CRAYON FORTH AITS. Call and see how Fine and Cheap they can be had, , , FRAMES. y ' I have the largest and best assort' meat of Frame Mouldings in the State. Canvas and Crayoo Stretches made to order. J VAN NESS , , ' N, TryonS- ;onrMCAi;oi nn H Wlotte Council No. 1016 i 1st and 3rd Thurs i at 7:30 p;m.,atY.M VOLUME r; THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 311889. NUMBER 46. I Building. NEWS. . W. ADVERTISEMENTS. m J'tf mi jtijh""iVi ,u " " ' -""- ' ) the Public. ave recently fitted ud another and have increased my herd to ad. I am now prepared to tell AM, Y ' SWEET MILK, , , v. BUTTER MI tK. e Dubllc mar rest assured that as determined as ever to keep (thing connected with my Dairy the highest standard. I give riry my personal atteouon. system of delivering milk in is lbs best system. I could not se the system of delivery in Vht jars, ' -! - ' WBT HOT rVKCIASCXOUl ; V id and Toiste ','"' '.: ''' ;roat-- "h. morse&son, Intu wood work and as rood k as vou can get anywhere, and fis money r . tiafaction Guaranteed. bite and Marble Carving a epe- brk to your own interest and ex our work and get our prices Ptt.chasinr, and if we do not (hat we promts do not purchase us, but if wt do let us fulfill iromise br furnishing' you with 1 yon need in our une. . Respectfully,' rT H.MQRSE a SON, - Charlotte. N. C opposite Poetoroce. 31 - psrior Wm Flails. 1 linear P.Hv teraev Wakefield iii ever oRered in tpu aij. tin nUnt h.a hmtm trmnaulanted are worth twice as much at those have not been so handled. fa per Cabbage punts Of the nrwfua uri mm nfluman l Sunnwr mnm ritif Tomato lis. Egg Plants and other planta p very cheap, still on hand. 4 Wreas VY. VY. ritlre-K, S. CoIWe. . or at Tsurora Car. - . If . , I fan e f1 - SUTLER THE JEWELER. v VMSBaSWaaaaSWMaBwMaav v TIIE VihonDrugCo. VEdea In eter)''"1? ging to our Ln nd tell fry article at ft'' OTTOM PRICES I lUBV,iliONl::iGCO LOCAL RIPPLES. Bell's Marionettes will give matinee tomorrow afternoon. . 1 -A great many country people were tn town today, and the mer chants had an unusually good bust ' -One of our bid citizens who has a goosebone says we may look out for tough weather, between now and next April. ' f The ladies of the Tryoa' Street Methodist Church are fitting up a pretty study for their pastor, Rev. Mr, pool, The front of the Southern Ex press building in this city, is draped in respect to the memory of the late Tt os. D. GiDeipie. . Today, jj, years ago, the big snow of t57 began, Snow was on the ground in that year from January 31st to sometime m April - ' Capt S. B. Alexander has been appointed by Cor. Fowle a delegate to attend the quarantine convention at Montgomery, Ala., on the 5th of March. ;. 1 ' v-" There are a dosen young men in town who belong to the S A. E. fraternity. They will give their first reception tonight at the residence of Mr. fas. Carson. : The county finance committee today concluded the examination of the affairs of county treasurer Mc- Clintock, and lound them au correct The committee wCl brin on the iberifTi books tomorrow. Mr. fsarsaav A Charlotte ladr who has lust re turned from Greenville, S C, reports that evangelist Pearson is meeting with great success with bis meetings at that place, and is doing some won derful work. Another Charlotte Udv lelt todar for Greenville for the simple privilege of again bearing the great evangelist Ttaa PtmH Umn TU k CaMoav The Alpha Cotton MOW were for mally started up today, when cotton was fed to the machines for the first time. The first cotton was led to the mltu bv Mr. C Scott the vice president and the interesting occav sioa was witnessed by a large party of spectators. The Alpha U now in rood workuur order. .T fee Victor m 10 foDow shortly. laasas A. Mr. Taa. A. Robinson, who was formerly employed on the Charlotte Chronicle, has severed hia connec lion with the Durham Recorder, and announces to his frkads of the press that he is ooea to enrareaacwts. Mr. Roblneos) la poIUhed writer, sa energetic worker and S good newt