The Lenoir News. Tho News P rintery t 1) TO DO A TWICE-A-WEKK FAMILY NEWSPAPER. THE VERY BK8T ADVERTISING MEDI UM. READ bY EVERYBODY, ONLY fll.OO TIIK YJCAIl. IS NOW PREPAREl YOUR JOH PRINTING. AI-L THE LATEST TYPEFACES USED. OIVE US A CALL. ATRIAL IS ALL WE ASK. H. C. MARTIN", Editor and Prop. PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, PRICE 81.00 THE YEAR. VOLUME X. LETSTOIR, N. C, OCTOBER 11, 1907. INTO. 12. 7 . IK III The. Railroads and The Future. Manufacturer! Record. The halt which has come to rail road construction in the South in cansequence of agitation threaten ing investments in railroad promis es to occasion serious hindrances to agriculture, manufactures and commerce. At the very time when industry in all its branches was expanding with wonderful vigor and rapidity, demanding greater and greater facilities for traffic, and while the railroads were doing their utmost to meet those requirements, came the liood of legislation to cut down the prof its of the corporations just when they were most needed; needed, too, for, expenditures to supply necessary track equipment and other facilities for transporting people and freight in the advance ment of the business interests of the country. But that was not all the evil wrought by such laws. They checked in its How toward the South money so much de manded for devlopment of new railroad and other enterprises and have caused a halt to progress. Had there been any general and substantial outcry against the rail roads for widespread injustice in their freight or passenger tariffs some excuse might have been found for the passage of regulatory acts, but there was little such agitation, and therefore the conclusion is forced upon the observer that the responsibility for the passing of such laws lies mainly with a com paratively few politicians, inspired by selfish motives, perhaps of a re taliatory nature. Yet it is to the future that one mil st look for the worst effect of these laws. Conrneree and iinlus try are making greater demands upon the railroads for adequate facilities, but the companies are hard pressed for money, and orders for new cars and engines have fal len off tremendously as compared with last year, although there has not been any let-up in the rush of freight, and most of the rouds are handling more business than ever. Necessarily ther must come a time when another crreat congestion of - 0 traffic will occur, causing both em barrassment and loss to various branches of human enterprise and labor. The money to proyide those things which the railroads nl is not to be had except at prohibitive rates of interest, and borrowing has to be done by means of short-time notes for meeting pressing requirements. The out come of such conditions is plain enough. It migh be easier had not lalwr and everything else which the railroads need advanced in cost, but these increases in operating expenses, coupled with decreased earning power under the new laws, have put the companies at their wits' end for the handling of their finances. To sum it up, the situation is this: The railroads need more funds to meet the needs of their patrons. Kates of interest demand ed by capital are higher than ever for railroad enterpises; too high for the roads to afford. How, then, can they prevent another conges tion of traffic and loss to businssst There has been some chatter about home capital for building railroads, particularly in Texas, but there is not enough home cap ital to build all the lines needed, and there is practically none to supply the requirements of existing roads in the matters of extensions and equipment. Moreover, home capital is just like other capital, in that it seeks the greatest return possible for its investments, and there are plenty of other things which promise more than railroads at the present time. The money come from the great money centers DemagOgism Expensive, or not at all, and it will not come Taylor-Trotwood Magazine. until conditions are such as to The occurrences of the last few promise a decent return. months in the labor world and in The course to be pursued by finandal circles mav well clve lawmaking bodies in dealing with pause to that wholesale and recU. the railroad is, therefore, obvious. IeN8 warfare acrainst all classes of rich corporations which has charac- Boone Items. The Township Teacher's Insti tute was held today at the ('one School near Blowing Rock. Mr. ("one was present and made an ad dress on school matters and also related some of his experiences on a recent trip around the world. Mr. Cone, in addition to giving nearly all on the school building, supplements the teachers salary and also gives five months free to the children. M r. Smith McBride, of Amantha, is moving to Limestone, Tenn. A number of Watauga people have lately moved there. Mr. W'oodlin Young, of Bakers ville, is in town and reports me Mere, lhere are more robbery of four stores in Mitchel ways, for example, to fix terized American politics of the last two years. The wonderful de mand for capjtal to be used in de veloping the