f v - v -v - STj t v v v C THE NEVS ; THE NEWS ' X it the leading piper in this part of the State. Issued Tuesday and J Friday. Try it. Twice a Week (ires all the news while it la fresh. I.OO Pr Yr. i it ix ml V A AT h. C. MARTIN, editor and :prop. published Tuesdays aid Fridays. f price si,oo the year. yOLUME IX. LENOIR,;N. a, OCTOBER 30, 1906. INTO. 29. I TU DcsMcratk Execstire Csstsilttct ! Csl4wtH saps lies si sutler istcr i this less, aai pays 1st It at aOer g tlilaf rstes Utter. A Republican Bolts. Salisbury Poet. '' Less than two weeks from today "by the vote of the people in the 8th district the selection will be made of the man who shall repre sent the district in Congress: I ap peal as a Republican to Republi cans to consider well before you cast a vote for a congressman you may have cause to regret it when aa loft loir in tJol f whv vrm should vote for the return of E. -Spencer Blackburn to Congress. Hold an honest and fair consulta tion with yourself, investigate his present, past and future and de termine with yourself by his re cord if he has served his consti tuents in such a manner as to merit their future support. Search the records of Congress and you will fail to lind where he has in troduced, not passed, a single measure that would stand for the slightest good for the people he is supposed to represent. Then again search the roll call of the congress and find how many times he has answered the same and occupied his seat, that he might serve his people should op portunity offer. He has no interest in the people beyond drawing his salary and maintaining his broker age in Office. No man should re ceive the respect and confidence of the neonle who does not meet his x i- - obligations with promptness. The postmaster at Salisbury cobld tell the people whether an obligation made him and others has leen ad justed. The Spencer postmaster might tell the public what it cost him to sign his name P. M. Then again Mr. A. E. Holton could say that he was sued on a note of $500 which he had signed for him in the Bank of (Jreeiiboro and upon which the defendant and Mr. Holton had the same to. pay and then he complains of great .prosecution by Mr. Holton as dis trict attorney and tries to pose as a martyr and make the public be lieve an innocent mau has been persecuted and with the same ev idence in Mr. Holton's hands he can show you different results. ' Tt has never been the custom of the good, honest Dutch of Rowan, Stanly and Cabarrus to stand by any man who wonld not meet his obligations, will not do so now. Mr. Blackburn is not a resident of the 8th district and has no claim upon the suffrage of our people. His election is only urged by a few officeholders that care nothing for the people but want to pay a debt of gratitude to their boss for the places they hold. The Tank and file of the Republicans are not for Blackburn. Not a single Republi can of standing and position in the district are for him. He is actually making his way through the can vass being backed by a few of his pie eaters. He has persistently 're fused to meet his opponent, Mr Hackett, in joint debate and an swer the affidavits and charges that have been made upon him by Mr. Hackett. No man deserves the Hiiffmf nf the neoole vho fears -"O . to meet his opponent and dis prove the infamy that his fellow Republicans and Democrats have - , - - i heaped upon him. Where no de nial is made, the charges must ... f u contain the truth. There is no dc nyine the fact that Mr. Blackburn in the 8th district has played hav oc with the chance of building up a Republican party and obtaining v success for county tickets. , With him out of the way we had the op ' portunlty to divide the county ticket lu Rowan and hold w"hat we had in Stanley and hope for suc cess in Cabbarus. His only hope in success is in trading off all other candidates to save Blackburn. Now, my friends and fellow Re publicans, if you ever expect success-you will have to let Mr.. Black burn pass out and return to his own district and then organize the party under strong leader ship, one that can unite all fac tions of the party. When we have done this we can expect a good re sult. It is for you to pass upon the matter on the 6th day of Nov ember. May you cousider well the result of your ballot and then cast it for the good of the Repub lican party. And for myself I in tend to cast my vote for Hon. R. N. Hackett as a rebuke to the office grafting man who attempts to represent the 8th district. J. P. Crowell. Let us again ask the people not to be mislead by the Republican statements, that the people who live in the country and own homes are Republicans. As great a por tion of the people who live in town own their homes as these who live iu the country. This thing of try