V J f ,V ADVERTISEMENTS.. 1RTEEN IH SERIES. 9 books ofthe Mechanics Per- 1 Building and Loan Aisocia- re now open for subscribers. rrsons wishing to subscribe for I ing and Loan Moc a; will call at lficn of tbt Assocbtion No. .13 a Trvon street (old Bank , of I lenburg.) ' ' , S. WiTTKOWSKY. Pres't I Cochkank, Sec'y and Treas. A-mcha Mi Goods at CosL till make tome Improvement in building tbo cming summer, in order to do thia I will have to t out my entire line of FANCY IDS. I will ofier everything in line for the next thirty days at COST FOB 0A8H. will convince yoa If yon price f JAMES HARTV. Wlotte, Feb. 6, 1889. , im nn 1 1 DAILY . NEW yOLUME t. WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 6. 1889. NUMBER $h CRAYON PORTRAll, Call and see how Fine and C tliey can be bad. , . " FRAMES.- I nave the largest and beet assort ment of Frame Moulding in the Stste. Canvas and Crayon Stretches made to order. VAN NESS - at N. Tryon S. : LOCAL RIPPLES. Judge Wm. Shipp bad an at tack or muscular rheumatism,, Wilmington, last week. Mr. W. S. Maflory has been elected secretary of the Alpha Cotton Mill in place of Mr. R. J. Sifford, who resigned, - Mr. Matlory is a man of business from the word go, and wil make a good officer. I .Parties who desire to invest the 1 Jtb series of the Mechanics Per petual Building and. Loan Associa tion now have a good opportunity, as win be seen by the advertisement of Mr. S. .Wittkowsky; president: A deed tour and t ball leet long, was entered at the court house for registration today, It merely trerov L blowing dust, dirt, hairs from fcred several tracts of land in Meek n " d M3itU lenburg, but the writer wanted the onue m A-nrtna!,- rrt rJ itlnh wrl dona. floore Milk.; uesday afternoon the wind was of anything could get into the dealt out to tne pa iron 01 ura Street Dairy. Why? Because milk is served in a dean, clear bottle,! which is filled by Mrs. pre after the milk has COOLED hour. Is there any room at the in the dairy bosinesr in Cbar- e? " II there la I am going there. an, pure muk is my motto, can tell anybody as to tne quality. (Respectfully, - CC MOORE. SPBINGDALB DlT 1 y herd consists chiefly of tlie ,Jes Jersey. Devon. Ayreshtoe, Jnea and the beat native cattle 1 1 could get. Being thorougbry 1tted to the climate and food tracteristic of this section, thexe ides are not only the heartiest and ibiest, but tne best cattle mat wc set for dairy purposes. Of all animal kinirdotn cows arc per- ri (he most sensitive to a change food and clima t, No cattle oeht from a distance are ilihy and heart' as our native cat I Milk fn Ktf frt from all the s-ey taste and flavor of the food tHifd not only be cooled, but ex- led to the air for at least It hoars. n K becomes sweet and ripe tor I table. Orders for muk left at 1 B. Taylor's wU be promptly frd. . ' MCU. W A 1 Kiwi. ' r UN UAL BUILDITG A LOAN f 1 Association.- Th new daaa is ra and subscriDtiona are now be. I received at the Commercial Na- mai Bank. Applications lor Loans y be bled at time or suoacnung.- I J. L brown, rres L A. C BaKXizia, Sec'y, ; . J-eo. eodtf - -Cov. Fowle recommends the Legislature to make an appropria tion for an annual encampment the State Guard, at WrightsviHe, The governor is solid on this ques don. WrightsviHe b certainly the place. ' K.f ;.' Treasurer Bain calls the atten tion of sherifts and tax collectors to aa act pf tbe uenerat Assemwy, which b in force and effect from and after the td day of February, 1889, and applies to the sale of property for taxes for tbe year iMS. . J Preparations are being made in Shelby for a great protracted meet ing. It b to be conducted by Rev. C Durham, a Baptist Divioa. He b a fine preacher , and a good man, and does great good U tbe church work. - He b corresponding secre tary tor the State Misdona.v--A foolkh musk raTaBtfwed bjdV self to be fooled into believing that gentle spring had arrived a tew cUys ago, and began a stroll about the dry in search of food, but at the comer of East Ninth