CRAYON PORTRAITS. ' Call and see bow Fine and Cheap they can be bad. , , FRAMES. f- 1 have the largest and beat assort ment of Frame Mouldings in the ' State. Canvas and Crayon Stretches made to order. t, VAN NESS -'9i N. Tryon S- - " Irlotte Council No. 1048 s lit and 3rd Thurs I at 7:3Q p. a, it Y. H. VOLUME t. MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY a8,, t8$V NUMBER 43. L BnUdln jr. : " 1AI MM1 I jihrfiumi i i) I i.'iMiM imi i . ii'inniiii ni (li l il il h'iii n mil, mini ' ' j .m. n'M'. i j'i . i ' i iuihiiiii n i . .; 111 jij.u nn . iimih , 11 i i ... i ' 1 1 J m "J.m im " ' ' ' I J""U. 1 1 i 11 i i i n i in , i in . i , , i,... ?W ADVERTISEMENTS. SW.FAGTOEIES W enterprise of many kinds ising our population ana Ming, four midst capitalists, supertn- ins, operatives, etc., sJI needing durnisnmgs 01 vsnous kused us to buy largely of such Mlafcl x sarerwara. LOCKS DINNER SETS, Cm j Tinnrxi .V and lananned L nranitn. Iron Indurated and Jain Ware, all of which are kd at as low prices, as these Jcau be sow. An inspection onoda will convince vou respective uses and value. By MALL PROFITS I attention and prompt delive te hope to merit a larger share I tiade than ever before, iespectfully, y;'l:ei m r msm Js S. TRYON STREET. Lik for the CHINA PALACE. W LOST. Stravedvesterday. red cow. with horns. Leave fetation at The News office. J8tf bera House, Jour nights only. bendng TUESDAY, Jan, totb, : L-vgsr aa4 Bat Tana Bver. Orfgfixal Espl; Malta H Ma m4 Vumytj, m- US' CYCLONE or NOVELTIES ana i ID GIF!. CAML fHumwen euMAier filVEN A WAV M ts umhaaf issniruai trty alcMM 7 "ill it. , mrrr4 ttum (tkMl MM n M Iff alt UTLER fTIlK JEWELER. -THE: r7son Drug Co. Vmg to our lint and sell hr article at PTTOM PRICES! OFF THE SPUR, A DISASTER ON THB RICHMOND . AMD DANVILLE.1 , ., " A Night Eiperfeac at Mispab BUmf. Ths Terrible Esptttenoa of a Flramaa Uodar tne Wrack A Bnbou wbe waa feting' bia Supper Never Yat , The North-bound ' freight train which left Charlotte last - Saturday morning, consisting of 35 cars and drawn by the big consolidated engine No. 109, was wrecked at the aiding si Mispah, near RekuviDe, at : 9 o'clock that night ; if The wreck was terrible one. Mispah siding is the place where the North-bound and South-bound pas senger trains meet It is a small siding," just long enough to hold passenger train clear of the main Une.. '' WMEKK THE WEECK OCCUSJIED. It is what raiLoad men caO a "pur," and can only be entered by the North-bound train. The north end oi the siding terminates abruptly on a trestle over a small creek. The switch '- was misplaced and the engine turned out on the spar and reaching the end of the track plunged down to the creek bed, carrying fourteen cars with it. Arf eoackino the fated- spot. Engineer W .A. Kinney was at the throttle and fireman H. A. Adams m ahovclinsr coal an the train ap proached tne fatal spot. 1M gineer had Just finished his supper, and had handed his lunch basket to colored brakeman who mounted the forward end of the box car next to the tender and placing the basket between his knees began to eat the lunch given turn by the engineer, fust at this moment the train was approaching the siding sad going down the trade at the rata of jj miles an hour. The pilot wheeta atrock- tha-.OTkclv- with a click rtr, dick., the engine lurched to the nght. and leaving the aaaia line forged forward on the short spur. ONE LUC XT LEAP. - ' The sense of the impending disas ter Hashed upon the engineer in a moment, and he leaped from the en gine, at the same time shouting to the fireman to Jump. Before the fire man could realise the situation, the and of the spur had been reached, and he was buried under the tender. with the wreckage of fourteen bos cars pUed above aim.. The colored brakeman, who was earing his much at the time, was buried in the wreck, and hie body has never yet been rw covered. A TEX BIBLE