hew advertisements; ORDERS WANTED. - I m no prepared to take ordcts 'Jnrintrnd Summer Clothing. I Eve one of -the largest ana best wtfd of samples ever shown EtfFchJ. AH of the latest pat "n, aa at lowest prices. All made totaure and satisfaction guaran. H " pay,yoiT to call d l'here. . - i ':"y. D. R. HARRY. :ieAgetK, fco6-3t No. 6 W.TradcSt BARGAINS; -IN- BBMNANTS 1 ODDS AND ENDS Tj '..jvr A SACRIFICE! WALKING JACKETS lea than .cost z ": ' NEW GINGHAMS. , ; : NEW SAERSUCKERS. Sk.NEW prints, - " v WARNER'S CORSETS. 5 If' "ELECTRIC SCISSORS. T. L. ALEXANDER A CO. I j West Trade St. LANDRETH' ; Have itood a teat of over one hun . drtd years. Whole! and Retail . by liURWtU DUNN, s ,.: 'Druggists. Are You Going to- Pint? -.-. . . ... ' We have the best and cheapest Heady Mixed Paint on the market i'BURWELt&DUNN. DRUGGISTS. BI1R, l&IL AID TQQTH BRUSHES V Of the ben make, at , ilDfeMDoii'iDneStiii r, ring s UJ004 UkX. uvw fius art m af- a " st BUR WELL a DUNN. " Sole Agents. il - -TUB .JEWJiLER; - -' THE j ;' . e .4 JVilsotiDrugCo -. Xdaf In evtrything W .Jonjj to our lirie and iell t ' " "-.. BUTBER I THE T A If,Y IfflWS:' ri VOLUME' i. LOCAL RIPPLCS. '1 v ,Mr. T,'A.v KendHck b lying very k at hi borne on SixtMttreet ' 1 ' The recent rains have caused a temporary suspension of all out-door work oil the farms. The members of the Esther company are thinking of shortly pre seating the play Nevada, for the benefit of the North State Quo. The high waters had the effect of cutting., oft Charlotte from the country today, and there was not a single bale of cotton in town. The cold wave, flag made its welcome appearance over the signal station this mornimr. 1 The weather out west h from so to 35 degrees be low sera t . A meeting of the elders and deacons of the two Presbyterian churches. will be held this evening, for the purpose of discussing matters in regard to the Third Presbyterian church. ' ' k .1 - Mr. B. H. Branson, the new signal .officer is now installed la the signal station here, aad has charge of our weather. Me promises to do better than he has done during the past two or three days. . The meeting in the Y. M- C A. rooms yesterday afteraooa was one of unusual interest The musical comUoad jo Messrs. Baker, Powell. Sommey, Hutchinson and Martin did excellent service and their tauatc was mnch appreciated. v ; -Mr. Watts, who Eves at Church Btreet has nine children down with measles. One or two of the children are. very low. Mr. Watts is la destitute circumstances. and we are assured that thia Is a real subject for. charity. Passengers who came in on the noon train today, report that the streams all along the Richmond ft DaavQk road arc far out of bank. At Concord. Buffalo ereek Is over the public road bridge. ' A drowned saule ni seen going down stream as the train passed. Ned Smith, a colored man who was worklnc oa a material tcain 00 the Air Line road, fell ia frocrt of a car, at Belmont, late last Saturday altemooo, and was so badly hurt that he died a few hours afterward. He Gved k WbnaW S C, but his body was buried here, tnm work that has lust beta tamed out front the carriage factory AfLA. C. Hutcaboa ct to., ta uus city, detawjrrares the tact that it b ase for our people to send North tnr ..ntiinr ia the wav of Velucle. One espedeSv good piece of work W a milk wagoa for Mr. C C Maore's Graham street dairv. The U aDUadidl built with class sCdinf doors, aad the paiatmg sad ... . ... a L . baiafc ia way .equal rioruwi Mrk." Aaother sample ia a bras J new wagoa for the Southern a pre Company, which, m aaiah, painting, and gSding, W M good as can be turned out aaywhere. This factory employ .skilled vorkmea ia each depart meat, and b really able ,k NonKr kactorir, The painter Is Mr J. L. Oweaa, from the Tysoa a jooeu mvj. Il Ceaaas Heir ' Warrants are oat for Iht appre henaioa of about Ijo persona h Charkitte lowasklp h failed to re rar their poB Ua, Omom are trot, ling tbeot up Bvef, aad the Vlia qrts and that K eomai high. One young twa wka wan eyeglasses aad a heavy eeWe moatacha, weot up today W get VU rtrif4 for taM amounting In f J. Wbta he aet Ced up, the avftwraw statewt as follows: , ; . AFaUvitta tbtaia wsitaal , it .