ADVERTISEMENTS, CRAYON JJORTRAlTS Call and see how fine and Cheap they can be had. FRAMES. V I have the largest and best assort ment of Frame Mouldings la the State- Canvas and Crayon Stretches made to order. , VAN NESS . y , -. si N. Tryon - THE MEWS. VOLUME i. TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 19, 1889. NUMBER 62. TTV A -T 7" -' ! 1 itt k. Ivm, nc; ttt id : tu. kC lit:; J HUr ltd v, Mr Ad UN T; oat fir; tc! sc hi Li iA ! r J f- i r SSl r mcc and lymmelry to the .ppcu-anct of woman. CGANT TORMS rtfuincd by Ul-enaped Cor j. Ladies who wear the , t . celebrated , . D. FRENCH CORSETS. I l natty recognised by their -yiilul and graceful figure. : "4 i 1 J..4, Mturrioc many other stylet, 1 are all weQ made sad well I AM 8ELZJST0r AT , .. - .' '.V Ul , 1 shMil fa!! a fmmt . n tw waaa n-VBTt vvi rr-vM .. -. I tett bored shaped Corset. i I baltlcM fitting Corset . i rtnuine I. B. Corset - e 1 foe French Woven Corset 1 beautiful "Made" Corset UXB OF CORSETS TO CLOSE - V 0- Sttia Corsets oow Is.oo Woven Corsets bow f J.60 IBARUCH'S TVrVe to buy Corsets., ; Ik STOCK FOR SALE.- 1 Kikm "tint Ward," can Suit of Clothe I . a to .; WETED BY Alii ii for Winter' floltiafi. -J and examine ' prices. JOQN VOGELj ; yj 1U ! nd ret v - 1 I'M- UlLbK )i THE jnWELER. 1 A ' t THE' . . 'ori DrtigCo. i'E ettrtKIn be " 10 of tne "aj4 ctl - . ;-. ' ;. lf0M PRICKS! ; ; A PRBACHXR PROWNftD, H Triad a 0t Acrot Sugar Cfk to , XMch Hla Chnrca,' ket war Waritt4 ; Down Blnum Tt Body not yat B- lUr, James Gibson, a colored preacher, Who had charge W ' Indian llill church, wa drowned in Big Sugar creek, near Mr. Tomer Bar- beri last Surtday. ' f ' :'-" v The preacher .had; to -cross the creek in order to reach his church; The water wa high in consequence of the recent rains, and covered the brigi "Thf prarhfr View tqt tkf bridge was undergoing repairs, sod was afraid to attempt Its passase to his buggy, so ht hitched bis horse to a tree, and boldly waded into the water, towards the bridge.: He got to the handrail and tried to crawl along on that, but just as be was half way acrosi and In the middle of the chaooel,:be lost .his bold, and, was swept down stream. - H had on a heavy overcoat and could not swim. About a hundred yards below the bridge, . he . grasped the limb of a Willow tree and clung to it for some time, shouting tot helpv Finally his strength became exhausted, and be fore any body could reach . him he released his grasp and bis lifeless body was carried on down the stream towards the Catawba. When the lata of the preacher became known, it created a good deal of rxdtement amone ine aeeroea. ; iacr snu ; A CLOSE PLACE. arxkit or A YOUNd MAN WITH - i SJEVERAL ALIASES. - " ."i.i, ;,,i (. ..t r Ks is Charred wfta Utlng tbt Mails for FiasduJMt PnrpoMi, sod H' is ats taosd OSdc fatrcptd Laucrs. ' Poatbffice Inspector Cudger, and United States deputy marshal Beard, arrived la the city on the aoon train today with a young white man against whom 'some serious charges are made.' ? His name is W. H. Martin, alias William Henry, - alias the Caro fina Importing Company. ' He was captured yesterday lat Cold Hill, where he hat been located for some time past, plying a nefarious busi. ness. He sent out circulara, to h is charged, orTering to send counterleit money and obscene literature to con fidential parties. The mails have been fairly hardened with replies for some weeks past , One day last week, seventjrx (76) letters were intercepted at one mail at the Salis bury post office, addressed to Martin and bis two' aliases, at Gold HilL Inspector Cudger got on. his track some days ago. ; Sunday night he reached Charlotte