X ; NATIONALBANK I ho. TM. Norwood,' Cathie WjiiliM.lMfiMHiftpM win hi ghU t- tohttfiiii wltb yo-'f. -. & - ' I IS C ! I ' . it '.'24 lipliii&jjlj W Vl' it'! Viv s r MriS..., 1 Vf.nWMSOWRMi'eiiV i f Geo, AuNotWoo, Prei3nJ I J"; 1095. " norwooa, nw Want your basinets and jiW 1 glad lo correspond with yw . "This Argu o'r the people' right, Doth an eternal vigil keep, No soothing strain ot Mai' on. Can lull lta hundred eye to alee." VOL. LXXV GOLDSBORO, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 19, 1922 mm Nd;63 OPPORTUNITY AMER CAN BUSINESS HOPEFUL FOR N. C. BOYS (By Associated Prces.) Out of 502 places allotted lo North Chicago,. June 19. The reilroad Carolina for her boys who Alight situation today Is hopeful end by desire training in the Citizens' fall many of the present diicultle3 Camps to be held this summer, 200 will be smoothed out, Ben W. Hoop- vacancies are yet to be filled and It er, chairman of the United State is hoped that all who desire to take . vv - railroad labor board, said in state-' advantage of this opportunity to get : i . ment today reviewing the prob- a fine vacation with plenty of time Jems before the board. Neither rates for aporte of all kinds together v nor wage are permanent, he aid, with military instruction will send t because the conditions on which in thejr application blanks without -v ' they are based are not .penrincnL delay since North Carolina is now at .,c-W He expressed the belief that the ( the bottom of the .list in the Fourth railroad of the country wi'l volun- Corps Area and if the boy of her tarily discontinue contrac'Jng out- atate do not respond in the next ten side work in a short time, regard- days their places will be filled by 1098 of their -opinions as .o it leg- young men from South Carolina, nllty, and said tha this will go a Alabama, Georgia and Florida where long way toward restoration of a great many more have applied for cordial relation between the car- admission to the camp than can be . rier and their employes. Hi fttate- aent from these states under the " ment follow: I present arrangement. "Amid all the mattering of dU-1 Governors. Womens Clubs. Unlver cohtent ami tumor of war on the sity Presidents, Rotarians and other railroad, the note of the peace bird prominent civilians and organlza is tlll quite audible to me. jtions have endorsed the work and "It Is claimed as one of the in- the idea throughout the Fourth alienable rights of the citizen of Corps Area and parents wihose boys It js country to cus ' any court, attended lat year were pleased not board or tribunal for its Judgements only because of the training which nrt decision. Board vested with was given the boys in these camps Jurisdiction of . labor dispute are but also because of the great physi alway in Iin "of Are. (cal and mental benefits received. j "A few weKS ago a leading rail- The camps will be held this sum way periodical asserted that the mer at Camp McClellan, near An rallroad labvr board was completely nlaton, Alabama, and Fort Barran dominated by the wishes of the cas near Pensacola, Tlorlda, July labor org filiation. 27th to August 26th. ' "Within the last few days the Any boy who Is interested can get public h been Informed that the detailed information and application board 1 blind nd deaf to every- blanks from Major K. S. Lytle, Re thlng except the'desire of the rail- oruitlng Adjutant, Headquarters, road. A 'dlsorVminatlng public will Fourth Corps Area, Fort McPber flnd that Wie board le at about a son, Ga. point, half-way between these ' two extremes.' FJ railroad question wou4 ay li It were not so 3 nan,, ft i Brrouuded by a gen- KILLED INMEXICQ (By Associated Press.) Washington, June 19. The Aiwrl can Kmbassy at toxlru Ci y and the American consul at T ampjeo were instnict'ed by the Deprxtmeni of State today to urge the Ii xIchii authorities to use every effort to i apprehend the inunlwers ot Warren D. Harvey, who was killed by Mexi can bandits on June 17, five mllea from Tampico. The telegram ,o the ft pa ltnien from the American Consul a? Tam pico merely announces that ljarvcy was an American was pay;na ;er of an unnamed oil company anil was