",v advertise::, nts. 1 I. ill V- XC0.'S tor country Hams. TI'T! sin 3 HA1S0N k CO. , South Ttr fad. wnaae 7 JJoJel, Wmmi. . w kbw Gccis -m !; Fri4r atofnliis. rVbruary . .15iSKWool Dt Good, worth 7J eta, ' tl Inch Wool Hrarlotta wort !., "'mr..rL 1UJ HHtblUMHk .. at "oSm Wool rtrooul worth t M S Worth toe , at ! fat S.Ik Vat- iOwdt Worth rthjofc.i9 lot www ruaiMi lot rUaachodand Unbiaach. jcIS" rTwatl worth - Jot J4 ShtlI worth 41 fc "f? JJriw3t Yrtitt af M UM Sho-W itwwk-t worth SKAT Ilia wrih ist a; IK a tot V""-' -SL Ht!t sc. W LoaW HM worth so., WO.- Bi cailh yxL,M17 "diukt Hrid..rchn worm tat., at .vJTTnu siunrndm worth Me., at so et. j-.1. Vital U Mo"" S"worih 1.... Una'. WhiM thwj 8Mrt worth MM I -Wat Dm boat worth j nvi tabus or men and oora 1 HATS. , I TJk N 1 eoouio. I doaaa Um d Bjr'l I TJilhi mux IS t" at' "Vat ' iaroi Jtooo,45. 1 T coataUM I tfcwoa Moat Flo ;!,!, rmo f - .- " I TjM S cowuiM t aoaoa Mo. I Etr 7w H earth ka AwJOIoSjSo. at lakNa. s enetala. I J ea Mas s Very i m Hm eona wum w av. - a.-r-1 Hn'iLtK Coltan worth 15. u. I baa Drew Butloe worth to t$ t RohboT Tip Uod IWhj worth -.. v; md Lod hMk worth K . , rskltohn 10 hwbM k(. worth 5- M M cjm. cmn Buimt imm won xjifu swot wono ft cj Hl row worth fi.Jo.ot oot 2.1 m oonh li so. ot t ' ,M 0169; Wm Mom worth It.; , ik Ud shoo) worth gM, 1 f .yn Nooi worth lJto, M Childrro woinh rje. at )oa Mom km bouoo wlt ft t flM boM Otngouojl arwfri worth asol7K4 Haxhouf ooo)(.arrof! WhJttChoeh. .aaiolJl tc, at jej WhtM Chocfcoa iioar l)Hl, M WnMoChookoo doiraiie.ot M4 timilili Owobrtt Ai,oitH. 0 worth fa 00,01 $i.u m tm mumiuoi qaa won yvoo, 'tllllQI PhofcOt (000 TOO WKht 1Ht ' - wi i Uttibm Show ooo '"f worth ywy, w, Wom'i Kohboi Saoo oonh jot, ot ; MnoV Rohhor Itm worM jot, ot I jo "MrooK, at aou Oonalorta ot Cmm oorth fi.ox at atvoa. ! fctaal w nmii immj aoooa hoat Al aotnooj la om ctrr aoa. JAME3 HAIttlSON at CO. IWUI b TBI Oa Dll OP THE DAT. ,Aljc. pf poend. ' TViiiilutt to and do mistake "7 like ituraatccd to ttt aouAd liUTLER THE JEWELER. THE u fofi Dmr Co. - . . !4 In tverjthifig M our Ine anJ ic'l THE' i. .DAILY VOLUME 1, ERIDAY EVENING,. FEBRUARY 1889. NUMBER 5. CRAYON PORTRAITS, Call and see how Fine and Cheap they can be had. j" 4. FRAMES. ; I have the largest and best assort ment of Frame Mouldings in the State. Canvas and Crayon Stretches made to order. VAN NESS 21 N. Tryon S- JLOCAb RIPPLIB. Editor Jas. P. Cook, of the Con cord Standard, it at the Central, Dr, R, U. Eameav on of the moat experienced 'mining' men thu) tection, ta at the Central today. ? Capt W. B. Kldd hat recovered tome of the good that were stolen from his 1 tore last Tuesday night ' tMr. E. M. Davit, of the Racket t tore, hat moved hit place of real' denoe to one of Mrs. Tate't houses, on Fifth street . This hat been day of bright-' neat overhead , and slush underfoot The temperature wat far above the frertinfr point, and the mow hat been disappearing; rapidly, Ferdinand Phinzy. of Athens, Ca. ; Jacob Pbinty, Augusta Mrs. A. W. Calhoun, Atlanta, and Fhincy Calhoun, Atlanta; C K. Mcliarg and wife, Cooperstown, N. Y., are at the