nn CRAYON PORTRAITS. Call and sec how Fine and Cbetp they can be had, . . FRAMES.- I have the largest and best assort ment of Frame Mouldings in the Swte. Canvas and Crayon Stretches made to order. VAN NESS aiNTryonS- NEWS;- H BHIST'S - GABDEN VOLUME r. WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 13, 1889. NUMBER 57. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DAILY: SEED. X H. MbAderi Has just received Full Supply OF I Hi s I Selected exclusively Car the Retail Trade, and WARRANTED 'FRESH And crop of lES&V Ia. 7 North Tryon Street pNE chicken: NE CHICKENS FOR SALE. . I hive tome 6n Putrid Cdthia mi Plymouth Rock Chickens for. Me. Price per Mtr. either variety. J5.00. Alto Eggs tor hatching ft. 50 kfcijtf J M. SIMS. BUTLER rTHE JEWELER. THE son Drug Co, Klta! In evtrythmg' b- "7 In a... I ...I ..II l IMIC . l.-V 7 nlej u A VALUABLE INVENTION. Tbt Loom Patenteri hj Concent Man " mA Company Forme with a Capital f f 1)4,000. , t J j . a There la a enterprise looming up In Concord, A seamless bag that may be used for flour, tobacco and other such articles bat long been a desideratum la trade circles,' and business men will, no doubt, be glad to hear that the "long ielt Want" to be supplied. -, . . " Mr. WUIOdeU has invented and patented a loom capable" of weaving and branding a seamless bag at one operation. Competent judges are now putting this bom to a practical test of lu.merits, and with such grati fying success that a company la form ing to utilize cm a large scale this very Important Invention. ; This company will begin opera tiona with a capital of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and estab- bah the plant near the Odea Cotton Factory. , , With one of these looms. one man can weave. In one day, six thousand seamless . bags, branded with name or trade mark,' ready tor LOCAL RIPPLES. The Presbyterians of the city are casting about lor a buOding aite (or the Third Presbyterian church. V The Senate has confirmed the nomination of Mise Mary Doseubury as postmistress at Concord. Owing to the death of ooe of the members, the V'Busy Bees" will not have their party oa Friday night -The Little Violets, a band ot earnest workers 'ot the Baptist church, have booght the chandeliera for the new Baptist chapel : ' Messrs Walter BacU and Marion Preston, of the Detroit Free Press, left tluVwtorning to visit the birth place of Andrew Jackson, the Ca tawba Falls, and the two .new' rail roads tbe t Ca, and the G. C an.,- - ' :: Miss Mamie Zimmerman is visit- ing friends In Chester, & C Miss Octa llargrave is .visiting irieada b Charlotte, and is the guest of Mrs. D. W. Oaten. Mr. Wat. If. Edmoodt and wife, of Baltimore, ate at the Central: .Mr. Edmonds represents the Maaao era Record. They are on Southern tour, sod have Just come iron the "Southern Pmcs. ' Mr. and Mrs, M. H. Pride. (ML loDr. are at the Bnford. Mr. Pride la one of The leading spirits of that nroerensrve towa, , Uede ohaay Rookt ia eoefiaed to bis bed by aJckaeae. Mrs. C M. Davis, of the Racket Store arrived home from the North today. She pert hated a splendid line of MiUincry which will soon be opened up. .. . . " aMMitfMiriMtMiViis. - ' A few wtekfsgo Mrs. James Davis left Charlotte for a visit to relatives 1 Alabama, taking with her Aanie, her' tbirteyesrkd daughter., A telegram wsa recti red by her kur band Sunday anaounctiig the severe Illness of thedaoghter. Its left on the Snl train for her bedside, bet af rtwdat AneMtoaJuat la time r see her breatke kef Wat. r: ''; The bodr wm srrive la this city this afternoon, and iU be boned m Elmwood cvelry lo-mortbw. Mr. end Mrs, Dsvis have tue increat trinpathy of the community U their tad bmaremtaL . -J D4e Readings for the Home Gr W" W ike title of a new work fust puUiahed bf tht -f Rrrkw and ICtralJ," TnUWhlni llom Battle Creek, MWh. Tseattetectlofl ofthewwkca hardly he etcS4 hi ih book Doe. It a da giwd for aJl due of aocktr, comrriung t6l Kc,n. towering ' f tl, kUoirl ai 1 prefheiira'. mate- DEATH'S HARVEST.' WtH POUND IT WARM. Pour Deaths ia Charlotts Within Twenty Poor Hours Mr. Mars Bsraavaisaflt A DasolaM HutbaaiPaul Bagla's . Suddan Daatb An OU piraman Oona. Death has been busily at work , in this city for the past few hours, andl toe suadows nave fallen upon Jour households. . Ooe of the saddest of these deaths was that of Eloise, the tl year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S, Myers, who had been sick but a few days. . This b the fourth child that these afflicted parents have lost, and the deepest sympathies of the community are extended to them. Eloise was a bright and Interesting little girl, and was a general favorite with all who knew her. The funeral services over her body were conduct ed from Mr. Myers residence at 