Hi ft , NATicrwa. DAN 1:1.. "I" ,-n: . !:, ILi!. 'Vfwaow,,, . I.WaW ; !; mIbm wUJ ft tirra W yen. ti mm ! f ' ' HAT JC1 X l.J WK " r " -1 tell ; i NATIONAL BANK 4 1 flF fifll.nsRORO , .i ?Mli yoor business an! will b flad to correspond with you. tt (.mv A ' Nftrwdiu). President Tho, H. Norwood, Cashier I VOL. LXXV "Tills Argus o'or ths people's right! Doth an sternal ylgll keep, ' No soothing strains of Mai's son. Can lull its hundred tyee to slse. COLDSBORO, N. C, ' FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 16, 1922 NO. 61, RaUnfen Prepare To Hand A, Strike Notice to Labor Board Officers of The Unions Involved Declare They Will Abide by The Vote of The Maintenance Men; Sending of Notice Hefd up by Board's Action on Other Proposed Slashes Cincinnati. O., June 16. Rail union chiefs were considering today serv ing formal notice of the Railroad La bor Board that an overwhelming ma jority of (he 1,225,000 shop craft and maintenance of way employes were voting in favor of the strike on June 1. and that the officer of the union would 'abide by the decision of (he workers. The notice, Ic effect, would for mally communicate to the lioard the public statement Issued here last night by the .action heads which as eprtfyi that the hoard in ordering wage reductions, "had so reduc id living standards that the strike hei-omes an act of- oc lf-preaervatton." The state ment ajvi blamed the at Itude of THE BLAIR-DOVER CONTROVERSY (By Associated Press) Washington, June 16. The Blalr Dover controversy in the treasury department broke out anew today when It became known that a peti tion had been circulated umng members of congress asking the president to uphold the Interesvs of Mr. Dover. The petition, it was learned, had MEET .III; WILSON the signatures of 150 members and railroad managers as provocative ofiwas ,0 be Panted within th next noiiTs at tne white House. With 'the petition was a document giving the naimes of almost liiO of fice 'holders under the department a strike. Decision as to the dispatch of a for mal notice to the board was held up ly the t'BjIon leaders pending receipt, of the board's action on further re. ductions a ffecthtu?' 350,000 station em ployes, tCci'Si,:. express, signal men stationary firemen anil oilers arx train, dispatchers. The unionj heads have been in con ference most of this week considering questions redated to the canvass of the strike vote.' 1 With the more than 500,000 coal miners already on strike, a walkout by rallworkers . would affect a sec- i, nod of the country's, basic industries. I No claims ave yet )een made ns to th probable extent, of a transporta tion ,tle'-up,bnraa soon as tho Amer- ; iraq .Federation -of Labor convention . closes' .the' full tinlo.n, xecut,ives, will teq'yV, loirCbtesro'to beginn uife ti; a cnvpss fif the strike voter which Is' f vpe'rtAd to ! . bt i'i' Ci i...' - . flnh- nniiDi'.l i - whotur niitmhprt f sre nag( otretly lfl moyln.'i'trains.l - Before, thj clost. or the .convention the rail executives may ask the Fed eration's Indorsement of a strike by i be shop craft and maintenance of way workers, similar to the Indorse ments given by the Federation yes terday to the miners' strike. who were charged with being demo crats who were disloyal to tlie ad ministration in that their lack of cooperation was holding up the ef ficient working of the department. When he learned of the existence of the petition today Secretary Mel lon said that the charges it is said to contain were "so false, futile and redioulous as ordinarily not to de serve notice." He said that while it might have i number of names enrolled they were probably composed of "selfish ly ambitious employees and of some former employees who were simply seeking to make trouble for, the ad ministration." . " , . (By Acsoclated Press) Wilson, N. C, June lfl. More lhan 200 RXarlans from Kastern North Carolina towns. Including h!s Raleigh and Durham, are gueors here today of t,lie local Rotarv eluh in semJ-anitual get-together district meeting, wtth Raleigh having the largest delation present. After hrnrlng welcome adilreiset and responnee .it noon on the court house lawn the visitors were con ducted' to Contentnea Country Club, where the business session will be held, and the social feature and special "stunt provided by the post club will follow. The welcoming addresses . were made by Howard KUley, president of the Wilson Rotary, ami