EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY i. ,r - , ST- - ' WADS XL EA&SIS. XI and Prop. . SuascairrtoH: OmYwIi; Six Month I: Tan If oaths it. Per Week 10 cents. Piper deii-rared n the city by curios free of i ADTUTISnra RATIO low end liberal. TUESDAY. DECEMBER II, 188S. ! Marriage notices, death notices - and funeral notices are published in i . i this paper free of charge. ' THE BAGGING QUESTION. 1 The farmers certainly handled the bagging trust in an admirable and effective manner. The bagging syn dicate will probably dissolve on Jan ttary 1st, but the Boston" Journal 01 ', Commerce says : "It is not likely that the agreement will (ail of renewal by the various contracting parties. , Though jute butts have advanced in price one-quarter of one-half of cent a pound, raising the cost of , ' bagging three-quarters to one cent a i yard, the new list price of the com ' , 1 bination is likely to be eight to nine cents for the standard grade. This , nrim will nni nnlv he low enouch to , J ' . , shut out foreign competition, but it 'will be high enough to pay a fair ' , profit to the manufacturers. Com " plaint is made that sales of bagging have not come up to expectations, the substitutes having to a consider able extent taken its place. When ( the price had once been set at 12 " y ' cents, the combination were obliged , to maintain it through the season to f 1 ' protect the Southern merchants and f distributors who had bought at that " e figure." 1 , North Carolina enterprise, how- ever, has placed the farmers inde , ' pendent of the bagging trust The , 1 ' Wilmington Star says : "The most . f ; ' formidable competitor of the jute i combination, the Acme Manufactur- ' " ing Company of this city, whose bag ging has'given such great satisfaction ,. wherever introduced, but whose fac- 1 tory, unfortunately, was destroyed t by fire a short time ago, will soon be , ' in the field again. In a letter dated the 9th inst, to a merchant of Savan , nah, Ga. , and published in the News of i that'eity, the company says: i, ' We are now rapidly rebuilding, and about January 1st expect to be in V' operation again, and will then be glad '.'. to exhibit the whole process, ma i, chinery, cost of plant, manufacturing i. etc, and prove at our works any . claims we make'for the business."'It , is a big field for Southern enterprise ' ' and capital, and jute bagging cannot T now be made cheap enough to do us ' any harm.' " : . Nevada was admitted to the Union to serve a political purpose, but those '.'responsible for its admission can ; hardly be satisfied with the result of - . i their work, says the Charleston News . . . and Louner. in the last election its . total vota for Presidential electors ... was 12,378. In (880, with a popu . . . lation of 62,366, it cast 21,660 votes - for electors, the vote being sbout 35 - - per cent of the population. The hill to 13,378 indicates a decline in pop ' illation since 1880 from 63,266 to .' 35,000. Of the 35.000 some 8,000 are Indians and Chinese. Yet this handful of people and not a very wise or select people, either send two Senators and one Representa : rive to Washington, and has three electoral votes. In addition to the ghastly list of dead and wounded, the business men of Birmingham, Ala., find that the recent riotous proceedings there ' have had a disastrous effect on busi ness.' The Daily Age-Herald says every class of tradesmen, even saloon Den, declare that the excitement of . the past week has seriously crippled trade, and in a great many lines the loss in the volume of trade was fully 50 per cent Merchants say that people were too excited to think of baring anything. One merchant estimatrs that Birmingham has lost BO less than $350,000 by its week of horrors. Thousands of strangers visited