and D str ike was set opoa by some boys and killed. It was one of the largest of its kind ever seen la this section. SUTLER TlIitJEWELERs -THE Vitson Drug Co. WE Jcal in everything be- Jngjnj to our line and sell jVtry nrtkle at OTTOM PRICES ! KIPPED. i " ' Tb Afent of lb Marie Drag Company Oom. A letter received in the city today fcpm Mooresboro, on the Carolina Central road, state that W. A. El liott, who was employed by the Marion Drug Company, has akipped. He carried a riifht good pile of money with him. 1 The letter says that Elliott got away with li.ooo belonging to the drug company, besides several other sums obtained from different sources. His flight has created a good deal of surprise among the people of tbe western counties, as be was a trusted man and was generally regarded as an honest' agent , Rewards ' have been offered for hb capture, , A Haw Buborftaa Tawa.,.' t ' Mr. f. W. Miller. , the founder- of MiOersville, near the graded school, who recently advertised lots tor sle lr. Thi Nkws, says that it paid him wefl. He has sold off a number of lots, and had two sales yesterday. The latest buyers are Mr. J. W. Woolen and Mr. Thos. Duffy. They win begin at once to erect dwellings od : their new tots. . MiUersvtlle is now one of the handsomest and most attractive suburbs of the city. ' Six teui neat and conveniently arranged dwellings have been built, die streets and walks are nicely laid out, and a pretty little town now takes the place of what was two yean ago a grove. Mfflersvule b a handsome town. Th Mfw TaUfTspb Lin. The enterprise of the New York Hera id seems to have no bounds. Not content with publishing simul taneous editions daily in tbe three largest cities in the world,' New York. Paris and v London, and operating its own Trans-Atlantic ca ble, that paper b now constructing a telegraph line through the South, connecting New York with New Or leans.' " The new line b being built by the Postal Telegraph Campany, which is practically "the same as the Mackay- Bennett Cable Company. Its South era line will extend from New York to New Orleans, including all cities and important towns. As the West ern Union Company have the exclu sive right to run along the railroads the Postal Company proposes to fol low the state or county roads in the erection of ks lines, and to have mounted linemen stationed at inter vals of fifty miles to repair breaks and sec that the wires are kept in working order. A CLIMAX IN 'PRICES! f GENERAL CLEARING SALE . Mr taaM DoSars.M of:l3:(!!:Eri. We have determined to make a clean sweep of oar entire stock of Winter Clothing before March 1st in order to make room for our SPRING CLOTHING. '" We depend on the low prices we name today to accomplish this result. Every dollar's worth of these goods must be sold, positively without reserve. . ; . ' Read these prices and remember we only advertise SOLID FACTS. Men's Overcoats reduced from $7, $$, Jo, and lio, to Five Dollars. We have Plasty at Btocwi Lift. Charlotte b likely to amdanot of electric light : The company already in operation b in creasing and Improving its plant and wul soon have in operation an incan descent circuit Independent of the arccrcuhv The Charlotte Cm Com pany b arranging- to establish electric light plant to be ran in necttoa with the gas works, and the D. A. Tompkins Company has ap plied to the board of aldermen for electric light privileges. 1 Tfc aWtal carat Last MlffcC , . The entertainment by the Social Circle at the Myers residence last night by Mrs. CoL H. C lonea, Mrs. W. K Myers and Mrs. G L, Hunter, was indeed a pleasant occa- 1, and one of the anoat enjoyable yet recorded to tbe credit of tne Grcln. The Italians fiirniahed ssusk and the hostesses entertained ia ex. cQent style. A9 who were present wul tong hold pleasant recollections of tbe A KiaHiaas MM. The residence oi Mr. Ben Wither, on Sixth street between College and A streets, suftered front fire water -this aAeraooe, Smoke seen faauing trom tbe roof at 1. jo o'clock, and the alarm was turned la from box IS. The fire department mad splendid time, and flooded the building ia 'bort order. .The dam age wu slight, more damage being caused by water than by fire, The origin 6f the fire b unknown. Half aa hour later, tbe wires of tbe electric alarm became deranged aad the big bell set op another clatter that brouffht the people to the a. It was a cold windy day, and tW tones of the biff bed made people nervous! .