His grace. Strange Case of "Waste" In Cuba I'avan-. Apr. I 29-Charges that a .'""t es'iit- had dwlnilled to b-s 'ban I&0.0O0 dnxtng Ihe year it wa in the hands orftxei ltors furnish the basis for a criminal been brought by Mrj euit which hiis Elena Trii.iillo and her two minor on again-t th" i banccry court of ( Infuegos Ho- executors. The property In di pute was left by Mrs. Frarcisca Tosl f V Carcia !' nfuegos on May Area, who di'd In C 24. 1921, to five nep Canary Islands. Or. died and his heirs I suit. The claims I inciiiie S125.0O0 fo, ws living in the of the nephews ve institute, the d. it is alleged, aw vers' fis by tho Iiolshevilil and who have waiting1' tw year or repatriation. The cindltloc oi th'l othera te said to b nerious. with frkn 25 to 3 dy. ing daily of banger. I ; ' li THE STATE T.P.fl ELECTS OFFICERS High Point, N. C, April 29. J. Ustor Wolfe, of. Charlotte, was to day elected president of the North Carolina division of the Traveling .Mens Protective Association of Am erica at the 25th annual conven tion which haa been in session here this week, ; The following were elected vice presidents: W. W. Burgess. High , w, uavts, ooldsboro: A. C. Harden, WHBon; Geo. H. Martin, Gastonla; J. & Handley, Statesvllle. D. C. Crutchfield. of Winston-Salem was elected all time aecretary by a majority of 1. : " The State Drainage Convention Closes Greatest In Every Wy Ever Held In ana History of the Asoclutlon o-:- Annual . convention of tne N. c. , Drainage Association comes ot a cloea in this city, this evenlna. find next years convention goes to New Bern, by . almost unanimous vote this morning. . In personnel of attendance. In the ch&rjtrtAi nf o,laHAn. . Huumjini, jU concep tion of the great possibilities engen- I nor Art 1 . I ,. - ,muu iu cmuuaiaBm ' aroused for, achievement tha Coldsboro con ference has surpassed any" in the 12 years of the Associations his tory. This Is' the common verdict of all In attendance. The addresses of S. Jl. McCrory, U. S.',Dept, of Agriculture yesterday afternoon, and of Representative W, B. Bankhoad, of Alabama, this morn ing were each In a class to them selves,, and were marvelous' In their revelations of ,the dormant ' possl- bliities and the vast hVre.-r. t ! ' ':'i'!i;i!,!i. In.,.' ' ) aUem.r Mr, McCrory jx-oterday, ami..) a . woffdiirlul address. He la a typical Southerner, a clear cut orator, a ready speaker, ' with the poise of confident ability and the courage of intelligent conviction he easily wins the interest of bis audience and holds them at. will. The convention will close thlt afternoon with the election of offi cers for the ensuluft. year. Goldsboro Elks Host To Visitors (ioklsboro Lodge Gives Enjoy able "Smoker" to Drainage Delegates As si lie.bil. .! i i iiti i '.iitun'-nl f"' ll:illl;ii I'ollleien :. I' (i Klks No. ,:.-!(.' an.! i n i s 1 illeK' i tn I In 1 1 1 l 1 1 ' . . n . .it tin i the program ol isitor.n to tta r, JiiliLslioro Lodgt I '','.. u:ie an elab enjuvalile limheor ileli r -lis cstcnla i 1 and spin ioui. I n 1 1 ! . .tll'l il as an lintel fill III nt" lm-.l.illl. allil .11! '!e , Hint Hi" I'ill.s ' iil:il . i In Ma- mi . I,, 1 I.. ,h icli;. !lt ealller. 1 mi'1 i 1 It.-' it' into H hen " ..a. I ' le di legates i lull Ii it as one of the mom ,,,, :., I.! (,( till il islt tn ifni -iii-r rid c mi fort ing sym- l-iy extended US til i, ,1 iiar dear father. ami th- -"'iiM'- min-tlioiu-'iMully stowed !iereavinient are ... I an I an I I ' rg' HIS r'HII.I'IlEX. HHHKllO s.,iv niaht' Huaia I'hil i ;ook place Kla . con-,-u a state- Th ' Ar.-.i .--a it f' rrn last week in SollV ean .-iin'd an "t mein of Mr f-iiin a-:' o: I'nn.n. ;i A. Hudson. ra. .i-I'Uilathea :1 h s address of young men Mr Ii that the .Is 'n 'tit ' liliZ'-l ( las ;tn years 111 til'' 1 it) j miliar " 1.1-ses " 20. laiiu ,d Pyra ;: Haraca not j'ense. w ;ii' h 'sad I'hilaih HEWDERSOW FIRE BUGS SENTENCED (By Associated Press) Henderson, N. C, April 89. Upon la verdict of guilty In the superior court, here today In the case of the State ys. Geo. Wydtoff, F. w. Wooten and R. T. Stokes, on trial for Incendiarism, Judge Ferguson sentenced Wyckoff to 8 years, Woo ten to i years and Stokes to S years in the penitentiary, The defendants appealed and bonds were fixed In proporalbn, Wyckoffs at 125,000. Goldsboro Endorses Cooperative Selling There was a represenutive gather. Ing of business men of Ooldaboro lu the Chamber of Commerce last ntgnt in answer to the call for con. slderatlon of the vital and Impend ing question or what position Oolds boro was to take in regard to the cooperative marketing of tobacco andtthe encouragement of the farm- or m mis . county and section to join the movement' and sign up tor its support. Mr. Kenneth C. Royall, president of the Chamber of Commerce pre Ided and discussion of the , matter' was freely indulged id and always with the .palpable spirit ot a de sire to subserve tha best interests of the farmer for hja best interests are always the best interest of the people in general ,y;v At tha opening ot the " meetlna Mr. Geo, A. Norwood, of this ' city, president of the National Bank and of the TrH!tata Cooperative Aaso- Ciation-Hiom posed . of North and South Carolina and