and going before Col D. C. Maxwell, United States Commissioner,' swore out a war rant for Martin's arrest ' He left here Monday morning with the war rant' ' company with Officer Beard tor Salisbury, and arriving news of ; the affcur to th adjoining Ubere they aecured a hack.' drove settlements and raised a searching party of 150 men. '- The party met at the bridge at I o clock this morning, and commenced stieing down the creek for the body. .;. . ; ji 'v. tOCAb RlPPUtS. Mr. joho K. Bixby Is quite side at hk home oa South Tryoa street --A germ an was given last night at the Pleasure Club room to the visiting young ladies. : A new Jewelry store' has heea opened In the city, by Capt Speck, at Hale ft Boyne s oM stand. There will be a meeting of the Mecklenburg Literary Society at the Chamber oi Commerce tonight at y-AO o'clock. ". .. 7. '. There wu quits a cunereace n the wwather today awd that of yester day. The temperetsro las faflea In ti boors from To to & aVgrees. - The ooacert for the benefit of the .Thompson. Orphanage,' which was to hava beta ' givea 6a Friday next, has been postponed until the fir of March. -,v. -A meetinr of the ofEcen of the First and Second,: Fresbyterisa churches will be held tosu'ght, to con sider matters relating to the Synod! cat Orphanagt and the third Freaby teriaa church. t Mr. J. A. Lorkard. 'master of trains for the Air Line Division of the Richmond A Daavfte road, died at his home hi Atlanta, at 7 o'clock last sight, crom ip'ftal dita. He had bees sick for three months. 'Re. ;. L, McLsea, who caO to ' tbe rreabyKnaa cnurcn ai Orartebsrg, 5. C, wu noted ta ThS Niws a few days sgo, has ac ceptsd the caL The people 0 Charlotte wiO regret to part with aha, Rev. George Summey and wife, of Chfwter, 5. C, have atokd lor Liverpool They wiO make anei- leaded lour through soothers and ceatra! Europe, Egypt and PsWsriae, sad wa return Is Jsoi They sailed U the wramer I'moria. Te reeenl raiaa eaaeed a wash- at 150 fret lopfoa the GrteaviOe ft Codmbia ro4. Th s waahewt at Nona, aer StatmWi, 0 tfte weaure (ww.ww read. The damage la theUnsr 1. stance has been npaWvd. TVeLCs AaiUiary Aaaoda. tkw aropoae hevkgaMartha Wash- j mg tow tea frntrf. oa Tharsday even- J ng, St the T. M, C A. weiMing. to Imad, The Tk family are tl. r-ntt to at In making Ike re- - k-. a-l 3 wae iavo me -- .- I f f r : ' I OPENINO THE BIDS. out to Gold Hul and captured Mar tin. , , . .- . : . Martin, it h .charged, waa in a scrape of this kind before. Rock HuL S.. C, was the base of bis former operations. . He was arrested there and putaoderabood off 1,000. He skipped his bond, but was after wards captured and sent to the Denlieotiarr for ' two' years. ' He served out hk time, and now he Is in umbo tor a repetitioo of the same old oAcnse. ' - He was arraigned for trial before Commissioner Maxwell this after- aoon. Col Chas. W. Price appear ing la his defense, and Col H. C Jones prosecuting for the State The trial of Marba was still la progress when Tut Nrws went 10 , . . ,' ', press. Taa Oaivenity The eenteoaiaj reunion of the slumal and matriculates of the Uni versity of North Carolina, will be celebrated OA Wednesday, of com mencement week. June 5th. A tJvaty Scans a tas Office .of Super ; ' ' Uteadsat Wfldw. 