. CR4 YON PORTRAITS. Call and see how Fine and Cheap they can be had. , - 1 ' -f -FRAMES. I- II , ' I have the largest and best assort, ment of. Frame Mouldings ia the Sute. Canvas and Crayon Stretches 3 te Council No. 10461 ,t;imd 3rd Thura- 7:30 p. m, at Y.M.I VOLUME t. TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 5,. 1889. . NUMBER 50. uuhiv iw viwi ! vmy i iay ;..,. it N. Trjroo S ilding..: ,. 1 , t: NEWS. int? IDVERTISEM ENTS. COL, ROBERT M. OATES t Ml M4Mt If I imC t MM of Woofs.... MM Mftfles ImWmff Mtajma) aWloff44 , kua as aaantrt att auasaUlanw bttileslluM. XmHVW MWtVVlM n to uM(wUtfM Iwibf mm of Co., wi V wwmn as Mm aa rin SmiS fnr iiaaskwS. TRADE MARKS. wr part M M m I M Sks WU iaiim MO ca., ran at, a. T. ' FOUND. Folding bey for ore door. Apply at this 2 a . K04U MES BUY Elected President of the Pint National Bank' Mr. M. P. Pcgram a Director. CoL Robert M. Oatrs succeeds the late Rufus Y, McAden as - presi dent of the First National Dank Charlotte. He was elected this morning- at a meeting of the board I of directors held in the banking rooms. There was a full attendance of the board and CoL Oatcs' election was unanimous. Col. Oatcs has long: been identified with the bank ing attain of the city, and all. who ! are familiar1 with his business qualifi I cations know that he will make wise and an able president. . He is one of the most successful business men in Charlotte and baa exhibited great skill aa a financier. The gen eral opinion is that the bank has se cured good president; Mr. M. P. Pegram, cashier of the bank, was elected to fill the vacancy hi the board of directors, but this election is not to interfere with bis duties as cashier, which office he will I continue to fill aa usual. -A NICE LOCAL RIPPLE. ai FaJ Oraral HAVE about one dosea on I nd of the aoo we bought and buy one of the twelve very The $16.50 once fou can y for S 10.00. Oners in ion. We lose money on kit our trade has been so good afford It, and then EY MUST i GO. jr goods going very cheap. have now a line of Sample. fdy to take your order and Iny style suit you wish, at the fice. t it guaranteed. C. A. DIXON & CO. UTLER 11 B JEWELER. Mary 0. Cressfield, of Sardis, has been elected a teacher in the colored graded school of Charlotte. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary Society will be held at the Y. M. C A. hall to morrow evening, February 6th, at 4 o'clock. - Mr. C M. Bridgera, of Oxford, N. C, has leased the old Rankia stand is the Johnston Block, and will open a dry goods stoc within a few days. The cold wave tut Boats over the signal station today. The indi cations art that the temperature will taO about degrees by 8 o'clock A. M., February 6th. Mr. J. H. Vaa Ness rebus prises were drawn by the following parties: Mies Annie King, lung wood. N. C: John R. Marrie, Mc- AdensviDe, N. C; Master Charles Frasier and Miss EIIl. T. Cheshire, Charlotta. Tint ThomweO, colored, was ar ravned before Esquirt D. C Max well this morning upon the charge of trespassing upon the land of J. B Hartmaa, and aasaultinf John Younsr. He was fined a penny and Costs is each case. Wav Rhea, of Cleveland county, who has been serving a term ia jail her for violation of the revenue laws, " today took - the fcuolveot debtors oath before United States CommiMiooer D, C Maxwell, and was released from custody. -THE-l Mrs.' Charles ftieJap, of South Carolina, Is bt the dry, viewing her I airier. .Mr. Richard Myers, on Church street. Mr. S. U Pressoa has gone M New York, to accept a poaitSon fas a Isffw funutore house there. Mrs. BeDc Nance, of Cheater, & C, is yWtlng our dty and is the neat of her cousin. Mrs. W. R. (it son Drug Co TU New York MeaicaJ Courier oJ January fjrd contains a foil page lithogrsph engraving of Louis (inert , brtxher to rVofcaaor Caertwer, of the Charlotte Female Institute, and who Is one of the leaCng spirits of the Charlotte rhilharmoak So ciety. The Courier apeaka very bisUyof IVofVasor Caenaors tal- eatt U Icsdlng edtlortal W. A. Wri-tht, of the Brush Eire. trie Ufkt company, and U, IL Wade, of the Thorn peou Houston company, arrived at the Central last EdcxJ In everything be- 'gt. to our tine and iU hr trtidc at Taa CWWm Cmam Mar. The CharVxte cotton market was "way out of sight" loday, as em of the layers expmsed k. There was a skarp re in the quotstiona, and the market ruled Inn aad steady. The receipts were 64 b1 M jttom prices 1 crsr&n,.'