gstherer. VVfkope to hear of him driving the pendl soon again. DaaM 4 Ca. Ctofft. Cant Robert Hark, whose serious Bliiess was noted in Tut Naws a dsy two Sffo. died at his home la Laarinburs? vrrJenlav. He wU be buried b Lauriaburg this afierooon at 1 O'clock, with Masonic, ceremo nies. ' : '".. Cant Clark bad beta a suBerer for some time. Iron cancer, and bad received treatment la Charlotte that tmgtheoed his life for several years, He War a jaa0y. Cspt Clark was one of the most popular men in iha amnbvm! of the Carolina Cen tra road, and WM Hktd by all who kaxw him. lis bad a great many frWeda la Charlotte. His tile was In sured for about M,ooa at J- Mr. G. A. Diss ham. a prominent citisen of Salisbury, Is si the Central today.' ; ; " "; Vtrm. S. &. Tanner arrived U the city yesterday, sad Is the gwwtof her lather, Mr. h Spencer. F B. Dirwett Oaxinaati: C. IWhL Dasviik; E. R. Hard, hmond. and I. D. Uortom, Rkh- T W moo. I, are sf the Buford. Mr. W. V. Ht, of SuteeviJle, b iheCtrl P. Win Cmrsd, of Wintloa, Is at lf C"tft M Kt J.r.e kft t"xU1 ' ,m I I'.i'-; 't n Grnt. S. C MR; GILLESPIE DEAD A JPROMINEMT , KZPMSS PAIBBt AWAY. MAN CHARLOTTE'S DAIRY8. His Death m Celumbls-His Body to Reach Charlotte This Bvsalns;, sad to ; he Burtsd Hr Tomorrow, .y ' ; Tboe. D. Gillespie,, one jot the most prominent men connected with the Southern Express Company in the South, died at his home, in Co lumbia, ; S. C, at 8 o'clock this morning! Mr. Gillespie's serious sickness had been' noted in Thb News, yet bis friends here were alto gether unprepared for the sad news of his death. He was attended in his dying hours by the immediate members of his family and a large circle ot relatives, Including Mr. snd Mrs. O. M. Sadler and Miss Hattie Elliott of Charlotte. " ' Mr. Gillespie's body will be buried in FJmwood cemetery,' this city. It will arrive here, under escort of rela tives and friends, on the 5:30 train from Columbia this evening, nnd win be conveyed, to the residence of Mr. I, a. Elliott v Mr. Gillespie was known well and favorably throughout North and South Carolina, and was one of the most popular men in the service of the Express Company. In 1868 he was appointed division superinten dent of the Southern Express Com pany, for the Eastern division, snd be filled that office most acceptably until 1883, when be was compelled to resign upon account of failing health. His resignation was received by the company under protest and was not accepted until it waa seen that it was a matter of absolute necessity. '. The company would not consent to entirely relinquish nis services, and shortly afterwards placed him In charge of the Columbia office as luperintendent which post tion he held up to the time of his death. Mr. Gillespie was a genial man, an aflable and pleasant companion, n man of rood ludirment and one whose business sagacity was notable. He had a very wide acquaintance. and the news of hie death will be read with sorrow not only through out the Carolines, but wherever hia name was known. He was married to a daughter of the late Major Jamea. A. Sadler, of this dir. who, with three boys, sur vives him. He was a brother -in-law to Mr. O. M. Sadler and Mr. I. A. Elliott of this city. The funeral services will be con ducted from the. residence of Mr. Elliott corner efTryon and Seventh streets, at 1 1 o'clock tomorrow morn ing, and the friends and acquaint. I already commenced erecting booses. ancea are mvtted to attend. Mr. Cecil it a hard worker and means I business. His enterprise win be on wholesale scale and will be an im- A.aiaae at th Sprtaftlal, When gist Cows srs KeptHow if i Umatfd. - The growth of the dairy business at Charlotte during the past few years has been something; extraordi nary, and no city in the South can show a more complete or more relia ble system of dairying than that pos sessed by Charlotte. The dairys of Chariotte are unexcelled. ' One of the oldest and most popular is the Spnngdale, owned by Mr. McD Watkins. and located 00 a beautitul