't ' The bids lor' excavating the foun dation of the United States post office and court bouse building in this city, were' opened at the office of Dr. Wilder; the superintendent, at aoon todayS? M r. J . S, Spencer and -Mr: Walter Brem kept tally as the bW were opened aind announced by the superintendent The room was foil of bidders, and each announcement was listened to with4nterest; Each bid waaccompahTcdyacertiCed check for $20, as required bythe Government '-Vt' iThe first bid opened was that of Gompf ft Irwin. They agreed to dig out the dirt for the sum of $65, and to complete the job in 40 days. '. The' next seal broken revealed the bid of Davidson ft Carr, who set their figures at $1,5, and 70 days limit'' ,. -: ". The next bid was that of Mr. W, W. Pbifer, at $680 and 40 days. '. , ', Purefby ft Holtoa bid $&y and 45 daya. v . -U- W. H. Hooserbid $1,500 Sod 40 days.t . .- ' . .. .- Hannibal Edwards ft J.D. Northey bid 6425 and 34 days. -.- . v 'R. A. Beany and L. M. Davis, guaranteed to do the work In 60 days for JS90. . ..-. J.)- i '. i J. Garibaldi's bid was accompanied by a iso bank note, and was for I749 and 45 days. J. B. Callahan and G. J. Williams offered to do the work in 60 days for $695. f Messrs. Edwards ft Northey were the lowest bidders. The bids, with enclosures, were aS sealed up by superintendent Wilder, who forward ed them to the supervising architect at Washington, by whom the award wiS be made. The programme for the day wiQ include areuafcMof all the uvwg alumni and matriculates la Memorial Hall at 10 a. m. ' The members of each class wiS sit together. Aa ad- ilrm oi rwmtiml ht orieal value been wul be delivered by aa emiaent I several years past as secretary aad Mr. Tboa. Raakia arrived in the city this aborning. Mr. M. J. Mrers leave this after- aooa for New York. Col Chas. W. Price, of Salisbury, is at the Central Esquire 1L D. Stowe is at the Central today. Senator Vance is expected 10 at tend the Ncwbera fair this week. Mr. M. A. Uadcrwood, of the Monroe Planter, b at the Buford today. Mr. & B. Smith, of Uus county, has been appointed a notary public. by the Governor.' , Mr. 1L M. Caaa, of Baltimore, who k knows as one of the , most popular trsreliog ma Oa the road, to st the Buford. . Mr. II B. Wsahbttra, who has located at the Central fur Ail SHUT YOUR'i MOUTH! Is not a polite expression, but it js plab talk" for' those who blow about J ' prices which can't begin to compare with the prices we are making. ' Just come and get our figures and you'll " OPEN i t " it ' i. j -YOUR That's what we want, wide awake examination of our alumous, at the conclusion of which the roll oi alumni iQ be called by ciaases ami a tew moments may be occupied by speakers representing each riaaa preseeV- Where it is de sired for 'special reasons, a longer time wiQ be allotted. .The class of 1S79, fur example, the first to ester the University on its revival la 175, has requested sad been granted spe cial time to eetebrata the deceftaial of iu rmluatioa. It to proposed also thai the members of each clam dioe Itigrthtr on this day aad that the clan dinners be occasions for friendly reunion and reminiscence. Al sight inoihcr address by an eminent ahjm- nui wilt be delivered, and the ipecial clas eiercwes will be continued, Ba les completed in the morning. . On Thursday sight, after the commence ment eirrvk, there will be a aoeUl reunion of all the alwnel l the library and a reunion re the yoeng people in the gymnasium in coMumes ol the tart century A cauloews of all the students of the Hwverstty since the tf oning sd s complrtt hktnrv ol t Univerviy will oe pwo- liatwd for the ceWrtiraiioB. Dmi at Mr. Ciwfc Mrs. Jao, M. Croeen dd at her home in this city today, at It o'clock. Shs as JS years oVl trr wvaMlea same wss Miae Ger rrvda Rh'n and she was wn.l ut Wdb. TVs fuiral wiil l enleel to rmviov, but lh hoor P t y ben fil fcp-jn. 1 treasurer of the railroad cootractiag firm of Smith. Ripley ft Co, leaves this evening fur hca home fca New York. Mr. Washuura made many warm friends la