the city during the week, but they were there through curiosity, - and not on business intent hi , The occupation taxes of Texas are among the curiosities of State taxa tion The repeal of the drummers' tax law, which will necessarily follow the recent decision of the Supreme Court, bat suggested the wisdom of revising the whole list No less than sixtr-two occupations are especially taxed, and the revenue from some of these, it is said, will not repay the State for the printing and the work done in reporting collections. Ac cording to the last report of the Con troller, the clairvoyants paid $45 in to the State Treasury, the bill pos ters contributed $12, the pool sellers $o ; there was received on the licen ses of ship merchants $7, and among the other sources of revenue were taxes on cock fights, gas companies, hacks, telephones and wagon yards. A special dispatch from Indian apolis to the New York Tribune says: "The statements published in many newspapers that the President-elect has offered Cabinet positions to dif ferent men are causing him much an noyance. A large number of letters are being received daily, commend ing or disapproving the selections that he is credited with having made. He cannot undertake to explain to each of these many letter writers that they have been misled by fake re ports. The simple truth is, as has been stated repeatedly, no man has yet had the offer of a Cabinet posi tion, and it is the hope of the Presi dent-elect that the assurance that this is the truth will be accepted as sufficient answer to the untrustwor thy reports to the contrary." The Legislature of Alabama has passed an act looking to an amend ment of the State constitution so as to provide for a special tax, not ex ceeding 1 per cent on taxable prop erty, to be levied for school purposes the tax paid by white citizens to be appropriated for the support of schools for the whites, and the tax of colored citizens for the support of schools for the colored people. The amendment will be subject to ratifi cation by the popular vote. In North Carolina the negroes are edu cated almost solely by the pockets of the white tax-payers. Opera House, ONE NIGHT ONLY. RIDAY, DECEMBER jist. THE TRIO OF FUN MAKERS. Accompanied by 1 select cast of Actors. Vocalists and Coasediaas, 20 In All. 20 Presenting the most Laughable Operatic Eiiravaguxa yoa ever uw; Two Old. Cronies. Replete with Pungent Wit I Brimful of Sparkling Musical 6rna I New and Magnificent Costumes I New Special Scenery . eta. If You Can't Laugh Stay Away, APPLES. APPLES. We receive a large supply of Baldwin, Spy and Fancy Reds every week, and can fill all orders. McMillan & co. Carry a full stock of Groceries. Groceries. j. w. McMillan. CLARKSON & DULS, Counsellors and Attorneys-at-Law. Office In Law Buildlne. Promt aiirnlini. i all business. Claims collected. Practice in State and Federal Court. DR. GEO. VV. GRAHAM, Practice limited lo disease of the Eve Ear and Throat. DR. E. C. REGISTER, Office in Belmont Hotel, Trade Street CalW promptly atteaded to. DR. H. M. WILDER, Physician :-: and :-: Surgeon. Office over BwvaO S Dana's drag Board for Horses ail Cows. I am nrayrad to artnwr Hons aad Cows al a mtch Urn aoH thata Umt aaa ba ant ha tha r. Parttas bo Sara drfrlaf bona aot aard oaf la wtawr 10 Jaxifr kaapraa; ta th attr oaa board than al my ttsMaa whan that wlfl b wall aarad ta, Yosw aow atar mot fir. toj Bdaatmllk an to par tor bar bavp. ad bar to mm. I wtS tara far bar at wa.or.aHl law aaai asraiwi Ta with aUk Mil mam U Mala Crar. car. wlU baiaaa ta arota aoo- THOROUGH BRKD 1 1 It SKY miriJl ' of ahok brMNtlog. at tSa turn tat buolla sar w faa saodarsls. C C MOORE, Nonb Qrahaas St, CkawioMa, M, C, CLOTHING 1 y irclcs IxGilcd. I have Inaugurated a fortnight 1 T tU CLOTHING T - 13 