NATIONAL DANK OF GOLDSZORO , Geo.. A. Torwood, President Thosi Hi Norwood,: Cashier ttanttsyour business and will be glad te correspond with jou. ' . W h 'Bl!! ill H if i &HL irnn 77 1 h - fli v. "Tola Argus o'er the people' right Doth it a,erna Tigll kep. kOL. LXXV 'Pi t ' J TSI .'.it.M i i ft . . rr IWt1 ' : NATIONAL' BANK , w, OFGOLDSBORO Geo. A. Norwood President Thos. H. ; Norwoods Cashier Wants your business and will be urlad to correspond with you. t- ,y No soothing atraina of Ifai'a eon. Ckn lull Ita hundred aye to sleej." GOLDSBQRO. N, C. THUPAVJ1?JULY 6, 1922 NO.76; EHD OF R. R. SHOP STRIKE 1M SIGHT (By Associated : Pressl -; Chicago. Jul 6.-Hono lor the speedy settlement, of the country wide strike of the railway shopmen '.war gleaned fron statements Issued - ljy Ben. W. Hooinjr. chalnnatt of th United States Riilroad Labor Board, and B. ' M.' Jewell, leader of the Bhop crafta, who" ordered the walk out, , . 2 . ', '. ' a -' ' ' In a reply to a letter . front Mr Hooner. which waa ; rejiartlod as conciliatory Mr." - Jewell declared that the strlkara ft wore wiUlng to "conalder any" nSeotfatlons with any ontf In authoifty , for aettlcmen of the. atrike." ; - ' ; ; "We are . wlllius to Confer with anybody athnrlged by the raMroadu to bring peace proposals tT us,' 8,i !(i Mr.' Jewell. "I include or ex elude nobody but if the Labor Hoard, for . Instance, came to us 'lih'a definite propoaitlan! we would not besltte to conalde it." I EBRASKA 1 GRESSMAN DEAD ( (fiy Associated 'FreHB.) WaBhlngton, July 6. Itepreaanta livo".M. P. Klncaid., of the Sixth Nebraska 'dtetrlct,' died hero today ft tie Oarflold lo.uorial Hospital, .from a compllc;ilion ot ailments. . ; Th .ronialna will be taken to . his .home town, O'Neal, Neb,,, for in : tcrm'ent.' ' ' ' , - - I. K Xj V. (IRX'Slt ESCAJirilEM V.ILL IKKT XT WKJGIITSVJLLK BKAtll IS -1 '! ' i- T3,h imual .ncwlnn j of Vhv i.,,nul KiicaaniuKint of Uia Indcpntl' cut Oi-dr of Odd Fellows In North Ci"i(n will meet at the Oceanic Hs-' HWrlRhtsvIllo Beach AurubI 15-1 ?TIitrft aoasion will bo called at 8:2( TtffH'Uy niRht. The Wilmlugton Odd .bllnwi have arranged to hold the .iea-Jon ut WritrhtavJIu Bench with tiU) Oo'anlc lintel as headquarter. ,, The .Km amptnont branch of t!i Or def has made pood progress ilurlun thn past year end u number cf Ocl! Fellows will attend thin inert Iiir. The offlcnrs of the (Jrand Kncampnx-nt ari as follows: A. 0. Mcivln, Crand 1'h l iarch. Durham ; J. C. WrlRht, (Jran.i IliKh Priest, Shiloh; FJ. W. Jj: vis (!ranl Senior Warden,. Heiul'jruoii J villr; II. A. Dal turd, ffrmid Junior Wardtn, Aahcvil'e; W. Jennnerrt. Grand Hcribe, Abhevilb; John V. Vod. Crand .Treasurer, Wilmitic'oi! . r. V. nurchcttp, Grand Marshal. Win s' )rt-Sa'T,i ; W. S. Bagwell, llrsiH Kuilrttrl, nuiiiani; J. II. WxI'IhII. (Irand Out'Jc Scnlliid. Wilson; John V. Berry, Ur tnd Ropreacntatlve, l,';i! Clgh. fliMUTHER R. R. WRECK TfiO Great GospeLPocessionoF The Women Last Night ' ( . - , r t (By Associated Press) ;, Chicago, J(ily 6.Several " persona urc injured at an curly .hour this morning when U Marquelta passen ger . train crashed -Jitto . rrelght engine ' tf ' the Now York Central near rorterM Ind. ' Tho injured were ..brought' to Chi cago this 'morning,': after receiving first aid on 4 ho scene of the wreck. The negro cook on the dlrrlng car was badly scalded, and .he la said ti i tiie streets to the llam-ftanibey tent bo the only one seriously Injured. estimated tetween 800 and a tliouB- Thc Ham-Ramsey Tent Set e last Night of Untoward Rclii 'ox s Demonstration. BLE (By Kobt. U Denmark) Where did so many women come It'om?" a man waa hettrd to ak last night as ho watched the parade of of Christian women inarching through tea. A j i auui PHESIRDIK Mm, TO CAPITAL ft ?. ft (By Aaso:latPd Prosa) Marlon, July 