7dtisements BARGAINS Y ' - ; ''TV ') 'BMNANTS ODDS AND ENDS - ..' t ATA SACRIFICE! WALKING JACKETS less than : THE ijlMtOTWS:;. ..-"'J'-'"'.. W il.'.i. ewtto....' i i"..!.' mi .i r I'M.rrii .1 .iiii.i i'ij'iiiI linlin.i.i.1. m ' - K i ,- ft n 'mil KEW GINGHAMS. . NEW SAERSUCKERS.'. r. vW PRINTS.- "EUCTRIC" SCISSORS. f L ALEXANDER A CO. ijWei Trsde St ffi,j:jVj . LANDRETIl'S . 7 .'' ' ' i EM - Gota M Mood k lest or over dm butt jciyan. Wholesale and Retail lie Ton Going to Paint? tftkave the best and cheapest aif Hired Paint oa the market. HWELL&DUNN. ;'' DRVOOtJTS, ' V' I ,'. o, Jin MolitH Ihoshes ' -J ' . V i Ofthebeitnmkes,at a&MMiiSliii Blood and Liver PUk, art kst BURWELL & DUNN. . Sole Agent. - f 4 i J BUTDER i ' t THE JEWELER,? Tin VOLUME i. f SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 16. 1889. NUMBER 60. CRAYON PORTRAITS. Call and see how Fine and Cheap they can be had. FRAMES.- H 1 I have the largest arid best assort meat of Frame Mouldings in the State. Canvas and Crayon Stretches made to order. VAN NESS zi N. Tryon SJ . LOCAL. RIPPLES. 1 Aa) fa) crtrjtlJng fee to ur lint nJ v i ro.ViVriici;S! a 'Whooping cough In First Ward, i keeping company with the measles. It u said that Mrs. Hand has old her property on the corner of Filth and Tryon streets lor $4,500. ; Rumors that robins were plenti ful is doubted by . one ol our local sportsmen, who tramped for more than five hours and bagged but one. 4 A male quartetu is expected to stng at the Y. M. C A. meeting to- morrow afternoon at 4.30. Young men are cordially invited to attend. Judging from the, boasting of crrtatn men witn wnoin tnrrponer came in contact today, the crop of spring chickens this year will be early and large. A good work is being done by Capt Strickland in the pint Ward, lie is having gravel placed along the sidewalks of a nrmber of streets that have hitherto been sadly neglected. Rev. Mr. McCork'e is to supply the pulpit of Amity,; church, during the absence ol ks pastor at the Semi tury. Mr. McCorkle and family wiQ board with Mr. Robert King. 'The polios last night picked up young man who was walking about the streets in the rtla. He had a case of j'ua ms. , He was from Daa ville, and has been sent back thcre Dr. I. B. Shearer. Davidson College, will finfth pulpit. of. the First Presbyterian church tomorrow. Dr. A-.W. IGOn'.-lhw pastor, wfll CO Dr,'Shearera pulpit at Davidson College.' ;7;vir J h';X-r wThe recepdo by the Social Clack at tharesideaoi of Mr. Walter Brem, hut sight. anost pleas sntaJSiir.' There waa quits a large attendance, and the guests were most charmingly entertained. 1 Mr. Henry Ford, who esUblish- cd the New York jewelry store here, a few ssooths ago, bat who recewdy soU out to Messrs. Hales & Tolar, has rone to Yorkvifl. S C. and will go Into business there. Ham km PaBaSatpfcU. Hon. Robert P. . Waring., assayer flhe Uaitsd States Mint at Char lotte, arrived home today from Ptula detnhia. . He west to that car as a Bcrnber of the 'coamiiaioa to test the samples of gold coinage, ' The coesodttew began Its labors ta the Philadelphia saint last Wtdwday oorninf..and coQclnded its work st I o'clock Friday eJurmoon. In an, ia flno aamnlet of' fold coinage were taML wciaWd and assayed, and sO were lonerf to eoaae wilhiaj the legal tolerance. " : rn Warina' scent a fvw hotsrs is WaatOagton cky, and had ten minutes' talk with Sewator Vance. He ssvs that Sat Vanot wears a green blind over his eye. The Sena tor a in good sptntt and ttcetient health, and has eeaaed to brood over rhtlosaofhiseTO. ' : . 