FOR THE LITTLE ONES. Th Ehophord and the Wolf li Oood Outdoor Gamo. Tho children stand in n long line, one behind tho other, holding each other's dress or cont. Tho one at tho head of the line represents tho Bhcphcrd. His little followers ere, the lambs. One player stands apart from them, and he is the wol". He prowls stealthily around the flock, and tho shepherd calls out, "Who goes around my house this dark night?" The other answers, "I am the wolf." The shepherd says, "I beg of you not to hurt my lambs." ' The wolf then says, "I only wish for one, and I mean to have this lit tle lamb." And he jumps at the last player in the lino. The shep herd swings around to save his pet lamb, followed, of course, by the others. The wolf is sly and pre tends to turn aside, only watching his opportunity to grab. When he catches the lamb she must try to slip away, and if she succeeds she in turn Incomes shepherd. The wolf must then pay a forfeit and relin quish his place to the last lamb in line, taking his place. Spanish Tag. Spanish children play a kind of tag which they might have taken from some fairy game book if such a thing existed. One child, chosen by lot, s the moon and must keep within the shadow. Th'1 others are the morning stars and are safe only in lighted spaces. The game is for the morning stars to run into the shadow, daring the moon, who, if successful in catching one. becomes in turn a morning star and passes out into the light. This, of course, leaves the one caught to act the part of the moon. As the morning stars run in and out of the moon's domain they sing over and over: O the moon and the morning stars, O the moon and the morning stars, Who dares to tread O, Within the shadow? Conundrums. Why can't regular soldiers sit down ? Because they belong to the standing army. How can you tell the age of a hen? By the teeth. (Your own, of course.) Have you heard the story of the smoky window pane? No? If I told you vou wouldn't see through it. What are the features of the can non ? Cannon-mouth, canon-ize, cau-non-eers. Why is a judge's nose like the middle of the earth ? Because it is the center of gravity. Why don't they collect fares from the policemen on the electrics? Be cause they can't take a nickel from a copper. A Butterfly Farm. A novel farm is found in Eng land. Half an acre of land has been planted with shrubs and trees for the purpose of providing a home and food for thousands of butter flies of all varieties. Scientific men from all parts of the world are sup plied with specimens from this farm. Two Riddle. What is better than a land boom to take real estate off your hands? Soap. What is the western part of a boy's trousers? Tho seat, for it is where the sun sets. Bafora the Audience. 1 had a little piece to speak And knew It well all through the week, But when the time for speaking came And I got up and gave the name I found tnr voice waa weak and lame. Tba people seemed to think the same. And when they turned their eyes to star To My tha piece I did not dare. . ' . Philadelphia Record, ALL OVER THE HOUSE. Directions For Upholstering an Old Can Seated Chair. When the cano seat of a chair is broken it may be made as good as new by upholstering it at homo. After removing tho superfluous bits of cano cover the space with a mat ting formed of three inch wide can vas belting, woven together. Tack it temporarily in place. After plac ing over this some coarse muslin draw both smooth and secure at the edge with twine, making use of tho perforations.' Heraove the tacks, turn the raw edge over toward the center and baste it down. Arrange the curled hair and wool or what ever you propose to use for stuffing and keep it in position by basting over it a piece of muslin. Then carefully fit the rip, pin it in dif ferent places until you are certain it is in perfect shape and tack it permanently, following, of course, the tracing made for the cane. Cov er the edge with galloon to match the rip, using tiny ornamental tacks. Freckle Lotion. A good freckle lotion may be made as follows: Take the juice of one lemon (strained), one-half an ounce of pure vinegar, one ounce of alcohol, ten drops of oil of cedar, i en drops of lavender, five ounces of rosewater. Iix the lemon juice and vinegar together, add the alcohol, in which the oils have been dis solved. Pour into an eight ounce bottle and fill up with rosewater. l!ul) this lotion on the face at night before going to bed and wash oil" in the morning with warm water, fol lowed by cold. Tomato Catchup. l'eel and cut up a bushel of ripe, sound tomatoes. Put them in a porcelain lined kettle over the tire and boil until soft, then press through a sieve to take out the seed. Add a gallon of good cider vinegar, three cups of salt, two ounces of whole cloves, cayenne to season well, two tablespoonsful of black pepper, five cloves of garlic, skinned and crushed, or an onion grated if garlic is disliked. Boil gently for three hours or until boil ed down one-half, and then seal up in bottles. Hop Yeast. Boil two medium potatoes and ma-h. Use water to scald three tahlesoonsful of ilour. Boil two tablespoonsful of dry hops