$ laaviog warrant 'J MONDAY, EVENING. BURGLARS AGAIN. OMB OF THEIR , tkTVRDAY NIOHT OPERATIONS IM V ? CHARLOTTE. Steeping Roosts Invaoad utt Robbed- ,, A Shoaltas Pawfljr Tho FuraUhing fa Bad Room Canted Off A Young afaa Sloops While Burglars , Work Around Him. : j;-; It b getting to be serious, thb matter of burglarizing in Charlotte. The banging of two burglars at the same time, several years ago, pro duced a good effect for awhile, but the lessen b evidently being for gotten and another hanging is needed. Five houses were cracked by burglars last Saturday night Tbey were bold burglars, too, as the re ports will show. The family of the late J as. F. Davidson, on the corner of Ninth and D streets, suffered a big raid. Every room in the house of thb family was ransacked, while the members of the family were asleep. The burglars effected an entrance through a window, and went to work in a business-like way. j They entered the sleeping apartment of the ladies of the family and car ried out a trunk, which they placed oa the back porch. They carried out another trunk which they found in the hallway, and rifled both trunks, leaving them on the porch. They also went through all the rooms ol the house, and carried off two overcoats, several suits of cloth ing, shoes, and a small sum of money. There was not a single pair of shoes left for any member of the household. Three young men were sleeping in one of the rooms that were ransacked. Mr. Win David soa says that about 2 o'clock he a S I J neard a noiae ana got up ana looaea out a window, but could see no one. He heard a Boise again about 3 o'clock, and going into the passage found thai a trunk was missing. The aext thing he mbsed was hb over coat, which had been thrown across a chair by his bed. He then aroused the family, and they found that they had been cleaned out The burglars carried off a lot of bed clothe, in addition to the articles mentioned. About 4 o'clock, Mrs. Asbury, a widow lady who lives next door, was awakened by burglars ia her bouse. She screamed aad the burglars fled without getting anything. Democrat Holt, who lives ia the same aehborhood, found a burglar ia hb house at t o'clock Saturday aight aad ran hira off Aa attempt was also made to burgUrirt a house la Logtowa the same night Sunday morning, Mr. Neeley. a vouar man wao ooaros wita mr. a a a. a a Henry, aear the spoke and handle factory, found that he couldn't go to church, because he had ao dotbes to wear. A burglar had invaded km room, aad had stolen hb shors, hb clothes, two gold watches and tlo in eaah. The bartUrs stole some of Mr Henry's bed closing. Saturday agM Mr. Frank Satr prepared a hodroom for a railroad maa. who wsa expected to come ia during the sight Wheat the goes cam, he found the rocos bar. The baked bednoad oadv was to b reo. Burglars had visited the room aad had carried away almost its eaiwe weipeseut while Mr. Saider ssd hb guests were aakep la the Itoasa. Saiwua to Yaf Mae. A very ' Isrgu congregation at larded service st the SecoaJ Pmbr tcriaa church fast atght. both the aula body and the r3cW being (Ufed. Rev. J. Y. Fair, the pastor, pvvecbed from the 14th chapter of take, vpoa the subject af the pradi g ton, hb awwsou bring directed specialty to the you"! whom there, was a Isrge aumbee The dbcourse was one of peculiar sutorest pam. rarMut, aad fmpreuuvo, e was Ciead to Uh oVp lntm by el FEBRUARY i8, 189. King Cotton. - ' The New York Financial Chroni cle, of the 16th, makes the following exhibit of the cotton movement: To February .5th 1889 Receipts, this week, 68,558; since, September, t, '88, 3,036,683; shipments this week, 84,79a,' stock February 13, 330,287. ' To February 17, 1888 Receipt, this week, 40,446; since September I. '87. 