0ss IM LnfcUtM. Th' ntonle of ChaiUte are e- Eghtedat tae action of theLtgWJa. ran la pa the hill U favor ol the State Guard 7 The Cuard k now &svd b a way 'that W creditaUe to ike Seaa and U psmanssg campeaesst at WrigktsviUe is a as suredfacC ThepeorMofWaaiftg' ton donated fh site, kkh U on s Whif Just north of the seacoaat sta ba. at Wikhtavilk and ver'ek leg WHfhtnTOe sou ad sad the ocean. The t'ofced f tares Cover mi. aceordinr Jo an net of Cc- grras, wO ipvroprute j.mo far the traction tat U eswaiapaaew trgunda, and the the State &aard wifl U heVaX ' Tk LVware Cd a rd thif W M aid thw Srsw Cwf A ' "o ' t - a KalM 1 Rfv. K a MtJIaMwsy. pastof Of rt Tfj tsr5s4 vth, rvtnrad home Inm aW thW sfrmooa, whvt It Is keen a.t.las rJi5 u,r. M kkk a msmWf of coattraios wvrs ps.t. Mr. McMaaeyCtBah r;'i'r appoctors to-arnw. T pr- ! tVf Ttyne trt , ' 4 - r 'f , k f - CHARLES J. POX.' Ssddta Ocatb of One of Cbariotta's Well ' Known Young Men. . , j: , Mr. Chas. J. Fox died at the resi dence of his mother, on West Trade street, shortly after $ o'clock this afternoon, alter a brief illness. .- r. . V The news of his death waa a great shock to our people. It was so un expected that it is hard to realixe that the genial young man has gone from smong us forever. Mr. Fox went to his bed a' few days ago with an attack ol .pneumo nia, but until this morning no fears had been entertained in regard to his condition. . There was n decided change for the worse before soon, however, and despite the . eflorts 61 the physicians he continued to sink rapidly and soon expired. The deceased was 6 years of age, and was the oldest son of the late Dr. Chas. Fox. His mother, one brother and a sister survive him. Mr. Fox ss one of the promising young business men of Charlotte, and had built up a fine reputation. He waa an energetic young man, and had saade a splendid reputation as a contractor in gaa, plumbing and water works. He waa a clever young man, genial and affable, and his un timely death will be regretted by all our people. TTm Rtilraai Bill. In the House of Representatives yesterdsy the Speaker announce the arrival of the hour for the special order, the consideration of H B. 8i i, relating to the proposed railroad commission. Mr. Hobnan moved to pass it over, as Mr. Cooke, the chair- in of the House branch of the commusnon committee wsa aoaeni wi his seat Mr. Bcddingfield objected and said the chairman knew the bin was s special order for today nod should have been in hta seaL Mr. Franks moved to pass it over and make it a special order for to morrow. Lost The Speaker or deredthe clerk to read the bill Chairman Cooke arrived. The clerk continued until the reports, majority and minonty, had been read. The Speaker announced that the ques tion was the adoption ol the minority report. Tho question was put as to th adoption of the minority report. The report was not adopted. The question was thee put upon the adoption of the majority report, which passed its second reading br a vote of 5J to so and waa saade the special order for today til o'clock. Cat. Julian Allan In we City. t CoL Julian Allen, ' who has been considerably talked about in the papers lately in consequence of his recent, business-like interview with James C Blaine, arrived at the Cen tral this morning, and will leave on the A. T. & O. train this, afternoon for his home near Statesville. CoL AJlenifjust home from a northern trip in the interests of the State exposition, he having been appointed a member of the exposition commit tee. CoL Allen is Very much en- couraged over the result of his trip, and from all reports, be did good work for the State. He not only interested northern cities in the exposition, but did some work ' at Washington that will probably result in securing an appropriation from Congress in aid of the exposition. CoL Allen