killed by bandits live milua from Tampico. ESTABLISH A NEW ; RICHMOND READY ENDOESRS NEAR I SCHOOL I FOB BIG REUNION! EAST RELIEF NATO! T POLIT CAL if mii-kp-ot- folki wanting msuy I .erent!tlrrgt,'t' CHARGED WITH 1 nitinniaiA "TH ialtrpaiflwiier .wnvt.rJtO'Jd i. The miloye "i want high . The ipubllc demands reis- (By Associated Press.) tie -rate nd efflclent aervlee. Trenton. N. J., June 19 Col ih railroad mtiagementB really Marcellus H. Tliompson. vjeo presi 4eire everyone ot these things and dent and active head of the Aut: , their . problem therefore. Is a mjst Ordnance Company of New York, ' JBfBcult' one. Difficult may eeem has been indicted by assistant IT. S. ftt lmultaneou accomplishment of District cAUorney Thos. Wads f.11 these conflicting results, thoworth on the charge of attemptlnK end will be attained if everybody to transport firearms to Ireland. Will Just keep cussln'. The charge grows out of the seiz- "In other words, out of all tliis "re at Hob:kcn last year of tlv agitation, the American people will steamer Kastside in the coal bunk finally learn the truth about fie rs of which wuro found hiddc.i necessities of our great transpir- ;wy beneath the coal 459 machln- tatlon system, the rights of the em- R"ns, snipped r th Auto Ordnan ORCANIZATION (Ry Associated Press) Charlotte, N. C, June 19. The Norllh Carolina Federation ot La bor has no connection withatever with the proposed organization of a jiew political party to be lautnched in Raleigh and to be known as the Labor Party. The North Carolina Federation of Labor is strictly non-partisan and will continue- to be o. -i r 1 SON CMASTERS PUT BAN ON K.K.K. (By Associated Press.) New York, June 17. Supreme Court. Justice Arthur S. Thompkins, ateo '?rand, iIaaterof tflytt-vftntm LU4a-A-iC- and A. M. of 'New York State, In a statement 'made public today denounced the Ku Klux Klan and said that no Mason In good standing can be a member of the K. K. Klan. The Masonic Grand Masters of Connecticut and Massa Ininetts have recently issued similar proclamations. Chicago, June IS A nvw n.uini ai school, known as The American Instl tute of Agriculture to teach the prin ciples and practice ot the marketing of farm products, including cotton, ItvO Jttt,.lr a n .1 Jtth n ..... . i. ...v mu vHra wi tnern coninio- dilies. haa just flfen estuhllshed in Chicago by a larp group of promt, rent agriculturist and marketing specialists, according to announce ment hero todty.'ii'nd complete mar keting courses wiff be offered in the fall and winter.- T direc tor of the school is George l4rtngton, formerly cnler of the I nltetU States llureau of Markets; and the lilrman of the ad visory council, whrh includes many widely known menf Is J. R. Howard president of the American Farm !!- reau Federation.- " j A number of farfiers' national as sociation are cooperating with the Institute, but' the f hool will be In dependent irs administration and pol icies. In the beglining, courses In th0 marketing of grain, livestock, friiits and: vegetables, poultry and poultry products, dfciry products and cotton will be offeifod by the exten sion method, ' but , later a resident school of marketing! and agricultural economics will be established in Chi cago. There wjll also be an employ, ment (bearing housje' for marketing specialists. '. . The significance ef this new move ment, according to tfto founders of the Institute, lies in '.-tie) Wt that It is the first attempt to agtnbe systematic instruction In agrlcltiral marketing, which lias been lubject of rapidly Increasing interest antong farmers ployes and the Interests of the pub lie; and then this knowledge will lie followed by correct action. "the present situation i hopeful. There is no occasion for Impatience upon the part of anybody. Neither rates nor wages are permanent be cause the condition upon which they are based are not permanent. Company to the. Irish Sin Feint; Machinist Heir To Large Fortune and the trades alllei for the last six or Institute In formHJf has enlisted the cof seventy nationally each of. whom, wilt the particular p)i With agriculture. p)ght years. The ing these courses pefatloD of about uown