- ' TfctrimPajrwt. ''' The first of the insurance com- naniea to settle the death claim of tbe Utn Rnfus Y. McAden, was the EquluUe, of New York. Mr.Chaa, F. Brsm, the Charlotte agent, today received a check from that company for tbe sum of fjo, 30a 30, and paid Mover M Dr. John If. McAden, trustee sad guardian. - - Aa Insnranct agent telle se that the recent deaths b Charlotte have called for about socsooo from the insurance companies. Tbe cold wave cam along on time, and there wm a big frtese thi morning. ' Tbe temperatuN dropped II degress ta twdre hours, the sig. aal ofBc tnermoaaeter this moraine regbterieg t J degrvee above tero. Ice formd In shady spot aJ day loflff. Our snap, though, is nothing compartd to the weather out Weat, where the mercury rnge rom to to . . iImmm htow seen. rv . t. I w. - . . " vLC Wrt I J UW Th.p.(W, tr iianaMsmm. . "I 5 r( Milling . . .9H(:' rrf, a Hap! at Prr liMy, n j. 1. , -v . Tnmbto Bawin Haaha4 aad Win. Mr. r. VandertNirg limped .up town thb morning and made hb way to the office of the chief of police. One of hb hands was bloody, there was a big knot on his elbow and be was lame in one kg. ' , He claimed that bis wile bad done him op in a fight last night, her weapon being n stick. Thia was the second time she bad trailed hha within twenty-four hours, and be thought that it was one time too much. The papers were fixed up and the trouble win be adjudicated ia tbe courts. Jealous suspicions appear to have been the trouble btteeen Mr. and Mrs. Van- derbnrg. 5 4 ' .' Every one of these Overcoats are well made and perfect fitting. t a . 1 . i ... . sohi men ai uc pnecs namca usi weea. . ' 1.000 Men's Sack and Cutaway Suits reduced from t i2.x!f ix wand Ten Dollars. Three Hundred Men'a Suits reJuced from iS. 50, xxoo and 22.00, to Fifteen Dollars. Thb Suit includes the very finest Qualities . of Imported poods, la Cheviots, Worsteds and Cassimercs, they are made and trimmed fas the highest style of Tailoring Art v , , Sacks. Three Button Cutaways and Prince Alberts in different shades snd patterns. They are the greatest bargains ever offered. :-.." BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Includes tbe largest aaaortment of Medium and Fine Gooda ewer shown ia thb city. We are heavily overstocked in thb department and consequently have made . , EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTIONSw 4 500 Bov a Suits a to ti vear. Cheviot Every Day Suit, at f2.y Fancy Cassimere Suks at liOS Scotch Cheviot Smta, . . 3.50 Corkacrew Dreas Suits . . t.75 Three Piece Suits 6.73 Impored Wonted Suits so loo Paw Boy's Knee Pants 4 to II at S3 cents. 100 " " 4 to 14 M 50. - ; 100 " - " " 41014" 75 M too - " " a to U ' tt oo BOY'S WAISTS We have a huge line of Boy's Waists which we offer '' . , .. Krcat reduction, trices reduced in aB depart , asents . . '- , . W, XAXJTUAB & CO; Uiding Clothlen,- - .Corner Central Hotel. Charlotte, N. C T. L. SEIGLK&CG. York, who b to charge of the King's -KT - r -.J a- J tin mine, b at the Central 1 1 O W. VXUULLb. JM OWLVTOOOfl. rmmmmX at. Mr. John A. Hales, who recently went to Atlanta to accept a position to a large watchmaking establish- meat there, b aoeattog with to hb new home. Mr. Hales b an expert watchmaker, and hia Char lotte friends win be glad to know that hb talents are being appre ciated, ,;V Prof. Jao. H. Forman, of New M today, Ta Uaww is Tbe members of the Hornets' Neat Riflemen were tost night entertained at the noose of their chaplain. Rev. A C McMaaaway. The spread a bountiful one, nod the Hor PtM at