8. President Ilard- n g and bis party left here at 10.30 his morning for Columbus, on the Irst lap of bis return trip to Wash ington, after spending three . lays it his old home here, for the cen- cnnial celebration of the founding if his home city. County Unit Plan 'v In Rural Schools To Attempt Cross (By Associated Press) ' , Boston, July 6,By the county unit lan .the, rural schopls able o compete with the best city- schools. gnca Samuclso', superintendent of ?age County Schoolsi Clarlnda, Ohio; mid! In an address last night before he National Education Association, low holding its 60th annual meeting ere, . . - . " " ,''' 'The county unit plan means the iboUBhlng of the small -jHstru't sy- em apd ,tbe, inauguration pi buslnesa, ffl ctcjti ' j, s i.B njl a r a s . In 'all; th at;. pr-. a.n1; to the rural ach'jol, the Btrength- nlng of st'pirr!Blon, the unifying of .dtninintration, the facilitating of con. olidation, and the elevation of tho onnty st perlnlrndcncy to a position higii professtonul standing," said lis.i HumuelHon. Of nivoial importance in this pro- ram of rocon;:tr!!ctft:n la the county uprrlnlen'!ont of achonln, who should cromr thr pxccullvc offl'-ial appnint- il by thn iii'.ipty board of education ir fiinlififotidiiM, not for political rn.'-.'inu. Ills aainry, tenure, and the i -ognlt ion nil" Mm should bo com- iwTHurate with the duties, poHsiliill ie:i and rcspon:;il,ilities of tiie oilier." Japan Imports Bean Cakes (By AartH'lated l're.;o. ('.tIi.i. Japan. .July Maiiihi'ila. 'li' treat bean producim: country of 'he Kast. has lieen importing liean ;,' fi iin Japan, more than 1.IM,(MI0 itir.M of tliis c'linmoility, vn lil-'d at ISii.tjdO.oilt yen having hern shipped .KuM K'.be and Osaka since November miit ti Xanchuriiin ports. This "send- "Country Flight In Dayj,,,K ,,f imU " ("aHt"" "'T " ; through this years bean (top having (By Associated Presa) Sin Antonio, July t. A flight 1 v airplane across the country in a day frim Jacknnnvllle, Fla., to San Dieg'i, Ca'l.. will be attempted soon by Lts. Doolittle and Andrews, of the army flying corps. All that Is lackin? is the authority from Washington t:i attempt the trip. m een over-estimated. A large crop, having been looked for large amounts f prepared cake were shipped out in advance orders. The crop being poor. Manchuria has had to send to Japan for bean cake for her own uses. Rumor Of Attempt To full Russian Delegates does not make so much difference one they came from, but it was an tuipre.inlvc alght to sue the flr sex ages ranging ' from 4 years to 84, alto wing to the world thut they stand for the. advancement of righteousness and are not asliame to confess It be fore tho world as commanded by Jesus. . ',. i . ' . ' , MeBsers , Ham and Ramsey, were pleased with the demonstration1' of fast night, And the expression of the ace of each was an indication that these Christian women are living In such a way that their doeas on e"arth wiil not bo a stumbling block in the path- of others. M :;. ;,:''; 'r '-' " The mon thought they had won all honorrln "their parade of last week, and then when Mr. Ramsey announce iid that the women would respond In :argr numbers than the men there vas a doubt In too minds of many men who thought there Was more 01k. be hind the statement Mr. Ramaejr mude fhan iruthj' bub today the men are convinced that the, ladies are due H honors coming from a religiotia ileni onatration and .at the same time proud of them for the stand they took show ing the men that they do hot intend to bo outdone in any thing that will put Jesrs In JJie eyes of the worltV' 11 tjiot . Ois ntett are! entitled to amine iecjgii iff on Jocfths "theji ibsrop men a pieagent surprfHe lust night. -On ontertnB the gchool grounds tho en tire rncmborahfp of thaLaymena