, Vpw adverti::mctj. I rORSni-A lot of Household J . -in t ntd Saturday, March I J ."Gaither-. waichoustNa 1CD27CI foRSEFOR SALEA gea tkcUntybas left hit driving hone -iih BK to Sl. T ""' M fear, good lB fc or?CT' Jfafat 1 L CM flint Je Shiood fact; 4rivet ing' dou hte works to wagon .or plow, in ud tbu good horse for tow down, Rapfctfuny, CC MOORE. nOASTED COFFEES. We desire o call attention to the fetthaf for variety quality sod fohneu of roost we am neaaquar L. far Roasted Coffee Wt do . a roasting and in audi own- tit as enable u$ to always give m customers a roaat fresh and criap dot a hajd, lough. article that Udwbpi bee iMMted .for weeki Wraths, having lost jdl the tree Iu nr aroma ao desirable in .nod coffee. We solicit ' a trial of laO. G. Mandltng: JavaL Genuine Anbbn Mocha, Cucuta Maracaibo, rm Litruavra. lama tea and Rio rofrea.' We abo carry Jiae of Ookt Creen and Black Teat. IARNETT, BETHUNE & CO., i . Summon to Daman ft BctkaMh-; , ONE NIGHT ONLY. jU;, Afanh; i. . ii , Witna-:.i ,, , , llUGGS LANDING. J Wntw W tMcwt ramans foe Honn of Solid Foal icaiAT itorm acaKii. , , TtUCK SHOW It OMII f T 1 5' ft ,x7 &rra Ttn finny. to'GV S1IOS uc . Iim pa a Ik. Ha r Gc:3s alCcrt w01 mke aomc Improvements la ay building the Owmingr aummer. N ia 0r I d taw I rill hav to doat tt mr endre lit bi FANCY GOODS. I win oSer evrtthlnr in tola for the et thirty rtaya at COBT FOE CASH.'-1 l4 kill MMllkJIA T H.ll - - - I " - m jvm ptpodi. f iU- --j V-s I AMES IIARTY. Ourkxte. Feb. 6, iM . m BUTLER in . TUK JEWELER. -TH& - ' ' : ' ' WILSON DRUG CO. . to our Uo4 and cH 7 ttkl t 4 t X'JL'JdL t p ' m ii 1 .-ii. ... rr., , .7- VOLUME WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 77, tS$9. NUMBER 69.' CRAYON, fOR'JJllllS. 1 lili sna see bow r UK and Cheap rfccart UT had. w - - have tlirhtrgest and bestasaort ment .of Frame Jkfouldmgs in, tiie estate. Canvas and Crayon Stretches made to order.. VAN -NESS, . - u N. Tryon Si. ',' LOCAL I1iLB8. DIED IN AFRICA. anOM'PRICHS! The hearing of t the action of, Osborne va. Wilkea again occupied the Superior court today ' f- -Special acenery will be tiaed for thettorm fcene In Muggi' Landing, at the opera houae next Monday A' aweS wedding, hj tbortly te be jcelcbratedf In Charlotte! Seven hundred . krvitattooa have . been Ia ued lor the event.' The cold wave appears to have pent itaelt. and the air was tome. thing like apring today. S'atchef of now are atui tf be Meal ia hdy There waa quite a number of farmers ia the city, today. For the past two days, a number ot wagon toads orguan save seen nauiea out of town by the tana era. "Beware of this house it ! haunted," b the legend marked on bduMVcji? Seventh street, floe pelghbors aay that some people really believe the boute is haunted. Some splendid work ia now be ing done 00 Ninth street, -by Capt StricklaAd, " street ' aupmntendent ThM street Is being carted and ma cadamlard : la the same style, as Seventh atreefc ..;;'' v.:A : PasaengersJ who cane ia on the north train today, report that there was a heavy fall of snow at Ridv saosd,' last night. The aoow ex. tended lor a eonstderabU taace thiasideof Rkhmowt. ... " , Rev. S. C Alexander, a tormer Presbyterian .intaistat ot thi Ctaor, but who is W located atj Ferry, Miasoori passed through the city today m his retura frosa a vkit to North Carofin kia and Iriead. Oerie, the convict who waa shot by the guard vsaterday; is atlH ia serious cooduioa. Dr. Wader bat hopes o4 saving his life, should pew mooia not set w, ot -Unj tbere seems to be some dancer, ae one of Ida lungs if perforated. f ... The 1 Ca road ia said to be Arinm: m , bar sVcia'ht" htiatness. Freigbts go by the local Wt ions lor aB polaU North, East, aawt aowu, and tvwa (he 3othwest - Fre- anenttroa the same train are area packagea coiigsd to New"YfeK pobnt In &Bth Carolina, (orgta, oeany every qaarter of the Uated StatWM ; 1 miaaal Wsasa.""" ' ,'" " Mrs. Flagg aad daugbUr. of Rkb- moad. are viskiaf Iriead la Char. lotte. They are the guests oJ Col Brycey Mrs. Fhigt! ; -;.' ' Mb Winder, who has bcea vMt- ing ia Charlotte for some days past, will leave to-aaorrowf ia Urn. Wbv der't private car, far her home m Rakich. She win be aceoaspanied by Mrs. Armbtead Berwalk , Dr. Alexander, of Llacolntoo, is la the city. m ,,',.; vi ''" If r. F. K. Baebee, ol RaWgh, Is sttheCeotraL , hf i. Benjaoda C fotts," mr of Media, Pa, Wat tUCeatral He engage Osboroe-WIftee eart.