-W ADVERTISEMENTS,. "trtiT FORTH E BEN- . I t given tomorrow evening "SALEA lot of Household "d Kitchen Furniture. These ,U be sold Saturday. March ;, cither's wsieboueNcvj ; College atreefcg wmji rrCFOR SALE A gen- i!n who has moved from ountyhsr-kfthbcMving horse me to tell. Bay faorte, rising good sise. in gooa orper, JJofcrM I can fee, flint leg oodfcet; drives single or dot - ork to wagon or plosvin I fa j, good horse Jor tale Jow 10ASTED COFFEES., V.!f,irtn call attention to i.y (A variety. Quality and of roast wf are beadquaH . t Rfeited uwiees. wi oo mMtirifr and irl such (Juan enable! us to always give V (tatomcn a roast fresh and crisp dtat a hard, tougn arucieinai it soaipi bf en roasted for weeks imht, having lost aUlhe trse ' nr aroma so desirable in jodoooee. We solicit , a trial of ir a C Mandling Java, Ocnuine Calais Kocha, CucuU Maracaibo, trma Lsmavre. iasnakx And RJo ffrt JWftj also trj aiUnrjDf, fHXtueeBimi macex leas. ' llfCTT. BETHUNE ft CO., ii Bantu BUti, V fEEA HOUSE, " ONE NIGHT ONLY. ' .Way, JA, SSp. TteaHtMi mm Ftoaftnt Oawtsiy mr XGGS LANDING. -p. . - fcMi aW LsifWisf raTpcm haty J ( J ;'jHouti of Colid fna I jut rroau scckb! THKEI SHOWS IM ONE! k. .- avi' yim Scntm I Tt7W. Doa'tlCafZL av.rta.'aMil.a, in II ii ii a. ii i i rikt tone tnprovewiewts la kAiiag ih cussing summer. " a wtjar lo do Ibis will have to JM asy emire M of FANCY pet I nj offer rvcrytbing fai ,"fcf the next thirty days at I COST FOR CASH.' . . i' tocvioct yoa If yoaj price f JAMES HARTY. reo. 6. ilte. , , in IUTLER THE JEWELER THE ilSON DRUG-CO. 2 dol In evcryiS k ' to ursine anl scfl . VOLUME i. y . -t. ." : DAIJiY .?," s: r,' -". . ; f --. !., V, , ; y, ,.; , ,i , ,, - '.."'' ,',,' I ..,.;'..,'. V ;' '.;..' i' 1 ..;;'" .'.J" THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY $ 1889. . ' NUMBER 70. " till andsceliow' Fine and Cheap -1 ! K A MF S ., -J- "? I bav tbe largest and best assort nent of Frame Moulding in tbe State. Canvas and Crayon Stretches made to order. - VAN NESS, ' -t v- -, -jn N, Tryon S- LOCAL BIPPLES. , Dr. Alexander chicken roost has been raided by thieves. . ,t Dr. Wilder reports that Oorie, the wounded convict, Is Improving. Mr.' John, A. Bixby, who: has been seriously sick tor some time past, Is now convalesctnar. " 'The 'mofttlil ineetlnw of tit Christian Endeavor 'Society VIU be held at the usual place next Friday afternoon at 4:30 adock. Seretant Jetton" left but oSght for Spartanburg, S. Ci to secure a cotipie 01 conyica wnq rearnnyes caped trttoi this county -J, Cordon, the colored politician, leaves this evening lor Washington, He says that he will see whether Jim Sims gets anything or not. Mr. Eaves presence' ill the city today, caused great activity among the (aithhiL McN'uich, Gordon, Means and old man Creighton were all 60S bet trail A , " i .1 M '- i .' The entertainment of tbe Busy Bee Society wifl beheld Saturday evening, Marca' d, . from 9 to 10 o'clock, st the residence of Mrs. King, North Tryon street -; . w Mr. Sam Garrison was cut gm sing is ' they woods sear Charlotte this morning, when shot and killed two wild turkeys. Game of this kind is becoming Terr scares in this secoon. i v-;. -i Mr. W. A. Falls was married at King's Mouataia yesterday sAeis sooa to Miss Lisa Watts.- Toe newly wedded stODDcd at the Cem- tni, U this dty but wiU leave thi aAernooa for a Northers (rip. Mr. John L Springs wO be siarried si I o'clock' this evening to Miss tn Alexas.: .Tac cere mony will be performed by Dr. A. W. MuW, st the mldencc oi Dr. Chas. Alexander, oa Seventh street Prof. Was. Baker, much to the delight of those having pianos to tone, spent two days of this week la Concord, sad left la the mellowed tones of saaay lustiuineots the evi dences of his snuswaf ability to bring harmony and sweetaess ia place of rttlliog discord-. Jobs, Weeks, colored, Nras sr ralgacd before Esqsfre KaxweD this morning oa charge of assauIUsf Joaa Ecclea, also colored Thwxase van ibawiiaaad at tbe coat ol IM coos- pkloaat Weeks ad Hanry Joha- stoa were tbea arraigned wpoa charge of a affray, and were ftaed s penar sad costs each. -...,:',, loe Roseborowgh, a strapping big acgroboy, was Id the act of paasiag Willie