tt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M'ORTGAGEE'S SALE. Hz virtue df the power contained Sutton the 7th day of Srfeni. M? ,nd du y registered In the officcVMeckknbun, ill for cash t the V.ourt nous in rharlotte on 4ww .tuM.. a lot on Myers street, r ins ivum etlicJ, and known and desig ! gated as lot No, loW Square la;. X Ward No. I. city ol Charlotte. For - ore specific description see mort gage. w. r. FRIDAY. Mortgagee. . : . wtda Feb. 8, iSfy , NNOUNCEMENT. - I We have sold an Interest In our ; (utineu to John W. White, and will (oaUoue tne neavy ana runty Grocery business under . the firm now of Harriett. Bethune ft Co. We propose increasing our business by faring to the reUil trade of th and surrounding country the : Wrest snd best assorted stock ever erned in this market Wt take (bit occasion to tbanlt our many friends and customers for the liberal ttronage extended us, and ask a Inn. Rrepectfully. " BARNETT A BETHUNE. ? at East Trade, ff Free delivery. Telephone ti. f kbit 'IIUTUAL BUILDING AND V M LOAN ASSOCIATION. ; Mew Series or & lock now open. Can st onc and subscribe. Appu i otioos for loans received. i I NO. L. BROWN. Pree't i A. C. Drfnizu. See and Treat. Direclms I. McLauffhlin, J. G. Skaanoii house. P. II. Fhelan, Joslah JUburv. W. L. Alexander, J. L Spencer. P. M. Brown. W. H, Schroeder. fcbiatf. XTOTICE The person who took . l Sunday's New York Sua out of Tin News office yesterday will pirate return it this afternoon or toaorrow morning frbt CAROLINA PARK. - Tin gentleman w ho does not own Ivmnjf hone that can . "GET THERE" ' 3 be Udly left the coming I toe a (r veil bred, lively atep- ten, in my stables tharWtO tank hat roaditrrs. Will . be pleased to naw my horses to persons who SIM food Mock. , i Re) ectfully, C C MOORE. )R RLNT. An efcht house. Comlortabls) and nicely Apply at Ntwe owe. BUTLER THE JEWELER.' -Til Wilson Drug Co. iai In evtQthlrig be to olir line and set! e VOLUME i. LOCAL RIPPLES. The weather today fcaa been dear and cold. : Joe formed all day day long in shady spots. - ' One of the new steamers of the R. cVD.'s York River line, is named "Charlotte," after this city. The new series of stock In the Mutual Building and Loan Associa tion ianow open for subscription. The candy factory of Schroeder a Long has been closed upon ac count ol a disagreement between the partners. ' . The bill providing for the refund ing of the bonded debt' of Charlotte, passed its third reading in the House, yesterday. -Mr. John W. White, aa will be seen by an advertisement elsewhere, has secured an interest in the firm of Barnett & Bethune, r ; '..A petition from the : Charlotte Chamber of Commerce, asking the repeal of, the merchants . purchase tax, was read in the legislature yes terday. - The bill extending the corporate limits ol Concord passed its third xaading in the House of Rcpresenta tives) yesterday. If thai bp becomes a law, COocora town will oe a Dig ooe, sure enough. ', 'V- - A movement is being talked of to change the channel of the Catawba River and bring it , through Char lottc . It k claimed that this feat ol engineering can be accomplished at a very reasonable figure. AH who are interested in the en. tertainmeat for the benefit oi the Thompson Orphanage, are requested to meet st the residence of Mrs. M. A. Williamson, corner ol 5th and B streets, at S:jo o'clock this evening, The grand Jury of the Criminal Court is busily engaged In examin ing rases. ' Thirteen cases hare haan returned durmgthc past two months from the Mayor's court and twenty eight from the magistrate's court of David Guy MaawelL , In the Criminal Court today, me Mitchell the negro who bur glarised Graos Howard) house, was arraiffwed and his trial set for Fri day. Dufl Oone was sentenced to the chain gang for two years, and John Moore for ooe year, both for larceny. Tfcta MaraJaf's FV. The fire alam was turned m at II. jo