-I i- ERT1SEMENTS. EW Aft r .-iL.Wnt of E. H. - Do I'f S pved o the room 1 ,rJtd do e finest claw f "TiSb Give men 'EH. DECAFF. adit ' , ' ' ." ' ..'IlISzjjZ T?ORCErh "Martha LhioVoo T Party" tomor $t Co wdtoke your beat iANDSE&-tM fDomb Bell VICEBL'LL. i ' 5 ' ' ' ' , ,iU make the season df t80 oon'i Stock Farm. .. . , o'.AUmance, fee faS-oo jaifc ABea' Son, fee .oo iduto, - 3 . i .11 the calves I can Ret tWiWve twHsrAean tndu-4 "to owoen to breed t rlfll bay the calves at one ! &oU end pay amount ot am (ttfcrec6. ' . - - """""'cctadoius. THE DAILY. MEWS VOLUME Y, WEDNESDAY EVENING,-FEBRUARY 20, 1889. NUMBER 63.' CRAYON PORTRAITS. , - Call and ee how Fine and Cheap , they can be had. 1 ' . 4. FRAMES- Hh -; I have the largest and best assort ment of frame Mouldings in the ' State. Canvas and Crayon Stretches made to order. , VAN NESS, , , , . , , a o'J 31 N. TryonSi. v tOCAL RIPPLES. CAR LOAD; r "EST KINDLING IN USECJ fStad your orders to - ! ; , ' ' ' A. f. BEALL. WANTED, ,'erant everybody to b cur lenna Itolls, I it err moraine for breakfast s Cream Loaves. Rye Bread John Schaider'a celebrated Fix. Grahm Bread, pies Umol all kinds, freak every St JIA' JHER'S BAKERY, v jii East Trade. , :1 BslM.O, d MuIW Chfake No. I and iirai tad Ro Herring. -Vad Mincemeat. ."xriers aad Mountain Bock German Dill Pickles. . 'ika Flakes sad Floar, ' ' V 1 Ithmst aasortment of Choice 'A Good asd .Canoed Fruits, 4 Vegetables ia the city. ' just received a lot of Stand 3 i Toststoes that will fo until Uiecpercaa. 'Abarfaia. 1 aosberour Specialties: Fine . iaun, Brraktut Bacoe,' Ckip Torgsft fresh roasted mi Fax Teas." ifTJE, BETHUNE cow u La Trde. Tctcpbooe I . I Fwt delivery. If f 'J r 1' . ! ILTLER 1 I- !Uial Jo evcnthlns? U- to oar line an4 efl 7 -JJei it ' il " Thieves raided the , chicken coop oi , Mr. John Lillycrop, the blind man, last night, A Charlotte , dry. goods store sold fifteen hundred yards of lace in a few hours one afternoon this week'. all at retail' Our New York letter is written by a" lady who lormerly resided . in Charlotte, and will be interesting reading for the lair sex. --"JNo Raleigh papers were receiv ed In this city today. The Raleigh papers have been reacMngTiere very irregularly lor several . weeks past ' Up "to the latest reports,' the body of the drowned preacher, Rev. Jaa. Gibson, had not been recovered. It is probable that . the body was washed into the. Cattwba.itV ;. i The funeral ol Mr. John M. CroweU was conducted from St Peter's Episcopal Church at 11 o'clock this ocniag. and. was at tended by a large concourse ot sym- pMCUV HKUUA t , ' ix ' : .' At the meeting of the Mecklen burg Llteranr SorMy last nitbt Mr, Jerome Dowd resigsed bis position as prtstdeot, and Mr. Richard N. Tiddy was elected to fill the vacancy. The Society is Id a flourishing coo- Tbere vu a typograpUcal error In the advertisement of the Mechanics rerpciual Building and Loan Asso ciation yeslerday,! It is corrected today. There is" some diflerence betweea lo,ooo aad joo,ooo, but a ' VSevca 'wbJteaieowcrearralgacd be (ore the mayor thta morniag, 'all charged with drunk and disorderly cooduct The fines tanged from f 3 to $is-. Three DC Uenf coulda't pay, and were seat to the chain IMIv,'-im";x ...! . Mr. Ketch un. landlord the Park Central I oteV jahkh coflafsed La tlartibrd oa the t8ih, and was rescued alive, had ft one time aegor tiated for the lease of the Buibrd House klhb'dty, and came very ear cloaiog a frsde for the house. It only costi W ceohf to gain admituace .to she 'Tee Party." the Y. M. C. A. ouildlo-morrow afght -n Oysters la aaj style caa be procured lor It cents. , Toe mu with' their' chanaing muaic sod red' utioae; will be -present, -aad Miss VVniiaaMoa'a gwitar dass wiS lend their aid la staking the eveoing ooe ofunaSored lOeasure. Other attrac- tioaa stay be expected. ROBBERS WITH TORCHES. Messrs. loseph Creea tad J. S. Lead, of Columbia, are at the Ceo. traL Cii jCvv.'