THE,-''"3MIL. - NEWS. A I Call and tee how Fine and Cheap they can be had. ' 4. FRAMES.- -1 nave the largest and best assort .rTENTVAa eight-room L . CwnkiruWt and mcely M. C A. HALL. .went of Frame Moulding in the State. Canvas and Crayon Stretches made to order. VAN NESS iN. TryonSi. VOLUME 1. MONDAY EVENING; FEBRUARY it, 1889. - NUMBER 55. ADVERTISEMENTS. 3EB LE0TUEE3 A Pop11' Lt'in!,' DERICKA.OBER rr isih-MatineeV'Adven urn D the West Indict ' 4. r these Lectures Ut be - jKv eiehtv lunerb views, 'tssoMng lantern of the moat ijvelpiitcrn, and the views pro J noon a screen containing 600 bvaakuled operator. CES Th Lecture on Mexico t indudcd In Star Course. ; childis JtMniTT MjiImc. Ailult, . v , no - Chlldraa . i ...fjo -aHAM Ttira KatottaiaMtttt , I , i. J r ... TJ t , 4.. 5 f;0F. W. E. LOESSER, (Or New yoke.; U rW s ennd Soiree at Acad lit! Friday, Feb. IS. 9. tit commencing at ft m h All lovcro vi uiiKUEiii t" . . -! r d tot mm uiis opporniniry 01 ;M ihe rrofessor tor in vita- at tan guarantee a pleasant tr. The Professor baa aa un auble School and Soirees at m young gentleman or lady bittte to attend. Each will anted with a beautiful pro m of the evening. Tickets 3 rent and Fine , aid excellent floor. - C ( Mil rt do offering a Una of the ii&tr of Glassware made la , atrJ States. Nearly equal in asctto the finest deep cot a s trifle of its cost. Also ! oUris, Tumblers. Champagne, t, Cam sad Wine Glasses. &tt lot of Handsome Cbam- jost received at . i fi Hew Chins Store. 1TEENTH SERIES. uackt of the Mechanics Per ,! luQJing snd Loan Atsods so open for subscriber. -was wishing to subscribe for td Loan Slock will rail st -a of the Association No, 170s street told Uank of ) v WlTTKOWSKY. Pree't Csmuai, Secf and Treat, CSS UTLER TOE JEWELER, -THE . 'fan Drug Co. tvtrytMn be wf line anl acU J II A DIVIDEND DECLARED. Msstlng of ins Dlrsetors of lb Cbar lotts, ColambU ft Augusta Jtoa4 Te flsyVscsncy roisd. ' A meeting of the Board of Direc tors of the Charlotte, Columbia Augusta Road was held at the office of the company in Columbia today. Among the Directors present cre A. B. Dadson, 3. B. Springs, M, r. Pegram, and LeRoy Springs, of Charlotte. , There was a large at tendance of the Board. ' The reports of the President as to the. condition oi the road-bed and rolling-stock, and the financial coo dition, of the road, was most satis- tactory. ' - ' iM recent earnuigs were sucn as to assure to the stockholders a rega Jar dividend of st least four per cent U not more, upon the capital stock for the future, i.. The Directors at the meeting today declared a quar. teriy . dividend of one dollar per share payable on March tst .This action of the Directors Is very en couraging to the stockholders and shows that the Charlotte, Columbia ft Augusta afUirs are picking tip. Dr. John li. McAden, of Char lotte, was elected a Director in place of the hue Rufus Y. McAden. . - Senator Vance's trtenda here will be glad to read in- our Washington fetter, that he was able to resume his place In the Senate last Saturday. The Woman's Guild of St. Pe ters Episcopal church will meet at the' residence of Judge Shlpp on Tuesday afternoon aT 430 o'clock. Capt R, P. Waring. 'assayer of the Charlotte mint, leaves this after, noon lot rhHadlplua. to acf as one of the members of the government committee.,' ' T ' Mr. Geo. K. Brockenbrough was called by : telegraph' to Rkh mond last Saturday afternoon to attend the bedside of his mother, who is dangerously sick at her home there.; . "r". The Criminal court attracted aa nustsally krgw crowd to the court house today, but most of the were hanging around to see what luck the jury lottery would bring them; and u each case k was cither stay, or go boose, ; The sympathies of our commu nity will be extended to Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Stewart In thedeatho! their little