o'clock this morning, for a fire at the Southern Newspaper Union office. Aa engine located at lh rear door of the building had been Wed with waste paper, and the attendant, in attempting to draw the fire, found that It was too muck for bins. The baSdiaf was ignited and great flakes ol burnlne paper were, wafted over the cotton platform, where several thousand belee of cotton are stored. The platform brigade got out a line of host and extinguished the fire otiore mack damaet was dooa. . One door of the newspaper building was bum ed UU Marrit4 M &. Miaa Ada Vtfrriaie Williamson, S jroang lady who is popular in Char foUCi where aha ha as! maay pttaaaat vwits. Is to be married at 9 'clock tonight, to Mr. Omega Har den Foatrr. Tl ceremony is to be MffotnMd at the rrstdeoc of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs. Ja N. WUliaaaeosu at Graham. The groom is son of Mrs. John BarweH and was one of the prop Wwrs of the At Untie Hotel at Morthead City. VI U Belle Athus wm be oM of the lady rttodaaU at the cetvmoay this even Mg IBS MfT7 V mu ""J m Rskrlsh, her Mr. Foster has Jest cempirttd an eWtsat mUlea. aHaaMHBaT-amSjBa4eHsMaasBMHB TU CkaiSsm Casi Matte. T efy eotton nwkH J strong Uy and bkWS ttv. The tone was frwt. TV rctrs ty ws )ro 50 bal .There was a change la the quotation, whUh r' 1 1 . rm -daily:, n TUESDAY EVENING, BOLD BURQLARS. A Nsgro with a Falsa Beard a Foot Long . lavadas a Sick Room. Some bad characters are still roam ing about Charlotte. Two Ineffectual attempts at burglary have been mad during the past lew nights. The at tempt was bold in each instance Mrs. Hotly resides on Smith street, between toth and nth streets, with her three daughters.. The members of the family were sitting fat the house Sunday night and were pre paring to retire, when one of the girls beard a noise at a window. She went to investigate, and saw a negro man climbing into the room through a window which he had. opened. The girl screamed and the negro dropped to the ground and escaped in the darkness. . Mr. James Hornbarrier is lying very low at his home on Graham street Mis. J. M. Kendrick and her daughter, Miss Mamie Kendrick, were sitting up with the alck man. Mrs. Kendrick had stepped from the room for a moment, and during her absence Miss Mamie heard footfalls just outside the door. A moment later she was frightened by seeing big burly negro open the door and attempt to pick up a lot of cloaks and shawls that were just Inside the door. The screams of the young lady brought the inmates of the house to the scene, bat the burglar- had escaped. He was a big, black n era. and wore a false beard a foot long. The police have been work ing up these cases, but hav as yet met with but little success. . Ta Latsaost LaafW of Us Laughter and merriment wul reign supreme at the Opera House on next Thursday evening, the tth but, the occasion being the appearance in Charlotte of the famous humorous playamf runniest of modern farcical comedies, "Skipped by the Light ci the Moon." This production has been n laughing sensation in all the principal cities of America,' from New York to San Francisco Since the play was last seen here many new features, new' specialties and all 1 music have been introduced, and in fas present form It is every where spoken of as being the fun niest conception that has yet as sumed that shape. The New York Telegram says: "That the piece is fonay most not be even hinted; for lh word funny does not fill the bill or describe the play. It is a phan. taMnagoriaot mirth, a regular empo rium of laughing gas. Moreover, it is performed with a slap, daah and rusk that ar captivating andiniec- tioua. One has scarcely time to J breathc between laughs, and naught ' is left in the minds ol toe spectator an hour after the performance ex cent the recurrent echo of uncoa- troOabl laughter." Ta Cto at taa Uyttal Sarrtca, Very few people who