-"!---' Jaa. !L Maaav f Lewiatoa, Pa., vartutkturrr of the celebrated Maaa Ale; T. R. A Wen Ay, Kewtooj f. Balw'us Lcor; C K. Bennett, Nor wood r Tkoa. May, Wadesboro, are attheCatnl f V Cap. ) M. OdrJI, ot Concord, ooe oif the cU prowJaent mlHing tea of the State, ia ia ih city today. Jas. IL Xitrrimort,' Aiev2;- II. ft Lrsk, WiAoa; ! K- Cf New York; A. S. Freak, Wtuaort; A. A. MaT;rso, PuT.io, N. Y., are at the Buford tody. H - i j . Mr. B. R. Beikatth, af Alabama, vke bat been ia the city foe several dy pti nukirtf amrf meats to ImOtat a tiril agwiM MK A ft. Ewvidfoa, WA tkW aAeraooa fof WnMrrKM. Mr. Beckwitk pro pwe 10 brirtf r recowf tit prorf ty oa Tryoa stmt aeM to the Sjwirrs eorwer, whkh s ,snJ te Mr. some yews ago. Tbe (4-1 CmwZm' ki-viUn utJ u stand oa lh site, but ifct t4d frfi wrs lora dowa by Mr. David , sad Uock of kaboe Wtk k im ted I lb T (jrt4,'i tJ th uk af vki(re to St but Mf. reka!h, oat of rSe Tri S(4 te Tbay Break into Cap. - XlU's 8 tort, BaUct a tout af Qroctici Md Drive Off, taavtof a Torch Burning- oa a , Cracker Boa. ' v, ,i ,v, J", Si ;, Capt W. E Kidd lives in a large two story house ' on East Seventh street, nd hi his yard fronting on Seventh street is a one story house, in which he kept a large stock of groceries and family supplies." A side door ,. at the . rear end oi the house opens on Capt Kidd's back yard. - When he.waked this mom- shivered panelattracted his attention to this door. He hastened to make ail examination, and found that he haj been cleaned out by robbers.' . . The robbers went to work ' in a bold' manner. x With a : two-inch augur they bored A' square Jo the door entirely cutting out the lock, and further than this, they split the door from top to bottom. .When they went away, they left !an ! foa wrench and several knots of torches. (The thieves evidently hada wagon at the front door, for they could not well have carried off their booty ia any other way. Capt Kidd's casual inventory showed that they stolen ten sacks of flour, a lot of bacon, half a barrel of sugar, fifteen or twenty pounds of lard, and a full selection of cigars, sardines, coffee, tobacco, and other, articles. There was a swm of money amounting to about in the drawer, and they took this, but dropped a copper cent at the front door. The torches they osed were nude of tat pine, splin tered fine.'; One of these torches was left lying on a cracker box. Beat to two. large cans, of, lard,' but v after burning awhile h went out doing no further -damage than charring the Democrat Holt, who lives near. ays thai be happened to be up at a o'clock this morning, and saw two meft nut away front the store., Po- Coemea Jetton and Hunter were in the knosediatc neighborhood of the store between and j o'clock,' and though the mooo'was giving a good light, they ssw no one on the streets. Capt rOdd! clerk slept in the resS denos, and the window of his t room overlooks the door that was shat tered by the robbers, and k not more thaa twenty feet distant from it There Is no dew. TaeavtMrftec Vf.. "I see," said Esquire D. C Max well to a Niwa reporter today, "that yon have had somewhat to say about a young man with eye glasses and auburn mustache being marched In by the sheriff to pay double taxes. . Just take a seat tor half an hour, and I wuT snow joui SB SJSm WKI wiw - tache, some with no mustache, some Uoodca, some brunette, some dudes and some who are not dudes." It was feet, too. , The way the young seen were aberedm was a sight So Ur about one hundred noses have been double taxed. The young man with the auburn mustache aad tytf Ustes b not by any means atoot ts his aaawry. Thesberifl k still oa the war path. '- -.