TkiE CRAYON PORTRAITS Call and see bow Fine and Cheap they can be Lad. FRAMES. - - I nave the largest and best assort ment of Frame Mouldings in the State Canvas and Crayon Stretches made to order. VAN NESS -KOW SELLING OUR VflNE FIFTY CENTS .WOOLEN SOCKS AT 39c. PER PAIR VOLUME 1. MONDAY, EVENING FEBRUARY, .5, iSSg. NUMBER 67. new ADy11 - DAILY BROKEN SUITS IN 1 -MEN'S UNDERWEAR. , AT HALF PRICE. LOCAL. RIPPLES- CALLING FOR THE MAO STONE. ; AND YOU CAN, , XWAYS DEPEND UPON GET. TING the CORRECT THING. Traly, Mr, John Blxby is improving, but Mr, John B. Rcoke UsLDI slowly taking "it s " j 8 ARE NOW SHOWIG OUR "J". ? TZTtT . " i . I will be given at the Buford Hotel KEW SPRING, STYLES IN I tomorrow night V r - :;" taEN'S HATS I -"r vv' . lOty. is. here promectinz for an in vettment ' He is at the Central. -Mr. Robert Oates, Jr., win en tertain the S. A E, boys and their lady friends next Thursday evening. at his home on Trade street, .:- - A NEW LINE OF- " t --ChM''ott,. reputation as Win- r - .. - .1 fmm MnH InnmS 'tin with a KJcr MaMr . ......r.- oDfC .. " ."f . HAUSUM c ay- eye.btely. There's talk now of build JUST IN. " , . J foe Pk attraction.'' t Mordaunt Bodine, a director of the Old Dominion Steamship Co.; and J. Francb Murphy, a member of the same company, were at the Central yesterday.' :SJ. J- Mr. Jas. R. Magffl, of Kershaw county, S. C, b visiting in ends in t- ' ' 7 I Charlotte, the guest of his brother, . I Mr-. T. R., Uuritl Ha U mhUi '...- I of the Kershaw Alliance, and is a member of the South Carolina Leg. blature.7; -f r '. o r . . t . 1 .1 1 .1. v A countryman who was starting for hone last Saturday evening, was driving along Church street, whea a crowd of boys . "began snowballing him. IGs mule became frightened. ran off, threw the man out sad broke tip his buggy- . A crowd of toys with snowballs can scare a mule half to death, ' sad the : boys ought to know that" - - C A. DIXON A CO. i NEW YORK : 'j iM M-Mrj. Thus wishing arst-claas Laoadry I 'atcaa get it by leaving jn aad Cuffii at say store Moo ntad calling for then the follow Woadav. " ' , m(XS-CoOut y.. Cufls 5c. ((.P.PEGRAM.K; ' -Agm,; - , s - . MseaaTryeattreet. 1 V '7-' ) SUTLER Mias Mamie , Yates left today for I Henrietta MiHa, to visit Mrs. SB. Taoaer. . ' , ; ".. t.i'. i. fudge Wallet Clark b at the Bu IbrdHoteL J V Mr. Geo. N. Gray,' business maa- sger of theMugg's Landing Com I pany, was at the Central today, and le arrangements for bis show at the opera house next Monday night PbmI of Mra. Afllw-. . The (uacral over the body of the kte' Mrs. Rv W. Allison; j were conducted from the residence : (a Concord at II o'clock yesterday avwainff. and were attended by a r large crowd. Rev. C. M. PsTue, pastor of the Concord Fter bytcms) charch, conducted the ser vices, aad be was aaaiated by Revs. J, 1L ThoraweS. ol Fort Mill. S. C, aad Thoaus W. Smith, of CoaconL Her body was interred as the fajnily plot hi the old church yard. A auas- W froaa Charlotte attended her faweraL . ' f ".--.,--"i i Butter Has a Busy Sunday A Man ' From Dowa SoDtb and a Telegram : ftwi Catawba, As A News reporter was . oa his wsy to Church Sunday morning, rhe noticed as he passed Butler's jewelry store that there was a maa string inside with a troubled expression on his lace, and a rock hanging to one of his hands. The troubled ex' pressiod was caused, by a mad dog bite, sod the rock ' that was clinging to mm was uutier s mad stone. 