Charlotte, who will regret to see him leave. Eicctris Ufa a c we. The Tewa CommiaMoorrs, yester day, contracted with the Edison Elec tric Light Company for rtghtieff the Tewa of Coacord, fur the next so years, st one thousand dollars per year. The company wQ furnita 73 fights, So candle power each, apoa the imaaokweent system, and the whole it to be completed within the aeit 90 days. The contract baa beea duly tigaed by both lha con tracting parties, and within the tin tbove stipulated Concord will beooe of the best lighted town ia ike South. Sxtrasrdlaary leas Ssrskaiac Herbert Sperry, Tremoot, III, had Fywinelaa m both Irgs. Co4md to the house sis weeks He says: "1 was unable to ret oa my tret: I had sa Itchiag atwmtioa that nearly no me etsty. 1 amuneu taem raw re the bnrtea, lnel rvrryuimg wit bout refteC I was toravrated as thto wtv lor two years. I thesj fmmd CWke's Eitrsct of FUs (Pa- pUloa) Ski Cure at the drwg store, sod H, sod k has cured me sound aad wtH" . Clarke Flat Sosp hm an flul w lUia sit TtHit. Mna tfs S.vr i For sa n R x 'a t Linen Collars and Oufte, ' " ' '1 r ' - ' Which we have marked in our show case at unheard of prices. Linen r , Collars, standing or turn-down, latest styles, at v : j One Dollar Per Dozen or 8 knd l-3c. Apiece. LIKEN CUFFS 4-PLY, AT tyi CENTS PER PAIR. OR ONE " ill) I , i DOLLAR. AND FIFTY CENTS PER DOZEN. Thev'll bear inspection of eyes, spectacles or microscope. ' The chil dren's game need to be "Open Your Mouth and. Shut Your Eyes, ant! see '' What 1 11 Send You." We say keep your eyes open and see what . W; KAUFMAN CO " - SELL YOU. At a price that takes away the breath! That's 'our game, and we are r ' playing a mr an si is worm. - . GOODS TltAT BEAR EXAMINATION, . PRICES THAI ' BEAR COMPETITION. -' BARGAINS TIIAT &J&T BE EQUALLED ", Anywhere, at ' !"'-- '' ' ' W. KAUFMAN & CO.'S. ' LEADING CLOTHIERS akd GENTS FURNISHERS, ' ; ; Comer Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C ' - : I V T. L. Seigle&V Go: S S AlatSHnilL nrtAMiM aarty Spnaf IwpoiiaUuas la Oram Cook adTtin p. ASearwMtaDtai0anaaMSf aa, ; '- . OaSnaa h) a f Ortaaad mat aaiar. Tka Ma BmAi rxilCi to Sm ArW " r '9- Wf aawwiwlnlai t . 1 r UTaan.' TWIiiiii I n af aoSaS Card aad Ba fSnaai 1B4 kSanaf aaaiiKaa. Wa km anawd a h 'af Ow fcJaa Hadaf- VBk; Bwy wataadkala MjW, Paly a w aWiaaal yaw SjOXiwail tuaSat. T. L. SKICLE ft CO- CHILDREN'S SHOES. For Boys and Girls' school aad vacaiioa wear we rerons anead the celebrated , 5 t SOLAR TIP SIIOFJS, pnees 1 16 S. Tryon Stmt ? rvi kUtf Taats St fust Received. 5 ja IVtt Choke Florida Orannfco. srRiNt; stock of WALU'APHR nit , v-4 CSrU)t'a Pflirl Od ltoui. 1 " 7 - ? Warranted the best m the warhl One pair of thews shoes win wear as maw as two pair of moat other awaken We a) wan have a Larve stock of these shots whVh we sell very few, made either heeled or spring berk Writs for prices oc-caB and exaaaiae. For aole at whMmale at maautacturtrs pneea. We are oauy receiving our stock of Spring Shoes, whkh will couiprise the best makes, lata yfcs and lowest prices em shows la thin market -.- . Gil KKATII t-y., Sucrevs te Pegrsnft Ce. ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE-'. . ELEGANT HANDMADE These are beautiful ttt era, very stynj, , aad sold ttaesnatty low for the .'. grade of gpoila. r Owr Acme bat for real drr, ii the Mat per Ct ftttiog Shoes Snii ta tha mar kH. Thai at ackaowlriLd by every ine that has were lba. W k-j Km ia the dJTrm't width ami sU the alieS frrsa I & Whr m Herd 04 a kaadaome pair of walking shora it wul pay yoe h see . - GRAY ft CO. -1 )? i it " J v.i . -t.i . a

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