CliAYON 'WJiTKAJJS. roll and aee bow Fine and Cheap HT1SEMENTS. Ujcy C4n be had. f - ,-OOD. . WOOD d. S P,er 60,(1 ; e per cord, tt our andBstreeis. . &CROWEU CANUM arlptte i 1046. meet tonight tendance requesieu. 5, MALLORY, t, mi Secretary., I HOUSE, iugU ot the Beuoa. fjr, Ftruary y. Iahminioton 8 CO UvM VanfaaVttM Play VOLUME u " THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 7, 1889. , NUMBER 5. - I have the lafgct od I beat assort ment' of Frame Moldings m the Sut. Canvas and Crayon Stnrtch made to order. VAN NESS 21 N. Tryons- ; LOCAL RIPPLES- A NKW AOQIMO TROuT.. PPhD rht of the Moon "bODUCINO I 5 ,!! SPECIULTIK! fsALLY COHENi , L Coterto of Come- j dlABs, ' tl and to cents. 10 sdvaocw- ai m I! fcNTH SERIES. . r si- UaB4ilfcftl Pcf' n and Low Assoda- a --'- inr uihafnDera. .lT.:..- . mSarrih (or QMI1IK W t - Unrk will nil at . - L .r- fold Rink of r . , fTKOWSKY. Prt't . jtAKK, Sec y and Trees. Kre Milk- nn-v. - ft. fmi he dual, ain, nan. "- tones apd aU torts of V .0 direction, but not ting could get Into the k.. itiji niironni uir rut . t" Dairv. Whyf Because ' . . 1 .u. amed in a am, ... e it I L. M. t .1.. nw kM COOLED F .l- . there any rooai knuMM in Cbar- jher ia I am folof ther milk ia my . " Uxlr aa to tnt - -,"SkJpped by the Light ol the Moon" will be aeeo here next I nan- (iav-evenioc. - '"" " ' ' TUrn ;tat SartltarV convwiuon klnaewton at Raldeh, Charlotte In not rweaented.' " .""r' " . l.-!-. It i time that worK waa oemg commenced on the bunding for the ji The boy are ioik . vTakatlnir. It the weather holds cold or a day or two there will be plenty 01 ice on oe la railed to the ftdVCT' .i W t. Mutual Building and uaciuwt w. - ----- , . r,. Loan AjaodatSon-x Parte wkhinf to Invest- win find this gooa a- it -i-Tbe Wilmington Meaeenger says that an earthquake shock waa felt in the same hoof t shock was feported in Charkstoa. ur Tlll4t won Mc- L..C . Krat rebut DrixO." nd SC- viwwmm : - ... 1 . nat vaaCu. Mrs. C L curcu a w Hunter woo second prise, and was .warded a water art. Mr. DeUgle Sidler took the third pnse, a 4.iTlf-. . ,- c- v Cnitii. wha has been confined to his room at the Bufard lor sometime with rheumatimi sad Ifcrcr, ia able ait up, sod will fcare thU evening for uewana jp.k. His many IrieoeiB wm o g w A are expectro 10 Dim Reading to-.ight Irons 8 o'clock wttbont nmner . . AMfitftv are know. II m S pmij -" .w"-a. -- , , el to aB who come ffl be "tended warm welcome, ana -' " . 1 uJami i entertain. . Re rreshmeou of various kinds furnished at s reatooable price, to 1.-; . 1 l .ad treat him to hot i.a -4 Mflce. &c Don't forget the Bumoer, y7 street tWHyora How4 Jute. Combination t StiU Allva ani Klektaf j f tn.i' furmWi of : the South put in kMr ili-Wa last season on the WiH "- ' : . bagging trust, and tney aoow .. .1.. hnt tlwra Will D new uy ii wiwh m-, -. , . . eomUnation tor them to fight next season! The Boston Commercial;r Mnlauis the case in mw wises On the twelfth of January we anoounced the termination try nmiis- at iho hamnncr comDtnaiwn. Tk. -nntnrta with several of the :n. ..M that ot the Louisville Bagging aUnuiactunng to expuro !..., and ther attemDted to VUWHM.'l luHat mOre favorable terms to the .;rhr mneerns which tormed the ..uNia nf the compilation. ' la con- seouence the combination qniedy SjaVaSMPV W a .-."'