ing to stir up one class of the peo ple against another is not statesman like, neither is it for the best inter est of the people. The campaign is now rapidly drawiug to a close the Democratic Candidates are all pleased with the manner in which they have been met and greeted by the people. The people are at work, determined and from every sectiou oi the county we have en couraging reports. If there is any thing in the signs of the times and and the way men talk, the Demo crats of the count v are sure to win in this contest. No Democrat, however, must fail to do his duty. Nothing can be done without patience and long tedious hours of toil and labor. With this idea thoroughly appreciated bytheDem ocrats the victory on next Tuesday is assured. CerWa Cure for Croup Used for Ten Years without a failure. Mr. W. C. Bott, a Star City, Ind., hardware merchant, is enthusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. His children have all been subject to croup and he has used this remedy for the past ten years, ana though they much feared the croup, bis wife and he always felt safe upon retirin g when a bottle of (Jhamue r Iain's Cough Remedy was in the house. His oldest child was subject to severe attacks of croup, but this remedy never failed to effect a speedy cure. He has recommended it to friends and neighbors and all who have used it say that it is unequalled for croup And whooping cough. For salebvJ. E. 8hell, Dr. Kent and (iranite Fills Drag (Jo. Mighty Near a Fool. Human Life A North Carolina doctor, inclin ed to be mindful of other people's business, was riding along a coun try road. He drew up where S t native was husking corn in a field "You are gathering yellow corn!" said the doctor. came the reply, "Won't vou get more than half a crop!" volunteered the physical! "Don't expect to, sir; planted it on half shares. The doctor was somewhat net tied at this, and replied: "You must be mighty near fooL" "Yes, sir; only a fence between us." When a horse is so overworked it lies down and in other ways declares its inability to go further, you would consider it criminal to use force, Many a man with human impulses who would not willingly irnrin kitten, Is guilty of cruelty where; his own Btomach is concerned. Imr- driven, overworked, when what i needs ii something that will digest the food eaten and help the stomach to recuperate? Something like Ko dol For Dyspepsia that Is sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and (Iranite Falls Drug Co. t The Republican Executive Committee of Caldwell supplies all matter under this head and pays for it at Advertising rates. Editor The able, scholarly and brilliant editor of the Topic, rises to say; "The thing that is most gratify ing to the Democrats in this cam paign is the impression made by J. V. McCall, the Democratic can didate for Representative in the next general assembly of N. C, from this county. His canvass has leen clean, forceful, eloquent and convincing. His opponent has at no time or place been abl to satisfactorily refute his presen tation of the subject discussed." Now, go for the camphor bottle for some one may faint. Who ex pects to satisfy some people with an argument when they wouldn't now one if they met it in the road. teally does the editor of the Topic know the "subjects that are l)eing discussed" this campaign. We see so little refered to in his paper we infered the editor had not been advised of the issues yet and that he might come in on the "home stretch." Rub up a little, Mr. Editor, and tell us something, even ifitaintthe truth. Just any old thing is better than nothing. $ We have before stated that so far as we were informed the Demo cratic registers were disposed to lie fair. But we don't just under stand how the Democrats trot the registration Iwoks in Lenoir town ship and had the books in a pri vate office for several hours one night last week. We. say we don't know what was the purpose of that gathering but it looks suspicious The registration looks are in the custody of a sworn officer and he should le careful that they are well guarded and that no one has an opportunity to to erase or add a name from or to the books. Let nothing be done that savors of un fairness. (Jive us a square deal bovs and it we don t lick you we will pay for the whistle. The County Canvass closed in Lenoir Saturday. Last week saw them atUamewell, North Catawba, Hudson and Lenoir. The first thiee precinct will give the Repub licans at least 50 majority. This brings the Republicans to Lenoir with 400 majority according to our estimate and we believe it a low count. 