. . . THE bVNOOICAL ORPHANAOE, i ..1. i. 4 1 A MarHng to N Hcl4 Tomorrow Nif bt , to 8cks ita Location at Charlotte. v A meeting of the Home Mission Society willvbHiehHrt--Uie- Second Presbyterian church tomorrow night, and it will be meeting of some ir poitaoce, - One of the interesting subjects to be discussed and acted upon will be the proposition to estab lish the Synodical Orphanage in Charlotte. This fact sloue should attract a lull attendance. Other places In the Sute arc pulling for the Orphanage, and if .Charlotte de sires to secure It, work must be done and that without delay. Fayetteville is making an especially strong eflort to secure the Orphanage, and a citi sen of that town has offered to donate land upon which to erect the build-bigs. It Is generally conceded that Char lotte is the most available and most convenient location for the Orphan age in the Sute and that this is the proper location for it, but unless our citizens take hold of the matter in the proper spirit, the Orphanage will be likely to go somewhere else. Tbiai is a matter that should engage the attention of every public spirited dtisen, and it is to be hoped that the meeting tomorrow flight will result In' good. The Home Mission should be encouraged in this movement in every wsy possible. The meeting will discuss other in teresting matters, and will adjourn to convene at It o clock mursday morning at the First Presbyterian church, to discuss the subfect of se curing a general evangelist to fill vacant churches. The call for the meeting tomorrow night is signed by the following com mittee : Wm. E. Mcllwain, C D. Parks, A G. Buckner, J. L. Wil liamson, R.A. Miller, JmxL. Brown, (aa, R. Hutchison, Joha E. Oates. Following win be the programme of the meeting: Opened with reli gious exercises; electioa of chairman and clerk. " Subjects for discussion: I. Shall the Synodical Orphaaage be located within our bound? a. The duty of thoroughly occu pying Mecklenburg with Churches and Chapels. j. ShaV we have a general Evan gel whose duty it shall be (a) to hold exposed points; () to explore territory; () to hold meetings there not practicable for Pastors to donor 4. The place aad importance of the Church and Manse Erection Com- ittea. 5. The inadequate support of this cause and the remedy. THE RICHMOND TERMINAL. City AEafee. At the meeting of the board of ' c iw e v. v.un. aldermen which was in progreae uhen THE Nkw went to press yesterday afternoon, Mr. Ceo. WUuams was elected alderman from Ward 3. to supply the vacancy caused by the death of How, Rufus Y. McAden. The subject of the proposed new law regard to the election of cotton veigher was brought up, and after m discussion, a committee was sppoiated to drsw up bul and re port to a tpedal meeting this sftrf . The committee toOay decided to let the Legislature do as k pleased in regard to the proposed new law. no meeting wul be held today. TVs aklermeu. Mayor McDowefl nays, appear to be in fcvor of aOow. mg the law to remain as it is. The D. A. Tompkins Co.. sppbed for the privilege of setaUUhtng aa electric light plant in Charlotte, the kes to be run ehhef on poles or snder growad, a may be found beet. This was referred to a tommitwe A motioo made by aWerman CLwksoa for sa amendment to the dty charter was tarried. CoL Brown moved tnat le Legis lature be petitioned to P act authorising the city to fond at