Buford." ' - . , ..' C The Concord Standard of todajr tayts "inere u to ot t paraae oy the Cabarrus Black Boys today at o'clock p. m., tad they will be re viewed at nkht by CoL J. T, Aa- thooy.of Charlottev ' ! j ' New polea are being pot p for the Incandescent electric Cgbt By the time the Cat-Electric Company and the D. ATompkint Co, put up their Doles, the sidewalks will be pretty weO fenced ul'J" . " ' -Mr. SL Wittkowaky, hat hot completed tome extensive improve, meets to hit residence oa West Trade street. It lias been converted into a modem dtr house.' with alii the Aicolostt at Wsnhar. A Charlotte man who came la on the Carolina Central road last sight, reports that Mr. Thoa. AOea a knocked down and btally Injured by a team oi mules at Wadctboro, Jrts- terdav. : One of his anna wat broken tad his skull was 'fractured.' "Mr. ADen It one of Anson's best me. Ta MaiS4 a ig H A News reporter was this mom ing shown through' the second floor of the Racket Store, where air. Davit b arranging foe kit harness The goods which h will offer are of ttM Quality. .The Racket w fairly crowded with goods, and Mr. Davit hat decided to secure the needed room by boiUing an kn ave story boose He is now negotiating for a site, and expects to commence boikhng opera tiona. ' ' Lao Mlftora Toa rtrtr. The Martha Washington tea party at the Y. M. C A. hall last evetwog. notwithatandiog lh weraher Van a decided euccees. RWrwakmewU of vexions kinds were bountifully pre pared and served by the members of the rflkient Ladies Auxiliary Asso ciation, who as tsual socorsatuny atered to the tastes of the vistton, and mad) every one have a pleasant time. The ssmout and charming Peak Family delighted the as- d'woce with their naiqus enurUla- The "Dumb bell &iUV' by mem bers of the gymnaatnm due vat much enjoyed aad elicited rroch praba. The members of the Ladka Auxiliary have reatoa to coogTatulate Ihrmselves 0 the rwoceos of last ghl'l enrtrtaUunf at Mack Of the success a the V. M, C A., la tb city, drpetxls upon tiem srtJ their (ToU shtruld be srprrcUttd br a3 mrmlxts and -frienda of the Usotitw linv WkU thoae roemUrs who hut 'cttt were cowra by inn ah- roee p'ease tsah t a axe of th . A ynung mas 'who aa'd fc ws (rom CmKord. trt0 up at tae RkKmooJ tt P.ai drt Ws llu. y, U a aJ fjht fnUr " oon. I is ni iv rvi w st.hUve trs. H "3. ItvJ hrd sWt the traia r"! W sa 'I 1' r - 1 I til at fwin.l 1TH8 STATE . t. CONVBNTIOK. TKIRTTeKN INCHES '' OF 8M0W A Wtntar. Day in Cbarlotu SUIghlng and 8aow.BUut(-.Two feet at Aa ' iMa-Th Railroads Blockad. The people of Charlotte waked this morning to find the town .cov ered with jij and a- to inches o uow.. T4taren began yesterday afternoon afT 1.30 o'clock, and con tinued ' without ' Intermission . until after o'clock this morning." The mow came down in big so fitly falling flakes; and the town presented a beautiful sight in its mantle of white. I twata severesnowJalI, and as early as eight o'clock last'night the street cart had to be abandoned. Mr. Osborne had a long string of workmen with thovelt clearing the tracks from snow early this morning, and regular trips were