ADVERTISEMENTS. m TTTTl 'U Y ATTV .V A ' TT TT,,- v'TTItTI t -; ' TF V'Tr- -tr-TT.-T" d ; i I , : n Hi I V A: I 'j Y '' V H W-f , Apply tt ' ' 'JUlS .A, .1 JB ,U 41 Ji. ; 1 f T .s NEW LEATHERS irrhcr Bed for sale. "n N. Church street H. HOUSfcK. - an E. Boundary. ,niractor, Maher, and Layer of Brick. The best oi reiercnce rivco Jquired. On refer to alf for whom he has done work In tttf. L and elsewheie. ' Strict and Mnpt mention given to til order, febu'mo y BDisrs 1 GARDEN 1 SEED. r f -V - VOLUME i, THRSUSDAY EVENING,; FEBRUARY 14, 1889. NUMBER 58. CRAYON PORTRAITS, '1 Call and see how Fine and Cheap thej; can L had 4 FRAMES-- I have the largest and best assort ment of Frame Mouldings in the State. Canvas and Crayon Stretches made to order, VAN NESS -at N. Tryon S. - LOCAL RIPPLES. RAIDING AN EDITOR.. J. H. McAden r ; f Has just received a Pull Supply OF 's ffratfii SEED! i Selected exclusively for the Retail Trade, and - WARRANTED FRESH! And crop of IMS.. " la 7 North Tryon Street 1 'Tbe Light of th Moon com ptny mat the Central , The Charlotte cotton market was firm and unchanged today. Which will you do to-night- Skip by the Light of the Moon, or goto Mexico r ",; ' Mrs. T. Elam Henderson died at her home at Philadelphia church, thia county, last night - Engineer MUenhetmer, who waa injured in the wreck on the Carolina Central road, several months ago, is able to be out on crutches. v A city subscriber suggests that the mayor offer a reward for the capture of the burglars who have been operating in Charlotte. The cotton compress which has been Idle for a few days post, will begin work tomorrow on a big lot oi cotton. In the Criminal Court today, Andy Alexander, Toner White and Lonnie McElwee were all found guilty of larceny. Abe Johnston was acquitted of the charge of larceny. Mr. C M. Etheridee, agent of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insu rance Company, today paid Dr. Jno. H. McAden, (30,000, the amount of the policy held in that company by the late Rufus Y. McAden. A number of tarmeis were in the city todar- They, report that the ploughs art busily engaged in turning over the soil this week, and that a large amount of oats is being sowed. Jt V The trees on the government lot text to the mint, upoo which the new postoffice is to be built, are being cut down. The contract for excavating; wiQ be awarded on the 19th, by ' Dr. Wilder, the superin tendent Mr. George Brockcnbrougn is all!! la Richmond at the bedside of his mother, who is dangerously sick with pneumonia. The latest a Mrs. Brockenbrouek is that there Is no change la her condition. Th Burglar Try Mr. Christian and Find Out that hi Know bow to Throw Cord Wood. Mr. Christian, of the Charlotte Democrat, has had his turn with the burglars. He lives on West Trade street, near the new passenger stadon of the Richmond & Danville road, and his premises have been invaded quite frequently of late. The first night the thieves stole his axe, and the next night they came back and stole a lot of wood upon which to exercise the axe. Last Tuesday night, they came back with the in tention of getting still closer to the editor. Mr. Chrittian was aroused that night by a noise at a window, and rising in bed be saw the form ot a negro silhoutted in a window frame. The negro had climbed to the roof ol the porch, had raised a window and was just then in the act ol enter ing the room. Mr. Christian bad no firearms of any sort, but quickly springing trom bed he picked up a stick of wood and hurled it with all bis mieht at the intruder. The billet Iru the negro in the breast and knocked him from the