Snider, a little white boy, this morntng. The negro had mootbhil of tobacco Juiee, sad this he deliberately squirted Into the bey's eyes, . causing - intense pahai Roseboraagh was baed ft ana cosa by EMjnire MaswtlL ,' Mrs. O'Cooaor. sa trUh woman, vu Arraigned before, the mayor this morning apoa tbe charge of aaaatth ing G. W. McMaaus. She had beta before the mayor twice wtthia' the past lew days wpoa the charge of draaieanesa. The mayor this mora Ire rare her the bok hetwwaa going oa the rock pile or Waring the city. She chose the hitter; sad was aotibVd (hat site m vat get out to day. - . . - . - M ,, . m ' , ' Mr. Jsa. B. Tree, superiatefldeat the Wester Uafoa Telegrsph Company; arrived at tbe Central this moraine from a trip South. Mr. Tree, rscorted bf Maaagee Thoeop. son, has been taking in the city so. day. Uks al 00 vkUlor., htft Tm trpmes klmarl as Ixinj: r fcroraUy Inpreed Uh Chrkte is4 mmundiwg . The ciiy eottoa swkrt coiuisves (orta!n&( and ttnesang, cts bi-g pai.1 for the beat cotton. TV ?.-.. r'r tUy were o jt'r, r ' JlwWM fu'li ' ' ' ' ? . c' ATTRACTINO ATTENTION. eaae of tbe Inqabias About this CM ; andJeeikHt ibat are Ceming in from a ' tlatanc.-Tba "akatcbta" rnlUUaf tbair Mlsaion. Never In the history of Charlotte has this town and section been more generally Inquired about by parties desiring new homes and investments than during the past lew jnombs. These inquiries have been produc tive of good results, too, as the num ber of new residents among us amply demowatrt fThe town has f been ..'-11 .Lii:.Li -.L4U. ni:u; uru u h:j(iiiimiv fruit of this advertising is being reap ed. ': One new china store, one dry goods store, one jewelry store,, one brick and tile works, one clothing factory and several smaller industries have been opened! up in our city by newcomers in recent days, two fine residences have been bought by wealthy new-comers, and a third b being negotiated for at PfiOo; and ill this is in addition to the buildings and Improvements made by our own people including factories, etc., and still the tide keeps flowing. Ths Nxws yesterday received a long let- ter from a gentleman at Eltnira, New York, asking for copies of our paper sad wanting to know all about tbe chances for investments here. He said that he was anxious to locate in tb South, and from what he had heard of Charlotte, he thought it the place he wanted to Vve at He was answered fully. Our! real estate agents and bosioess men receive such letters sa these almost daily. Char lotte Is certainly attracting attention. A sample letter is handed ws by Mr. H. C Ecdes. It is" written; by s party la Chicago, who wants' to es tablish a branch of a drug manubc tory here. He asksi , i 1st What h tbe btnaaeae owtkwk foe vour city the coming' year, and 1 . r t . your prospecis tor nuurc groww . md-r-Al what rent can a medium kited store room for basioes pur poses, desirably located, be c4taLed? tni What is tbe general layout of your dty as to width of streets, sidewalks and attractiveness as a place e residence? i 1 . 4tb Are there hay desirable op- portunltles. for a small Investment of dry lot oropertyr .. K 5th A friend contemplates a visit to your city soon, and if pleased with the Vocation, would bke to engage in the grocery business. Do you know of aay grocer with a moderate stock who would like to dispose of k lor eaaW . V ' . ; This is s sample of the many letters that are constantly being received hers, and it is aa indication of the nature rrowth of our city. Straws , Eke this connot be mistaken. The Chicago SAaa has been mailed fuS information oa tbe questions be asks. DIED IN SAVANNAH. A Prominent Nora Carolinian Pastas Away in Qaotgie." Mr. " Eugene Morebead, one of North Carolina's most prominent men, died in Savannah, Ga. yester day. He 1 was a brother of CoL John' L. Morebead, of Charlotte. Mr. Morebead lived in, Durham, and ranked foremost smong the leading men of that place. He conducted sT banking business there, la which be was eminently successful,, enjoying the fullest ' confidence and esteem of the people. He was liberal spir ited, .progressive man, and 'sided very materially in the upbuilding of Durham blstieath Durham sus tains a loss