resumed at 9 o'clock. The snow afforded excel lent sleighing, and the streets were filled with ' turnouts of aS' kinds, from the goods " box mounted 00 runners to the 6ne imported cutter. Snow balling added hilarity to the scene, and a number of interesting battles were fought There was a bin- ran oa the run stores, and a Te beH14 In Charlotte Is AprO-.Ths I 1 v , Programme iv The annual session of the North Carolina State Sunday School Con vtntion will be held at the Y. M. C A. building,' in this city, on .. April and,' 3rd and atb. ' Those who ex. pert to attend the convention, should tend their names to Mr. C W. Tii lett, chairman of the committee on entertaining delegates. The pro gramme arranged (br the occasion it at follows f J' - - -1 ; - ;? nBJTDir;tDAv7AlMi: 7f 83gi: Morning session ioxx 1 Praise Service; 10:30 Words of Welcome, I Rev, A. C. McManaway; Respon sive Words, CoL E. J. Parrish; Ap pointment of Committee oa Creden tials, Enrollment of Delegates; isxxk Address by Mr. Wm. Reynolds. -Afternoon session 3:00: Reports of Offrcers of Convention of i8tt; 3:30 : Topic, Bible Lessons for Little People. ' t. How to prepare them, s. How to teacjh them; 4:10: Topic, Bible Helps sod how to use them ; 1:10 1 Address, the Suodav bcMOi for all Classes, Rev. Jas. Y, Fair, ."regular army of rabbit hunters went ovil to seek amusement m the fields. The records of the signal office in this city ahow that from I. ax to 3 9 p. m., yesterday, the snow fall was 0.36 inch of melted snow, which equals five aad six-tenth inches oi aaow on the ground. From I p. m. to 8 a. to., the soow fall wat 0.70 iach of tnelted snow, or seven and six-tenth inches on the ground, making the total amount that fell equal to thirteen and ' two-tenth inches oa a leveL r This appears vto have' been a Southern storm. The snow was even heavier at points south U Charlotte. At Aogvsta, the mow fall was two feet . At Savannah, k was 1.04 iackes rnetted snow." The precipitation throughout the South ern States was anusuallf heavy. At Wilwiiigtoai it wa 1.68 inches; 1.90 at ILitUraa, and 1.30 at Charlestoa. Moat of this was probably m the form of rata. The snow at TayforsviDe was only three inches deep. At Concord; Salisbury and Creenahoro, the mow wat much lighter thaa I was here. ON TMt RAIlJtOACa. Evening: session -7:30 1 Praise Service; Sxo : Address, Studying a Book of the Book, and Studying the Book, Rev. J. B. Shearer, D. D. ; 840; Address, the Little Ones of the Kingdom, Rev. J. C Stowell. ' SECOND DAT, WEDNESDAY, AFBIL 3. Morning session -95 1 Prayer and Praise Service; ioxx: Topic, Aduk Classes and How to Teach Them ; 10:30; Topic, Mission Schools, Their Value; tiwot Topic, Singing ia the Sunday Schools, the quality . aad quantity; tigo: QtKatioot and An il xx: Address, How to Ex tend the Influence of the State Coa ventioa. Mr. H. N. Snow. Afternoon nation 3; Bible read ing, Ke. W. C Norman; 3.30 Topic, The School Officered; The Duty of an OQcera Conaidered. 4. Aoareae, The School t Success; What bit? What hinders k? What promotes ft? Mr. R. o. Rrppard. Evening Seaston 7.30 Prayer aad Praise - Service. 