authorities rile prtiecturo on e j of marketing A OOLDSBORO MAN'S BIO SUCCESS IX ILORIUA Mr. N. T. Oobb, formerly of Ral eigh, who Is now living at Jack sonville, Fla.. writes the News and Observer that Mr. J. F. Ange. a former Goldsboro man, who went to Orlando nine years ago, has become one of the most Influential citizens of Florida. He is now engaged as president of the Orange Hotel Com pany in building an eieven-etory million dollar hotel, with 2!0 rooms, which will be ready by December 1st He 1s also president of the Orange Bank and Trust company and the Orlando Mortgage Loan Company. ' Tar Heels have habit of suc c?edlng wherever tfhey go. Kllzabeth City, June IS. There Is one man. lately n resident of Eliza beth City, who knows what it means to have worked hard for every pen ny he ever received; to drift from place to place, holding a job first in one town then In another, and part of the time none at all; to go hungry to sleep in a park or alley times without number, hecause he hadn't i lie price (.1 e meal or lodging and t!i"ii suddf'. ly to receive notification His mother had taken him to England several times when ho was a small child, to visit his wealthy gradfather; but after her death he lost touch with bis English relatives. It was not strange, therefore, that he failed to l-arn of his grandfather's death at (lie time It 'ct rred. The grandfa ther left no Immediate kinsmen there. An Englishman, by the name of , niei ly chief of the Oflico ofFarm Man Worthingtor, who makes frequent agement, Cnlted State Departenn nt business trips to the I'nited States, i f Agriculture; W. S. Culbertson, of and had long been acquainted with t10 I'nited States Tariff Commission the grandfather, determined after his j aI K. Dana Durand. of the Depart -death to l.icate. If he could, any living ' m-nt of Commerce, 'datives lp America. He came again j Members of the advisory council, in to this country recently, and advertls- ' addition to Mr. Howard, are E. T. M r- witb which he is fuiVlHr through day Some of the men ;o the staff of In struction are Representative Sydney Anderson, chairman t the Congrets loiial Joint Commi6H)n of Agricul tural Inquiry; Edwin "k Meredith, for merly Secretary of Agrjbulture; Julius II. Harnes, grain merchant and busl nes executive; A. F. lover, fonnei ly member of the Fedml Farm Loan Board and author of nany agricul tural bll'ls In Congresp; Charles J. Brand, Vice-president f the Ameri can Fruit Growers, JjicJ, formerly chief of the Cnited States Uureau of Markets; If. Parker Willis, Professor of banking, Columbia University; Dean II. W. Mum Turd of the College of Agriculture. Illinois; II. C. Taylor, chief of the llureau of Markets and Crr.p Estimates; W. .1. Splllman, fir (By Associated Press) I Associated Press Richmond, June IS. Richmond, ' Charlotte, June 19. Heartily com-one-ijme c apital of ihe Confederate ! mending 1he Near East Relief to the southern slates, tonight in ready for ' various Christian Endeavor S xdeties the arrival of the great advance guarc" of tno 's'"ih and calling for Inclivid- of the I'nited Statea Confederate Vet- cooperation and aid for this erans. the Sons of Veterans, the Dau. jKreat humanitarian cause, the Ghrist gliters of the Confederacy and the iiU1 Endeavor Convention in ses Conrederate Southern Mmorlul as- '8lon nero today passed a resolution soelutlon, which is expected with the'wf commendation for Col. Bellamy's dawn of tomorrow. j organisation and of protest to the Dozens of spoclal trains are speed- I Great Powers of Europe i ,r allow Ing to Richmond, the mecca of the old '"K uih ac co-iditlou to exist. Confederacy, each bearing its quotas The resolution was introduced by of delegate. A few reached the ''he Rev. George P. Gillespie of the city today, scattering gror ps coming ! First Presbyterian church of Gas-i from Kentuc ky, Ohio, TcxaB and Okla-1 tonla and was passed unanimously noma, while other parts of the south .after a favorable report by the res and southwest are represented It: the throngs alieady here. The larger del- OFFICERS NAB' . Br CONVENTl egatlons. those from Atlantt, Mem phis, Birmingham and other Dixie cities