(.. : (Tbe eight firms in question nave : twM miirttr rjurchssinff the en- mim " i y - tire supply 01 juw wm and in Calcutta. In this they have ... AA - and the entire wonas innltf nf lute butts is now owned by "rr'" them. TbeLedlow Manufacturing .v. n1v lanre mills that has xiA th combination is fully supplied with meteriaL but the mills that broke the combination have now rirl hrtweea enterinff it again on the terms the eight choose to give them and ceasing to manufacture for . . . . , .La, lack of material. At we oow , mmbination had about tS vrrta ol bacvinff left OO hand. . Having bow seenred control of the total available supply ol mate i 1K0 niuatrious eiarht sre in a po thioa to dictate terms almost if not quita as cfiective as the okUombin- T,) r.n,.tJ ladliiies in India are o much improved that the entire jute . . t e tl. trt marKn DCiutc Instead of slowly dragging along till summer. September is the earliest date of shipment of the crop worn ' . ... , t aaf COt. CHAS. Application MaJ. fcf W Admlttaaee to Dm Wtttrm Worm tarouna ih Aavlura. ..v.. - a m .nni;rinn for the admittance ""-1-1 ...,.f. of Col. Chas. K. Jones, wine .U'M.4f rvenlina Insane AsY'lum. CI U Al V " ' . at Marganton, will be forwarded to Dr. Murpny, tne superipiw - afternoon, i oe sppwauw affidavit of ut. 11. m, r .-v . ,ir u Wader, Robert 1 Jones anu . . tt Dr.. Wilder riasi u.... ...mined CoL tones, sna klm rnaane. Out of .-M-.Un fir the family. The yUUWWWaww - M...,. mul. tu. mention Ol WC mav ter. preterring to waitnntil Dr. Mur- phy could oe aeapa that that would oe ampie umc. The old editor s unaouotetuy ou Indications of, the overthrow of his reason had long been apparent, and the final collapse was not unexpected to those who bad watcnea mm. mind . bad . been. v"0: months pasi ind quite recently both ratod and health broke, CoL Jones 1. - .w.rl nhvairal wreck, and 1buku m-r' r-i the asylum Ss indeed the best home that could be secured wr nun m present condUion. Dr. Wilder, ia Lla racwl nl . tjie mCUMaU tjon, says that Col. Jones imagines himself to be the great man in the &th and that He Keeps wl"7 with the crowned heads. 1.. ..,.kl o the doctor. ''I UC niwa.- slept last night with my teet against . aw S . I t.A. the ribs ot Queen tiissoein. anu bad tb'rteeS ribs on each side." He b not violent. The fceWe eooa.iion of Jim constitutroa makes viojenot on his part next to an imrKbTy vet h maMS a .unpiraaaiu -. .d laat aieht he delivered s heavy blow on the head of his soo Robert with an iron ring. It ' s pitiful carf. and one that twochw the 1. nf the eommuniir. n A CLIMAX IN EBIOBSl : f. :: f " ct.nFral clearing sale 1 " , Tit! fcail Dlai! ffoii of 'Fiis ME. . f .. : . -J ..awt nf nmr entire StOCk Of r-Wr have determined is nuci i k - - SPRING - CLO 1 HlNO. ; reserve. r .- - ,h- we only advertise SOLIi FACTS,, Read these pnees remember we 0 M Men't Overcoats reduced from fj, f, Vh B;, ,w - , , 1 quality. 'CC MOORE. - - ITLER n jeweler. ' MacUaaatori MhM. I The mbing editor of the Salisbary t u mi thia sccowat of the Mecklenburg mines: "They are .: mod success at the IHIUN w aj- itaaJL. ..laa. Matmcer RoUias aad CarC- Warrea are-giving tM v attssrtioa. to the Duatnesa. arttr w v.. anft Mt been RaWBMd at the CbapmaJj mis- Thia Is one of the best prospects wm - . : .ml hundred too oi re la tight that will ran from 10 The Grant ame orw -tted at Indiaa Trail work sad (buad to cootsia l pwta. goia. s trsce; sulphur. 