l(t VcW ADVERTISEMENTS i-ATARHNUM Charlotte 1 rrl No. 1046, meets tonight A T Full attendance requested. . ...rf.hurs Secretary. . ItsBuford , i Six Trto Justf, v opfosl' ;i stoio! Jbw Gds! ; naMKij () Jjf,Vrebri7tj4 1 fat- ;.S3ia -kt oUol foodf at lb 1l!no?!.,, . .... aJ. auwlh a 1 i ..-fife.. wwi ww ; . - Wool HcarMHa worth . Z,t d 1KB WOO! lieariaiai wwia JJfnilotWool Brodwolb JJ..H0H! 9C- lot-Was WW'" ifj 2rtil5. HruM o. lb Uxw Start. ,25lot (Mats worth su ; "iuU' HdkrthtHi worth ioa, M J cta.1 Ma,lfc, siupeadcrt wotth -. ": j.'klUn boaoa Prats Shir worth till KM Moot Whita Dm Khiro worth -i!llMi' Waits Draat Shirts worth I ftVf TABLES OF MEN AND BOYM Tiafc Kol 1 coaulai io ooM Mas Md Bojr'l Uw,i. .. - . " Talk N. a ooaiaisa Ml MasSrlas TawNo. coouiatIS MM wa rw !m(r. ! jo. , TaW N. cmu'U I) too Moil EMM (Ml on noai s-oo w j y. m mi I MNo. 5 coouiin is -m Um tVtrj H UXIm J-" " Pt 9 I jU ColUr woe lib. PJ . I Uto' Dm Dullnot wwlli ! to $o a , Rsbtxr Tip Lm4 I'miIB ort i imrl I d IVnc monk ttH Mli IhM 10 MmH. Mk M . peg GUm CoTrml pVttMT Dmpm worth l. onk m (54 Skon worth i jo at focj Mea t Kim : worth f j 50, ) fats: La4il' BajoM ; n bye., LadW Show rrth ll.f t v Ml Lmki hf worm u 10. u.tot ' pVmoorth 4 0,lor (iw ChiloWl I Maaanktiri at IM OtoftMhl ipiHrrtnnrilii.iinicj n" I rxlMiuo tc rraR WhUoCfcocfc- ! 'palaponh pc at IM Wkitt Ckod ahvtrdiiiMc.. l rMs, WkMClMcM i orni i6cl 9Ht-j LpwpiUU Owhrtp Ti)t,ic)S: yiirttwprtliaoaoiPlJi. i .t n MaraHfW Od vwrtt at oa. ' ) IhauMC PteMi at ycj food pr4 wUt aja!H. 1 ai lahprr MMMfoea aUT war rj. ! va:foan Rbbra 8toa worth at, c Wnm' Rahbrr Shoal vorta )., at 15ft-; naawaj joe . ai (fc; Unrl war ft-aa, r. Cmn worth li to. M ll aa I haMaw ra444 nakML AI .atatwira ta tM atrf haa. u itirHl j JAMES HARRtSON k CO. ( IUataiTU trorwa aiowat omiiia. f 0(1 M I IimOrdu or TM Dat. JoaK. DULS who wlHadl ro a Wwl Stkci Odei Ippla"- -'Atjc. per pound' TSi ia jut to and no mistake 7lc guiraotetd to bttouod afood order. ..'' Vrt mpfrtfull, " JtDULS. ai4 K Trade St. - I WT.-(kU Tooth Pick i abaM LfWajith charm. Fikf wiU rihe Niw olfica ao4 rtcetra BUTLER HIE JEWELER. " t .'" "Ttue ' " '' " . r ' ' YtisohDrugCo. H f?cal irt cvcrjtfunjj be- ..-.- ' 'J ta our Un ArtJ IcQ .A.. ; . y , t 'TOM ' PRICIIS! A BAIL NEWS: VOLUME it ": THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY u, 1889.. NUMBER 64. CRAYON PORTRAITS, GJ and ace how Fine asd Cheap they can be liad. ' -f FRAMES. - ? I have the kfgest and best assort ment of Frame Moulding in tlx Sute. Canvas and Crayon Stretches made to order. ' VAN NESS , v ' at N. Tryon LOCAL RIPPLEI. , To-morrow b the 157th annt renaiy of the birth of the father of nil country. I Capt tohn R. Erwln and Capt T. R.; Robertaott will , leave tbia evening for Raleieh.1 ' : " Mr. J. D. Fox haa bought the gun store of th late C J. Fox, and BI continue the busineta. '.v $ t ,' There were t no ; robberiea in TO TRAIL TH BOROLAFS. The , Ksao-NoMd . BkxKSboand to ba Praaa4 Into Folic ianrlca. ' , Bloodhounds! That's the idea. The problem of catching the burglars hat been solved, and now aa soon as the dogs arrive and some burglar will be accommodating enough to crack a house we will have some fun. A police officer to-day told a News reporter that the dogs are being tiMmriafPtft (nr - Thv ar (nrtra t -rt. I l !. . !!. ' -. vjiwwus uiiLin, muu nn nicui j- j tn.'u There was audden cessation of Fowls' talk,' on part of our es teemed morning contemporary, this Tbe Social Circle will be enter- taioed next Tuesday evening by Mr. and. Mrs.' Ceo. W. Kittelle, at the Bufordh -Tbe iiouse judiciary committee yesterday reported unfavorably the bill to remove the political disabilities of ex-Gov. Holden, Policeman McCracken, who was patroling , the ' eastern outskirts of Ward f , last night, caught a thief stealing wood from Mr. W. W, Phifcr'a back yard. He brought the the thief up town and lodged hint la the guard house. --1 J -'A- H y.i't Jas. Harrison & Cch, the new dry goodi firm esubusbed In Char lotte, have an advertisement in this issue of Th News that will be read with interest by shoppers, Friday, Saturday and Monday will be their spedal sales daysv . 