V. A. Lucas, Mayor of the city, and the re sponse was by Rotarlan Clarence K. Wllkins of Goldsboro. IRISH ELECTING FLAG OF THUCETO ARLIAMEN T NEWS PAPER MEN (Dy Associated Press) Dublin,. June 16-Tho voters of soniheni - irehi nl veiit to the pulls today 10 cl (i an 'Irish parliament tie provided u 'Vileti the terms of lite Anglo-Irish trMly Under ;the Jecent agreement be tween' the facilont) favoring and op posing the,-ti'eatyt coalition panel of candidates was presented to the people upport;.'tilnc represejitatlon In the parliament t tuproxlmately the sume" raJO'. n:- hftvn In past teats of strength I'l'-th. Dail Kireann. A numberr'iif Independents, how ever have jfDiered the field and esti mates wm-ft. .lluif at leat fifteen of Ihem would 1 fiiiceessful, with the .v'i losing ten and the e tests. , t night of ihe terms r thfr Irleh constltu- anti-treaty $a pro-treatyltes Publication ' of the draft lion, on .whl must pass, w fluence the v theinew iarlament no expected to in- T, r P -liib'bijyEiJ TRIPLE EXECUTI PRISON AT CO: Kit-by, Gappins and Fox Put to Death William Brazell, Taxi Driver, Last Au Carolina's First Triple Exec N'lN JMBIA he Slaying of VVas South 1 ' ; sv:. : Better Storage Ware houses' Por Cotton Mn T, B. Prkr WIU Speak' On Thh Subject Here it (otiri lleiise At I P.- M. Tomorrow. The Division of Markets of the State Department of Agriculture is j putting on a drive for more :ind bet-, t.r "Storage Warehouses" for niton. J This te something in wlii-'i the farmer and business men of Hie coun- ty should feel tf vital interest and! give to tbe movement every poihle enrotirfgement. I 1-aiit year tlie farmers o.' Wayne ; county grew Si.O.IS hales n: cotton, a large part of which was exposed to the wealhpr front i"few weeks to sev ersl monlhs. In fact there is cotton. now worth over tOc. per pound, still (l!y Associated Press) Durham, N. (. June Hi High Point was today selected ..s the meeting place for the 1923 annual minion (if the Slate Grand Lodge n. P, (). Elks. ! Arthur Lyon, of that city, wa: j elected president for the Slate or ganization for the ensuing year, and 1 Thos. 11. Kehoe, of Xew Hern. va ) reelected secretary and treasurer, j It was voted that the district j Deputy CraiMi Kxal.etl Rulers of j the State shall be v re presidents of J tlie Stte Association. I lie eonveniljii will come lit close .onisht. French Deserter Is Arrested In Geneva (By Associated -Press) ' ) Columbia, S. C. June 16. 8. J. Kirby, JeS'ae Gapplna and C. O. Fog, three young white ,mcn, were elec trocuted, at the 3tate rpenltenl!ar here , shortly :.afterf 6; o'clock this syrjitng lorv! the TTtmrder; of Wm." Pr7ell, a ColiHnbia' Htii.'i.; t : .j.. i tu.vii, .but (luiia. '.iiiicly thd Hiroe.oLgatUag him on Mhe road (4 rob .and murder him ndv appro ijiflate . his ' automobile. Thi they did. on August 7 of last year. They were afterwards, arrested, tried and convipted. last September, and sentenccMl to lie electrocuted on October 21, but an appeal, which was near perfected postponed the execution, and made ii necessary for them to be resentenced by the court, the Judge fixing June ltilh for the execution. The trio went .o the death cham ber sinsrlnR hymns and praying. Klrby was the first to go to tho electric chair. He feigned insanity and tried to vkc. his hands free from the straps, which he succeeded in Ell TO IIIJflL (Jy Associated Press.) The llafiue, June 10. Premier Van Arnebeek, of Holland, displayed tlui white fhig of truce to the news paper men today when the confer cMue met., capitulutiiiK to the more than a half-Jiundred journalistic cor respondents from all over the world who yesterday were told that the the deliberations of the conference n the Russian questions was to be exclusive. The newspaper n,fn were told to- lay that tables wre now being pre pared for theiin in the conference hall ami that these would be ready by tonight, as the reeult of an over night conference on the question of ndmlttlng the press representatives Thre was evident already in the conference the usual dissatisfaction ipiong the delegates from the small er powers growing out of the Im pression that they were being Ig nored and discriminated against by th delegations from the Big Pow ers who it Is charged are trying fo monopolise the conference. Differance Between Church Members and Christians Evangelist Ham Went After This Class in His Message Last Night, Feeding All From Same