in two cups of water and strain. Mix with otato and flour two tablespoonsful of salt, two tablespoonsful of sugar. Let it stand until cool. Soak one cake of yeast in half a cup of water and mix all together. Seal in fruit jar and keep in a cool place. Three fourths of a cup of yeast will make four medium sized loaves of bread. Olive Oil on Bruises. In the treatment of bruises, where there is extensive discolora tion of the skin, if olive oil is ap plied freely Without rubbing the discoloration will quickly disappear. Absorbent cotton may be soaked in the oil and applied. If the skin is broken a little boracic acid should be applied over the abrasion. A black eye thus treated can be ren dered normal in a few hours, es pecially if the oil be applied warm. Dressing For the Hair. A very pleasant dressing for the hair, which renders it soft and gloasy, is made thus: Dissolve half an ouDoe of the best white wax in seven ounces of almond oil. When nearly cold add any perfume that is preferred, such as twelve drops of oil of cloves, ten drops of essence of almonds and twenty drops of es sence of lemon. Hemming Napkins, Every one knows how hard it is to turn a narrow and perfectly even hem on a table napkin. Put the hemmer attachment on the sewing machine, but do not use thread. Just run the napkins through the hemmer without sewing them and they are creased as narrow as de sired, and they are all ready for hand sewing. Kitchen Hints. A tcaspoonful of strong coffee added to chocolate at the last mo ment will give it a delicious flavor. In making a plain fruit cake if the raisins and currants are warmed in the oven before mixing them in they will not sink to the bottom in "that distressing way." Toilet 8oap Jelly. A soap jelly which is excellent for softening and whitening the hands h made by pouring boiling water on the bits of toilet soap which accu mulate and adding the juice of a lemon and a teaspoonful of glycerin to a pint of the jelly. Fried Cereal. Cook any cereal as for breakfast and turn it out into a bread pan to cool. When cold cut in thin slices, fry until crisp in a very little but ter. Serve this with maple sirup cv melted light brown sugar. Weak Women To weak aad altlnir women, fhnrn ii at loaat on Way to help. But with that way, two treatmnnta, must be combined. Otis U local, one Is conttllu. tional. but both are important, both otnoiitlaJ. Dr. Hhoop't Night Cure in the Local. Pr. Bhoop's Koitoratlve. the Constitutional. The formal Dr. Hhoop't Night Cure li a topical mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Dfi Bhoop's Knitomtive is wholly an Internal treat ment. The Kostoratlve reaches throughout the) entire system, seeking the repair of all osnra. all tissue, and all blood ailments. The Night Cum", as Its name implies, does Ita work while you sleep. It soothes sore and Inflam ed mucous surfaces, heals local weaknesses, and discharges, while the Restorative, east nervous excitement, gives renewed vigor and ambition, builds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewed strength, vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Bhoop's Restorative Tablets or Liquid as a general tonlf to the system. For positive local help, use as well Dr. tShoop's Night Cure J. E. SHELL. How to Cure a Cold. The question of how to cure u cold without unnecessary loss of time is one in which we are all more or Less interacted, for the quicker a cold is srotten rid of the less the danger of pneumonia and other serious diseases Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of iVaverly, Va., has used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for years and says: "'1 (irm ly believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended it to my friends and they all agree with me." For sale by J. H. Shell, Dr. jKent and Uranite'Falls Drug Co. JAMESTOWN TER-GEPtTEN HIAL April 26-Nov. 30, 1907. Southern Kailway announces ex tremely low rates to Norfolk, Va., and return on account of the above occasion. The following round trip rates w ill apply from Hickory: Season Tickets 17 55 Sixty 1 ay Tickets .... 14 65 Fifteen 1 ay Tickets . . 13 05 Coach Excursion tic'ts 7 50 Coach Excursion Tickets will be sold on each Tuesday, with limit seven days from date of sale, will 1)0 stamped "Not Good in Pull man or Parlor Cars." Other tick ets will he sold daily April lllth to Nov. 30th inclusive. The Southern Kailway will af ford excellent passenger service to and from Norfolk on account of tli is occasion. For further information, and Pullman reservations address any Agent Southern Kailway or write W.H. TAY10E, R.L. VERNON. :q. p. a. t. p. a. Washington, D. C. Charlotte, N. C LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree rendered in a certain special proceeding in the Su perior Court of Caldwell County en titled Albert McKimie vs. Lizzie Mc Kinzie. I will on Saturday, the lKth day of October, 1907, at one p. iu.. at the Court House door in Lenoir, N. C, sell at public auction a certain house and lot at Freeduian, iu Ie noir. N. C, formerly owned by Eliza Norwood and now occupied by Albert McKiuzie and his wife. Terms of sale: