THE NEWS. H. C. MARTIN, Editor and Prop .tutored fttthu P,)tofflc at Lenoir, N, C, M Ktuoud-niMimau manor, , If your paper doe8 not reaoh you promptly, let ub know bo we can see whore tne trouble is. AnonymouH communications will not be printed. Advertising rates low and will be given on application. Telephone No. 54. SubHC -iption prioe $1.00 a year 50cts. ill months. 25cts. three months. Fkiday, Oct. 11, 1907. Arrival and Departure of Trains. NORTH BOUND. No. 10 Mail and Ex. ar. 2:12p.m. No. 8 Passenger ar. 9:30p.m. No. 62 " " " 1:40p.m. SOUTH BOUND. No. 9 Mail and Ex. de. 2:40 p.m. No. 7 Passenger de 5:05 a.m. JTo.63 " " " 9:05 a.m. The Kailroad rate case has un earthed some pretty damaging facts in regard to afl'airs in Raleigh. John C. Drewry, State Senator from Wake County and President of the Times Publishing Company, was the recepient of $4,000 from the Southern Kail way ostensibly for advertising for the Company. But the general impression is the money was paid as a subsidy, to buy the influence of Drewry and the paper for the railroad. I'pon the heels of this startling discov ery comes a letter from Mr. Henry A. Page, of Moore county, to Josephus Daniels, of the News and Observer, intimating by questions that Mr. Daniels received also large sums from the Seaboard Air Line for like purposes. So all in all, it pretty safe to say there is a whole lot of corruption and graft of one kind and another going on at our State Capital. Some years ago the affairs of (he Atlantic iv: North Carolina railroad were in vestigated and enough of the coin mittee's findings were made known, to .show a great deal of favoritism and graft, while the most impor tant findings of tW committee were never made public. I'nder the circumstances it is about time for North Carolina to elect a Governor that would make a general house cleaning at the capital and one who would give less time and at tention to partizan politics than any of our recent Governors have done. That was a disgusting perfor mance in Kaleigh, last Sunday, when the large audience in the court room "slopped over" and applauded the acquittal of the Rowlands, who were tried for the murder of KngineerStrange. They were not proven guilty of the crime, but a good deal of the tes timony showed they had been guilty of improper conduct in sev eral ways and to applaud their ac quittal and shower them with flowers was, to say the least, in very bad taste. It is a sad com menitary, when a man and wo man who had traveled and passed as man and wife, before they were married, are thus giren an ovation, because a jury failed to convict them of murder. Doing Business Again. "When my friends thought I was about to take leave of this world, on account of indigestion, nervousness and general debility." wi Chisholin, Treadwell, N Y., "and when it looked as if there was no hope left, I was persuaded to try Electric Hitters, and I rejoice to say that they are curing me. I am now doing business again as of old. and am still gaining daily." Best tonic medicine on earth. Guranteed by J. E. Shell, drugging 50c. After a man is married he won ders why he promised his wife not to do certain things, and she won ders why she ever lelieved those promises. Kelsy News. The fanners of this section are mostly through foddering and hare had a nice fall for the business, 'WW"''"'1 Messrs. ' Lena, Hill and Bloom Wright left the fcth for Rlucfield, W. Va. The writer had the pleasure of attending the teachers meeting held at the Cone school house at Blowing Hock the 5th of October. Aunt Polly Ann Coffey, a very old lady, had the misfortune to fall the other day which resulted in a broken hip bone. Good luck to the News. Dyson. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people without a penny's cost the great value of this scientific ' prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by J. E. Shell's Drug Store. Skyland Institute. On Monday, the 7th inst., the above named institution opened its doors in the cause of education. For two years the school has been closed, much to the regret of the community, but, owing to unavoid able circumstances, it Avas deemed wise to do so, now, however, the Board of managers have re opened the school on a sound basis and haVe sent a band of workers here who are ready to help our boys and girls to get a good, practical educrtion. The School was opened by the Principal, who, in a few words welcomed all and hoped the school would be a help as in the past. after which the hvmii "Wonder ful words of Life" was sung, a portion of scripture read and prayer offered by Rev. W. li. Sav age, another hymn "My Country TisofThee," was sung by the audience and Sk viand Institute was declared open for another ses