1 be fna wis named S. P. Eardson, and hrw IrA'Alkeft" near Augusta. H was bitten sev eral days ago by a mad dog, and had tome all the way to Charlotte to have the mad stone applied. ' The stone clung to his , wound for forty minutes. V- ''i':s-'&-ijy- ' While the stone was still hanging to Mr. Eardson's flesh, a Western Union messenger boy came Into the store with a telegram for. Mr. Butler from Mr. G. C McNeil, of Catawba, N. C, asking for the mad stone to be sent him to apply to his little boy who had been bitten by a mad dog.' Mr. Eardsoa said that on his farm a young lady, one cfeild, and a negro had been batten by the same dog that bit him, and wanted to take the stone home with him to ap ply to their wounds. Mr. Butler, however, sent it to Mr. McNeO. Mr. Eardsoa experienced great re lief from the application of - the stone, and went home la a happy frame of mind. -; ' . This mad stone of Butler's is un questionably a genuine one. : It found la the "light" of a deer that killed In the mountains, and is of a "very peculiar formation, being egg shaped. - It is composed of porous layers. Some time ago the outside layer was broken, and k Cell off like the shell of a buckeye. The atone has been applied to hundreds of bites, and good results have al ways followed. . After k drops from a wound, it is boded in milk, and the milk becomes green. Butler has refused aa offer of 500 for k. This stone is beginning to attract the attention of Scientists and medi cal men. Itb claimed that'll will care a eaeke bite without the -aid of hk4ey.;-. ' 1 ; - Hwatws a tae Star. - The Theodora company had bad lock Saturday sight. The company could not get away. 600 AaheviQe aa sooa as was expected, aad arrived here oa the evening Air Line train. hkh happened to be two hours The members hurried from PASS IN YOUR DOLLARS. 3 'seat THE JEWELER Tba af aa with a Olio Tengus ana a Big ; Shirt Front, Who Took ia tba Crowd v Bomtbing of bis Operation. t ne medicine man wbose oper ations in Charlotte ' were noted in Saturday's News, did up Concord for several hundred. His fraud b so patent, that hardly any sympathy can he expressed for those who get bit by him; but all the same the papers of the State ought to show him tip. i: -tu'":i,:vS& He a ; sleek looking . customer; youngvwitb black, with vest cut away to "show nearly the whole of a "biled" shirt front, which b onamented with take JE3 diamonds. He hails from California," I . and has been having a good time in I cxd the adjoining towns for several weeks past , This young man drives a pair I of horses around town and attracts attention and a crowd as he goes by throwing out nickles. . When he comes to a stand, as bird hunters would say, he rises in his buggy and throws nickles right and left, In little or no time he has a big crowd around him.. Then he holds up a bottle of medicine and somebody hands as cents for it He hands out the medicine and not only returns the sj cents, but gives 10 cents extra. This goes on for sometime until, he hands back a larger bottle with the 50 cents and $ cents extra. Alter a tittle time he gets up to $1, and the crowd understand that they are to get back their dollar and $5 extra. Some of them are socager to come in oe thb racket that they trample over each other in an effort I fQ to hand ia their dollars. . When the fake ; has taken in about $300, he ' picks up his lines ; and drives off, leaving a badly sold crowd behind him. Ia thb Wsy he got not less than Ijoo in Charlotte Saturday evening. He took the mooey la with both hands, aad couldn't take k is fast enough. Just before be left, and while he was stuf fing the money down his pocket, he remarked to the crowd, ""Now 4 will give yon a brick bouse or a bar rel of sugar," and some of them be Bevedkantn he added, 'If! want to." - : , .