3,039,858; shipments this week, 48,688; stock February 17, 360,441. . ' . ' The totals show that the old in terior stocks have decreased during the week 15,776 bales and are 26,304 bales Utt than at the same period last year. The receipts at the same towns have been 19,657 bales mart than the same week last year; and since September 1, the receipts at all the towns are 3,175 bales leu than for the same time in 1887-88. S. Munn Son & Co., cotton brokers, in their circular issued Saturday, say : "On the total Ameri can ia sight,' we have gained during the week 43.521 bales. It will re quire an average gain of about 24,000 bales per week for the next six weeks to make a crop of 7,000,000. The exports' have increased con siderably during the week, compared with last year, though very little more than the increase in port re ceipts." Tb Richmond TarainaL It b announced on good authority that the Richmond Terminal man agement will thb week perfect so much of its financial plans as it con templates putting through in the near future. It may be officially stated that the blanket mortgage to be placed upon the company's pro perty, franchises, ftc, will be 15,. 000,000 in amount. It b at present. however, intended to bsue only about 4,500,000 of these bonds. Thb amount will be sufficient to re tire the floating debt which 1 incurred bv the purchase from the HolCns party of the entire capital stock of the Georgia Company, con trolling the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, and a lew other minor amounts not speci ed. The Terminal people have been entirely successful in these aegotia tioee, and have secured satisfactory oflers for the smount of bonds neces sary to provide funds as above stated. The price ia withheld for the present. Harm ary BtaUatka. The Bulletin of the North Carolina Board of Health December, tftSs, as we learn from the Wttmingtoa Star, resorts the vital statistics ss fol lows; AahrviHe a. 4 per cent of deaths ktbe 1.000: Charlotte lao; Dur- kim llfl' Farrtteville ill! GcJda- j,,.,. Hdmoa 13.; New. bera 33-6; Raleigh 15-6; Washing toailo; Wilmington 14.5; Greens boro oa. The death rate that falb below 15 b low for towns of from 3.000 to Jo.CC 3k It b very low whea kfaUs to 10 or wader. The death rate of insurance comranies wiS sversgt some S ia the t.coo lnhU tanta. , . The rwaatai ad Ut. (W j. Nt. .' iThe funeral atrvkas over the body erf the Ute Chan. J. Fox, were con ducted Sunday afteraooa, from St frier's Etcopel church. Rev. Joa. B. Cheahira, the rector,' od&ciating. A very large cor-wurve of tympa. thetk friends were la attendance, and after the beautiful aad unprve sire tertmouy of the Efuscopal church, the body wee escorted to FJmwood. aad kid to its fuaal rat The casket coataiabg the body was heaped itH B rl offerins The pafl bearere weret Robert T. Beck, Dartt A. Ileaalug, Itaitee Mytrs, Jso. M. Wslher, Robert Gray .sd KfUkWItkes.'