sion. The classes were assigned to their various rooms and their teachers introduced to them aid work began in earnest. The following compose the Fa culty and school household: Miss Alice A. Flagg, Principal. Miss Carrie M. Michael. Asst. Prin. and head of the High School Grade. MissCarria K. Maker, in charge of the Intermediate Grade. Miss Esther Kuth Pobards. Head of the Primary Department. Mrs. A. r.eatty, Matron. These ladies will welcome all to the institute and hope that the community at large will aid them by their sympathy and prayers in the work thev have undertaken which is to help other christian workers of this region in the grand work of education, their motive an unselfish one. their object to help others to help themselves. HolUO ' !. (Jot from any prescription phar macist the following: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one half ounce; Compound Karagon, one ounce; Compound Syrup flarsapa rilla, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take a teaspoonful dose after each meal and at bedtime. The above is considered by an eiul nent authority, who writes in a New York daily paper, as the finest pre scription ever written to relieve Hackache, Kidney Trouble, Weak Bladder and all forms of Uninary difficulties. This mixture acts promptly on the elmiuative tissues of the Kidneys, enabling them to filter and strain the nrlc acid and other waste matter from the blood which causes Rheumatism. Some persons who suffer with the afflictions may not feel Inclined to place much confidence in this simple miiture, yet those who have tried it say the results are simply surpris ing, the relief being effected without the slightest injury to the stomach or other organs. Mil some and give it a trial. It certainly comes highly recommended It is the prescription of an eminent authority, whose entire reputation, it is said, was established by it. A druggist here at home when asked stated that he could either supply the ingredients or mix the prescription for our readers, also recommends it as harmless. A man may get a big reputation for being good when he only de serves one for being careful. When a man is suspicious about your success it is a sign he has done some bluffing himself. nrr XltTKTT C Great Antiseptic LINIMENT (Formerly Tvrtlt Oil J L,rtfat knd Bat tor 5 REALS WITHOUT BCAR. Pmanta wound poboninff, Inflammation, pain, aora m. Money Bavad In Uoma ana hum. U EICHARDSON. Utt. Chamlit oauuiiiaoao, a. a Graded School Honor Roll. The names of pupils who aver age 95 will appear on the honor roll: FIRST (iKADK. Charlie Lindsay. Roy Martin. Nellie Bean. Cary Harrison. Emma Wagner. Bascom Barnett. 8KCOXI) ;kade. Celete Seehorn. THIRD (JKADK. Eugene Allen. James Boul ware. Willard Goforth. Gena Hickerson . Lucile Triplett. Louise Todd. FOURTH (iR A DK. Thomas Warren. Dolly Tolbert. FIFTH (illADF. llerndon Clarke. Kobert Muuday. Walter Craig. Clyde Sudderth. James Saflbrd. Klisha Harris. James Coniann. Carrie Lindsay. Elizabeth Harrison. Lola Heffner. NF.VF.NTI1 1 1 R A I F. . James Harper. Margarett Harper. Lillian Wakefield. KhiHTII i.K' )F. Cornelia Miller. Hessie Dula. Allic Hobbins. Kthel Thomas. Lizzie Fuller. ninth ;ka fk. Irene Robbins. Number of white pupils enrolled 4M. LSI colored. Total (iL'0. Ginseng Seeds and Roots for Sale. Well budded Roots .2.)0 per hundred and upwards. Discount on larger lots. Delivered at Gar den for cash only. Wm. H. Kicken, Patterson, N. C. NOTICE. I will be at the various precincts in the Count v on the following dates for the purpose of collecting taxes for 1H7: Hudson Granite Falls I'etra Mills Little River Kings ( 'reek Yadkin Valley Patterson Buffalo Cove Richlands Glolc Wilson's Creek Collettesville Gamewell North Catawba Oct. 14th. loth. Kith. 17th. 18th. 19th. in st. Ulind. L'.'lrd. 'J4th. 'Jfith. 2(ith. 28th. 29th. Lenoir and Lower Creek Oct. 30 and 31st, at court house. This Oct. 2, 1007. .1. M. SMITH, Sheriff. Notice. I have now the Town Tax Pooks and want the people to pay their taxes promptly. No town script taken on taxes, but it will be paid by Treasurer. Let me have your taxes promptly ro the work of making good streets can proceed. Respectfully, J. L. COTTKELL, Tax Col. Some people can look just as innocent as though they really were that way. FOR SUMMER READING there's nothing like a good novel. Take one with you even on a short outing. Have one by you for afternoons if you stay at home. THIS BOOK STORE IS POPU LAR because it furnishes wholesome reading in the latest as well as the Standard fiction. Come in and look; our Books over. Don't be too hasty in choosing. You are entirely welcome to look over as many and stay as long as you like. y. Does your back ache? Do you feel tired and drowsy and lacking in am bition? If so, there is something wrong with your kidneys. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills relieve backache, weak kidneys, and in flammation of the bladder. A week's treatment 25 cents. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. BUSINESS LOCALS. PANTS the $'2.00 and $2.25 grade for S1.50. The Racket. Lady Hats. Ready to wear at very low prices. ' The Racket. 4, Bring in your baby carriages and go-carts and have rubber tires put on them. P. M. Keever. Elegant stock Men's and Childrens Clothing, latest styles at moderate prices. M. M. Courtney, f WANTED 100 to 1000 cords of wood cut or cut and deliverd by con tract. J. E. Mattocks. If you are looking of Dress Goods, see Watson. For the prettiest, newest styles in Ladies Cloaks and Rain Coats, "see M. M. Courtney. PANTS AND CLOTHING I have a new lot of clothing that! bought at great reduction and expect to sell t belli cben n ( tinp 11 n.l lum tli,,. The Racket! If its a nice Suit vou are lookin 3 for see Watson. STREET HACK We now keep a nice team and vehicle in readiness for use of any one in the town. Phone or call in person and your wishes will be attended to. " i Lenoir Livery Co. Suits at Watson's from f'JO.00. $:t..r) to JUST KECE1VED-A new and up-to-date line of sample Umbrella Covers. P. M. Keever. FOR SALE At a bargain one 5 horse power double eyliiuierfrasoliue engine. Joe Powell, Jr. All kinds of Viuikee Watson's. V..: MARHAINS lii pants, the $1.50 and $1. ..' grades all at ?l.O0. The Racket." FOR SALE A pood Walter A Wood mower and rake. Apply to Wr. J'. Heffner, Lenoir. '. C. 4 FOR SALE A r,("l work horse eight years old . Ajiplv to Sidney E. Dula, J, ienoir, N. C. WHOLESALE PRICES Yon can buy Hats, Shoes, 1'antn, Shirts and Suits for men and boys at wholesale price. The Racket, - Rain Cloth, Hroad Cloth, Flannels etc. at the Racket and at right prices. Our Millinery opening on Thurs day and Friday October 10 and 11th and you are invited. M. M. Courtney. FREE At any time, come nee my goods and compare prices and quaf Ity with any mrceliaiit in the town. The Racket. For new Dress Ooods and all staple and fancy notions the newest, nee , M. M. Courtney. FOR SA LE-That fine gentle horee which you have seen pulling our large ice-wagan. Citizens Light 4 Power Co. SAMPLES A spacialty at tlw Racket till Xtnas. WANTED Two thousand bundles of good fodder. Dr. Ivey. LOST Between Lenoir and Hlbri tenone black Cashuier shawl, the finder will please leave it at the News office or return to Mrs. W. II. Cra1: dock and receive reward. If taken patiently and persistently will relieve the most obstinate cases of indigestion, constipation, bad blood, bad liver no matter how long standing. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 85 cents. Tea or Tablets. Dr. Kent and Ganlte Falls Drug Co. Subscribe to the Lenoir News f 1.00 THESE 8 room house and good lot at Granite Falls 7. room house and lot Mx250'ft. on Prospect St. Beautiful building lot of 1 1-4 acres ou top of Ridge near Mr. John Tolbert's. Good shade and fine view. Can be sub divided 6 room house and lot 100x250 feet on Academy Hill, fine shade 7 room house and four room house on lot 1 1 4 acjes oil Prospect Street. 6 1-2 acres in Granite Falls 26 1-2 acres within 1-2 mile of Granite Falls 12 room house, modern and convenient, large lot near the square Elegant home and three acre lot on Mulbery Street. On top of ridge 27 acres, 2 miles from town, dwelling and barn Several nice lots at Valmead. Easy terms 9 acres near Lower Creek Trestle 'We Sell The Earth" Lenoir Realty & Insurance Co., J. E. MATTOCKS, Sec & Treas. X X X School Books Tablets Pencils Other School Supplies. X Lenoir Book Company. i iiuuiiiuiii iMUf i Operating Over 7,cco Hiles of Railway. . . . QUICK ROUTE TO ALL TOINTS . . . NORTH-SOUTH-EAST-WEST. Through Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts Affording Hi it-Clan Accommodations. Elegant Pullman Slccpiuj Cars on all Through Trains. Dining, Club and Reser vation Cars, For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Emploves, travel via the Southern Railway. Rates, Schedules and "other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R. L. Vernon, T. P. A. J. II. Wood, D. P. A. Charlotte, N. ('. Asheville, N. C. S. H. Hardwick. P. T. W. W. H. Tayloe, G. P. A. Washington, D. C. 4 TOM "CALF TO COLLAR" That is why wc say 4 "When in Doubt Buy of Price." PRICE-CLINE HARNESS Anderson's Pressing Club, $1.00 Per Month Limited to 3 Suits. Small Charge for all Extra Suits. CALL OR 'PHONE ANDERSON'S BARBER SHOP, NO. 54. s s s t 1000 00 ' 1000 00 1250 00 1200 00 2500 00 200 00 1000 00 4000 00 4500 00 950 00 2000 00 HMf X f X AND. i i 4 i i , & TANNING COMPANY. ! j