are expected tomorrow. As a fitting prelude to the official opening Tuesday morning of the vet erans' convention, the historic Con federate Memorial institute, or Ilattle Abbey, which houses the $1,(100,000 art collection or Judge John Barton t'ayne, a gift to the state of Virginia, will be the scene Monday tfternoon of the formal presentation to the Hrt itallery of R. Lee camp No. 1, Confed erate Veterans, of 16 life-size por. raits of persons prominent and dls lnguishedin Richmond and southern war annals. Equally distinguished speakers will make the presentation addresses. Monday afternoon will see the open ing of the convention of the Confed erate Southern Memorial association. and Monday night the KonB of Veter an will begin the first of a four-day convention In ' the city audltorlrtii, with the official presentation of sev eral scores of sponsors, maids of honor and chaperons fay Senator Pat Harrison, of .Mississippi. ! Addrese of welcome will be made . Jfc4wJfcBis)ftr fct9jfcJVMVJsy' and the Sons of the Veterans by Gover nor E. Lee Trlr.klo and Mayor George lnslec on behalf of the stale of Virginia and the city of Richmond, respectively. The city Is n riot of color and u holiday spirit Is in the air. olutions committee. Dr. Gillespie made a short speech outlining the work the Near East Relief Is doing and declared that over 1,000,OOJ Christian people are alive today who would now be dead but for this great -humanitarian organization. The resolution set forth that the truth of the reporrod massacres and' ohor atrocities by the Turks on the Armenian had 1een proven and that contrary to an Impreaslon which prevails In some quarter those peo- plo cannot upport themselves yst liwause the Groat Powers wink nt periodic massacre and destruction of crops and Industries. Member of the. Convention wont on rocord a heartily approving the purpose and program of the Near Eat Relief to save the live of or phaned children and to release lm prisoned womanhood from the Turk ish hurems. They vehemently pro tested to the United Btatea govern ment against allowing such a con dition to eilst without a protest to the government of Turkey. Free Dental Clinic For School Children 1 cd lor the missing heirs In a number of Northern ; n,; Western n-ivp."!, but without result. Recently he placed an advertisement in the Char lotte News, and t lady who knew Adams happened to see It. She clip- ; of T ned the advertisement, and sent it to edith, Sydney And'-rson, Julius II. Barnes, Harvey .1. Sconce, and Brad ford Knapp. One of the princinle courses offered hv Iha FnallliH.. -.. ,.a A I . I ....- inauiuic ii-iai.-a m me mart lis course has boon i nrrnn im iinnnr inn im m cu luin a,,... i that he U the sole heir to an estate . the unsuspectingly fortunate heir, who , . ' of 7.n,00i,, i received it a few days ago. i . ' ' ... '., Alter a conn-rein e mi ii cuiiir- That is the experience of William Thomas Adams employed for the last month as a machinist at the lios-j lery mill of the Staqdard Manufact uring Company of this city, who learn- j ed the last week that through the death of his maternal grandfather in London, England, six months ago. he is to become the possessor of money and real estate in London apd Man chester, aggregating three-quarters of a million dollars. ton at Norfolk Thursday. Adams went , to Statesvl'.le Friday to place the matter of collecting the $750,000 leg- I acy In the hands of a prominent law yer friend of. his there. It appears ' that all questions have been satis- j factorily settled as to his right to the fortune, and as soon as necessary ; legal red tape can be gone throi gh with, he will bec ome the possessor of j enough wealth to make him inclepend- j Carolina, formerly in charge of the cotton division of the Pnlted States Bureau of Market;. A number of other sou' hern met! and contributing special lines of instruction on such subjects as warehot sing and storage, cooperttive marketing, cottoD ex change practice, pr.uiing and classifi cation. Several live stock authorities from Texas and the southwest are asslst- Ttae Courts are breaking the brokers who were already broken on the exchange. A