Kouf rooms. pwJ'7 ' "r - HE DAI LY -NEW& "gJJgjJovsr SELLING OUR FINE FIFTY CENTS', -WOOLEN SOCKS -sp AT Jjc. PER PAIrL VOLUME i. SATURDAY EVENING, 'FEBRUARY. 33,., 1889. NUMBER 66. CRAYON PORTRAITS. Call and see how Fine and Cheap they can be bad, . -Kr -f FRAMES. h '"j 1 have the largest and best assort ment of Frame Mouldings in the State. Canvas and Crayon Stretches made to order. VAN NESS . , 21 N. Trjron S- A BIO WAVE COMING. Th Flat; Om tbs Blftial OOc Today, V .-aag What It Pradicte., The white flag with the black cen tre was rua to the top of the pol over the signal station la this city It M R warning look out for cold wave, tnd officer Bronson says that we will probably have a hard snap. The probabilities ;V ARE NOW SHOWIC OUR cannot always be felled upon, of KW SPRING STYLES IN Jo , jpU-MENSH AT5 " H Tine eic. pressure u as nign aa itnas ?1" AND YOU. CAN , BROKEN SUITS IN OMEN'S UNDERWEAR t this morning. I AT HALF PRICE. - ever been since the signal service was established. 'The weather map issued this morning forms sn Inter eating study,' 4At St. Vincent, the mercury at. J a. m, was 4a degrees below zero. It was 34 degrees be low at Bismarck; 30 degrees below at Fort Buford: below at St Jt4iANDSOMEasc SCARFS- paui; 10 below at Chicago; 1 below ALWAYS DEPEND UPON.GET. tlNG the CORRECT THING. ?; A NEW LINE OF:;"' JUST IN. Truly, :V... C A. DIXON ft CO. at Portland, and sero at St.. Louis. At New .York Gty the temperature was it degrees above serp; so above at Memphis', so above at Fort Smith,' and 38 above at Charlotte Officer Bronson' s advices are that the temperature win fall to to de SalurdaY, Ftbruary ijd,' J jgrees above in Virginia and tj above U1 . 1 in nona i-aroiuu oy eigne o aocs rEEA MARIE HILFORPE t Accompanied by ' ' ' IR.WM. F. CLIFTON, 1 fa tb Cmt Historical Play, 1HE0D0RA! '4s the direction ot Mr, IL W. , Semon. ' ilkCnndtst Dramatic Produe a sf the Season, in point of it Effect, and all thai combines t, aikt a performance of surpass t tnadrur. faoset Prices : 15, 50 and 7JC rfcl Prices: 50, 7) and fi.oo. So sow on aale for both PT fences at M. P. Pec ram's, jr.! rutenuibcr. ,-lebsi 1 Wi LOCAL RIPPLES. r mm I bmOsDta op ths Dat. mn. uuij who win sell you t: Pcdd SHotl Dried Appa At jc. per pound. . iMialuM o and no mistake. ? ace guaranteed to be sound Pd order. W mpertfuny, ' K DVIS, 114 E. Trade St. -Lumber is being hauled lor the new Episcopal church in this dry. Work is to commence on the struc- rare soon. .r"; :"'-V. c. ' Mr. J. B. Rooke"s condition has grows steadily worse; and it is not thought that be can survive through the night ' ' "v Tht church entertainment at the residence of Mi. T. S. Brows last night, waa a moat pleasant aflair and a great success. ... RcvJob Turner,, will bold specla) service, for deaf motes at St Peter's P. E. Church at 7.1c p. 00 Sunday. r 1M oeai moles in town are aB Invited to be present Rev. M. P. Malheny, of Texas, will preach at' Try on street Baptist . . ' . . cnurco to-morrow anernoon at a. Preaching in the -morning by the pastor, Rev. A. G, McManawsy. Gu 2s are out for the Soda! Cu- cle entertainment to be given at the Buford House next Tuesday Bight bv Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. KitteQe. A rood time is la store tor those who attend. " The State Library, and the WeU- era North Carolina Insane Asyhim a m a at Mwganton, are to be Mornea each withalifo-aiM portrak , of the Ula Wm. J. Yates, of Charlotte, one of the most loyal sons Noru Csro- Una ever knew. . ; ' ' riUrv as Om CMaty. ' ' The reaideoce of Mr. W. IL Far- rlor, who Cm three noes from Charlotte In Crab Orchard towaahrp, was robbed last night The birgtart went through the entire house; and made big haul They did not even leave Mr. "Fan a suit of clothes. They stole bed4 