-i- v Btanw4 la fWrt. ? Mf. Vwton UJln. of thia city, was married at RWgeway, Teoa., today, to Ma Jaaie HaO. It was aqukt aiUlf, o InvkaUona havbig been lasoed, but nimjOw aanouoce mant carrU seat out. on aecoent tf I recent death ia the UroDf. The M1y wedded will speed a few dars bt Waahuitton, when they will come on to Chatkxio, fain. Ta Oa. ' Can' Vs at Wat twebed the tea ttfil sotch la CbaVXte. , Tea wnts was paU M the vtapk on Our streets tolay. , ll vu Ike hlgWt apot varkM ol til the tons Tbeaa'ketat f- w SananJterHlefr. V S Tbo Preabrtcrtan la Conference. " Dr. A. W. MilJer,kRelJ. Y. Fair and Rev. J. L. McLees, the three Presbyterian pastors" of the city, and 30 officers from' the two churches, attended the meeting last night to discuss matters relating to the Synod ical orphanage and the new, Third church. The meeting was in session until after ten o'clock-, Dr. Miller presided, and Mr. , C. N. C Butt acted as secretary. ' ' The discussion In regard to the Synodical orphanage was quite interesting, and resulted in the adoption of the following paper: That, in our-opinlonr no commu nity would be justified in bidding lor the Synodical Orphanage in their midst; that toe selection of location should be made by Synod, after duly considering the advantages of the different localities, . ... '"Resolved. That if the Synod should select Charlotte as the proper place, we will do our part in supporting it, and will contribute our due propor tion towards paying for its buildings and nte. , ' Resolved. That a committee, con aistintr of one elder and one deacon from each church be appointed to ascertain u the Managers of the Presbyterian Home are willing to Du I ;.l rVnl..iiM it -Inratot in Charlotte, . - ". -.. vl - '.''. : ':' Toe chairman appointed Elders D. W, Oates and A. Ck f Brenizer, aad Deacons Butt and'Kisbet who will meet the Managers of the Preabyte riaa Home this afternoon, SI40 'cJock, at the Y. M. C A. parlors. ' " The matter of building a Third church was discussed and it was de cided thai the church is to be built It wul be definitely settled at a meet' log to be held on the second Tuesday in March. .':-. -"- " Nous worn HeaaaraviUa -. , - , A Ntws reader at Huntersvilk writes us thA Rev. S. C Alexander, of Missouri, will lecture at that place to-morrow night from the subject: "The Stone Kingdom, . the fifth world power: or the United States in Prophecy." i . Rev. W. W. Orr left today for Birmingham, Ala., to organise aa Associate Reformed church at that place. . . . Hunters ville is very healthy at present - Dr. IL J. Walker has been sick for some days past, but he told me this esora ing that .he had Just swallowed a dyaamrte cartridge, aad felt better. . . , Unless Signal Officer Bran son gives us better weather, we will have to move ant to dry land some where. The wet weather has re tarded tanning operations since the 15th. ... Miss Mattie M- Wood ruff, c Maasueld, Deaota Pariah, La., Is visiting hernndo, Mr. C W. Rilch. - r,.. , ; wre Jt l CMWteff ea RadraM Man. ' t There ia quite a gathering of ra3 road men ia the cky today, Capt Wnu H. Green, the general superin tendent of the Richmond ft DaavfDe road is the biggest, nun In the crowd. ,The Air Line di vision is represented by Capt - Berkeley, supermteodent and Arthur Ram seur, master of trains; the Charlotte, Columbia and AoguaU divkjoa by Col C. R. TakoR, superinteodent J. S. Land, master ' of traina, Joe Green, master machinist and L. T. Nichols, fruiter of trains for the GAL. division; the Rkkmoad aad Danville division by W. D. Ryder, superintendent, and J. II. .WaWh, master