-. Some parties Invested as much as One countryman who had come to town to get some medicine for a sick child, spent k 'all 00 the fraud, . and then went around trying to borrow more money to buy the child's medicine-, Some of the vic tims talked about having the 1 arrested, but they found out that they would have to catch him first. WHEN YOUNG Ceorgb was a kid, yet years before he got to be the well beloved parent of his wonderful country, be set us an- example to be always truthful, but remember fame and fortune wait on him who makes a CUT, So we seek to Jearn thb lesson and apply it to our line of - - ,, J ' " ' MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AND HOSIERY : as we did last week to our Collars and Cuffs, by telling the truth and catting goods and prices very fine. , Like Georgie we are truthful, . ?- ! v; On our word you may rely; ; You'U find our store the safest place . Wbeneeryou come to buy. To give our stock inspection' , ' ' , Is to show us you are wise, And more wisdom you will gather , ',, , , When you've opened npyour eyes. v:v ' Exhibiting the quality of , : UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY , We keep on sale at such prices ; -wi-v-- t i; y That cxmpetitors with ealousy ' ' Turn pale. ' " Then why con- ' , . tinue buying " ?..,::'....,..-:.,' " Where you pay - , ,. ' ; Doubleprice, .. I For goods that ' . . - , . .May appear ... . . , .-, . . Like ours, but . . ; . j - . - Are not near as . Nice. Come to ' . -" . . Our store for : , . ., -.: Cheapest goods, -...'Tb dangerous . .. Tod-riay. -Well . - , y Give yoa t ''.,.. . Special cuts . - 1 5 . J To honor . ' , ' . , - - ' Washington's - ,-. "l 'Birth- . . ' - , !' day.' ' ' , evs 1 J 1 W. KAUFMAN & CO.'S. LEADING CLOTHIERS, FURNISHERS ako HATTERS, ' Corner Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C SEIGLE'S SILK SALE greai hasl AO of thb week we will, offer everything in oar Silk tiv reduced paces. , 1 be treat svecess wuca attended induced us to make a similar one ia the Silk THE FarvwaS Rev. J. L. McLece, who has; served the Graham street Presby teriaa chapel la thb dty, preached IhiafarrweU aemoato ha charge, last sight, aad vtll leave shortly for lb new 'barge at Orangtbarr, . S. C 'Mr.McLees hat done S good work k this city aad has eedeersd himself to war psnphs." Sonday morning he preached U the Second ' Prhytsrba chares, aad Rrv, J. Y. Fab fi3ed his palpi! at the chaptL The rWrytsriaae of Orangebarf have serarvd S good paater. j ' ovr Jlf CMS Ww4a. 1AK - s- It Iwdee Waker Clark, who b hM w - I U'B wm t- " " ' COWT It SVXl.f osiminrmm. 'iivwrm things Ins wsy that b somewhat mw to our pU, Ut altogether aatbmcsory to those who have bust mm la the eoart. , He dx aaay with th oW tliwe twft trVr, Sod rv qqn tS witaewes to U In the ettrt rm whea their aawes are caTri 1awkiMwi doaeaol aaawer to hm a, pT l s Im of sbw $y 5o junjrs were hts l eorting, i i the I1r iasd Ive W tn 13 I. Ut M they had good ssctws lots.ia, hsrewHd theaW la ifirwtlff ifcs sherul to WBjimoa a , . ... .1 In-' ' - - nx)M pRici-si Tws laswlav Cos H. V ..-i.- , The Sprirt term of the Superior court for Mecklenbarg coaaly, was rrad la the Qvakxta coart koe ihb ssorair. H Iloaor, jartge Wslwr P.'CUrk pmidiaf. Thb eowt b the trial of erra cewm o!. Fonowing art the taases set 4uUlrodavt f. E. Patrkk va. K aad D, R. R. Co-t j. W. sad J. 5. F'y vs. W. C llastlnnt W'alrer Crvrt. Ti va. Jao. W. Coti .. &a s . hi tn; W. I- Nt-H Aomra. v. J. CVkj !nv T. pMiWrs. C'iv T- the depot to the opera bouae and I TV OU Wave. proceeded to prepare for the pby. The predicted cold wave of bat Their tune was short sad eoae of Saturday luuyaset with the tipec-1 them had sapper. .Their huagtr . utioos of the eigaal officer was evidenced n the gypsy scene. whea the trpsy pulled out three orange sad bid them oa a table. As the curtate was going down. those oa the start scrambled tor the oranges, the Boa queen herself lead- log the