SCENE The scene of the wreck was lived In Richmond, and was formerly employed: at the Tredegar - Iron Works. He may recover. The en gineer was but slightly hurt The body of the brSkemsn Is believed to have been burned with the cars. The fireman exhibited wonderful presence of mind, and talked to the men while they were working to get him out. He was sent on to Dan vQIe for treatment TO WEECE A PABSEX6EE TEAlM. The switch is believed to have been turned for the purpose wrecking a passenger train. The engine, one of the finest on the road, together with fourteen cars and their contents of merchandise, are a com plete loss to the railroad company. SALE OF BLOCKADE. . r One HeBdr4 sat Fifty OaDoos f Bog Juice Put ap in Banar Kits. Wadsworth's stable is a place where horses and vehicles are kept and wliere occasionally some sharp horse trades take place. Today, however, the stable was the scene of a biff sal of illicit "spirits." The wagon load of the blockade captured at Sugar Creek church by the reve nue officers, several weeks ago, was disposed of to the highest bidder. The wagon, team and blockade belonged to Messrs. Christopher Lowe and J. D. Fraxier, and the whole outfit was sold. The sale was under the management of General Deputy George W. Means. The owners oi the confiscated property bid in ths team and wagon, and the fire water, consisting of Ijo gallons of mountain dew corn and apple brandy, was knocked down to s syn dicate of saloon men. TheUockaders had got as far ss Charlotte from their mountain home, and anybody who might have looked into their wsgoa would hsve supposed that it 1 landed with butter, for. nothing bat butter kits were to be sees. WVs the"' wsgoi" "reached Sugar 'Creek there sprang p an an usual demand for batter in that neighborhood, and crowds hung around the wagon all dav. It waa noticed that some of them went away carrying their butter in lugs. The revenue men heard of k and captured the whole layout, except on old man, who out trotted the whole crowd. One of the butter kits was tapped, and a fine si-tide of corn ran out H The New York Financial Chroni cle of January iVh gives this report of the BMwements of cotton, wtuca will be of interest to cotton sad mul everywhere 1 Movements to lanuary so. itSo. Receipts this I week, 13.701; since September t. 1I8L a.lot.&M; shipped thia week, rible. The enxine turned a complete . somersault and the ears piled down' 101.131; stock January t$. jM,6j, pon and over It, completely cover inn k from sighL Imascdiately fol lowing the crash, there was ss omin ous silence which was broken after time by the groans of ths luckless fireman, who was pinaed down aa der the tender, and ranting over and above the tender were the broken retnalne of nine box cars. Bye and bye, little tonroe of (Ume shot Bp trom the wreck. The tram's could see the firvmaa way among the wreckage, and securing buckets, : THBT SAILED WAT It. upon him to keep hire trom being burnt to death. -Word was sent to ReidsviQa, and ra a short Ume the ReidsvQe Ire engine was OS the scene, sad was playiag on the bwrn- Ins? cars. The fireman remained un der the wreck and lv o'clock Sua day morning, wba he was rescued. When the , rasewuig party had cleared Bwsy. the tars, it was found that the iron work of the tnxler stiQ pi4 im this had to be cut away with cold hUeie. AH this lime a stmm of water had to be kept playing epon him and his rescuer tBAwn raoif THE wttrg til lbs! that one of hU hands had been cat cvft, Sid the fith Wf KU skkarvli rr iNKk 1 t ril rrs I" a "i 5l k t -x 'f tf I'll n I t h S'.l I - A'- Movements to January 17, 181 Receipts this week, 35.94I; since September 1, I7, a.ooj.;; nhip. meats this week, 61. 