8. 00 Address, How to Reach aad Hold Young Men, Rev. J. F. Ctowell, D. D. I40 Address, The Encourage ments of the Work. Mr. Wav. Rey. ahrJda,.; . :. - THUD DAT THCBSOAT, Artlt. 4. Morning Seaaioa 9.45, Prayer aad Praise Service 10.00 Reports of Delegates from the County Or rmaiiationa. 11.00 Topic, The Teacher's .Training Cfaaa. 1 1. 30 Topic, How to tm the Blackboard. IB.00 Addreos, How to bring Scholars to Christ and how to care for them, Mr. N. & Iktmghtoa. Afternoon Service. 3,3a CeneraT Dmcus sioA, Methods, Fin ace, libraries aad Ceoeral 'Arrangement ot the School Evening Sesaiow 7.30 Pram and Praise Service. T.43 Address, Paaaching to the Sunday School, Jerwront foe the Little Owes. Re. T. II. Pritthard, D. D. 8.30 Clcetng Talks. A Taht a SMgW. Mr. Arthur Hendersoo t ak'gh was turned p to sa angle of i degms la a very swddew asaaaer, by raaaing foul ot a street car ra3, at Church and Trade streets this aaorning. Mr. IteoJersnei got t Km tumble, hut tcramUed bwck Into the skigh looking (ike Sanu Oaos. The drirt Into which he dropped was tbovt ihrre feet dcrp. 3 WHEN YOUNG . - . Georgic was a kid, yet years before he got to be the well beloved parent of his wonderful country, he set us an example to be alwas truthful, but remember fame and fortune wait on him who makes a CUT. So we seek to learn this lesson and apply it to our line of ' s MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS ANQ. HOSIERY as we did last week to our Collars and Cuds, by telling the truth and cutting goods snd prices very fine. . Like Ceorgie, we are truthful, " , .-rf, On our word you may rely; ' - - Ydtf! find our store the safest place T"7 h . Whene'er you come to bur. To give our stock inspection Is to show us yoo are wise, , ' " h . And more wisdom you wiH gather w . v t.,;. i :.; :-. t When you've opened up your eyes. . Exhibiting the quality" of " , " - . - '' UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY ' ';" ; ,v . We keep on sale at such prices .. , ' ' ' ' , That competitors with ealousy v . Turn pale. ' , . i," Then why con- . - . tinue buying 7 E3 E3 2 Where you pay A double price, , For goods that : May appear Like ours, but Are oot near as ' ; Nice.' . Come to , Our store for Cheapest goods, Tis dangerous ' . ; TodAy. Well Give you Special cuts - , To honor,. Washington's . Blrtb day. . err c- AM NlfW ka a Doraao4 Traas-A PfoM Traas Ah'satisit - The raOroad roea Soath of as, had a e as A f. a. a rougft expeneoce. iae tragm train crew had a particularly hard foe When) Opt Was, Maxwell's Charlotte boo ad freight reached Chester, It was toowing to hard that k was Impossible to see three car 1 .l . . i. a f-v. t.L e 1 . P . . tmruia twpoou. "-- WT,V:. Ii h-lutcceaddrtot tee the brake. man oa the car ia the middle of the train. Capt MaxtreQ received or den to abandon his traia at Chester, and eadeawr to get to Charlotte a-ith hia enciae. . He reached here ihie rnoraing. - The Charlotte bowed petswtiger train oa the Charlotte, Colambia Aogrou road, apeat the sight h the wow. When ahoat forty mors oat from Augusta, the ewgiae raa lato snow bask and kh the