Virginia-. called upon to preirnt fh i ifort ti.ni lliSv i certain oilier t . . system and now the time bafl . when It bad a chance to go im-j new system and by pushing It, make Goldsboro the leading market of this whole section. While the change that was coming about In the method of galling tobacco gave Goldsboro another chance, he did not wish to put the matter on that ground first. Hut he wished to xon sider it upo n the ground upon was the best method of selling to bacco principally for the farmers and Indirectly for the towns. He believed that should it be shown that the cooperative method held, out the best hope for the farmers the towns ought to Join In this plan ami help the farmers with It. He Hiotmlit the auction system was not the b st system. I'nder it the farm er ha l only the privilege of turning down his tag in a warehouse and he was ai i old to do this lest the buy ers would see it and not give him as much next time, lie appealed to the business men to cast In their lot with the movement that sought to bring more prosperity to the farms If the cooperative sellers have half of Ihree-fotirtlis of the (lup in their selling agencies they could get reasonable prices for to ll, o co. While they could not repeal the law- of supply and demand they offered the only means yet proposed of regulating the crop so that It would not become so large that the price would go below the cost of production. The auction system ot tered nothing on this score. Questions brought out the fact I that fourteen million pounds of to- ; ;i, oi were grown In Wayne last ',-ar and a little over half of It was marketed in Coldsboro. Fifty per cent of the crop Is signed up m he county already, it was agreed, .al that if an effort were made in in orc-mized way probably ninety p, r cent could be signed up as oon as the farmers understood thorough ly the plan of cooperation and were convinced that the time merchants and bankers were not opposed to the plan. The statement was also made evernl times that should the co o'urative plan not be pushed by ctiijinrn the lareer markets that are pushing the auction system would be likely to get more of the ;ni!onanil0Tir tn lian-o this rear than i last. t (Continued on Page 5) FROM FLOODS T3 RIOTIfJ iiinis (By Associated Press.) ) : Bcardatown, IU,; Apdf 29. out of ! tha worst flood into the greatest shotlng affray in its history is"; th experience of this town today. Y';; t ne shooting was the outcome - of an attempt by the sheriff and several jjdepuUea to 1 arrest several GreSka. resulting In ; tha shertff and two -deputies being shot dead, and on ot the Greeks. f .' ' Woman Club Stata ' , Federation Dzhzziz i Ooldsbor Woman Club Wi:i ba lTeU Represented 1st Greensboro Xcxt " Tha annual meeting of the Stat Federation of Woment Clubs, whUi will be held in Greensboro ext week will be,' perhaps, tha greateal : gathering of North Carolina woman hood ver assembled la the Bute, and there lll be many national ilgures there Vlso. ., Ooldsboro jwllj be credltabiy, r& resemea ty thafollowlng do' Met coio; I aai ,Cer 't a t.l-j n o- '-rry, c.y, 1 '. and ; several : sute offlcers: dame T, M. Blasell, "W. . II. M.E. Blaiell, W. R. Jlollowt Misses Mary Emma GIddens, trude Well and Mary DeVane. Mrs. Edw. MV Land State urer of the Federation, Mrs. Bmlth, State chairman of Hon nomlcg, and Mrs. Thos. C district prealdent, all of th. . will also be in attendanca. 4 Turld T,: r? educnu-4 they are t. stitutlons. One of t. tha rank of major, two are j captains, jt .Ooa.rwoi. j Effend son. ot M beir-appartmV la a . graduate of the Vienna Therestv anum. " : Ji: - y Fifteen1 other princes are said fal have little If any military dttcilbev' and but limited schooling in genera j subjects. Gssad Pasha, ex-Mlnlsta of Marine, has been Instructed, to draw up plans for their education select a site for the royal school. . . , ODD FELLOW? FISH FBT . Neuse Lodge No. I. O. ; O. f.-, will give a fish fry at , th Wattr Plant next Tuesday nigh:. May Instead ot the regular bsnqaet. v ,4 All Odd Fellows are urge- to b In attendance at the Lodge, rooms, promptly at 8 p. m. ; Tom Mix to Be Seen . ; As Champion Rescuer. whan Tom Mix comes to th Acme Theatre tonight In th Fog plctar," The Big Town Roundup," he , will exhibit what is said to M an. ceedingly fine line of reacu wotk! The "Round-up", In which th actltja sw Itches from a ranch to Trico and - back again la crowded: ot coura with thrilling incident lg It woufd not hi a Mix entertainment. Amony the (irllls are a nnmoer due.v.to rescue work. ' '- For example. Mix rescue a girl from a ruffian'a tniuits oy inrowing. the ruffian off a speeding train. Hcl rescues this same girl later' from bunch of city thugs in cat. H rescues the heroin from a .big . rattlesnake on bla ranch by hla ac curate long dsttanc aim wtth rifled He rescuea her again la th city when she falls before a Umpdlotf steer at the stockyard. And hi saves from death la a city park at little girl who 1 hanging aad dowa oa her runaway pony. Also ha ta ken tolerably busy rescuing himself rrom his enemies. . ; When Mix Isn-t teacuing om body be' lighting a gang of thugs with Intermissions for tetaflo?i to the Only GlrL- 1 ' i- ?