WMrh will bare an effect upon CUSTOMERS AND OMPETITORS. Quotations in BUSINESS WORKING AND DRESS ISUITS Overcoats -AND- Boys' Suits Much lower than elsewhere at H. BARUCH'S. SILK UMBRELLAS. Now you will want somethinr nice r rL , t " tot v. nrminaj, ana we nave just vi.4 a line Ji Weill and Ladies' SILK Umbrellas. From $3 oo to $6.00. Also a new line of Gents' Scarfs, and Oents Linen Kerchiefs. We have a line of Cents' Scarf fins and Cuff Buttons, in New and Novel Designs. Silk Suspenders to Embroider. Handsome Hats and Silk -Lined Overcoats. Genu' Fine Wool Underwear. Lots of other things for Christmas. Come and make a selection. 0. A. DIXON & 00. Fine Clothiers and Furnishers. To a Gens Pol. Wa ova too nuuir thanks far tba patronafa roa bara so liberally btstowed apoa as dmof tba paaa rear, and wa assure jroti that aothlnj rill be left u noons oa oar Dart to awn iha sane during the coming year. Our stock Is taxga aad of great variety, to macb eo that we oaaoaly glee a partial price list. Wa keep '"J"1! ay os rase urooertes. Faaaily SappHea, Hay, Braa. feed. Com. Cora atemi, uatt, EC Just Received. Beat MapU Arras, flo par gal. Hew Crop N. O. Malataas, Sob. par sal Baas OtHM PatrM Flow. Sy.oo par bbl. la lbs. Floe Oraaalated Sugar, Ji oo S3 lbs, Pearl Hoeawty. It oa. I lbs. Caaaard't Lard, f I oo. I to 14 lbs. CaroUaa Rkw. l.oo la Un. Prunes, f i.oo. 14 lbs. Dried Paeebe. f t.00. as lbs. Oat Meal, li.oo. ao lbs. Roiled Oats, f 1.00. 7 Boses Nelaoa s JakuuM. fi.00. W raaraata ear Haaaa aqoal ta TanV, m any otbar naa saeats. at 15a. par lb. w PP, eaatoaMft with aaythlng la oar Ha, aad will fuaraataa Drioaa aa low aa at the drr. We aaa alvan aanol eaa arlrb fk - - TO asaua J '"'7 aw" a saaua la ina aoaatry, orders nromMlt attatulMi sn. a. Urarad free anrxr Is the etty, . mi R. B. ALEXANDER & CO. BaokelgiorG Buy your Christmas Goods before the treat rush. . We have already sold more than we handled last year, By showing these goods up stairs we nave room lor mem ana mere uestion but the selection is first One month now until stock taking time, and we shall close out every thing possible and clean up for the new year. Our tremendous sales this year are unprecedented in the city of Charlotte and now during this the last month of the twelve, we can afford to take cost lor our stock. Manv thines will be sold for less. The stock is too large in many lines and this accumulation must go. Wh v not ? Had we not better make prices to force it out than carry it over? We have the most magnifi. cent stock we ever carried, but the oods don't get any better by lying ere and they never will. WeDougm them to sell, not to keep. aoo Overcoats, all Grades. 350 Suits. 1. 000 Pairs of Pants. We simply mean to close these out by January 1st Now people who don t know us very well are apt to say un, mat is only an advertisement, the goods will be sold as before." But those who know us understand perfectly well and already know when we say the knife must eo into any line of goods in the house it will go. Now Cloaks and Furs will be sold the same way. Too many of them and they . must go. So it is in many lines. Our stock of Men's Fine Under wear a too large, and although we are selling it at about one half the regular price we have instructed the salesmen in that department to close it out regardless of what it cost. We bought $3,ooo worth of fine under wear at what it cost at wholesale for $1,000, and can afford to sell it cheap. All Children's Underwear at cost. We dont want to carry these goods over and shall not if you want them at any price. By reason of a recent heavy pur chase we have reduced Plaids to 5cts. 1 case 4-4 rruit of the Loom octs. We have had manufactured a large line of Alamance shirts, jjcts. 