clothes, prwvisioea, etothuiB etc. There Is 00 clew. Mr. Farrtor Is a "brother-in-law Of Mr. joeUh AaUry, of Charlotte. , . Uraara. Walter and Chaa. Brcsa hare formed bwsiaeae paruerahlS ud Wave leased the storeroom m the Central Hotel bnUdtef lonnert 00 mnMdbvthe retail dVpartnmit of SOtt UrUg CO. I room la sow being fitted p for their ImMncn al tnachioery bwsiaeaa. JJf. dm. Brmi ha be the Char lotterepreatwtativeoftbe EquUaUe )D1 LER THE JEWELER. to; our line mJ idl Lat Wedaealaf alfht, urir.g tbe snow storm, tS ef vtnlea tne gm bouM of Mr. Jl txftr", in M2rd Cmk loeaahip, a4 stole lot of cotton. The tracks vert tAnrvd up to a eaUn, where . .. m I - I a vr lum.l H 34Wira tt. THEODORA, omtthlnf About iba Costumes ta b ; n at th Opw Hons To-Nighi The Theodora Company did not arrive in the city today in time to give the matinee, but will present "Theodora ' at tbe opera house to night, Tha paraphernalia was orlgi nally designed and prepared for the renowned Sarah Bernhardt by a Parisian artiat, and was by her used in the production of this play. The original cost c4 the wardrobe, and trappings waa something like 2o, 000, . ' There are six costumes belonging to Theodora and all are marvelously beautiful; When seated on the' im perial throne in the first act, she ap pears in a gown made of the1 cloth of gold woven in net work; all over the robe are scattered oriental flowers of strange oriental designs and colors. Across the hem peeping out from among wreaths of these same flowers and bands and beads of heavy beaten gold are heads of cherubs, embroid ered on silk. The bead piece is of the cloth of gold woven solidly In figures; bands of precious stones sdorn thermof Iba cap, and pendants composed of every precious stone (all from it over the forehead. The ' shoes are of oriental design, and in the hand is carried tbe aHver lily, which was carried with such grace by graceful Sarah and created so much com' ment There are three silver lilies in the spray rising out from a score of leaves mounted on a slender stem oi silver; In tbe scene which shows the interior of the emperor's box. Theodora wears the counterpart of the "Mantle of the Gxsare," the robe oi state. It Js of light blue satin finished all around the edgea with bands of gold, set with precious stones. .The robe is embroidered ith every known Jewel in the cash ier figure, The lining is oi doth of gold. In this scene Justinian appears ia his robes of state, a crimson man tle richly embroidered la pearls and iTtoous stones. Tbe robe is lined throughout with heavy satin of coo wasting shade. A massive crown. heavOy ' Jewelled, and a sceptre oi gold are used b the same act by him. Antonia at the aame time wears a pecfliaa robe of salmoa pink satin embroidered, in circles ol pearls, the centres are filled with Jewela, These jewels are not beads, but reg ularly moan ted in solid gold. The crown of Justinian has over two hun dred Jewel, while that of Theodora has hall aa many. Nine girdles are ased and are all heavily Jeweled. The scenery b 4 counterpart of the THE 0 ROGERS OROAKIZE. Tbey Declare War on tbs Dea4 Basts . They Armas to Protect Tbamactvts from Imposition la tba Future. ' . ; The retail grocers of Charlotte have organized for protection against dead beats. They met last night at the grocery store of Mr. F..R. Durham, on Trade street, and discussed meas ures for self-protection. . . Mr. Dur ham was chosen chairman of the meeting. 7 There was quite a large' gathenng-of grocery men, and -an were in iavor of forming an "organi sation similar to, thai recently formed here Joy the butchers. - After a foil discussion, it was decided to perfect the organization and the meeting adjourned , to one week 'from next Tuesday night ' At that meeting the permanent organisation will be effected. 