NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PAIRS MEN'S RUBBER A Shoes aoc., real value 6oc fJT Ja IUmJsom & Co. ifebU Vi-r"' "O, 4o o.. tiyun. Si 71- , urtiTCirft'n;' i ma E. Boundary. Conlractor; Maker, and Layer of ;; Brick. Toe best 01 reference ivea iMUircf. an refer to U for iilZtli twthM done work In Char .''Cr'SJ elsewWe. Strict and prompt attention pfl rdeia. THE VOLUME 1. FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 15, 1889. NUMBER 59- CRAYON PORTRAITS. t?"CsfS aod see how- Fine ami Cheap they cm be had. - r, yFftAMS. i T haVethe largest and beat assort ment of frame Mouldings in the State1. Canvas and Crayon Stretches made to order., . VAN NESS , .. N. TryonSu i BUSTS mil fr 7, GARDEN SEED. a J. H. MaAxien i S -, lias just received a OF '2 Mel SEEDll , ScJeOcd exclusively for the Retail , tradeJ,odi , WARRANTED FRESH And crop of tlSl lo. 7 North Tryon Street ?' L1 1 1 BUTLER f : THE JEWELER. i it- ;1K v -THE Wilson Drug Co. 1 1 !)( WE ckal In tvtrnrr to our lint And kI BOTTOM TRICES! Wilson 1 ::v ;ar tOCAI RIWLltt. -Mr T.' A. Kendrrcki' 4s old citixeaof Charlotte, to to a 'dying condition at hit borne on Sixth street Skipped by the light Of the Moon at the opera house bat sight. waa. what the boys call a. "ba Burflar vtatted the premise of 5. L, Fairea, U, North College atreet, last night,d carried oflffoor fin&hena.' - S, J. Elliott, who kept a jewelry tore on Wert Trade atreet, has skip ped to Atlanta. " Conatable Fiaber haa gone after hkn. , ; JfVp to twelve o'clock today, the grand jury o( the Criminal Court had found and returned 59 true bula. Most of them were for larceny. Prof. Ober'a illustrated fectures ant really deJightful, 1 entertaining and uutruciive-'ile "; should .- be greeted by a large crowd to-nighf. The conditkm of Und Johsny Rooke, who has bee quite SI for the past few days is aligbtly wn proved today, though he Is still quite feeble. Mr. Field, who lived here for a tune, , has gone to uncolntos to reside. He bought the home place of the late V, Q. Johnsoo, of Un ' Dr. J. a Shearer, of Davidson College, and Dr, A. W. MOler, the Fkst Presbyterian church, of this city, ; will i exchance pulpits next ' The neadqturtertcrf the Georgia, Carolina A Northern road, of which Capt. Ja A. JTodsoa b auperin tea- dent, aire Deetj menred pom Monroe ; Those BkOidusg coarse tickets to the Y, M, C A. Star Course wiS U admUted to the illustrated lecture of Spalrf to-oighf, also to rladyn Con cert Cowipany to week March .11th. r The iuw 'Irosi " Charlotte to Washington and return, for Harrir son's kauguration, will, he $ta.i. Tickets will be on sale front ' Feb ruary i$th to March ird, and wiQ be good to March tth. A letter racdfwdJty a gentleman m ium air Mr. v. 1 . cwhi. a former reaideat of Charlotte but new of Ocoec, Florida, states that he haa five hundred peach trees with peaches' on Ibem as large ns nicklcs and the treef are stia M Woont. j TVe"' Concord Times tajs 'While liltk Carrie BeaO, daughter cMr.AK Beafl, ol Charlotte, was rolling her little two year old brother to the carriage W front of Mr. C Q Montffomery's Tseadsv, some one threw stone wkki struck the baby 00 the bead, tnftictins aa ugly and scrioue wowkL The MedJenburg Tunes Iran front Esquire J. M. Beaver, 0! dear Creek, that there is a epidemic of seaalea to his community. Eaqure J. Ex llrnderson's wifo is crkically nand MrvrhiUipa, wile of M. w. PhiUipe, tQ, has bee quite sick bet .she to now Improviag. , Thai (Tiseaae is prmtent throughout the hole county. r There is a sedety to Charlotte, each member of which Jw aned Ive cents for each time, they speak an kitdJr of any. one, or criticise any body. They