track.' carry. Irtg with it every . car except the sleeper. The train was crowded Ua baaseatert, Uxhxlinir a aumber of kvdiaa, tad they had te sptad the sight la the tars. ' A SMterial traia was, dwpatched 10 the rthVf of the derad traia, aad St 4 o'e'ewk this eorniff the )ouroey wnt rtaassed, the traia raachiai here at II o'clock. Mr. las. T. Ross, et ihia city, watoa hoard the traia, as-! he says they had a aght of k, hwt all the pa vrsbahawed wtH TV Skh. Mr. Joha B. Rooks it lywg wry low at hit home ia this cay. H eool.!iua is cuwiJtesd hopel- Mr. ?oe A. BUhy who hat ba very Wk for w-wtime past, it Utter knUy, sad is ia t kh? way to forov. Mf. T. A Keadrick was pt J t Wily improved thb tortr.g, . a aw ' la fvixnt etit"t wwerotl la 1 sVrut nooa today fcy t ..::., .. r 0, rrx ra tv- n A ('t . t 1 -,.'t t1 It it t ,r ' ' 1 . rf ! - U tw Upoa t Kaiaa. . A hula soa 0 Mf. ArthiUU Craham wat jnife tovo:y wjwroa at the Graded School ytnUy, by sitting dew a vpoa s kais al.kh was cpfaiafraeof hit pork. Ilessa tarrl hn, wtiv ws r s'!" 'rd t I f S 'iir. it t Vw a W. KAUFMAN. & CO.'S. LEADING CLOTHIERS, FURNISHERS axd HATTERS, ' Corner Central Hotel Charlotte, N. C " ".'"""" T: L SEIGLE & CO. ; AS of bob work ws wttl aWe foa aar.f Sprioe latportaHoos fet Ihwa Oooos atal Trhs awafv AS aWaoo aoaj hi DotJS Oaooa aw oaow; ihlhlii I by - - - ,' riiiln Boootaoa OininitaaS ot Om OrtrrMol. taVoa a) color. Toox forties Baoas .S.i" Jl "IT- I --"T W or aba oorooooaf oof oooooMTrloajbt.-UTotaa.- Thai k a oiatooa of Oo M Cort aa4 oW lara M Sm. TVoowao o Qt iti'iQJi' w tha hooM Kotto 01 DrooOaiaw Maraaf SW oja. It-pkto. WsaMSwarwJs lot of tho -Jom Itaoaaj" Totoaj. Bwj oo.ao4o.hl t. Oalf a tw wH twoaal la ywa torat Ortoao. 1 inra. ', . ' T. L. SSICLE St CO. . CHILDREN'S SHOES. m For Boys' sad Girls' school aad vacation wear we recom mend the celebrated - SOLAR TIP SHOES, I-: pair of these shoes other snakes. We Warranted the beat la the world. One will wear as loner as two Pair of moi always have a targe stock of these shoes which we sell very low, made either heeled or sr-rrng heela. Writs for prices or caS aad examine. For sak at wholooaJe at naauiactm-rrr prices, we are oaiiy recetnag our stock of Spring Shoes, which will coeaprise the best makes, latest styles aad lowest prices ever thowa la this market. 4 v 1 1 . v t-n 1 1 1 ci -ux 16 S. Tryoa Street . Successors to PtgramA Co. ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE ELEGANT HANDMADE ULOIHT I1UIIPE1SI EUTTEI SE3S. These art beautiful 6 Hers, -very stjrli&h, end sutd aouMutly low Ibr the grade of good. Our Acme Ut for real drrwa, is aaoat perVct nttwt Shoes aoM ia thu Mtket. Thn at at koowlci by rrrrT .e that baa wora them. W hrp iheea (a the dnVmt wtdiht and si the auo troaa I o 6- When m sed d a paaxiatMae pair of walking shoes it w J pay yoa to see oun. v CRAY ft CO. sa s . ( a , ti East Tsats St !- East Tsats EtylUU Bait of Clothe COVET.:.) BY ALL. Cloths for Winter D-;l.3-r. JTRIN'G STOCK OF- WALLPAPER atuir; t 1 cm n TOM PRICHSi fin-a t i , t vi -i It r' I j ! uvr; vncri.

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