told a News reporter that the commission had not yet de cided a poo the place for holding the exposition, but added that in his opinio, k would be held either at New York or Boston. He says that the exposition, when it is made, will be a credit to the whole United Statesv Mute la Baltobarf. The fourth group of the soiree recitals of the Neave Music School, was given in Salisbury last night The programme contained iO pieces, that were selected and arranged with ProL Neave's usual care and good judgment Misses Mary Julian, Rachel Wallace, Pattie Tuttle, Agnes Neave. Mamie Gaskin, Edna Van derford, Jeannie Brown, Blanche Bernhardt, Mamie Hedrick, Ruth Mauney, Bessie Trexler, Emma Gowan, Mamie Buchaaan, Lillian Foust, Maude Estclle. Smithdcal, Maggie McNedy, Ethe Kilpatrick, Jeannie Klutta, and Messrs. J. W. Correll. W. 1L and E. B. Neave, and Dr. E. Rose Dorset!, took part in the concert 'The programme was beaded bv one of Pre. Neavc'a characteristic and sensible N. B'a. Prof Neave'a music school is one of the finest in the country, and the people of Salisbury appreciate k.. as. Cape Rrwla'a EaOar Capt John R- Erwin, formerly clerk of the Superior court of Meck lenburg county, goes before "eh Legislature with a strong, endorse ment for Railroad Commissioner, from the people of Mecklenburg. Papers endorsing him for a member of tbe Coram baton and recocnaaenS. iae his appointment, have been for warded to Mecklenburg's represen tatives, from the board of county commissioners, tbe county officers. Starr Neeley, link son of Mr. (be mror Bnd board of akkrvwo of T. W. Neeley. of Steel tree town-1 Charlotte, and a large eujority of ship, waa shot in the face one day tbe magistrates. All the magistrate this week, and painfully hurt Starr I j hror of Capt Erwin, but some sad a colored boy had arranged to kiO a rat, and the darkey waa to act as tircuuooer. Starr crawled under the house and routed the cat, which took refuge oa a wood pile. The negro raised his gaa, took aim and fired. The cat bopred Into the aw and scudded away unhurt, while Sun fell. to the ground with n load of shot in his boa. At the time the boy fired, Starr was standing so fret out of the range e4 the gun, but the hot struck log In gWacing way, and struck Starr U the face. Sev ral shot entered his eye, one of h'n ran was pierced, aad one side of his tare was literal!" perforated. SMftar Wsa.s las St la. . J Mr. R.II.W. Barker, of Hunters. rOk, who ran against Mr. L W. Cobb, for ret deeds' of this cowaty, wa la Charlotte yesterday rirtaWtla a petition for signers te evMMueeding his w M sa- a.reroflheCharlotieMit lianas (wa ta the westn cenke of this district, and ssys he h. "now working p i.k terriwrr. PaAuta at Mtssae. Mr. M. McNair, the artet rtvaa4 at Mittpa, oniaetarw.na Cewtral road, yerterday at - . . SM . . t as.gaw.rat NC, I- w. warier, w W.HM. is the .... . . .i 1 1'! t vnfl n of them were not seen in time to sdd ihrir oftcial endorsement to the paper. These petitions wodoubtedty express the sentiment of Mecklen burg, and Thk Niws caa repeat wht it has said on a prrvioua occa sion, that Capt. Erwia would prove an honor to the cooimhaioe. KVs t. ss Mark's Caana. The interior of St Mark's Lutheran church is bring ' handsomely fitted p. The fresco work is being done by the naaae artist who, soaae years ago, aeaooed the Firvt Preshyterisn chorck, awd tU work is bring well dooe. ; Capt. T, L Sge made a generous donatio to this ihurrli (4 a set of fine plaah chairs, atvVh building vUl be carpeted w'rth Brus sels, by the ladies of Um congrega tion. When completed, this chunk will be one of the handwxnrM to he found U the Suuth. . The February term of t!ie Crni at Court for Metkhttlwrg county Silroufad yetrdr imwn, sad Judge Mean left U night foe kin home in WUiuingioa. Tie court had Veer the docket be tag filled wUH trirliag caw. There was quite ta amy nf thieve sad JeV4-e Mearet sent to men sad J woraee ta (ks'n gang." and oae ran m tKe fffMvafy. AS m tx I f SHUT YOUR MOUTH! -i-t-.i;.i-.