society girl never realizes that he Is a wall flower until she Is up Sgalc st It. tIFE ISfOTASrE LITER AFTER or, and Is best expressed in the monthly Income your family will need. Think of this service. Consult ns. atlnsal Life iMiranr Co, ( Tt I (MstasJ) H. X. HsfcrfT, State Manager, ftartk floor BeriVtj BaUdJnp. William Thomas Adams is 40 years eltly rcn tne rest of his clays. , ln ln organising course in ave stock old. and unmarried. He is a machln- ' Tne standard Manufacturing Com- , marketing. These " ill cover such 1st. tnd a good one, according to pany f)f tns ity baa lost a good ; subjects as cooperative shipping. Dennis Van Horn, manager of the j mechanic. And the ranks of Amer- ; classing and grading, transportation Standard Manufacturing Company ' jcan plutocracy have been supple- and stock-yards pt.i lice. his employer here. His English j mentpi by just one more near-mil- j The course of instruction offered The free Dental Clinic for the treat ment of children between the agea of I PI has been taken advantage of 'iy scores of Wayne County School children shire the State began tli work In Mils County. All ii hools have been visited, ami llie gnalcM majority of the children '.rented that came within the 6 11! age limit The Goldsboro School children have not l.een given this opportunity, but beginning Monday June 1!, and ex tending to Aug 1st. all c hildren of the Coldshoro schools between the ages j if fi 13 will he given this opportunity, j The committeemens" rooms at the ''onrt House has been set apart for ihls Dental Clinic and Hr It L. I n- derwood. Dentist in charge, will treat j children applying for iretrment. on all dates between the hours of !-12 A. M 1 I'. M TARIFF HOLDS Tffl OF (By Associated Press.) Washington, June 19. Senate re publicans In conference today voted .'10 to 9 against sidetracking the tar iff bill and bringing up the soldier bonus hill. Friends of the latter measure then presented a resolution, which was adopted 27 to 11, to take up the bonus bill Immediately after the tariff bill Is disposed of. This means that both those meas ures will be disposed of to a flnnl Ity before the present Congress taken a recess. Even the moHt pronounced pessl mcst hts no dread of being swamped ly the high tide of prosperity. The constant conl roversles between the White House and the Capitol are not miking Itept.bllcan votes. (By Associated Press.) '-1 Hendersonville, Jrne 18 Th'!12th annual Earraca-Philathe convention wnicn has been In session for 'Uc "tat three days here came to cos to day with devotional sorvlce. The election of officers resnltsd in the retention of Mrs. N. Bucknet of Ashevllle a3 general secretary.; d W. Andrews of ML Airy is convention secretary, and J. V. Joyner, of Ashevllle, treasurer. The ex'ecutlv comitteo Is composed of J. J. Curin ot Winston-Salem, chairman; W. T. Pen ny, Henderaonvlle; B. E, Roach, Cliif- slde; R. H. McCrary, Goldsboro; Jam es E. Unibeth, Thomasvile; 'W R. Pogram, Raleigh W1M .Whltaker An drews; L. V. Byrd, Durham ; T. i.Cktt dell, Cooleemee; R. T. Long, Hei&er-f sonvllle; A. J. Mims.Rocky MouUDr. W. L. Davis, Plymouth; Mr. 'Allen, Kanapolls; E. C. Hare, Sanforc R. P. Benson, Concord ; . J. H. , Kearr.s High Point; O. G. Bain, RidsVlUe;' A. If. King Burlington; T. -B.tSu- kln. Greensboro. - FoKowing are the officer' foC.ih North Ctrolln Thlllathe unlofrJ'r i President , Mis Mary McEjjji,; Henderson; first vie prsstdenttrtfr : : Luther Herlng,' Greenville;- wvoid-' ' vice president, Mrs,. F, Mltcnejur.V ? rrankllton; third '"'vlo ' president. '' Mr. Kenctk" X .ffoh'l,' Wfnon-8jlem s ' fourth vice presllent, Mr. JQ. FgrcU Hondcrsonvlllc; .convention secretary., , Mis Marjorle Hall, Leilngtonj" tress-,-urer, W. D. Up8hs,w,;AhevMlf -. v etiutlv comltte Mis Berth., Gates! Btirllngtonr chairman. Mr. C. C. How- ard,FByettevUe " Mrs. W.' F, 'porffir,'- Salisbury ;Mrs- Jonn Werndon. K ! ' ;n Mrs Jyi. Boyle, ThomssvJll, : n. B. t, A,-. Hugglns, Rlcl Squar;, f Walter C. DchratrRV Goldsboro-.; tv Victoria Bycrljr, Coleomeor-Mlnw ' Kate s. at 'i v Edwards. Cllfslde; ' Orecniiburo; Mrs. !' Mr Theo ;E., Tv, P. J. Onell, Durham; i. Justice, HondersonvKlo; , . Soloman, Ahoikle; Mis Lottie 1 erson. HendersonvJIls; ;Ms Isab. Whltnker. 