appoint lodge for tack week. . A lady member a frw dayeatoce was presented with her btSfortaingto month and ll was one itjUt; ' ' ' , Mr. C CreW. bo has kept the Piedmont Aw Line eating house to thin city tor years past. Is to have charge of the dinfog room ie the new raeiter station.' ,M pays a rental of fits per witk tor the dtofcg room and i potttc of the PmT story oi the tWing. Mr. Crwhsiw will atoe continue! biem at the old eating howse, the oppose side of Un track, and will ra bo0 kowea. (The om house will 1 tout aad ml?r board to f ho fur railmJ toa. Mr. Cmkim ht ma te a Pne rvrv'ti M I re'ii'jf -ir, f ike r'j'M- c I iVMfO C RAZy STRAtf 0RB. Ona Waaud to Kill Himself and ms Othar was tuoinnf Around si a m ' Two atraneera. : both erazyhave been picked , up by the, police of Charlotte. , One waa crazy, ; from drink and the other was crazy worn disease- ' Yesterday' sa unknowQ man who, it has since been learned, lives in Gokbboo, walked: Into a dregstore and asked the druggist to give him something to kill himself with. The druggist at oocc saw that the man eras crazy from drink; and concluded to humor him. Under pretence of fixing ap a dose for him, the druggist retired to the prescrip tion case and telephoned for a police man. He then returned to the front part of the store and engaged the man fa conversatioa. - The druggist greed with him that he ought to die. 2mt suggested the druggist, "it would not be right for you to die and be buried aa a pauper. You ought to be able to pay your funeral ex penses before you take yourself oftw This struck the man as something reasonable, and thrusting bis hand into his pocket he exclaimed: ''Yon1 are right; tost tell me how much- my undertaker's bill wiU be end I will leave the money with you." . Just then Sergeant Jetton stepped to and took the would be suicide to the station house. He had no money whatever, and proved to be from Goldsboro. He received careful medical attention and is much better today, though he ie still kept in con finement. ' At a o'clock h is morning, police man Hunter found another stranger trsnderiflg about the streets in s crazy condition. He waa locked up for the night and waa this morning sent to the Home & Hospital ' He is a pa tient of a Charlotte doctor, but whis key had. netktog eedo wkk hie in sanity. : . .i'jii, Hi. rfoaS nt-imc a 8 . - Mr. W. A. Hoke, of Uncolnton, who is now one of the most brilliant members of the State Legislature, has been retained aa chief counsel in suit that will stir up the whole State of South Carolina. The suit is brought by, William C Childs, to com pol the county of Richland, S to receive Blue Ridge Revenue Bond scrip la payment of taxes, and acea South Carolina with litiga tion similar to that which Virginia haa undergone. The act km n based on an act by the General Assembly oi i South Carolina to. relieve that Slate of all Cabttiiy for its gusraaty of the bonds of the Bine Ridge Rail road Company. ' ' , The action b brought under Sec- tlore and 6fl of the General Statutes.; Of course, It the section of the "act to raise supplies," for biddins? the county treasurers to receive '"revenue bond scrip" to pay meat of taxes b declared anconatiitt ttoaal, the way wDI be opened for Bthratioa such aa haa tend red "the Virginia coupon eaaea" famous the country over. Tns action Is tod red analogous to that Ukea to the Vir ginia cases. , ..: '. j 1. If the section b aocooatitutkxuu ike treasary b boaad to racerve the scrip to payment of taxes; and by Section s&f and too of the General Statute the pUiatUTs are authorired to bring action against the treasurer. rise KalnSatawiM. Prof. Ober'a illustrated lecture oa Mexico, at