. ; , , Aa A ly IWd. ' ' , Mr. Nay t'ftJ, a rawooer of the war of tlii Njat a mitrwe f kef so. Mir .Vt chf, ta CVarlorte yttr ! f . !,e m a Wt NUMBER 61. SHUT YOUR MOUTH! Is not a polite expression, but it is prices wnicn can t begin to compare Just come and get our figures OPEN YOUR That's what we want wide awake examination of our - Linen Collars and , Ctlflte, Which we have marked in our show case at unheard of prices. Lines. Collars; standing or turn-down, latest styles, at ., One Dollar Per Dozen or 8 and l-3c. Apiece. LINEN CUFFS, 4-PLY, AT 12 CENTS PER PAIR, OR. ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER DOZEN. They'll bear inspection of eves, spectacles or microscope. The chil dren's ra me used to be' "Open Your Month and Shut Your Eyes, anu see What HI Send You." We say keep your eyes open and see what W. KAUFMAN & CO SELL YOU. i v At a price that takes sway the breath ! That's our game, and we are playing it lor all it b worth. GOODS TJIAT BEAR EX A Af MATON, X PRICES THAT BEAR COMPETITION. BARGAINS THAT CAN T BE EQUALLED Anywhere, at W. KAUFMAN & CO.'S. LEADING CLOTHIERS and GENTS' FURNISHERS, ; Corner Central Hotel Charlotte. N. C ' T. L Seiglk & Co. GREAT LINEN SALE We gave them a mention last week, bat our stock of these goods ia ' so large and varied that we iH have a great advertising' sale thai week. Those pure Linen Napkins at 15 cents a doara attracted many bwyers to thb department. Our Hoe ol Table Damask b ten time better thaa it ever was before, and we alvavs thought it very good. We ait offering many bargains in our Linen Drpartn.ent and if you only give them a look , you can not tail to appreciate them. There arc many patterns that re entirely new and very beautiful. The veriety of Doylies and Napkiaa,and the low prirea on them, make them doubly attractive. - TOWELS The best bne of them that we have ever had. Oar 25c Towel b a beauty, it would be hard to duplicate at anything lens thaa 33 cents. Remember thb great Linen sale only lasts thb week. Sec that Linen Napkin at 5 cents per doren. ' T. L SEIC.LE ft CO. CHILDREN'S SHOES. For Boys' and Giria' school and vacatioo wear we recom mend the celebrated t SOLAR Warranted the best in wiS wear as lore as always have a large Mock of theae shoes whkh we sell very low, aWr either heeled or sp lag heels. Write for prices or call and examme. tor sale at wholesale at manufacturers' price. We are daily receiving our stock of Sprint; Shoea, which will eomprhe the best makes, latest sty! sad lowest prices ever shown in tlib asarket 16 S. Tryoa Street 1 J UUT 7 T"? fust Received. .... , , ' lt . 30 Dates Choke , , ' in East Tsatt 5t "" ..' 'i CR4J0N PORTRAITS. " Call aid see how line and Cheap they can be had. , . , FRAMES. f . I have the largest and best assort meat of Frame Mouldings in the State. Canvas and Crayon Stretchea made to order. YAN NESS 1 N. TryoaSL. plain talk for those who blow about with the prices we are making. withtl and you'll EYES.v TIP SHOES, the world. One pair of these Vt two pair of moat other snakes. We - -uii.KJWiii c y Swccemora to Pegrandt Co. - T7 1 ' 1 u ; tty - ANOTHER IX)T OF THOSE 1 ELEGA.NT l!ANlMADi: UHUS' IlitllPEiST mi SEZIS- These are beautiful fow, wry atytuK. aad sold Baa-anTy low k S grade ot gomla, - . Our Arwte last, for real dr, I, (' r BBot ptrlWt ailing Shorn sU t. 1 sasrket Thbhacknowh-dgrd t r .n that has worw tkm. W them W the diTwt wklih M :i sJsn houa I to 6. ' b-a el r4 a haadaomS pair of Waiting ihnr it pay you to see our. - " " ; CRAY CO. SPRING STOCK 01 WALLPAPHR N W SmKjI t Ci1ot'S Paint nl 02 Hums. 7? l ,--t a ! 1 t aiAntrJ t ' : : I 11 ti'f h l. Trial aad uht . One wit r fte. 3evVe of one V . -. Arm ol -fefcedaat II pamoon, and a manMV el Florida ' I CO tct W4 1 aa ;t pars rL llr ttf .l t IPTTOM 'PRICES I TllEWlUo:.'! ;! ;ur to jirnrW al Ke herr M..W- ' ' . . - 1 at te 't Orancrco. .. : Ml. r i. ;..... m l "n(f US , . ) ", f 1 1' t H i s i ' 1 r , I rv j j -f. f c