Spoon. Many Hit by the Words Broadcasted Over Congregation mmm no SUBSIDY REJECTED son, of J a guilty,? ,when if b.iher 8 W, pleaded "not was arraigned in court here today under grand Jury Indictment far the murder of Clar enc Peters, an et-sailor, who. It if alleged ,Wrd 8bo Ip tlriub In March rotins! s for f-Wi id ked for an lmmedUt trial, lm was told by the court that his Hcnts case would have to take ft.s plice on th docket and await Its turn the same as or dinary criminal ea-sfs University Professor Defends Use of Slang I (Hy Associated Press.) ! fieneva, June IB. A wealthy j Frenchman. F. Bertram!, described (ag a ileserler, has been ur:csled i here at a moment when Ii had practically one foot on eit.ier side !of the Swiss and French frontier exposed to th' weather, icing In , j " 'f Saint Jullen on the .international , boundary. Part of he liuihling is grade and value with each rain, which recently have bsen qnite o;tcn. How long wilf orir people shut their i ves io Ihe ftilly of making a crop and then let It go to waste thro gh ne glect, or the force of habit? Mr. T. It. Parker, 'of the Division of Markets, will be in Mt. Olive Sat urday mornlrg. at the Citiiens Bank, snd at the Court House In Ooldsboro. Saturday afternoon at .1 o'c'ock. for Cleteland, June i6.The use o slang was defended by William A. rrnlvin nrnfa.,,,.. 1 i c . .....j.c. imi iiliii iir null llt-uer be iu!et and take it easy; hut when; he a second time pu Vied his hands free, they snapped lilm lightly, and the death dealing current was quick ly shot through his body. Because of his. bad behavior Klrby was not permitted to make any dying dec laration. fiappins came second and Fox followod him, and the ghastly or deal was completed in 40 minutes. in Switzerland and part in Franc?. Karly in the war Bertram! set tled in Ceneva where, h's ait-users ater, he made a large fortune trad ing with Germany. He bought a villa and sevoral automobiles and I led a life of pleasure. He sai l h-I was more German than French, and' took pleasure in speaking again1 at Western Reserve 1'nlverslty, here. "Slang undoubtedly enrlc'ies the lunguaue," Prof. Cralgle said. "The ephemeral part disappears, but the vivid, expressive psrt remain' In the language and adds a plc'uresque note." i Referring lo the Oxford dii tiorury, , which will lie published sih n. after j fifty years of collective and compil i in millions of not. Prof, rrutirie Gapping and Fox eaoh attributed said: their fate to the Keeping of ba i --The Oxford dictionary Is a record company, and warned others to be f English terms from the eighth cen guided by their fate ami keep awaytury down to the present time, omit from bad company. Jn(f My ,h( m((M wh(h d n((, The penitentiary ofPclals toik th i survey the eleventh certury and the curious hy surprise hy etaging fhe ! new words whi h are -too trivial or execution a. ho early an hour In- too technic al to he Included." Stead cf at noon. I "The worils of Clasaic onein are (By Associated Press 1 Washington, June 16. Without a record vote the Marine Committee it the House ' today rejected the Bankhead amendment to the ship tubstdy bill provWIng American ela( on which liquor wss sold 'at iea! should have no part In the fed ral subsidy ' fund. ' , ..y ti-.l l- u..,,, .... . ... ... . registry touching ; American puru in which llqtior was sold was also ejected, and ' the bill Was ordered sported by a strict party vote. til VES PARTY TO (HIIDREX iii narnnu nf ntittine the warehouse proposition before the people of these France, particularly in the cafe a; j communities. All progressive farmers '.Saint Jule where, safe on Swi.j and interested Business men should '"'tory ;n one .if ihe d: -liking j attend these meetings snd give the , rooms, ne could i.e overheard and This is the first white execution since lirt, and the first time In the history of the Sta:e that a triple execution was enacted. MRS. . I.. SMITH HOSTFSS easy to study ami classify. It is the slmiTe words Hint are hard." he con tinued. "The ord 'Bit. fur iim.unce. occupies fifty five columns ami is ill vlded Into l.'.t sections." movemect tbelr hearty support Mr.. r. I.. Smith entertaineH v.