the hiD of the Y. M. C A-, last aigbt, wm lae sreat, to strwetive as weD ss eoterulning. .To aigk he wM giWsa iUuvtrsted tec. taw oa Spain, sad those of oar peo ple who wish to enjoy themaelvee for aakoaroaso, shouta not l3 to si- tend. Elgkly now executed pK- tsree of Spanish sceaes will be thrown porUhe cloth, and will be plaiied bvtfcs lecturer. Tab be show of sa .eeuewany, later eating ehattvf. The views are so targe "d I f Le that one ra 4 almost iaa fine kimavtl trsMportl W the country .who are are being depicted. tl to a hoa sod s school tol'i' 1 Ti . The Roaaoks aVmthSTa. The Roanoke Southern road, which is being built from Roanoke, Va., to Winston, in this Btate, .and .which was expected to come on to Char totte, b seeking another outlet ' It is now aimin? lor Monroe, uiariuuc at one time had a good grasp on this roao, out appears to nave reunqmsn ed it It, would be damaging to this city in the extreme, to have this road boot by us. It is certainly to be eitended either to Charlotte or by Charlotte, and our people had better be awake to the importance of the matter. The Enquirer & Eapresa, of Moaroe, says : "Mr. Henry Fries, one of (be wealthiest . and most pro greasive citizens of Winston-Jalem, is Dresidentof the road. and. we a learn? Prefers Monroe as a terminus to any other point and iTour town and -county will oAer Inducements equal to those offered by other places, there b no reason amy we should not get the road. Thb road, when com pleted, will, be Jtoe of the most im- portant! to itht boutbern; bUtes. Roanoke, the Northern term ia us the road, has Sprung Up almost lik magic, and a still growing rapidly. At this point the Roanoke A South era connects with the Sheoaodoah Valley railroad, and forma a direct line to Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and other' Northern attest." 1 . ..... , ' Pereses! Menusa. 4. -' 11 Mba Bessie Hayes is visiting her uncle. Cspt S. . Linton, in thb city. Mr. Gea W. KitteUe, proprietor of the Buford House, arrived home thia snorning from a visit to Wash ington. Mas L. Stokes, of Union, S. C, bvaatiog friends 'ia tke city. She b the zuest of Mrs. Robert F. Stokes. C J. Pride, Jr., of Greenville, S. Ci J 09. B. Myers. Baltimore; . A. Scbwarx, Phila.; W. F. Steveaaoa aadwiie. tCbeswaiaV ' among thramvaa at the- Bemrd to- aay. r, , Among the arrivals at the Central today were; Gen. R. F. Hake, Ral eigh; W. T. Jordan. Mt Island; Prof. J no. H. Fanaan, King's Meun taia; Opt C W. Ward, Uocolntoa; Frank & Craven, King's Mountain; J. Rubel, S. E Heame, Cto.; R. & French, WOmingtoa; Rev. J. M. Hedrick, Staunton, Vs.; F. L Seig field, Youngstowa, Ohio, SoaM Rath afaa. . The Wilmington Review, to apeak' ine of the wealth of the tote Rafua Y. McAdea, aays: "There b aot man resident to Wilmtngtea worth as much money. There b one, Wilmingtoolaa proper, hut resident to New Yotk. wka b probably worth name was pabliahed to a New York paper to hat of four hundred per sons who were worth a million or esora. We have heaH of two esutes here worth f 500,000 and bere are probably a dosea at hers worth from ftoaocc to f joaeoo.'' . Just fet this Writing we can caQ lo mind one resident oi Ourtotte, .am b worth 1500,000; another wW k worth 1)00,000, and another who b worth f 150,000. Thar b oae lady ia Charlotte who h worth f 175.000, There are sour, residents who are worth from lit&coo to 100,000 sack. ' . 