1 It win be known as the Retail Grocers' Association of Char lotte, and it will have on ita black Est the names of all who refuse to pay grocers bills. These names aiU be boycotted, and no goods wUl be sold to them except for 'cash. .Tbe rules will evidently be ironclad. . . Mr. Durham, to. speaking to a News reporter today about the mat ter, said: "It has come to. such a pass that we are simply bound to do something. Tbe list of people wha Uat' the. grocers ia Charlotte would astound you." We have been" keep ing them in free rations long enough, ' and the time has come for us to adopt some measures in sell defense." AQ except two grocers in the dty have signified their intention to Join this organisation. Paata sf Mrs. E W. Alllsaa , " ' We regret to announce the death of Mrs. R. W. Alliaoa, which occur red at 4 o'clock this morning, at her home in Concord, ia her 70th year, after many months of painful nines This death will bring sorrow through' out a large circle of friends aad ac quaintances ia this aad other com munities where Mrs.. Allison was so moch esteemed for her amiable char acter and christian virtues."- She will be sadly missed in tbe home, ia the community and ia -the -church which she was aa active and devoted member. Through a long sicka she was a patient sufferer, resigned to the wUl of her heavenly Father. This dear saint anticipated a better country and has at but entered into the "land of rest M . V . WHEN YOUNG Georgie was a kid, yet years before he got to be the well beloved parent of his wonderful country, be set us an example to be always truthful, but remember fame and fortune wait on him who makes a CUT. So we seek to learn this lesson and apply it to our line of J " " - , ; s 3 tS 3 CO , MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AND HOSIERY ; as we did last week to our Collars and Cuffs, by telling the truth and cutting goods and prices very fine. " . v ' ' - Like Georgia we are trutfafui, ; r r - " v ; C"?; - Oitour word you may rely; .f, r s . You'll find our store the safest place , , 'j . , . Whene'er you come to buy. v',,1 To give our stock inspection','!;-;. ''i''y - Is to show us you are wise,. --i' ; And more wisdom you wffl gather : : ..s ; -j -j' When you've opened up your eyes. , :--y';f,t Exhibiting the quality of' ,:r"u ' -,;"!', 'ry-'j UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY Jt ' (-K-yt keep oa sale at such prices .',.v':V ' . That competitors with Jealousy -. : Turn pale. ;' :..'..'.' . i ' ; " Then why con- .'t ' :."v:-; .r-'-- 'i: ';-:. .. . , na buying ' ' ; Where you pay .. y.. " .- v. -v , : s; u Double price, ; ! :; .' n, f.i:. For goods that ; . ,-.-.-; ..-- ;-y--,V y May appear ' , . " V- Like ours, but ''-It - ! " , : . . Are not near as - !-. Nice.' Come to ." 1..1 l-" "" Our store for " ' y r" Cheapest goods, 'Tis dangerous l':. ToHay. Well ; Civ you -y - .''- , ; ':'- Special cuts :i '; ' .;' ' To honor ' ;. ''.'' , ' .,' . Washington's -5 .. . Birth- . .... day. ' f sn sl , i J ineroou .ru lwtwo4lnrt pUc: rmhassadon sre sU her oniHnaJ pot-1 . . . .,, srssloos. Wahr4 Bssilsiaii . . . ' . . .' " United States Marshal W. P. Lit tle started out in tbe snow stem Wednesday evening but for Union Kountr, with a warrant lor the arrest Mr. loo. E. Morgan and Mrs. Frauds Love, charged with retailing whwky without a license. He re turned to the dty yesterday afternoon with the parties and they were ar raigned before United States Com- ilooer D. G. MaxwcO. They waived aa examlaatioa aad gave a bond of 100 each for their appear ance for trial at the seat term of the Federal court. Just thedjy before his armt, Mr. Morgan and bla wit were diverted at Monroe. ' T a W a s A- tsas.M There arc lour thmgs that so wtO rtgutattd editor can get along with out They are, a