which will be appreciated by the people ol the whole State. Mr. Morebead had been in failing health for some time past, and at tbe time 01 nis death be was on a visit to bis mother-in-law, Mrs. Lathrop, in savannah. He was about forty years old, and leaves a wife and three children. . His body ill be buried at Durham, and is expected .to pass through Charlotte at 5 o dock in the morning. CoL John L. Morebead has gone to Savannah, and will accompany the body to Durham. Daalb of Mr,' John, B. Raoka ' i Uncle Jlonnnie1 Rooke b dead. Tbe bare announcement will cause a feeling . of , regret throughout the dty. His death occurred at the residence of Mr. R. ' A. Beattie, in this city, st 11.15 o'clock this morn ing, after a long and painful sick- aes. " Mr.' Rooke was about 70 years of age, and had lived fat Char lotte since the war. . ' He wss oneof the old wnrecon- structed, and a truer or more de voted . " Democrat sever .. Eyed. When the war broke out he was m the government employ at Norfolk, Va., but at once resigned his poar tioa and collated fat behalf ol the South." la 1863 became to Char lotte under uucractioaa of the Coav- foderste Government with Messrs. H W. Tatum, ', Joha A. Bixby, and others, to. locate a navy yard here. and Mr. Rooke was one of the prin cipal enatiocers eaeared oa that work.: He has lived la Charlotte cootuuwaaly since that time. He was a loyal Southerner and a true man. He poescaned a kindly and sympathetic , disposition, and Us death wQl be regretted by all our people, by - whom the name oi 'Unde Johnny" wiO always be add ia loving remembrance, 1 1 .- .' The funcnl aervicea win be con ducted from the residence of Mr. R. A. Beatty. corner of East Ninth sad C streets, st 10 o'clock tomorrow I morning, and the friends and ac quaintance arc invited. ; TIM rM DMM. V The friendly suit which has bees pending between the two Episcopal dioceses ia this Sate relative to a irgary of lxooo devised by Mia Mary Smith, of Chapd Hill, to the diocese of North Carolina, has beta deckled la savor of a divswoa ba the two' dioceses. The be- quest was made, aars the Wilming ton Review, when there was but 00 diocese la the State, that of North CamKna. - No other decision thaal that tendered byjadg Graves, ft Km to as, was possible ia the case, and we have never yet area the eec taahy for legal Interference In the matter. The 4ocese of fcast t-ere-fine b as much a part of the old dkxxs of North CaroKnA as is ht present diocese bering that nam. There was simply 'a dlvisioa ol tbe old diocese, a sort of dissoluifoa of partnenMp, SI k were, sad hence the assets oi the firm should be di vided ' : ; - IUi ha a Csa CX. The entfoe rrTxe of Saa-len A Ott was vUiied by robbers Ut nM, and ft 30 taken from the mrwy diar. TT M-v worked ; -t a f-r '. t it.-ftl a 1 I i-',' '" ; ;.at syaaalawosi. ' . Ground for the United States court house and post office building for Charlotte was broke this soora bg by Messrs. Hannibal Edwards and John D. Northey, who, at noted la yesterday's News, secured the eon tract for excavating , at -11 J. They art to hare the excavation com pleted and ready lor the foundation within J5 days. The contractors have gone to work with a Urge force, sad are moving dirt rapidly. It b probable that they ,wU have - the work completed before the specified time 1ms expired. Mrs. Hkka, of Oaford. N. C. is ia the city, the guest of M'm IMiise Moreboad, oa South Tryon street, , Mr. Itelss. of tbe lleias rklnng Company, of ritUburg, Pa., with hi wile, daughter and ana, Ve in the dty, the guests of Mr. sad Mis. J. T. Rosa, They have Jw retunnd trotn s trip to Oevetaad Spring. Dr. C 5. Roetelle, of LLicoln county, snd Mr. F. B. Fort jns, of Shelby, are at the Pu6d. They art en their wy to tke inavjf,rat)o. Mr. R W. KlfM, t4 tK- Rg-k-l-.-Sjm U at Cer'ul. 