son Jessie, which occurred yesterday afternoon at 6 o clock. The little boy was fifteen months old. The tuners! wss conducted from th mklence, 306 West Scv enlh afreet at 4 0 dock Una after- The Rkhsaond ft Danville Rail road Company was accused of en ticing the negroes to emigrate front CoUtboro, to aa to get their tares. oonseouence of this, thai company has withdrawn the special rate and the negroca who want to k-are through that road, bo matter la how large a party, hare to pay regular passenger hre. Pin si rrt OchtMM's. Ur. Brree Cochrane, a farmer Of Mallard Creek township, met with a serious loss by bra, last Thursday. lis old horse power gia house ws burned, and with U JJ kl of hay, Vst of fodder, one mowing nuchlae, lot of plougnj and other Burning Impkmeots. ThfirtS scc-Jcaui. A Urn hand was tngrd near by la burtying brush; the win J tjrikd the (ire to a tree tors and from the tree top h wu blown to thr g!n housa, NoginnirfWas don M ttii Ou Do ing. Mr. Cochrane having mentTy errcttd a gia ne a't tsiU. D 4 Inmw s Ccsws CWU. Mr, R. A. FUnaigsn, a lawyer and t Urw-r, died st hs soma in CsUrtu cwialy at I o'clock this no-mn?. Mr. r)."!gn Cved la tht n !.Sh'd of Mr.' Robert, m ! , r''. who were in CHARLES REYNOLDS JONES. IBB&ssisV Anetbsr Cbsrlotte Editor Oons tm loin . 7 , tbs Orsst Majority. , , Col. Chat. R. Jones is dead and his body is at rest itt Elmwood Cemetery. His low condition . was mentioned in Saturday's News, and his speedy dissolution was 1 fore shadowed, but " the paper had scarcely been run through the press when word was received that the end had come. - CoL Jones died at hit home at 5 o'clock Saturday after noon, aurrounded by the members of hit family. It was hit second attack of sickness in the past few months, -and k had confined him to hit bed just one week. Hit consti tution had been broken down and he fell an easy prey to the disease. The immediate cause of his death was paralysis of the brain. His last conscious moments were on last Tbuisday afternoon, when he talked rationally , with ' this . " writer, and even called him back when he rose to leave, but shortly afterwards bis mind became clouded, and he lapsed into a comatose state from which he never rauieo. Uot jone was 45; years old. and . leaves a wile ana family of children. CoL Jones was a journalist of pe culiar abilities, and as editor of the Charlotte Observer he gained a rep tatioa : that wat not confined to North Carolina' alone, but that ex tended throughout the SoutbV II earned hit success by the sweat of his brow, and built up a paper that Is even now spoken of as the best Charlotte ever knew, where all be fore htm had failed. He came to Charlotte from Statesrille sixteen years ago and took charge of the daily Observer. He worked day and night, and for sometime, aa h. often related, slept oa a bench in the office at night Success came to him gradual! and steadily, and within the course of a few years the Observer had grown into t success ful sod influential paper. The good that h did for Charlotte can scarcely be estimated, but looking back over bis years oi toil In the Interests of this city, our people see a great work to remember hint ty-H. work that should cause hit name to be meotioned always gratefully. CoL Tooes aad the Observer arc both memories 61 the past, but they ill not soon be forgotten. The one will Le remembered as a gener was, affable, open-hearted man; and the other as one of the best friends Charlotte ever knew. .The later yean of CoL Jones' life were foil of the trials Incident to business re verses, through whkh he struggled with his characteristic energy) but his trials are ever. There art no DONE VP BY CONDUCTORS. On Thief Threshed, Another Shot, sd till Another KUlntpjwd Uv!y Tin at tb Junction. , , ' Thieves have been making it lively for the Richmond & Danville freight conductors, in