Fed etlitf'in bad formed a doublo line through which thT women passed, the nun stunrtlng with bare heads and In silent, reverence thus assuring the women that they were proud of the parwio and rendy f asBist them in any nmv of a religious nature. SpeaMng In the p:cK:i'ee of the newspaper man, someone was beard to say while tho ladles wero entering the tent: "I Imniagino it will bo the same way In heaven than men." "What does thin demonstration nran", Mr. Ham waa lizard to is?y be fore the service 'ant ni- li'.. "U only inranq that Jcsmim In reei,j;nizMl prei:ie, and I am glul the good wo men of Uold:;hor' are not ashamed to come o; t In thc public: and confess llim" At tiie clo-te of the iiermon last n'gl't In which Mr. Ham prcsenicd levut.o his audience as surely never man spake befure, scores of- sinners caaie to (lie alter and m.-de a reso- ., fillilT ILIARn i (By Asaocl.i'' , W'ltcWtu, Kansas, . ed to be donnltely s a . bout between world's heavy wcl.--,l. Jess Vllfcrd, former Ion, will be pulled ( and October "1. : eom- $ 1,1 iVt ioday tlKit I I)ompsey, niapion. and '""Jil, cliamp tieueeii now (By Associated Press) ' .tiiliing ton, July 6. Notice was iijlllclrtily servti t today on all parties having bids ' filed wlih the govern j ment for the purchase: and lease of Muscle Shoals, Ala., to appear be fore the Semite CommlWee on Thurs day, July i;i, prepared .'to make their linal offers, an, the uiatter will then bo srttlcnl. M COMMERCIAL OFFICE CREATED babe ruth the phi hitter: (By Associated Press.) Washington, July 6.The appoint ment of B. C. Gelsinger, of Spartan burg, S. C to be manager of the newly created Southern office of for eign ami domostic, commerce, with hoadnuartrs in Atlanta, was an- nount:cd today by Secretary of Com merce Herbert Hoover. . The Southern states to bo sub served by this now office will in clude South Carolina, Georgia and probably North Carolina. UNION SIGNAL MFN : REllNfflR - i'c- CLASH T flu, T: - - i. i T i : ' (By'Assoclut ; Rocky Mount,. N. dash i occurred ,todu son shops of the A O. E, Riley, , one union shopmen and lal police wlo' wei guarding, the .compiu The clash, aroso c dlsputa aa 4 the y r company, "Utlejr hai not tresspa'sMiig. ' ' A in which' Itfleyf:n afterwards; he had Viz: i H. B. Talbo'r . 3. A.iMcGeu, G. v Bryant : arrested f " The ifcfrndabts fcn-'To-fiiif'.w-" tin. .. . .. tomorrow morning at K !y 6. A 8 t'mer lietween Htrlklng ne spec y there i'erty. . nit of ..I of the h(? was resulted, ily, -Jind j i'iiards, tndrewB, ' 1 V.. (By Associated Prcna,) . New York, July 6.-Bubo Ruth lilt a home run with three men on liases In the third inning of the first came of a double header , with the Indians here today, . Unique Yacht a Race In Florida Coalition Members i V '' i ,o clock ets Ol Parliament 'A (By Assoclatiil Pre-..) M - m armed London, July 8,-CcHlllioi mcmbcrd of Parliament are ftuhifesl ng ftlartn .13 to what effect thercfiisa td allow peeresses to Bit iu thcHoust if Lords may have on the yaH of Wo'men ai. the ntxl genoral ciuulitpJ Should wo men in any large, iltmhers vote m-jrc wontert j n.-rnit'st the goycrnmeiMf candidate!, !l. i:: certain that many I them wot Id be defeated, and prohly . Premier Lloyd Ueorge would no Jfiger bo nblo Id eomniand a majority Tlicretore they are auJiia-that the i.cvcri'metil be not uait r,i,Mi;.:l;illly for cIpcIhI') made ly the Lords then vhl'-li the government ly Involved. " 1 ady Rhnddu herscdf 'leeifden to e:a:lnde ' the upper chamber was j of the government and lotion to turn from the worldly life. P'' r'iir''8- Sl'? lMti and seek the iffe th;;! Jesus would Jiave us live, a life so tied, with Him In the Father that we may In the end, and at the end hear His welcome voice calling us by name and saying unto us; 'Come ye blessed of my