'v REDUCED PRICES IN BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S ; ( ( ) : H TV C t ! IT TE INFORMED YOU LAST WEEK. ! ABOUT OUR FUR W NISHING GOODS, also COLLARS AND CUFFS. We have found plenty of buyers st the prices which we have been selling them at, and they are still going st the same prices. But this week we are making sucim! iui un uui CHILDRENS SUITS AND KNEE PANTS Such as we have never done heretofore . We do not mean to sell you shoddy goods. ' No, by no means, for our reputation is too well esub Dsned for selling s good quality of Gothing at low prices. So we start to give you s few sketches of the prices for which you can buy . BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING At our house. ' Children's Knee Pants at as cents. Of this lot we have about 75 pairs, and sizes to fit boys from 4 to 8. We sold them at 50c v? tt,. ... tnf h cn nair tn rJnM. These are all wooL and we We have another lot of uuiaren 1 rants woicn wr, wixcu, sonic we sold at fi.oo, $L3s, $1.50, 1.75 and $2.00, all go at this sale for 85 cents. ; yjMi vjniuren s uii wuku fc v" u w". .. i.u quality for the prices which we let them go at thb week. We single out loo SUIIS, BUCS 4 IO 13, . uur; tun, lumuw 'S"1. ..,m..p. pi. 7.50. All are included in thb sale at the unheard of pnee of $3.50- 'k . .trlv .It -iwil ' W rr4nrn mmm to nnv norchaser if IIKK WUI W w wvw. . - , j . he can duplicate any suit for double the money elsewhere. . . J -SHIHT WAISTS O i . We have an elegant assortment, and intend to stop ladies from making hem at home, because it b a very tedious fob for a lady to makea wa st or a boy when she will be able to buy at - , KAUFMAN'S- KAUFMAN'S A waist to suit snd fit ber boy st 15 cents. Thb want we sold at 5 cts. . last season, and we have a lew to dose and they all must go. We have a large lot of dark waists such as Polka Dots snd Stripes and Fancy Figures which we sold at 58. 40, 45 and 50 cents each. We have put them ia thb tale at S cents. Thse waists are Percale and the prices we sell them at are leas than the coat of the material. Don't miss your chance, as these . . a . a . . i bargains cannot km long. -. i, . . 4 W.1' -KAUFMAN & CO.'S. .- LEADING CLOTHIERS, FURNISHERS una HATTERS, Comer Central llotet Charlotte, N. C SEIGLE'S SILK SALE. - ' 'All of thb week we will offer everything in our S2k Department at greairy reduced prices. The great success waicfc sttedd oor Line Sale has induced es to make a similar one In tbe Silk Derrtmeot.' Every piece of Silk m thb department has been reduced ia pricev. . , One piece of "Faille Franceise" at it.oo, worth - One piece of ha me rrancejse at ai.oo, worm j ' One piece of perfection" at f 1.75.' worth foo. One piece of ,rrfcctoa, at U. n. "worth fli.j ' ' All SUkS st f t.30 now eaarked down to flt.37 . 50, , , - Thb aale ladudes all Gros Grains, Failles, Armours, JJotrca, Rhad- n. . .. r 1 A r-v : ataes. KnaoximeTs. jmkiosv owaus uu vmw BROCADES These have once more become Eavontes and now b the time to buy them. Our lot has beca reduced to the cost of maauiao. ture. They must be sold. Now as your opportunity. " l"l ' ' -..1 1 T. L. SE1GLE ft CO. CHILDREN'S SHOES. For Boys' and Carls' school snd vacation wear we recom- snend tbe ccleorated SOLAR TIP SHOES, Warranted the best la the wocU One pair of Aese shore .T1 mm tm,4t lui, tJ Hkt OthaW W WS always have S large stock of these shoes whkh we sea very low, saadc either barked or spring heels. Write for prices or tall and examine. For ate at wholeaaJe at mnuacturenf . prices. We are daily receiving our .b rJ coins' W whkh wiU aomnrise the best makes, btest styles Md lowest pnees evef rfiowt, b this market, ' ' t waeservskwee, at a a m t S. Tryoa Stmt. ' ' " Successors t Pegra-O Co. ... AulT ( . J . w - - 1 W 19 EASt Taati St. AvnntKR LOT OF THOSE ELEGANT HANDMADE "UOIESr - WJLU1I?EIST MTCI I'Ull Thce are beau Jul niters, very srybsh, . ... VI I . . . I - . anu sum vnuanauj aow nr vm 1 gr.de of goods. ! Our Acme last, for real dress, fa the mot petint fctting Shoe nld M thb Bhsisrt. i nr, v-- -f - - V.. Km Ml lKr. We kern tbem la the nJ-em-t wJtb and an tbe , .- 1 s. k When ha acd Oi a handsome pair of walking shoes it J pay ywe to see cuts. 17 CRAY ft CO. JAS. HARRISON & CO 40 SOtmi TRYON STRLLT. tke sasse lxw 0. t;th. W II contiawe thf .';pW R"t, lTvwa. tsui' -g at I o'dock towwrow saorturtg. ret rwV vzz , . t- n...-"-. tr: ..... - -r ... r--;-( rrr,,Ti. ' - ' . . . 1 . . t 4 , , . . , , J,, . . ht ' ' , 1 . . f ,. 1 , 'U'OM li!i V '.it: a i'if

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