farm one mile east of the city. Mr, Watkins yesterday took n News re porter through bis dairy, and it is a pleasure to speak of it The dairy is admirably arranged, and is cer tainly an interesting place to visit The cows are abeliered in winter in two large barns, arranged especially for the .dairy business, and in them the reporter aaw sixty bead of cattle standing in rows of four at the feed troughs. An automatic collar keeps them in position, and while it allows them ample room for eating and resting', it prevents them from goring each other.' The device for keeping the stables dean is a most ingenious and perfect one, The feeding ar rangement is alio a novel thing; the whole herd of sixty cows can be fed in ten minutes. The barns are sup plied with ensilage cells, root cellars, etc The feed is cut by machinery, and hay is luted trom the wagons into the lofts by a pair of machine tongs that lifts half a load at a time and dumps it where wanted. Mr Watkins bought this farm in 1881, partly 00 credit, and commenced business with one cow. He does not deliver his milk in jars, "because. he says, "milk should never be put up in air-tight cans until it is thor oughly cooled, to that the animal neat may escape. There is n greater probability of the milk being tainted when delivered in air-tight jars. His cows are staQ-fed summer and winter, being fed in winter on aflo, the best food known, and are always fat enooirh for beefl "Messrs. Ecdes St Bryan," said Mr. Watkins, "have been taking my milk for more than year at 13 cents per, gallon, in preference to the milk that they were s-etanff at so cents." Mr. Wstkms is also a' good farmer. A good many acres of his bind have netted him from f 30 to 6o per acre in clover. Brick aa4 Terra Carta Warka. Mr. Cecil, the brick maker. purchased a$ acres of land in the eastern suburbs ot the chy snd is ar rangurg to eatsblish a brick yard and terra cotta pipe factory. He paid f too per acre for the land, asd has A GLIMAX IN , PRICES I T GENERAL CLEARING SALE. 3 A Pwe nhwv. A performance of unusual Interest w!8 take place here Saturday night when Mr. Frank May will appear, supported by a company of grrst strength and ability. As Mr. Edwin Booth takes first place fa the classic drama, so Mr. Frank Mayo U In the romantic drama the ablest actor speaking the Eagliah tongue today. The subject of (be performance b the 'Royal Guard," a dramatic form of AWssadre Dumas' famous anastsr pieca, the "j Guardsmen," in whkb Mr. Mayo will appear at Dartagaan, the young Gascon, one of the most delightful sad Interesting eharacter prod weed In the actio of this cen tury, This performance of Mr. Mayo s has received the highest nrslae frees kadinff Critics of the country, and the prod act km win be embellished wkb new scenery and costumes of the most pkwrreque period in French history. TV Chattem OsMwa Msrha. There wm a remarkshly strong tone to the Charlotte cotton market today, Liverpool was firm and ad vaecieg, and the local mar Vrt rvled firm sad strong , with a healthy feel Ing. The receipts by wagons wte Ij babe, the quotations ruWdi S'f .t M ! i .r v porta nt one for Charlotte. Today's Ptr Alarm. The Up of the fire beU today at noon brought out the engines and reels in double quick time, as a high and cold wind was blowing at the time. The alarm was Caused by the burning out ol a chimney at the resi dence of Mrs. Sarah fttfidsoa. No damage was dome. TVa Haw KattUa Mala. Messrs. Jonee A Lock wood 1 new knitting mills are now running, under the wperwtendeoce of Mr. T.'J. Neeeoa, with Mrs. Anna Strew burgh as foreiady. ' The firm expect very shortly to have fifty bands at work. A wwran at Payer Saw Ha US. . It was Just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but tt saved bet life. , She was la the last stages of cVmsumption, told by phruciana that she was incurable and could live only s short time; she wt(;hed lew than aeveoty pound. On a piece of wrapt paper she read of Dr. King s New Piewrsty. and got a sample bottle it helped her. she bought a large bottle, it helped ber mors, boucht another and grew bet ter fast cdtttinwed to use It snd is now strong,- beehhy, rosy, plump, weighing ISO pounds. For ffcUer twnicuUrs td Stamp to W. IL Cole, drvKib. Fort SwiiH. Trial httle Of this wtWvrterM I h. oyer J Free at fUirwrn A lunu's drug store. 