500 pairs of Men's Slips, aoc. All made at home, out of home goods, and are the best value you can buy. E. M. DAVIS. A Stylish Suit of Clothes IS TO BE COVETED BY ALL. I haee a Spleadid Stock of Cloths for Winter Suitings. Call and examine and get prices. JOHN VOGEL, The Tailor. "WlTTAYLOR'S" Lunch Room Is in shape for the Holidays. Quail on Toast And other Delicacies. Candies and Fruits of the Freshest and Best S. M. HOWELL, Fresh Bread, Cakes Pies dec NOW I'kEPARINQ FOR THE HOLIDAY 1 RAUH. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO WHOLESALE BUSINESS. S. M. HOWELL. 1 C. Ilctlsu 4 Co, WHOLESALE an.) RETAIL Dealers la Buggies, Pluutons, Carriages, Carts, Spring Wagons, Milk and Grocer's Wagons,&c. SotaAfean , Colaa.hu. Bury Co., Cortland 1.5 T,1,Tr00 )OPm- other ood akaa. Call aad rxaraiaa , orarrttafar Catalofus and prtosa. For Presents GO tO Charlotte'! I iahrr DriKhtest China Store. ART POTTERY. HavUand's China Jat)anese Curios, Plated Wsre, (Jut Glass, S4T ARTISTIC LAMPS, -via JTf variety.' Reliable Wares Low Prices. New Goods dallv. C. S, READ A CO. II East Tnds St, Get You Building For Sale on Weekly, mcnts. Located in different parts of THE BEST - MILL THE STAR MILLS. The Central Hotei, ECCLES & BRYAN, I'xonuiTORS. Jt, iTT! til. It i Well Understood by Everybody that B. NICHOLS SELLS FURNITURE LOXri-H THAN ANY OlmS HOUSE IN NOIc 1 CAROLINA. i :7-1 Afy thth it new (ovplttt in reetv rttfxct, vU; DtJrtm Ski Anr Suiti, Btdt, Mattrtu. Sart Lmngm, TMtt, CMst, md , trytkmg in First- (Jail fm-mitmrt &MML . .-, b rioods sold oa Ike tnerallaiaat paaa. woklw tTbe oldest UajlerBtkiaf Hoase la aba cHy.l trie and at dM loveet iirlaa.. Imhalaaiag iloe MMBdsd 10. day or aigbt. Nifbt Catt I'aaaraMt 17 West Trade Street. Coarlotte, N.'C " PIANOS AND Chickerinr Pianos. Arion Pianos, .Bent Pianoi, VLm&aii Pianos, Mason & Hainlm Pianos . ' : ; Waterloo OrjranS) IVck.irrl Oians, Organs, at low prices uu c;i te'niii. Write mc for prices Lvjfore buying, The largest stixk of Fu niturc in the State. . . -44 EM, AM K. E. COCHRANE, Will Buy and Sell Real Ertate m (.tmmutum and Attend te Rent ing and Coletting Rente. propertTfor SALE. 3 ,pS., 4w,tin-N N-t - to&ttzxEtettmix: V "UUU, AM rsXaStw t tW mm. HHcs) IVs Atam. 20 Jnr aad S zz. 2 1, "r m9m. "e. jj Nank Trraa an saL 22 ISVJuT itZT" "T" N" Trr l rT7r,iTr baadua. 23 llsrrr-HJrT VLts . rrleart ' U- araet. raaa r4. tnt,. "" " " SJS-d. Jit . OO r Jw . "-- Me. Ma,. m NOTlCa-PeonM. . ... aaa b. rurai . ,7"7J " tbl, proper,, iTym7 to""" DR. J. W. BYERS, pvwciA!i:.:AKDs.:Suaciow. Omo. oa ladap.. g,. ; A: HOMfe Monthly or yearly Instal- the city. JOHN W. MILLER. CORN MEAI; AND STILL AT TH SAX1 OLD STAKR" The Laroest Horn m m STATaV at I Itrht atrv. haruavotnalv hatk ft ' 4 ' m ed rooms, and a j TABLE UNSUKPASSX9 JBy any Sootbern KossL Ia4( ami sumia iwwwiwwa w saeaawi v and commesxial toaaratts. i UaalMi Prepared to uslnl faaiiaa fa W serf aaa .-'rber as me oat as ore, anal M, Pmlm aaa, v. ., . . Mason 4 oarouna ckntxal a, s.ca Oaacaaflaliartiite Watkts4 Traama. FEED I ORGANS - 1 Heir I MM lit Batbeu4 Train . No. St Ha.14 Dee. it, till. (datlT - Ratharfardlaa L Shelby l- Liaoolataa "5 Ar CSartotte Le Cbattoeta Le Wadaabara L Hamlat Ar Wllasinfioa tut SaaaaJ f 4f aS S II I4S iff Tralaa No. 41 aad )l I alaa al Hambt. bstwaaa CWartotW r , via Raleli Tralas Tralas No. II 4a4 laaMWaKMI at Hamlet, to aad aateara.- 1 broatb rMapata- Cars batweaw aad Chalotta aad Charlotte aad R, r. W. Class. Oaal rW. Astat, aMaaa al fcaaatfc aH - . . . s f 4 No.4 "p j reo. 11, ill, dailf dairf Seaaar L. Wllmiasioa ffmT l- HaiahM ' 6 41 a MSB l.v Wadeabora 7 aa 1 If Ar Charlotte si I $1 i. CaarkMM L liaoolatoa L Shelby Ar RutbartordlM ' C.DnsjSb,-. AH atllt Braaatstl . Pbail-iar4if. t Chsrlorts P&int ni OU I' 1

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