Maaiirmn. - P oeugnavs evening. t imit lia nm to on the A I Tkr' " tX attachment between Tin ,ku W tvoort toeiiccnetsanatneircnapiain. nr. ,ktt ih. M a hi, dteenl ther McMaaaway b a geekl man, aad no over a fir as th train reached that I f0" ta, ' AWwarawstackarlhe."wuu,""P,M ban of Mr. R, !L W. Barker burning, and th whole town wan owt trying to save the barn. They did eav k, too, but it took hard work. The origin o the fir was not learned. Daaia tl aa Larue New reached the city yesterday nf the death of Mr. John R, Pollard, t hb home to Launnbarg, tost San- day eight ia bis 36th year. Mr. Pofiard was an engtneerosi the Rich mond and DeavOie road for a tong time, but had been with the Caronna Central road for the pant eight year. H was a good man, and was popu lar wnh an who knew hkn, Ta OraSst Caawaru , - The concert at th Y. M . C A haB tort night by the CraUr kmily. enJy-4 by 0,-at a good an- tfenc. though there were not so many present as the charscfer of th twletubiaaent oVaanid. Profoasor GruUtr b hUtaca o mwaknl gvatda, sad hb fcaaily b muaical on. Its gives a very tarUiamg Coacwt 1 I It J T I tUv. L MUCwawa. Information received to the cky b to the eflect that Rev. L. McKto- non, fonweily prnaident of Davidson CoOece, b u3 proatrated ' with rheumatism, at hb boas to Samp son county. Ia bet, ther baa been ao toiprovmnent to hb condition to a long while. He has been a great suflteer tor several tears, aad b now nttarty a:xU to walk. ' TVb reaaedy b becoming ao w8 known aad so popular a to 1 special eaentton. AB who have ward Uertrie Bnters stog th 1 of Praia, . A pwrer'osedicfo doe not ta4 tad It b traaesatawd to do sn that at dmiaMO. Uectne Kilters w31 curt ail dawaaen of the Liver and Kaiaey, wul ramau fMrnptoa, both, salt rheum aad other asectioaa caaaed by Wnpwr Wood. Wul malaria won the ryvtem aa aa wQ a tar aj malarial For ewr wf head ar ha. coaaaifiation aad todigvatxm try IJactrk haters. Lntiet satMStrtion enarantaed, or rafuatted. Pikw aoe. aad ft. 00 par bottle at Bwrwvfl A Dana's drag star. tM a Caiyaw. Coatrthwtnr H tnm farv fin grt aWa Afa. m gn a Mft ft ft . ,4 1 t-ra ' '. Yon are cordiaDy invited to cell and examine our New nwwW hk-k are arriving daily. Each season tiring forth FABRICS aaort benntiful than thos of the season before. I WHITE GOODS we are ahowing aaany desirna that are entirely new.' and never before naca to Am nt. Special drives to HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES and NAINSOOK CHECKS. Several piece of DRESS GOODS entirely new aad very pretty. When yon want NOVELTIES come to aa and wj can tkov thesa o yon. Maay new things to the HOSIERY department and ( very tow nrurea. Special Balbrie ran known as PerfcctionL" at . Iikmnk seeing. SATEENS . Never before to oar ban ocas history nave w had sack beautiful deaigne and patterns. Qualities that cannot be uniiaaeiiiL Yon caanot see these designs an yw Sere etos. as they are oonaigaej to waT Our Hearietu" noished'Faat Back" to nst grand. Mad order cm tomers should order samptoa by all means. T. L. SEIGLE & CO. THE ROYAL DAUBER, piIE ROYAL DAUBER, the oely j. Laanber made wnn pomted r, one sohd knot of pure br tie. to place by compreaaaoav win act dog or assaa down, th only UauNer ap Piyunr a smooth, even coaung of b,Vk- ' tag, Ukereby adumg vwatly to the nvbah. Lwed by aa in shoe shines. Pnc st crab. Fnr ..U . .w-.u 1 fntVaaSaVpT2T ' UXk f" S6oM 'd RUr tfi S. Tryon Street a - W V 1 ta Eaar Taatx St. CILREATIf CO. Saccaaaars to Perraja;Jt Co. ANOTHER LOT OF TllOSi: ELEGANT HANLVM ADIi mix umm tm s::a Tbes are beavtuul attera, very stytUh, and sold nnuanaly tow k th . grad nf romia Our Acme Ut for real th- U ' laMt perfrct tiling Shom .:iu i , . TvL 1 1 11 1 tout. 1 iiwwiriii rr nr v that ha wnrn thm. , l' p 1S1 to tha rflTrrnt vJiK r,.t "l i. Uea from I to 6. V'hn ia !-. 1 04 hsdo paar of aalkuig 5or it p y yon to e our, CRAY A Ca usi Received. JO tot Choice Florida Oran A I SI-RING STOCK OF- r i 1 n a nt:n Nv O"! 1. t ! C 1 i; .. i I i .