1 wo years ago the pre cincts in Lenoir gave 1M Demo cratic mrjority. We don't lwlieve thev will pass 100 this time. If our estimate is correct the Repub lican county ticket will win by 300 majority. How any well in formed man can hone to beat us this time is passed our understand ing. Republican Speaking-. A. (. Corpening and M. N Harshaw will speak at Hobart, Thursday nierht. Nov. 1st, at S o'clock. A. (1. Corpening and .1. W Curtis will speak at Collettsville Fridav niirht. Nov. the 2nd at 8 o'clock P. M. M. N. Harshaw and Will Whis nant will speak at Bean's School house. Fridav night, Nov 2nd at 8 o'clock. J. W. Whisnant and .1. L. Mil ler will address the people at the following times and places: Came well Thursday night, Nov. 1st, at 8 o'clock, Hibriten Academy Fri day night, Nov. 2nd at S o'clock Come out and hear them. ; In just one week until the ele tlon and the Democrats are pre dieting a divided victory or that some on both tickets will be elect ed. They hope by swaping and scratching to elect one or two of their candidates. We want to warn the Republicans again to vote the ticket strait. Every man on our ticket will be elected if we do our duty by a good majority. here are no more true or loyal Republican than our Caldwell oters and we don't believe" they can be bought, intimidated or per suaded to in any way go back on the party in its hour of easy vic tory if we all stand to gether. Lis ten to no reports or rumors that you may hear alwut our candidates or party an the eve of the election. Any reports are charges at this ate day is striking lelov the belt, nfair and unjust. We ask the Republicans to present a solid front on Nov. (5th, vote the ticket strait, see that your neighbor does the same and victory is ours. Remeinler the Rally in Lenoir Saturday, Nov. the 3rd. Let ev erybody come. Hon. Thomas Settle spoke in .enoir, Saturday to about .iUO voters. Ills speech was a master- y effort, clean, clear cut and un- anserable. It was on the very ighest plain, dignified, schollarly, mate, polished and eloquent. he man who heard it and was not struck with its force and truth is ndeed weded to his idol. The people in Lenoir had an op portunity to hear the County Can pidates Saturday. The court house was full and the crowd seem to be with the Repuplicans. The Democrats "were sufficiently amused." We think they found out who was "wound up" and they felt the "impression" made by their candidate. If it wasn't a field day for the Republicans we are a poor judge. If there was a greasy spot left of the Democrats we couldn't find it. When it was all over the Democrats looked like saying, farewell, we are gone and so mote it 1h. Ex. Cum. A cold is much more easily cured when the bowels are open. Kenne dy's Laxative Honey and Tar opens the bowels and drives the cold out of tbe system in young or old. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent's Drug Store, annd Granite Falls Drug Co. The Mazer Usually a Coward and Worthless. Exchange. The hazer is usually a cow ard and the sight of a gun or a knife makes him skip out. The fool with the blacking brush is a hard proposition in all colleges. He needs killing, but no one wants to stain their hands in blood. The hazer as a rule cuts the biggest swath during his sophomore year in school, and about the only time in life he plays the part of master is the time he takes advantage of a given iresnman away irom home for the first time and lords it over him. The blustering hazer works for another man after he leaves school. A man named Johnson was be fore an examing ward lor inquiry as to his fitness for a position to which he aspired. "llow many Hessians did George Ti l send to this country to fight Americans in the war ot the Kevolutionr was one of the questions put. Mr Johnson strained his memory for a few moments and then answered desperately: "I don't know how many came over but I do know it was a doo gone sight more than went back 1" He got the position It's easy to turn over a new leaf, I but It's hard to keep it turned. Four per cent on Sav ings Accounts. "WE PAY YOU TO SAVE." Respectfully, BANK OF New Opening of Racket and 5 and 10c, Store. I have leen to busy since open ing may store to write an adver tisement, but cor dially invite eve rylHxly to call and see my splen did values. Watch My Windows for Bargains That j ? Will Be Offered to You. jt A. A. Blackwelder. New Goods. We are now opening new goods for Fall Trade and would le glad to have you call and see what we have to offer and get paices lefore you buy. We have a lot of goods that we will give you speeial prices on and we think it would pay you to to buy your goods from us. Very Respectively, Dlf. A. WATSON. SHOES! Clothing! liny your Shoes, Clothing and everything else to wear from J. W. Self. Very J. T2. C3a.apt ! f LENOIR. I SHOES i i Clothing!! truly yours, W. SELF. Stoxe la. Inolx. n

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