observe the big arrow snd the revolving cups over the signal station In this city, hare any idea what the signal service costs too government A Signal oncer states thai the cost of the sig nal service to tb Government must Com pretty dose to a year, lie had no exact Information on the tut ject, he said, but he thought that the coat of one averagw office, with stationery, Ac, must be nearly iaoa day. There ar about 150 office in operatic outside of the Washington omc and ili day (hi would cost Uncle Sam about fAoooo day or f 1,100,000 yean Upward ol soome am employed in la Washington omc and it is not likely that this wouU cost p,oov 000 year mor. A f MUJa7 Coaaaoay Dr. Robert Young. Captam of th Cabami, Black Boys, lh largrst mUiury company In lh Stat Guard, was U the tity mdsyt The cwnpaay ml forrned at Concord I few 4k g' in J cvimUr ll fnembeni, com. pn -.g the pi. k and ftoaet r4 Cm ml t takes the rvmt of tUtk FEBRUARY 2, 1889. Aiifusta Onimbliif;. The people of Augusta appear to be somewhat disgruntled over the deal between the Richmond & Dan Ville and the Atlantic Coast Line roads. "When the Richmond and Danville Railroad purchased the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Road," says the Augusta "corres pondent of the News and Courier, "the Atlantic Coast Line proposed building a branch of their road from Sumter to Augusta so they could have an inlet to this city. Their proposed work was commenced and the road has been built sixteen miles from Sumter, to n point just south of the Wateree swamp, and is now being operated. When that much ol the road was completed, the Richmond and Danville Road agreed to haul all, and at any time, the cars of the Coast Line to Au gusta, which has checked the pro gress of the proposed line. The Coast Line has graded their road four miles south of the Wateree swamp, to Orangeburg, and the work is now about stopped, as only s few hands are kept at work upon it The officials of the Coast Line 'are not in such a hurry now to com plete the line, as they have auch a good covenant with the Richmond and Danville Road, but the people of Augusta are anxious for the road to b finished, for they want a com petitive h'ne, and are indignant over the discrimination of the Richmond and Danville Road in sending the New York sleeper to Aiken instead of Augusta." PtraooaJ Ifaotioa. Col L. L. Polk and Judge Wm J. Montgomery stopped st the Cen tral Last right Mr. George W Means, genera deputy for the State, is at the Buford today- u Mr. T. W. Twnty, of Ratherlord too; Capt T. A. Hard man, contrac tor on the 3 Cs; O. W. Bahaaooand Miss M. Bahnson, Farmington; R. P. Soaldiar. imresentinff the Au gust Cast Lkh. Co., of St Louis, and a P. Schuyler, of New York, are at the Central Robt Jphnson. Hartford, Conn. A. P. Barrett Salisbury; B. IL Ty son, Wusoa; A. A. Warren, Boston, are at the Buford. Mr. Walter BueQ and Mr. Marion Preston, of the Detroit Free Press; ar at the Central. Biakot Ptaacaa's StoaMoaea. Mr. loeiah Asbury. contractor of th's city, has just completed aa ele gant resideoce for Bishop W. W. Duacan. in Spartanborg. & C The dwelling cost, and is a per fa beauty, as evidenced by photo- graphs shown a News reporter. It te built in the latest style, with shingled exterior, nooks, towers, etc, and is a handsome structure. The intenor is nnubed in nativ woods, and preset) ta a beautiful ap pearance. It ia said to be the hand somest resilience in Spartanburg, snd is a credit to the skill of a Char lotte architect A Mooat Lav LaMar. . The following lev letter la a gen uine document and is handed to Ths Niwt to publish for the benefit Ot young courting fellows. It is modest sod to the point: : Comptiments of Walter Good to Miss Isn Brown. "i bav fell in tov with you and I have only aaw yon ooe lim but I hop lh neat time 1 see yow yon wul grant me the pleaawr of speak imr to you snd i truly hope that you