3 y A y -pA frw of our people art preparv tngto ntteod ilarnaon l inaugural, but others who are wiser and, know what it ia to anticipate a good" time arc holding back for the Washington centennial in Mew York, 00 Apru 40th. , That will be the trip to take A Choral Benefit and Sociable will be held at the residence 0! Mrs. T. S. Brown, on East Trade street. tomorrow (Friday) night, given by the Ladiea' Aid Society of St Mark's 7 Lutheran Church.. fThe proceeds to be aaad foi completing and furnishing the church. J. B. lUrtman, a tenant on the land ol Mr. J. G. Sluunonhouse, wss arraigned before Esquire Max- el today upon ' the 'charge of In juring reel estate, lie had been cutting down and hauling 00 timber. He was placed under bond of 950 for his appearance for. trial at the Criminal Court. SberiiT Smith returned home to day from Raleigh, and ia sow enjoy Inr a tnooxe. There were two break- dovns on the road going there, and hut night he sat up until 1 o dock waitinc for the . Charlotte bound tram, It was hb nt trip to Raleigh with twiaooer, and in view of hia two sleepless) nightt ha doesn't fori Eke bragging on K , , , , TV Uataai Prajrwr MawM. , . The navion grayer meetlnga are liiog ia ltat good. Services were held Wat night at Tryon Street VI. E. Church, conducted by R. J.Y. Fair. . Prayera were made by a9 the pastora. Tan crown aWpaas ed aay they have bad, aad It rtaiiod edoneoftheFwarsciaaxtingn. N one m&ra the number of people ia Charlotte that attend prayer BMetinf ani3 they see thent eases) bled to gctherv. Servicea aell Wediataday night will be held at theTryoa Street Baptist church, ' ' -r eppaBPpBpppaBawajBaaiB t A Car Cattarai. teat after the aaow storm com- synced today, the graded school ttl dipmMaai, 4 kSe fir Krr ear that csjm up toft 'The cha'rea had potaaaaion of it. They not only ned the car but took the fcUifer, aad the drim hd to hold up fcW imi k he had bo3e wnder thtn. hwasthe aaoat neaverows car load that has yet been hanled oa Mr. Oahorne'a Imw, f " TkJre Drwhaawa. Mifor IVwd has hantllad the af- Uif of the brrAtn RaWgk bank, ia noJMrW. The CowwroDer of the Currency U oVUred tMrd rTiv4 dt4 nf 10 rt cent, ka of ,S ff.!'tnra ol hk hank. ! we get these dogs," be said; "we will show the burglars a thing or tino&jf.-Vf1? ; t' 'Kt? "Vou are sure of success, then I" asked the reporter. -, "We arc aure of it," was the re ply. "We will get three dogs. I can put them on a track twenty-four hours alter it is made, and the only way the burglar can get away will be to take a railroad car. He can go through" water or mount a hone, but that will make no difference; the dogs will run him down relentlessly. His tracks may be walked over by a hundred other people,' but the dogs will never lose it. With these dogs I would have bad no difficulty what1 ever In catching the parties who rob bed Kidd's store Tuesday night" The officer says that the dogs are expected to arrive here shortly. The resuh of this experiment will be watched with interest by our people. and the general opinlon'ia 'that the right policy has been adopted. The luck that we may expect, though, will be that aa noon as the dogs ar rive the burglaries will cease, but that would be a relic!, worth aQ the trouble and expense. - v TV 1 cs. . There is no sham about the build ing ot the 4 Cs railroad. The re cent contract argued in New York City was for the construction of 150 aca. . The company ias already under operation 400 miles of road, jco of which are of its owa construc tion, . The portioa to be built under the contract referred to b from Ruth. erfordtoa, N. C, to the new town of Minneapolis, In Southwestern Vir ginia, at the crossing of the Clinch river, where the hoe win nuke a junction with the Norfolk and West- Railroad, sad probably with a proposed eastern extension oOhe Louisville and Naabvule, wbfca la to come through by Stone Cap. A. B. Harris, of