Father, Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." , original House of Lor c.n privileges decided l4 In favor of the right oyeeressea to vote in the House. Orduirily such a decision, supported by Ity, would have been lxrds without qucstb tfKS. W. II. SMITH HOSTESS Jacksonville, Fla., July Ms. Poolittlc and Andrews, of the army flying corps, who are designing to attempt a (light from Jacksonville to San Diego, Cal.. left here at 10 o'clock, July 4. In the air. stating that they were bound for Washing ton, via Langly Field, near Norfolk, but reports from Langly Field and Washington today say that they have not arrived at either of these (By Associated Press I Lund in, July C. -A rumr today ih i' ::n a '.tempi h d been rade to assisBiii::;e the Kt;.si-in delegates at the Hague cmfsrrncc caused con siderable concern in many quarters. !iut both the Russian delegation and the police at the Ha?u deny the truth of the report. The FuppositiJO is offered that the rjmor protmlily grew oet ,,f the h a major ized by the But the Lord Chancellor, IxiMpiirkenhead, a members of the cablit. intervened w.'th an ameniinent f erring the imittcr back to the Conlittee for re consideration. And irinsideration I y a committee which Mrs. W. TI. Smith delightfully en ermine! 'he Tuesday evening Bridge '. had been strengthened Club at her home on south slrcet Dils mornins. The home was beautifully deror ateii with spring flowers. After th Interval y lords of WIN! fy-rd Birkenhead's own fey of tblnk- parliument. d with re whlch iraa Ivea and in a not open- ya that th-; essaa from rtually that 't tho House lit that tho Committee even to one ; (By Associated Presn) ' " Valahft, Fla., Jvdy 6. A yacht race, unique in that every craft was JJan tical anil thut most of tho skippers never hnd boen aboard them' befora, was! an event today on Lake Harris under the auspkfs . of the Valaha Yaidit Club, which recently received from Sir Thomas Llpton a perpetual cup' to be compoted for annually. . Lake Harris Is in the centrat part of Florida and It was Impossible for visiting skippura to bring their own craft, unless by ,rall, , The Yaluha olub thereupon hit upon the Idea of issuing an invitation to the yachtmcn of - Florida to come,, here,, man .the cb'.b craft and try their hand at fresh water Huliin;. ; , Member cf th,.- club ovs n ('ft.e-i, or twenty,. ." iv -;(!' i-.i.uc;iu toot 1'm.i nig i-iachinos, cat-rlggad. and Identical In (ill measurements, including aall area, and the entire fleet was at the disposal of. the vialting eklppers, who were! assigned vessels by lot. Each bout carries a crew of two men: and visitors who did not bring nvsall Inrj mute were permitted to saloct.a "crew" from among tho Yaluha yaclit incn. Tbc outcome of tho ructu waa ex pected to depend colcly upon the tailing ability of the ;ikipiiers bocatijje no crafl hut an advantage, over u li cit h r. tlreiit rivalry resulted between the salt and fresh wn'.er men and the controversy over the sailing practice of the two was the outstanding fcu ture before the atari. The content for the l.ipton trophy will lc lie )il h"Xl winter. Bubonic Plague Breaks Out In South China PRES HARDING AND LASKER ATTACKED (By Associated Press.) Washington. July 6. President Harding and chairman Leaker, 'of the Shipping Board, were . charged by Senator Carraway, s democrat, of Arkansas, In the senate today, with flagrant violation of the federal pro hibition act in permitting the ealo of ' liquor on borad . tho " Shipping oouru amps. ' ' . "AH christian men and women nro- tet ainst uch sale of Hquor," the senator declared,,'. ' ' , Austria Ready f For, Prohibition i (By Associated Press.) Cjilcago, July . 