of trains. ; , ' . The ofTrri met here for a general consultation, and their meeting h bc!ng held ia the aew drpot this af tnrnoon.' - Blair fajslr aUllflt ' Mrs,S O. BUir, Chirsgr myl: We eouW not keep howe witkt rrvr-CUrWtS Ettract ot IU Skin Cure snd Cough Cure. We hve se4 both for uow-eoua trouU, Kpecialiy for tmt cht We recoen mm4 xkm Couch Cure lo every hmily Upf Urm, We mmi it f. Wh-TTC Ccth wiih remarks My jut. and atWt1ff rrm'la, and ue M M aV wtt wSk i' fcrr.U'y m ha" taiy 1 J", U't Mi!. t ' '-v ll a it Kl ' f '!" fv m - A : I SHUT . YOUR MOUTH!; Is not e polite expression, but it is plain talk for those who Wow about !' prices which can't begin to compare with the prices we are making. j Just come and get our figures and you'll , lit'1' v " - ' : ! . - . . ' :? , OPEN: V " YOUR 'V.-.v' " 1 t 1 EYES: That's what we want wide awake examination of our a 1- . - " ' 9- - Linen Collars and Cuffs, i,- '!-y.;.frt , :' it Ctfr'-ff . ' . ' " Which we have marked in our show case at unheard of prices. Linen ' Collars, standing or, turn-down, latest styles, at - : One Dollar Per Dozen or 0 and l-3c Apiece. LINEN CUFFS. V-PLY, AT taV CENTS PER PAIR, OR ONE FIFTY i .DOLLAR AND CENTS PER DOZEN. j... L TherTl bear insoection of eves, spectacles or microscope. The chl- dren's rame used to be "Ooen. Your Mouth nnd Shut Your Eves, amj see .. What fll Send You." , We say keep your eyes open aad see what ' W. KAUFMAN &.CO. . U;":N' sell ;Y0Urt " At a price that takes away the breath! That's our game, and we are , t j ; " puyuigKiorauasi wona. ., ; GOODS TJUT BEAR EXAMINATION, w " V PRICES THA T BEAR COMPETITION. f " ... BARGAINS THAT CAN T BE EQUALLED - '' '-' Anywhere, at ' ' .,: W. KAUFMAN & CO.'S. LEADING CLOTHIERS aJro CENTS' FURNISHERS, v ,. ' . .:; -. .; .. ; ;. , . ; Ccener Central Hotd, Charlotte, N. C - ' 1 V ' i ;. - . ,'.n',.,'r-,',Jii';'i.f, . . ?,-i.,"f ,!'.'' , " . t 1 v - ., -,, .... . .. ( . , . . :.T..LSeiglE&(:q. ASaf aJawavava Aovjm aury Spriat lawianaaiMS sa .Ptwa-Oaym a4Tnia- . p.' AnwaanaiPaiOaaiWaiiiiaaailr as. . ',"-'' jNsasna4iaa4 0aliiai Mia of Sm CXntat aaVaw a aofc. Thaa tm I iannlili TraaailfJ fat Saa Saaaw ! iSty. W.anato itii' li'UW TSnnsiiiiittiil aorSwSittCaWaWwa TW eaaaa ara bm anas4 Om bant Hna kj DnaCtoSa. Mart af Swm aja. NapaJa Wa W. ataW a bt af aw J a ItaJaf VaJiaa, taiy '.).. . - , - - - aaaal ata.'0fra awl yat OoW t aiBai . ' ' 'i " I T. L. SZICLE ft CO. CHILDREN'S SHOES. ' For Boys and Cub' school aad vacation wear we rtcoos- r.trwl the celebrated , .),..- SOLAR TIP SHOES, Warranted the best in the world. One pair of these aWa will wear aa lone: as two pair of moat other aaakc. We a! t bsv a km stock of these ahesi whkk we sefl verr low, saade cither heeled or spring becbv Write for prkwa or call aad eaamine, For sale st wholmale at maaubctums. prices. We ara daily receiving our stock of Sprint. Shots, which wTJ comprise the bnl snakes, latest styWe s foweat prices ever shown ia this maikrt, ."..-,,'. . 16 S. Tryoa Street Socoewors to Prgraaaa Co. 10 F-AIT 1 UtI St 3 ULiT 2177.T.lL V-IX, . AMJIlit-K. iaji ur ntue. ELEGANT HAND-MADE loir tiLiiiPEUT Eami TVeae are beautiful 6Ta, very sr!h, and sold nnunuefly low foe tV - grade of goods, i Oar Acene kaat, foe read tfrraa. Is tH perlrrt nttiog 5on si ra ihm ket. Tba is aknowWitgod br every that baa worn Umxw. e kep Sn in the tl'IWit arktika sad atl 0 , aUa roa 1 1 6 When m need ot a . tiaoeae pair of waJLing shoes H wOl ' pay yon to see ewt. , GRAY A OX mm ' i s. ew A CtyUib Cuit of Clothei WTO covin no by Au. STRING STOCK OF WALL PA Pit R ?i"o aitirirj t 0t' -m! rai;-.t a- 1 Oil It ', ('! r ! c :-vn- 1 jt iOM I ' if. : ' Tke-"1' - r !

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