11 o'clock this morning, by Rev. Joseph B. Cheshire, ot St. Peter's Episcopal church, and the interment was at Elmwood.' v'"' Mr. J. D. Hornbarrier, whose seri ous sickness was noted in yesterday's News, died last night at . his resi dence on Graham street He was a victim to consumptioa. Mr. Morn- barrier was at years old. He was married to a sister of Mr. J. M. Ken drickTwho survives him. He was a member of the old volunteer fire de partmcnt of Charlotte " His funeral took place this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr. Hornbarrier served through the war ia the 4nd North Carolina regi ment lie was noted for bis daring and bravery, and was one of the best sharpehooters in the army. " ' Our community waa distressed this morning to learn of the death of Mrs. J. H. Tolar. Mrs. ToUr had been sick bat for a few days with pneumo nia, and the news ol her death was a great shock. -"She was sS years old, and had been married about a years. Her maiden name waa Miss Suther fin, and she was a native of Duplio county. A few months age, Mr. and Mrs. Tolar lost their only child. The bereaved awaband has the heartfelt sympathies ot aQ our people. -' The funeral services over the body of Mrs. Tolar will be conducted from the Second Presbyterian church, at 10130 o'clock tomorrow (Thursday) morning, and the, friends and ae qwaiatances are invited to attend. Mr. Paul F. Eagle, a well known M tr a young snecaanic ol uus oty, oieu suddenly this morning. at It o'clock. His death occurred in his room, hi a next to Johnston's Marble Yard. He had been up towa a short while fjreviooaly, but Jeeliag sick he 1 went ones: to na room ana tap oova MtarM sa on the bed. A few miaatea later nU I ur. I. C Bov&n. editor of the t a m 1 " snate noucea a pauor over- Wadeeboro Measeofftr. was married - - . . B . I tpread ais Uce, and on goig to tun Monroe last night, to Miss K. found that he was dead. Dr. WiWef , rUke Blair. The ceremony waa bcid a postmortem examiaaUon, and ' ptormed at S.30 o'clock, by Rev. P. R. Law, formerly of Cbsfotte, Two Patsenftr Agents Corns hate Port from OoUUboro Tbejr are not AnatonS to Oo Back. - '" '' The negro troubles about Golds boro are simmering down snd quiet has been partially restored. Messrs. CL Hopkins and H.S. McQesky, two passenger agents whose bead quarters are 'the Central la this city, came into port yesterday. They had been to Goldsboro to Jook after the emigrants, at the request of the emi grants themselves. One of them left Goldsboro on the first train, and the other got away on the second train. It was a warm town; so warm, in deed, that they found it unpleasant to remain there. 'Yon never saw such excitement," said one of the passenger agents to a News reporter yesterday. "I got there at 3:10 in the afternoon and a committee of citizens waited on me at the hotel and told me that I had to get out oi town on the first train, which was at S p. m. v J did not go then, but left on the ti o'clock train. The hotel proprietor urged me to getaway as quickly aa possible and offered me a horse and buggy. - He seemed to think that I would come to harm. My brother agent had scarcely land ed la the towa when be received a note that ran something like this: We will give you four trains to leave town on. . If you don't get away on one or the other of them we will es cort you out of town.' He lett on the first train." , "There was a great crowd of ne groes in town waiting to leave for the West," continued the agent, "but there was no disturbance of any kind. Trouble had been anticipated, and the Goldsboro and Tarboro military com panics were out" "What ia the correct number of darkies who have left Gold boro and vicinity recently?' asked the re porter. ' ' "Fully two thousand," was the re ply.' Nearly every, darkey Wayne county has sold out snd waiting a chance to emigrate, I got telegram this morning notifying me that 300 families, representing 1,500 people, are now at Goldaboro, watt mg for transportation, and asking if I could come down and giee them tickets," concluded the agent as he haaded the teVgram to the reporter formspection. "WiH you go? asked tbe reporter as he concluded reading the dispatch. "No Sirr was tbe quiet but era phatic reply- SHUT YOUR ; MOUTH! Is not a polite expression, but it is plain talk for those who blow about prices wbicn can t begin to compare with the prices we are making. i () Just come and get our figures and you'll - OPEN YOUR EYES; That's what wc want, wide a wake examination of our . Linen Collars and Cnfffl, Which we have marked in our show case at unheard of prices. Linen - Collars, standing or turn-down, latest styles, at , One Dollar Per Dozen or 8 and l-3c Apiece. LINEN CUFFS, 4-PLY.' AT ia CENTS PER PAITC OR ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER DOZEN., j They'll bear inspection of eyes, spectacles or microscope. The chil dren's pa me used to be "Open Your Mouth and Shut Your Eyes, and see Wliat fll Send You." We say keep your eyes open and sec what . ...' W. KAUFMAN & CO. . : SELL YOU. . At a price that takes away the breath! That's our game, and we are playing it tor all it is worth. GOODS TIIA T BEAR EXAMINA TION. ' . PRICES THAT SEAR COMPETITION. fp;rV BARGAINS TIIA T CAN T BE EQUALLED Anywhere, at W. KAUFMAN &CO.'S. LEADING CLOTHIERS akd GENTS' FURNISHERS, Corner Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C . ' '.... found that death was the result of heart ditease. The body moved to the residence of Mr. J. M. Kendrick. a brother-in-law to the deceased. Mr. Eagle waa $ years old. sod was a soe of the late J. C The funeral servtcee wOl be con ducted at to o'clock to-morrow OL . . . The railroad comaussios) bd! re ported la the Hows and Senate yv-eerday ater beuig amended la litet diOers Memeniial part-re Ian from the tnruure as we -outlined h from the News and OWerver, ytw tsrday moraiog. only as foUoesi The commissfon-rs are to beefed- sd always by the Ceaeral Asemb!y. The rauroads are to furnttn stned- ufea of rsteewiihia thirty dys after the srpoialment ol the commWon, Aaapr'hfc1, K " HnnlMd by ejoseot bt tkambers before nay Jedje of a d-trict Vouik or lato which the rsilroad eoncemed assy tatted ard.lbe Su- prvme Court U wai powered to ad vtnee a cnre on lu ixt to ohtaia a tfwfy hraring, ;,, ttt -i, ".tS!f fW the cnnmW. sUrft i ti tse nfinl t tv. but now pastor ot the Presbyterian church at Lembertoa. The mar riare was a emiet aftair, only a few of the IntWnate friends being iavked. and immediately after its coodusrao. the newly wedded took the trtia lor tkeir future home hi Wadesboro. The bride la aa accoeipliihed yoocg lady, and the groom Is one of the rang editors ol the State. The Ntws extends ka beet wishes. The iHultM-M L(, The tutea for the new wcaadeaceae light are being Strang through the stores, and it Br not be kmg nta the current from tbe dynamo eiH be turned on. , Maaaeer Dodire has received orders so for .for Boo lights. Kaatmao s cMrains: sm-e u m a brOnant place, the foterior havmg bete equipped with in lowsMfesceni lamps. k f sry larf s Pematafs Of thl Amerkaii people are rrW-'ed with a asoat aneoytne. trwuUes -.wm and dMfrehte eemptaiit railed Catank. It ia nwt r-KewMty to be so troubled, tl ta drmon-arited ttyond nwnii'l thai i WU'i f t tract of t Ut (rtp Catartk Cafe bwmdaMy relieves and (if-ioe-jt f cum Catarr k. A t'trwinnh aj Ur trial uwl tnerlrvce yu. t'-e t itiei iu .vp j..f in? am :. Ct'tii ' . t. l, seiglh & Co: GREAT LINEN SALE. We gave them a mention last week, but our stock of these goods Is so large and varied that we will have a great advertising sale thai week. Those pure Linen Napkins at sj cents n dosen attracted many borers to this department. Our line ol Table Damask is ten times better taaa k ever was before, and we always thought it very good.. We are Offering many bargaina ia our Linen Department and if you only give thesa a loc-k you caa aot tail to appreciate Ibem. There are many patters that are entirely new and very beautiful. The veriety of Doyhes and Napkiasvaad the low prices on them, make them doubly attractive. TOWELS The best line of them that we bare ever had. Our tye. Towel is a beauty. It would be hard to duplicate at aaythmg lens than, tt cents. Remember this great Linen sale only lasts this seek. See that Linen Napkin at as cents per doeen. - . ' . T. L, SSIGLE A CO. THE ROYAL DAUBER, 'THE ROYAL DAUBER, the only A uauber ansae wttn pointed mud scraper, one solid knot of pure br'ntles, betd ia blare by comprrminu. win aot dog or asash down, the only Dauber sp ring a smootn, even coating 01 Mack. r, thereby addm vastly to the Dohah. Used by all the shoe shines. Pnce 15 cents, For sale at wbofewale and maaufactarcfV prkee. UaMurpaswed stock of Boots. Shoes aad lUbbera. Trunks, Valises aad Sample Casra, uiijieatii a ca. 16 S. Tryon Street Succewsors to tVera"! Co. S 7 yti V ') VLktt laatt Si. JtJQ'r 3c::i :i,vrrTD, . t - - 1- avrmir rvt nr witrtet ELKCANT HANDM ADi: Thewe are k-wutiful fitters, very strluH. ' and sold unusually low for the grade a goods. Our Acme kat for real dV. u tK most rwrtkvt 6rrii-? Shnrs M m tH , UMUfcec. lhw Is tt1rd by trrrf mt that' has wurw taewt. We r, them in the IaWet wlth sad all V iau ft ai I :o 6. Wbee, m aeed m . kasdwMne pair tf ualkirtg shoes it . pay you tu e r-urs. C.RAY ACT) Just Rtcciveci.r- s jo lWttChte Florida- -SPRING STOCK Or - WALL PA PHI ininrj t 'TTOM PRICESI Iftf t'' tt T(n ' - ' rf Int'tfit t J t r .'t-- t r -t i( r?tf - ' M rr.(. At K. M .1 . l to - Orannrcs. t'amt : I C i