'Austria "Is at latt awake to the necessity of a great action against alcohol," Presi dent D. t M. Halnlsch'Of that coun try stated in a letter to . Virgil G. Hlnlhaw, president of the Prohlbl- lion Foundation,' made public y the lattm-' today. Mr. lllnshaw -visited . ' "' "' I 1'f.t (tc'..,,'- l.i ' i . . .. osiS'of the pialiiljiUon movement. "Thu Federal Minister for Suckil Administration has ',; allocated the sum. of fifty millions for this pur pose," the' letter continued. . "And the National Council will pass law in accordance with which this money will be employed. A Wg i twiiarittee Is In course (if formation w'" K' to London, whoro they will lm ( (By Associated Press.)" f Chicago, 'July 8. The , fourteen thousand union signal men in the - country will not be called vour. on , strike for the ,i present according to a statement by their preaidont, -.l.Tf W.' Helt, "today, In calling aimet- .' ir.g of bis executive -committee for Saturday to advise-as o what doursea his union will pursue. . y ? t j prd?S: VAILSIfilRELAND j ; , j, - -.. -r -!' .t , (By Associated. Press)" i V t -1 -Dublin, July 6.--dSBion da Valora f t issued a statement '.today - saying"!,' that the pact between he two Irian '1 parties ...has been, torn up," and' that ' '' "the danger . to . Ireland which h ' had feared mostclvH5 ?warha f " come upon us." ' ,J' Pilgrimage To Battle ' v fields by Ex-Soldier ; 1 ".':' ;':', - '.'.; -s n-'i i (By Associated Press.) .'; New York, July 8. ,A pilgrimage to l" r the battlefields on which tbey fought four years ago hat been arranged for several hundred former service -men by the American Legion. , The tour la . open to members 'of the Legion and Its avxillarles, which : comprise tho wives, motbors,; daughter' and sis ters of the men who served In the World War. : , -- The. party will salt for FraAi o on the President Pierce' August C; land at, Cherbourg, and go dim : Paris, where it will bo official!; coined by the French govet Unrlng the (itny in l' r! tiill t' I lie I" 1 . ... other points of Intel (.. According to the Itincrury" , Ilitpnf the party will roach Hiukv h August 30. From Brussels it will go to Ostend and tour tho battlefields or Flanders. .'.- ';' '' - , ' .' ' ; From Belgium the Lcgbmnnfrog win (o which most members of the Am oilcan-Auatrlatt Committco will also belong. Altogether the genersl fool ing t present In Austria' Is favor- ablu, to the Idea of alcoholism ho iii' fought by imeuna of public me Kit res. the gucts of the London Post of the Anicrlcaji Legion and tho British Le-t glon. Tito party will return on the stearauhip Metagama, arriving at Mon treal September 18.: ' , ' , Arrangement for tho tour arc In charge of John J. Wick or,. Jr., of Richmond, Va.. who as tour director had headquarters at the' office of tho America Legion Woekly,. New. Vork'.1-- !ns, resulted In reversing he seven to one decision. Tho Coftte decid ed 20 votes to four it peeresses an enjoyable same of bridge the j "'iou!d not sit and votai the House hostess served a delightful salad "f Lords. J " course which was enjoyel by all "!t seem pretty cert" aays Lady i present. . Rhodda. "that had it n f een for th' fii rd Chancellor wwijf otherwise .Corporation Commission -rjaiificd would. bejiuded from me riousc vi Moras oij grouoa 01 (By Associated Press) Amny, China, July fi - The bubonic plairttc which urufilly breaks out In South Fuklen during Juno made Its ap pearance this year in April. It has al- resdy claimejl victims by the tbou- ands. especially In the Interior dis tricts where public health recleves little or no attention. Ther tilt people are ignogant and know no pre- , cautions or remedies save supersti tious rites and customs. In Ainoy the foreign health officers, schools, local Young Men's Christian Association and Boy Scouts are doing every thing In their power to prevent til" spriad of Ihls malady . rs:mcfive lantern lectures are g.'v. n in public: pluces by the Young M, r, i ( I risiian sscK-lation. and the Boy Scouts make -xc urioim to vlllaees In the (llH'rict distributing pmth!