resources of the world has been nowhere greater than in South. Men of daring and ol fin ancial genius have leen found who were able and willing to lead in remarkable decade of improvement which has just ended. After 40 years of wandering in the wilder ness the South has at last sighted her promised land. It wouldseeni that she would le the last section in the Union to desire any change in the financial situation, yet late ly she has not been behind in doing her part toward retarding indus trial progress within her own bor sensible railroad Ceremony at Williamsburg. Charlotte Observer. Williamsburg, Va., Oct. . Messengers from the rulers of the two great English-speaking nations journeyed to Williamsburg yester day from the triennial General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States and presented to Bruton palish church, which has been longest in continuous use than any other Epiccopal church in America, beautiful gifts as tokens of the high admiration in which the memory of the founders of this pioneer house of worship is held on both sides of the Atlantic. The gift of President Roosevelt bronze lectern winch now is a t If Yon oirt See ! Good Enough See A. W. Dula. t county. The store of Win. Ollis rates than that devised by most of was first broken into and $1.50 in our States, as Governor Hughes of stamps was taken. "Dout'' Bach- ew York has lately proven. The annon was next, from which only truth of the matter is that the peo a few dollars was taken; the third pie have just begun to realize how was B. Vance, from which the sum intimately connected their own of !?50. 00 is missing; the last was tortunes are with the railroads Burle.sone & Son, where the rob- whether they own one dollar's bers secured 200. The amount of worth of stock in them or not. Yet all taken was about S00. Xo it is a singular fact that nothing clue has yet been discovered. short of loing brought face to face A much needed improvement is with financial disaster will usually tM-iny made on the public 10ad suffice to make good times realize near Mr. Holden Davis' on Cove Creek. The cattle market is right good The best grade brings about !?.'. 2." hit hundred Some tro as low as i $2.00 per hundred. The corn crop of Watauga is how bad bad times are. '1 here has been too much senseless rantiiiir against capital. Politicians des iring offices have led in the bad work. The deniatroirue made so from ignorance and the demagogue from expediency have united with sensible men and anarchists to holds a magnificent edition of the English Bible sent by the King of England. Tho service at the par ish church was lull of hietorical interest and attracted a great crow n ucluding practically the entire membership of the Richmond Con volition. It was for the purpose of present- ng to Bruton parish the Bible sent by King Edward that the bis- lop of London visited America. The ceremony incinent to the presentation ot the gilts was in accordance with the beautiful Episcopal ritual but the great in terest attached because of the f n t i , l prominence oi me nurenmeu pm- f ticipating. Tlu"-e not only in- A ciuueu a numncroi loiein uiMtop, ft but the highest Episcopal clergy C in the United States and in the ft audience as representatives oi me a eneral Convention were many ft i i i i l ii mm prominent citizens oi me i nueu ft States. he delegation as appoint- ft , V ed represented tne s original ft States. J. Pierpone Morgan, of ft very good, buckwheat is excellent, give to the people that halfbaked rve is rather short and scarcely legislation which has given the .... , ... B " an v wheat nas oeen mauc. au- who e oountrv indurestioii. it is 1 I Sf bage bring 7f cents per hundred uot generally known to that section at the railroad. A. II. nfour population which is ac customed to accuse our railroads Pneumonia's Deadly Work of extortionate rates that the freight . . i had ho seri i. I'.itin I Lllllll M. LI I LL It U J V V m . . v - KCllSWU, 1 Cllil., I O "that I coughed continuously night one-half as hieh as Cermauy, aiu and day and the neighbors' predic- .. . , . , v,xna tion consumption seemed inevii- - able, until my husband brought a bin(i 0f mania seems to have home a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis- , .,. covery, which in my case proved to seized on the people oi this coun be the only real cough cure and re- ty urging them by every means to .ii r.n hiimner the development of the ail uturr irmoujcB uttcuj ion, iw i may still win in the battle against giat industrial corporations, al Discovery, the real cure. Guaranteed though these corporations hav e by J. E. Shell, druggist, 50c and $1. tione more than any other cause to Trial oouies rree. ....... ,.l .nu. create ine weuui ui iu .