-.. . r.ru wn iiy me rrencn police in 1 terday evening tne rooms on the Frenuh side, j There the French listened to his Ka'a. thou resrsoaest well. A r ductlon of the sry should follow the:a"no'iS alk but. unable to catch reduction in the navy hirn "n French side, they co-im j" arrest him. Ber.rand Imastid Opportunity knocks at every man s that when there were no police n.mr. but most of s ignore knockers, i about he couki enter France an l ' i return without a passport. I. HEALTH 2. OPPORTl'MTT Ber.rand after dining well, cross- are recessary to secure life insurance, j the r,iT r Roins from the rummuini. 1 m frnlhh 5. TonB t " ""r :le io mat iu. - - I "-BIT T - " " in u ar . . . rrrncn St.le lo cre-t SJ.I.e Anl R,.,l (Xtttul) H. M. HsMpkrey, State Xanacer, rssrtk fleer Bert en BsUslag. Mho line into France hr was pounced ;upan t.r two French gendarmes. Il jput up a fight, but wit quickly sub- ,dued. handcuffci. and Carrie swfy. j EUiAbtta' honor of her young hou.ie gues.. Miss Mary Eli zabeth Turnbtiil. Three tables of bridge were enjoyed after which an Ice COI rue was Knrvo.l t- ! -"ii." i urn- bull received an exquisite paJr of lingenie clasps as sucet of honor prlft snd Mist. Elizabeth Johnson, holder of ihe highest score, a hand some pack of cards. The guests were Miases Mrv Fit. o.ubeth Turnbull. Pauline rr Miller. Catherine VA. gerton. Anne Turner. Mela Royall. Msrtlia Le Borden. Eva Mae Gul dens, Elisabeth Johnson. Mary Mfller Pa 11. r . uawson Slaurhter and Vienna Government Distributing Grain Vienna. Jun II. With the ter mination of goviTnnnent control of the production of bread ami bread -stuff, effective n the last day of April, the povernmeat has created a grain (IK.Tiliiiiinz corporation. This concern is to keep at all time lOn.iiiid ton tf cereals In stock Of this t'l per cent is to be Mrs. Nathan O'Berry gave a de lightful lawn party yesterday after noon In honor of her little grand- laughter, Mary Magdalene M.Elwee ind her cousin, Bllzaheth McElwee. The children, under ihe leader- :h'p of Mies Mary DeVane, played til kinds of fuscinuluig games on he beautiful shady lawn. Kach ,-hild was presented with a harp tnil mtrslc. anil all were played A-lth the greatest enthusiasm and igor. Refreshments, Ice cream, cakes mil mints were .horoughly enjoyed by the guests. Mrs. Allle Kdgertun, ,lrs. Colin Moore, .Mrs. James Harris nd MUs Rachel Borden ai sated in erving the children. Those present were: Mimes Rachel 'Edgcrton. Susan Ruwing. Catherine Best. Eleanor Bizzell. Honora Bland, Martha Holt Bobbltt. Mary Borden, Francis Urinkley, Xnnle 1a-v Ilvnuin. Miriam Creech, Eleanor Cutlirell. Bertha l.utsler, Elizabeth Hood. Sadie Ipock. Mar- ha Ivcy, Helen EMenwood. Francis King. Lucy leroy. Eunice I'arker, Elizabeth Pierce. Margaret Well. Miriam Weil. Helen Marie Wei'.. Sarah Hall Yehertoii. Hel-n Zealy. bailie Ruth I'arker. Florence Simi- merlln. Musters Ben Mclierlngton. Albert Starr. Frank Iiamels. Wiley I'aiker. Emnieli Spiier. .1 itin Ian els. Jitntl ic- Creech Hi ! ) Hr II. Paul Best .Nathan )lter llarri-. Watt Exum nnM Chas Knt: ru.n (By RobU L. Denmark) One of the songs tbe choir and tent enjoy singing, and or.e that Mr. Ram sey as well as the audience likes ;o hear sung, is "O What Will It Be To Be There." Miss MlUdred Sryder, who hss been taking the obligate part of thU par ticular song, wna not present lust night. A request was made that It be sung, and Mr. Ramsey was nt a loss as to who wouCd take the im portant part, but Just then he noticed Miss Fannie Edward and asked her to take It. At first MIbs Edwards hes itated but finally consented and well, the part was taken, by Miss Edwards with as much ease as If she were do ing her regular work In the office where she Is employed. Several com. pletnentary remarks were heard when Miss Edwards had finished as is it is known that this little lady does every thing In fine style that she attempts. - After hearing Mr. Ham's straight from the shoulder talk last night, the question arises: ''are we christians, or Just church members'?" Mr.' Ham says there is a vast difference, be tween Christiana and, church mem bers, but It woull seem that the ma jority are satisfied f to have their names on the church book making no other effort to live np to the religious obligations.-;- ,-;, .;f . -);. Speaking -on this church member christian subject last night the speak-; er bad the' following to tell his au dlence. , . "-,. "If you do't get Interested In the saving of souls you have no IniHlress I'm . ' .r. 