41 P V" . v.Laku Ait Cilimain " . . A rabW collection of imntature u M ..hibltioa at the art lc.J.H.V-Nm. p-". r".: r..sTs. Dodge, art r , jTo TJrt artist is the feth of Mr. E. . Dodge, of Charlotte, tad aaj w ingty an a ,-r-- . oa Ivory, sad wane very a-, e?. tach. la the collertioa-a POT S' S . . . . . . Ta trait of Mume .. l. . Mlnabla one. tad aasbeea tttraeUafa grew " - sttentloa by U trt crwes. - . P.W-nlra. from the new crop of i?9 wui eot take place till January, I V U""1 aext January, therefore, the smaller combustion of 189 is likely 10 be able to control the marset tar glng quite as effectively as the larger lag Congress not wtery to oet7 .L. manufacture of this ' ' . , v.-J rountrv bv tnrestemnr iu the covering of the cottoa crop to toe Indiaa Jute Msauiacture naw U U nrahable that cotton r 1 : .m aold this vear at a "SSM,S " , ' . c ,ka manuLscturert De- iuwts a" , . ing ao woger forced to get oaca .,l.a tn a ainele vear. Last KULtl w j a - . .-.v. kin.imn rharwed as bica TOUHW.""" thirteen cents t yard for two pound ' -. a f . ta l lak w iha, uvlam wiB be era ut , . - - ed.ard that, under mu" - trcatiaeat he will be resiorea w former se'J. ; ' ' Pr.-uauaaUtilartae . The Bmdford mmuy w" 1 nmented to the BCW com easy of Cabarrus Black Boys' the . .1 L. a .- kw n camea ibtoukb i 'a - . . . Wm ih fent eomDasT " tv ar two of these iUgs. one of silk, made and presented lo k mHl CM KS iK- of Coocord. This one ha a history that wfll ioterest tbe bearer Mr. Bradlord. tbe color-oearer. w captured ia battle, and ressamed a lor many weary ' EvercmeVtheaeOve ,Uthem.ttbepn . .: Loooiuenso- ,- , . .. , ,v, r - Ten Dollars. ; ; TnHundredMen'sSuiuredufromt'.S.W ' Fifteen Dollars. ' ,h- vrv finest ouaUties of Imported goods, fa g stckKree Butt CuU-.y Prince different shade. ,ad Patterns. They sre tbe greatest bar, ever offered. BOY'S AND CHILDRXirS DCTABTMKNT. uds the Uret Msortroent of Medium. 2 v ,-vowa is thrteity. We are heavily ovcrrtocicea in u- r , consequently hsve made ' EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION, j ,- . 500 Boy , Sub A ton years. c - " CEveryD,ySuHi5 forDI-. ?$ - Scotch Cbevi.Su,t,. ., 3 5o Twuts Three nece su"" . " ' . . , as owata. ,OO.a.r nor . , - .. lit' - - .:; J to .J- fn - , tw xr s tttm a w A no LAadint? Clothiert. - T. L SlilGLH & CO. New Goods. New Groods. aH and examine our New Goods, which r- a i r -' You are cordially mvjteo w cau " . : " , M rivw daily. Each season Wspw r"A.l ia this ciry. ".:nf the an before. I. WHITE GOODS lit- a KawArura j tkj art tniimr nrw, many -T wo,,r- c mrbOIDERIES (nam iinves is nn.uu"-" . rttECKS. Several pieces of DR KSi pert,,. When you -am r, w Z, al at verr hrw o TO. Waav r -1V.' lST- - Itbwweth Snt SENSb BROIDERIES and NAINSOOK iS GOODS eatirdy new tad very S come to u sad we caa show rauaa "ch rjr-"u?ATM tbev are Drama I". 1 - . 1 m wv - . 1 t . mA II. u thirteen cent t ran. K two p . uunng m u T- , w w- n ms. - T. U &JU-fc ia. . Taisorice has already de-. u th Uiuag c4 lus coat, uua nag. - no-a--jiz -1: 1 1.0 ta thrw cents a yard, -w, w, kia heart, and brought . m. . Va I L. TVa rather BaC. IsohDrugCo. jM-iiva ftras occurred la 1 wm w" , Cabarnst eonn'y yertefoay. A . al amaaarrtlmraarT ! 