J per ks per tent Market Mouse bond, whkn amounted to 10,000. nd are due in lJ0 AWmea Drox'i mcKloa a carrot A Bait Braught to Matte tba Byadicat Oive up its Charter. A number of Philadelphia capital urts, represented by Mr. Samuel Dickson, have brought suit against the Richmond Terminal Company to make it give up its charter. Mr. Dickson declares that he will win the suit The Richmond Terminal has threatened to destroy the Norfolk and Western, and the recent suit of the minority stockholders of the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia 10 prevent the company from ratifying the lease to the Richmond Terminal was the outcome of the contention. The minority stockholders won, and the Richmond Terminal ia now ef fectually enjoined from diverting the traffic of the East Tennessee road. The Richmond and West Point Terminal Railway and Warehouse Company, which may lose its charter, was incorporated by the Virginia legislature in 1880, with authority to acquire stocks and bonds of railroad companies in the states- of North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, Alabama, Mis sissippi and other states. It was or- ' ganized in the interest of the Rich mond and Danville railroad by capi talists concerned in the latter for the purpose of scquiring control of rail roads not directly connected with the Richmond and Danville, which was prevented by charter from acquiring any such. Subsequent amendments atborued it to increase its capital stock indefinitely. It at present control 4,697 miles of railroad and water lines ; has a capital stock of 145,000,000 and s large amount of fuoded debt Among the more important lines coo trolled are the Richmond and Danville, the Virginia Midland, the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta, the Colum bia and Greenville, the Western North Carolina, the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia, and the Geor gia Pacific railroads. Since the brokers refused to pur chase the bonds of the Georgia Cen tral railroad, the Richmond Termi nal has used every effort to raise money to pay for the road. It now rumored that the directors coo template increasing the capital stock $10,000,000, snd in that way paying for the property. Raflraa Earaiafs. The ra'lroad commission of South Carolina requires all roads running into that Sute to make a monthly statement of earnings, and this re port of the business for last Novem ber will be interesting : Total aasmaas roe novsMsaa. itss. 1 M ) MI ij lacaaata, ukumi aao nca.vroa. la. Dm. P.C aium a cw, ij.i 11 11 C r a V. V-tey. 44 l5 tce. eas a ass s A CLIMAX IN PRICES! T GENERAL CLEARING SALE, f -fcr 1 we nave determined to make a clean sweep Winter Clothing before March 1st in order to make M of lFin ClOilE. our entire stock of of room for our SPRING CLOTHING. We depend on the low prices we name today to accomplish this result. Every dollar's worth of these goods must be sold, positively without reserve. Read these prices and remember we only advertise SOLID FACTS. Men's Overcoats reduced from 7. $&, $9, and iio, to Five Dollars. We Every one of these Overcoats are well made and perfect fittine. sold them st toe prices named last week. 1,000 Men's Sack and Cutaway Suits reduced from f ( 2.50(1 1. 50 and ; 1 15.C0, to Ten Dollars. Three Hundred Men's Suits reduced from $18.50, 20.00 and $33.00, to Fifteen Dollars. This Suit includes the very finest qualities of Imported roods, fa) Cheviots, Worsteds and CaSBimeret, they are made and trimmed fat the highest style of Tailoring Art. Sacks, Three Button Cutaways and Prince Alberts in different shades and patterns. They are the greatest bargains ever offered- ' . BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Includes the buvest assortment of Medium and Fine Goods ever shown in this city. We are heavily overstocked in this department and consequently have made . i EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTIONS 500 Boy s Suits 4 to 14 years. i Cheviot Every Day Suit, st $i 50 Scotcn Cheviot buits, 3. 