'l ' I Gives Life To Rescue Woman 11ii nuestion urfae wliat is ..n chrislian? The Bile is lh0 only place to find an answer, and I dare say tHat should you select a number of your choice friends they could not give yuo a suitable answer. The word Christian was npt coined bjr the Jews nor the Oreckn, but orig inateil from the Romans, 'It was given to the early Christians - because- of tholr religious activlUes, but they were not of the type who wbei aked if they are a christian reply that they are trying to 1 e ,; ' V The snying that "actlqrs speak louder than' words" could be applied to the point Mr. Hum desired to bring out In his incsjago last night, as the ' best way to tell If s person Is a christ ian Is by ttylife they 'ftro living.f ' ' Contlnutpg, Mr.iilstn said : "These poofCe In the tlrnf Sfi, Paul would not, tell you how loyjjbey were, but,, their HvfS and speech, were that of Jcmu and;' tba, dea to please Him., They were CaWed ,tp)J,litlans because their conduct purchased the name for them the Bamo being ppplltble to duy: It a person lsa 1'hrlctian It can be seen by their actions. I would feel tnsultod if I were Inthe compfny ot a person and had to be asked If I, were a Christian. You don't htve to try to' be a ChHstlan, but BhJMild be Bble;to answej; in atangllik vre yand It, you are saved, yon should be grate lul, and If you are grateful you bafo been sav. ed. 'yi v' i - "Wlit'it'' Ibe r " ' ' ' fts bom Danville Insurance Agent Saves Her From Drowning Bui In '' Torn Loses Own Life. Danville, Va June IC Tragedy marked the beginning of a three-duy campaign trip at Harnett's pond near Roxboro, N. C. this evonlng when Er. noBt Con mil Olios wsj drowned. Re ports from that place said that he i been In the past tho rente r of Brit . .. . i N ; Service la i-gypt ' (By Assofllateil!TttSB.j,-,.. Cairo. Kgypt, June IC.yth' iiiu guraMon ' of an ;"Alr 5 Mil Service" between Cairo and llagdyi fcnd be tween the latter city: and Karachi, giving f,. through . JndMs-Egypt aeri vice, is' making, Egypt tha center of Etuland's Imperial air communi cations Just as the Sues Canal has , mat I in reuclie a woman who wat in difficulties and supported her rntll a boat arrived and completed th9 task. tliles then disappeared under tho water almost immediately and doctor who later examined the body were of the opinion that he died from a heart seizure in the water rather than by drowning. Eighteen agu-pts of the Mfe lnnnr- nnce eompnnv of V'ririnla. nf which rln'a sea waVs. V' It Is understood that the noxt step. England to Egypt, soon . will be taken. This will give through , air service from England to India. There is 'alsa a fiiinor that owing to the widespread , dissatisfaction prcvallint" In "lio.tt 3 'Bnghtnd and Egypt with regard to the .Inferior facilities now . off erSd bjr the poet lilies, a ervic nf : flying ixats ne- i;. :. was i nc. left here early tortay ,wern Alexandria and Brindlal will in cars fur 1 1 1 0 i r normal frolic- The; ,r j,, ,,1Klirated. the malls being by iu.iy is iieing 1 rouglit to li.un I lie ac- ,..ti i.wo).,i jtrlndhJ and Iarls and ornpanied by the other figrn's. Ciles j aRfln i,y 8lr between Paris and Lon- I aves a widow and a small child. doll. " , ' ' To Sell Czar's Wines" Cosh- bow I Hope lives In the future, disappoint. did anything so wet escape the Soviet? ment In the past. ' II! Traffic Decision liv Tti niii-stiori h.is ti.-n ask I many of our shippers' "Will the ten per cent reduction effective July 1st apply to North Carolina intrastate trallic '" For answer e cn'' extract of the It-tt.-r t Corporation m m i T: atti. I lej.a rt tn.-nt . C. 1 t r c f Ctimiiierce "Yours of Hi- 1-1' CONFIDENCE fallowing .he N C. to the r 1 nhani- . lutitl The in mills or warotaae: 30 per cent carriers have appliv.i t, our Corn In European p.rts and 0 per cent mission. hnh appl:atin hjs been afloat between tat" United 8tates an.l approved Ij make tite .im rtjuc- Rurnn. Anr irrafl j from ihMe lion In Virth Carolina Intrastate; operations go to the federal tress-'rsten same as inrstjt-' rates ef nry and. on tbe cither hand, deficits , fee live Jaly 1st" are to be met the government.) The Traffic Department will be The Jiala si cbassv peued - May I. glad to answer any question desired.) For moie than two jrencration the Wayne National Batik has enjoyed to an unusual degree tho confidence of the pecpb of Eastern North Carolina. Such confidence can be traced to one factor Sound Prgressiv Bank- I'pon our record vc in vile your ac count . The Wayne National Bank Dependable For Two Generations 1 I; 1, i "i N .