Twenty-five er cent cash and balance on credit of three months. Title reserved until purchase price is paid in full This Sept. 12th. W. H. BOWER, Com. A Certain Cure for Croup Used for Ten Years Without a Failure. Mr. W. C. Bott.a Star City. Ind.. hardware merchant, is enthusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. His children have all been subject to croup and he has used this remedy for the past ten years, and though they much feared the croup, his wife aud he always felt safe upon retiring when a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy was in the house. His oldest child was subject to severe attacks of croup, but this remedy never failed to effect a speedy cure. He has recommended it to friends and neighbors and all who have used it aay that it is unequaled for croup and whooping cough. For sale by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. The less of consequence a thing is th more fuss the average wom an is able to make over it. The Price of Health. "The price of health in a mnlariotis district is just 25 cents; the cost of a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes EllaSlayton, of Noland, Ark. New Life Pills cleanse gently and impart new life and vigor to the sys tem. Vc. Satisfaction guaranteed at J. E. Shell's Drug Store. KILL. COUCH AND CURE the L UNC 8 lr. King's WITH Now Discovery wis Trial BetUo fret AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONEY REFUNDED. warn 1 A few doses of thin remedy will In variably cure an ordinary attack of diarrhoea. It can always be depeaded upon, even la the more severe attneks of cramp colic and cholera morbns. It la equally successful for summer diurrlicea and cholera infantum in children, and la the means of saving the Jives of many children each year. When reduced with wnter and sweetened It is pleasant to take. Every man of a family should keep thie remedy in his home. Buy it now. Price, 25c. Larue Size, cue. E. W. MOOSE, ! D. D. S. J I have moved my office to rooms over the Postoffice, where I do all kinds of Den- S tal work. I will be absent 1 from my office one week be- ginning- with the first Mon- ; dav. in each month. Respectfully, I E. W. MOOSE. I AY.Pf C c Sweet to Eat L.UA VI J O A Candy Bowel Laxative. For Sale by J. E. Shell. ME MEWS MAGAZINE READERS ) tUNSLT IU0AUH v ' ' and articles about California 3" ""J and all tht far West, ayesi TOWN AND COUNTRY JOURNAL a monthly publkatioa devoted tf) tt to Iha far Bia interacts of the West a year ROAD OF A THOUSAND WONDERS a book of 75 peps, containing 120 colored photographs of $0.75 pidumque spats in California nd0nm- Total .. . $2.75 lwdiitiliiUiIliMlntLanad atoms 1 rn AD for. $1.50 Cut out this advertuement end send with $1.50 to SUNSET MAGAZINE JAMES FLOOD BLOC.. SAN FRANCISCO HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy lledloina for Busy Psople. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific tor Constipation, Indigestion. I.lvo and Kidney Troubles, Pimples. Eczema, linpur Blooil, Baa Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Heaiiacli. and BackaAe. It's Rocky Jlountaln Tea in tal Wt form, S-l centu a box. Uenuine made b; IIollister Drcq Company, Madison. Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Quinsy, Sprains and Swellings Cured. "In November-, l'.)01, I caught cold and the quinsy. My throat was swol en so 1 could hardly breathe. 1 ap plied Chamberlain' Pain Balm and it gave me relief in a short time. In two days 1 was all right," sava Mrs. L. Cousins, Otterburn, Mich. Chain-1 berlain's Pain Balm is a liniment ami I is especially valuablelfor sprains and 1 swellings. For sale by J. K. Shell, Dr. Kent and (innate Falls Drug Co. i FOR DYSPEPSIA DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Reliarei Indigestion. Sour Stomach, Belchinc of Gas, Etc HirARBD ONLY AT THI LAIOIATOKT Of LJ E. C. DeWITT tc Dr. Kent and Granite The Lenoir News is an Indepen dent Family Newspaper pub lished twice a week--8 and 9 times a month-in the interest of the peo ple of Caldwell County and is of fered to the people at the extreme ly low price of $1.00 the year. Everybody should read the News. You can't do without it. And as an advertising medium, it is given up to the best in the County, It has the circulation. 'EE MEW Ml ftf f CtMtMtt f UK fill ft L. G. Reid, D. D. S. j $ Denlstry In all its Branches. J t Office, Shell Building:, $ Lenoir, N. C. Phone 85. C.B. McNtlrjr. M.D. L.H. Coftty, M.D. Claude Moore, M. D. McNAlRY, COFFEY & MOORE. The undersigned offer their services to the people of Lenoir and vicinity for the practloe of Medicine in all its branches. Office at Lenoir Drug Co. Store Phone 28., N. Main St., Lenoir, North Carolina. McNairy, Coffey & Moore. W. L. ENQLAND, Local Mgr. : UNITED COLLECTION AGENGY : Jjj LENOIR, T. C. jj Jj Let us collect your Jjj bills. Both good and bud accounts col- lected on reasonable terms. Hail road sV tkf claims a specialty. 5 Office over First Nat. Bank. U I-U-IONK NO. l.iH. 4ffr s tttft tot f tfr (f tttttt I av.pR 5 c Swcct t0 sUUA VU O A Candy Bowel Laxative. J. E. SHELL COMPANY. CHICAGO, ILL. Falls Drug Company. X t t i