Boston: Frank-Coxe, of Philadelphia; Wharton Barker, of Pl2addpkia;' B. D. Johnston, of Boston; Geo. Thomas L. Rosser, asd other well known men, are inter eatnd ia the road. The coo tract on are McDonald A Shea, the well kaotm railroad builders, of Kaox TW Tma.. and thev are reoulred to complete the contract awarded to I them within ten months. , Ira at Ike W4 Oaf- The old passenger, depot of the Richmond and Danville Company, la this dry, had a close call at I o'clock this inoraihg. ' Fire broke out in the roof over the general wait fatf room, but the oVpot hand rallied and laved the house. A Ukpbonc sMsragn was sent to the Rre depart ment to hold toetl ia read!, but another mevaage was shortly re cervfd aaaoanriag that the fire was under control.. The damage was siighL ' .'. "i" " !.,:, A Mr Dwtty sa Par Was. . We are It stated that Mr. Jan. A. Robinson, who was formerly con netted with the Charlotte Chronicle, b to start a daily paper U Ptwbaas to be called the Morning News. Mr. Roohhsoa b good editor, and from hat we know of hint we tea pre dict that he wa give the people ol Dwham paper in every way worthy iheirnupport. Good lack and swe cess to htm. ' ' TV Oar ham Cawasn Marks. The city cotton aseit remained Wy today, with a if?a tone. Thtre i but HtJe 0rwg, con-J. ertng the good price, the meiptt bv vrnn motinf to 31 bW. tSe quotstlooa wft: . 5!fktOl Mnkning. . . tinoj ,"! ( " -J ........ t 5'rt- in.;; i t ' -1 :'..rl. t TVs Railroa4 CommUaion BOL ; The bill constituting a. Railroad Commission : for North Carolina passed its third reading in the House of . Representatives yester day, - The Newt and Observer says that when the bill was called up, Mr, Alexander offered an . amendment changing the salaries of the com misaloners from 2,500 to $3,000 and the clerk from $i, 200 to 1,000. He spoke at some length; advocating the. bill and his amendment . Upon the vote on the amendment Mr. Franks, who opposed the bill; called for the yeas and nays. I, Mr. Cooke spoke in support of the biu. He said the question of salaries bad been- embarrassing to the committee, but that it had finally settled down on the same as those paid tb the judicial bench, and for this reason they were fixed at 1,500 and 1,300, Mr. Cooke's speech was strong and eloquent. - He handled the measure from the side of the people and sustained himself with credit. , V A vote was taken on the substitute offered by Mr. Alexander, reducing the salaries. The amendment was adopted by a vote of 69 to 38. Mr. Long, of Me. klenburg, of fered an amendment, changing the pay of witnesses from two to one dollar per day. Lost. Mr. Bain Vflere'd nn amendment, striking out the clause relating to the professions of the commissioners. Lost by n vote of 49 to 38. , Mr. Cooke moved the previous question (the passage of the bin upon its third readingX and upon this motion Mr. Beddingfield called for the yeas and nays. The main question was then put, and the bin passed its third reading by a vote of 65 yeas to 43 oys. "TkaoaW natodir Mht - Theodora b to be presented at the Opera House in this city next Sat urday night This b said to be the grandest production oi this season in point of scenic effects, dramatic interest, and nn that combine to iske a performance of surpassing grandeur, ia that of Theodora, the Lioa Queen, by Walter Standish. No coat or pains have been spared to make the play equal In nU re spects to the wonderful productions ot the old world. When the curtain rises on Act t, yon are transported back to the filth century; again Zyxantium in re stored; yon walk the halls of Jus linen's palace; yon hear the aoog ot the green faction ia the atreeta. OocJ a Juggler in the circus, . Now she rules the land, A juggler stin, tho' crowned a Queen, A scepter in a wantoo'a hand Hal Hal Theodora I . Hal Hal Theodora! ' Theodora Hal Theodorat The dance of the Ranch girla, who try to amuse the Gaulic King ChiUerbert, son of Oovb, Is a very pleasing feature. The drama leTa six acts. . Among the remarkable scene b that of th