window. He leaped from the roof of the porch to the ground and fled in the darkness. When Mr. Christum came up town yesterday morning, the first thing he did was to invest in a double barreled shot gun. He loaded the weapon with buckshot and carried it home, and the next time a burglar gets into his house. The Niws will be rood for a triple header. On So Marioo. Major John F. Jones has no longer charge of the Blacksburg-Ruther fordton division of the 3 C's railroad, over which Col Averill oi the Sowta Carolina railroad will soot take charge, as ha has control of the lower diviaioa from Charleston to Blacks- burg. Major John F. Jones wit soon move, to Ratberfbrdtoo and will take charge of the completion of the road from Rutherford too to Marion. The Shelby Aurora says: "The road to Marion will soon be graded and coo- tractors will soon be at work with a full force of operatives. Maj. Jones ?a Httodrod ao4 rvty Poltoan la. Esquire U. O. Maxwell was est gaged today in making out warrants for the arrest of those who failed to list their poll taxes last year. There art ooe hundred and firry delinquents J knows how to build well and quick a of this character ia Charlotte town-1 riarod, as his work from Ruthcr- thip alone. The penalty kt double Uses and $y fine. Sad times are evident! r ahead of those who vote I bet fad to hat their poll tar. ' . BUTLER THE JEWELER. - t -THE 'B tie! In evcrytfufig to cur line and c!J TTOM PRICESI i;:UlL'o:.'i . ' ;u ' CaOod la OrmBftWr , Rev. J. L. McLecs, whw has been erring the Graham' street fYesby lerUa chapel ia this city for some moalhs past, has received a can to the pastorate of the Presbyttriaa church at Orangeburg. S.C It it probable that this call win be accept ed, and la that event the people 0 Orangeburg may be assured, of se curing the servkea of an excellent pastor. Mr. McLeet has endeared himself to all our people since hit but U Charlotte, and they would regret to part with him. Tat Ptaarsda Te-4a. 9, , Tht fuoersl services aver the body of tht late Mrs, J.IL Tolar, conducted front tht residence, thie storting. ' Rett. I. Y. Fair and I. L McLett oEdattd. The services were of a most affecting character, tad were attended by a Urge coa course of sympathetic fctroda. The pafl bearers wcrtt Mresr. CN.U DutL B. W. BaratevD. R Harry, I J. B. Rots, J. E. Oatrs tad W. B. The funeral of Mr. tm Eagle was coadtfcted traea tht Tryoo Street Methodist charch, tad Oxtterttsr were etteaded by a large crowd. In. eluding a deiegatioa from the old volunteer in department. Rev. Solomoa Fool aad IWdiog EUr Carrswsy conducted Ike service. Annie Darts, IM 11 year M danefitef of Mr. tad Mrs, Jaa. Da via, whose dath occwind at Aatatfo. Ala., was tywieJ at E'.ood ceme tery. t! a ili.-rmvin. The funeral srv' wf fordtoa to Blacksburg attests. The completioo of this gap wiH jive us a through route to AshcvQle and the West, and wiH give us lower freights tor bacon, furniture aad western products. Wt have often heard that this road would soon be completed. Thia tune we think the work wiQ be done." Tba Mew Solicitor. Col. John E. Brown yesterday afternoon received a telegram from Raleigh, announcing that he had been appointed - Solicitor , for the Criminal Court of Mecklenburg coun ty, in place of Mr. Geo. E. Wilson, who declined to serve longer in that capacity. Col. Brown's opponent for the place, was Capt Geo. F. Bason, a clever gentleman and a bright lawyer, and who gave the Colonel a warm race. Col. Brown is one of the oldest members of the Charlotte bar, js a lawyer of ability, and will, no doubt, make a good and faithful officer. He is a