14f pv-- mine..ndAheMmer,rwtma,wm burwed. Tbe " the river. W one bvmu -7 Crowea mine. The W-W sfttupposed dUfw. ! " rlr.1 in erYlhinir 0 .aa-tlalll ' Tbe Charioiie cottoa ""'"- snl. firm loday. tt ' tJ Tbe receipt by " ' 7 Lu There wae Baggiag made from jute buns can be told at from eight to w -yard tad show Uir profit to the manufacturer. t-v n..tLa; aava that tt the very lowest calculation it takes thirty-five thousand tone yearly of )uta buta to cover the cottoa crop 01 ww-". laav IS. CMatt. TK- rawJ of Coocord wiU oe Wf 4 u tk. CJlowine. which we copytrom the Raleigh New. and . t. , "A luusdsomely framed crayon portrait of this gentle. I-..!, iha Suta Library Bta waa -a " , . - Ja wjterday. Opt OdeB has gWMrav a - devotion ol those towers " oo Jid knot of pure bridles, vieldcd their lives aadef its weary klj j, pUce by comprr-aHW. wiU no l .LI. Look ins- OA these sacred cVr or ssaah down, the eJy Dauber ap- .. i- ir..kwl ... rrn I I.Tm a amooth. even coatinf Ot ta ck relic tne " instinctively to the mind : . taalaaaulw. tirt X to our linfl nd l, .n one Dersoa ia the state towards deveVoplof' out ssaaulacturuig Urtemts. luvwg l i M 1 ha Una. tt the age gt-n rw of twestr ooe be stsrted ta carve out 1 iuu. How he suc- .i ta jimm bv the feet of the .... or honor tad aumeruu , bnrutaowheldbtblm, V". coflheCccord Nic4B-aka rv,.n f.f..Mfarur(n (.ompaev.Lmo lKU I", a. m - lum Cottoa Compy, Msaufsrturinl Compstv. SelUbury uin. mA aaa tw two OthefB. IOUOU F"' " ItiMlCaptOdeUealered theCc-v and was elected rap- toeaen soouia nrorr wy. "7 " -. . THFROYAL DAUBER. cj The other Bar. earned through au,.y Utiles, teiurno nAUBER. the onlr KrO- and reU DT saaliS l I L . 7 : .- I ... . 11 in sjst awiavnaw wna isniiira -- devotion of those tokbers 1 JL " one saint knot of pr br - a-4 tT. A4aiSlaaaaeaarf. TSMgS Uaai an a, Ua rtiala 1 " addina vaatlv to tbe polUh. Used br all the ehoe shin. Price 15 cents. For amis at whobssW and ia. met 15 crarv rw . . I nufcrturer pric. Unvarjumawl stock of Boots. Sh aarf RatiMea, ' Tnal t-ar- Hf fats Trunks, Valise tad Sample ttS. Tryoa Street GILRKATH ax vw, Suo-for So rtrra A Cav ir.nie AjTMtxoag. fiva year old j t.. Mra. ArauAronA'. ot Sugar Creek, tu HgmraHy scalded aiewdsyttgo. TVey were hiUiog 1. ..J kul IMMHTS roacaw aT-v . . l .v.. in cniu onnnm mw . .4 ... Waanl alssost to death. f :. . -rv- SliaUkepttJivatyasurpawi .a aelghbur say hef screams were k..rt-.ufin& She wu stive at last a.,. ktsiatertothekdy m a who watbittea by a cat a lew oays staca. -- ' " Waaaa Ttaae S WakV. . T. Naara' WashirtttOB COTTS. KXMWnt. WTttlng wader data of the (Jv, sari! -seaator 1" - .iw ifnUf. s the first time mm: East laata be L-t t.r.AMT HAND-MADE m iilwpeist ruin c:a Tbeac are beawUM ausars, rety scyuaa, . and sold aauauaBy low for tha sadeee" .roods. Our Atvae Ust, ue rml tlram. U th pet emi-ar ' ar. . 1 ... ! I a..! k. .a . rrt. 1 aui m a. - - that bae worn th. We ha w m the d llka aad aa lha . v a Vk. U a-xi rt a K.tdoM pair of watting sko It w J niyywataeawvwra. V , GRAY A CO. fust Iteccivfc? y Bji Choice Florida SI-RING STOCK OT WALLPAPHR How errrriftg st Artkltet waana were JV - . SO tbaMTS l.. lalaofCompatf , .r... ItU am'i'iaa M WS bat a). kia ere Waa taava a .V t Tk. kLa. rVM. lie WW an Charlotte rrtnt end 03 tv . r-t l ""l to Vl kt kiA l a ....Ki. his sccumukioftt be aUe to iml ' the Senate. " " ( M i a4 y.'.'i Ar Orangeo. rady and Urge, tad tod.y he We t ITOM PRICES! codMv.w'-g. mkm,,, ... . ; t"" :5 '.: :...:..'- raprrtilve of the lypcai a.- A. . rr au. ChMir-a g-atiTnsa.