1. . j ( XHtih a4 atia. ltnlihiHk(y' y ; Mrs, Brotkeabrougk, whose' srri as Weeas had bee noted la Tat Ntwt, died at .her home to Rich moaxt, Va, at 9 p'clork-' yesterday morulas;. She" waa- the mother of Mr. George Brektaaeoagk, of tkb city, who ss at Vr tedle aba ske died. Mrs, Bfkeeivougt, wei quite wel kaoaa to Chartotte. SI t waa a aacat satiable toly and had ssaay'tieads here who wiU be grieved at 'the of her deaikj f ef kuUrd prrxeded ber to the grave just two years sgo. ' ' H ti(K(Ha bf CaarVt has ike packing perhaps h Lpg4 tW af totlia on reeonl. The tV, wS hoojid dmp J f,-t ( t SHUT YOUR MOUTH! Is not a poHte expression, but it is plain talk for those who blow aboot prices which can't begin to compare with the prices we are making. " 1 . ; Justcorae and get our figures and you'll OPEN YOUR ; . : .-.EYES; That's what we want wide awake examination of our Linen Collars and Cufife, Which are have marked in our abow case at gnheard of prices, - Linen Collars, standing or turn-down, latest styles, at " One Dollar Ptfr Dozen or 8 and l-3c. Apiece. LINEN CUFFS, 4-PLY. AT n CENTS PER PAIR, OR ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER DOZEN. .-,,.-..... , " ' ' They'll bear inspection of eves, spectacles or microscope. The chil dren's frame used to be "Open Your Mouth and Shut Your Eyes, and see What 1 11 Send You." We say keep your eyes open and see what , , W. KAUFMAN & CO. SELL YOU. At a price that takes sway the breath) That's our game, and are are playing it lor ail at t worth. ' GOODS THAT BEAR EXAMINATION, ! V . PRICES TIAT BEAR COMPETITION. ,'V'V, BARGAINS THAT CAN" T BE EQUALLED Anywhere, at W. KAUFMAN & CO.'S, LEADING CLOTHIERS ad GENTS' FURNISHERS, Comer Central Hotel Charlotte, N. C ? ' T. L. Seigle & Co. ; GREAT LINEN SALE We rave them a'mcntioa last' week, but our stock of these roods b so Urge and varied that wa will have a greet advenninr sale thas week. Those pure Linen Napkins st sceats a doatn attracted asaay buyers to this department. Our line of Table Daaaaak b tea times better thaa it ever waa before, and we always thought it very good. We are offering many bargains ia Our Linen Department and if you only give them a look you csa ant tail to appreciate them. There are many patterns that are entirety new sod very beaatifot The veriety of Doylies and Napkins, sad the prices oa them, Wake thera dcwbly attractive ...... TOWELS The best line of them that wa have evfW ha-L One ste. Towel b s benaty. It would be bard to duplicate at anything torn thaa cents. Remember thai great Linrn sale only lasts this week. Sea that Ltoea Napkia at s cents per doeea. - iu " ' T. L. SK1GLS & CO. CHILDREN'S SHOES.1!! For Boys' and Garb' school and vacation wear we recom mend the cetrhrated Pi t SOLAR TIP SHOES, I Warranted the best to the world. One pair of these shoes wig wear as kxr as two pair of most other makes. We always have a large alacavof thawe shoes which we aeQ very tow, bmmJc ek kW tt Iprir heels. . Write fbr prkr or ca!l and exaaatae. For aale at aholcaale at man'ubcturers. Mien. We aid dailv revinw nor stock of Speima; Shorn, which will compm ' the be4 makea, latest styles and lowest ever aajowa m tnaj matket. 16 S. Tryoa Street. ' MI T rFr5r 1 1 1 W - A 1 2 -V'vjJ ) te Fasr lat St. rtrsriTit a rt aarx sms a a aj va wvia Sxxn-urs to PrgrassA Co. ANOTHF.R LOT OF THOSE ELEGANT HAWlMADE UDH? IliWFEin im Eltt These are beawbM fitters, rey styTUS, , and sold anawly brw Aw the , grade re goods, " Oar Acme hut. for real draia, b t! -moat pertrt artmg Shore mM sa iK., market. Thlaiakaoafdg.J by every ia lh haa wora thrm. We k-.p them to iSc !..Wnf wUitis aad a3 tK itrs W'ms I ro a. Whea to need 4 a haadsome pair af walking ahom h 3 pay yoa so oars. , , , CRAY A CU. fust 'Received . . i ! ( ( v 1 ' ' jw Boea CVae ! ' Florida : 5 Ornnrroo. , : srRING STOCK OF WALLPAPHR . from tr w C1!'-M r'n Sf f C I lt(Va. .n r ' I' . ef t' f N'ii kcj to s t' r 'l ' ! J.'i'ght. Vv