brother-in-law to Stonewall Jackson. Mr. Wilson has held the office of Solicitor since the establishment of the Criminal Court, and has dis charged the arduous duties of that position with signal ability. He made a most successful Solicitor, and won many a hard fought case againat odds. Me retires from the office with a good record. Mr. Wilson's increasing practice required bis sole attention, and for that reason he de clined to longer serve as Solicitor. The Senate in executive session yesterday confirmed CoL Brown's nomination, and nbo that of Capt. T. R. Robertson, as clerk for an other term. Capt Robertson has made a splendcd officer. The News and Observer editorially says: "Charlotte will be well served by Messrs. Jno. E. Brown and T. R. Robertson as solicitor and clerk re spectively of her criminal court The appointments were conspicuously fit to he mader Both gendemen are talented, able and popular. Mr. Wilsoa, the predecessor of Mr. Brown, declintd to stand lor reap powuocni. A Oood Book. "Bible Readings for the Home Circle is the title of a new work just published by the "Review snd Herald." ftibhshing House, Battle Creek. Mich. The artistic execution of the work can hardly be excetied la the book line. It is designed for all classes of society, ctaprising t6j readings, answering aarly 3.000 questions oa religious topics, practi cal, historical and prophetical; m ing the testimony of scripture on great many subjects of interest to the child of God. Agents are selling in this city. SHUT YOUR MOUTH! polite expression, but it is olaia talk for those who blow about prices which can't begin to compare with the prices we are making. Is not a Just come and get our figures and you'll OPEN YOUR EYES. That's what we want, wide awake examination of our ' Linen Collars and Ciiffe, Which we have marked in our show case at unheard of prices. Linen Col bis, standing or turn-down, latest styles, at One Dollar Per Doxen or 8 and l-3c Apiece. LINEN CUFFS. 4-PLY, AT 17 CENTS PER PAIR, OR ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER DOZEN. They'll bear inspection of eves, socctacles or microaeone. Th dren's frame used to be "Open Your Mouth and Shut Your Eyes, an What 1 11 Send You." We sav keen vour eves oien and see what cr-n U rted at J Jo Law Sehawi m CWkrtt. Hoa. W. II. Bailey, L.L.D., has opened a law shoot ia our city. Dr. Bailey has had great eiperwoct as a law teacher, having taught with ha) father, the late ludee Bailey, for several years befotc the war. lie once sent a class dows to Raleigh, of whom Hoa. T. D. Johnston, M C, aad Rev. Dr. J. K. Cooaetly were members, with this endorsed oa their letters, "Slump them, if yoe cat. - :' The doctor teaches both syatheti rally and analytically unlex the student is pressed for time then, only analytically, lit a aow pre paring . . work quest tooa sad antwers on Chiiry's Blackatons with oaestioet tad t rawer o Americas law, foe tht use of students, , t - . I 1 11 1 1 1 . Crt ! C tsaiUa. Cowoty Suaday Scbaal Coa na tion! wul be heW st each eout'y-ieat ia the State cm Friday, February at, st to o'clock. Asy ssiaktcr ol the rrnprl, superintendent or blfetf, teacher of adult member tf say Sun day school wiS he 1 member of these ton emtio. fWtnrt snd tu perinteodmts, ftsldewt of the county testa, art espected I meet st one sad arrtr ge for tht coawntloa, kxling I-!"