race. Thb by-play was by the eedieacc The qoeen got one era ft, Justinian got one aad the rjpry got the third. They were migbty quick shout U. for they had seised the oranges and had begun to peel them from the tUae the carta ia comaseaced falling to the time k struck the stage floor, aad that was about 10 secoada. The company bad to lire-a IUd Ol a saaksahul show, aad did as well as could have Vea eapected wader the stances. The temperature had reached the freeiing point before IS o'clock Sat urday eight, and Sunday k ranged from 18 to so degrees during the day. There was another bad freese bat eight, bat the weather has mod erated aTghtly during the day. The signal buOetia reports a general cold wave, aad seow hi many places, ft Cnstttana Catsaa Mark. The dry cotton market continued firm today, with the same strong tone. The wagoa receipts were 1 1 babe. There was no change from Saturday's qooutMna, as Mows: Strict Good Middling. ... Good Strict Middllnsr. Tfegte... . ... ... ..atfe?. Department at oar Lkea Sale Depertmeat, Every piece of Silk ia thb department has been reduced in price. unepteceoi rame rrancsise at si.oo, worm ai.23. .. . One piece of "Perfection" at $ 1.73. worth ta.00. One jpiece of "rViectioo'' at 1 1. yj)f. worth i.ja AH Silks at now marked down to fi-Sjji- Thb sale mdudes all Gros Craina, Failles, Armours. Moires. Rhad- amea, Rhadrimers, Satias, Surahs and Chinas. . ,' " ., BROCADES These have once more become favoritcr and now b the time to bey them. Our lot has been reduced to the cost of manufac ture. They must be sold. Now b your opportunity. . . . . '.'.'', " T. X. SEIGLE CO. . CHILDREN'S SHOES: For Boys aad GaV school and vacation wear we recom mend the celebrated A , t SOLAR TIP SHOES,. Warranted the best ' the world. One pair of these shoe will wear as lone as two pair of most other makes. ' We always have a huge stock of these shoes which we sell very low, made either heeled or spring herb. Write for prices or caS aad esaaaane. I or aab at whobaab at manufacturers' price.. We arc daily receiving otsr stock of Spring Shoes, which attl -comprise the beat makes, latest styles: aad lowest prices ever shown ia thb market. ' , i t , UlLKUllll t id S. Tryoa Street - Socceaars to fegramtA Co. JUST Good Middling. ... ,.IO I Middling . ..... . 9H ' I Middling .0V ling .,-.. .M laved fsss Csrusybas, . Several phydrjaaa predicted that Mr. Asa B. Rowley. dronHt. of CtirtrA would sooa have onmassn- tkw cawaed by ea BCgrat-ared cae ol eatarth. Castoams naally kadiKwd bias to try Clarke's Ftirsct of rku (PapiUoa) Catarrh Care. He says: 'The result was aarwveedewied. I CosMweared ta k well sftee the first sppikatioa aad am now, arVer t (rw ks. ratsrsfv ceri 11 wui 00 the saw for yoa. fnce 1 1, on. Try Clark t a Has Soap for the eh sad rMt wit) was no hrt. tt ceats. A3 of Clark t's KU ruml'd art mm smmwSmmmlmmmmW 19 East Tkaci St. JUSCIirVXID. . ANOTHER LOT OP THOSR ELEGANT HAND-MADE liOltS1 WIIIPEIST. EUTTCI SE2ES, These are beautiful fittert, very stvUah, , . sad sold aawtually low for the rade of gooda. ' ' Oar Acme bat. for real drtsa, b th saoat perfect atting Shoaa soil k hi market. Thabackaowleilged bvewry . oM that has worn tnem. KVe kerp Oiem m the duTeretX widths aad aB the iMsVasa two. Whan ia need ol a Vaadwta pair 0 walkiag shoea k win pa yoa to see ore. CRAY A CO. Btylkh Bait of C!othf4 it TO ea ' COVETtD DV ALL. ' lMitalMa - Olothf for WliUf Builiaji. Call atul examine and ret -SPRING STOCK OF I WALLPAPIiR Nov svromf M ; " ' - C wtotta Psiat sad OU Moose. ' The brpwt sad ht erw1d En4 that a hare rrrT had. li r.iita sy eMt w , " (tk b a rTrr, tf R. II. Jordaa A Co., f net . jOHNTOGEL, Tnt Tattct. ,-. - t .:. R. R. 1 fltii v.'ilso:u ,ro - ' 1