will be aa kind to artseer thia httle note if it ar yrr pleatat to sa in it tt y nan s oor.M to rs ceirs nseer. hoping to hear from yon soon 'WAl.Tf Gooo.,, A Fir I SfATAKtHO. February e TV depot at the eiKampaoent groutvls. two mile irom town, was biro4 this snevwHM. The ftr i dippoaed to hire ojjirtalid tron defenlre torrt flu in the ttt. craph offWa Ibis was t xoclltut huml'-ng ii trM sbnit I.Vv EWS. : NUMBER 56. SHUT YOUR MOUTH! is not a polite expression, but it is plain talk for those who blow about prices which can't begin to compare with the prices we are making; Just come and get our figures and you'll V " OPEN YOUR That's wh"af we want, wide awake examination of our . , " V " .. . . . Linen Collars and Oiiffe, Which we have marked in our ahow case at unheard of prices. Linen Collars, standing or turn-down, latest styles, at r. One Dollar Per Dozen or 8 and l-3c Apiece. ' LINEN CUFFS, a-PLY. AT istf CENTS PER PAIR, OR ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER DOZEN. They'll bear Inspection of eyes, spectacles or microscope. The chil dren's game used to be "Open Your Mouth and Shut Your Eyes, and see What I U Send You." We say keep your eyes open and sen what W. KAUFMAN & CO SELL YOJ. - At a price that takes away the breath! That's our game, and w are playing it tor aD it is worth. GOODS THA T BEAR EX AWN A TION, PRICES THAT BEAR COMPETITION. BARGAINS THA T CAN T. BE EQUALLED Anywhere, at . , . W. KAUFMAN & CO.'S: v LEADING CLOTHIERS akd GENTS' FURNISHERS,' V - Corner Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C T. L Seiglh&Co. GREAT LINEN SALE We gave them a mention last week, but our stock of these goods is so Urge and varied that wc will hav a great adrrrtaing aaj thai week. Thoae pure Linen Napkins at sj cents a dOaen attracted asany baryert ta this department. Our line of Tahle Damask ia ten times batter than it ever was before, and we always thought it very good. We ar oflrtzt many bargains ia our Linen Department aad if you only gfve thesa a look you can not tail to appreciate them. There ar auirr patterns that a entirely new and very beautiful. The Ibe low pncea on tbem, make them doubly attractive . TOWELS The best hoe of them that we hav ever had. . Ouf c Towel is a beaoty. It would be hard cents. Remember Ibis rreat Unea tale only huta thai week. See that Linen Napkin at a cents per doren. T. L. SK1GLE A CD. THE ROYAL DAUBER. THE ROYAL DAUBER, th only Dauber made whb pouited mud scraper, one solid knot of pure Unities, Mia place by coru'TVMion, wiQ dog or mash down, the only Dauber ap plying a smooth, evea coating of bUck-1 inff, thereby addinr vastry lo the polish. Used by all the shoe shine. Pnc manusscturer' prices. UatnruajMed Trunks, Valise aad Sample Cases. to S. Tryoa Street . to Fast laari St fust Received. jo Doart CWt Florida CRAYON PORTRAITS. ' Call and see how Fine and Cheap they can be bad. - I nave the largest and best assort ment of Frame Mouldings in the State. Canvas and Crayon Stretches made to order. : , VAN NESS n N. Tryon S- EYES. veriety of Doylies aad Hips has, an! to duplies ta at aaythiakg leas than not tt cents. For sal at whaleaah aad atocx of Boot. Shoes aod Raboers, - v. GII.R EA ill CO., . Successors to PrtrrasaA Co. ANOTHf.R LOT OF THOSS ELEGANT HAND-MADE I am mim mi m. These a beautiful fitters, very srvK, ' and sdM uasmaaBy ln k ta I rJe tl gvuh. Our Ar last, far a4 drvaa, ia ? muM pcvsVt Aninf Shorn M a tK. aasket TKiate ackneWdgv4 hy vjry to that baa worn tba. , V ap tbem U the dt0ertM wtdtbs and all t sites Irom t to IV S"Vm ia need l s haAdwme pair of wtJaWtg shoes It J pay Tt H ae oars. CRAY A CO -.- 5f RISC STtKX OF WALL PA PI: R N'w S'tiiw-g at ,sf1ott rii,t sr4 Oil Ito. i ! ?. 1 t J ! r .t f t sit'. PRICES! M l!.r, , I i P j- t prp',''a I1 aani a"! T rVota I h' Wtkld t :i I s v f,m ,1 i r- it f i I ' I r tKM M ' v.-. wilier; I :t li .'. f. r" ". Oraiirrca