-, preparing prrj-rcrrrr, j SfifKiini rj pekrr, etc. J.J Sj Cowntr I "''''' I The Charlotte cacdy factory and cootectiooery store, st the old O. K. bakery stand, oa South Tryos street, has passed into the hands of a river. A disagreement arose be tween the partners a few days ago, as mentioned In Tat News at the time, j aad the eatabliahnsent was closed up by the Sheriff. A conference was afterwards held by the partirt coo cerned, and h waa agreed to appoint s receiver. Mr. Jesse Chambers ras appointed, tad be W iawtructed to sell off the goods aad wmd up the cuocersk A rtoowuM rn Mi& A dining was given today by Mrs. Brevard L Sptiagftt her. elegant home tt Fort Mill to a Bomber ot Chartotte ladtea. Mr. Rort Stokes, Mrs. The. Beth, Mrs. Grs bam, Mrs. R. L Joaea, Mrs. W. P. Vims, aad Mrs. W. It. Harra took the early sworetag treigW for Fort MtlL The diamg was gvea U honor of the old set of Charlotte gillS, . 'V ". ' -K. E A wawad Loftl Oyialoa. ' Ikmhtktfr ' Msaday.' Ej.. Coaaty Atty (Isy Co., Tea,, tats -I i. mi t hum. tost haprtf resuha. . My Im otter also wwa vrry low it h ssakiiaf In er sad i undue. bl wwi rvred br the Us!y we oi ibw ascdicM. Am satnrml tJettrie H tiers savvd km hre." - ' Mr. IX I. WJco.tja, lloe Cave, Kr.. Ws a I ke testimony. yttig: Me fmnurttf U litres he nukl tse died, had it Sot ta fx riti Bitter 1 hie groat rvw!r w3 ward fc 1 we3 rwrt si f.Util tt r . tn e 1 i .l r. ) rtt - ! t,- H W. KAUFMAN & CO. SELL YOU. 'At a price that takes away the breath! That's our game, aad are are playing it lor all it is worth. : GOODS THAT BEAR EXAMINATION, r PRICES THAT BEAR COMPETITION, 2 . BARGAINS THA T CAN1 T BE EQUALLED Anywhere, at W. KAUFMAN & CO.'S, LEADING CLOTHIERS akd GENTS' FURNISHERS, Corner Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C T.L. SEIGLH& CO, GREAT LINEN SALE. We gave them a mention but week, but oar stock of these goods is so Urge and varied that we will have s great advertising sale this Week. Those pure Linen Napkins at j cents a doren attracted many ksryert to this departsneut. Our hoe of Table Damask is ten times better thsa at ever waa before, sad we always thourht it verr otmkL W. .m u. maty bargains ta our Linen Drpartmcnt aad if you only give thesa a look you can not fail to appreciate them. There aiw bu wnmm ttx . entirely aew and very beautiful. The venety of Doylies aad Napkisniaad tile low pneca oa them, make them doubly attractive. TOWELS The best hoe of them that w k. ' ru Towel iaa beauty. It would be hard to duplicate at earthing less thaa tt cents. Remember thb gret Linen aale only Usts this week. Sat that uara , Napkia at ceots per doata. T. L. SEIGLE k CO. BL. - W - '..sBBasjBaBtBassasaa m i THE ROYAL DAUBER, IHE ROYAL DAUBER, the ooty Dauber saade with roiotet mud scraper, ooesobd kaot of pure bristles, held ia place by comrvewwo. win not dug or saaaa dowa, b only Dauber so. HYina: a em coatuie ot buck- mi:, thereby addine vastly to the oohah.' Used by all the si we thiaes. Price ts cents. For tale tt wnetreale aad wrerV prkrs. Uarpaawed stock: of UootS Shoes tad Rabbers, Trunks, Vatbea and Sample Cascaw t.-' . GILREATH COl, It S. Tryoa Street . . Succenaort to Pegra Co. ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE ;ULEGAN1 HANLVMADE UOIEr 1UI1IPHJLST EUTCI SHi These am beeutual Inert, very sfytkh. aad Said aarsuaSy low for the . grade of goods. . Our Acme bat, for real dra, la the aot fet atiiag Short tntd la tb. market 1 sis ss acaaowietigeQ by every kase that has wort therav We kero item iw the d eVtwitt wwJihs sod all the mm fra I n 6. Whew m need e4 kjixlinme rir 0 talking shoes k :i pay yow to see vjors. CRAY h a). 7XJQT i ': 4 1 " a " 7 ia5 ..;,. i It F-ajt Tsar a be fust Received. 59 Botet ChoHt ! Florida SPRING STOCK OF WALLPAPER NiW srriwg st ,C!.itU4l rmt and 01 House. k, : ( i' ft'.! rf t'f j .;.(i: I ill" ' i ! t. i I f U