76; stock Jan uary rt. 39S,o- The above totaa show that the old Utarior stocks hare aVrrsnsra during the week 16,317 bales, and are to nightl.JiS bakasssrv than afthe same period last ywsr. Tte receipts at the same towns hsve been 40, 14 bales more than the asms week Wit year, and since September I the re ceipts at all the towns are ol,5 bales sVir than for the same time In 1M7-, ' - Col fan-A. McDonald, formerly of Raleigh, but now of Oevekad county, was ha the dry today. Col McDonald bulk the government bona m Raleigh, and h spent some time today givkf hie nperiencee to Dr. Wilder, seperintsaJent of the Charlotte public hnading. Gew-eal Deputy Ceo. W. Measa, f Concord, Is st the Buford today. Mr. Sol Drwker. ane of the wnll knnww sabwvvMi of fornv days fat Charlotte, Us returned Iroa Oor gia, and is with Mr. S. Wittkowsky. Mrs. D. R. Harrw returned home toiUf fnmi trip io 5arbury. Mr. M.a. O. M. S.I!-f vn yrtlrr (r I Cumtia. to U in at- t!m . ii'i ... U ot Mr. f " , ' 1 ' 1 ' ! BURGLARS' WORK. TWO REMARKABLY BOLD ROB- ."I .. BERIBS. :., Mai. Dowd's Raaldencs RoUwn of Bilk Drama A Burglar at Mr. Ucbstan. stein's. Saturday night was rainy and dia- agreeable and burglars took advan tage of it to operate in town. They did not wait for the families to retire, but nvsded residences while the rnerupers oi the household were sit ting n, the rooms reading nnd chat ting.1 Two residences were invaded. A lot o : silk dresses were stolen from the r sidence of Maj. C Dowd. and a tbi I was surprised in the act of helping himself to silverware in the dining room of Mr. M. Lkhstenstein. Mat" Dowd arrived home trom Raleigh on the 9:30 o'clock train on the fp-'flua Central road Saturday nigbti and Mrs. Dowd had prepaied sapper for him, which was served in the sitting room. While the mem bers cf the family were all collected in thin room, a thief entered the back ball where the gas waa burning brigfaQy, picked up a gun and car ried it out to the back porch, then returned to the hau, opened a trunk and took out three net ailk dresses, a hat and a quanjrV of velvet. The dresses cost Sif t. The thief caped through (ae back garden, but dropped the jet and some velvet which was found next morning. The police kHowed the tracks for a con siderable distance, but finally lost them ii the streets. This robbery while the house wss lighted up, nnd the family were in the sitting room. About an hour previous to this. burly Jsrrro raised a window to the dining room of Mr. M. Lichaten stem's1 residence, on B and 10th streets, sad entering the room. bghted the gas and comoMOoed help ing himself trees the enverwsre on the sideboard. He had first thrown a trunk through the window out into the yard. Mrs. LUtstenstetn, who wss in the sitting room, heard a noise. and on going to investigate, found the negro in the dining room collect ing her aflverware, Upon her ap pearance be leaped trom tne window and escaped. ... ... . . . Tne ponce think tney nave evi dence that Maj. Dowd's burglar was A CLIMAX IN PRICES! f GENERAL CLEARING SALE. -fiW'Wr. Tin? mm sonars im of ib ciafe We have determined to make a clean s' Winter Clothing before March 1st in order to seep of our entire stock of , nuke room for our - LOCAL RIFFLES. There were several flames of snow today. The kte Rufus Y. McAden's estate m ssid to be worth over one million doIlarB. Free sterwopticsn exhibition in front of the opera house touig-h. It b something fine. Yesterday wss a rainy, disa greeable day, bat the churches were well attended. No night service w. held at the First church. Col Frank Cose has sent 1 dosen blooded horses from bis West era Uiv to this city to be sold. They are at Davidson's stablee. Louie F. Detrick, of Baltimore, ho owns the celebrated President Madison farm, "MoefpelWr." wear OraafS Courthouae, is at ike Central. Passengers who came in from Grtenaboro today my that a brutal murder'of a woman occwrred in that town Saturday night and thai it ere Bled a good deal of eicitetnenL Messrs. F. Km snd A. Gottsckalk. of Waaftincloa, the anitts who freacord the First Pres byterUa church and the