death of Marcenua, the officer of the household guard, who, with Fabian, th lover of Theodora, fried to abduct the emperor, and Who gives ap hb L7 gladly that he may aot betray his friend. , , - .11 ai 1 . A WaaMS, Tan. United State Cotnmiasioner D. G. UaxwcB today dispatched uk officer to Union county with w arrant e for the arrest of Joha E. Morgan and Mrs. Francis Lore, alias Yew. Both re charged with retailing whbkey without a license. They wM be ar raigned before the cotnmbaione ( trial tavtcTww. . AalUls'.atlHwUrirraawrlpUaa , Dr. C P. Henry. OicsRO. II. who haa practiced naeOiane auany yewrs, says t Las Sta! he wsed sad prpwcrld Ctwte'e tat r act of Flat (PsfHnoa) Sain Cur in 40 or cases, sad never knew a case wher k fsiWd to cw. "I know ol ne remedy I ca rvly oaj so UnrU ckty." Pusstiv cwre foe an dear of ihe Skin, Apfhed eiremally, CUikt'a FW Sou b twt for P.! 5U Cxire i 00 Soap t c, . At II t!. J 'fHid A Ctx's v t SHUT" YOUR MOUTH I Is not a bolite expression, but it ia .plain talk for those who blow about prices which can't begin to compare with the prices we are making. v Just come and get our figures and you'U - ' OPEN YOUR That's what we want, wide awake examination of our ' , y. , Linen Collars and Cuffs; Which we have marked in our show case at unheard of prices. Linen Collars, standing or turn-down, latest styles, at ' One Dollar Per Dozen or 8 and 1 -3c. Apiece. LINEN CUFFS, a-PLY, AT ia! CENTS PER PAIR, OR ONE . ; . DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER DOZEN. dren'a What They'll bear inspection of eyes, spectacles or microscope. game used to b fn Send You." ipectacies or microscope. I ne cnu Mouth and Shut Your Eyes, ami see A . 'a aT. me used to De Upen Your We say keep your eyes open and see wnat :-.;W. KAUFMAN & CO . . SELL YOU. . and we are At a price that takes away the breath I That's our game. playing it tor all it is wortiL ; v - GOODS TJIA T BEAR EXAMINATION, PRICES THAT BEAR COMPETITION. ' BARGAINS THAT JCAN'T BE EQUALLED Anywhere, mt - ' W. KAUFMAN & CO.'S, LEADING CLOTHIERS ahd GENTS FURNISHERS, f ; - Corner Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C T. L. Seigle & Co. Al ot Sk wart wfl show jfm sartr Spr1a( lwpnrtaa.no la Dm OoaoS aaiacv AO Iks saw nan la Draw Oooat art kaa nhJbtarf by a, ' ' ; ' ITrbm- aa4 OaBouat Is a of tka Oritwtai csacai a aakar. af iSSa. W art akw bn liibj a. La Taoa" TVkka ciwhlaatiia afika SntCaraaa4aa f-nriis Baa TVs aulari srsnifci SsiianayMl wkh rkt srtaal Ku.aliUa ta PwOaoea. Mars at aVaat Sja, Naswiaa, Wa km aacaraia k ot Um Jaat HaaVa VaOhaj, B aat as kt la stSs. Oxij a rWI vOi ivraal M faa than Oi h afl laala T. L SEIGLE A CO. CHILDREN'S SHOES. For Boys and Girla' school and vacation wear we sneod the celebrated - " " ' pi SOLAR TIP SHOES, Warranted the best in the world. One pah of these shoe win wear aa long a two pair of moat other makes. . W always have a targe stock , of these shoes whkh we atO very low, made either heeled or spring heels. Writ foe pricea or call and cumin, . For sale at wholesale at manufacturer' prices. We are daily recta ring our ack of Spring Shoe, which will comprise the ber- makes, latest style and lowest pricea ever shown in this maiktt , CII.REAT1I A CO,, 1 1 S. Tryon Street . " ' ' Successors to PegramA Co. JTTOT -VJ J . $.1 it East laari St ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE ELEGANT HAND-MADE UDiEV iWm Mil SE2ES. Then arc beautiful fitters, very stylish. and soM vnusuallf tow for the - grade ol goods. Our Acme last, for real dress, b the snoat perfect bumf Shoes sold ia (h market. Tab b ackaowW-dxtJ by errrr mm that fa woro tkem. krp them in the dtflrreot widths and all the tiara from I 'O 6. w ben m nectl ot a kaaxtsoroe pair of walking shorn k will pay yon to se ours. CRAY A CO. A LtjUsh Salt of Clothei tan) at COVETED BY ALL, Wr s nrJasaW rpaw af Clolhs for Winter BulVlcgs. Call aoI cxjmmo n4 gtt pritfv - JOHN VOCE!, STRING STOCK OF-- WALLPAPER Now arriving at Cbsrlotte Taint ni C'd lTo. f r-- t, la,.k an 1 ' t 1- ' F t