the vicinity of the Air Line junction at this city, and last Friday night the conductors turned the tablet and made it lively for the thieves. One rogue was given aa pld time flogging, another was shot, and still another was abducted and carried to Salisbury where he was The conductors bad suffered from the depredations of these rascals un til they had become thoroughly ex asperated The junction Is the place where the long freight trains for th North are made up, and while the shifting It going on, the caboose cart are necessarily left standing alone on the aide tracks. A certain set ot thieves became aware of these tacts, and for weeks past have made almost nightly raids on the cabs. A few nights ago they made a complete haul, taking a new suit of clothes and everything the conductor had in his cab, including half a dozen photo graphs of the robbed "conductor. Things went on this way until Friday night, when the conductors routed the enemy." ? While the car were be ing shifted, a conductor lay in am bush, snd pretty soon he saw a negro break into the cab.. , The conductor started for him but stumbled and fell over a confederate who was crouch ing in the dark just ouside the car, on the watch. As the negro bolted from the car, the conductor opened fire on him and popped three times. The negro tell at the first and third shots, and the last time he remained oa the ground two or three minutes, when he again got op and moved slowly oft. ' The conductor did not fouow him, but a call n expected to be made for coroner Cathey at any time. - Another of the thieves was caught and while, the train hands held him, the conductor gave him a threshing that would have made . the old time whipping post blush. A third thief was kidnapped and carried to Salisbury, where he wu jailed. He will be brought back here for IriaL Nomore train rob beries have been reported 4a the locality of the functioa. ' ' " Judge Metre is at the CcntraL ' Miss Bet tie Sum racy kft today for Chester, S. C, to visit her cousin. Rev. Mr. Summey. . s .Mr. Ed. McDonald hat returned home from the Brewer mine. There are three cases of tneasks' at hb house, and one of his children is Quite skki ' 1 li IV,- tk.-. ...4 X morw Strugs, wr ... - . AlrxaiuW murBl horn Salnrtfav weary are at rest" ' ' The funeral service were con ducted yesterday afternoon from St Peter 1 Episcopal Church. Rev. Blount Cheshire, Jr., the rector. officiated, and the throng itt the church was so dense that many peo ple bad to remain standing hi th sklea. At the cooduiioa of the Impressive burial service, th body was escorted to Elmwood Cemetery and interred with Masonic honors, the Knights of Honor also attend ing U a body. Th crowd around the grave wu one of the Mrgett ercr tsemb!d in Elmwood Cctu lery a any occasion. CoL Jon belonged to the highest W of Masons In Charlott, and each branch of lb order wu represented (n the patl bearer, at foUowt: Messrs. II. G. Springs, John W. Wadfworth, Geo, If. King, and J. II, McAden, representing the Royal Arch Chapter, tad Maw. 5. II. lUton, . S, Lamltektr. tml John ffewwmb, th B!ut Lodge. The burial wat under the Immedwi upmkioa of F.KtWor Lodg, w liUh th drced ,tM a p-t- aer. . '. . 1hu h.-, fv-tsnl awaOnOI U. mutt f tnmirt. fit Hgurrt of Huili'tie. aitemooa trom their Flonda trip. Mr. L f. Walker, who accompanied (hem, remained at Ocmla. Mr. rharr say Florida it a great country, but be woukla t give Mecklenburg coun ty for that whole State. v . ' Mr, Joe Baruth arrived home to day. -. ' ' Mr. C K. Frkk. of the Shelby New Era, is st. lb Buiord. ' Judge Wstter Clark, wu at th Central hut night Mr. A. B', Young, of Coocor d, it in town today, '; - - ',' Mr. Luke BUrkoier, whose srrtows skkneU wu noted In SatunLiy's Ntws, diel th tame day. at kia home in Salitbury. Mr. lUjckme wu on of th moat pmuiuKQt mt-aj of this section of the Suie. 11 wwt weB known tn Ch-rktt, where h hu rclsdves. 