Central Hotel dining room, are here In trvaco the Lutheran church. Mr. Jobs lleathiaoa, a Charlotte commercial tourist, was in a wreck on a Kentucky railroad one day fast week. . He was ei posed to the wrathef for anase time, end as cow sequence il now laid sp with skkueas kt S Kentucky lowa. One of the attractions st the rn ltBiet of ihe sxliee of Tryoa Street MWt church, at the haS over Cray's shoe store tocrKwrew sht aiH be the mC forni.K-! t iV.e srn irTbs of the Crv!t Ur,'r- Ai al'!.m ir n tun 10 fMia. - I tNa t' - t a i-"! " : the ali.r 'Ilea a 1. -. SPRING CLOTHING.. We depend on the low prices we name today to accomplish thia result' Every dollar's worth of these goods must be sold, positively without, reserve.'''- '. ' " Read these prices and remember we only advertise SOLID FACTS, Men's Overcoats reduced from $7. $&, o, and $10, to Five Dollars. ; r; Every one of these Overcoats are well made and perfect fitting. .. We sold them at the prices named last week. " ' ' 1,000 Men's Sack and Cutaway Suits reduced from $12.50, $13.50 and f.15.00, to Ten Dollars. Three Hundred Men's Suits reduced from $18.50, $10.00 and $22.00, to Fifteen Dollars. . ' " This Suit includes the very finest qualities o Imported goods, im Cheviots, Worsteds and Cassimerea, they are made ana trimmed in the . highest style of Tailoring Art Sacks, Three Button Cutaways and Prince Alberts in different shades -snd patterns. They are the greatest bargains ever offered. BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Includes the largest assortment of Medium and Fine Goods ever shown in this city. We are heavily overstocked in this department and -consequently have made EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTIONS. 4 v 1. vn Bov s Suits itati mn. Cheviot Every Day Suit at $1.50 Fancy Cassimere Suits at $3.95! ; Scotch Cheviot Suits, 3.50 Corkscrew Dress Suits 3-75 Three Piece Suit 6.75 I mpored Worsted Suits a.30 too Pair Boy's Knee Pants 4 to 11 at ascents. 100 " 1 4 to 14 " 50 ' '' 100 " - " " 4 to 14 " 75 ' " loo " " " " 4 to 14 "$100 B0Yji WAiSTSWtJhaveJargeline,pf Boyf Waiau whicksrnoflsr .; at a great reduction. Prices reduced in all depart- . , mentn. . ' :" W, KAUFMAN & CO, LuAing Clolbiara, - Corner Central Hotel, CharfoCe, N. C . T. L. Shiglh & Co. P. D. and J. B. We carry to U lines of the celebrated P. D. and J. V B. CORSETS. They produce sn elegant gracefol -nd artistic sLpe, They never change their form, are carefully made of Lioien ContiUe and fit with snnrw ease nnd comfort than any other. Dr. Wamer'a "Caroline" nnd "Four-m-Hand" are still very popar-a 1st snd great setters. We carry a lull line of War acr's goods. CORSET WAISTS for children. TO THE LADIES. W U iMlna AT niS il ulaf a. SaiMaka taSi Wifaae Swaimi - I XJ IkM mm km Safe talM. hm ImH, m4 I W-Ie In I ault mm f 4 Sulll. . w ' mvtst mW fmWEft VI eBaWV tBBMBa fftBSMl nBttn m m mmnmfwmmmmnmmtmmAtmti9.m J I mi W nni mmm MM, IUwmmM , y I pkfSavA Wr, sa at aa avjS Um mm ma . , I at aS Mmm ml M 4 Hww - . f 1 rraaa aa4 ViM k h mmmt mmmm. Uai f v ,r-M"GILREATH a CO., J Soccrtaors to Pegram A Co. m 16 S. Tryon Street - k f SETVED. ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE ELEGANT HAND-MADE' uoiiaLaIipHbSt ninoi .ROES, I heae are beaulual biters, very styuah, and sold aauauaJly low for the . grade of goods. , Our Acme last for real dreaa, is the perVct DttMig Shoes sold m thin narket. This is acknowledged by every that has worn them. We kern tnem ia the dineren wtdtks and all Ue sues from I to a. When in ned ot a haadsoms pair of talking shoes it will pf yoaCto see oars. ' CRAY A CO. to East Tbace St. It Is WeJ Uodcrttood IEwybod that B. NICHOLS ELLS FimNTTVRn LOWER THA ANY OTUEU HOUSE IN NOKTll CAROLINA, " A aa n T mwr, a ' Prrmrmt 5f, Smm Mmm Mttm AV. Lmmu 7V. t"Ai, aW mtmrjUMf tm m I irtt- CUit I mrmiMrt ItmU. u. Mr , . C.a i . M-l r-i --. . i r- l?iH.--' C1 N.C