50 Three Piece Suits 6.75 100 Pair Boy's Knee Pants 1, 1 , ,, too 100 100 BOVS WAISTS We have a brre line at a great reduction, ments- Fancy Caasimere Suits at li-oe Corkscrew Dress Suits . 3.75 I m pored Worsted Suits E. jO to 1 1 at 25 cents, to 14 " 50 " to 14 " 75 " to 14 " $1.00 of Boy's Waists which ww offer Prices reduced in all deperr l7. Aawtii 04 sw'f. 1 u.f as Aitett aaS CWfcm. tx.uS SS or CW.CaAar-M.. 70 IS Taia Moriffs rwe. A burnio wood house on the premises of Mr. H. A Deal brought out the fire department at 4 o'clock this morning. The outbuilding located very close to the residence. sad fire communicated to the roof of the mala buOding. The department tamed out in fin order and quick time. A serious bUie sverted by ks promptness. The fire was Incendiary. The loss wss slight A Stnf ef r No List. It was lust an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper,- out N saved nrr life. She was In the last stages of consume, Jon, tofcl by pnysirians that she was kncurabJe and could lire only short time! she webbed leas than seventy bounds. On A pWct of wrsppiag paper she read of Dr. KmrS New Discovery, aed got t ssmpte bottle; It helped her, she boes hi Urn bottle, it helped her more, bought another and grew brt feU. continued to Use K tad Is now strong, heahay, roay, plump, weighing ' ISO pounds. For fwlW (wruculars send Staann n W, , Cole, drwnM. Fort, Smith. Tnal tntlr' Otis worxiiffil Iharnrvrt r ree st D jrfl A lean's drug W, KAUFMAN & CO., Leading Olothisrs, v Corner Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C T. L. Seiglh&Co. New Goods. New Goods. iy in vi Each are arriving daily, bacn season than those of the season bcfiire. eiamine our New Cftffda which . brinfi forth FABRICS more beamtiJul 1 1 WHITE GOODS wesreshowW many designs that are entirely ner.-. and never before seen ia this dty. ' Special drives in HAMBURG I.MBROIDKRIES and NAINSOOK . CHECKS Several piece of DRESS GOODS entirety new aad wary pretty. When you want NOVEL! IRS come to us snd we can show t to you. Many new things ia the HOSIERY department and at very low figure. Special Balbrigjraa known as "Perfection," at JSC, It worth ' secine. SATEENS Never befixo in our business history haw we had such besutiful design and pattern. Qualities that miwt be swrpsased. ' You cannot see theae designs aoyw'tere else, at they are rnasiinml to as" uur "iienneaa nnumeo raat u; tea 1, ut grand. Mail tomers should order samples by aO mean. L. SEIGLE ft CO. THE ROYAL DAUBER, THE ROYAL DAUBER, the only Dauber made with pointed mud acraper, one solid knot of pure bri lea, held in place by compression, will not dog or mash down, the only Daubet ap- Cytng a smooth, even cosbng of bl ick g. thereby adding vastly to the polish. Used by all the shoe shines. Price 15 cents. For tale at wholesale aad manufacturers' pricea. Unsurpassed stuck 0 Bont Umi mmA V-k. V'.llu. I C I-V ' w 1 6 S. Tryon Street GI1.REATII A CO.. Successors to Pegram at Co. 13 r.m 10 East Taata Sc ANOTHER LOT OP THOSE . MLEGANT HAND-MADE iu3iy iiiinPEiST mi K:a These are beautiful artera, very sryCah, and sold unusuilly low far the v k ' . grade of goods. Our Acme last, far rwal drat, la the t-mmt perfrct htting Shoan anal ia this oierkel This is ackawwtrdgvd ty every Hie that aee worn tbraa. We p t cm ia IM diOoreat wwtihs sad all the isrm iws, waea at aed ot a axrdjom pair wsiking shoa k i3 f y you to are ours. CRAY A CO. ust Received. Boses Chok4 Florida ' i SfRlNG STOCK OF-i- ' WALLPAPER Now arrfvmg at Cbsrtotie Pslnt snd 0.1 !!o. Oran.rres. The Gr uUrr tm!ty w31 r' s Kins. " a ttMrt t i He V.M.CA. U1 tr. 'U MU!,t:m -!'" a The krk- and twM ld ES that WS ttr er had. he Wilson tmug co i-.r;. .;....:. i (rrisr m ;.fl Af ) a" .1 . A. J. ttALU (Vo4Ml'l!ing ....... "VH