- - - ; . TW Nate! CtraW. .. J ' Undoubtedly oae of the M ee- JoraUt of the series ol entertalmnewts gives by the SocU Circle, was net Vast eight at the Beterd Howe, by Mr. aad Mm Geo. W. Ktttene, as aaMtUr nr a4addad rorany mtertaiaew ty te host and hoateas. The supper was 4e$Ml td was certainty enjoyed by the guests, ; The evening's pWosiarta ouad so with t da iks. The aera- ben oi the Social Gftle art twkbfed M Mr. aod Mrs, KMteHe fw tt (ng ol gvtialne pleaswra. , t t.ii w" r- Mr. Cha. W. BrsdJty, of Kant Ctr, akehM bota proapmg m sad aroaed Charlotte far aeval day. today M W-pt the wat-r ow the CaUeU. He wBl vklt fst cAdei 1' Lein' Mr. Will O. Raaaay 7mda a Omva fat a Foreign Countty. News has just leached here of the death, in Africa, of Mr. Will G. Ramsay, one of North - Carolina's brightest young men, whose native jojei wfjut Salisbsry, Hii death oc curred oa February toth, ' No par ticulars have yet been received, but it is aurmised that bis death was caused by fever. j Mr. A. M. Young, of this cityj yes terday 'received letter irom, Mr. Ranssy 'writtea'.some days .before his death, ssying: V am in better health than ever since' my return Id Africa." Mr. Young today received notice of the death oi his friend. Mr. Ramsay had planned to come home ptxt June and was looking forward to; thd re-union with family:. and friends 1 wki the greatest pleasure; but instead of his crossing the great deep o meet hta. friends, he has gone on to wsjt far them' beyond the river. Mr.' Ramsay was a model young man, and had many friends in Char lotte, He was a loving son snd brother, a faithful and true friend, ( aad an upright Christian man. His death wiQ be deeply mourned by his friends la North Carolina. Mr. Ramsay, it will be remember ed, distinguished himaelf, oa the borne voyage two years ago, ia saving Eves from a shipwreck. -On that occaaion he acted with remark able coolness and nerve, and hit name was heralded throughout the world1 He left here oa hit last trip to Africa a little over one year ago. Mr. R. B. rlartofield. who has bees' for a loof time identified with the chioa and crockery business of Charlotte, again at the head of hi old store, b) the Jobaatoa Block, The firm of Greshara & Graham has been changed to the Charlotte Crockery Company, and Mr. Harts field ia the lainager.V Mr. Gmbaa b SOU Interested ia the store. '. The Racket store, not baring room eoongh ia its present bulldiag', and aot being able to wait for the erec tioa of the new building, has leased the Dwvtdsoai otorerooaa just across the street, aad win ran a branch house "there. 'This bouse win be devoted exclusively to the Racket's miUioery department , Saas Kee has rented the old O. K. bakery stand, opposite Ross A Adams, aad will open out a lauadry sad Chiaea store. KU14 a Rabbit $ai Brought . Cut " 1 Hawiing Tmmp. Z2llii"Ji A. farmer who lives about four miles north oi Charlotte, ousted tramp In a novel majtner last Satur day, ' He was out ia a field near his bouse hunting , rabbits. lie was standing sear a straw stack, when rabbit that had been 'jumped' by the dog came running' up and "waa about, to seek refuge by the .stack, when tne tormer fired and killed ML The shot was Immediately followed by an onearthly yell, and the straw stack was shaken as if by an " earth quake. Judge of the, farmer's, sar- priae when, a . seedy looking, tramp rolled out and commenced dancing around oa the ground,' holding his left leg ia hit bands. , He bad bur rowed into the straw stack for a night's lodging snd ' was sleeping peacefully when some of the shot from the farmer's gun penetrated the straw snd waked him up. ' Six" shot went into his leg between the knee and ankle., He was one of the trampiest kind of a looking