-iiubhuiii neonle. It seems odd that at the It K climax of our prospeaity discont ent should be able to strike blows so hard, and that our memories should not be long-lived enough to i - ALFRED W. DU LA, X OPTIC! AN. LENOIR, N. C. 1 I! I Examinations free. If you do not need (Masses we tell you so. and no charge is made for the test. Call and consult u about your eves. r ft V J UVJ 01 Our line of Fall and Win ter goods is now on dis play and ready for inspec tion. Everything nice, neat and new in iStates. .1. rierpone Morgan, oi ft New York, occupied a pew directly ft rrvc?c? flffAc in front of he altar and was the X( UUUU object of much curiosity, to his ft Notlfl!! C 8 Mr un- As to Mr. Home. Newbera Sun. The Durham Herald says: Home is a farmer, and as we derstand it, a good one; but there rememler how idle men walked should be some letter roason than our streets in 1HSK1 9( seeking work that for makine him rovernor. w hen there w as none to W had And as we understand it the friends of Mr. Home know many jf rea ,.0lTee disturbs your Stomach reasons for making him governor vour Heart, or itiuneys, uieu irv l.iu nluvur ("iifTo.i iinitKtinn Dr. in addition to the tact that lie is a Snoop's Health Coffee. Dr. Shoop farmer. One of the first is that he .'.i U1.ftth,1 Java and flJOCIia v.. on en ill iiiivurnim innir, ri IS a man OI nm Class anu Mineu m i,aH not a single grain or real ii(i...,fi.,u man u-l,n HIolTw in it. Dr. Shoop's Health 1 ' Coffee is made from pure toasted believes in knowing all alout the grains or cereals, with Malt, Nuts, k..j . i,- i,. , i,,i .inno etc. Made in one minute. iNotedi uu.-iiiivt.-o lie iiu.-i in iimivi, mm . i, v.. m .i 1 : b ' , . ous long wait, louwill surely like know, and who IS systematl in it. (4et a free sample at our store everything. He is not a theoretical Harrison & Co but a practical man. He is a sue cessful farmer, it you please, and It is tunny that a woman who is nobody can oppose him on that comfortable with a feather loa .rrmitiH h.iau cmrvxwafiil manii. UbOUt her I1CCK CCtS SO norVOUH o- - I . ... fucturer. he is a successful mer- t)out a caterpillar. i chant, he is a successful banker Any objections to these quali- Fear of dirt and a little hurt has licationst Vho can le found in kept many a man "from reaching more sincere sympathy and accord success with the business life of the peo plot That he has plenty ol sense You never have any trouble to get is proven by his success as a bus- children to take Kennedy's laxative F J ..... , Cough Syrup. They like it because iness man. nis menus argue Mt tastes nearly like maple sugar. kof f, nmwla liim than Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup is I a Brno, puiv anu inuuiim i-iu-vij IV. he neeus ine omce, ana ue inun- coughs and colds and is good for ev sold bv and Granite evident embarrassment. After the inspiring service of hymns and prayers the rector of the church made a statement of the historical significance of the occasion and out lined the labors of love that had attended the res toration of the old building. Ifishop Satterlee presented the regrets of President Roosevelt be cause of his inability to personally lestow his gift upon the parish With appropriate remarks the bishop then presented the lectern and spoke of the Bible it was soon to hold. In a few, well chosen remarks the gift was received by Bishop Randolph, of the Diocese Southern Yirginia Bishon Ingram, of London, ad dressed the audience briefly, say ing In show ing this mark of loving interest in the w elfare of the Church my sovereign is only following out what has lieen done by many of his predecessors. Believe me. the King, my sovereign, has the var nipst desire for the welfare of the people of America and especially for the spiritual w elfare of this and of all people." Immediately alter the services in the church Bishop Ingram ad dressed an overflow meeting in the parish churchyard. ful about it, and that is a strong jyHJjf K't an Notions, Clothing, Hats, Ladies Coats and a full line of Shoes of the neatest and latest styles. New line "King Quality" Shoes for men, the best in town just open. Prices and styles right, give us a call before mak ing your purchase. Yours Very Truly, E A. WAT Ambition has a way of getting a man into trouble and then desert ing him entirely. To check a cold quickly, get from vour druggist some little Caudy Cold Tablets called Preveutics. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Pre ventics, for they are uot only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt Prevent ics contain no Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sicken ing. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preveutics will prevent Pneumonia. Kronchitis. la Urippe. etc. Hence, We Have no hesitation in recommending "(iarland" Stoves and Ranges. Their high reputation for dura bility, economy for fuel, con venience, and artistic fiuish, stamps them as the world's best. It is the constant aim of the manufacturers to make the very liest stove that can lie produced. They are unrivaled. Sold exclusively by R. I L SI ATNHOUR & CO. the name, Preventics. Good for fe- r II AT verish children. 4S Preventics 25 II cents. Trial Boxes 5 cts. Sold at II J. E. Shell's Drug Store. II Do you get the News? J NEWS whlrh the lines must have will reason. Falls Drug Co.

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