---. v, , .... ; v . - . :' . "" '.. v . ' . . . Is not a polite expression, but it is plain talk for those who blow about prices which can't begin to compare with the prices we are making. ' ' Just come and get our figures and you'll ',.' OPEN rV YOUR EYES: That's what we want, wide awake examination of our . Linen Collars and Cuffs, Which we have marked in our ahow case at unheard of prices. Lines Collars, standing or turn-down, latest styles, at One Dollar Per Dozen or 8 and l-3c. Apiece. LINEN CUFFS, '4-PLY. AT tK CENTS PER PAIR, OR ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER DOZEN. They'll bear inspection of eyes, spectacles or microscope. The chil dren's game used to be "Open Your Mouth and Shut Your Eyes, anu see ; What fn Send You." We say keep your eyes open and see what W. KAUFMAN & CO. .y SELL YOU. At a price that takes away the breath! That's our game, and we are playing k lor all it is worth. .. GOODS THAT BEAR EXAMINATION, PRICES THAT BEAR COMPETITION. . ,ti. ' - BARGAINS THAT CAN' T BE EQUALLED " Anywhere, at T V AT TUIVI A T Rr fYYQ lVla.tll lTlii.il V-- VVs, LE ADING CLOTHIERS and GENTS' FURNISHERS, - I Comer Central Hotel Charlotte, N. C Ve t.lseiglh&co. :: ' GREAT LINEN SALE. A'T ... .. a . ....... 4 I a 3 we gave uem a stennoa last weex, out our srocx 01 tnese gooas so lust and vwried llut we will have a great advertising sale this wees. Those pure Linen Napkins at sj rents a dosen attracted many buyers ta this oVpartntent. Our line, of Table Damask is tea times better than it ever was before and w always thought it very good. We are ottering many bargains Lf our Linen Department snd if you only give them a Mok you can not fail to apprecia there. There are many patterns that are entirely new and very beausifol The veriety of Doyliej and Napkiasraad the low prices oa tlxjav, make tWera doubly attractive. TOWKLS-Tae beat fine of them that we have ever had. Our tsc. Towel is a beajrty. It would be hard to duplicate at anything leas than XS cents. ' Kesscmbcf tnis great Linen sale only lasts tins week, dee Uat Cnen Napkin at tt cents per dosen. . - t . VT. -. - - T. L. SSIGLE A CO. CHILDREN'S SIIOES-nl For Beys' and Girts' school and vacation wear we recoas saeud tbe celebrated t SOLAR TIP SI O IS, i Warranted the best in the world. One pair of these shoes will wear as lone as two pair ot moat other aaaken. We always lave a large stock of these shoes bh we sell very low, saade either keeled or S)ring heels. ' Write for price or call and exsmine, Fee aa'a at wholesale at ' saaauaKturm' orkrv Wc are dailv receiving our stock of Spriee Shoes, which will comprfu- the brat nukes, latest styles and lowest prices ever shows n tn saarsrt , 4S. Tryon Street .Smxtwora to PegranCa Co. J UUT mm to East Taaci .St T1 1-'?1 V 2T. " v " " ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE J-GANT HAND-MADE These are brairuful fitters, very stvlub, aad sold unvasuAlly fow for the , grade of goods. ' Our Acnte last, for real dreaa. Is the Boat perlret fittintr Shnee srtd fat this tattri This saAhaowlwdged by every , e that has worn Uem. We krrp rSa in the il.fVrrnt wnlths and a3 the aiara fi(k I M fi. ' When in awed C4 a aaadsoovs pair of walking shore k yoe. to see ours. . CRAY A CO. fust Riceived jo Dotr Choice Florida OrnnjTC3. - SIRRING STOCK OF WALLPAPI'R . . V" N'w atriiri st CSf'' Ta nt ao4 Ovl Ilaue. ! t II I t i 4