tramp, ragged, dirty and hungry, sad the farmer, moved to compassion, took him to the house aad filled him np with one of the most sumptuous repasts he had knows ia years. -The tramp cleaned up the table and was to delighted that, be declared it was goodtobeshotj ) W. C. T. U. Mots. " The Women' Christian Temper ance Union will meet tomorrow afternooa at the residence of Mrs. Ab Tate at 4 o'clock. v f TheY. W.CT. UofGoflford College ia preparing for aa enter talnment. The programme indi cates aa interesting occasion. ' April si baa been declared a day of prayer by the world W. C T. U. Collections for the cause are to be takes up oa that day. MiaeWiSard hopes soon to have her , autobiography printed. Her first Months of freedom are to be gives to the South. March 15th she starts first to attend the South Carolina .W. C.T. U. Coaveitfioa at Charleston. Then she goes to other Southern States. The Wmstoa) Union gave an ea tertainmcnt recently aad cleared I40. This it for the borne Union. Every Sabbath the W. C T. U. womei hold a prayer-meeting in the Win stoa jaiL Mrs, Wells will spend April and May ia North Carolina, instead of the months previously announced. REDUCED PRICES IN BOt'S ANtTCHILDREN'S CLOTHING. ABOUT OUR FUR- also tuu-AKi aivu tiffs, we nave found plenty of buyers at the prices which we have been selling; them at. and they are still going at the same prices. But this week we are malting a special cut oa our, ': INFORMED YOU LAST WEEK. VV NISHING GOODS, CHILDRENS SUITS AND KNEE PANTS Such as we have never done, heretofore. We do not mean to sell you shoddy goods. : No, by jio means, for our reputation ia too well estab lisned for ttlliofc a good quality of Clothiog at kw prices. So we start to give you a few sketches of the prices for which you can buy . ., r; BOY AND CHILDREN'S CiX)TIUNG 1 V 'i';1- ;-'T ' " " 'Ci''A: At our house.' Children's Knee Pants at a$ cents. . Of this lot we have about 75 pairs, sod sixes to fit boys from 4 to . We sold them at 50c.;- ; Tbe next lot we have, yt pair, to dose. ..These are all wool, and we . sell them at 50 cents. , j 1 ,, ' '::M , We have another lot of Children's Pants which we mixed, some we sold st $1.00. ti.i.$t-y. $1.75 and fi.co, all po at this sale for 8$ cents. quality for the prices which we kt them .go at this week. We single out 100 Sum, sizes 4 19 13. , neavy sna ..mcuium : w-gnu, suinc sutuunc m spruig wear. We sola Uwm at fi-oo, .50, Z5.00, Jo.co, 1,7.00 ana t7.no. . All are included ia this sale at the unheard of price of $3.50. : These suits are strictly sH wool. We return money to any purchaser if be can duplicate any suit for double the money ckewhere. , -SHIRT WAISTS- KAUFMAN'S nt BUW tar SfaRk. 1 Prof. J. C Bake, our local weather prophet bands TK News his weather table for March, aa follows: t and rainy, cool; 3 fair, frosty; 4 a na .. dooay ana wanner; 5 'Fowle knows of tbe embargo oa 1 eastern oroducts tftat want to ro According to the Newbera Jour nal, Governor Fowls in desirious of looking after railroad dtscriaaisa tiona. That paper says: "Gov. thunder and wind; f ight rata and wind; ota l nearly fair and cool; 14 to t? raw snd some launder; il partly cloudy and cool; t to ti nearly fair aad very cold wind; ti rain, cold and snow 13 rain and mow; 4 cloudy; 5 rsin; ' to cold rain, hail and thander; 'ay to to sear ly Uk aad coldi jo tfondy, cool aad rsia; ji foggy mormiog, then fair off jsOW OMffS T rarcwy. . v Chat. Ramseur, colored, was ar raigned beore Eaqaire D, G Mas- well today charged with forging tbe aamt of fames PrrWeT on aa order on Young ft Rkrae foronedoQar! worth of goods. Tbe forged order vusoncred.' Tbecfcrk hoaDed the order VVmined Ramer as the party who preneoteJ k. Rasmnr wnattol tfh vJl ft"" off 50 for his Sfpenraace for trial before Judge Mere. W have received a copy of the Durham Daily San, the new mors p paper j4 started la Durham by Mr. Jan. A. Robinson, who Umeriy connected with th pets of CKarVxte. T SwO It a seatty mtrtJ paper, tad is Mtfforal and ! rt rV prpar 'l along the.N.C R. between Gokle boro and