'Aflhevlllrt ,: elation- eleceted officers ts tollqf' President, p. L, Cuthrel, Goldsb first vice-president, H.;D. Town Erlangor; second rlce-preiident, J. P mil. Tuxedo; third vic-prsIdnt;R II. Askew, Klnston. . ' ; Wr North Carolina ' psrsc's-Phtlit junior union names the followlRgrvll- if I 'frp; , cers. '.A. President,' Miss Rebecc Pet Goldsboro; first Ylc-presldnt, Hit' Maude Jackson, Cllffsid j second Vcv president. Miss Dor.Bosininr Un dnrnonvllle: secretary. Ralph Plckird, Lexington; treasurer, Mis ' EHbh Bennett. Greensboro. , -: 1 I'rer dent Taft's remarks about Lit. tauer tit like a glove. Probably Mars doesn't know that It Is we who are talking. THE WEATHBB r ? Unaettled ; w to night and North Carolina: tber: bxal howers Tuesday. The hungry Republican wolves rt growing savagely at the President tor not throwing out mor official jolrta. mother married an American, and Adams hasn't said in what i by the Institute wlil contain about i iiui:oii c settled in Pitt county. North Caro. way ),a yf enjoy his money, when fifty lessons, and will last for appros- llr.i tut ion. fur the foiimlers assert this ! will make the school more responsive j to ac'iial educational demands In the j farm field During the first year the organizers exnect most of the enrol- ment to come from such classes a'i county agricultural agents, progres sive agents, progressive farmers, man agers of c ooiierative a.isix latlons. ofll- cers of farm associations, yo' ng stu- 1 dents of tgrii ulture. xtc-nslon work cts. institute speaket.c and business j men who handle farm prodm ts. The idea behind the organtzatl n oft the sc-hisil aros- out 'f the fact that heretofore' there has hen no a. Ieciu.it. means of obtaining comprehensive In struction In the field of farm market ing as distinguished from pr .due tun:. '.lost of the colleges touch on the nub. i r There were two sons by the 9 get8 n; hut he Is a quite, unas- 1 imately one year, cin lesson being on(y generally Ali.n t a y. ar ag marriage. Subsequently the father sunljng fellow, and his old friends I gPrt to the student each week. Half I Mr ijvlngston, direc tor of t Instl- , group Thc ! that their unobtrusive fet'.ow-worker i instruction on agricuiturtl economics.' ()f aRrj,,.iturBl Waders. 1. can Hi or- i ganizatlon of the spedal coiir-es lie ay find It hard to realize for a time of each course will be fundamental j (utt, wln assistane e of was lost at sea. and some fifteen years later the mother died other son lost his life a few years ,rn enoUBh to indulge in any reas- and the othe r half will be along the later In the Titanic disaster, leaving ' pnjtfB luxtry; that he may crave . j special commodity lir.r chosen by the William Thomas Adams as the only L,Ite ag do his first purchase out of student for study, surviving descendant. , h)g newly-acquired fortune may be a j 0IUeCDts will be eliarged enrolment Adams early in life developed into . handsom meerschaum pipe or nmc i fepa an(J (hp irstjlut,. aim8 to be self a drifter. He was generally able to j other relflrtively trivial adjunct to per-, tj I(s or.Kjnal capital has obtained the aid of the - r , more national authorities and h-y have been at work for mat v months! ln the writing of parts of ! curses., These Darts are now being ass. mbled , fn- pah'.tc get a job whereever he happened to gonsl fonifort and enjoyment that he bpen suppij0(j t)V about fifty agricul- ' nd printed In prepartic.n be, l j.;.fcos of U wechan'-ca! 'ki: has Iwtf had a hankering sner. ! turists. It I mt a"1 endowd insti- .tiribution. Wanted: Captains Industry of It i.- the law of life that Captains of industry drop out or pas on and that their burdens and responsibili ties fill upon younger Hhouldere. Keen-sighted employers appreciate the fact that thofe who have master ed thc art of saving have much to .'how for their effort in character ' and ability, the things of which big mm are made. One who will not save haa little chance of becoming an employer. . Have you a Savings Account here? .' : ';: The Wayne National Bank Dependable For Two Generation ( N.