4 if .... .: Tn-g. , , lilt ,lf' leU tmrli Af ) Wf ttMi Dollars '-M of.-Hn .BJffiii We have determined to make a clean sweep of oar entire stock of Winter Clothing before March 1st in order to make room for our .1- SPRING CLOTHING. We depend on the low prices we name today to accomplish this result 'S Every dollar's worth of these goods must be sold, positively without . reserve. . . ..- ' " Read these prices and remember we only advertise SO Lit) FACTS. " Men's Overcoats reduced from 7, $$, $9, and f 10, to Five Dollars. We Every one of these Overcoats are wen made and perfect fitting. sold them at the prices named last. week. . 1,000 Men's Sack and Cutaway Suits reduced from $12.50, $13.50 and $15.00, to " . " Ten Dollars. Three Hundred Men's Suits reduced from $18.50, fjo.oo and $2x00, to Fifteen Dollars. This Suit includes the very finest qualities of Imported goods, ha Cheviots, Worsteds and Cassimeres, they are made and trimmed in the highest style of Tailoring Art ' T ' Sacks, Three Button Cutaways and Prince Alberts in different shadea and patterns. They are the greatest bargains ever offered. . - - BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. ,. Includes the largest assortment of Medium and Fine Goods ever shown in this city. We are heavily overstocked in this department and consequently have made - EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTIONS iv- 500 Boy s Suits 4 to 14 years. t . Cheviot Every Day Suit at $1.50 Fancy Cassimere Suits at $2.93 Scotch Cheviot Suits, 3.50 Corkscrew Dress Suit J-73 Three Piece Suits 6.73 Impored Worsted Suits a. 30 too Pair Boy's Knee Panta 4 to 11 at 25 cents. "" '. too " " "410 14 " 50 " 100 " " " 4 to 14 75 " too " " 4 to 14' $1.00 BOVS WAISTS We have a large line of Boy's Waists which we offer nt a great reduction. Prices 'reduced in aQ departments- -...-' r. W, KAUFMAN ft CO, -Leading ClotMan, ' Corner Central Hotel, Charlotte, K. C. T. L. Seiglk & Co. P. D. and J. B. We carry tun lines of the celebrated P. D. and I. a CORSETS. They produce an elegant graceful and artistic shape They never change their form, are carefully made of Lines CoatiHe and fit with more ease and comfort than any other. Dr. Warner's "Caroline" and "Four-in Hand" are still very popu lar and great sellers. We carry a toll line of War ncr'i goods. . CORSET WAISTS for children. " TO THE LADIES. W. mm mill IS Sr mSl alnM T Sm iiSI 1 WSm Swat, Sw kmm I . MmaMMaa,HM I -- Twmm m haa Sricfe mktm. Im bkv a4 ' '. 1 tohf hil ! M at mmtf mI SHU. a aw I mmnaw ( im km mti.n,- bwa.Wwl.alliMiii l nwll . ' J I mmt Si i my. aww mmUm. IhmmiM Vf m S I ' Hilil i ia. WilmaiMMaiMin. ' I mi ft aa SHmh. aM . - . X I kM'aaataai Tiwakaa! Vaaaaaw,! IIMatltna GILRbATII A CO., Successor to Peg ram at Co. 16 S. Tryon Street wl III . J is East TaAtt St ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE ELEGANT HAND-MADE UMEr warn Bnnci m These are beautiful fitters, very stylieh , nnd sold snuciually low for the trade of roods. Our Acme last for real drwaa, ia the aiost perfect frttinf Shoes srM in tkia varhet Ins la sckaov hedged by every mm that haa worn theea. We keew . t'wra ia the different width and "all if a sisea from t to 6. When in need ol a handsome pair of walking shoes' it will rtyywe.tostwowrs.1 - , GRAY ft CO. It Is Well Understood hi Evtrybx!y that B. NICHOLS SELLS FURNITURE LOWER THAN ANY OTIir.R HOUSE IN NORTH CAROLINA. Xfy aAvi k awav w-Alei tw "er rvW Waa flirm A. Part JaatS, iWl, AvSS-staet, .Wt, lmmti, 7'aJ.Vt CUwt, mmd ltrylXMf a S J tttt-LUtt wraMArrv J . ,-..H. I M m w n I f-,-- a i m I t. m mi "lef. 17 Wrt Tn !t rtrtP irtatts, N. C 6 t w-'

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