paste pot, pair of scissors, peool and a convenient ptof of tobacco. THi News maa la heeled feU?. for be bad a3 the first aimed snicks, aad the aooa mail brought him a tobacco pocket book. lied with S lample ol ine "Aex, Stephens" brand, ma.J by Mr. TW WiVn, of W n.l a. It sbojt the best MirrJ ol ths weed we evrr Oraratia sa Taaaa. . Kramer, the alleged ex-Jewish Rabbi, who took ia Revs. Joseph Cheshire aad A. G. McMaaaway, ia this dty, some months ago, has reached Fort. Worth, Texas. We find this notice of bias ia the Ga 'Aa alleged ex Jewish Rabbi, going under the aame of Kramer,' aad who claims .to be anxious 10 be ' baptised into the Chris tun tsith, succeeded in victim itine some credulous divines and dtisens of this dty last week and securing considerable , aomt : oi money. He was simply a slick pro fcaaioaal sharper." ... Ta Hew lUBaf Mute. . Things are turned upside down at the Star Mats today, Mr. CrewtD being engaged in moving out the old machinery, aad replacing k with the sew roller apparatus. ; The mills sre being equipped with a Oitnal corn meal bolt and purifier, hominy snSn, grit mSO, dryer, aura cleaner, and patent roller Hour Ippaxatus, Be sides fine flour aad meal, all grades of hominy and grits wDI be made. The sew mills a ill sou be la opera tion. , AYalaakleRemary ., A Wtler from S P. Wardaell rVsMoav, aava: "I used Ctake'e tract of tins, (rapilion) CaUrth Cure ia June last for My frvrr with great aatnWHa, and al K k only thipg I he seen whkh wovld aBay without kritstinff, tht inflam avitioa of tbe nostrils and throat It eoohiitf ami ali(i"T prtMfni maf atd - aad linme.t.atf. ' tm!e li.otv Cl lf . lUt W. KAUFMAN & CO.'S. LEADING CLOTHIERS, FURNISHERS ad HATTERS, Corner Central Hotel Charlotte, N. C ' - ' L. Seigle&Co. aa Dnas Ooom aaaTtSn- T. Alaf SiaOTawSlBorM wmtj Sprat latBonattoas AS Sk ! D Onai art mf ntHNlliy, mi OaSiaas a af Sn Oriraarf tSacU at Ur. Tans Pan In I fllSa. WsaMakMl Ta Maraaf La Two." Ta)Sa inillnallis-of Sa3aaOarSaMea 4M tTMcW w OTtTCsMwal Vflssa ssN ItwWMvt ! sDlt GaWafts a sc. NM, W awv sacwaS a ha af aw -Jaws HoSaa, saml Wai atyls. Oafa, S awl t fm Sasa O1I111 i 1 11a itm. , . - T. L. SEICLE ft COt CHILDREN'S SHOES. For Boys' sad Girls school and vacation wear we moot- , mend the celebrated , - . ' 0m :t SOLAR TIP SHOES, J UUT Warranted the best fa the world. ' One tvtir of tbrae shoes iQ wear aa foasr as twa pair of saoat other wtakes. We alwars have a km stock of these shoes which we sell very low, made either heeled or spriag beds. Writ for prices or caB and exaoMae. . For sale at wholesale at saanufacturrra' prices. We are daily recemng our stock of Spring Shoes, whkh Win comprise the best makes, latest sly Ira and lowest prices ever shown la this market - 16 S. Tryoa Street ' Successors to rgraiA Co. ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE ELEGANT HAND-MADE UD1B laLIIIPEUT EUTTEI lUt .Thcae are Wontiful fitters, very srytish, -and sold sausoally low for the , , grade of good. ' Oar Acnse hut for real drwat, is the ntoat pertret fating Shoes srdd ia ihm ket This watimowWged hy emy km that has worm Uieca. We, aerp taem M ia omrrvwa aad ail ice ra Croaa IMS, S he la seed oi a haaiir p" walking shore it will pay yoe to see ours. 10 East Taat s St ; - ' ;" '. ' t.RAY tk to. . aatf ' SWasafaVSBBaaBh. MM . s.a.i"' a EtyUib'Buil of Clolhwl IsriUNG STOCK OK tto it COVCTLD Y ALL, llMtMaMM Clsths for Wiater Etut'cra WALL PAPER Ke art 'rj at Ctertc1te Pair.t eJ tn !'--', IT0M rRICI-S! trwd, Sd th r'f frf rgrt rC. I snJ lhTe tfcs cotton was fouao. i m tft ti't sn r-"-t. t r it. CVI an.! rxmnn' r: . 1 j-t JT-; U' at o' I r"r1rt, SK'I has iSat Wt tc', l'"t if o mt1r t' it I' tt j )'i f ivH it. C- (", ! u-i, 1 t .. i t j ' j il. 1 1 - r, ', '. i ' - ' ' V. 11 J' r f ' I ' ' t. r i i