(!'ii n tiie p'tiw-e. Us cause and privcn-lion. "Itirge nectlona of tho population realise at last, that a nsjlon In our i rene n t economic oMiftresii cannot "af ford soch a high rato of nxncnslvo i . . . .i ronuumptloii of alcohol, and that. I "01 l"at anybody cares but over therefore, all facilities tor adv.tno I 'n China, 'Dr. flun has gone down., f lm; ibis consuniption must be ro-' '.t.. ' .... . .. aiioved cr reduced. nd I think I shall bo abli' shortly, "I hoe, by -in rimirylnr; our pro- j io rep:ir on the effect and'fuccesi pagaud.-t, thanks to the in:aii pa! f our activity in Austria. . " by you at our ' disposal,. w8 shall j "If "ij words wb,ich yo publish, suc ceed In utilizing this favorable ia the groat American - papers 'wilt feeling and shall pave tho way for a comprehensive prohibition of alcohol or at least do the first steps toward that goal, "I am certain that now all agen cies at our disposal will start work, contribute " to further the develop ment of the prohibition movement' in America this success will, I hope, be sis') it its a stimulus o Ml i most cnergc'.kally tn Austria andi Europe alcohol and its adherents." nnints: neither have they reported 'turning back by the police onsta pt Ppe Field. Camp Bragg, near bulary of about r,0 Russians on '"Sustains N. S. Railway Fayetteville N C. I Russian frontier win were seeking j VTOME AXIM IianRE FIRST In every disaster, is right. Every man : should provide monthly Income In to nass across, and who wrc re- ' puted to be monarchists traveling Itimler false passports. Rale.'gh, V C. THT WEATHFK (By Associated Press.) July . The State Corporation Commission today ruled Uhat th cancellation bv the Norfolk surancc fos h' family, so they m-til be j 1 - i Southern Railway of several of Its provided fcr cntside the risk of his' North Carolina: Fair and stipMly j Pjteenger trains mace necesssry by business. ; warmer tonight and Friday. jtbe shopmen's strike. Is reasonable land justifiable, and therefore the atlnal Life lasaraac fa. af H ; X. Haaipbxey, State Jfsaatfrr . ' - mm t " t'eatik hor jirarw huuoib? Americans are to tak over former Commission will not tor the present i:lUn Abdul Haaid s oil buids to de- 'entertain a baering ag-r!nt tht road : when cba'.Ienged. Wc rTftnpr. I ff' "dcflj-n'ji" ' hi" this ro-t'er. Tl-e Sex Iiicalill. Job removal a'-t starts with the oping generali rafion. "A perscn sfi' "ot be dis qualified by sex or nia'i ge from the exercise of any pitblb ' nctioiC and waa loud'y acclaimed ' . omen'a new barter of liberty. , Be- ie act which purports to give equ;.' pportunities for men and women.- dy Rhodda points out. has availed ' men Bathing to the civ- J :t scrvin hv bw r rifihts as rite n. Women doctors in the ein;ili v of Tiiuniclpalities have been deprived i f their positions hn they mar.-: '. altliouih thi act fpeeiflcally sia'ed that marring" should no longer be a l ar to public service The governuicn' hac made thous ands of enemies, Latiy Khod la siys. by Its failure t senji'irt its own ad. "The cuestlon today is," says IJidy Rhodda. "doe the Sx Oisqualifica tion Removal Act mean what It ap pesrs to mean, or was It simply a clever fraud perforated on a sec tion of th community nex to politi cal dodrn by an unscrupulous gov 1 the aam ; riiment?." i:t .'";:-. V Don 't Fo rget This If the Wayne National Bank is your bank, you may depend upon the fullest measure of co-op- : i.- eration and tangible sup port. - We Intlle yaa ! - j , do bflsinrss with a i- . - -- The Wayne National Bank. . . ..." -- t Dependable For Two Generationt " : i ii n i

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