1 1 UtMih wks dw tt spopkiy. " - Osrks'i itrt f Ilsx Cgk Ci:, It it a sure rurw lor whoojupg cough. It tni III wUuop nt if mils th child to lea tslrraih. ll is otirfy r-r.nlr (rnd fo unt toicb -utklhoail or o.i rt It heals lh b ifHhl "d Untrv stop the couth. For wwttr r Monrlul eotijn. tat ., tt iJ l"-'t vTf d-o-erfd tx'v n SHUT YOUR MOUTH! Is not a polite expression, but it is plain talk for those who blow about prices wntcn can t begin to compare with the prices we are making. v Just come ana get our figures ana you U OPEN : : YOUR. f That's what we want, wide awake examination of our - . r , Linen Collars , and Cnflfs, Which we have marked in our show case at unheard of prices. Linen . : w; . Collars, standing or torn-down, latest styles, at 1 : One Dollar Per Dozen or 8 and 1-3& Apiece. k. i- iu m i i h a, h ' m w v - n a a az. uni i kk k kiih i k irasw SrfiiiSrfil -h-vn m - ui ai " wav-taw wsw w . - DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER DOZEN. . -:. They'll bear Inspection of eyes, spectacles or microscope. The chil- drvn's jrame used to be "Open Your Mouth and Shut Your Eyes, and see - ' What fll Send You." . We say keep your eyes open and see what W. KAUFMAN & CO. . : sell; you. ' ' At a price that takes away the breath! That' a our game, . and we are . I piaying u wrsui n wrwia. . ( . -. GOODS THAT BEAR EXAMINATION, - . a -PRICES THAT SEAR COMPETITION. , ' . " BARGAINS THAT CAN'T BE ' EQUALLED .' : , . Anywhere, at ' ' . - W. KAUFMAN & CO.'S, , LEADING CLOTHIERS akd GENTS FURNISHERS, . :j'V'! s tT Corner Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C ".';. ''V";- .-. T. L. SEIGLK & Co. :, GREAT LINEN SALE. ' We gave them a sneation last week, but our stock of these goods is so large aad varied that ww will havn n great ndvertoing sale tha week. Those pur Lines Napkins at tj cents a dorrs attracted assay bnyen to this department. Our line ot Table Dsmssk is ten times better lhaa it ever wu before, and we always thought it very good. We are offering taaay bergaios is our Linen Department aad if yon only give them a look you ess sot tail to appreciate them. There are many pstierns that are entirely new and very beautiful The veriety of Doylies and Napkins, and lb low ports on tbcts, snake tbeta doubly sttrsctive. ' TOWELS The best bite of them that ww have ever had. Our 15c Towel k a beauty. It would be hard to duplicate at anything lew than if cents, Remember thai great Linen sale only lasts lh week. See that Linen Napkin at 3 cents per do sen, - - T. L JttH,L& CO. THE ROYAL DAUBER THE ROYAL DAUBER, the only Dauber mad with pointed s4 scraper, one solid knot of pur briMlrs, held la place by compression. wiQ sot dog or niash down, the only Dauber ep piying s smooin. vvrn coaling 01 Mck ititr, thereby adding vastly to the poluh. Used by atf th shoe thine. Pnc 3 eeota. For W at whoW sad maoufacturvrt' price. Uaurne4 stock of Boot. Shoes snd Rsbhcrs, Trunks. Valises and 5 smpl tTa'cs - GILAEATH A CO.. 1 16 S. Tryos Street , . . Seccesort to Pegramlft Co. Tit; 7? i f - . ANOTHLR LOT OF THOSE GHEGANT HANDMADE usiEy laiiiPHin m m These art beawtiful titers, vary stytUh, aad sold smttuaQy low far Iks grade of gtxxH " Our Acme Uo, k rial dil is th swat prrKt slung Shora'sn)t is tfcis tarkN. T " sckaowlnll hy rrtry that h wxrs lhrr. Wt Srrn ibrts I th Oafrtest wtdibt sad s!J .! ,itr ff I to 6. Whew ia sxr-i tf a haadMcs paw f w:Vmg sfs n mi py ye to see mr. ... C.AY oa J u m 14 EAtr 1 BAtt M. fust Received. Florida ERIN'S STOCK OF- WALLPAP1-R tow a torn t t mn wlu low tx-hiod hurt mu.n k Wf;' S til rwimnt till ! ;", Un;( Mil. It jl.rt-s at K. It. fvf .'S Co I Mi;' 4: f. rim l .at K Cc. h 1 V( snd Wi't My scon. (M PRIC1IS! , t I nif-i, .fy. ft f v.l Oiv .1 t Sf J t n;ca. '1 w 3 -t ONI-

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