Charlotte. ' He toty the people ia bit opening address st out Fair, that if they would stand by him and demand of tbe General As sembly law to prevent such an just tarins and dWiminnUona, he would tee that sweh law would be exe cuted." The Charlotte Chamber of Commerce ought to back tip the Governor in this matter.' Daw The demurm of the Richmond & DanvtQe. Ran. wad Company to the suit breoftit against tbe United States dm Court' by ' Was. II. Gibson' and other bondhoUert of .i.ooo bonds oi the North Carohna Railroad Cnmpaay gwnrsntced by the Sat oi North Carofinn was sue- uinrd by , (udge WatWt h New York yesterday. -L ,1 h ; i ' k Tery trg Pemstafe Of tbe American perJe are treobkd with moat annoying . troublesome d duagmaM cct(Uiat en Jed 010?' It It 4 ntrmairy to be so troubW. I dnanrd Srrond nwoiw that Oarss't Es tract nf f kit (rsptOon Catnh Cur Wnm4ity rvWre aad rrmnnrnt ty corve Ciarb. A thimngh and fair trial ml coevWe tn, I'r Clari' lla S-nip foelt kta. C''th Curr flo ' S- M('" At R. II. J-."'Ij4 A tV'f '' .We have an elegant assortment and intend to stop ladies from making hem at home, because it is a very tedious job for a lady to make a waist or boy when she wul be able to buy at - !-v '' - '"v KAUFMAN'S A waist to suit and fit her boy at 15 cents. This waist we sold at 2 cts. fast season, and we have a few to close and they all must go. We have a hrge lot of dark waists such ss Polks Dots snd Stripes and Fancy Figures which we sold at 38, 40, 45 and 50 cents each. We have put them in this sale at 15 cents. These wairta are Percale and the prices we sell them at are less tUan the cost of the . material. Don't miss your chance, as these bargains cannot fast fong. , T : 7, . , W. KAUFMAN & CO.'S. LEADING CLOTHIERS, FURNISHERS axd HATTERS, . . Comer Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C SEIGLE'S SILK SALE - ' AU of this week we will oner everything in our Silk Department at rreadv reduced prices. The great success which attended our Linen Sale bai induced us to make a similar one in the Silk Department. ; Every piece of Suk in this department has been reduced in pnee. One piece of "Faibe Francaise" at $t.oo, worth fi.ts. 'One piece of Perfcetion at ii.75. worth oo. One piece of "Pericctioo" at it-UYl. worth ii.yx. -All Silks at S1.50 now marked down to $1,375'. Tbia aale includes afl Graa Grains, Failles, Armours, Moires, Rhad smcs, Rhadzimers, Satins, Surahs and Chinas. ' . BROCADES. These have once more become favorites and now tbe time to buy them. Our tot has been reduced to tbe cost of manufac ture. They must be sold. Now is your opportunity. T. L. SE1GLE A CO. - CHILDREN'S SHOES, : For Boys' snd Ciris' school and vacation near we recom mend tn ccKOrated mm t SOLAR TIP SHOES, 1 Warranted the best in the woId. One pair of these shoes win wear aa long as two pair of most other makes. We nlwavs have a lanre stock of these shoes shich we srll very low, made . cither heeled or spring beds. Write for prices or a2 and examine. For mie at wholesale at manufacturers' prices. We are daily receiving our stock of Spring Shoes, which will comprise the best makes, latest styles snd lowest prkeaever shown in this market r,1T11 Successors to PegramJA Co. to S. Tryon Street lone x 1 r - -m r to East Tuci St ANOTHER IX)T OF THOSE ELEGANT HAND-MADE unity imm buttci se:ei These are beautiful fitters, very ntytiah. and toM sausoajiy sow ax tne grade oi goods. Our Acme fast for real dreat, la the istost pcrfrct fitting Shoe Sold in thai matket. Thi back rthwfotlged by every that has worn them. e kerp them tn the different wklth snd all the (M 1 vo ft. When in awd ol a MUdsome pair of walking shoes at :i ry yon to see oars. . " 1 1 GRAY A CO. vj AS;' HARRISON & CO.s . ; ; SOUTH TRYON STREF.T." ' WO continue thetr Spe1 S1 xi fartnf l VU T . prices beffaniog st f cfot h tomnrrow morn.ng, I cb. rjth. L.r, . .- ... . "' .rr, t n w. ltl. a arry a!r.i:. a.-t 1 1 )-rfv a gl 1 "' r !; ,i i . iii p"i ' J v 1 to ' S I? c ' an 1 .4 k M J fU... -mm mI Mm! ,4 fir It fffj

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